Ttie Evening Herald, OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kallabary. Deatlat, Hoc k wood Baildiag, leiepaoaa aa. ht. Dr. Slirtla, Office Uerlatr'a lra- Store, Betel deaea tor. Sixth aal Uraalte, Tc-lrphoae wo. 42. Dr. Wither, tha Pal a Ira llratiat, L'aloa Black, ar Krlcke'a Dratr More, I'latUmoata. CITY CONGREGATIONS. Catholic 8t. Paul's Church. Oat. between Klfth and Hixth. Father :Mey, I'&stur. 8-rvicei : Mans at 8 hd1 10 :3e a. m. Sunday Hchuol at 2 iK), with benediction. Christian. Comer Locust and Eighth Sts. Hunday Hchuol 10 a. m. Episcopal. St. I.nkf'n Church, corner Third and Vlii. lif.r II It. ltnrieH. atr. Ser vices : 11 a. m. a tlliMV m. Sunday School it 2 :jo r. M. (iiBXN Mkthod;st Corner Sixth St. and (irtnltK. Ke. lllrt. Tan-tor. Services : II A. M. and 7 P. M. Hunday Meliool 10 :.' A M. PawBVTERi an. Main, b-tween Klxth and Meventh. Kev. J. T. Balm, iiantor. Service. ; usual hour, morning mid evening. Sunday bchool 9 30. Fikst MrTHODiitT. Sixth St., betweii Main and Prnrl. Jtev W it. Alexander, pastor. Nt-rvlcea : It a. m.. 7 Jo p. m. KiiiicU- School 2 :'M P. M. Tray r ineelii g Wednesday even ing. Gkrmax Pk-bhvthrian. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev V itte. iint r. Services : usual hours. Hund ly -chool a :'M A. l. SwrKIIt :. uie;ATle-AL. Granite, be tween Fifth and Mxili. CITY CO K DIALS. Order your poultry of the Empire market. Chaplain Wright has been conf.ncd to hi ImmI for the past few days with sickness. Thanksgiving day will be dealt on turkeys. Thy will all be "gobbled" in this vicinity. Mew York Sun: "Murray & Mur phy are among the cleverest of all the Irish Comedians. Thanksgiving day will be a great convenience to republicans. It happens along in the right time. Mew York Telegram: "Murray & Murphy received a welcome that must have gladdened their hearts. Their aces are their fortune." New York Mail and Express: "Our Irish Visitors is all that it pretends to be. The audience laughed and ap plauded immoderately." Wonder what the farmers around Weeping Water will do with their farm hands now since the county scat question is settled ? The town wont feel like patting up for them any longer. The " Y's" will hold their leap year social tonight at the residence of Mr. Wash Smith, corner of oth and Marble streets. It is expected to be a grand affair as all leap year events arc. The Weeping Water Eagle soars a little too high on Dago charges against Plattsmouth. Come down, or Platts mouth may call you down, and this paper will have a chance to Herald tl.e drop. -It is the intentention of our city fathers to again make an attempt to meet at the council chamber tonight. The cause of the several postponinents this week i attributed to the sickness of a couple of members. The dance given last night at Fitz gerald hall by the machinis s of the 13. & M. shops here was better attended than any occasion of the kind this year. Tlx hall was crowded so that much difficult; was experienced in making room for the dancers. Gertrude McCarthy, infant daughter of Mr. Con McCarthy, se tion foreman, died last night at 10 'elo k of membra ueous croup. She was aged one year and eight months. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock as the fathers residence, Third street. Secure your tickets for Murray unci Murphy in 44 Onr Irish Visitors, ' at the opera house next Monday night. Oui citizens know what the company and play is. and therefore do not need "any praise at our hands. They draw crowded houses everywhere and the company i" reported far better than last year when here. Mr. T. II. Leach was very agreeably surprised surprised yesteryday by receiv ing at order for $115.00 from the treas ury department, being the amount dut liim for a horse and saddle which In sold to the government in 1SC2, the voucher for which was lost. He had tried repeatedly to collect the bill, but without avail, and had almost given tip 1.11 hope of doing so. Remember the " Benefit for Mana ger Younff on Thanksgiving night, when the beautiful comic opera " La Mascott" will be presented by the Andrews Opera company consisting of 30 first-class artists and a fine orchestra. This opera has not b;en presented here, since Fay Templeton opened the opera house, and it is hoped our citizens will appreciate the coming of a first-class opera company and give Mr. Young a rousing benefit. The dedication services will be held in the new colored M. E. church tomor row afternoon, commencing at 3 o'c'ock. Elder Woodby and Rev. Harris of Omaha, and Elder Watson, if Nebraska City, will address the andienca, TLere will le a morning service commencing at 10 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. BxiwelL All ministers of tha city are cordially invited to assist in tlw .crvices ' The winter again at hand. The second snow storm of the season was seen here today. Judge Russell granted license to wed last evening to Mr. Mathew A. Daugharty and Miss Emma II. Rutlcr, also today, to Mr. Wm. Knadlc and Miss Clara Welton. A small party of Plattsmouth people were entertained last night at the home of Mr. W. J. I lesser, who lives about five miles southwest of this city. A very pleasant evening was spent. On Tuesday evening, Nov. 27th, N. D. Hubbard, state master workman, and Capt. Geo. II. Bowers, state statisti cian, will make private addresses to the members of the lodges in this city. The advance agent for Adieu Bene dict "Monte Cristo" Company arrived in the city this morning to make arrange ments for the appearance of the company on the eveniug of Saturday, Nov. 24th, at the Waterman opera house. This pi ly has become very popular over the entire country and has gained great favor wherever produced. Great excitement prevailed last n'ght immediately after the schools were dismissed among the school children who had gathered in front of the Sher wood block. One of our crterprisitig sho-3 merchants, Mr. Robt. Sherwood, sent hundreds cf them home rejoicing by presenting each one with a neat school book satchel. Mr. Pete Keeler, a popular young man in this city who has worked as tin ner for Mr. J. I. Cox and Messrs. Weid man Jfc Brekenfeld, for some time, has severed his connection with the latter firm and leaves this city next Tuesday to siek his fortune in a sew field in the far west; Spokane Falls, Washington terri tory being the point of his destination. Mr. Keeler has been a resident of Platts mouth since the spring of 1884, and many friends wish him well. A tin smith from Omaha has been engaged to fill the vacancy. The meetings at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms this week lave been very interesting and well ittended, one young man who attended he rooms last night, went into the parlor where the young men were holding their neeting. He became interested and after he meeting was over be spoke to one lear him saying he had concluded to be come a Christian. The week of prayer :ias been well attended, and the young nen think much gocd done. These series if meetings will close tomorrow evening with a union service of the Presby terian and Methodist churches, at the later church, where a sermon will be ,reached to young men by Rev. Alexan ler; unlike the meetings at the rooms, which were for men only, this service will be for everybody. The usual gos pel meeting for men only will Le held at t le rooms at 4 p. m. A report was put in circulation this morning by some train men upon the ar rival of the Kansas City train from Omaha that a Plattsmouth man had been shot n the Paxton hotel there this morning. The news spread over the city like light ting and to gain a true stctiment of the n-itter, the reporter interviewed Sheriff 'akenbary concerning it. Before that ime he had heard no such report and vent immediately to the telephone office ind telephoned the Police headquarters at Omaha, asking If M report was true. He was informed that the murdered man's name was King, and . that h was a member of the firm f King. Browning & Co., a large cloth i'X firm in Omaha. The report was that iving haj registered at the Paxton house -.vith a womia a big wife, and about 7-30 this morning his wife, vi,o syspicioned his disloyalty, had visited the ubovt louse and found her husband's name registered with another woman as his wife. She sent the bell boy to his room requesting him to come iwn immedi itely. He came, and upon his arrival, th? woman shot him twice, killing him instantly. No further particulars were leirneJ. PERSONALS Mr. John Barker, of Omaha, arrived in the city this morning. Miss Mamie McCoy went up to Omaha last night where she will visit with rela tives for a few days. Miss McDevitt, of Ohio, arrived in the city last evening. She will visit with Miss Mable Pottenger. Mr. W. G. Smith, an attorney of Red Cloud, came to this city yesterday to remain over Sundiiy-witb his brother, O. P. Smith. Mrs. II. T. Clark, of Omaha, was in the city yesterday visiting at the homes f Chaplain Wright and Mrs. KateOliyer She returned last evening. Mrs. O. 31. Carter and daughter, Jliss Leola, of Omaha, came t the city yester day morning to spad tha day with Mrs. Thompson. They returned hxjme last evening. Miss M. Cagney, who has been visiting relatives at O'Niel, Neb., for. the past few weeks, returned to the city list eve ning. She was accompanied by her couj iciii. Miss if. Tooney who will reaata t-rs fir r'Tt rl'.t LA(S I l III Muslim v S J Ladies' Modjeskas. Black Diagonal Cloth, Fur Trim med, only $7.00. Black Extra Quality Boucle Cloth, Spike Fringe Trimmings, Bell Sleeve, only $10.00. Black Frieze Cloth, BalljTrimminjr, Quilted Lining, Astrachan Cuffs and Collars, only 14.00. Brown and Tan Brocaded Matel lasse, Plush Ball Trimming, Plush Cuffs and Collar, only 15.00. Silk Plush, Plush Ball Trimmings, plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets, only 15.00. Black Astrachan Cloth,-, Spike Trimmings, Satin Lined, only 16. Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking, Ball Trimming to match, Quilted Satin Lining, only $20. Seal Plush, Elegant Plush Ball Trimming, Satin Lined, genuine Seal Loops, only 23. Elegant Seal Plush, Beaver Ball Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin Lined, only, 32.50. Our Plush Sacques are finished with the best of Quilted atin Lining. Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee failing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will be replaced by a new one. F. errma (1 E I CCI. Itl FIRST NATIONAL BANK. New York Morning Journal. " Our Irish Visitors" at the Union Square. A mirthful, rollicking, side spliting piece is " our Irih Visitors," brought out under the management of J. M. Hill, at the Union Square theatre, and fitting exponents of such a boister ous, though none the less amusing, hodge podge are found in Messrs Murray and Murphy, who share the starring honors F of the production. They both possess the undeniable ijuaiuy pf humor, Due in each does that fiui making iLharapteristjc take a different direction, so that the one,, as it were, proves a foil for t,,e other. An audience of goodly pro portions laughed itself hoarse ai theu epuecr antics and ofttimes lively and pointed sallies of wit. The supporting company was generally more than accept able. A Khlice ftf fjiis laughter-provoking entertaiumant w.Jd nfle, complete without mention of Miss hiar(ci,e iiie; mour, who played w ith excellet t disere- tion and uumistakoble signs or aoincy the soubrette part. Murray Murphy w ill appear at the Waterman opera house ci liqdny evan ing next, This company secured one or tha largest audiences ever seen in the y opera hou o tfejr last visit to the city about one yea ago' Rerye jeaf; Hnlrpta nn sale at J. P. Young's book store. A new line o f Astrachan Coats and Vests Just re;ei5-e4 at a & C. Mayer and selling fast at $13. cj-jt Grand Entertainment At Watermau's opera house the evening of Tuesday, November S?7. Given by Mai. R. II. nendershot and son, assisted by the best local musical talent,' under the auspices of the W. R. C. Maj- Hendershot is said to be the best drummer in the world; his son is a fine flfe player. tf Woolen Jackets from $1 aod upwards made by the celebrated Germania Knit ting Mills, at & efc C. Mayer. d-tf Y. Social. Everyone is invited to the " Y" social tonight at Mr. Wash. Smith's, and a a pleasant time is guaranteed. Ask for Mayers Lazcdried Shirts the best in the market either plajn or pJaited bosom, only $1 at S. & C. Mayers.' d-t Poultr of all kinds at the Empire Our Assortment purposes anything heretofore attempted by us in this Department, and our customers will be surprised at our magnificent display of Ladies' Hfliissfs' Kbwm lets ! and at very Low J Vices. We are showing decided novelties in Stripes, Check and Solid Colors with Plain, Bell or Sleeves. C7 9 Platts.-no nth Holds a Lucky Man. The printjd list of t'je prizes awarded at the last drawing of the Louisiana State lottery his been received here. The lucky number which draws the capital prize is 58,021, and the circular states that tickets calling for shares in that prize were sold at New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Louisville, Ky.; Truckee, Cal.; Dayton, O.; Waverly and St. Louis Mo.; and Plattsmouth, Neb. That sure ly strides fhis city, ' but the man holding the ticket has i;o yet bOPB hoard from. He, whoever he may be, probably holdj a twentieth ticket, as they are generally sold here, and it calls for $15,000, a handsome for tune for somebody. We are looking for hjm. Ife will probably set up the cigars if nothing rflftre. e ;ike see him. Call on us whoever you are. We would like to shake hands with you. For perfect fitting Suits or Overcoats fer 2!en Bovs and Children call on S. fc fer Jen Boys and Children C. Mayer'tbe popular Clothi. lers. d-tf .An Astonishing Fact '.'Thaf Mr. Brjggs has a peculiar history," "How neculiar ?" 'He has never been arrested as being the murderer of A. J. Snell." Latest style of Dunlap Stiff Hats in all Zk$93 t S. fc C. Mayers. d-tf Youthful Ortnograbriy- A little daughter of a family living on Alfred street was teasing her motlier, who at last cajd, hastily: "Do be patient child, bo patient," "I don't want to," retorted the little girl; "that's what they put in the ambu lance." Detroit Free Press. An Appropriate C. ft. "jyerc nay boqueis gi ven o you when you made your speech last night y'. "No, but a very peculiar present was made me. I can't understand its signifi cance." "What was it ?" "Two of the auditors placed a gns meter on the stage before me." A card party of this citv, known as the ft 'Twen&r .cne Clnb," nut at the.- resi dence of one of thV incumbers, Mr. F. G. Jj"ricke, it nfeht, and spent a 'verV 'A U IF HE ii Kid Gloves. We hi, all off r all of our Kul Gloves, worth from l.7" to $2.u, t tin- Nomi nal Price SI.50 FER PAIR. This includes vc rything v u iy in Slock of Dress, d, Sm iles, (':istoi, Driving Gloves. 0 Button Simpson's Bt Colors and Black?, now $1.50, worth 2.r0. A Button Bimppoii's I'ctt Colors and Blacks, now $1.M, worth f-2.25. 4 Button Our Own Fancy Embroidered Backs, Ctlors and Black, now 1.-00, worth $2.00. 5 Button Bon Marchc Extra, Colors and Black, now $1.50, wi it Ii $1.7.1. 8 Button MoMiiH ttdre Suedes, Colors only $1.50, worth $2.25. 0 Button Mosouetuire Suedes, Colors and Black, $1.50, worth $2.00. 4 JJimon t;abtors, Uoiurs, only now $1.50, wortli $2,00. Suede Guantlct Driving GJovcs, Colors only now $150, worth $2.25, Shawls. Our $4.00 Beaver Shawls in Greys and Browns, sold elsewhere nt $5.00. Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys and Browns, with Fancy Border, is decid edly a good bargain. Our $7.00 Beaver good heavy Shawl Very pretty line of colors. Our $9.00 Beaver, superior quality, elegant patterns, well worth $10.00. Our $10.00 Beaver in Greys, Tans and Browns, entirely new patterns, and would be decidedly cheap at $12.00. Yarns. Comprises Everything in German Knitting, Spanish, Germantown, Eider Down, Fairy Flo.c9, Shetland Floss, Angora, Saxony, Zephyrs, Crewels. 'Comforts and Blankets. 10x4 White Blankets at $1.25 per pair. 10x4 White Blankets, iood weight, only $2.00 per pair. 10x4 White all Wool Guaranteed, only $4.00. Our Country made White, nt $1.75 Specie! O 'EDOmE ST IEST 1TATI01TAL "ITK Boots and FECIAL Rales in Ladi- s' worth $5.00. Fine UR Three Doll-ir Shoes is far better OR a Two Dollar Shoe nothing will equal ours. I s going on and cur goods rnnst be sc,d. Oj.IE think this is just a blow. jj OW all we ask is for you to give us a call. A X fo seethe ootb will convince you that we are selling cheaper than any other dealer. . - j PRICES Low is our Motto. c&a 9 Was! WiSe& --Tjie eleptiop is over but Timothy Clark 8i) fcaj pipny of f.pal and wopd at his twd on south 8rcl street. ' erdera taken at central telephone office and M. B. Murphy & Co's store. Canon City $7.25 per ton; Iowa Lump $4.75; Moinosia $5.00. tf O. P. Smith & Co. have the finest dis play cf holiday gpodj eyer bropght to to the'efty.1"' ' ; " A hoiise tj) reap, uany t'o the busi ness part pf le pity. For inforniatiop call at this omce, Elson, the One Price Clothier, Is selling the Chicago I fata at $1.00. Plentv of feed, flour. graham and meal at Ileisel's mill, tf fl. Boecjf'ji furniture stock is acknowl edged to be f be finest and most coroiletc jn ilie "city. "' ' :- ' : TJ. M. Gaulf js "recti vlmr some verv iine noelfjea in Oxidised jJdv fvr holiday. Ifyon have a watch, clock or -jewelry f and kind you want repaired grxnl, take it to II." M. Ganlt.' All work warranted to give satisfaction. Men's Unlauneiried Siiirts, 40 cents, at o) IB) nn o iw (J in m y Inl uvJ uvJ S pc r puir, is extra large h'v.v, m d gdK-mlly advertised as a big bin gain a 5 10. 1 1x4 White In pcriul is full ize and at $7.50 a pair is h gc cd biirgnin. $4.50,Wi.tein B i e Kc d 1 di.nkt t is good value at $5.('0. $(!.00, Bed Blanket extra we ight ai d ejualit v. 12x4 Red Bl.nkct nt $!t.C0 per pair, n.ncb- up of the- iniest wool. Brown unci (Jiay mixed liltii.kc Is, at nil pliecs. Our $1.(0 C in ft it, fair priii. good value. Our $1.5(1 Ceinfeft. good equality, piint Mili). icel'liiirg, tUt with w bite- batting. Our $?.( 0 ct, I'e. t I'lint, ixtia weight. Our $2.50 Coinfoit, two good values: No. 1. F!-t C.loteel Chintz Piint, White Cotton Filled, cxtia hi.e and w c ijilit. ' No. 2. Fancy Satire, n lie! red lin ll'gs, elegant line- of pinteins el el cole lH. Oil! $;A'S Iiiie itcel ( 1 intz patterns, erv fni.ev riiiilte el. .xtrn ciye v i el weight. Our $4. (-0 Fine Fmcv fii'i.. Solid Siitine Lined, veiv iiice) c,u Itie', tizo 72x2. Underwear. Ladies' White Merino Ve tte, Sill Mikh ed, Silk bound, at 50 cents tuth. pants to match. Ladies' Extra tine, stirpcrior rjufdify. White Merino Vests, Jersey lihhed t. let vc a at 75 cents each. Pants to match at mmo price. Ladies' White Wool Vests, Silk Bound iind Stitched, at $1.25. Ladies' Natural Wool Vetts and Pants at $1.00 each, worth $1.25. Ladies' Scarlet Vests and Ports, i mooth and soft, on'y $1.00 rnch. Ladies' Scarlet Saxony Wool VeMsaud Pants, finest quality, at $1.75 each. Ladies' Camels Hair Pants and Vests Reduced to $3.00 a suit, worth $4.00. Full Lines of Children's, Mifses and Boys' Underwear, White, Scarlet, Natur al and Camels Jlalr at Low prices, Seal Plush Wraps. Our line of Plush Gnrmerts this season are made up of the best grades of Lon don Dyed and Listers Seal Flui-hc p, and Every Garment Guaranteed to wear. Our Plush Jackets at $15.00 ore verv chenp. Our English Walking J: kts, three- quarters 1. ngth, nt $25. well worth $:J0. Our $25.00 Plush Bucfim-H, st-ld else where at $::0.00 Our $30.00 Plush Saroues worth full? $..5.00. Our $35.00 Plush Sac ones worth fullv $40.00. Our $37.50 Plush Sacques sold every where at $45.00. Our $45.00 Plush Saequ's, regular city price, $;5. rnnaBnH Hand-Turned Shoes, selling now for only $3.50, than ever put on the market here before. CO, Dr. C- A.' Marshall. 2R.siden.t .Dexitist, Preseryatitp pf the Natural Teeth a Specialty. A nest lu tics give n for Paik- I.E6S FlLLlKG OK EXTRACTION OF TeHH. Artiflciitl teeth made, cn Gold, Silver Rubber or Celluloid Plate s, r.rd insrrtcci assoon as teeth aie extracted when de sired, All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Why? Because he had no Oakland Sxoyr tiuy one oi jounso Bros. scpt22-dlm. ( Remember you save 25 cts. on dollar by trading with Elon the One Price Clothier. The holiday stock fttJ?wita" & Co.'a it