The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 19, 1888, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. Salibarjr. Ilrall.t, UorkwwoJ - Uuildinfr,
Telephone Xg. X't.
Dr. MkcIik. Ofllre la l.trln'. lru(f Slrf, Itwl-ir-art
ior. blth il l ;rnll-,Trlr).hoae So. ti.
Ilr. Wither, the Pinlrt l-Hl, luloa
Block, arr rrlrke'n Urate Mre, rial I Mini III.
JoK, The Only One I'ricc Clothier in
Plattsmouth, will have a new ad vert la
ment on llrst ago tomorrow. Look out
for it!
Tlie leap year social given ''.V tnt'
"Ys" at the residence of Mr. Wash.
Smith, list Saturday night, was very
largely attended.
Tickets for the conceit to be given
muler the auspice of tin; Woman's Re
lief Corps will be on sale from now on
Hi tlx- lisiiitl phice.
Re v. W. It- Alexander preached a
pennon for the benilit of a large congre
gation of young men at the M. E.
Church l ist night.
Mr. W. J. Campbell, bother of Mrs.
J. P. Young, will be married on Wed
nesday next at California, Mo., to an
estimable young lady of that town. Tiik
JIkkai.h extend congratulations.
Mr. Joe Kline, one if our city
clothiers, had Ix eu tonfined to Lis Lome
for more than a week by HCknes-. lie
ut in Lis first appearance at the store
to-day and is able to attend to business
once again.
Mr. Henry Bibb, of Cheyenne coun
y, is attending court today. He informs
ti that a widow lady living in the local
ity he comes from, has raised a laige
number of patatoes this year weighing
over five pounds each.
- The September adjourn, d Urm of
tin; district court of Cass county opened
in Rockwood l.U, to-day Judge Cliap
lii.ui presiding. . Nothing special ha
transpired as yet and preparations were
nly made to commence work.
The Murry fc Murphy Company.
"Our Irish Visitors." arrived fio'm "Omsi
Ii.i this morning. They will dunv at the
Waterman opera house to-night. The
Omaha papers spoke very highly of their
two entertainments there of. Thursday
and Friday nights last
-The body of Harry Kin- lo-w -ur-aacouud Mr. Shera.j's Mtua
.rdered at the Paxton Hotel last Sat- -ion for a time was found very rocky.
urday morning, passed through here on
the flver yesterday afternoon enroute fm
Chicago where the remains will be in
terred. Mrs. King number :) accom
panicd tlieni.
The .Murray and Murphy Company
arrived from Omaha this morning.
They played to full houses there last
week. They will appear at the Watei
inin opera house tonight as ';Our Irish
Visitors." The company is very popular
here, anil as a comedy is always fully
appreciated by Plattsmouth people, it i.
expected that they will be greeted by n
bumper house.
We are not yet certain who was the
lucky man at drawing on the capital
prize in the Louisiana lottery. The re
nrt has been circulated that Mr. J. II.
Cox is the man who holds the number,
but he has denied the charge. Whoevei
lie may lw he had better come to the
front end own up, for we will spot him
sooner or later. We will draw on him at
The work of grading the fifth street
liill south of Main street has aliviuly been
commenced. Messrs. George Pois ill and
Fred Kroehler were tendered the contract
of grading at fifteen cvnts per yard, and
they started thtir men to work yesterday
morning. At the present rate of progress
the work will be completed in a very
short time. The city will be vastly mi
proved by the continuation of Fifth
street through the bluff.
Mr. Frank Carruth h is receive! a
number of very handsome aud useful
titters, which can be connected w ith tie
water company's pipes When the water
is filtered by these new filters, it loses all
its discoloration and is as clear as crystal,
lis secured contracts to put them in tin
residences and offices of tha fol'owing
citiz.Mis: Messrs. II. lioeck, residence:
Drs. Livingston, office; O. P. Smith, drug
s'ore; Dr. Schildknecht, office; and Wm
Weber, saloon.
Wu are about to have a minstrel
company of our own in Plattsmouth, and
we believe the end men secured cannot
le surpassed as humorists, Messrs. O. P.
Smith and E. A. St John. The date for
the first appearance has not yet been de
cided on but it is expected that the- en
tertainment will lc given in about r
month. The managers of opera house
in cities for several miles distant havi
put forth every effort to secure them foi
cue night, but the company was obligee
to disappoint them all on account of tin
demand at Louie. They w ill probabl;
show three hundred nights at the Water
man unless egg bouquets are thrown.
"We bespeak Xr them, sucvc.8, here, as i
ia pomi).-sed of some rare talont, bof1
liingciy and comedians. 'he materia:
such as Umborines, bones, dtamsand ul
arli les necessary for a minstrel produc
tion has lecn imrchascd and a te tr: w
The King murder of last Raturdy
afforded the Omaha newspapers a whole
page sensational article yesterday. As
was atated in the Saturday issue of the
IIkkm.H, King was murdered ly a w oman
who claims to !c his wife, at the Paxton
hotil. Harry King the murdered man, is
the son of II. W. King, sr., of the great
clothing firm of II. W. King fc Co., of
Chicago, He is about thirty-two years
of age. He grew to manhood in Chicago,
enjoying all the pleasures of that great
city under the liberal gratuities of his
father who is ranked among the wealthy
men of that place. The linn is one of
the most substantial clothing housis in
the world. It has eight branches, one in
each of the cities of Philedclphia, Cin
cinnati, Boston. Kansas City, St. Paul,
Milwaukee, St. Louis and Omaha. Mr.
Harry King was engaged in doing the
outside business tor the firm. He hid
ome to Om:iha to open up the business
there and after he had come west had
married a Miss Duffy, a daughter ot
Judge Duffy, of St. Louis. He had
been married three times. His first wife
was divorced, and his second wife, the
murderess, claimed to be deserved.
When she learned of his last marriage
-he followed to Omaha to prosecute
iiim as she said, for bigamy. Alter
die arrived at the Paxton Saturday
nornin" she was directed to Mr. King's
roo u , u oy s)l0 j,t.rsu.lticd him
ifter several attempts to go to the par
lor. A short conversation was held
there and when she threatened to prose
eutc him when he was about to leave her
iie sei.-'d her by the throat and threat
. ned to choke her to death. She then
Jiot him three times, each shot taking
.-(Vert. She is at present in iail at
-If we were to answer for the up
te irance of Mr. C. W. Sherman yesterday
ui the streets, seated on the back of a
mcking bronco, we would state that us
icar as could be guessi d at, he was only
aying off a bet which he made on the
toult of the election. He started out
.rom the BoDUcr stables and thought
limsclf about as comfortable aa nmjj are
.tlowed to be under tiuiilar
.es until he reached Sixth street where a
.lumber of road scrapers were being
perateu in t)ic vicinity of the Holmes
tables. The bronco became indignant
ie endeavored to exhaust the little
Jcllows wind by flopping his legs against
ts side with all hia strength, but the
notion was kept up for a time uutil he
relieved he had paid the penalty a
lundred times. Only when the animal
found that C. XV. was a stayer did it let
up and obey his command to move on.
.Vheu the animal became subdued, a.s he
naught, it quietly moved on iu the 41
eclion he piloted and after some tinje
reached the terminus of Marble street,
.vhere Mr. Sherman desired to go and
jather hickory nuts. When he had se
urcd the number required to satisfy
um lor his return, he again straddled his
oronco and started for home. Only a
cw yards had been traveled when the
mimal again thought his head too heavy
r convenience, and the same perforni-
:ice was resumed as before, uutil the
vorthy editor was shaken up so severely
iiat he looked about as broau as long.
vfter he had discovered that all attempts
o c-ain svmpathv from the auimr.l were
iseless. he cave it up and then resolved
o strike the ground in soma shape if
ossible. The rocking motion of the
nimal threw Mr Sherman out ot ttie
oddle on to its hips where he found
f .1 ; ti;.n I r In rumiiiniiic Fortllll-
,IUHl 1II11K.UIIJ a- .
tely he succeeded in working both feet r
com the stirnps ami lamiing on me
round with his life, but today he is
.'iflVned up like a rheumatic. People
iy he walked homa leading the contrary
Mr. P. C. Minor spent Sunday at Omaha
.ith friends.
C. 15. Wilson, of Council IVuffs, was
n the city yesterday visiting friends.
Mr. Thoinis Reynolds, clerk in the
:ore of Mr. C. E. Weseott, spent Sunday
a Nebraska City with a cousin.
Mr. John M. Clary and Miss Catharine
Cennedy, of Water, were grant
A license to wed to-diy by judge
; nssell.
M. C. P. Kirseh, who has been visiting
Ir. and Mrs. Phillip Kraus for a few
lays, returned to his home iu Omaha
.ast night.
Mr. II. T. CI irk. accompanied by his
laughter. Miss Clark and M ister Gordon,
ame down from O nnha Sund iy to
spend a few hours with Chaplain Wright
md family.
Mr. K. M. ficblegel, who has been
spending a few weeks at IJapid City.Da.,
vith relatives, returned to tiie city this
norning. He reports having enjoyed
he visit thoroughly.
Kiddle House Sunday (Juesta: XV. G.
smith, lied Cloud; XV. K Jones, Kmsas
City; P. F. Castella, Atchison; E. II.
Woo'lev, Weeping Water; II. Wolf and
wife. Cincinnati; ,T. W. Heads, Omaha;
V. 1. llrown. Lincoln; A- G. Phillips,
Michigan City, Indiana.
Kiddle House arrivals Monday : J.
V. Covell, Omaha; Murray & Murphy
Company; W. IV Burns. Omaha; F. A.
Thomas. Omaha; Sim Atkinson, St. Joe;
Tho Kar.kin, wife and daughter; C. XV
Avery, Lincoln; Will Clanston, Omaha;
Aug Wcner, Omaha; J. XV. Welm jr..
w;Urr R. A. Oilon. Wabflsb; IT. C:
Browne. Omaha; Curtis L. Day, Omaha;
r r-'-'c;-'"- " ,; TJ. L.Sclby,
ml mPPMrM
mm i mm mmm
m 1 1 H U 1 h i -H I fJ ef $ Ti Ml
s f 4 U rW0
f 9 & ' ,4 sj . j? u J ft-ii'
Siv r? ii --
Ladies' Modjeskas.
Jllaek liao;oii:il Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only 7J0.
lilack Extra Quality IJoucle Ch-th,
Spike Fringe Trimmings, Bell Sleevtv.
only 1 .'.
Jllaek 1' rieze Clth, Iall I rimininer.
(Quilted Lining, Abtraehan Cufls ami
Collar, only 1J.OO.
i i r a i
J.rown umU lull Lroeaoeu aMaiei-.
lasse, Plush liall rl nininiii-', 1'lusli
Cull's and Collar, only 13.00.
Silk Plush, Plush llairirimmings.
plajn Satin Lined, Chamois pockets,
unlv $15.0,
Black Astrachan Cloth, Siko
Trimming Satin Lined, only !(.
Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking,
Ball Trimming to match, 'Quilted
Salin Lining, only 820.
Seal Plnsii, KJent Plush li&U
Trimming, Satin Lined, genuine oeaj
Loops, only S23.
'Klegant'Seal Plush, Beaver Ball
Trimming and Collar, Quilted Nvtin
Lined, only, 3!v.50.
Our Plush Sac.ines are linished uith the Wt of Quilted Satin
rminf. Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee
failing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will be
replaced by a new cnu. .
Interesting to l,adiegf
Our lady readers can hardly f;l to
haye tluir attention called this week to
the latest combination of improvements
n that most useful of alt domestic im
plements, the '-sewing machine."
As we understand it, a machine for
family use should meet first of all these
rcotiiienients: It should be simple in its
mechanism; it should run easily;
should do a wide range ot woiKj
should be as noiseless as pofihie;it should
be light, handsome, durable, and as
cheap as is ccnsisUnt with excellence
These conditions the ' Light-Kunning
New Home:' certainly meets. It has also
several very imporUnt and useful
attachments and "notions" of its own,
which go far to make good its claims to
popular favor.
The "New Home" social1- recom
mends itself to purchasers on account of
its superior mcehanioal construction,
ease of management a;i-l reasonable price.
Over half a milliou have been sold in
l.o l,-.t froe! vears. all of which arfc
giving universal satisfaction. The un
rivalled Machine is manufactured by the
Oranire, Mass., and Union Square;
?uiy York. "
A new line v.t" Astrachan Croats and
Vests just received at S. v C. Mayer and
selling fast at Vi. d-if
-.-Major K. II. llendershott, drummer
boy of the Uapiialiannock, ni1 s0:1.- w"
will give an entertainment, assisted by
the best local talent of the city, at the
opera house on Tuesday. Nov. 27th. have
been engaged by the Women's Relief
Corps. lie. will bring with him the
original silver drum presented him by
Horace C-recly through the hands of
General Winsnuid Scott, after the battle
of Fredericksburg, in December, 18f?2
The drum presented him by the W. It
Corps of Bangor, Maine, April 22nd,
lytvV. the drum sticks presented by the
G A. R. post, at Honolulu. II, I. April
1SS7, and the gold mounted (jarfield and
Arthur sticks of 18S0; also the drum won
in the great drumming contest at Helena
Mont.jtfly 4 188. A full programme
of the evening's entertainment will appear
Latest style of Dunlap Stiff Hats in all
shades at S.. & C. Mayers. . d-tf
M. B. Murphy hs been attacked by
rnenmaiism soaecivij v,.o p. "
t1ft he hM bn unable to l-vl -M Id.
rheumatism so severely for the past week
Our Assortment surpasses
:it vtliiti lieretofore attemitel
ty us in this Department, ami
our customers will le surprised
at our manilicent display of
Ladies' BM-Misses'
ami at very Low i'rices. We
nrc sliowiiiir lecitlitl luiveltit s in
Stripes, Checks,
and Solid Colors !
with Plain,
IM. SblU n
New York Times.
lessrs. Murray and Mijrpljy wefe seen,
at tiie Union Square theatre last evening
in " Our Irish Visitors." There is neith
er ingenuity in dramatic construction nor
brilliant. dialogue in the play. It was
written to amuse, and it is capitally suit
ed to elicit the hearty laughter of popu
lar audiences. It is, of course quite be
yond description analysis. Its incidents
are earned on by Colonel Gilhooly and
Jerry McGinnis,' two typical Irishmen,
by Mrs. McGinnis, a no less typical Irish
woman, by Miss Arabella McGinnis, who
i apes the ways of a young lady of fasinon.
aud by sundry subsidy personages, and
these people crack jokes, sing songs, aud
dance the veiy rythmical steps that set
un audience to accompanying the dancers
with a pedal accompaniment, with ft
spirit which never flags. There was con
siderable laughter over the unceasing
repartee between Gilhooly and Mc
Ginnis, yesterday, liberal approval of the
neat terpsichorean efforts of Seymour
Blanche Seymour, and much sympathetic
adiuiratioi) for Nellie Page's " serio "
warbling, but the hilarity and enthusiasm
knew no bounds when Messrs. Murray
and Marphy, with two fellow-performers,
appeared as ballet girls, and indulged in
a pas de quatre,, which for a droll exag
geration could scarcely be excelled.
Murray an I Murphy and their
company of comedians will appear
at )he Waterman--opeara hous-i touight
This company is sure of a full house
here Tickets on sale at J. P. ourg s
book t-tore.
For perfect fitting knits or Overcoats
frr Men Boys and Children call on R fc
C. Mayer the popular Clothiers. d-tf
Crand Entertainment
At Waterman's opera house the evening
of Tuesday. November i?7. Given by
Maj. R. II. Hendershot and son, assisted
by the best local rrfusical talent, under
the auspices of the XV. R. C.
Maj-! Hendershot is said to be the best
drummer in the world; his son fine
fife player. . . ' " ' " tf
Woolen Jacket from $1 and upwards
made bv the celebrated G.crmania Knit
ting Mills at 3. & C. Mayer. d-tf
-The ladies nid society cf the M. E.
.church will meet, at the home of Mrs.
Wash Smith, corner of 5th and MavMe
streets, Tuesday afternoon at 3 Q-cloclj,
Ask for Mayers Taundrieil Shirts" . the
- --- y- . . . 4
. best m the uinrjket eittnrpl?n pr plaited
Bell or Angel
! '
fit I
Sale !
Kid Gloves.
We shall offer all of our Kid Gloves,
worth from t.75 to 2.50, at the Nomi
nal Price
This includes everything we entry in
Stock of Dressed, Suedes, Castors, aud
Driving Gloves.
; Button Simpson's B st Colors and
Blacks, now 1.50, worth-'. 50.
4 Button Simpson's Best Colors and
Blacks, now 150, wr rth l'.".
4 Button Our Own Fancy Embroidered
Backs (Mots and Black, now 1.50,
worth 2.00.
5 Button Bon Murche Extra, Colors
and Black, now 1.50, worth 1.75.
8 Button Mopquctairc Suedes, Colors,
only 1.50, worth 2.25.
(i Button Mosquc-tune Suedes, Colors
and Black, 1.50, worth 2.00.
4 Button Castors, Colors, only now
1.50, worth 2.00.
Suede Guantlet Driving Gloves, Colors,
onlv now 150, worth 2.25.
Our 4.00 Beaver Shawls in Greys and
Browns, sold elsewhere nt 5.00.
Our 5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys
and Browns, with Fancy Border, is decid
edly ft good bargain.
Our 7.00 Beaver good heavy Shawl.
Very pretty line of colors.
Our 9.00 Beaver, superior quality,
elegant patterns, well worth 10.00.
Our 10.00 Besverin Greys, Tuns and
Browns, entirely new patterns, and would
be decidedly, cheap 12.00.
Comprises Everything in
German Knitting,
Eider Down,
Fairy Floss,
Shetland Floss,
Comforts and Blankets.
10x4 White Blankets at 1.25 per pair,
10x4 White Blankets, good weight,
only 2.00 per pair.
10x4 White all Wool Guaranteed,
only 4. CO.
Our Country-made White, at 4.75
ir ir
Q mSaiAAm Uim JSm
FECIAL Sales in Ladies' Fine
worth 5.00.
Boots audi
UR Three Dollar Shoes is far better than ever put on the market here before.
OR Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will equal ours,.
IM E is going on and our goods must be sold.
fcOME. think this is Just a blow,
OW all we ask is tor you to give us a
ND to R''C the irood.i will convince you
P other dealer.
jpRICKS Low is our Mqtto,
-The election is over but Timotliv 1
Clark still has plenty of coal and wood '
at his yard on south old street. Orders
taken at central telephone office and
M. B. Murphy it Go's store. Canon City
.2o per top; Iowa Lump 4.75;
Momosia 5.00.
P. Smith & Co. have the finest
nl.iv of holiday goods ever brought to
to the city. .
A" house to rent, handy to the busi
ness part of tiie city. For infoimation
call at this office. .
Elson, the One Price Clothier, is selling
the Chicago Hats at 1.90.
Plenty of feed, llour, graham and
meal at Heisels mil, tf
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged t be the finest and most complete j
in me ciiy. .
II. M- pault is recrjving some very
fine noyelties in f)xidized ?lyer good;
for holidays.
Jf yon have a watch, clock or jewelry
of and kind you want repaired gootl, take
it to H.-M. Ganlt. All work warranted
to give satisfaction.
Hen's Unlaundried Shirts, 40 cents, at
per pair, is extra large i-ize, and gnciiilJy
advirtisiil as a big I Mpi'in i.t i 0.
11x4 W hite In pcriul is lull hzc lii d
at 7..r.() a j air is a g ( d l i.renin.
$4..r,0,Wctcin RMiveRd lilmikct is
good value at $o.('0.
fO.OO, Red Blanket extiu weight fird
12x4 Red nini.kct at li.OO pi r itur,
mnde up of the finest wool.
Brown and Giny mixiil Bliu.kitf", at
all prices.
Our $1.00 Ci .in ft it, fair I riii. gtt d
Our $l..r,0 Comfort, get d iji nhty.
print Mlid, red lining, lilhd with
white batting.
Our $2.C0 ft infoit, l!st Print, extra
Our 2.50 Comfort, two pood values.
No. 1. Fast Colored Chintz Print,
avi,;,. t',,M,.n vi hi ixtia '.'.a- id ii
No. 2. Parcv Saline, m lid
nil lin-
ings, tl gimt line of judtiiiis nml colois.
Our :i.25 Impoited ( Patterns,
very fancy uilted. i xtia i-ie iii.d w tight.
Our $4.00 Fine Fancy r'idii.e, Polid
Sntine, very nictiy qudtid, ize
Ladies' White Mi i ino Y s t. Sill. Hill li
ed, Silk bound, at 50 cuds n.ih. Pants
to match.
Ladies' Extra fine. Miipnur i,i'idi(y,
White Merino Vests, Jcrsi y ribl nli-lciviH
at 75 cents each. Pants to match at n ine
Ladies' White Wool Vests, Silk Bound
and Stitched, at 1.25.
Ladies' Natural Wool Vests and Pni.fs
at 1.00 inch, worth 1.25.
Ladies' Scarlet Vests utnl Pnnlp, mi cot h
and soft, on'y 1.00 i nth.
Ladies' Scarlet Saxony Wool Vests nnit
Pants, finest quality, at SI. 75 inch.
Ladies' Camels Hair Pants and Vests
Reduced to .1.00 a suit, worth 4.00.
Full Lines of Children's, Misses nnd
Boys' Underwear. White, Scarlet, Natur
al and Camels Hair at Low piiccp.
Seal Plush Wraps.
Our line of Plush Garments this srenpon
are made up of the best grades of Lon
don Dyed and Listers Seal Plushes, und
Every Garment Guarantied to wear.
Our Plush Jackets at $ 15.00 are very
Our English Walking .7m It ts. three
quarters h nirth, at 25. will woith $:'0.
Our 25.00 Plush Saequis, sold else
whore fit ::o.oo
Our :50.00 Plush Sacqurs woith fully
:i5.00. u
Our :55.00 Plush Sacques worth fJly
Our :!7.50 Plush Sacques sold every
where at 45.00.
Our 45.00 Plush Saequis, regular city
price, 55. .
mm rm im .
Hand-Turned Shoes, selling now for only 3.50,
ih:it we are selling eh'
rj p n P'7n r f-Uol!
LM . Li t . lUalbllCOl.
Preservutii n if the Natural Tuth a
Specially. A u stlu ties given for .Pain
less Fili.ixu on Ex Til ACTION of Tkkth.
Artificial teeth made on Gobi. Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Platis, and inserted
as spon as teeth are extracted whin le,
All work warranted. Prices reaspnaMd.
FlT7.OF.ll I-I'S lU-K'K ri.rrit'ITTH. NKK
Hecausc he had no Qaiu.axi Fioyp.
Buy one of Jonssox Bkom. ej)t22 tllm.
Rememler you save 25 cts. on evny
dollar by trading with Elson the One
Price Clothier. j
The holiday stock at fuiith & Co.V 1 i
. - - - -r- (
i Mi.
1 1