7 THE DAILY IiEKaLD : I'L fiSttOu In. sgltA3KA, SATUKDAV, NOVEMBER 2. ls. . I! The Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kalinlturjr. llratlHt, llot-kHuotl l.uildiiiK, , Telephone Jio. :. II r. Slslnx, OfUce la Crrinic'N lrun Slorr, Kn.1 deare Tor. &ixtli airl Uramlf, Telf liono .No. 42. Ilr WIHiitx, I tin I'uhilci IHnlUt. 1'nlon lllwk, o-r Krlrkr' lliiiif Store, l'ltluiuiitli. CITY CONGREGATIONS. Ca Tllol.lt-.St. Paul's liiin li. OaU. between Filth and Sixth. Father ta'iiey, 1'aMor. H-rvlrea : Mass at 8 mid W :: A. M. Sunday Kehoul at 2 ::sti, ili iHiietlietioi.. Christian. rorner Locust anil Kii?ltl SU. Hunday School 10 a.m. Kpi'(iii..-SI. Luke's 'liureli. eoi tifr Tliiul and Yin.-. K-v It I;. Harti. i.aMer. Ser vices : II A. m. a it; :.tl' M. Sunday Seticol ai 2 i-. m. (jKlttl.W M tTllnllI.sT Collier Sixth St ;riTiit-. Hi-, lillt. I'ii'Hir. ScrviciH : II A. M. and :'' I". M. Sunday :-eli..ol la ::; A M. I-isyti-i:a v. -Main. l.rtwren Sixth ;ii l '.Seventh. Kcv. . T. Hair , I'if tor. Scivie". n.sii.il hour-, linn autl evening. S indaj bi li'X'l a je. KfitHT Mktiiomst. SKlh St.. It-twcti Mail and ivail. Rev W. R. Alexander, pastor. Service : 1 1 A. M.. 7 ::xi I'. l. Mil (I i. x hoo: ti :'JO l . m . 1'rayrr iiiccti Wednesday evcn iiis;. I1RI;MN riCMiMK.KIAN. fr:.cr M ini I'll" Nuilh. R.-v Will.-, pasit r. S-hUts : iiMia iionr-i. Sunday M-iiooi a. m. Sw:h:iIim ('(xcisn; ATloNAI. - Craliilf, le te;a I'iIUi ami .Sixth CITY CORDIALS. ,fr,. T. Kciiipstcr presented her Jiusl;uil willi a young son l ist Thnisd iy M-.-n arc but the whiskers on th c'lcsnut known as life Lincoln Journal. A newly et -ibl'islied paper in X. vr Jersey is called th-: Tftuj'ie. It is prob ably edited by a woia m. Lincoln Journal. . Jula Ilasscll issu.-d a marriage licence yest-rday to .Mr. John Bucking him and Kru'. ,, ',h iA W -eping Wate..- " Won l -r w'.. it tin? m ' .-' r of t,,r orohesir.i has againt th llfcit.w.u, tli city, th- mmiger of t'i; op.r.i hm.se, himself and every bo ly i Ui-!n y lir- s. have inovcJ a 1 r ftnl fiiino into tlu-ir luinlK-r Viir.1, i'"l from all appL-ar.ino s tlii-y intf si.l to lio tlit-ir work l.y fsteam in the future. Miaijr You 4 ti;k-ph :u 1 to 1''. !5 lllio.l .-.-t, m iin.:r of "An.lrews Okt; Co.'at X..-lrak:i City last ni-ht, an wis inform il by him that th.-y ha 1 t put out a ni'ii, 4-Stainlinii IJ-sm Only," b;ron? S o loc-k, :i!ul all the seats sohl for S itunlay (tonijcht) an l lie lup -d he c mM say as much for Plattnoiitli when they arrived litre next Thursday The authorities should have a wif to sty t th larje crowds of younjr mei who assmMe in the post office even i-vening while the niiils are being dis tributed, and spit tobacco juice on th ;h,.r by the gallon as ladies pass by. anrl 41 11 the room with smoke. T'ney should la :ompelled to desist, as no lady desires to piss such a crowd and listen to theb foul mouthed expressions, which the; takc uo caution to hush up in the pres ence of any lady. The postmaster is do iiiii whit he can to put a stop to thes unmanly actions, and the sooner ti e in itlcr is followed up, the better. It is reported that Xo. 5 goinjj west this morning, was being switch-, tl i t 3Ialvern. A locomotive and an emp'y car were standic on the track, and tl train was coming so rapidly that th engineer on the first engine, fearing : collision, opened the throttle and jnmpei off. The coach was struck an knocked out of place, beini' turned half way on the trucks. The front en gine was under a full he id of am started forward. As the core passed all posts, standing near the trie! were broken off. When the bridge b tween Malvern and Glen wood wv. reached, the car came in contact with tin jtressle work, and smashed things up s hadly that trains were delayed for sven Siour today. The remains of the late Jerry I) in: her arrired here lat night from Citli- f Xevada. They were accompanied by !i: wife and brother, Patrick. Thu- bod; was conveyed to his parents" resideno . Granite street, to await the obsequio This morning a large number of fiiei.tl ;X athered at the home to take a look s.t iheir deceased friend, but as nearly week hi passed sinci his death, th casket was not opened. K'ery face i. ihi sad home was moisteutd with teur ind the assemblage on a whole presentei ai vt-ry aff jctive scene. The parcntsin :!ier relatives were about overcome witl -rrief.aiid his wife.whojclung to tlie ca-k t which contained lur whole affection, a; parently had lost all hope of any futui brihtn ms, and moaned a- though h-1 heart would break. A sadder scern 4-ould not be picture ! his relatives hen . who have not seen him for years, cou! not look upon his face th n, and tl.tr thou 'lit was a verv severe blow to all. A large number of the A. O. 1L, of which he was a member, gathered at ins uonie to pay him the last tribut-s of ic-sptct, und they followed the hearse in the p:o revsioii. The remains wen; conveyed to the Catholic church about 9:30, where high requiem mass was hId, after which the procession moved to Oak Hill ceme tery, west of the city, where intcrnvnt tiMt'k pl5t. II- was not shot, ns was first rported, but he cane to hi-t deatl by intl until Uion of tlho""'t.iai-l h"ri THE ANDREWS OPE 9 A COMPANY On Wheals This Standard Com pany With Its O d Excellencies. Reinforced by a superb Chorus, to Visit the Leading Cities In the West in Their Beautiful and Homelike Buffet Sleeping Car, the "Florence." On one of the side tracks in the Mil waukee yards stands the queenly palace sleeper, "Florence," beautifully illum inated along its sides with landscapes and (lower pieces, and bearing on either side in lu avy embossed letters of gilt, the legend. "Tin; Andrews O.iera Com pany." Within this moving home of one of the oldest and most popular mu-ical organizations in the. country is found very convenience known to modern car building. The '"Florence" is the property in fee simple of the company, ind the latest evi I -'lice ,f i,s merited "(to-pcrity. At one nd is the otlice of he business manager; the centre of the car is occupied by state rooms, and a via'-iotis drawing loom elegantly lilted, while the farther end is fitted with a fiminlfti kiti hen where a white aproned Ethiopian presides over range and but-r.-iy. Thus all the chances of annoy mces expei ienced by theatrical people lui-mg hotels are avoided, and a social ind domestic life made possible, not otherwise enjoyed. The Andrews Opera company is a his torical organization. It was born, and las grown and prospered with that young jiantess, "The Xew Xoithwest." The Vudrcws Concert compmy took the road in l SS7 . In l?o the well known An Irows Family bellringvis were organized in 1 made several successful tours. It as from thes.j beginnings that the Vndrews Opera company was evolved, he il -a of that gifted musical family i iving all along been to advance to tin ligher plain. t;f opera which they now )C-oupy. Their aim ha., been legitimate pera. and in the splendid company in lu ling over thirty people now with hem, this dream is realized. As public dueators of retln.-d musical taste the Y.n Irews Opera company have rendered i valuable service. "Excellence" has ieeii their motto, and today the name 'Andrews" is the most valuable musical rade mark ii (he v.cst. There is nothing labored about their illorts. however. Light opera meets the lopular demand, and surely there s nougli life, love and laughter in theii epertojrc to sa isfy all reasonable de .nands. This company will appear in the 'Mascott" at the Waterman Thursday .Thanksgiving) night Xov. "2U. "The Plattsmouth Orchestra." Since the worthy leader of "our orches tra," has opened lire upon us in our local ;onteuiporary, when no direct reference i is been made to the would-be musicians in the columns of this ptper, it behooves us to take advantage of such an excel'ent opportunity to express our opinion con cerning the opera house orchetir. As the father of the article which appeared, stated, when the orclustra was organized, the IIkhai,P leut them an assisting hand several times, un4 nothing has beer, thrown out in any shape resembling a dur until the day following the Murray aid Murphy performance. The only .tatement then made was while making reference t their orchestra we said: "Wt .vere enabled t hear a little music be tween acts, which is seldom our privi lege." If theatre-goers were afforded the pleasure, of hearing one harmoniou strain amoug one continued blast of dis cords and breaks, that oue little strain .vould be recognized with as much ap preciation as would au oasis in a desert to a thirsty and fatigued traveler who Uad about succumbed. If the leailei would select music for his orchestra such 13 could be touched "by them, the pub lie would appreciate it, but their past e:Torts remind on3 of a poodle dog trying to carry an elephant, as a comp irisoi . Our advice to them would be for them te play such pieces of m isic as would b within their reach, and during th-ir idh nom jnts this s;ason. practice tli3 inus'u they are now practicing on for the bene fit of th J public, for th j coming season. The leader guaranteed the manager to fill hisopjraho ise and infor tied hiai that their in.laence upon tli3 public would draw a full house every time, but wi- have as yet failed to see the crowds ei - large, bjt onthi contrary, they havo b-jen falling short for souu tint J. If th j leader would give h'n orchestra the sam peice of music t play each time until they mister it, it certainly would be much more appreciated than half a iloz?n or so and no music at all, and get the instru ments in tuns once to see what a good. anTTd chord sounds like. Oar advice to I them u. p,jy .omothing you can h in lie and the people will not stuff cotton bat tin in their ears :i3 some of them do now when you play. Graid Entertainment At Waterman's oera house the evening of Tuesday. November 27. Givm by Mj. II. II. Ilendersliot and son, assisted y the best local musical talent, under r.h aat'cs f tl-e 7. I-C CLAKSS ilk mail Mfl ; it 5? ? J c-j Im i a? is a t$ m v- x&W Ladies' Modjeskas. IJluck Ji:igonul Cloth, Fur Trim med, only 87.00. Black "Extra Quality IUncle Cloth, Spike Fringe; Trimmings, I3ell Sleeve, only $l0.ou. r.lack Frie.e Ci.i'.h, Hall TninminK Quilted Lining, Astrachaii C lifts :;iid Collars, only $1-1 .On. lh-i)wn and Tan Urocaded Alatel lasse, l'Jush Ii.ill Triinming, Flush Cutis and Collar, only $15.00. Silk Flush, Plush l)all Trimmings, plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets, only $15.00. Black Astrachan Cloth, Spike Trimmings, Satin Lined, only Sl. Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking, Call Trimming to match, Quilted Satin Lining, only $"20. Seal Pliish, Klegant Plush Ball Trimming, Satin l ined, genuine Seal Loops, onlv 2o. Elegant "Seal Plush, Beaver Ball Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin Lined, only. 32. 50. Our Plush Sacijues are iinished with thp hest pf Quilted Satin Limn". Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee failing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will he replaced hy a now ouo, ONE DOG'R EAST FIHST NATIOUAL BANK. PERSONAL S Jlr. J. K. Keithley, jiroprietor of the Weeping Water Rejjnbficau, was in the city today and made a pleasant crjjl at thii olliee. Jlrs. John Stewart, who has been visit iurr her father, Mr. Sparks, of Lincoln, returned home by the flyer yesterday afternoon. Mr. J. J. Walters, wife and child, for mer resid-nts of this city, arrived by the J fiver vesterday afternoon from Garnctt, . Ka?. They will visit the home of Mr. J. C. Stewart, here. The Qospel Meetings held every Sunday afternoon at the v. M. C. A. rooms are growing in interest, last Sun day there being the largest attendance since moyiug into the ujw rooms, which proves our young men know a good thing when they see it. Mr. D. A. Campbell, Prof. Ciiatburn, John A. Davics, and Mr. II. F. Chapin, are or ganizing a Literary Society to meet at the parlors oue njghj: in he week. This will be quite an attraction tlds winter for the young men. All young men who are interested in such an enterprise should call on the above named gentle men or the secretary at the rooms. The young men are trying to have a larger attendance tomorrow than last Sunday, although that was the largest yet. Full ctoheitra tomorrow; at 3:45, commences a fifteen minute song scrv.ee, j;reciding the regular m?etin g. The jury which was sent out yester day on the Ellis case, returned a verdict of guilty. EUU will probably receive a sentence or two years. Only oni month until Christmas eve. We take great pleasuc in wishing you 5.11 a merry Christmas. The regular teachers meeting was held at the high school yesterday after noon. Mrs. Simpson will receive a few pupils CLOAKS S Onr AssortintMit surpasses anything heretofore attempted ly ns in this Department, and our customers will he surprised at onr magnificent display of Laflies' anfl Misses I and at very Low Prices. Ve are showing decided novelties in Stripes, Checks, and Solid Colors ! with Plain, Sleeves. Bell or Angel man ia9 Sure of Success. "What business are yon in now, Brigs by?" "I will manage Prof. Asteroid, the e.iftinent scientific fecturcr, this season." "There's no money in tljat. The Ject ure business is played out." "I kuow it, but I have secured a couple of prize fighters to give boxing exhibi tions before and after the address. That ought to fetch 'mi,1' The Bohemians in the western part of the city created havoc among them selves last night. A young man whose name we were unable to learn had rented a house from his father-in-law who had eft some apples in the cellar of the house, winch Ue claimed, bgt the son-in-law contested that they belonged to him, when he rented the house, and re fused to give up anything. The old man had made up his mind to have what he thought belonged to him, and while the young man was at work in the shops, yesterday, he went to the cellar and car ried away the fruit. Last n'ght when the gqn jn:law peturned from work, upon learning of the course peisued by Jhe pld man, he went to his Ijousj and pommel ed him severely. It is reported that the old man was laid up in bad hape. A MAN FROZE TO DEATH ! Why? Because he had no Garland Stovk. Buy one of Jonxsox Buos. sept22-dlm. A nice li,i of silk and linen handker chiefs and mufflers just received at .L II. Donnelly's. tf Two or three fresh milk cows for sale at Holmes' barn. tf Itcmember you save , cts. on every dollar by trading with Elson the One Price Clothier. Dry rot in timber is said to ba con tagious, saws and other tools otu ryin it frora Lho infecttd wood to scunu timber. - ruult SoeGiei Sale ! Kid Glcve We shall IT. r nil of our Kid C.Iovcp, woith fr.nn 1.15 to $":,0, lit the Xomi nal I'i ice SI .50 PER PAIR. This includes everything we curry in Stock of Dressfd. Suedts, Custors, niid lliiving (tlovcs. IJuttoii eiinppon's lhst Colors and Pd icks, now I.S0, worth f-j.flO. 4 Uutton Sinisn's Best Colors and uiacks, now i.no, w rth $a.ar. 4 liutton Our Own Fancy Embroidered Hacks, Colors and Ulack, now $1,150, w rth $2.00. 5 Button Bon Mnrche E.xtra, Colors and Black, now $1.50, wnth $1.7o. 8 liutton Moefiuetaire Suedes, Colors, only $1.50, worth $2.25. (i Button Mosquctairc Sm des, Colors and Black, $1.50, worth $2.00. 4 Button Castors, Colors, only now $1.50. worth $2.00. Suede Gnantlet Driving Gloves, Colors, onlv now $150, worth $2.25. Shawls. (3ur $4.00 Beaver Shawls in Greys and Browns, sold elsewhere at $5.00. Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys and Brow ns, with Fancy Border, is decid edly a good bargain. Our $7.00 Beaver good heayy Shawl. Very pretty line of colors. Our $it.00 Beaver, superior quality, elegant patterns, well worth $10.(.0. Our $10.00 Bcfiver in Greys. Tuns and Browns, entirely new patterns, and would be decidedly cheap at $12.00. Yarns. Compiles Everythii g in German Knitting, Spanih, Germantown, Eider Dow n. Fairy Floss, Shetland Floss, Angora, Saxony, Zephyrs, Crewels. Comforts and Blankets. 10x4 White Blankets at $1.25 per pair. 10x4 White Blankets, good weight, only $2.00 per pair. Ifix4 Whjte al Wool Guaranteed, only $ 4. Go.' Our Country-made White, at $1.75 F. He OTianiiq DOOREST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. IBoots aund PECIAL Sales in Ladies' Fine worth $..00. VU Three Dollar Shoes is far better j" OH Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will IME is going on and our goods must QoME think this is just a blow. OW all we ask is lor you to give ns a A NI) to see the goods will convince other dealer. P 'RICES Low is our Motto. "?. . 33 O US --The election is pyer but T-Tmptfiy Clark still haa plenty of leal and wood at his yard on south 53rd street. Orders tak-n at central telephone office anil M. B. Murphy fc Co's store. Canon City $7.25 per ton; Iowa Lump $4.75; Momosia $5.00; tf O. P. Smith Si Co. have the finest dis play of holiday goods ever brought to to the city. A house to rent, handy to the busi ness part of the city. For infoi rnation call at this omce. Elson, the One Price Clothier, te selling the Chicago Hats at $1.90. Plenty of feed, Hour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf Ht Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. The holiday stock at Smith & Co. 7 is immense this year. Call and see it. If you have a watch, clock or jewelry of and kind you'want repaired good, take it to II. 1L GanlL AU work warranted fHver'"-!-v ptr pair, is xtta large hc, hi 1 : r.i rally tidvu tisi d as a big I aip.iii at 5 ( 0. 11x4 "White In I trial is lull " r" at $i.50 a air is a ttl l-aieain. $4.50,M tstt in liiMiM lhd Lb iktl is good value at $5.(0. $0.00, Itid Bbn.ktt txtniwt)j.ht in tl quality. 12x4 Ihd BlMiiktt at .(.( p r jair, made tip of the fimst wt 1. Brown niidCiav n.ixtd Blniktlf, at all piit-ts. , Onr $1. CO Ct infill, fdr pn.r (.tctl value. Our $1.50 CYn. f rt, gt t d tti ibly. print n.lid, ltd lit ing, 1'dNd with white batting. Our $2.10 rtntfcit, tt 1 lil.t, weight. ; Our $2.50 Ct ihfoil, lwr prrl aluts: Xo. 1. Favt Cobittl ( l.inlz I'lint, While Ct.lten Filhd, txlra i.e aid weil''. . Xo. 2. Fi.pcy Si.lne. mI.1 ltd lin ii)s, eb gent line of uUi n h Mil lob if. C)ur?:5.25 Iiiijoittd (lnlz lilttiiiH, vei v fni.f-v filliltf d. ixllH ' I I l' V I iliht. Our $4.1 0 I- me J i rt y 1 1 1 S-itine Lir.td, vtiy nhilx ,i 72x2. . ' ' . . . a :-(.ui lnt1, fizo Undei vear. Ladies' M hitt Ut lirt. V if.Sill ttifth ed, Silk bound, at f.O c i.ts tuth. Paidfl to match. Ladies' Extra Cue. H:ifi;r ,i-alily. White Jleiino Vests, .It in y i il l t d i-h vt s nt 75 cents each. I'aiits lo n t.tih i.t n ine price. Ladies' White Wool Vests. Silk JViil d antl Stitehtd.at $1.25. Ladies' Natural Wt tl Vifts ni,d Fni.ls at $1. CO t ut h, worth $1.25. Ladies' Scarlet Vests artl I'l.i fs. f n tt lh and soft, on'y $1.00 i nt h. La dies' St-iiiht Saxeny Wool Vn-tsaiitt Pants, tintst quality, at 81.75 inch. Lalii' Camels Hair Pants and Vrsls Betluced tt $:1.00 n suit, w orth $4.00. Full Lines of Children's, Mhste and Boys' Underwear. White, Scarltt. Natur al and Camels I Irtir at Low pi ices. Seal Plush Wraps. Our line of 1 lush Oiiimei ts this smson are made up of the best grath s of I.t n don Dyed ami Listcis Seal PIcsIhf, mid Every Gaimiiit Guarau'etd to wear. Our Plush Jaekcls nt $15.(0 are very cheap. Our English Walking .7 j: kt Is. three quarters h ngth. at $25, well woith $:!0. Our $25.00 Plush Sat qui s, sc-Jd tlse; wherc at $:i0.( 0 Our $:;0.00 Plush Sattptts woith fully $:)5.00. Onr $:)5.00 1'lush Sat tpits wt.ilh fully $40.00. Our $:;7.50 plush Sat-qms sJd every where at $45.00. Our $45.00 Plu.-h S.arijUis, regular city pi ice, $5.i. Sin e So Hand-Turned Shoes, selling now for only $.'5.50, than ever put on the maiket litre before, tqual ours. be sold. cal. you that we are selling ciuaptr than any Dr. C- A. Marshall. Resident XJcniGt. Preset yation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. ' A pot Jit tics'giyi n for AliJ .tii Fn i-iNo oh Extract ion pp Ti-.KTjf. Artificial teeth made en Gold. Hiher, Ilubber or Celluloid Piatt s, ai-d intittd 8 soon ug tci th rc CNtrafted whtp de sired. All work warranted. Prices rt asonabie, FlTXOKKAI.It'ri HiCH I'LATTBMOUTH. f. If jt J. C, BOOITE, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. R. AU work first-class; west Fifth Street North Robert Eher wood's Store. " J r 4 ?1