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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1888)
V Pwitetii0tiilli SIX'OND YEAR lLATTS3IOUTH, NKBUASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMI5EK 21, 1888. NUMlSKli (SO. K.M. KltllK W K to J AM K4 I'ATfKKSON.JH IlillllN CLAIIt Attorney, Kiiiiiet-r, Police. .Uli. M.tri-liU, Council men, 1st ward, " 3rd - A Mauolk S 1XIKKOK W 11 Ma liu V WlCCKHAClI A KAI.ItUiUKV i l M Jon kk I OH. A SHU-MAM 1MB MUKfllY I a w iutton : i Con u'Uos.hob. 4th. I f MK3ai.i.icn. CUM W John n.Chaihman Iioaid Pub. Work KKI)(tOHIKH 11 IlAWKSWOKTU ix GOUjTii'Y OKIIGHtiS. Treasurer. Oeomy 1're.isurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, Kuvttnler of Deeds iMputy Recorder Cleric of District Co art, Sheritf. - Surveyor. - Attorney. hupt. ol Pub. School. County Ju.Ikh. HOAHD OP Sill' A. It. Todd. Cli'm.. I.mti-4 Pol rr. A. P.. Ill IVVP. D. A. CAMI'BKLL - THO. POLLOCK. HlKI CKITCHUKW KXAClCI ri'HKIKI.U IV. II. 1'lMI Ijki r ff I VVlit V. U. SlIOWALTKK J. C. ElKKKBAHV A. MA POLK A LI. KM ltKKHON I 1 VV1HII SPIKK C. ItUSdKLL KUVISOK8. Plattsmnutli WeepinK Water ..111 woou (2IVIG SOGIIVlVI'iS. i HH l.ODO No. Iltf. I O. . r . Meets vevery Tuo'day evening or each week. All transient brothers are respectfully luvited to t w attend. rLTrMOUril KSCAMI'MRST No. 3.1. O. O K.. niei every alternate Friday In each linmlU in lh M-nonic Visitiug Brother are invited to attend. fp Kit) LODGE NO. 81. A. O. U. W. Meets . XtrY ;t!teYn;il fruity evening .11 rv. 01 i . 1. ill. ' tr.uitie it 'b,t" :ie ruiitectriilly lu-vitrt-lt i Attfcii'l- K.J. Si infiii. ista Woi kmau ; K I. Hr ii. hiranmiilt. B. temstar. nver- R. A. Taile. Financier ; G. K. lloiii-e- worlh. Recorder; M. Maybright. Receiver; J. B Htiuth. P:ut M. W. : 1. S. Boweu, Guide ; 1. J. Kunz. insido Watrli. i l ASH CAMP NO.SH, MODERN WOODMEN of merici Meet- .second an. I fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. hall. All transient brother are requested to meet with Uf. I.. A. Nowconer. Venerable Consul ; G. K, Nile", yoiihy Adviser ; S. C. Wjlde, Banker ; W. A. 4,vt..k, ci,h-K. ' Iil.VlTSllUUril MHI'iK 5-O.a, A.O.U. W. Meet every alternate Friday evening at Heck wood hallijtBirctocK, All transient broth- at a ipspeitfuily iuvitd to attend. I, l.nrsoii, M. W. ; F. Boyd. Foreman : S. C. WtlUe. Kecorder ; Leonard Andersou. oveiseer. In.ATr.sMouTii i.ont: k no. 6. a. f. . a. m. Meets on th flrt and third Mondays of eaoh month at their hall. All transient broth er are cordially iu.ited to meet with us. J. U. KlVHKY, W. M. Wm. II jh, Seoretarr 1 CBUVKA CHAT-LEU. T.O.S, iS( S;'e!'. second and f'lurtli Tuesdaj r.i.i:;:h 'Jl Mni'iili'i Hall. Transcitut ar u. i day of each bromers Htt. luyiled to n,ee hP vs. V. k Whlth, It, P. . VVJ. H. Seel-etHy. ) ... Mt. 2ION COMMA DARY. NO. 5. K. 1. Meets first and third Wednesday night of each month at M iso i'.s hall. Visiting brothem are cordially invited to meet with us. VM- llAYrt. Kec, t'. . v K. E- C. IaSSCOI.M'ILM). 10-J1. KIJIA1. l,CAly.M V 'nioMl lie second and fourth, Mondays Of t'acb lfiunlfi at Arcanum Hall. i . (iUxXj Regent. PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President 1st Vice President 2ud Vice President U. ........ .. .- ..Kobt. B Windham ..A. u. i on a .Wm Neville .iri ( i t en j. ......... - Treasurer if- It .itl.raan ... .-.i SrrClA 1 ' . I . .1 F. Herrmann .1 C. fcicbev. K. v nue. j . v.. rauerson, A. Conner, B. EUon, C. W. Sherinan, F. tJor er, J. eekbach. McCONlHIE PQ3T 45 C. A. R. BOSTER. J. VT. JoaiiiQS ...Commander. Ci s. Tiss Senior VlOtt V. a. Batiu lo. ..-.... IlZNUY MTKRIUHT MAUiX , Pit i ui If Vrkun UV.)IW .lit til or . ..-.. r.-f-sAJutanJ. OlUcerof the way. " Guard A.VDIK.1CX Fkv erji aiajor jAOOBt;oiB.K.MAS.. ..Quarter Master Sergt h. C.Curtis Post Chaplain Sergt Major. for an incurable case of Catarrh la the Head by the proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. i Symptoms of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction of nose, discharfres falling into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucoua. purulent. Woody and putrid ; eyes weak, ringing in ears, deaf ness. difficulty of clearing throat, expecto- . . . A i-A tnithT! tkresth (.ffpnufvp ' meil and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pres- rnt at once. Thousands of cases result iQ poo umption. and end in tho irrave. By its mild, soothing, and healing properties, Y,r Sage's Hemedv cures the worst cases. 50o, The Original AO LlVER PILLS, i . " r mutih v rat I a ByU bit A. Uarmlas. rrn,n.iniua silver Pill. Smallest,cheap- ml easiest j . - . . : - JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURER OK AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor da Pepperbergo' and 'Buds FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885. Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, atFricke A Co', drtu? ftore. 8 tfc Mayor, Clem, Tre.mirer, - ., all flnninirenienta of DRESSED BEEF MONOPOLY. The Senate Commute Now In See ion at St. Louis. St. Louis, Nov. 21. The Vest Senate committee to investigate the alleged dressed beef monopoly, held a prelimin ary meeting at the southern hotel this morning for the purpose of agreeing en a plan of procedure. All of the senators compobing the committee are now here, namely : Vest, of Missouri, chairman; Manderson, of Nebraska; Plumb of Kan bus; Cullum, of Illinois; and Coke, of Texas. At 2 p. m. the committee announced itself ready to begin work. Senator Vest explained in opening that an impression had been created that this committe had some connetcion with the convention of the Itunge association and butchers. This was not the case. The committee was not here to "de fend or attack any interest." Senator Vest; then read the resolution under which the comuiltte had been appointed in substance ta make investigation as to the transportation of beef cattle and whether any combination on the part of the trunk line association, control traffic association or other agencies of transpor tation, or among those eugxged in buying and shipping meat products whereby the price of beef and tjeef cattJe had been, so ccjutroljetl ag o djmiqish the prices paid producers without lessening the cost to consumers. The only witness examined was D. H. II. Snyder, a ranrlinan resid ing at Georgetown, Williams c unty, Texas. The committee adjourned to meet this morning at 10 o'clock. Ejecting the Settler?. dojjen eyections from the Ik's Moines river lauds bave been made by the feder al authorities. At one place horns were blown by farmers as a sigcal that the marshalls were coming. The settlers re sponded by coming out to defend, their homes with fore? 'H scattered, at the oigjit oj gu,n$. iq s.hols were $red. The ppse visiter a qurflber o.f qc4(Vt)Ga, seizr ng liorses tmq calo the costs. jnfc lariuor naiued Boyington resisted lespcrately, but was overpowered and ejected. Sou h Caroj'M'., naiiroads. ptytiiA, S. Ci, Ioy.2t. :The annual report oif he ijtate railroad commission issued yesterday, shows ftft increase in the tnien,e ftf the railroads of South Car qlina. of U per cent during the past year, and the remarkable increase of 33 per cent in their net earnings, the year hav ng been an exceedingly prosperous one. The gross receipts increased, teary f 1,000, 00 wiide (he expences increased about t:jdQ,6Q0. Pennsylvania's gttire Vote. II4RKISB.CRO, Pa., Nov. 21 Entire re turns from all t,he equities in the state show that aluQst ofte, rftillqn, yotes. were cast for- president. Harrison's was 79, 570, and his majority over all was 34,- m. ' Yellow Fever Statistics. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 21. There were twenty new cases of yellow fever during the twent-four hours ending at 6 a. m. yerterday. and one death. f ptal cases, 4,643; total deaths, 403. A Weaver's Strike. ' Newbedkori, Mart., Nov. 21. About 160 looms in Wanisutta mills No. 1 are idle, as nil of the wide loom weavers in that mill have struck work because of additional fines for black marks in weav ing. The Alabama Count. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 20. The vote cast for presidential electors was counted today by the governor and sec- rctary of state. Cleveland receives 117,- After Many Years. Paris, Nov. 21. The police of LHJe have arrested a gang of six men. who sev eral years ago stole in Brussels and Mods bonds to the value of f 10Q.QOO, which they negotiated in England. Senator Colquitt Re-elected Atlanta. Oa Nov. 21. A. H. Colquitt was yesterday re-elected united tates senator. Clothing must go. Men's Business Suits at 4.00. EUon. the One Price Clothier HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold." and keeu giving them cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when they can be so easily re lieved by BEQGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP I It has no superior, and few equals. For sole by O. P, Smith & Co., RIGHT AND WRONG. Alas' bow easily things go wrong; A sigh too much or a Lias too long, And there follows a mist and a weeping rata. And life is never the same again. Alas: how hardly things go right! Tin hard to watch on a summer's night. For the sigh will come and the kiss will stay. And the summer night U a winter's day. And yet how cattily things go right If the sigh anl kiss of the winter's night Come deep from the bouI in the stronger ray That is born in the liht of tho winter's day I And things can never go badly wrong If the heart be true aad the love be strong; For the mist, if it comes, and the weeping rain Will be changed by love into sunshine again. George Macdonoi in Boston Traveller. Counterfeiters' l ate In China. Two coppersmiths out of employment in Ilankow privately formed a little company to make copper cash, and be gan their operations for Eouie reason by melting down about eight pounds of im- Cerial copper coins. The band had made ut little progress in their secret trade, having only manufactured altogether some 10,000 coins, equivalent to little more than 3, when tey were captured, tried and cpndemned. According to the report, the ringleader was sentenced to immediate decapitation for melting down coin of the realm; the next, who had tis sistcd in the work of coining, was ten tenced to decapitation after imprison ment: while two others, who had pol ished the spurious coins, and the last, who acted us lmnkL-roiMr. ni.n treated not as principals, but as accesso ries, liable to transportation to Turkes tan and employment as slaved to (he troons there a fate believed tn ho ' wvrs! than immediate "decapitation, Some other W4i iQ 8Cfon tti have had noth ing to do with the coining itself, but acted as dnmratin Kfrrnnti tn thn nrimi. pals, received sentences of three years' :l a . , , . oanisnmeni ana a uunarea oiows eacn. Pekin Gazette. Lost Ills Head In Dreamland. A nrnminrnt Wnrfpstpr lminoca min "O fc J.. VJVV 1 w and a few piglis agq that is puzzling the local psychologists, arid will add inter esting'data for- tho society for psychical research, lie had an idea he ought to shave and proceeded to do w, Ju fore lin lunrnn wnrlr it. rusm - - that It woOld be"-" " , rli- xx.-r.fM - -'e easiest thing in the it on the table, facilitate matters. It Slvm? m tIie that this was allow able fop a. certain, number of minutes without endangering life. So "he hung uplus watch to count the minutes. The operation continued till some errand called the man across tho room, and ho returned to find his head was missing. Ho looked at the watch and found the time was near when he must have his head in its proper place if he cared to keen fa Then he 4 lost his head" "J tWA Yfaya, and rushed frantically about the room, looking in every avail able place. Just as the minute hand was about to cross the fata point the Wor cester rop, vvke. up felt for his head, ana was relieved to find it there. Springfield Republican, Beating tho Weighing Machine. One of these machines is stationed at a certain railroad station in this state. The same room contains a newsstand, at tended, by a boy who will tie a string to a nickel, step on the platform, drop the nickel in the macliine, and get his weight. Before stopping oil , he calls up next, the p.Aftohme giving their combined weigh j. The boy steps off, at which the machine gives, the correct weight of No. 2. This process is repeated until the supply of, subjects o be weighed is ex hausted. Now, before tho last party steps down, the boy, who has held on to the string all tliia time, carefully pulls in tho string and gota his nickel back. I ain of tho opinion, when this macliine i examined for cash, there will be little found. Indianapolis Cor. Scientific American. Religions Shrines In Japan. The Japanese are net generally consid ered by Europeans a religious people, but there is scarcely a house ui which a shelf is not set apart us a kind of altar, bearing on it a HrtlV s'hr'ino or a small round mir ror, emblem of the sun gotMess from whom the rulers of Japan are supposed to be descended,; TJio shrine represents a temple or Shinto, tho ancient, and now once more tho national, religion of Japan; but in Buddhist houses it is accompanied, or even replaced, by a Buddhist shrine, with perhaps a figure of the Buddha lumself. Cassell's Magazine. Bright Piece of Architect are. The Albert memorial, the. monument erected in Hyds park' by Queen' Victoria and the "glish peoplo to the memory of the good prince, is one of the brightest pieces of architecture in London. In fact, it looks as if it might have been picked up in Paris and transplanted to its present site, so bright and beautiful is it and so different to anything else in the dark metropolis. Yet the Albert memo rial finds no favor with the press and people pf London. Home' Journal. Destroyers of fha Fruit Pest. The parasites recently imported from Australia by the California state board of horticulture to destroy the fruit pest known as the white cottony cushion scale, survived the long voyage and are now thriving in their new home in San Mateo county. These parasites, which Sropagate with great rapidity, dig Uito le tack of the scale bug and finally lull it. Chicago; Herald. 11 Cos o Pone Power. According to the best scientific author ity, it costs one horse power to keep in motion one ton of metal or weight; thus every unnecessary 2,000 pounds weight oo yoor line shaft costs yon one horse power. To maintain a horse power costs from $23 to f 123 per year. Any manufacturer who will tike the pain io investigate tho un necessary weight, by heavy iron pulleys, too tight belts, etc, will be surprised to find tn enormous waste of power caused In this manner, to say nothing about the jou veaulting from he shortened lift pf tb fr rjui-ment. Doaton Cudt Auliuai Tilth i:ekoiniig Faculties. For myself, I ranw-t i.vo why the con clusion is denied tht ai.inial:;, n i they coino to appri hend the advent of bun day, have borao way of keeping count of the heven days of the week. '1 lie follow lowiug fact bears directly upon thai lint: Something like half a cenlury ago tho writer had tho caro and milking of live cows during one bummer. They grazed in a pasture lot many rods from tho dwelling. It was the custom to nive the animals salt every Sunday morning. They enjoyed tho treat, and it was evident that they b?gai to expect it. After a length of time I cannot say how long a curious behavior of tho cat tle became conspicuous, for every Sun day morning they were found standing ing at tho bars, tho joint nearest the house, with every apieaianco of mute expectation. At every other morning, as well as at evening, they had to be sought and brought to the bars for milk ing. Sometimes I would forget to take tho salt with me at tho stated lime, when, instead of moving olT to feed after uiy task was done, as they usually did, they remained about the bixt an hour or so, as jf waiting fo- their weekly rations of salt. Here, then.i.: the -r: .km; Every Sun day morning these cows came of their own option to tho place of milking, and where on that day they generally got salt, and not on other mornings. How could they do that, except through some faculty of estimating tho seven lay of tho week. A. S. Hudson, M. D., in. J'oi ular Science Monthly. Bld ftgla in Pennsylvania. Tho Blue mountains, especially in Schuylkill and northern Berks counties, besides furnishing breeding and feeding places for the wild turkey, provide several species of eagles with eyries so inacces sible and fields of prey so extensive anil fruitful that the advance made by civili zation on every side have as yet been in sullicient to drive them from their chose" haunts. Any one who ws ever- train ped over that part of tho Blue mountains has noticed the. great number of tall, dead tree trunks that stand on the highest and rockiest summits, put of the reach ... boldest mountain cllmU- " riv in l mw-hlHg or W-- ni,r,ltf:n nnft r ITUir(J oirds may be seen hovering about the tops of those dead and sentinel like trees, lhe birds are bald eagles, or, in rare cases, golden eagles. They select these dead trees on the isolated summits to build their nests on. It is one of the superstitions of tho Blue mountain woodsmen that it is the presence of the eagles and their nests that has killed tho trees, but the fact is that if a tree is not first dead an eagle will not select it for a resting place. The bird uses the dead trunk because it gives a better post for observation. Sometimes tho top of a naked and inaccessible rock serves the same purpose. Cor. New York Times. Foreign Population of France. Tho rapid increase of the foreign pop ulation in France is causing great con cern to the government. Since 1880 no less than 482,000 Belgians, 265,000 Ital ians, 100,000 Germans, 78,000 Swiss and 80,000 Spaniards have gone into France, in addition to the foreign jxpulation pre viously resident there. In 18ol there were about 881,000 foreigners in a total population of nearly 36,000,000. In 1880 the foreign population exceeded 1 ,000, 000, while tho native population remained nearly stationary. Chicago Herald. That dainty lady tripping by, How light her step, how bright her eye. How fresh her cheek with healthful glow, Like ross that in May time blow ! And yet a few week have passed away Since she was fading day by day. The doctor's skill could naught avail; "Weaker she grew and thin and pale. At last, while in a hopeless frame, One day she said, "There is a name I've often seen a remedy Perhaps ,twill help; I can but try." And so according to direction, She t e,k JV. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. And (very baleful symtom fled, And she was raised as from the dead. Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor ami bed room sits but go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thine in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap. Remember that he who e's ?i,M sell cheapest. v WHAT ON EARTH la the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profit, rather than take a rned.icifie 9-f world wide reputuatiHn nd one t'ftat is giving universal sntis-factton. at equal price? No medicine in the. wpjrd is giving such on paralli led s:itTsfnction fur purifvins lhe blood as BEGG'S BL.OOD Pl'MFIEH & BLOOD MAKER, nud ever bottle that d es not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. If yon want a good clock, go to H. M. Gault. He has a large assortment to pick from at prices th-t ca't help but sell them. Men'3 Overcoats at iJlaon's, the One Price Clothier $1.00, Gold and silver watches enough to supply the country at II. M. Gault's, cheap and warranted to give satisfaction. O. P. Smith fc Co. are making a spec ialty of Christmas and fine New Year? cards this, season. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH . What in the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicines when BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This is na advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold b; o. p, r:a A Co. e 1 t s T 01 Mm Clii Mr In I'l.vttsii'outli, is very sorry hi.s Jar of liesuis caused one of his 1MB MONKEY COMPETITORS To get win ly. JOE U sinvy Lr th. nci!ili.i-s of this iu;ul, wimly Competitor. oir n EES iie Air. Monkey Competitor to sell out .mil start a menagerie and charge admission, lor JOK lias no doubt it would piiy this mad competitor lunch Letter than continuing in the Clothing business. Competitors are mad because he has destroyed High Prices. They are mad because he has destroyed a Usurer's Profit. JOK believes in selling llonost Goods at Honest Low Prices. 3T C2 ng larger every day, and his mad competitors cannot destroy it by misrepresentation, or by se colled reduction juices. The people won't be misled any longer, lor they know JOK is Belling goods at an Honest Profit And at One Price Only. REIVIEtvlBER JOE is selling for less money than ever hc:iid of before in Plattsmonth. DON'T FORGET To guess on JOE'S Iieans. It costs you nothing to guess and no "monkeying" business, either. JOE, The Glothing Hustler, Solomon & Nathan's Old Stand, -4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTOKNEY. S. F. THOMAS. Attorney-al-Law and Notary Public. Oflice in Fitzgerald lilock. liattsmoutli. Neb. ATIOKNKY. A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney-at-Law. Will give prompt attention to all bui-lnesH intrusted to him. Oniec in Union Block. East sid. riatUmoulh. Neb. BARBEK SHOP AN O HATH ROOM. Kl. MORLEY. Hot and Cold Ba1 lis at all hours. Ladles' and Children's Hair Cutting a specialty. Cor. 5th and .Main, under Carrutli V. DENTIST. OR. A. T. WITHKRS. "The raink-ss Deiitixts." Teeth extracted without t be least uaiii or harm. Ar iffcial teeth inserted immediately after extract in;: na .iiral onee when de-ired. Hold and all ol her Killings etrictly firft cla.-s. Oflice in Union Block. GROCERIES CHRIS WOIILFARTII, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Glassware iiul Crockery. Kiourand Feed. 11 . J)JU7tJ"B Notice. Pjlattsmoutii, Neb., Nov. 12, 18S8. To the Stockholders of the Platts- nioutli Canning Company. At a meet ing ol tiif loanl ot flirtctorsbeld on the !)th of November. t8 u. m. at tlw factory it was ordered by said board of dif-cpiurs. that an assessment of 2 per C'B,t be nvtde. on all stock issued and that a special meeting of the stockhold ers is therefore oMed on the loth day of December 183 at 7:30 p. m. at" the county judges office. All stockholders are requ sted to atti-Ld the meeting. F. K. Gctumex b eedjOHdek President. Secretary, The finest bedroom sets oaa be found at II. Boeck'g.. ' 8end your job work to the Hkhald office. Smith & Co. will Rive away a fine house and lot in Vallery place during the next sixty days. Each person Luyinp; $5 of goods during that time is enti led to a chance on the house and lot. JJlson the One Price is selling Chi nchil Overcoats, Beayer Collars and Cuffs, at 15.00. Everything necessary for furnishing a house can lc purchased at II. Boeck's. Gold and silver spectacles at II. M, Gault's Mrs. J. F. Johnson has just received some handsome hats and bonnets, and she will he pleased to show them to any of c"T rr t:vi r"!U c'l n tr. II JES IES 3r. B. KEMPSTEn, Practical Piano and Organ Toner ANI ItKPAfKKIt. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Oftice at Boeck's furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebrafeka. C. F. SM ITH, The Boss Tailor Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the bett and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever canifa wist of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business puits from $ l(i to dress suits, if 25 to $45, l4ifs $4, $r, $0.50 and upwards. C33?"Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competition. J. H. EMMONS, 31. D. HOVCEOPATHIC Physician Surgeon Office over Wectt' ptore. Main strefct. Renidetiee in Or. Kf hilUWneeht's property, t'lironic Dieae- and DKoasf-s of Women anl Children a specialty. Office hour. 9 to 11 a. m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. in. R. D. WINDHAM, JOHJf A. DAVIKS, Notary Public. Notary Public W1MH1AMA 1IAVIKM, attorneys - at - Xiaw. Office over Bank cf;C&t County. Plattsmocth. - - Nebraska B. A M. TimelTable. GOiNO vkt. (;oixn kast. No. 1. 5 :10 a m. No. 2.-4 A3 p. m. No. 3.-- :40 p. m. No. 4. 10 :. a. ni. No. f fi :47 a. m. No.'C 7 :13 p. III. No 7.-7 -JV p. in. No.10. 9 :45 a. Hi. No. 9 --6 :17 p: in. No. 116 ;27 a. r.i. All train win dally by wavof Oriaba. except Nos I and 8 which run to and from Hchujler dally except Sunday. No. 30 Is a stub to Paclflo Junction at S 30a. m No. 19 is a stub from Pacific Junction at lla m. If you want anything in the jewelry lino, go to II. M. Gault. He will sell you good goods at low prices and guarantee them as represented. For nnt A houw cf threa t-oot rooms for rent, cheap. Enouu at I carl- i f f