The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 27, 1888, Image 3

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    J. ..
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On parent knee. a naked, csw bom rfafUL
Wee pi nc thou atat, b L'o all around thee cmHed.
bo live that uliiUirur on thr lat looa Usco
Thou then uiay'at uuU whilo ail around the
Sir Wflliaro Jones from the reralan.
Philosophcro say that there is no such
thing as luck. Asa Darwin thought dif
"My luck exactly," said he despair
ingly. "I might have known just how
it would be.
lie sat on the old stone porch, staring
out toward tho sunset, his chair tipped
back on its two liind legs, his hands
thrnst aimlessly into his trousers pockets.
It was cold enough to justify the fire
or lcech logs tluit was blazing on tho
hearth in the room inside, whero Pardon
was tacking up the red moreen curtaii8
mat sue nau just sfonged and mended
neatly; but it was not an easy thing for
Jh. Darwin to relinquish tho habit of
outdoor lounging that had clung to him
.an i no summer mrougli.
" hat is it. father?'' 6aid Pardon, com.
ing briskly to tho door, with a tack ham
mer in one liand and a paper of tacks in
tne oilier.
"Jones has just gono by," 6aid Mr.
uarwui. "J lo says the old cow has got
out on me ranroau track again."
I'ardon bit her red under lip.
"I told you 6ho would, father," said
wie, "jf you didn't have those bars re
"And slies got run over," dolefully
added Darwin. "I'm sure I don't know
what we're to do without a cow. We've
always put a lot of dependence on our
imiK. jiut i might have expected it.
icicle iias ijooii sheer against me ever
tiiice John James died. A man with a
houso full of gals can't expect to make
no headway in the world."
I'ardon colored up.
"You didn't expect your girls to mend
i no oars, aa you, latiieri" asked she, a
little bitterly.
"I was calculatin to speak to Tim Par
cons alout get tin' a new pair o' posts put
ui." sighed the fanner.
"Wouldn't it have been a safer way to
put tncni up yourself, futherr
J ain't as young as I used to 1k paid
Parwin, evasively. "And the rheuma
tics is twistin' mo itowerful these lirst
cool days."
Then, said Pardon, with a certain
touch of daughterly uuthority in her
voice, "you should come into the house,
and nut sit there, getting chilled through.
ami men una fault with your luck!
Mr. Darwin slowly roso and shuffled
Into tho bright little keeping room, where
Pardon had spread a neatly braided rag
rug iHMoro the lire and placed a broken
eijoutcd pitclier of yellow golden rod on
the table.
She looked after hlra with a sigh, half
of impatience, half regret.
".I wish John James had lived!" said
Mr. Darwin, feebly.
"So do J," assented Pardon.
"Ain't sujjer most ready?" said ' the
fanner, looking discontentedly around.
"It will be in a minute," said Pardon.
"I liad to split tho kindling3 myself for
the kitchen lire, and Fanny has run to
Mrs. Mx'rritt's for a little meal to make
come hot corn bread."
At the same moment Fanny returned
a slight, overgrown girl of It breath
less with the liaste she had made.
"Mrs. Merritt is very sorry," said 6he,
"but filio hasn't any cornmcal in the
"That's enough!" said Pardon, glowing
" scarh t to tho roots of her hair. "I don't
blame her for getting tired of lending
things to us!"
"But," added Fanny, "6ho sends a pail
f Graham flour to make gems. In
deed, indeed. Pardon, she's as kind as
alio can Li?!"
i'ardon laugjjcd hysterically.
"I'm getting as hflrd and bitter as a
sour persimmon," Baid eUe.. "Yea. I'm
very glad of the Graliam flour. Father
can't make out his supper without some
thing hot for a relish. Perhaps some
day we can return Mrs. Merritt's kind
jiesse. But, oh, Fanny, liave you heard?
The red any got out of the pasture this
afternoon and h killed on the railroad
Fanny burst into tears,
"Old Pinky!" she exclaimed. "Is
then i:o end to our back luck?"
Parduti stamped her pretty, ill shod
foot immtj.rtJy on the floor.
"Luck!" iie repeated. "Don't use that
dreadful word! I U.J;pve father would
lie a letter and happier man today if it"t la the dictionary at all. There
i.:n"t r.ny kuc'i thing as luck. It's all bad
management. shiftlessiMifti tho habit of
putting everything otf until tho latt mo
And then she cried, too, poor little
tnetbitrdened Pardon.
,S:ie TiS tall and slender, with large,
i'AtU-riuz hazt-1 eyes, red brown hair.
tud oni? of l!W0 delicate complexions
where the pun lays ts touch in the shape
.f here and there n cluster cf freckles.
Fanny was dark, with Spanish eyes.
f.In,'ed with Jong lashes, and hair as
llrxi and lustrous as jet. Whatever
clso fau? itfd denied tho Darwin girls, it
lir.d been onerous to them in the matter
t i personal i;nTlXujes.
Ihev made their frugal supper of Gra-
J:s.m gems, a very little butter, the weak
est brewing t.l tea. and no rxulk .at alJ,
Mid then Pardon built up the Are, got
Jier father tho last weeks newspaper,
v.-iJe-h .tood Mrs. Merritt had sent over
v.-u'i the (Jraliam flour, and then sat
4.own iii the back kitchen with Fanny to
iieo r.i s. iJ7 late peaches for drying.
For we hava got to look after things
very close this vinter." said she. "Fath
er seems to nave uo energy as an since
John James died. I'm afraid it will end
in the farm being sold to clear oS the
Fanny opened her big, black eyes.
"But we must live somewhere, Par
ilon!" said she.
"You and I can go out to service.
pal J Pardon. "As for father, there is
tho poor ho use."
Farm j uttered a wail of despair.
2vo, no clear; don't look so distressed.''
said the elder sister, repenting the rasl
xiess of her speech. "I don't really' mean
it. I'm cross, that is LL It's hard doing
the work of hired man, servant girl and
housekeeper all in one. I shall feel bct
ter to-morrow after I've had a night's
deep. I haven't got to get up early and
xnilk poor old Pink any more.
And once again the sisters mingled
their tears.
"If father bad only mended those
tors," said Fanny. "It was so iuv
But Pardon put her hand over her sif
ter's lips. ' --
".Net that word, Fanny," aid she, "rs
i " r- r
bt catfafit dishes (lie next day m (he Ifm
porary uosenco or Mr. Larwirt, vho had
htrollel off toward the poetoftice to see if
(ho mail was in, when Hqiiire 12 1 ting
crossed the threshold. ' "
Father ain't to hum, ch?" said he.
"Well, I reckon I can talk things over
just as won wiuj vou, i'ardon."
What tilings Baid I'ardon, dia
ruuv. , .
"lliat there ekatin' rink down by the
lake," said Mr. Etting, "that John James
built. It's coin to bo a good hard win
ter, if there s any truth in uigns, and I've
a notion to buy the concern, jut a it
stands, and run the rink myself. The
land belonged to your mother's estate,
and I s'pose you and the gal hero have
the right to sell it."
"Yes," said I'ardon. her eyes fixed
calmly on the squire's wooden visa ere.
"What will you irivo for it?'
"Wal, it ain't wuth so dreadful
much," said the squire, evasively. "fcay
a hundred dollars for tho building and
two acres o' land."
I'ardon shook her head.
"I won't sell it for that," said she, de-
"I diinno what you want to keep it
for," said tho squire, irritably. 'Your
father, ho ain't got the go to run a skat
ing rink."
'I don't know that," said Tardon,
firmly, "but 1 don't intend to be swin
dled, all the same."
Tho squire stamped out of tho room
In a rage.
"Then drive a better barerain with
somebody else, if you can," said he
"Pardon, Pardon!" whispered Fanny,
close to her elbow, "call liim back. A
hundred dollars is a great great sum of
"ISo," said Pardon, "I will not call
him back. Let me think!"
"But what will father say?"
"Father need never know, Fanny. It
is as Squire Etting says, tho land 13 all
that is left of our poor mother's prop
erty. It is ours to sell or to keep, as we
C lease. I he lumber alone for that poor
uilding cost John James nearly $100.
The Squire thinks he can safely cheat us,
because we are only women, liut he
will lind himself mistaken."
Sho put on her green gingham sun
Ijonnet that afternoon and went over to
the Merritt farm. Joel Merritt was -just
driving in through tho big gates with a
load of wood.
I'm so sorry," said Joel, courteously
lifting his cap. "Mother has gone over
to a quilting lec at Sirs. Dikes'. Won't
you step in and rett?"
I'ardon took olf her green sun bonnet
and fanned herself with it. Her cheeks
were nink: her lovelv hazel eves
Hut it isn t your mother 1 came to
see, Joel, said she. "J wanted to speak
to you!"
Joel iumned off the load, threw the
reins on Old Sorrel's back, and came up
to her, with a countenance of some sur
"Mcr ho repeated, reddening a little.
For of all created beings he thought
Pardon Danvio the most beautiful and
"Yes," said Pardon, still deeply ab
sorbed in her own plans and ideas.
How would you like, Joel, to go into
partnership with me?"
"Vith you, I'ardon:"
Ho caught his breath.
"Yes," frankly spoke tho girl. "Of
:U1 our neighbors I think you are the
most honest and reliable. I've known
you ever since we were cluldreu to
other and .
"Say not another word. Pardon!" joy
ously cried tho young man, taking both
her hands in his, while his whole face
grew radiant. "Oh, you don't know
howv proud, how happy you make me!
For I've loved you tliis long time, Par
don only I never dared to tell you st.
And mother will be so glad to call you
daughter J PI? me a kiss, Pardon my
little shrinking lovee-juot pne kiss, so
that I may be sure I'm not dreamipg 1"
Uut to lus dismay I'ardon struggled to
free herself and began to cry impetu
I I don't know what you mean!"
said she. "Let me go, Joel Merritt!"
"But, Pardon, you said j-ourself'rrrs-"It
was tho 6kating rink that' poor
John James built on Peep Lake!" faltered
Pardon, on the verge or new tears, "t
I wanted you to help me lit it up and
manage it this winter. I never dreamed
of asking you to to Oh, Joel, what
must you have thought of me?"
"Then you didn t mean it, after ail
;aid Joel, dropping hjs arms to lus sides,
md standing with a blank face before
:ier. i ou uon t care ior me.
Pardon stood silent for a moment,
twisting her apron strings, while the soft
low still burned on her cheeks.
A sudden light flashed into Joe's sun-
ourneu lace.
"My own'lovc,v he cried put, valiantly.
'111 take the skating rink, but you've
rn into the bargain, too!
Say you'll consent, Pardon!"
And at all events 4'arapn (lid not re
"Eh!" 6aid Asa Darwin, when thd
facts of the case became patent to his
rather dense understanding. "Young
Men-itt going to finish up tho rink before
frost comes. And engaged to our Par
don, too? Well, I declare that is a piece
of luck!"
And this time Parkin took no excep
tions to the obnoxious words, -Saturday
Culture Leads to Simple Dress.
A marked feature of our times is th
increased simplicity in dress. In spite
of an occasional monstrous whim that
cts embodied in 6tyJ.e, both the habits
of ladies and gentlemen are more quiet
and less pretentious than fifty years ago,
Men's business suits are on a pattern
brought down to absolute economy in
expense and fitness for work. Nor aro
dress suits characterized by any of the
superfluities of tho last century. Cler
gymen have given up not only the wigs
and bands and cocked hats of a hundred
years ago, but the tall hats, the invaria
ble black and the white tie of lifty years
ago. The judges no longer wear scarlet,
faced with velvet. Wigs, stocks, powders,
pomatums, aro Less and less important. A
gentleman of 1SO0, when he went abroad,
must appear in satin embroidered vest, a
wig and satin small clothes, with white
silk stockings. Culture does not lead in
tho direction of elaborate adornment of
the ierson. Globpeniocrjit. .
Affection for Dumb Animals.
A sentimental young couple were pass
ing through a graveyard.
"isn t it curious, my dear, lie said, as
they stopped before a tombstone with
tho figure of a lamb
how attached people
carved upon it.
become to dumb
'Ah, yes, dear George," the girj re
plied, "and this is probably the last rest-
tag place of all that remisi
is ct pome poor
Little Do We Know of Them Dyspepsia
m Prime Factor.
Many have discoursed learnedly upon
dreams, propounding wise theories and
making plausible suggestions, yet no one
has ever arrived at any real solution of
the matter. . It is only a barrier of cloud
that bars the way to knowledge thereof,
yet no fortress wall could be more im
pregnable. It is but a step from our
noisy, busy world to the vague and vast
territory where,
Hollow as a breathing spell,
Dreamland lies forlorn of light
b. 1 no man may set up milestones along
that trackless waste. Wo only know that,
when all tilings lapse to "a sleep and a
lorgemng me imagination becomes a
fly-by-night, and the wits speed over
land and sea like wild birds set free from
the cage.
There aro few creatures exempt from
these nocturnal journeyings, however
brief and circumscribed they may be.
ine uog "hunts in dreams," tho cat
fights its battles over again, and the bird
sings in its sleep, while even the most
commonplace person can usually givo
some crude account of his experiences in
slumber. Certain dreams are common
to all people falling from a precipice.
down, down, to some uufathomed gulf
striving to walk upon a floor that sinks
horribly beneath the feet endeavoring.
in urgent haste, to put on garments that
drop otr, turn wrong side ut. and de
velop other impish propensities riding
iu a coach which suddenly crumbles to
pieces, and leaves one staring in the
road. So to speak, it is a marked pecu
liarity of dreams that "the bottom drops
out of every thing.
So rebellious are dreams, and so erratic
in their course, that they cannot be com
pelled by any effort of will; wild Are
could be more easily chained. We may
long ardently to (See once more, in "tho
wilderness of sleep, " some beloved and
vanished face; yet this poor solace may
be denied, while alien images crowd into
the brain. Upon this subject Ilazlitt
wrote, "I never dream of the face of any
one I am particularly attached to. I have
thought almost to agony of the same per
son ior years, nearly without ceasiug, so
as to have her face always before me, and
to be haunted by a ierpetual conscious
ness of disappointed passion, yet I never
in all that time dreamt of that person
more than once or twice, and then not
vividly." Nor can the last impression
received bv the mind before flumber
overwhelms it be calculated upon; for we
may read of Mother Blood s execution.
and dream, immediately afterward, of a
cabbage garden ; or. transversely, we may
oe crauica by the most soothing, placid
meditations, j-et the weird magician.
who bears tho branch of poppies, will
beckon us to follow through seas of gore.
Lxpenment has proved that dreams
may be influenced, if not controlled,
through the inlets of the senses; the thun-
uer oi urays upon me coDtuesiones sug
gests a tempest to the dreamer, and the
ji J . i
tunics of sulphur or the pleasant odors of
aromatic water near lus nostrils trans
port him to strage countries. For this
reason ine noises ot awakening life give
color and movement to tho visions that
'hang upon the edge of day," rendering
them more real and vivid than those
which come at dead of night.
It is one of the peculiarities of dreams
to seem to bo tending toward some stu
enduous climax, and then to turn away
with utter irrelevance, The dreamer re
mains imperturbable in the face of the
most astounding transformations; if ani
mals, and even inanimate objects, become
gifted with speech, he is not surprised;
yet he is likely lo startled and terrified
by the most trifling things. If he dreams
Of being 'pursued, it is nqt by a lion or
tiger, but, ierliaps, let us say, by an in
distinct yellow blur, hovering near tho
ground like a will-o'-the-wisp unspeak
ably sinister to his fancy darting from
thickets, and gliding in and out among
the trees.
It is sornewhat disenchanting to realize
that dyspepsia is one of the prime factors
in dream making. It matters little
whether the conscience be clear, if the
digestion be not in equally good case.
Most people have experienced the excita
tion, the supersensitiveness of everj
faculty, brought about by a febrile con
dition of the jjlood the lightness of head
and limb, extending, as' one fancies,
even to the loss of gravity the 6trange,
unfamiliar aspect assumed by well known
objects about the room; for fever, like
indigestion, is a fertile breeder of phan
tasms, New Orleans Times-Democrat.
How to Save Clippings.
After trying many ways of preserving
scraps and clippings of transient value,
which PrQ wanted for reference in writ
ing any article, I Jiave adopted this plan:
Instead of putting them away in en
velopes or boxes, where it would be hard
to find them, I simply put them in order,
with a letter clip at the top to hold them
together. I can immediately refer to
any one of them, and when I have fin
ished with them I throw the worthless
ones in tho scrap basket and paste the
others In my book. "C. E. E," in The
The Taxis Exhibition Train.
An endless railway train, consisting of
400 platform cars, is to be one of the at
tractions at the Paris exhibition. The
line will be sunk so that the platforms
will be on a level with the surfape, and
the train will run slowly enough to per
mit most people to step on and otf while
it is in motion; but for the accommoda
tion of elderly people a stop of fifteen
seconds every minute will be made. The
motive power will be electricity. New
York Sun.
Blue Lines Dad for tbe Eyes.
For some time past the school author
ities have recognized the injurious effect
on the vision of the use of writing paper
ruled with blue lines. The grand ducal
school committee at Mayence is the first
in Germany that has taken positive steps
iu banishing this paper from the public
ecbools. From and after the 1st of Jan
uary no ruled paper js q be allowed with
lines other than clack. Paris American
Cpfious Coincidence.
.' Fond Mother My dear, are you feel
ing any better?
Dclly I dunno; am the jell all gone!
Fond Mother Yes, my dear.
Dolly Well, I guess I am well enough
to pet pow, Pirtcrirl Wctt,
An Esploslve More Deetraetir Yet.
W. T. Chamberlain, an American en
gineer residing in London, paid a visit
to Woolwich in connection with a new
explosive which he is introducing to the
war department. He is the inventor of
the newest and most powerful explosive
known, namely, chlorine of nitrogen,
whose destructive effects are terrible iu
tho extreme, a very small quantity doing
infinitely more damage than a much
larger amount of any other explosive in
use. It is very seni-itive, a very slight
concussion causing it to explilt lie
litis more than once been injured and in
danger of being blown to piece, but kept
at it, determined to conquer or die in the
lie has completed a method of charg
ing or tilling shells and projectiles with
chlorine nitrogen so that they may be
fired from a gun using powder with per
fect safety. Military men competent to
judge in regard to the invention declare
it to be one of tho most remarkable in
ventions of the age, and are of the
opinion that if any country had tho mo
nopoly of this invention it could defy
une wnoie worm, iiio invention, it is
thought, will cause a complete change
or revolution in warfare, whilo for blast
ing or mining purposes it will probably
neveHbe equaled. Mr. Chamberlain has
had offers from parties on the continent
which he will probably accept fa the
event of not coming to terms witn our
own government. Woolwich (Eng.) Ga
zette. The KabbiU Must Go.
Pasteur is, according to recently pul
lishcd accounts, i.! a l'..;r way to win the
big prize to go to tho man who would
banish rabbits from the big island of the
southern Pacific. The Frenchman has
made his lancet more potent than 10,000
6hot guns, tons of ioison or a million
snares. Ho inoculates rabbits with tho
virus of a disease fatal to the little beasts.
Hefcre death overtakes them these rab
bits beget a host of other rabbits, and
those become the parents of millions.
Heredity does tho rest. The descend
ants inherit their progenitors' disease,
and the second and third generation of
rabbits die olf even more surely than the
inoculated first. If this method operates
successfully with rabbits, why miht not
a somewhat similar process decimate tho
armies of bugs and worms that make tho
life of the American farmer one lon.jj
warfare against things flvin-z and civc-;-
g? Pasteur, if he has solved the rab
bit problem, will be the St. Patrick of
A 1 1 Tl .. .
mo great. isianu. ji ne can vanquish in
sect pests ho will find immoitaiitv.
Pittuburg Bulletin.
The "Towers of Silence."
Sir Jamsadji Jijibhai. a Persian
banker, has sent a model of a "Tower of
Silence" to the Anthropological museum
at Berlin. The Parsees, or Fir.; Wor
shipers, hold it to be a sin to loUute air.
water or earth with dead bodies. Thev.
therefore, build high towers on hills, 300
feet in circumference. At the top i3 a
platform sloping toward the .center,
where a cistern, 130 feet in circumfer
ence, is placed. 1 lus platform is divided
into three sections, oijo each for luen,
women and children. Corpses placed
here are at once pounced on by vultures,
which soon leave only clean bones.
These are swept into tho cistern, and the
water, after tho bone3 are dissolved, is
carried through a series of canals and
disinfected. The Parsees have never vet
been surpassed as a race of clean, pure.
manly, energetio people. They reside
now mostly in Bombay, but aro few in
numbers. Globe- Democrat.
Crafty London Shopkeepers.
The other evening a native born Lon
doner, during a discussion of the mys
terious v nitechapei inurders, tell to talk
ing of Petticoat lane. "It is," said he,
merely another name for one side of Mid
dlesex street. The street forms tha
boundary line of old London town, and
while the 6ide next the city is known by
its proper name, the opposido side is
called, from the large number of second
hand clothing stores. Petticoat lane.
Very crafty are those dealers down the
lane. A man may stroll past their shops
and, seeing a handkerchief hanging out
side that he fancies, step in and purchase
it, then if he will turn and walk back on
iching the end of the street he will
find the identical handkerchief in its old
position, the thrifty seller has in his
employ, one or more small boys whose
solo duty is to follow purchasers and
"prig' from them their newly acquired
property." Chicago Mail. -
A resident of Chicago, Mr. D. C. Felt,
has invented a machine which will add,
subtract, multiply or divide without
error. It 13 said to work pcrt'c-ctlv, and
will secure a saving of time iu commer
cial operations, quite like a tvie writer
in the hands of letter writers. Babbage's
calculating macliine, which for genera
tions was the wonder of philosophers.
would, -if invented now, be only a nine
da3S talk. Mr. Pelt's invention will be
of vastly more use than Babbage's, but
will draw less oratorical attention. Mean
while Edison turns from machinery to
sanitary discoveries, and proposes by
science to cordon yelow fever. Science
U euiDhatically king. Globe-Democrat.
The "nine Clack" Salmon.
According to The Walla AValla Journal,
the reel tislj Imve iov the first time in sixteen
years disappeaod from Wallowa lake,
and the packers tire idle in consequence.
The fish aro identical with the ''blue
black" Falnion of tho ColuniLia, and
havo been accustomed to making the lake
their breeding grounds, where ther
swarmed in immense nu.nibers, .iV-e
many pthe iish, they cliange polor at
the breeding season. The blue black 13
one of the finest species of salmon, cad
its utter extermination 6eems to bo a
matter of onlv a bhort time. Chicago
Thought It a DissTcasion.
The Iiev. Leonard Gaetz, of Alberta,
who had a line exhibit at the industrial
fuji', was pnpe pasto? pf the Queen's
Avenue Methodist church at London. At
aa evening service pne of the choir soloists
sang a selection tliat bordered very closely
on the operatic, and it was noticed.
Mr, paetx grety yepy giav 0wing the
singing, and when it was linished he rose
and remarked with great deliberation:
,-VVe will now resume the worship of
Jonathan IIatt.
ror.i: i
Sugarured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c.,
of our own make.
The best brands
'Competition la tne oi Tradf," ana
cannot imagine how lively traile H, or how Imrd our competitor have to work to Ici-i-ii within Hliriit or im .
Ask your retailer for the J A WES MEANS' S3 hllOE, or the JAMES MEANS' 81 Hllok'
acconllnK to your needs. "
Positively none genuine unlens having our name and price ntnmped plainly on the nolrs. Vour
retailor win supply yuu wiiubiiw,h niaritiiwi ii ;uu
retailers will coax you Into buying Inferior shoes upon
vof FIT.
r3 3UO? IE!
it : &
Such has been the recent progn-ss In our branch (if industry that we art now kiiln to affirm that tho
J&uies Means' $4 Shoe 1m In every respect equal to I lie hIkh-h w lilch only n few yt-iir huo were retnlletl blelht
or ten dollars. If you will try on a pair you will be convinced Unit we do not exai-ratc Ours are the
original 1 and it Slioex, and tbote who imitate our nyHtcrn of busine lire iinuble to compete with us III
quality of factory product. In our lines we ure the turfrext manurm'tHror In t he Uulf d states.
One of our traveling salesmen who In now visiUuK the shoe retailers of the I'tu lllo C'ouat and Itocky
Mountain Region writes from there as follows :
"I am more than satisfied with the result of my trip. I hare thus fnr succeeded In placing our full
line In the hands of 'A No. 1' dealers In every point I linvo visited." lie corn on to hay, "This Is a
Hplendid region for us to sell shoes in, because most of the retailer are IiuikI"K their customers at
retail about double the prices which the shoes have cost at wholesale. The consequence is that the
Seople who wear shoes are paving six or seven dollars a pair for shoes which aie not worth as much as our
AMES MEANS' S3 and S i SHOES. Our shoes with their very low retail .rices stunid on ttix
soles of every pair are breaking down the liUh prices which have hitherto ruled in the retail markets here,
and when a retailer puts a full line of goods iu his stock they at once begin to go off like hot cakes, so great
Is the demand for them."
Now, kind reader. Just stop and consider what the above signifies so faraxynn are concerned. Tl
assures you that If you keep on buying shoes leaj-lng no manufacturers' name or fixed retail price stamieil
on the soles, you cannot tell what you are getting and your retalli-r Is probably making you pay doublt,
what your shoes have cost him. Now, can you afford to do this while we are protecting you by stamping
our name and the fixed retail price upon the soles of our shoes before they leave our factory so that you
cannot be made to pay more for your shoes thun they are worth ?
Shoes from our celebrnted factory are sold by wide-awake retailers In all pans mf
the country. We will place them easily within your reach in any State or Territory If you will luveit out
cent in a postal card and write to us. .
JAMES MEANS & 0.5 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.
If you desire to purchase a sewing1 machine,
ask our agent at your place for terms ana
prices. If you cannot find our acrent. write
direct to nearest add ressto you below named.
ST LOUIS, MO. 'jj .i-Wjji NrPAWCleC0.CLj
J. M. jM Uf ii, Plattsmontli, Neb.
i'Sif R E AT w : VT'
Dr. E.T. West's Xprati'l Rralu Tr-atni-iii
auiiaratitiB fDtcmc 'f. r Jlvsti-ria lizzi-,es!.
j Cavulsiors. Vita. Kervus S'ci;r;, H.-ail
' fche. neon.i Prostriitiitii OMiist-tl Hi" ui
i t f a'ctl ol ort lapci, Wakefuliifsii. Venial lt
I 1 resi-ion, Soft 'iiii jr f tlie P-raii: leMiltii g i.i ii
j sanity and leadir t; t inirry, riee.-ty snd -!-ali
J i reniature old .'jre. li:!rii iini.o. l.osr of r
er in either sex, in -Itii:arv L'-fex i:d fvf-i
inaiprrlio-a ttauseU ly ov r-exerlinn of tin
ui'Miir. Fflfahine ii over-lm!nl.'eiie K.icli bro
contains one m n:tliV treaimr-iit. 1 t a lo
orsix boxes for 55 CO, sent by mail prfr-aiUoi
r c -ipt of pi lee
To. Cui any e.Hwe. W itli earh onler rTelve
by Hi fir tlx boeg. accoiiipati'ed wiiii 5
we will sen. I lha purcliHser our writ ten guaran
tee to return t lie n-oney if tbe tr atment doe.
not efTeot a rure. tiiiaratitees Issued oiilvta
Will J. Wariick sole a ft. el
J All work first-class west Fifth Street
Oil DEB.
1 I AVlrJ: I 1 IF, M 1.
J. W. AIaktiiis.
:::z. m:.w.kks in UL'TTEH AND ECO'
of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at
ir you nave not iwn our
latent I imAm w a '
iiiaiHk upon iiib uoinK bo; ir you
which they make a larger profit.
o; If you do not liuUst. tuna
The most
TT!;:jc j'.Y.
w i: f I
N :u y I'l-MIc
CClce In
Zj:ciii:d M..CK
l'iat'c:iioi:tli, !
litres .
A. X
HI'l J.I VA V.
W tl (five rn,:ii.t ,ittili(ion
!lll!cd 14. Mi,.. .).ee iu
I -idr. I li.tlMi tiiilli. Veil.
o H'l iiiii-!.e.
Tnion Block, K
OA KUKK ."SHOP AN'ojtVljr :j
J Hi:. Mi, 1:1 i. V
101 :!; I !! IM lM ;it Mil I
ii'-. Ladies' and
lilKlreu's Mull nun,;; t
ml -Main, uiitlt-r C;ti ru' I
pt culty. Cor. .orh
D KM I. Si-.
I !. A T (Ml II 1.
Tl-e Pin
viiliont t li.
1. h- lei.:i-'t.- 'lv't iii' .xtra tpl
l-;ts: !i.ili: . !inrni. u i! ..i-.i i ..-i i.
uisf rieil t in in-i c V r.tU r rt: il,,., ..,.r .i
lit-.- Wll
!l d. il otl. I i- lil ;, ll.t ;, ! ,, .r .
i.-iciiy liiM cm s.
Oll'lCf ill I'lli.lli P,l;.
u cn::is WtMii.iwitTii,
tap e ai d Ka-icy ;rrc..ries, (i! isSare and
;ro. keiy. Kloiirand feed.
1 rsona at'eutiou
my care.
to ail Huaino- a Vnlrust-
XOTAKV 1 (ir i'M'K.
TitieK Kxamiiieil. b.siaietx (lon tN Tn
srance Written, leal tate y.i-id. '
etter Facilities for njakloi; Kurm "hoou ihan
ny QtUcr Agency
M t! t;iioutli, - c liiasKa
n n tEoi'ATiuu
I'll "yer, r;"ti' ,to.e, Vam street.
i.Ienee in Dr. MehiUiiHoeUv, ,roiny.
hlldreu a inetia , -. Hi!!. ....
! to 5 .Hid 7 to li u. iu . . . . ....
k. 1.. rtlMHUM, .luHS A. ItAVtKM.
Notary Public. Iw.iary I ublie.
v'iin.iMA davii:m,
A.ttornoys - at - 3Lcxtt.
OW.?e over llai.k cf;-a CoviAy.
B.&. M. TimetTablr.
OOl V(i W'KT.
Vo. 1. 5 :lo a us.
No, 2.-4 i'a p. 111.
No. 4. 10 :3ii a. in.
No.'.C 7 :13 p. in.
No.10. 9 :4.. in.
1 .:!.-- :'p, 111.
Vo. 5 :4J a. in.
Vo. 7.- 11. 1,1.
No. 9 :17 p. in.
No. 11 ii ;27a. ni.
A'l train ru daily by war of Ornftlia, except
Noh. 7 Hill which run to ana from tchujler
dally except Sunday.
V.l Sit it A atnh trt FVinlHi Innfllnn mt Aa mm
A Xo.U n arr-f 1 fcc'Jic Junetlonrt IK'
i I t I
. . - i in K.r
. . I' . - .AsV W K W
tJ I