THE bAiLV iifettALD : VlA hS.ViOu'l'm msuitASK A, WEDNESDAY, No, Tho Plattsmouth Daily Herald. IKI 1J OTTS 13 IR, C S., Publishers &. Proprietors. TI1K I'LATTSMOUril IIEKAI.H I u.llslicil every evening rrcept Sunday and Weukly every Tliursd:iy iiicmlii;;. HKis tered at the potofllre, riatli-nioutli. Nel.r.. i- M-roml-cUt. matter. Ofllee eonier of Vine anu riftli KtrietH. Telephone No. 3. TBRM TO IJAII.V. One copy on jear in advance. Iy mail.. Oneeopy per month. lyarrl-r. One copy per week, by earlier TKHMS rOH WKKKLV. .. no . So . 15 One epy one year, in advance. ...$1 Uuecopyiix mourns. in iitivain-e. Tomokkow is Thanksgiving. If you have a poor neighbor send liiin a turkey ami you will make lotli yourself and neighbor happy. It m almost certain now that when the recount i undo au.l the decision ol the court rendered, the electoral vote of lolh Virginia ami Went Virginia will li cast for Harrison. The fraul lu-ims has gone far enough, ami Chairman (Juay calls a halt. Tub Prospector s:tys that returns froui the late election show that since 11 the vote of Muhove county has fallen off 144; in Pinal, -M; in CJila. 81; in Cochise about 400: a total loss of about 2-0. Graham increased 10.1; Yavapai, "SI; . Maricopa, 470, while Pima, Yuma and Apache counties have Rhout held their their own. These figures show au increase of 300, which will swell the total vote of the territory to 11,120. Arizona Citizen. Thk city council of Heading, IVnn., yejtertlay .. used an ordinance which has become a 1 iw, tanking it unlawful and punishable with a heavy fine for any contractor to employ any persons not citizens of the L'nited Slabs on any city work, such n sewers, reservoirs, public buildings, etc. The ordinance emanates front the Heading labor oi j.iitions. The object is to stop the importation of foreign contract labor, and as such is commendable. ' Tue o'neial figures of the vote entire State of New York have in at Ih. last been obtained, and here tlry are for President and Governor: PitKflDKNT. Republican .0,:514 democrat G:tt,ft.l GoVKKNOR. C"iO,.U6 Prohibitionist :J0,12 80,2 bi Pluralities (II) 14,3.15 (I).) li),i23 Harrison led Cleveland 14,31.1 in the State, While Hill led .Miller 10,223. The Saloon vote, when it is cast solidly for any party in any Northern Slate, is cast for the Democracy. The New York whisky men had bjt little interest ia the national result, hence, in the contest on President, they divided on purely parti san lines. Oa the Governorship, how ever, the case was different. Nearly every Republican saloon-keeper in the .State appears to have cast his ballot for Hill, The whisky men were ally assist ed in their scheme y the Prohibitionists. Every Prohibitionist in the state knew that Miller was a friend and Hill an enemy of the temperance cam, and jet the Prohibitionists went through the farce of voting for their candidate for Governor when thc3' not only knew there was no possibility of his elect i n, but that every vote c.-i forhim was virtually a vote in favor of the liquor interei-t. This particular piece of idiocy will un doubtedly so weaken the partisan pro hibition party that it will not be strong enough in future coutest to either injure or cast discredit upon the ctusa which it professes to. champion. Globe Democrat WJIV THE Pill 31 HOSE BLOOMS AT XI (JUT. J:'Our evening primrose does not bloom in the dark hours for nioio sentiment or moonshine, but from a motive which lies much nearer her heart. IV out the first moment of her wooing welcome she lis tens for murmuring whis. and awaits that supreme fulfilment anticipated from her infant bud. For it will utmost in variably be found that those blossoms which open in the twilight haye adapted themse'ves to the crepuscular moths and jthcr nocturnal insects. This finds a striking illustration in the in.stances of ' many long tubular-shaped night-blooming flowers, like tha honeysuckle and various orchid, whose uectar is beyond the reach of any iusecct except the night flying hawk-moth. It is true that in other less deep nocturnal flowers the sweets could be reached by but tet Hies oi lees during the day if the blossoms re mained open, but the bight inunnurer? receive the first fresh invitation, whieh, if met, will leave but a wilted, half hearted blossom to gret the tipper of the sunshine This beautiful expectance of the flower determines the limit of it bloom. Thus, in the event of rain oi other cause preventive of insect visits, the evening primrose will remain open for the butterflies during the following day, when otherwise it would have drooped perceptibly, and extended but a fi.ti... ....feninc. I hav seen this fact, trikinolr illustrated in a fprav of moun tain laurel, whotie blossoms lingered in expectancy nearly a week in my parlor, when the flowers on the parent shrub in tho woods had fallen several days be fore, their mission having been fulfilled, in the house specimens tho radiating sta mens remained in their pockets in the fide of the blossom cup, and seemed to brace the corolla upn its receptacle. These stamens are naturally dependent upon insect agency for their release, and t lie consequent discharge of pollen, and I noticed that when this operation was urti.'leiully consiiinatcd the flower cut soon dropped off or withered. W. Ham ilton Gibson, in Harper's Magazine for December. $500 tteward. "Wo will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, tick headache, indigent ion, constipation or costi veness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li vcr Pills, w hen the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely y eg.-table, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes ;oiitaiiiing 30 sugar coated pills, 21c. lr sib? by all druggists. ISeware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured oi:ly Jy John (). We fc Co., So2 W. Madison Ht. (Jhicngo.and Sold by W. J. Wan-icft. - Men are but the whiskers on the chesnut known as life. Lincoln Journal. Don't let that cold of yours run oi.. Vo;j think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con umptioii. t Catarrh 13 disgusting. Pneumonia is dangerous. Consumption ij death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head, nos". throat, bronchial t.;bes and lungs, can l ! delightfully and entirely cm ed by the use of Uoschee's German Syrup. If yu don't kii'w this already, thousands Hid J.):')sands of people can tell you They have been ci;red by it and know how it is, themselves. liottie f';n!y 71 cents. Ask any druggist. uc-wy f iblished paper in New Jersey h called the TuUifHe. It is prob ably edited by it woman. f,inc l;i Journal. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH What jn the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior imuicwUo when BKfiGS' CIIKIIRY COUGH SYISUP will positively relieve your cough at once? '.''his ii no admllsSng scheme, but an nctuu; fact, and we guarar.ica Jt, Sold by O P. Smith & Co., drugglfU. Evi rything necessary for furnishing a housi- can be purchased at II. I'oeck s. Do you suffer fron. 1 u d.'gettion, or loss of appetite? Are you troubled with liver or kidney complaint? Take Ayer,s Sarsa .aiilla. This preparation purifies :nd vitalizes the blood. t!)".s restoring streiu-th and health to the aig; cjve and :.similati ve organs. Try it Ph :.ty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf 'JV strengthen the hair, thicken the rruw:U, ttoj) its blanching and falling ut, :.'id where it ia gray to restore the youth till color, use Hall's Hal JJenewcr. II. iloeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in th city. For .sick headache, caused by a ilis ordend stomach. Ayer's Cathartic Pills are I he most reliable remedy. "My :i:otL -r first recommended these Pills to me, thirty years ago. They are they are lit mildest and best purgative in use." S. C. IJradburn, "Woithington, Mass. Tne Creat Dismal Swamp, of Virginia, is one enoimcu quagmire of de; :syed veuetatjon, a region of gloom and t'.eolation; but not more so than the human snstem when blocked up by de cayed animal m atter, which poisons the blood and brings gloom to an otherwise happy household. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PurM:,:ive Pellets remove all waste mat ter, a: d give Nature a .Ii.ire to build up. Tbe "jCarth Slowly Clsausl. In i!:e universe everything is chang ing ::;:.! everything is in motion, for mo tion ii. elf is the first condition of vital ity. Vlio lirui ground, long thought to Ik i ; movable, is subject to incessant mot!::::; tho very mountains rise or sink. !rt : !y do the winds and ocean cur-re:::.- irculate round tho planet, but the eoi : : i . ;;fs l Mcmselves, wnu intir tiini ;.i:d v:di-ys, ;r.e ,-bangiug their and b'owly t:r.veii:ig i4in the f the glube. In order to exj!;:::i . o geological phenomena it is no accessary to iniiigi;:e alterations -arihs axis, ruptures of the tolid ill i!: oi:;--. 1 1:. n:st r f4,inr.tic bubtcrraneau downfalls, ri::.: !. t the rootle Ut which n: ti:io gen r;;"!.. proceeds; the is ioio yv.lni aiid !ii regular in her operations, rnd. I:;:r;. tf her might, brings about Ami.;; s of the gniiulett character with out veil the knowledge of he beings tlir.t . '.e nourishes. Slie t:y'iea3 inoun-:ain- i :)d drUs up teas without disturb ing ' " flight of the gnat. Sonio revolu tion "lich appears to us to have ln-en'i.ied by a mighty cvjtuclyfcm has. jx i b. , taken thousauds cf years toac coni r..:h. .ScieiiCO. rii.mcn of CliiiHiw Life, oCicial iejort upon the Cldncse rs of San Francisco, made alout Am ij:ur: two .ars ago try a comnmtee oi me boar I f fcui-ervisors after several months of c: :. lt:i 4ir-c-y an J investigation, pre sent. . I probably in a clearer light tlian ever leforo Ihe true phase pf Chinese colo- l life. Thirteen Joss houses wro foui..I; Christian churches were turned into i ";jiu:-ie lcnlging houses and brothels. Mia : .-.iary work, in nearly forty years of ti.'ort and labor, bad not brought a ili.zc.i converts into tjio field who could jrrn:crly vouched for as such, Ju th.o contet between idolatry and Christian.-' itv. t.o former was fail and undis- O.0l LUtc:! no&jcssion of the field. roruui. 'GIVE ME A LIGHT!" PfOplo Who Object to Doing So View of Various Natlonitlitlrn. "Will yer give me a little fire, mister?" said a tough from the Sixth ward to a reporter who fctood on the front platform of a Court street car tl.e : l er day. The light was given, 1 1 tl. viih a "Tanks," the tough began inuring from bis mouth a volume of smoke firm a live cent cigar which was simply t tilling. A well dressed man stood at the rej oi tcr's ride, and, as the fumes from the tough's cigar reached him. remarked: "It's pretty bard to have to give a light for (.ueh a caus-c. Do you know, I'm in the tobacco business inyK-lf. I nm not in the retail business. I am an importer. Naturally I huioke and as naturally I stutke gtxl cigars, but I ilo not mokc in public. Why? Wi ll, for the simple rea son that I do not wish to 13 compelled to give a light to any Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along. You know many men, and I am one of them, like to smoke a cigar so as to leave the as-h on the end. Moreover, I am particu lar about my cigars. You can neither preserve the- h or bo particular if you smoke in public, for a man is con sidered a boor if be does not cheerfully give a light when asked for one. This is tho custom in all countries. For in stance, in Spain, and this manner of giv ing a light is co ied both by tho French aud Italian, when u man is asked for a light he bows most gracefully and, as if anxious to do the other a favor, presents his cigar, holding out the lighted end at a slight angle between the thumb and second linger. The other deceives (be cigar, imd after getting the needed light lrom it, returns it with even a more graceful ltow than that bestowed upon himself. Each then raises his hat and turns to go away. The Spaniard in vaifibly smokes through bis nose. lie considers 'it Vkar-iet'ul tp snioko through his mouth, and inveteiato Vmokeis of all countries agree with him." "Do you agree with him in that opin ion?" "No, J can't say that I do, although 1 arki"iovl.ilga that thp eensatjon produced upon the delicate neives of tho noso s exquisite. I myself, however, am per fectly satisfied with smoking in the ordi nary way. I suppose liecause I am ac customed to it. The Spaniards may bo right, however, for any smoker must have noticed that if be shuts his eyes and smokes he cannot tell whether his cigar is lighted or not. This, I think, shows thaf ike peryes of the mouth and palate MXn become dendeneil pf at east tiallv to." "What nationality is the most reluc tant in giving a light.'" 'The average Englishman, I think, hales to do it. You just ask one for a light iuui see. Fjit be looks at you as if wondering at your presumption. Then he tabes his cigar from his mouth" and looks at jt as if bating to part with it even for t momcvifr Net ie hands it to you logrudgingly and acts as it" he had achieved a mighty feat in condescension. Instead of lifting his hat he is more apt to thrust his hands in his trousers pocket, an.d be receives it back be stalks off with' ""an air pf indignation. Never ask an Englishman ' for a light if you cun help it. The German asks for a light more politely than he gives one. No mattci.-' hoiv prbanelv willing he endea vors to appear, there' is an pxpression pf reluctance on bis face which is amusing. Soni; times when bis cigar is burned nearly tV an nd hp will throw it away upon' receiving it again. 'ruis act, among the Latin races, is considered ex tremely boorish and has led to duels. "The American is always averse to : low ing any pv3 to take a light from 1" cigar, lie regards it o.s jib p:vj; psiiet L: property and does not liko la inter fered with in its possession. Nor is th:.- so strange when you think ot t.'io nuiuu classes pf jiooplo in this country who think because ail are pn ft legal equality everv one has a right to do as he ' like.. It U rather surprising that the man to whom vou iiit gave a light thankeu you at rdl. Usually, one of ins clas thinks lie has a right to your cigar. Kecently 1 have noticed that Americans are apt to ofTer a match when a light is asked for On the whole. I think this is the better way, ell hough fomo ignorant persons Lake tunbrago at this. They euppose, you Liiow, that you' object to' their han dling your cigars. In the majority "of cases' their supit&iiioi is correct. " ?M." in Drooklvu Eagle. femull Hands e.i:l Feet. We infer from some of the letters re ceived by ns from our young readers that a number of 'them cherish the ridiculous opinit-n that to have small bands and t'et is a sign of noble descent and high breeding. We cun assure these eleluded damsels that face ami breeding have nothing to do with the size of hp ex tremities. The biggct hand we ever saw attached to a human arm was thai of a young officer, the scion of a family ennobled six centuries ago. and wo havo seen hands of the most delicate size and texture belonging to persons of tho low liest origin. Witness, also, the chubby paw of her most gracious majesty, Queen Victoria, whose race has been of royal rank fey fifteen hundred years. Nature proportions the hands and feet, with the utmost exactness, to the other parts of tho body. Consequently, the hands aud feet are always just right. To change them would e to destroy tho harmony of tho' frame. To be dissatisfied with them argues a real vulgarity pf mind, a want pf good sense, and, we niay add, a thankless impiety, Jsew York Ledger. Tho Stony, Hard Exterior. It has been the fashion to assume a st roug indifference toward strangers, even if one does not feel it, and not only toward btrangers is this manifested, but towaid those who are associated together Jn business, and "the .ones whom ouo meets every day, Jt js not pecessary'for two eoplo to fall upon each other's 'nerfjc every time that they meet In order to be civil", but in the short life that we live here why not give and receive all the good that we can? Strangers upon eet tMncr in a new place feel this stony and liai'd eitvijor, and when the cheery faced, really 'Ciiristiu man or woman ia met with, what a blessing, "and hey pno loves to remember the meeting and tho kindly look. It is like a perfect June day, cr the bui3ting out of the sun after days pf cloud and etorm. Springfield Unicii, "Try Ayer's Pills" For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout. Stephen Lansing, of Yonkers, . N. Y., says : " Kecomuieuded as a cure for chronic Costiveness, Ayer's Pills have relieved me from that trouble and also from Gout. If every victim of this dis ease would heed only three words of mine, I could banish Gout from the land. These words would be ' Try Ayer's Pills.' " " By the use of Ayer's Tills alone, I cured myself permanently of rheuma tism which had troubled me several months. These Fills are ut once harmless and effectual, and, I believe, would prove a specitic in all cases of incipient Rheumatism. No medicine could have served me in better steud." C. C. ltoek, Corner, Avoyelles Parish, La. C. F. Hopkins, Nevada City, writes : "I have used Ayer's Pills for sixteen years, and 1 think they are the best Pills in the world. We keep a box of them iu the house all the time. They have eared me of siek headaeheand neuralgia. Since taking Ayer's Pills, I have been free from these complaints." '' J have derived great hepeflt from Ayer's Pills. Five years ago I was taken so ill with rheumatism that I was unable to do any work. I took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely cured. Since that time I am never without a box of these pills." Peter Christensen, Sherwood, Wis, Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rUEFAKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers In Medicine. Preneli HVaI;"i Son in less FOOT WARMERS! AT - Sherwood's. 23"ebras"kas Leading ITewspapsr, lHAflA RaPDBLIGiN lH,Y KITIO, S5e. Per 3:.iiili. siOXMl I'pr ea. AVIuKiilV KIMTIOV, To January 1st, IHOO, 1.0. Thi reliable an.! feai less journal has chal lenged the ailuiimtion of l"e country in I he campaign jut close!. It was the representa tive liepuhliean daily of Nebraska, asH is oi;e of tile leading newspapers of the country. In th future as in the nastthe Kepuui.zcan will continue to excel In everything. Il priiits a i. lithe news. It is blight, eleau, energetic and newsy. Thk ItKi'triiLicAN appeals to its friends it every voting precinct to give their personal a i&iance. in eientin us circulation. Send for s-imple cop'es. Mail LUt of iieMne.-s half club. IT IS THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. Hi - Weekly' ItKiMHtiicAx materially im proved fur 4mi published syery Thursday, eoatai'is au tiis news oi ,ne wecK in a con denseit foil;). It is the leat and cheapest weekly newspaper puoiisiiea anywiiere. ;AU reu ittances fhou'd be addressed to TH 15 OMAHA REPUBLICAN CO., Oiuah i. Nebraska, 'V A L F r r. o bole--"''' Celebrated Frencli Slippers AT R. SHERWOOD'S WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people w 11 not, can not, or do not see an? difference in cheap nos trums put up hy Cheap .folio, 'houses or irresj)onsihle parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide reputuation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No medicine in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as BEC,Q-S BLOOD PUltlFIEH & BLOOD MAKER, and eyer Jmttle that d es not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale hy O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Sherwin & Williams' mixed pnints, the best in the market, atFrieke & Co's. drug store. B tf. Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your be.iutiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henry Boeek's fur niture emporium, where you. can get every thing in the furnit jre "line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap. Remember that he who sells most can sell cheapest. The standard n-uiedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill"; they never disappoint you. 3D pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is only n little cold." and keep giving 'hem cheap mid dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when thev can be so easilv re lieved by BERGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP; t'j'as no superior, and few equals, ior cale by 6. P, Sujitrj fc Qq , druggists. A MAN FROZE TO DEATH ! Why? Because he had no Garland Stove. Buy oue of Johnson Bros sept22-dlm. Two or three fresh milk cows for sale at Hollies' bam. tf A nice line of silk snd linen handker chiefs and mufflers just received at J, IT. Dpnnel)ys. - tf . m Do b W M Soil 13 JQOWT you know it ? Of course you do and you will want warm Underwear, Blankets, etc. UR Line is Unsuvi)usscd hy any other line in the city, A handsome fA UIETY of Sea son aide Dress Goods, Bread cloths, Henrietta Cloths 3 Trccots, etc- YER YTHING in Blankets, Flannels, Bed Comforts, Jlosierv, Battings, that you will want- OU will not regret looking our dijfereui De partments over before purchasing. It will pay you. QMYRMA RUGS and a Handsome Line of Car pets, Matts, Floor Oil Cloths, and Linoleum at Low Prices. E. C. mn wee Special Sale commencing November 12th, continuing one week, OI 10 aKs ana Plush Cloaks an 1 Children's Wear, Price 20 per cent less the price ofteretl anywhere h the oity, Examination will prove statement. PLUSH WRAPS We have an im mense line and will discount same 25 jei cent, as they must be sold before the end of the season. Our PLUSH SEORF WRAPS; are elenant fitting - the in at $11.50, worth all of 20.00. Comfortables vr" iWXfrkW I A Fine Selected Line of lrom $1.00 up to 0.00 u pair. We have the fiuest 15 cent Hatting in the city. UNDERWEAR fn Natural WqoI, yiiite Colars, Scarlet Stripe, Prices lower than any Jjouse in tlje city, as we are over-stocked with these o-oods CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. Yours Respectfully, cjo Wo WeklbcHi,(5lTio Dailipt Store, Wraos res a PLUSH mm Plu.-h Cloaks y&Uwe fell fr 20 sell elsewhere at JfcY. 'Afinl'ln-sh Cloaks (pad we sell for 25 -el! elsewhere at $35. Plush Cloik3 we -oil for $40 K-Il .elsewhere at &50. &i in Plush Clonks wo Mdsell for SI5 sell elsewhere at xljO. A Full Line of J" aclsets sold at the lowest prices. and Biankets m