The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 23, 1888, Image 2
The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS 13EC 3., Publishers & Proprietors. THE IM.ATTSMOUTII 11KKAI.I ! ptililithfil evi-ry ev-iiliiK fx--t Siimln Rn.l Wrukly -v ry niursnay " "s- - terrd Mt Hie Mi.fnii ', r.aiiK-nn'iiiii. .tin., .oii.l-liis iiiutlt-r. Olliie corufr ol ine and If lit Mretls. Titus ro DA I IV. On copy one j-nr In nlvane, ly mail One copy prr month, 'y "'artier One copy -r erk, hy carrier . 15 T(M ran wkkklv. One eopy oe rear. In advance One copy fix monias. in advance... 51 " 75 will le one luiii'lrcd ami tliirty tlirve rejHiMic.-m votrs on a joint l:tllt in the Nehrika leisUtnn-. Tiik jovi Tiuni'iit Imi'iMIiilj at NVIiMsk.i City will h; completed ju-it in time fr t'.e new republican postm iter. We understand Mint at a ' little" meet in hehl in a down town olliee the other eyjnint; it was decided who is to he post m ister. So, so. Lom S. kvii.i.i: Wkst lian packed his household g'ods and will leave Wash ington. He has one consolation and that Is Cleveland will follow him on the 4th of next March. Tiik lie has hecn between Kentucky's favorite statesman and the democratic moyul of Colorado. IHickhuru aud Ituckcr, the one a senator and the other a jude in four states, cannot do other wise in the present stress of popular feel ing than to right it out with shotguns an. I side arm. They both hail from "bad men's states." Lincoln Journal. Here is a gain of over 70,000 in the Republican pluralities iu the twenty-two northern states, a gain obtained in spite of the most vigorous campaign and lav ish expenditure of money the democrats have made in u quarter of a century. With the national administration and all the olHces practically in their hands they were not only not able to make any ad vance, but lost ground. IJut even this showing does not give the full dtm emt io loss. The democrats were also unable to maintain their standing in the eight southern states in which a contest was possible. The official democratic majori ties in thes? states in 188-1 and the estimated majorities for this year are given in the table below: is.i. js. Delaware 4.01.1 :j..;:"J Virginia 5.111 1 West Virjinli 4.2-'I Sout'i Carolina 17 L-imhh Kniiucky 3l.fcv.i :mmmo TnnseJ - !i.l 17 (t ie JMM-ourl .Tl.o:: IT. fitn Arani:it n.U A'.dio Total... iai.S- 1 l-t.!-s:i Democratic loss 1'- 4i'7 Th -j estimated majorities in iv bo too small in one or two instances, but they will certainly ex caret I the oitieial tignrt s in others. After nothing this loss in a tier of states that has been regarded as soli My democratic it is instructive to look al the republican pluwiliti.s in the northwestern states where the democrat boasted so loudly that they would make gains. This is the showing for this year aud for four years ago: ISM. 1 Iiiitana Illinois Mirh'iran.... W ? nsi II... Minnesota... Iowa i;.47 D. - ' SJ7 2 M -'" :j .Ins I'J l' UKs i:'. 41. -0 : ::.i1 7 l'J 7-.1 3-1.3-;i Total (W Iii.liana)..77.S.'J Uepublican Kaiu :7-. 5 ,Vi The lesson taught by these figures i- so plain that he who runs may read. Tin-y prove indisp-itably that the hold of t lie republican party on the northern states Ins been sen-ubly strengthened and that the grasp of the democracy on the south ern states is senilly weakening. IW ir THE FIGURES TA LK. Our republican readers may profitably clip the following figures (from the Philadelphia Frtss ami paste them in their hats for immediate use every time they hear a democrat blowiug over tar iff reform gains in Mu northwest. The figures are so refreshing and consoling to the de:n uratic hop?: The total vote has as yet been compi led in only a few of the States, but the jipproximate majorities in all of the Northern states and in many of the Southern states have been announced The ollieial figures in some eases will not be given until Mm State Legislatures meet in January, but they will vary only slightly from the present footings The returns already In are accordingly accu rate enough to give a general idea of the results of the election and to admit of some instructive comparisons. One r.f the most suggestive of these is that ob tained in comparing the Republican pluralities in the Northern States this year with those polled in the same States four years a no. The following table gives the ofiieial pluralities of ls4 and the reported or closely estimated plurali ties of 1888: l-SJ. Kep. California tt.l-'S IH-Iil. Culurait s..";j Connecticut 1.270 llinoi 1T,1IS Indiana e Iowa V 77:t K a ii 4a ''1.C74 Maine .-i.f.' M;v4rliu-:t ... -.'I..-S72 Michia" 3 ."j s Minnesota U.tVi elntk.t 2"J..'Jl Nevada l.fil New Hampshire. 4.(Vt jow .1 rsey ..... 4.4l-i ,Sevrork UJi: Oh!n Oregon i:Sn Pennsylvania. .. 61.1"" Rhode Islaud Wruiiiiit 3W.I7 J V Iseoi jtia.. 14.6US !.. .1- ..4-17.101 13.172 4JI.AJI V;.7: irJ...ii. I. in t.luraiitv ill ISK4 S I. I.! ii. if, LlnrjilltV In 4vi;!5 c . j. i' - I IIi'li. It in. !.10H 1-V00 . . . :i. ' i s, .v m s mm 'JJ.'.Kl .... 7-r;) ' 'Z 1" . .. , . a i.oi7 .-.1 ion I.IK) I 37t I2.;. ...... win 77: .vxi 23?4 2V- J;, p:tb!lcan tfala ovrrl4 71 THE DAiLV ilEllALO i i'LiiiSfloTtiolCASKA. FPlUAV, iOVEMBEU 23 1SS8. I - " " 1 . - i oak Vi'udllllll.tnil. I A A wi-:m.-ksows Fietuh caterer of New York paid his election the other night. It was a choice dinner for several per sons. The bill of fare was as follows: oyster. Four month more. Son i', CWHjomI-I- it. Ki-h. llrVallriulit. KH-v I'ilet ! ISoenf it la lii'I'Ul'lK'iill. K in;; County I'otaluco. Klilree. IJraiid Kntree. M.rch 4. 1'J, Wert ViiKinix iTiaj)lii. Sorlxt. Indiana. K 'list. Canvas I over. Salaile. Iwm dre.-swi?. Kro.eii out Di-inix-rati. hi nit. l'..tiulaiia. (ale. Linioirt. In l!i dark. Tinpcaime whiskey, Clears: Jlcnry (lay. NATURE'S MUSIC. laiiln up tliy nilver sands, O looinlnK sea. Tho pines thatxkirt tliee c itch thy iiiiuslreLy, And over all ll. forest swJ1m a toi:o That echoes hut tho tnuiiie of thiuo own. Half Kill-lit, rivers Rlide. sa-e murmuring n aves fhvak Khu;hif when the swcepinR current laves, lii.-iHTiii amon tho pebbles, low anil sweet; So low. ko sweet, wild birds tho strain rel-cat, Down thmugh great velvet cliffs, rich with f.reen DJ0S3, lir.K. Ki'ttering chains, the slippins torrents loss, i-hiveriiiK and dailiuR 'neath tho arching trw-s. Tho wandering winls in mystic minor keys :"irT their love sonars ubove tho waves aud ren ks In hnrinony that every heart unlocks. Helen L. Carr7. SWnohlns a Crncol I'ipc. "Exactly. Your bead aches, your eves I Mother you and your throat is always parched," said a well known physician, diagnosing the case of a patient. "Now I can tell just what brings on theso dilli '.uliics. You smoko a corncob pipe. Isn't that a factV" Tho sufTercr replied in the afilrmative, but was curious to know bow Mie doctor U arncd what kind of a pipe be used. "1 see so much of this that I couldn't help knowing what ailed you," explained tho medical man. "lien apparently en joying perfect health conio to mo every ;Jjv. They aro great big. robust fellows, ;:nd thev all sufl'cr in tho s;iine causes. At first "I was nonplused, and led myself to Ijclieve that it was a new disease, but I finally discovered that tho whole trou Uo was caused by corncob pipes. It needs no credulity on your part. Notice yourself when you are smoking a corn cob a sickly, overpowering odor, which HI up your throat and lungs, and causes a smarting sensation of the tongue. That is tho smoko of the burning cob, and it contains enough creosote to cure a bam." New York Evening bun. In (ho New First Ucailor. "ITow the wind blows!" "Yes; it is almost a hurricane, fee bow it twists the branches oif the sturdy ;; ecs! Man v a good ship will go down i i this gale!" "Ah! but d you see the woman? She can scarcely face the howling wind." "Yes, I sto her. Perhaps you think ber four children aro dyuig and bho is jjjoing for a doctor."' "It must ho a case of life or death to call her out." "Nothing of the kind. She i.; eimply i.Tler a uovcl and a pound of caramels. ; :ul she will put in a couple of hours I jthering the ft ore clerks. There is .-.aotlier. and another a dozen of tin in." "And will thy go home refreshed?" Verv much ten times as much ns Si' thev bad remained at home ami darned : :ockmgs or re wed on a buttcu or two." Detroit l'Teo less. A I-I-11 for InveKtisators. It was htatcd thirty ycaiv, ago that rn .-rdinary battery would impart to a per : -ct electric motor only one horse power ; f energy from a consumption of two ,oundsof zinc per hour, while a good 'ream engine would give an equal power : .om two pounds tcr hour of tho much . ! ics( per coal. Professor Ayrton now as . rts, however, that zinc batteries may . Inj made an importanfnnd cconomi- .d source of incchanical energy, and that . iev may funii;-li a rolution of tho prob ; ai of converting the energy cf coal into . lectric energy without the wasteful !eam engine. Before this can bo ac . omplished it will bo necessary to find a j rocess of unburning tho oxidi;:etl zinc at a cost comparable with the cost of an ; i;ual weight of coal, so that the nietaJ ; ..'ay 1x3 cheaply used over pnd over. Arkansaw Traveler. The Life of a Watch. A first class American watch, well 1 ept, will last thirty or forty years, or ;..iactimcs even longer, before the works v. car out, but the averago lifoof an or i iiiary low priced American watch is i. n years, and that of a Swiss watch, of tae same grade 63vcn years. Tho length . i' life for a watch depends largely cn '.:ie number of its jewels. The rango of ; .rice3 for American watches runs from ,1 to $j00, tho ct;st!iest being a split sec : nil minuto register timing watch. In l!:o United States alxut a,5U0 watches arc i.-.anufactured every day. Tlio Wallham u ctory turns out 1,500 per day and tht rigin factory betw-u 1,200 and 19,CC0. J.'liicago Herald. Nafo to Kiapioy. Dank OHicial You say you would like z position as cashier. Applicant Yes. !J. t. Do you Ik; long in the city? A. No: I've come from Canada. 15. O. Is that ycur native place? A. Yes. i;. o. Why did you leave it? A. My doctor's advice. 15. O. Climate too severe? A. Yes. P.. O. Ever intend to go tack? A. Never; it would be certain death. 15. O. Eureka! You are just the man v-e- want. Kcjmrt iu the cud be ::.ol.!led as catliior. Yankee Elude. M -. minim;; III I- inaiu-ial Suils. I5u:: Eo vou carry two watches. Jack, cr is that double chain a bluiT? Ji-ck No l-luff, Cus, I carry a Y.'atcr :.;:rv in cue jacket and a Jurgcncn io t'-o:!:cr. Cur, What's that for? Juck Win n a man to whom I owe n-ouev asks iie I he lime 1 consult my W::uil ::iy. but when a stranger or S .dv v.r.nts the Fame infcrmaiion it's the Jjrgen. cu t! :.t ;;ivcs it. and don't you fwigct it. 'll:e EjK-:b. Too Imilniiiit Was. C!i. vo-.i v. irdicr. y;u have a stonp :. : ::! ytu !":.! the r.ut said vben lie :. ir.'.n t'.e !uii. I'cw j.i ; :.:v j:a.r.' virl::;::; !y ii.di; .-:.t i:.;.:: I'.:-' f !.. ::t v. Ik-:i la i;uls bi- .U cL'.v. iUcjJ Tlio Cnrse of the Toppy. The sallow complexion of tho people cf China, their emaciatel forms and languid movements attract our atten tion everywhere :-.l :ig tho river. 1 do not see a bcau'i,:.! b.ce or figure, nor a rosy check ; : i.;. 1 leaden color is on nH fawes. ohl : i.ui male and fe male. I Im.!; ;:l the bi o::. swift l iver, I feel the est. I, t bar I re; I ga.e at the high gie:i l.iil;. tho f.owing rivulets and tho wide spreading trots overhanging the baiidet.i. l'pii tic mountain sides are hot! and buii'iredj of workmen; uprc-acb those busy laUuers and you will si-e this deat!ili!.e pallor on all faces. The climate set ins the acme of perfec tion a l.iig. pleasant rummer, with a cool, agreeable autumn and bracing win ter: yet there i a want of energy and life among the jx-ople. There is plenty of food, and of excellent (piality for China rice, wheat, millet, pea:., l eans, corn, oils and fruits of many varieties all within the means of the buiiiLlest kdorcr. I ( liter a largo field near n hamlet, by tho Hide of a luxuriant growth of t ijien ing wheat. The livid is clean, not a weed vi.-ible; but close together and four feet I Ugh stand stalks with large dry heads, brown and decaying now. for their blight llowers faded a month ago. These decaying stalks speak; theytell mo why the death pallor is upon all fleer., from tho shriveled form of age to the bowlegged child sitting in the cottage door. O wductivo viper, curse of mill ions! Who c.hall dare to stand up in the presence of this fading, degenerating people and say the evil is not widespread and fatal. Traverse the fairest portions of nil the provinces; net the cities alone, but the ijuict, out of tho way places are l.11 satu rated and liesmeareu with the black paste, even to tho goL "Western China." A Weed ins a Telos. In Telos wedding presents are exceed ingly practical, and partake chiefly of tho nature of food to bo consumed at the wedding festivities; and toward even ing on this day, when all the baskets of grain had been gathered together, the young men of tho village distributed it to bo ground in tho hand mills, and for the ( pace of two hours nothing was to he heard in tho town save tho monotonous grinding of tho two stones, and the equally monotonous songs cf the women engaged in this occupation. It was nearly dark when Peter, the bridegroom elect, was informed that all the Hour was ground, whereupon certain young men of his acquaintance, with llutes, bag pipes and lyres, escorted him from house to house to collect this Hour iu large tacks. At each house they tarried for a little time, tho instruments played and tho voung men and maidens danced a curi ous little dance, in which ono man and one maid alone took part, at tho same time singing little love songs a3 they move to and fro. From bouse to house they wandered, singing and dancing all tho evening, e.rsl when the tlour was col lected they took it to Catharine's bouse, where a table was spread, at which the women who had ground the grain and tho young men who had accompanied the bridegroom were entertained. Al ter this meal, and when all were merry with wine, the dancing began again, and con tinued well into tho night; it was very interesting nnd pretty to watch tho inter laced Cretan dance, the quiet, stately tinging dances, and tho brilliant acro batic feats of the leader of the circulac dance. Thus ended the great prcnuptial ceremony of "the greater flour." Getir Menian'a 'Magazine. 3Ion!iejV Aversion to Cruelty. In Ilindostan, where three vari '.1. r. of sacred monkeys enjoy the free; . i i f every town, those four lianded pe:. I: . j oi'ten assist tho police in enforci: g (e riot l.uvs by charging c:i r.:assc for the scene of cvciy dog ii.'.it t.iJ seh- .1' 7 seufde, They wJU reseno vorri... ; and, for greater security, deposit them on tho next roof, or suppress rowdyism :i general, tho ttout Rhesus liaboon, for instance, being physically as well as morally qualified to quell tho aggressive dir-jTOsition of tho fiercest cur, C:i the platform of a public warehouse the Dritish residents of Agra, a few years a-;o, witnessed a sccno which put that character trait In even a stronger light. A little street Arab bad spread bis pallet in the shade of a stack of country pro duce, and had just dropped asleep, when the proprietor of the Planter's hotel strolled up with a pet leopard that had learned to accompany him in all lus .-ambles, A troop of tramp monkeys had taken jxst on tho opposite end of tho shed, and, like the beggar boy, seemed to enjoy a comfortable siesta, but at sight of the speckled intruder the whole gang charged along tho platform like a squadron of spahis, and, instantly form ing a semicircle about the little sleeper, faced the leopard with bristling manes, evidently resolved to defeat tho suspected purpose of his visit. Felix L.Oswald, il. V., in Popular Science Monthly. A Wall Street Man's Expcrimcnt The bookkeeper of a "Wall street bank, a man deeply versed in psychology, em ploys his spare timo in making practical tests of bis researches. There is a hu morous vein in Ids composition, and theso tests are frequently of a laughable nature. Ho is a linn " believer in the theory that man magnifies his own little troubles and will unconsciously put him self out cf .his way to avoid things that have no existence in point of fact. The other day this philosopher carefully placed a sheet of blotting paper on the edge of a desk in such a way that half tho sheet hung over. The desk was in a narrow passage that was much used by the clerks, and the philosopher had no end of fun watching them pass. Instead of shoving the blotting paper out of the way every rfenk who passed would squeeze himself against the wall in order co avoid knocking it down. The fat clerks had a bard time of it, and one of them cricked his spinal column in a par ticularly lino acrobatic feat. New ork Evening Sun. How IT ics Sprc-ad Disease. A contributor to Nouvcaux P.emedes cites a statement by a Brazilian physician to the eli'ect that in hot countries files are tho most active agents in the propa gation of y ellow fever, and adds that 11. tipilmann and M. ltanstoutter attribute the same role to those insects in spread ing pulmonary consumption. When a ilvhas lingered cn the tut jerculous sputa, it" ij said. Its intestine and excreta con tain Mia bacillus cf tuberculosis, which it mav depoi it on the various articles in or. apartment. Flies are credited also wit'i't einx M.-c chief instrument in the dissemination of Egyptian ophthalmia, nnd Kkj :j t it?d as of the opinion that they i.i.:v plsy the o:c part Li sprcad hfj ciu-L;.. Frank Leslie'. ii-u;. luiiuiUT at WMlilustoik Munemitsu, Japanese minister at Washington, is a most abstemious man cs regards stimulants, but being a scholar and philosopher he has shown an inclination to taste of American mixed drinks as an exjierimental process. He does not like our fancy tipples, however. A few davs ago he tackled a gin lizz for the lirst "time. "11a!" he exclaimed, in an Oriental way, "it buzzes like a fly and stings like a wasp." He will hereafter confine himself to tea drinking. New York World. I'ahlo of Olden Time. A farmer's wife hanged herself on a tree in his garden, lie married another wife, and, curiously enough, she, after a few years, hanged herself on the same tree, lie married again, and third wife diil the same. The farmer wrote sadly to a distant married friend to tell him of the mournful coincidence. Iu reply his friend wrote: "There is great virtue clearly in that tree. Send me a cutting." Friar John Paidi. A I'evfeft I'oriu. "My dear, your mouth is a perfect poem." "Oh, how can you say such a thing as that?" " is like a iki ular poem at least. It is so widely red." And the matrimonial mercury fell 4(J degs. at once. Terre Haute Express. An tinater.r chemist wants to know if whisky will dissolve gold. No, sonny, but it will make it disappear. The J;'pcnrst army is now 1"0,10C strong. I t wiil be GOO.OOO IjcIWc long. In military circles it is considered tba Ismail Li'r!:a is a mvlh. "All other goods by fortune's hand is given, A wife is the peculiar gift of Ileavi Is your wife ch snged. your home un happy Dois she :i- i:..ut with gloom on her face and do y a - no more the smile that won yn .' I it because she is bilious. lilt- cuuh lu'f the misery of the world. Ibrsysttin is clogged up, her head aehi a. (Jet her 11 vial of Dr. Pierce's plcisnut Pellets and they will giye her n lief and the atmosphere of home will grow bright ogain. One tiny susar-contcd Granule a dose. Send your job work to the IIekald office. What Am I To Do? The symptoms of biliousness are un happily but too well known. They differ iu different individuals to some extent. A oilious man isseldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has un excellent appetite for liquids but noqe for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order ami diarrhea or constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness nnd often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's Auywit Flower, it costs but a trine and thousands attest its efficacy. Our objection to tho foolhardy man i not that he is a fool, but that he is hardy lie never scums to die. Harper's Bazar. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the directions are ' strictly complied with. They are purely yegctable, and never Fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes ;outaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John O. We & Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago, and Sold by W. J. Warrick. Why Ho Was In Mourning, She I notice that vou are in mourning, Mr. J oces. liar you met with a recent bereavement? He Yes; I have just lost a sister. She' A sister! I was not aware that yon had a sister. Ha Not a sister by blood, but a young lady who said she would always be a sis ter to rae, though, to tell tiie truth, I haven't scea hey fciace tto night she taid co. She Oh! I see. And the subject is dropped like a hot ccis, listen Courier. The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill-; they never disappoint yon. 30 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. HEVElV OUT Ur UKOfH, Hk our nirent at vour place for terms and Srioes. If you cannot find our agetit, write irect to nearest address to you below named. NEW HOI.TE SEWING MACHINE aGmfEiASS.1 CHICAGO - 28 UNION SOUAHt.riX- S 1 1.1 ATLANTA 6A. TEX. I ST LOUIS. MO. ', h . SAWrRAHqeCQ-CMj J. U..-M.UIR, Piattsuiouth, Neb, luil II lu 1 JQOA'T you lniaw it ? Of ccuvsc you do ami yen, will want warm Underwear, lilanht is, vie. y UK Line is Unsur)as.sed by any other line in the eity. A handsome t yARIETY of Seasonable Dress Goods, ,k ad cloths, Henrietta Cloths, Treeols, etc- JVEBYTJIIJVG in Blankets, Flannels, Bed Comforts, Hosierv, Buttings, that you will 1 want- OU will not regret looking oar different De partments over before jnirehasimj. It will pay you. MYIIJVA RUGS and a Handsome Lino of Car pets, Matt s, Floor Oil Cloths, aud Linoleum at Low Prices. WttnitlVDiH Store, Special Sale commencing Noveinlier i2ili, conlimiiiro; one wlc, Cloaks and Ladies' Wraps Plnsh Cloaks and Children's "Wear, Pricn 20 per cent less the price offered anywhere in the city. Examination will prove statement. PLUSH WRAPS AVre have an im mense line and will discount game 25 perl cent, as they must be sold before the end of the season. Our PLUSH SHORT WRAPS are elegant fitting garments. "We sell them at $14.5 0. worth all of 20.00 Comfortables A Fine Selected Line of irom 1.00 up to SO.CO a pair. AVe have the finest 15 cent Patting in the citv. UNDERWEAR In Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Stripe, Prices lower than any house in the city, as we arc over-stocked with these oods. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. Yonra Respectfully, J, f . WMaaIh, a buiHlnbi plush um I'lush Cloaks wq sell for SO sell elsewhere at 27. $ flD Plush Cloaks Lid we sell for S25 sell elsewhere at $.'J5. A inn Cloaks w (4U.sflI for 40 sell elsewhere at f$o(). A iP Plush Cloaks W(5 !$4j-ell for 45 sell elsewhere at 00. A Full Line ot sold at the lowest prices. .mm and Blanket S .V