The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 26, 1888, Image 1

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I '
Newtwaptr Men after PostofYlces.
Fremont, Nel., Nov. '2ti. Congress
man Iorsy is very much sought after
since election by Kspirauts for oftice, who
Appear to le very hungry and very Uiurs-
ty, notwithstanding they have been away
from the public crib but four years. A
majority of the p stoflices in tho Third
district are being bought by newspncr
A Bare Knuckle Fight.
liitoKEN Bow, Neb., Xcy. 2U. Last
night two of our local celebrities with
the gloves, attempted to settle the cham
pionship with b:ire knuckles. The nieet
ji'g took plaee in a deserted building at
Merna. The parties were Elmer Webb
anJ Tom Smith. Seven rounds were
fought, when Webb was declared the
winner and pocketed the $100 and the
gate receipts. Iioth men were severely
punished. No arrests.
Anarchist Sunday Schools
Chicago, Nov. 23. The executive
committee of the newly organized local
anarchist society, known as the Arbeiter
Bund, has issued a circular calling a large
Iliads meeting next Sunday for the pur
pose of devising means by which to
found anarchist frch'tols for children
throughout the city. The circular was
freely distributed today. It invites all
anarchists to investigate the society's
Sunday schools, of which there arc six in
Chicago, ef.oh located in the rear or
in the bas-.-ment of saloons. One of the
nch-xil-s in thu back room of Ilichan
brother's saloon, at Lincoln avenue and
Jlilsto.l street, was found to contain this
afternoon 120 children, ranging from
live to f jurtjyn y.-ar3 of age, seated on
long benches, listening intently to what
n teacher was explaining to them about
Johnnn Most. The teacher told the
children that Spies and l'arsons had been
murdered by the capitalists, and referred
to the dead anarchists as martyrs.
Barnum Retires.
BiunoKi'oitT, Conn., Nov. 2G. P. T.
Itanium, th : showman, is a thing ot the
past. He has settled up his business, and
last night announced thai he had turned
his whole circus over to Mr. Haily, who
will own and conduct it, and that he
himself had forever retired. Advancing
j ears and a desire to enjoy his old ngc in
, quiet, are the causes which led Mr. Cr-
nam to close out. Last week lie gave a
farewell dinner and is now about to oc
cupy a plain little brick cottage over
looking Long Island Sound. Mr. Bar
nuni is getting to be infirm. lie shows
his years, and he repeatedly anuunced
that the cozy little brick cottage in which
he intends to pass the evening of his life
had been built expressly for his young
wife. The deeds are in her name. Mr,
Burnum has made his will, which is un
derstood to be a "cast iron will." Beside
the usual witnesses Mr. Burnum has se
cured the signatures of two leading
physicians that he is in right mind. He
is estimated to be worth $10,000,000.
The Knights of Labor.
Ikdianaiolis, Ind., Nov. 20. The
delegates to the Knights of Labor gener
al assembly took advantage of the pleas
ant weather to see the sights, the only
business being a reception by General
Master Workman Powderly. During the
day he received the delegates in groups,
each state's representatives calling on
him in a body. He went over the ground
of the work he wished them to take up,
gave and received ad vice, and carried on
a series of informal conference's looking
to the strengthening of the order in all
parts of the country.
A number of delegates h ive already
secured mileage and started for home,
and those still here are hoping for an
early adjournment. The more hopeful
think that this may be reached by Mon
day evening, while other think it impos
siple to complete the work of the con
vention before Tuesday noon. The in
stallation of officers, the various appeal
cases, the censure of Skefllngton, and
further matters from the law committee,
will take up the r mainingtunc.
George Schilliug, of Chigago, and
Martin Hanley. of New Jersey, addressed
a socialistic meeting tonight. Barry left
for Chicago tonight, and from there goes
direct to his home at East Saginaw.
ricottlsn ixoja Xot TTufiwe.
It is said that boys in Scotland are not
in the habit of using profane words.
When a gang of Scottish boys in ono of
Mr. Black's novels suspended one of their
number over a ptreain with tho ' threat
that he would bo dropped therein if he
did not "say a swear," the worst thing
he could think of was deeviL" But
that was considered so bad that he was
promptly released? --New York; Tribune.
Gold and silver spectacles at II. M.
Ii tlie hourx of mom anJ ev-u.
J j I lie ihx;i uuj lul:t.
Troojjiu (Jou ti tUey e-iuo fr.uu btuv-o.
lu thi-ir uul'U II i "lit.
To tu t, nai il. to e uro, to be. r u.
'Mill our jays uml cme-i.
All un.-ce:i are hovering nw ua
Aui'ls una wared.
When I'.if luy!i;ht in loc!iuiiig
la tho western hkkn.
A lid the mum i:i heaven wo shilling
Aa tin" tv. iliiit luu.
Voices on our hcurlii come btctlia;
Like celestial aim,
Vo our spirit tcue revealing
Angels uuuwures.
O, faint hearts I nksl coa&oiuUja
For us here bo low I
That angelic uuiiitaratlon
Ouides us where we go.
Every task that la before us
Some blest spirit shares;
Watchful eyes are ever o'er us,
Angela unawares.
J. F. Waller in The Quiver.
Malmaison Going; to Piece.
Malmaison, the famous chateau of the
ill fated Josephine de Deauharnais, is
simply going by piecemeal to the dogs,
or rather to the rats, and it has been ad
mirably suggested that the place should
bo converted into a museum containing
historical relics of the first empire. In
the beginning of the present summer
Malmaison was offered for sale at an
upset price of 10,000, but no bidder
could bo found. The park is now let out
in small lots to builders, and hideous
villas are rising around the chateau. The
two facades of the mansion that of the
courtyard and of the garden are intact,
but the interior is like a barn. The salon
of Josephine still exists, with its mural
decorations of birds and gilt flowers, and
so do tho dining hall, the council cham
ber shaped like a tent and the library;
but the furniture is all gone, and the
"pleasure house" of old is a melancholy
wreck. Paris Cor. London Telegraph.
Ten Hours of Sleep.
James Payn, tho novelist and corre
spondent, has come to the conclusion that
the only salvation of our writers and
literary classes in general lies in going to
bed early, getting ten hours of sleep, and
understanding that brain work needs
more complete and certain recuperation
than ordinary physical labor. The office
and necessity of sleep is getting to be bet
ter appreciated. Little is heard nowa
days about burning midnight oil. Obedi
ence to physiological laws, alone, will
enable a man to escape mental - breiik
down at an early age. Genius cannot
override nature. It is impossible to turn
night into day, or to habitually do two
days' work in one. Common sense and
method are better than brilliance, and
judgment is ju the end ahead of genius.
t. znZ z.i oiice to u iirr goons store, touipii
a yaruof calico, made it into a tun bori
net, and sold the bonnet for 40 cents. Sh
invested the 40 cents in more calico,
madojniore bonnets, sold them, reinvested,
made other garments, and prettv soon
had $10, With this $10she bought a lot
of potatoes, planted them, paid for their
cultivation, harvesting and marketing,
and camo out with a clear protit of $10.
Let the young men of the south look out
for this girl. That $40 is still growing.
It may run into the millions some of
these days. Columbus Dispatch.
t he
Oil Oie-Pii Cliii Hosier
llombaetlo Stylo of I toy ally.
The terms in which these ancient
rulers addressed each other resemble in
their Ixjinbastic style those employed in
royal households in our own days to' a
striking degrcs. One begins: "To Nim
murija (a surname of Amenophis III),
the great king, tho king of Egypt, my
brother, my ton-in-law, whom I love and
who loves me," speaks as follows: "Dush
ratii, king Miianni, thy brother, thy
bbii-in-luw, whom thou lovest and who
loves thee. Peace to me, peace to mv
urotner and so:i-i:-uw, tjc:.cj to Uiv
Iti Hattsmouth, is very sorry his Jar of Beans eauscd one
To get windy. JOK is sorry for the neighbors of this mad, windy
house, to thy consorts, thy nobles, thy menagerie and cha
?.! ::!: v Competitor to
.. wm.' i i ..i i ... ..i i .
. 7 i ----- . -"J . j j "'vHi'tv i i' 'im ijiiiiu ftuiiiiBcniii, nu .( i ji.i.i lid 1 L WOI1HI IKIV
neoole. to thv chariots, thv horses, thv 1 4v;. i ... i .. .. .. . . K
: - - - i 1.11114 iiimm f'iiiii Yii-r i Tfr tnii-!! hnrrnp rit.iti ...,. ,1 i i
IJIUll V. J 111111(1111 If 111 LI
land." Harper's Weekly.
j this mad competitor much better
out and start a
Id iia
ie (.lothini?
Peculiar form of Hysteria.
Dr. Richardson mentions a case of a
young woman attending a consumptive
patient and was so impressed with the
paroxysms of coughing that she began to
imitate them. The imitation was per
fect and continued two years, her friends
believing she had consumption, though
not a sign of it existed in her lungs. At
last si ie suddenly recovered. It was only
hysteria of a peculiar form. Now many
similar cases are cured, and from this the
doctor thinks he has found tho secret
arresting this malady. M. L. Holbrook,
M. D., in Herald of Health.
Competitors are mad because lie has destroyed High I'rices. They are
mad because lie has destroyed a Usurer's Profit. JOK believes in
selling Honest Goods at Honest Low Prices.
YV'oiuau as a "Hoodoo.
There is a mine near Leudville into
which women pro never admitted. If a
woman were permitted to enter this mine
I believe every last man on the premises
would quit work. The mine has had an
accident for every woman who has vis
ited it. Every time a woman has been
admitted immediately after her depar
ture 6ome mishap with damage to prop
erty or life has followed. Hence the su
perstition of the miners. Globe-Democrat.
A Business Like Young Woman.
There is a young girl down in Missis
sippi who is destined to make her mark
nif one tr:'ve her C"iM nn d:iv. Sii
i lie yy asliervronkau.
The washerwoman, ike a poet, spends
a good deal of time over a line and finds
life full of hard nibs. Dostoq Courier.
The amount of loss o. cj-editorsin Eng
land ad Wales through bankruptcy last
year was 7,114,003.
Let nolhi ig on earth sadden you as
long as yoj can still love. Tae '
iv ei o.
goods at an Honest Profit
is gettino-larger every day, and bis mad commd itors cannot
;stroy it by misrepresentation, or by se colled reduction prices. The
;ople won't be misled any longer, lor they know JOK is wUin"
at One Price Only.
JOE is selling bettcr.iods less monc
in rIatt.-uto.uiJi.
y than ever heard of before
o LFUGSS on JOK'S Ueans. It
- - -
"monkeying" business, either.
costs you uothint:
iruess a
n o
Tlie Oneiric
$3.90 buys a good Business Suit
Black Diagonal.
55.05 buys a Checked Cass Suit,
former price $8.50.
$9.S0 is an All Wool Black Worst
ed suit, reduced from $13.50.
$12.20 Buys a Four Button Cork
screw Worsted, worth $18.00.
$3 85 is a Harrison Cassimer Suit
worth 15.0.
S3.G3 buys a Boys Corderroy
Suit, Elerantlv Finished.
$1.50 buy a A' ice Stripped Suit,
worth 5.50.
Tlio One-IFric
r on&i
Rftitts and Gloves.
Gssips, 'Ta.rarLisla.irxg' .Goods,
Valises, Boots and Shoes,
JLo cents for a Wool Mit worth 2o cents.
40 cents for Men's Lined Gloves.
50 cents buys a Lined Kid Glove worth $1.00.
90 cents buys a Buckskin ilitt, reduced from $1.40.
10 cents buys a pair of Boys Wool mitts.
$1.10 buys a California Sealskin Gloveworth $1.50.
CO cents buys a Large Valine worth $1.00.
$1.20 buys a large well-made Trunk.
& I MA Bae to MM?
U.S5 buys a good Gray Overcoat reduced from
$1.85 buys a Heavy Overcoat worth fS.5.
7.G5 buys a Black Worsted Overcoat reduced
from $12.50.
9.S0 buys a Mosco Beaver Overcoat worth $13.50.'
1 1.75 buys a Boy's Heavy Overcoat worth $1.75.
$2.90 buys a Fur Trimmed Overcoat reduced
from $1 50.
$12.50 buys a Fur Beaver Trimmed Collar and
Cuffs, Overcoat, reduced from $lS.0o.
$1.40 buys a Heavy Lined Overcoat worth $2.00.
ELSOl The Clothier
15 cents buys a Heavy Wool Sock.
25 cents buys a Shirt and Drawers worth 50 cts.
35 cents buys a Good Working Shirt worth 50 cts.
75 cents buys an all-wool Scarlet Shiit and Drawers
40 cents buys a man's Unlanndried Shirt.
15 cents for a good pair of Suspenders.
35 cents buys a good Overall worth 00 cents.
50 cents for a heavy Cordigon Jacket worth 1.
20 cents for a good Silk Handkerchief worth 50c.
5 cents buys a large red Handkerchief.
10 cents buys a Box of Paper Collars of any size.
N. B. Don't fail to see this Great Slaughter Sale, as we must RAISE MONEY, and it will save
you 33 per cent on every dollar by buying of
ELSOI, Ik Oil Mia! One-Price Clier
Plaftsmouth, - - - - ' Nebraska.
Boots and Shoes.
$1.00 buys a Full Stock B03V Boots worth $2.00.
$1.40 for a Man '3 Heavy Winter Boot.
$2.35 buys a fine Calf Boot, reduced from $3.50.
$1.45 buys a good Working Shoe worth $2.00.
$2.50 buys a Fine Calf Butler Shoe worth $2.00.
Hats and Caps.
40 cents buy- a good Wool Hat.
$1.10 buys a fine Fur Hat Worth $1.50.
$1.00 buys a fine Fur Hat worth $2.00.
25 cents buys a Heavy Knit Cap worth 75 cts.
Job Lots ot Winter Caps worth 50, 75 and $1.00
all going for 25 cents.
The Clothier,