0 JL The Plattsmouth Daily Herald KNOT T 3 13UC S., Publishers & Proprietors. Tllli l'l.ATT.SMOUTII 1IKKAU n puMKI.f.i every 4'VfiiliiK ex-i-jt .Sun. lay p.iiU VVrvkly rvi-ry 1 liiirnlay iiioruini;. Iteuis- Irrfl at llm itnU f, I'.itt IiihiiI Ii. NHir.. hitihkI-i-I.ihh iiiato-r. l!li-e ritrncr i.t Vine ami 'HI" HftHl. l-;flllUK iNo. M. 1llKM nK I4AII.Y. imi ropy one -ar In Milvann-. l.y mall ?0 irfi ue -i'y -r iiioiilli. Iy rarrier wnecupy ricK, l.ycariur 15 TKKMH fun WKFKI.V. fm e'lpy on year, hi aclv.-tno $1 r, Ouocui.ym moult), in nil Vanc e Thk democratic 1'iijx rs arc now .1:131111 1 5 1 1 - 011 Ujc ol.l tin UK of "turn tin- ms C:i!jI out." Lxm; Sam (to D.ikoti) "Hello Da- koU. it Unit you knocking .' WlittV wanted? Dakota I want to conic into the union. Uncle Sam Come in, conn lu Dakota, take off tilings ami make yourself ut home. Your patriotic citizens fchull no longer be dejied their right.-. Hint rice KepuMicun. Ir is a pleuc.:rc to sec .laincu Crawford, our old-time county commissioner in at tendance upon the district court as j juror; nlo, such gcntle-iiK-n ns Mr. Davis of Itock JJliifT precinct, K. A. Kirkpatrick of NVImwku, II d verstott of Liberty, Jcyiia of Avoca and a number of other leading citizens of the couutv, whose 1 a lies we arc unable to recall. The court remarked in our hearing the other even ing that the present was an exceptionally i-trong jury. (JltOVKR Cl.KVKI.ANl, it U S.lid, IS go in;; to reside in New Jersey after the close of his term in the presidency. There fire several reasons WI13' the president should have a sort of fellow-feeling for 'ew Jersey. That was the only northern state-, with the tole exception of Connec ticut, which gives an electoral vote to tiiui this year, and it was the only north ern state, without any exception what ever, which voted as Cleveland did in ltM, and declared the v.'.ir a failure. Tiik Uur!initon Ifuirkeye says tint Senator Ingiljs in his speech in IJmling ton jitft prior to the election, indicated pretty broadly what kind of a "civil nor vice reformer" he is. An Atchison, Km., dispatch reports him as saying: '! I could have my way on the 4th of next March I would remove every mother's wn of them. That is my idea of ad vanced, refined civil service reform. 1 give notice now to the democratic cilice hollers of Kansas that if my will shall prevail, not to stand on the onhr of their going, but go at once. J11 the same connection he uttered the chail )" that if the democratic party has a worse opinion of him than he had of tiie dem ocratic party, then (Sod help the demo cratic party. K-ferring to pensions the senator said he was in favor of placing every soldier who fought for the Ameri can flag, cither in the war for the union or 111 me .Mexican war, on twe pension j list. Tllli a VliPL US PliMtLKX A OA Hf Two of the leading financial journals of the country have juwt submitted plans for the Solution of the surplus problem. The New York Financial Chronivle propositi the repeal of the entire internal revenue system, and the Xew York (Join-mrrt.-ialjnlletin suggests that the senate pa.a its taritr bill, and that in conference the three principal features of that meas ure be agreed upon between senate and house. The Ohroni'Ju's plan would, on tins basis of the receipts in the past two II seal years, cut down the government's annual income to tins extent of about $120,000,(10". To meet the objection that the receipts from customs and inia-ci-lbiiu-ous sources would not meet tin; expenses of the government, (he Cnoni ih proposes the repeal of the sinking fund act also. The Hull' tin's plan would cut off about 000.000 from tin? federal income $::(, 000. 000 from the repeal of certain internal taxes, $jJ,000, 000 from the reduction of the duty on sugar,, and $.1,000,000 from the imports placed on the free list. The Chtunbsltx scheme, although far from being novel, possesses, in a striking degree, the virtue of simplicity. We can not, however, discover any. other virtue in it. A majority 01 the republicans as well as a majority of the democrats undoubtedly favor the removal of the taxes en tobacco and 011 the alcohol used in the arts, but not one out of fifty would eontenance the abolition of the tax on vhiskey in any contingency now in sight. The Jinlhtiiis method has the merit if being sensible and logical. The republicans can urge no weighty objec tions against it l:cc;nisc it makes noalter- ition in the bill framed by the republi can senate except in dropping that por tion changing duties 011 metals and textiles. Nor can any objection be reasonably made to this scheme by the leinocrats. As far as it goes it fs in line with the policy of both parties. Never theless There is not the slightest probabil- ty that tljo surplus problem will be sol veil by the Hfticth congress, on this or any other plan. Globs Democrat. THE DAILY nUlAlv : i L ATTsMO ti'rH , H &tl U ASRA SATtlftDAV, MoVB MBtttt 24, isSS. A LUNATIC'S LIFE. k CHAPTER FROM THE STORY OF . A MAN'S MADNESS. 1 IlrovorJ ;.'ii:n:.c UcroiuiU 111 Ex eilenco i.j tlm Vm!J of liiluluuvel Mlud.t Truth X.iaii-rr Tlu.u I'letloo A Quirk I :. i v. Mil. Powii:r:i.Y will have his own way with the Kniiihts of Labor for ome time to come. He has paved the road for bu re-election is jcncr.il Master orkman on the terms, prescribed by himself, and is to have a General Executive Hoard practi cally named by himself. Sleeping changes made in the ollloeis of the order and the method of electing them were ujadc last Tuesday. The most import ant of tlietfi ivns in the constitution of the General Executive Hoard. This was reduced from seven members to five j including the Master Workman. The j other four members are to be elected bv the General Assembly from a list of eight to be presented by the Master Workman himgelf. Tlii makes the ontrolling body emphatically a one- !iiui power, which is desireable from m: points of view but dangerous from j others. I Democratic contemporaries thiw our- . - I .T t- 1 . , r TTTr, ""I . I - iilou in claiming that the state election IT is to bp rejected that any portion I , , D , 1 . I r-ii urn faiisj 01 increase 111 inc I icmocratic vote since 1 nm to be greater than tlic republican. The contrarv is the case in Iowa, and Kansas, whic h goes to show that Nelraika is catching ili- j Jloatiwj population of the prohibition I stat s. Democracy and prohibition, like weeds and blue grass are inimicil. He- itrice Express. of the democratic press or party, can found in the north rejoicing over a solid j south yet, such is bourbonism in ail its repulsivcness. Listen to the Jonrunl of last evening, chuckling oyer the supposed fact that the republicans did not carry the two states of Virginia, and thus break ...!. i. 'n.. - it:-.. up 111c suiiu 90U111 . 1 lie i ei hi ui i .u;s t tlM fairly carry both of these states and no well informed 111 Kn ilonbts thi f.i. I rr, , t .1 , ' What Am I To Do? . e .t .u 1 111 1 ne symptoms or oiiiousncss are un- cratic party of the south should bet iiiuht ! . .. . i i 1 ,- r 1- - ! "apply but too well known. They differ that the election franchise is not a thinir . . 3 "in.i 1 .11 wi.nieui iiiuiviiiuais io some extent. A oilious man isseldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of .1- 1-1! 1 .? iuer mm tuari nea or constipation mav !e a symptom or the two may alternate. influence and couraire after him. he i 1 "tre are often hemorrhoids or even loss 1 ! of Wood. There may be jjiddiuess and .... 0 , i 1 i i.i.- I ofteu "Gaelic and acidity or flatulence 01 ii..u-, v.-c.cv.-l4 L-jr ilv.- t-ieciiou. an(l tenderness in the pit of the stomach The overwhelming republican majority ! To correct all this if not effect a cure try in this country and the return of the re Greens Auy1t.1t Flower, it costs but a publican party to powei in the American j tnne ana t"Qsanas attest etlicacy congress means mai a repuoneau Kuvcrn- j The Daily Herald delivered for Uifrid ct vvei'i us " form is to be - l.lcts. per week. s guaranteed the people of the whole union, j If it must come with a revolution in' $500 Reward the stat-s where suffrage is mule n i V,Te will pay the above reward for any , 11 1 1 i : case or liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick bveword and a mockery let the revo- 1 i v .. ' J 1 . - j neaoaciie, indigestion, constipation or lution come. Vk e nave naa enougti. j costivcncss we cannot cure with more than enough, of rebellions i est s egetable Liyer Pills, when the I wai i:n;.!!y taken out of tho regular wards ami pi.t i;u j I ico called Eotany Itay. ;it ibe end of the lawn, where the maddest inaniacj wire consigned to btrait jackets, dungeoii cliains and tho tortures of n living lull. WUd, borriblo, urearthly slirioks sounded i:j my ears night and day, and till tho imps of phn- di-inoiiiuui nun ti.ili-d in an inlVi uul bat talii.n could not have inado i:ioro clangor to in v mind. All was "liko tiwwt Lclls jangled out of tunc." 1 was turned into an open vault room to puimlo with tho rest of the wild animal-;, but soon -the doctors and attendants learned . tht I was a royal Deiigal ti.yer and would not herd with common lic-uLts. I iuiiueili alt ly put to flight tho biggest of tho drove and made them cower before my imagined Biipcriority. A big, burly at tcndaiit linal'y tJiiUHtl up behind rue. felled mo to the floor and dragged i:ie to u dark room, where I was chained to the wall, ht rapped to si bare iron cot, pun ished turn relinked for a poor, distorted mind that God in his wibdoai endowed uie with. TAKING HA VAGI: REVENGE. The blow of tho attendant rankled more in iny mind than body. 1 deter mined to be even with the ignorant brute who struck me. One day when 1 had galueil a little liberty, I awaited the attendant behind the door ef my cell, and as be passed by I utruck him with my boot keel, tho only weapon I had. I came near killing tho fellow and was of course, disciplined again; but I felt in my heart that the blow I struck the brute was only a partial punishment for the many secret injuries lie had inflicted on my brother lunatics. Tcr weeks I was confined in a small basement room, with an upper grated window to admit light and airl My doer was bolted and food was jioked through an aperture, as wild beasts are led iaa circus cage. All was lonclv and Fad until I mado friends of two little mice and n family cf gray fpidcrs that sought iny tell for safety. Part of my dailv food was fict apart for the mice. At lirst they were shy of my impul.-ive movements and shrieking voice and would dart into their hole like ;i Hash, jut finally kindness be sot confidence. conlidenc banished tear, and in a short time they ale from my hand, played on the cot" or danced iroiuid the room to a low musical triil that 1 whistled for their amusement. The big dark t pidcr.'i would come out of men-woo tiMilpat Jhe Jiiea J caught for their meal. Sometimes they would light for their food, but like a metropolitan policeman 1 came to the rescue when ixui were cxiiaustt with a straw. Li! housekccijcr the wife wpukl soon goto v.oi-k wcawng a line mown garb around the innumerable eggs .she laid, while the old man" would spin long yarns up and clown the walls, scampering over bis rowing web with the mathematical precision of a scientific surveyor. lie was perfect in all bis gossamer lines, and the octagonal shapes that si-emiuglv grew out of his mouth and feet tilled life with a nameless surprise. Vht:i the mice or the spiders beard footst: u:y door they would immediately : ; j !:!y or work t;nd run into their he !. i . ing to kne;v that n r.t man wr.s i i his round of j2;iiorpte to i. u.ter to the in sane. Days and wee l:s wore nwav, t.U i;ill my mind rambled in !; Lrinrs and tlower:; of imagination. 1 would tr.lk bv tho hour to imagined spirits that Heated ut.cut me. a:il in the rajiture of my fer vt::t soul sjiin poetry faster than mv . j iders spun their webs. I dashed into f:i.r,hts of eloquence that mi-iht have iijualed the llucncy of Demosthenes, Mirabcau or I'ati jck" Henry, HIS STRANGE COiIPANION3. It would take a volume to describe the diocrent kinds of lunatics and the vari ous forms that the mind takes on in its ravings. There is the chattering type, as ho walks tho wards and taps the bars Iiko a caged Least There is the moody, low browed man, siUintr alone, counting over his linger tins or watching the flies MAKING A BOOK. T.!io Ordinary N'oeJ Th KcirntlUo Book. MuoiMcript, i:irctrotypliir, etc How is a book made? Well, it dependn tifion what kind of a book it is. An or diaary, every day novel is made in this way: Firrt tho manuscript is received at the literary departnient of the publish ing house to which it is sent, and is quickly consigned to the mercies, tende-r or otherwise1, of a corps of readers, num bering in a large publishing house say, half u dozen. A favorable opinion of a majority of tho readers will in most cases determine tho value of a manu script, and if it receives that then nego tiations are entered into with the author. Often :x royalty is paid, and asoften, per haps, the manuscript is bought outright. Of course this depends largely Uon the aumors reputation, ir no lias any, and njjon the kind of books he has written. Tor instance, more risks could lie legiti mately laken by tho publisher on an author who has previously written books which had sold well than upon a novice. As naturally, also, there is a larger sale for a look on a jiopular subject than lor one on a scientific or abstruse subject. Sometimes the author pays for the electrotype plates from which the book is printed, but this is not done very often, for authors arc not rich as a class. Tho manuscript having been accepted and carefully editcd, and negotiations for its list) having been successfully concluded, it is sent tothecemiposiugroom and tlun divided into "takes," as they are culled, among the comjHsitorH. After it is set up proofs are struck off and sent to the author for revision, fctomctimes he gets three sets of proofs before everything is all right. From tho galleys of typo elec trotype plates, from which the book is to bo printed, are made and these are lilted into tho presses and the printing begun. If a large first edition is wanted a largo number of presses are set to work, and vico versa it a small tdition. As the book cr.mc3 from the presses it is sent Jn certai i ..r-ntiijes to the drying room, where the j . ;;j;d Ink are thor- ougniy orien. i u.i.i i:,e ilrying room it goes to the bimxry ;.:;d i.; bound. The uiggest expense ecimre ied with the mak ing of a hook i.i probably the cost of elec trotype plates, l ew publishing houses issue out one pook at a lime, for by pub lishimr sevt ral (o:r thor exnresKne ami other incidental items of exjense are saeu. ,iapy puhiislicrs count the second eelitjoq (f uTmok iiearly c!e;u profit, all tho expenses havinr lieen reckoned n commgon tho 4nst edition. The illus trations on the covers of books are mostly made by c.rtLts whoso sole business it. iu to do that kind of artistic work, To a publishing bouse like Harper's, for in stance, a special corps Of these ::rtiutn ttuieiieii, and tlie'y are paid ijood arie's. Ii a scicntiiic hook is to be pul- u-iieu, liisteaii oi K-nuing the manuscript to the ordinary corps of readers it is sent to a fjcu ptUic man whoso reputation as an c.pcu pi i lie particular science in question is higli. JNew York Press. II IS G0RMM6I IjfrOJV'T you know it ? O'rutrsr you do and yen will want warm Under wca , hlanhcis, cfr. QUIZ Line is Unsurpassed by any other li the city. A handsome ne m --ARJXTY of Seasonable Dress Good., cloths, Henrietta Cloths, Treeols etc. rr((d- nianhefs, Flannels, Bed Ballings, that you will J:ij:iiioio Hiiuicr Ktiqizcttc Ji.. j - nvii mo iruesis arrive, sav lor in- ner, tho poljtenes:; of paradise i.; turned loose. With creat apparent !:- inn they enter, iKiwiusr iow with tin ii- b-.m! to t ne lescue when on their knws if u , e 4 t u riitS, "i 1h'" n lh( ir kn"8 "and touching ih& l , 1 ' foreheaels almost to the ground if they are laeties. u0 ir:,t) Japanese calutat jpn ccr respontls exactlv to "tho Norwegian "Tal' for sidst ' 'Thank you for the leaser? I had the la.-t time I met von." Ihij. however, is i t;t the merest beginning t.i Japanese greeting. A conversation simie thing after this blyle ensues: "I beg your parelon for my rudene-s pn the last occa- ilt... r. -. . . ...... 1 ... m:i juu biiy stieil a thing ion. when it was 1 who failed to show you due courtesy V "Far from it! I received a lesson m good manners from you." "How can ycu condescend to come to such a poor heuise as this?" "How can you, indeed, bo so kind as to receive such an unimportant person ns myself under your dlstbigulshed ropfr" All this punctuated with low bows and tne sour.u cf breath sucked rapidly in between the teeth, expressive of great empresseiuent. At last, amid a linr chorus of arigatos, the guests come to anchor upon the floor. Various objects are ,v iu vixieiiuiu ine'in, a cu rio or two, a few photographs, anythin", no matter w hat, for it is de rigueur in Japanese etiquette to affect a great inter est and admiration on such occasions. uoston l ransenpt. YERYTinxa in Comforts, Hosiery, want- -0U will not regret 1 looking oar dijferait partmcnts over before jrurcltasin . Jl pay you. J)c-ivill (r- JfYllJVA 1HJGS and a Handsome Line of C pets, Malts, Floor Oil Cloths, and Linoleum at Low Prices. E. G. DOVEY & SOW MM mm Store. Special Sale cuinineiicin KovemLor lL'tli, conti,,!,!,. om Inn J;J iff VO( r m VA v f IUU0 I ,u?,;i vyiouKs una uinle ren s Vcir. 'r eo "11 h.. !.,. oltereel iitivwhere in the. elti T .io.;.,.,f :n A Jail Clrd'a Good Luck. If hittington's cat cannot be placed among well authenticated Felidse. manv a man has attained the glory of lord mayoralty in ways fully as romantic as PIUSR WRAPS 41. -4.-.-.T, .... " . . ... .4, ...n.l ii. i.... ,.,t """"VI h nutington in the nurserv tale. the sunsT; ner T n Z, ter was a debtor confined in of fraud to be used by a class aristocracy j solely fer the purpose of a minority rul ing the majority. The Virginias present a first-class starting point for this reform. Men like Gen. GolT and Mahone have the courage anil followers in those states to see that republican votes are counted ami j we hope it will b3 done. Just as soon J sis tin? confederate bulldozer nods he i lias to face the music with men of J fraud and Mexican polit'cs in the so- Cf" called Soliel South. It is a fact that in directions are stnrtlv complied with. tney are purely yegctaoie, ana never fail to five Satisf:irHnn I.orirn Iu.tdi the Kiclimonel district alone, enotigU re j jontaimng SO sugar coated pills, 2oc. publican voters were cooly prevented; for sale by all druggists. Beware of from voting by the shameful trickerv of ' counterfeits and imitations. The gen- i - i i i" . I nine manufactured only by John O. We democratic election judges who kept;, p. o.., w ,r J- ",; nI ; ... . :, I & Co., 8fiJ W. Madison St. Chicago,and them standing in lines, until the polls ; 3oiti i(y w j Warrfrk. closed, under tho pretext that the acr ! and resolution submitting a couscitu .S;'"" euU3 pnao ceuertnan : 1-.1-. 1..1 i.. i . . tion.n aracnament naa to os solemnly . m uy 1?,.:-iCI:cc lo eo stocp to reaa tocacn voter oetore ne put ins oai- ttxuScl low deciee. ar iloncT lot in the box, while in the other voting prfcinrts the republican voters wen The stanelarel remedy for liver corn driven from the polls. These things plaint is West's Liver Pill-; they nevei inut cease and under the new order of l;s.-ipp int you. 30 pills 2-ic. At War thinss it should bo attended to at once. tick's drug store. There is the ereneral n? be strides the halls, commanding large armies and fighting great battles at I'harsalia or Waterloo, who imagines lumself a Ca?sar or Napoleon. There is tho king in all his royal glory, carrying a broom for a scepter and a torn sheet for a purple robe. In tho next ward can bo seen his consort, imitating the strut of Queen Victoria, straws and chicken feath ers in her hair fot a royal crown, and a simpering smile for the poor subjects who gaze upon her pretended rank. There comes tho confidential, wise In ventor, who will tell you of the great things he has done, of the millions he controls, ana the umumerable ships that plow the ocean for his pleasure and profit. There, too, is the self styled Jesus Clirist, who preaches forgiveness and salvation, ending with a blessing and general absolution from sin and ask" ing in return only a bit of tobacco. In fact tho very earth blossoms at his will, and uie sun. n commanel th.nt keeps him from shutting up tills universal world and retiring into chaos. See there another Ophelia posturing be fore a looking glass, with comb in hand and tanglexl hair, sighing or weeping for a lover or father snatched from her warm embrace. She speaks: "They say the owl was a baker's daughter. Lord! we know what wo are, but know not what we may be." Fer a month after my arrival in the asylum I did not sleep, but finally a largo dose of laudanum did its erfect work, ami after a death like dream of seventy -two hours I awoke, as emerging out of another world, and the pistonrod of lunacy flew back into the cylinder of reason and began to move in "its accus tomed groove. My hot fever, contracted by liard study at school, had nerves had relaxed, mv voice rosmnp.l its natural tone, and tire'd nature Inv a drooping plant in the midday sun. 1 was soon admitted to the privilege cf the lawn, walks and garden, and the 1st day A September, I860, after a lunntio si jf two months and tea days, I was pro nounced "reccvered," and from that day lo IIiLj hiivo never felt the insjne speU ;rct . orer uie John A. Joyce in CLi "ago i ritnae. We have an im mense line and will the jail of Ludsrate. which onc ctrwrwt over the gate on the hill, a very little way W'CSt Of St. Paill'S. Thfr Wc a frota which every elay a prisoner was allowed discount same 25 per " V44 4. A. (. C444 4J3 UH I CHOWS, 3.11(1 here one dav Foster at. A itmWw widow passing by gave liini money, in- cent, as they must be "js case, ana took lum into n--i bi-i tee. ne 6avea ms wages, trailed successfully, married the widow, and in uuo time oecame fcir Stephen Foster jwi luaj ui 01 ixiniion. in ms prosperity ho forgot not his days of adversity, and founded a charity for prisoners which was long kept up in tho jail of Ludgate aw.i eommemoratea m ms enitanli. The r,.nt,.w 1 x sold before the end oi tiie season. Our Why Thi-y Didn't Come Down. "3iiss Coolbroth," said the landlady to the ancient boarder at tho Sunday din ner, '-let me give you the wishlxmo of mis cmcircn. ur course vou know thnt j v.,. ... wv?1" f " ? YU1' ana if jou put it over the door the first cen moon and stars give light at his tleman who passes unde?it is fated to be nel. It is only a generous charity your husband." "Oh, thank you," said the blushing boarder, as she gkinced coquettishly at the long rows of hungry clerks at the iol.Tri T,11 4 i- - . PLUSH SEORf WRAPS C 3 garments. We sell them at S 1 4 . 5 0. worth all of $20.00 table. "I'll put it over the dininfr rnom loor, and these gentlemen will have to oeware, "Dear me," said the landlady the next ixioimiig, --mo oreaiaast bell rang half an hour ago and not one of the young u-ivii naa iroiiie to tne taoie vet. 1 won der what can be the matter." im sure I cant imagine," replied Jiiss Coolbroth, dolefully. Chicago iM'Vi S. Would Be a Sensation. Mi-s. Duemesne I suppose you sing or MLis NewcociiT Oh, no; I'm not at uu iuusje-ai. : mm m I A r- I Ilk n m mm mm mam PLUSH MAPS Plush Cloaks we hell for 20 ell elsewhere at $27. rjHusli Clonic .11 4". . vt; sen ii ir ,'. el! for $10 fell elsewhere at 50. Ilu,h Cloaks wo sell for S4."i s. ll eisewiieie at y('ti. A Full Line of the lowest fankets e have Comfortables and E A. Fiue Selected Line of from $1.00 up to 9.fi0 a j.air. the linest la cent J'attin in the city. UNDERWEAR In Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Stripe, Prices lower than any house in the city, as we are over-stocked with these goods. liSS.feS.K'gdgSl""-1' CALL AND SATISFY T0UIISELVES. Mrs. Duejuesne Well, then, I suppose " Yours Respect! ul ly, . Airs. Luquesne (eagerly) Oh, you dear "TT gu-1, how loyely! You must promise to II come to every one of my receptions, loull bo such a sensation! Pittsburg Lullctin. , . W We! TT A ....