The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 26, 1888, Image 3

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1 tv.tiiirr.
Kiilnecr, - -Police
Couiiclliueti, 1st ward,
2nd " .
" 3rd
4th. "
lloaid Pub. Works
W K Fox
- Jamkd r. rrr.HMON. jb.
A Madolk
. S Clikkokii
W II Mai.ick
I 1) M Jo.mkh
I lK. A Hill FM AM
M rt Muki-hv
I P McCaj.lkn. Pitita
I J w Jims
KltK.l (iOKIlKK
( I) 11 llAWK!Wi
GOLTjST'l'Y' OF17IGlilS.
Iieuuty 1'reasurer, -
liepuiv Clerk,
Ifecorder of ImmIs
ittpiuy Keeonler
Clerk f Ul-lriot Co jrt.
f-upl. of Pub. School.
County J U'Ik.
A. R. Toi. Ch'in.. - - l'lattsinotith
m, - Weeping Water
A. IS. 1I :khis. - tunwooa
I). A. Ca.mfhki.l
ruin. 1'oi.uick
Bntu CitrrciiKiKii
liXA CltlTC-llrl Kl.l)
J. C Kl K KM It A 11
A. Madolk
A i.i. km ltF.KSON
Mavnahii Spink
, .
I.0U:K No. lpl. 1 O. O. K. -Meets
'every Tuesday evening of each week. All
transient brother arc respectfully Invited to
II. K.. meet every alternate
e.i-!i in. nit li In iIid M.fuiilR hers are invited to attend.
No. 3. I. O.
Friday in
Hall. Visiting
TUII) UlDliK N'l. HI. A. O. U. W. Meet
eirry attentat Krlilay evening at K. of 1
hill. Transient brother are re.He-lf ully in
vit4toatteu.l. K..I. M-ricau. Master Work man
K. P. I'.r.iwn. Foreman : i. li. Kemster. Over
seer: It. A. Taite. Financier; tl. F. Ilouse-
wortii. Kecorder; M. Maybright. ICecelver
Smith, Past M. W. : I. N. Howeo, (iuide
p. J. Kunz. Inside Watch.
' of Aninru.'a Meets second and fourth Mon
ti ay at K. or 1. hall. All transient
I mother are reiiieled to meet with us. I.. A.
issweo-ner. Y'enerahH Consul ; . F, Nile.
Worthy Adviser ; rt. C. WlJiJe, llauker ; W. A.
oeck, Cleik.
tr.irT.Mouni i.oim;k no.k.a.o. it. w.
Mi-at pvery alternate Friday evening at
Kih.-UwiumI hftjl at hoVIock. All transient broth
ers am rcp-iftji:y Invited 10 alien-.!. 1. S., M. W. V Howl. Forriuau : S. C.
) tl : Kecorder ; iouitrd Ander.Him. iverseer.
1XA T I'aMOI'TH LOUtiE.NO. fc, A. F. & A.M.
M eel ou (lie firt and tlnril Momlays of
a.!h iiionth at 1,','eir hull. All transient broth
ft are curdi.iiiy tuvitni to meet with us.
A. Q. KiniKV, W. M.
Wv, II th. Secretary.
Meet-; neeotid and fourth Tuesday of eaeli
tttoAib :t yin'uu't 11x11. Tratisci. ut brothers
are luvited to luoet with U. mm
F. E. WlUTK, II. P.
Wm. ! vn. Secretary.
!(; first ami tliiru V e.lnes.;iy incut oi
aeli tnostU jjt M.iso T ball. Vlsitintf brotiiern
;ire eonlialiy lUfteu 10 meet nun us.
WM. liAV. ItcC. F. E. WHITK,
E. C.
' seeet liie fecund auil fourih Moiulav ot
They sat together In the sua.
And Youth and Hope stood hovering nar.
Liko dropping bell note one by oue
Clilmecl the plod moment noft and clear.
And Mill amid their happy speech
The lover wbipercd each to each:
"Forever J"
Totith Rpread hi wln of ralnliow light;
"Farewell I" he wbuipered as he went.
They heeded not nor mourned hi fliKht,
Wrapt In their muaMureluu content;
And vtill they smiled, and xtill was beard
The confldently uttered word:
Hope Ktayed, her steadf at smile was sweet
Until the even time she stayed;
Then, with reluctant, nohteleea feet,
bhe stole Into the solemn shade;
A graver shape moved gently by;
And bent and murmured warning:
Forever 1"
And then where sat the two, sal onel
No voice spoke back, no glance replied.
Eehlnd ber, where she rexted lobe.
Hovered the sfiecter, solemn eyed;
She met hi look without a thrill
And aiuiliuft faintly whutpered still:
"Forever 1"
O sweet, sweet Youth 1 O, fading IT ope!
O, eye by tearful mists made blind!
O band which vainly reach and grope
For a familiar touch and kind.
Time pauseth for no lover's kiss;
Love for it solace hit but this:
"Forever!" Susan Coolidze.
mouth al Arcanum Hall.
P. C. Ml.toK, Keuretaty.
It Windham
..A. 15. Todd
.Win Neville
F. Herrmann
11. Cuthiuan
1st Vi President
iil Vite IVfsident
Treasurer .,
.1. t Ulirliev. if. F. Winn,. J. C.
J. A. Conner, B. Elii, 0. V. Sijcr,Jtii( F
der, J. V. vVeckhach.
;,1oCUi4lHE POST 43 C. A. R.
J. vr.;7 :ommander
C s. t .iss .Senior ice
F i:r-cs ..Junior
t:f.' n.i:s Adjutant
M vr x.s Dixom Vttzar of the Day.
(Vlll-LKHKOKII " Jiuarf
A?ixko.v Fky Fvrtst Major.
.lAiToi? JHB!.KMA-.. ..Quarter Master Ser't.
I,, c. Cuktik Post Chaplain
Meeting Saturday fevouju
Piactical Piano and Organ Toner
J'irst-rl:i.3 work guaranteed. Alsotlcal
e r in Pianos and Organs. Office at Hoeck'j
furniture store, Pl.ittsmoutli, Nbra-3kfl.
For run-down," debilitated and orerworked
women. Ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent
Specific for ail tboa Chroalo Weak&Msea and
Diseases peculiar to Women : a powerful, gup
rral as well as uterine, tonlo and nervine. It
Imparts vior and strength to the whole system.
It promptly cures weakness of stomach. nauses,
lndiiresti4n. Moatinir. weak back, nervous pros
tmtion.cieMlitjr and sleeplessness, in either sex.
It is carefully compounded by an experienced
yhyaiotan. and adapted to woman's deiicsr."
orvamzation. I'urelv vefretable and perfectly
harmlt-s in any condition of the svstem.
-isvorue prescrip
tion" la the only medlcino
for women, sold by druiririAts,
onder si poelttYe intr.
an tee of satisfaction la every case, or priee
l.ti refunded. This guarantee has oeen
(rintod on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully
trried out for many years..
For larre. illustrated Treatise on Diseases of
Women ilrit) paifes. with lull directions for
faom-treatnwnt. send ten cents in stamps.
A d.lre. Wnmn'i Dispkxsart Meticai.
Association. tfUl Uia Street. Buffalo, H, J,
Qhaba Republican
Per Month.
M.e Per Jlonth. SIO.OO Per Year.
To Jaanary It. 1.490. Sl.OO.
Thl reliable and fearless Journal has rhal
lensed the admiration of the country in the
campaign )U"t ri.wefl. It wa the representa
tive Kepublieai dally of Nebraska, and Is n
of the leading n wspHier of the country.
In the future as In the tHit the Kkfi'iii ir.vN
will continue to excel In everything. H prints
ai i. th-! i-ws. It 1 bright, leu, enerelir
n.l iiewy.
Thk KKt-UHLir an appeals to It frieHds
every votiuic pre-inct to give their personal
a-i.tance In extending its circulation. S-nd
for sample cop e. Mall Li-t of nnnie. lUiioe
The Wkrkly Kkpubi ican materially im
proved ftr published every Tburyday.
contains all the news of the week In a con
densed fotm. It is the bet and cheapest
weekly newspaper published anywhere.
fAlI reirlttaoce shoo'd be addrsaed to
Oaaha. Kebrrsxa,
Mother and the girls wcro juite iu ec
stasies over the new house. The mascu
line members of the family were inclined
to bo dubious as to its advantages. The
chief objection which we liad to it was
that it was one of a row of eight, all ex
actly alike, and it was extremely difficult
to bo sure of the right door.
A week's practice, however, made that
all right; ours was the fourth house from
the south end of the row; as I walked
from tho ofiice along the street immedi
ately south of us, X poon became accus
tomed to Liking tho exact number of
6teps, after turning tho corner, which
would Lrtng me to the door.
Itesules, the hour at which I came home
(I am a proof reader on a morning paper
and my duties usually kept me at the
ofiice until al ter 8 a. in.) made it neces
sary for me to carry a latchkey. While
1 knew that of course our neighbors had
exactly the same conveniences which we
enjoyed, and looked for light to windows
m tne same portion of exactly similar
rooms, and cxiei iei;ced theannovanceof
smoky chimneys when the wind was. in
tho partic ular quarter which ' affected
ours, J did not dream that tho houses
were so precisely tho same that the kev
of one would unlock tho other.
v e had lived here about a week when
the ttreet car lino near by began running
owl cars. This was a boon for iue, ns it
saved me a walk of some length. The
car line ran within half a square of the
house, being on the next street north
of its.
me urst nigiit mat l rode home I was
so sleepy when I got out of the car that 1
scarcely knew what I was doing. Hith
erto the exercise of walking had kept me
wide awake until I got into my own room.
I managed to unlock (lib front, 'floor ,
however, and get upstairs, hnbit making
my movements noiseless, as I knew that
my mother was easily awakened and did
not readily go to sleep again.
The room which I occupied was over
the dining room, the door being nearly
opposite to the head of the stairs. Some
what to my surprise the gas was not
burning oi tho landing: J.he girls had
probably forgotten to liglit it befp'ro go
ing to bed. 1 groped my way carefully
along, and at last reached the door of
my room. I entered; it was like the hall,
pitch dark. I tried to find tho table, on
which there" should bo a lamp, and my
hand ame in contact with something
else. I drew a match from my pocket
and struck it. As' I 'held it sct ened by
my hand I saw that tho room was si
etrango one. Suddenly, all was dark; ii
was ndti ,hat the match had gone out,
but the brain wa shadowed; I knew
nothing more.
I was always rated courageous; I
seemed to lack that instinctive fear
which causes some to shrink from dark
ness and loneliness. My brothers and
listers often declared that I would never
be frightened; not even, added May,
with a shudder, if a burglar were to pre
sent liimself liefore rao and demand my
valuables. Those would not tempt any
well reguiatcd burglar, lieing small and
of little intrinsic value; Tau 1 should not
iiko to lose theni, and I have always de
termined to defend my property stoutly
if threatened, providing, of course, that
1 had suflicient warning of the robber's
intentions to enable mo to act.
I awoke one morning at that proverbial
darkest hour, jiist betore the dawn. I
had no idea what time it vas. as the
whole house was wrapped in silenco and
darkness; it is from alter events that I
am able to say that it was nearly morn
ing. I had started suddenly from 6leep,
but at first I eoul; not tell wliat had
aroused me. As 1 lay listening for some
sound to follow that which Lad recalled
mo from the land of dreams, my thoughts
turned instifrc'tivejy to our next door
neighbors, who had been domiciled in
tho row for about a week.
Nobody knew them, although several
of the older residents liad spoken of call
ing upon them perhaps; for wo liked
.he looks of the ladies and they seemed
inclined to be friendly. The men, how
ever, seemed to bo homo all day and
away all night. They were not work
ingmen one could see that by their
hands, their clotliing, their bearing and
we were afraid thev wero not just what
they should be. 'We recalled certain
.rewsome stories of counterfeiters, bur
rlars and other criminals who settle in
respectable neighborhoods and only ex
cited suspicion by the unreasonable hours
which they kept.
"Was that a' 6tep up the 6tairs? I lis
tened more intently, my ' wandering
thoughts recalled from all other subjects.
Surely it was. and that was another.
There was a burglar in the house. I
sprang out of bed and enveloped myself
in a circular which chanced to be hang
ing on a chair, as I ha4 worn it out into
l he rain the precediug evening.' If I was
to receive a burglar I was determined
tliat the proprieties should not suffer; I
would have something on besides my
night dress; while if he went to any other
room I could steal a!PS M16 dark halls to
alarm my brothers and pe less noticeable
in this dark wrap than' in my night
In spite of my boasted courage, my
heart beat very loudly as the step was
hetrd once more, and this time upon the
landing just outside my own door. 1
grasped the poker firmly, however, try
uy hand. It was a plain, heavy bar rf
iron, at which tho others often laughed,
declaring that it must make mo tired to
rake tho tire.
Tho knob of tho door turned slowly
and cautiously, and the burglar enters
tho room. W'hat would he do next? He
closed the door as gently as ho had
opened it, and for u moment seemed un
decided. Did he have a dark lantern
and a pistol? I could not imagine a
burglar without such adjuncts, both of
which were unfamiliar objects to me;
and I shivered as I thought of the advan
tage which he would have over me and
my ioker.
Evidently tho dark lantern was not in
working order, however, for ho simply
struck a match. The little tlarae showed
mo that our new neighbors were not un
founded upon reason this was one of
them. They were certainly a gang of
Ho mado a step toward the dresses. To
reach it ho must pass me. Ho was within
reach of my arm. I raised my weapon,
and, uttering the loudest scream of
which my lungs were capable, 1 struck
him on tho side of the head. He fell like
a log to the floor. Horrors! I had killed
him I
My renewed screams alarmed the
house and the others were speedily by my
side. I had already lighted the gas and
was on my knees beside the man that 1
had struck, vainly endeavoring to recall
life. My assortment of restoratives, I
was afterward assured, was sufficient to
have revived a dozen swooning men.
"Wliat in tho world" 7egan my
brother as he apjeared upon the scene.
Ho was tho first to come to the room.
"Oh, my burglar's come!" 1 exclaimed,
half hysterically, "but I've killed him."
"Wholly unnecessary severity," ro
marked Tom; "you always overdo the
iinng. rsut mat man lsn t dead.
As if to coniirm his words, the burglar
just men opened his eyes and looked in
quiringiy around mm
"He looks dazed." I whispered to Tom
-no nas occasion to look dazed ir vou
nit mm. wim your beloved poker, re
joined Tom, pushing me aside and apply
ing restoratives in his turn; "put it where
it belongs, and go get mo some brandy
or whisky, or something of tjie kind.
e 11 have to get this fellow on his feet
before we call the police,
"I I was mistaken, sir," said the
burglar m a feeble voice, but with a verv
t : l i . . . . .
uecjueu manner, "i wsis mistaken in
me nouse. n appears ui:tt tne same
latchkey unlocks both doors, and I got
me wrong one.
"Yes, 1 think you did." reioined Tom
emphatically, and eyeing him with sus
llic burglar managed to scramble to
his feet, although I could see he was still
dizzy from the encounter with my ixker
I retired into the closet and held the door
shut that is very nearly.
"I think that you will do me the favor
to change your mind about sending for
tho police,' he said, ''when I explain
am employed upon a morning pnper and
am not through with my work until
nearly tins hour in the morning.
usually walk home. But I took advan
tage of the new owl cars to-night and
went to sleep on my way home, hardly
waking up when 1 got out and walked
the half block here. I live at 415, and I
hope that you will accept my cxplana-
tieu anu apologies and allow me to go
home to 'bed. " J am very sorry I have
disturbed the lady and probably fright
ened her."
"it seems to me." said Tom, putting
ouc iiu nana, "mat me lady is perfectly
well able to take care of herself, and that
7ou ought to know it."
Hie stranger laughed good naturedly.
'She tried to beat it into my head, at
any rate. But you will convey my apol
ogies to her?"
The two men went down stairs then.
ie blow on
Their Habits and Ciutonia Itrett Ing the
National Drink The Iwl Maker.
"While conversing with Surgeon II. W.
Whitaker he said he joined his ship, the
Mohican, at San Francisco. Cal., in May,
1885, and sailed in her through the Gol
den Gate the following month for an ex
tensive cruise in the South Pacific, which
lasted over three years. His supply of
information shows that ho has been a
close observer of tho customs and habits
of the Polynesians. As a surgeon, ho
was brought more intimately in contact
with them than others, and "had the op
ortiinity of becoming personally ac
quainted with many of their strange
doings, and he says some of his best
friends have been formed anionc those
eople. One of the most curious and in
teresting customs ho told your correspon
dent of was that of kavaJriuking among
the inhabitants of the Samoan group of
islands, lie jioko very highly of those
people, and said they were tho" finest race
of ieople he had setn, the men being of
large and almost perfect physique, sym
metrically proportioned, with straight,
coarse black hair and a rich brownish
coior. ne niso saiu mo women wero
even more attractive than tho men, be
cause of their mild manners, kind and
happy dispositions.
Tho custom of making, and the form
alities of drinking the kava, as related
by tho surgeon, was intensely interesting
and will bo news to all readers. Kava,
he said, was a vegetable growth that
grew m abundance on tho islands belong
ing to the iepper family, and from the
3EME -A- 13 Xj
and I heard no more. But the blow
our neighbor's head effectually broke the
ico between the two families and wo be
came firm friends.
I was married about two years afttT
lh episode of the burglar. My husband
declares that lie is not afraid of the house
being entered while he is away, for
my lame must have gone abroad; while
if, under the supposition that my vigil
ance relaxed when he chanced to be at
home, they should come while he 13 there,
he would be 6ure of being ably defended.
P. S. I married a proof reader on a
morning paper. Jliicagb d"Qurul,'
History of koup Making,
The accurate history of the manufac
ture of soap stretches back to the facto
ics built ut Marseilles, when there was
tn apparent recognition of the principles
f saponification. Neither then nor till
ed centuries later, however, was there
my desiro to. understand, what tbp prin
ciple was, and for many years every
afiort to wrest tho secret from chemistry
md make soap boiling an art was fought
by tho manufacturer and workman.
"The factories at Marseilles had around
them all the materials necessary for son p
making' says a recent Engik'i work
upon this Ai f. ?:The pljye tree, (be fruit
of wldch yields a fixed oil in great abun
dance, nourished in the south of France,
while tho shores of tho Mediterranean
yielded an ample supply of maritime
plants from which crude soda was ob
tained by calcination. As the time pro
gressed Italy furnished olive oil, while
Spain contributed crude soda, or barilla."
Tho gradual development 'of the art,
wlule extremely interesting to the chem
ist, is of nq snecjaj jnter est to the general
reader. Leblanc's discovery of a "process
for the manufacture of soda from com
mon salt, Chevaeul's explanation of the
nature of the reaction which takes place
when fatty substances are treated with
boiling solutions of caustic alkali, gave
an exactness to the manufacture of soap
such as it had never before had; but it
was a long tune petore the pouers would 1
avail themselves of the aid of these men
of science. Steam succeeded the ordin
ary fire, and the list of fatty substances
used in soap making grew and grew, un
til there are now a dozen of them form
ing the base of soap, with over one hun
dred entering into the composition cf
different kinds of soap to a greater or
less degree. The Kitchen.
A flit V1
jiAorillni tn vnnr fiMtdfl.
f'ositlveiy none genuine unions nnving our nam And
ins to restore my wonted counts py thf
prerrrrs cf frrr-.f -!ritr;.- ca in
in I Ttl
rortone for Colored Dentists.
The negroes are progressing. A dental
school for their race has been established
in Nashville, Tenn. It is the first insti
tution of the kind 10 the wprld. A few
years ago negro dentists would have ,
starved, out there is now a good prospect j
for fortunes for them. V hen a negro ;
was a slave he liad the best teeth in the -world.
As soon as he became a citizen
hu teeth began to decay. This if not so ,
much tho result; of the impbiidon of
suffrage on pur brother in black as of his j
change in diet' and habits. . So loig as ho j
went to bed at dark and lived on corn j
bread and fat meat he was all right, j
When he began to indulge in whisky and
sweetmeats bis teeth antj his character
ooui commenced to cacay. iiacoa ua.i
roofs of thi pla-.t IVhum their na
tional drink of kava, by first chewing the
root until it was well masticated, then
placing it iu a wooden basin which they
made for the purtjose, and mixing it with
water, it was ready to be served out. Ho
said the first thought of this is always
repulsive to a civilized white man, and he
invariably refuses to drink of it when
offered to him, but if he stays in the
islands long his prejudice is sure to lw
overcome, and it is not a great while be
fore he becomes a convert and is fond of
the strange drink.
In describing the process of brewing
tho strange beverago ho said a young
girl, the most comely and attractive in
a household or village, was tho cue sc
lectod to chew tho root, which would
first bo thoroughly cleansed and broken
into small pieces suitable for tho size of
the damsel's mouth. Before commenc
ing to masticate she would invariably
thoroughly wash out her mouth with
water in presence of all the assembled
guests, and would then fold her graceful
person, a la Turk, upon a mat spread on
the floor, and chew and chew, all in one
niouthfuj, until a suflicient quantity
would be ready. Tho hands, in the
meantime, having been also washed,
should receive tho bolus, and with a
graceful motion dath it into the bowl,
made of wood, in the shape of a tin wash
basin with four short feet, when the
water would be added and tho chewed
root thoroughly mixed up with the hands
and by a dexterous man tier all tho coarse
inn rcuuvtJUj. wnen mo beer is
adjudged to be completed by the fair
one, threo vigorous clappings of the
1. 1 . ,.11 1 - -. .
naima uii round signifies H 13
ready to be served. Strange to
say, the most punctilious etiquette
is observed in serving it, and for
the want of which many an irreparable
offense, in the estimation of the true
Samoan, has beej given. Tho honored
guest always receives tho first bowl. and.
according to the dictation of an old chief,
the head of the family or tho m::ster of
ceremonies. Tho nut brown maiden, a
blushing figuro of symmetrical physical
beauty, presides at the bowl, PI
like, dishing out tho Samoan nectar.
A custom most closely related to this
peculiar habit, continued tho doctor, is
that of pai eating bv the natives of th
oauunitu ur Hawaiian tetanus. I'm is
strictly Hawaiian, he said, and is eaten
by every man, woman and child, from
King Kalukaua down, in those islands.
anJ lornis the piainstay v life for the
common people. Tho habit Is so univer-
11 ii-i 1.1 . . .
Kuiy c;.iauusnet mat mo native Hawaiian?
are called and known bv the name oi
jrai-eattrs. "
TM -1 . T . . ,
iutii? K1UV.S in aii me iaciiic islands t.
plant of the lily family, with largo rich
leaves and straight, bulbous root, which
is full of farinaceous food material.
wioch, together with bread fruit, forms
tho staple of lifo with tho Polynesians.
taking the place of bread and potatoes.
It is from t!us root that pai is made.
Pai making is as much of an institution
uud quite as great a necessity i:i th
C ... I Tl 1 . . .
onuwicn islands i;s ureau maiiiag is m
the United Status.
Thepaj make to his Majesty Kalskau?.
is regarded by him in f:ivor iie::t to I1L3
chambex-lain, and is a ix.r3onage much
envied. It is prepared freuh every day
oy nrst roasting the taro roots, from
which it is made, mashing and mixing it
with a proper quantity of water, then
carefully strained to free it from ail
lumps, after which it 13 'set aside to fer
ment. When fermentation advances to
tho proper degree it js ready to bo bold to
the consumer. It is now either white,
pinkish or blue in color, according to the
kind of taro used in making, has the con
sistency of thick flour starch, looks like
it, and, hi fact, smells liko it. It i3
served in Koawood bowls, highly
polished and of different sizes, according
to the tastes and capacity of the happy
cater of pai. ' ' ' '
The manner of eating pai is not, at
kava drinking, but to a perfectly refined H t A L I H id Vs w L f H I
ut&ix?, iiccorumg 10 our acceptance 01 mo
word, the first repast of raw fish which
is always eaten with paj s pot oappily
calculated tq sharpen the appetite. The
bowl of pai is placed in front of tho
guest of tho household after ho has
folded up liis feet and legs and disposed
of them as best he can. but not always to
his comfort and satisfaction, unless, he
has learned the habit of resting ia tho
native style, is eupposed to eat by stick
ing one, two or three fingers in tho pasty
mas3 which Li stiiTed in a circular mo
tion until a ball of it adheres to the
fingers, when they are removed, and by
a strange, circular, twjsting action given
the liand to force t,he fingers full cf pai
from that in the ball, it is lifted, end
transferred to the mouth, . where the
fingers "are sucked perfectly free and
clean of the pai, and as they are with
drawn a pQise is mado which is unlike
any other, and can only be made by this
means. sxnvi jjcriocrat.
Y 1 f ft
PORK PACKERS and dkamcus in BUTTEU AND Kf.'OM,
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Baccn,
of our own make.
The best brand of OYSTERS,
Lard, &c.f
in t uns uud bulk, ut
"Competition la tbe I..I f of Trade," and If ynn hure not nwn our lntt ImprovnrI (mods you!
inot ImuKiiio how lively trade In, or bow Imnl our ooriirwtltor hnve to work to kwii wtihln Rlirht or im .
c your retailer fur the JAMES MEANS' 83 tellOE, or tne JA.UEr IU KANlS i N1IOK'
nrl.M Ktnmrw! tilnlntv nn f .ic. v... t.
retalier will supply you with shoes so Ktamped If you limine ui.n hln doiiiK o; ir you do not luidst. soutw '
retailers will coax you into buying inferior suoa upon which they make a larger jroIIU .
m - - - m IT 11 r. m
Such hw bepn tho rasent progress In our hraneh of Imlimtry that wo urn now aliln to ufllrm that the
Jairieri Means' $1 Shoe is In every rHpeet equal to the hIkh-k which only n few yi-r una were rein II.-.I lit elytiC
Or ten dolhira. If you will try on a pair you will tie corn iii.-e.t that we do not exu-j.-rale. On rH are I ha
original $t anl $4 Shoes, and Ihoie who Iniititte our hvhIi-iii of IhisIucks ar i.nalil" to compete wllu US lu
quality of factory prcxluctM. In our linen wo are the larKest niunuf.-icl urem In itio UnKed Male.
One of our traveling salesmen who Is now viaiUui; the ohoe rctailciit of the l'atilio Cottot. and Hocky
Mountain Region writes from there as follows :
"I am more than satlslie l with the results of my trip. I have thus f;ir siiccoeded In placlnir our full
line In the hands of 4 A No. 1 dealers In every point I hava visited." lie .'0 on to t-ay, "Tills Is a
splendid region for us to sell shoes in. because most cf tho retailers are charpln their customers at
retail about douhle the prices which the shoes have cost at wholes... The coiiM-queuce Is that tho
people who wear shoes are pavlntcslx or S'-vcu dollars a pair for shoes which un not worth as much a our
JAMES MEANS' S.'l and 91 MIKIES. Our shoes with their very low retail prices stanied 011 thu
soles of every pair are breaking down the high prices which have hit hci to ruled In the reiull markets here,
and when a retailer puts a full line of goods lu his stock they at once begin to go oir like hot caked, so great
ts Uie domand for them."
Now, kind reader, just stop and consider what the above signifies so far ns you ni-e concerned. Tl
assures you that if you keep on buying shoes tearing no manufacturer' name or fixed retail price stain pej
on the soles, you cannot tell what you are getting and your retailer Is probably making you pay doubl
what your shoes have cost him. Now, ciu vou afford to do this while w e are .i-ol- ting you by stamping
our name and the fixed retail price upon the soles of our shoes before they leave oor factory so that you,
cannot be made to pay more for your shoes than they are worth ?
" eihoea from our celebrated factory are sold by wiile-awakr retnilers In all parts or
he country. We will place them easily within your reach In aoy State or Territory ir you will invent on
eent in a postal card and write to us.
JAMES MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.
I' 1 "..iflll'J L1LA 11 I
-icrS i su: v. i
i.r i. i wsjmi i' .r. ZsT i
-Demorest's Monthly Magazine. '":
Many soppoee DEMOREST'S nO!VTIII.Y
to be a fashion magazine. This Is a great mint eke.
It undoubtedly contains the finest Fashion Dr.
farthest of any magazine published, but this Is
the case from the fact that preat enterprise Slid ex
perienco are shown, eo that each department is
equal to a magazine in itself. In Dkmokmt's you
get a dozen main".?'" in one, and secure nmue
inent and instruction for the whole family. It con
tains Stories, Poems, and other Literary attractions,
including Artistic, Scientific, and Household n. alters,
and is illustrated with original fcteel Eiitrravinirs,
Photogravures, Water-Colors, snl fine Woodcuts,
making it tho Modii. Magazine op Amehica.
Each copy contains a Pattern ihdih entiilinir
the holder to the eelection of Airr Patttrw IDuHtratcd in any number of the Magazine, and in ahy
or thb 6izis maenfactured, each valued at from 0 cents to 80 cents, or over $3.00 worth of patterns
er year, i rce.
1 Yearly subscrintion. 2.00. A trial will convince yon that yon can get ten times the valmt
Ct th$ money paid. Single copies (each containing Pattern Order), 20 cents.
Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOIiEST, New York.
The above combination ia a splendid chance to get oar paper and PlJtoaEsi's MontuxT At
rsdoced rate. Send your subscriptions to this office.
P' rsonal attention
to my care.
to all Bugiuefs Entrust-
Titles Examined. Abstarcts Compiled. In
surance Written, lteal Estate told.
Better Facilities for making Farm 'Loans than
Any Qthee Agency.
P lattsmoutli. - ebra-ka
t I -ttmmmM-ZsZTi
mm fi
Dr. K. C. Wes'.'s Xerve atH Brain Treatment
a cenruntee stecific for Hvsteria Uizziaess.
Convulsions. Kits. Nervous Neuralgia. Ilead-
a'be. NerveouH I'rosirt!(ii ol!ed by I lie tie
of a'cobol or tobacco. Wakffulntsx.'t'i'taiUe-
lresioii. Kof ter.ini; of the l!rain result ii:u in in
sanity an-i leading t misery, decay and 'iept ii.
"-veiii-ituiv Aire. Harreniievs. I.ofs "f I i w-
C-r tn cither . x. Ii-.volui.tary Lfsse ti tl f-r er
niat' rrho?:t caused bv v r-r xertiot. of the
brain, sella Tvj.sp orover-ln3nlgence K.tcli box
contains one n-onJh's treatmeut. ?1 f a box
orsix boxes for S5.00. scut bv mail rrfDaidor
receipt of yilca
To cure anv case. With each orrfpr received
by ns for six boxes, accompanied wltli $5.00,
we will send the purchaser our vttitteu Kiiaran
tee to raturn tbe moue v If tbe treatment does
Jr tm a eor. fwrte lne onW ry
If you desire to imrclia-v? a sewing machine,
askourasrent at your jiluco for terms ana
prices. If you cannot find our nirettt, write
direct to nearest uddrows to you btdow ume4
uiicaso - ijH0N sqiMRE.M.Y X.f&
T louis. mo. YSyC T sssrsssciceecM.
J. M. MUra, Plattsinonthr Neb.
SeaJ joar job work to the IIekau