The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 16, 1888, Image 4

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    THE i)XlLY H Eft AID i HATtsMOflTit, NfiARAJgjU, PJLUiiAY Kft.
Tno Evening Herald.
A. Nallabary. DcatUt, Koekn4 BiiHIir
Telrphoa 5. Jti.
Dr. ftl!a. Odra la Urla'a Oraa KUr, Baal
aea lr. tilth a4 UraalU.Tclrpkoaa 5. 4t.
Dr. iritkr. tha Falalnu Dratlnt. 1'aloa
Black, atar Irleke'a Uran Mor, flatuaiaalk.
The Uhca company left for Council
Bluff this morning whore they will Iiold
forth this evening.
Platfemouth cast a solid vote of
2,310 against the interests of Cass county.
" She's a hummer. Weeping Water
Eagle Tho Eagle attaches a great es
timate to their village, PlattMiiouth's a
hummer and it looks mighty plain now
that Weeping Water will bo obliged to
listen to her.
The leap year eociuble which will
he given by the " V " at the residence
ef Mr. Wash Smith, tomorrow even
ing, has become the main subject
for conversation among the young
men. They exhibit more uneasiness for
fear of being slighted thn th voung
ladies who nre placed in similar circum
stances. There is a possible chance for
them to attend even if the young ladies
fail to come to their assistance, as the
house will be thrown open to the public
tLat evening and all are invited.
Since the paving of Main street is
about completed it must be about time
for some more of the business men to
commence work on the building of side
walk of some description in front of
thfir business hous-s. The present old
walk does uot rc-ich the curbing stone
within about five feet, hn-l besides pre
senting a very disagreeable appearance,
it is also d uigerou in places. If that
wrk were attended to at once, the im
provement in the app" ir.ince of the street
would b wonderful.
The county commissioners have
securer the contract to till up the creek
on Pearl street between Third and Fourth.
The ground to bo used for that purpose
is hauled from the sldi of the bluff in
tht vicinity on Third streut and as it i.
Ieing cut dowu the handsomer the street
appears. It will be found necessary to
fill up all the old creeks which have been
blocked np. befors the end of next
summer, no doubt, for the stagnant
water with which they are filled will give
great encouragement to fevers.
O'Rourk's dog, of Plattsmouth, cast
its vote for keeping the county seat at
that burg. Down there they think it is
funny, bat it is an insult to the pco-de
just the same. The canine is a very in
telligent one, a ticket was put in its
mouth, which it carried to the darkened
window. The ticket was taken from its
mouth, and a bystander called its name.
Citizens of Cisa county, how do you
appreciate such jokes. The Eayle
admits that the dog bad mora right to
vote than 1,000 men .who did. Weeping
Water Eagle.
The following figures are emblematic
of the classical standing of Plattsmouth
with other places of the same population
and less. The receipts at the opera house
last night amounted to 139.50, while at
York they gave them $350, and Grand
Island, $540, the two last towns iD
which the Rhea company played before
reaching Plattsmouth. If there had
been a clog dance or a minstrel produc
tion of some kind advertised to take
place between acts, we have no doubt
but the house would have been
packed to the doors
Rhea and her excellent company
appeared at tli-j Waterman opera hous
last night in Shakespeare's "Much Art
About Nothing.' Tho house was fairh
large but did not fully reach the expec
tatlons of the management, on such
rare occasion for this city. The audience
showed much appreciation of this granr
production, and the only objection raised
was a slight dissatisfaction on account l
the indistinctness the star-evinced it
speaking English. All who attended
last night showed signs of intense appre
ciation and much admiration of the act
ing and tho costly and handsonv
costumes. If the company were not we1) (
paid, we can confidently say they. wen
much appreciated by Plattsmouth people.
Mr. Waterman, proprietor of tb
Waterman opera bouse, has made ar
rangements to give a complimentary
benefit to the unnager of the opera house
Mr. J. P. Young, on the evening of No
vember 29th, (Thanksgiving night).
Manager Young has secured for the oc
casion, the Andrews Opera Company, u
company consisting of thirty people, with
a first-class orchestra. They will present
the beautiful comic opera, " La Mascot t."
This 'company was only secured under a
heavy guarantee, and as this opera i.
first-class in every particular, there should
lc a good turnout on that evening. The
prices have been reduced to the regular
opera house prices, and as they are with
in the reach of all. and this being th
first opera of the season, a hamper hous
should greet the con: pany. Tee people
hould show their appreciation of Mr.
Young's efforts in securing fiat-class
companies for the season by giving, him
a rich benefit, as this will bo toe first one
ever tendered him.
Celebration at Creenwocd.
Q it kkjj wood, " Neb., Nov. . IS. The
closing political event of the year was
the republican ratification here last night.
There were few yisitors but the people of
Greenwood turned out en masse to wit
ness, or assist in, the final work of the
campaign. The ladiea' club which has
assisted so much during the campaign,
completed its work, and with three rous
ing cheers for the successful candidates
of the country, state and national tickets,
they disbanded. The town was beauti
fully illuminated, and the display of
firewoiks very fine. Many democrats
assisted in the ratification, but hardly
with the same spirit of the old republi
cans, who are wild with enthusiasm over
the success ot the national ticket.
A new line of Astrachan Coats and
Vests just received at S. & C. Mayer and
selling fast at $13. - d-tf
Pirates on the Missouri.
Nebkaska Citv, Nov. 15. Last even
ing a request was received by the chief
of police to look out for five men, sup
posed to be coming down the river on a
flaiboat which they had stolen, together
with other property, at Platts
mouth. This afternoon a boat answering
the description of the one stolen came
down to the pontoon bridge and was
taken in charge by the police. There
were five men on board and they are now
in jail. All the stolen property was re
covered. Woolen Jackets from $1 and upwards
tuiide by the celebrated Germania Knit
ting Mills, at S. & C. Mayer.
Grand Entertainment
At Waterman's opera house the evening
of Tuesday. November 27. Given by
Maj. It. II. Hendershot and son, assisted
by the best localj musical taleiit, under
the auspices of the W. It. C.
Maj. Hendershot is said to be the best
drummer in the worldj his sou i a fine
fife player. tf
Ask for Mayers Lanndried Shirts the
best in the market cither pl.-du or plaited
bosom, only $1 at S. fc (). Mayers, d-t
Thursday. November 29, is set apart
by Governor Thayer as a day pf thanks
giving. Plattsmouth will give thanks
to the Dago's, for saving to them the
county seat; yes, the Dago should be
taken to church that day by all means;
don't be selfish dowb tere on that oc
casion, it cost you lots ot money i
men to do your dirty work, now give
generous thanks for the result. Weep
ing Water Eagle. The Pago cry is all
that can be seen in the Eagle this week.
They accuse Plattsmouth of running in
about 1,500 Dago yoters and make sev
eral such outrageous charges. Should
we admit the sistscent as a truthful one,
we would say that we'hold UQ .edge no
Weeping Water by so doing, and aain
we could not compete with them, as the
entire vote here did not consist of an
army of that class.
For perfect fitting Suits or Overcoats
f r Men Boys and Children call on S. &
J. Mayer the popular Clothiers. d-tf
The new colored church which has
recently i'ea erected here will be dedi
cated next Sunday ufterQOoa. The ser
vice will commence at 3 o'clock and
Elder Woodby and Rev. Harris, of
Omaha, and Elder WaUon, of Nebraska
Oity, will address the audience. There
vill be a morning service commencing
it 10 o'clock, couducted by the pastor,
llev. Mr. Bos well. All ministers of the
lifferent churches are cordially invited
o attend and assist them in the after
noon. Rev. Mr. Boswell deserves
considerable credit for his unceasing
vork in securiog the required amount to
uild the church. He feels very gratefu
t the citizens of Plattsmouth who assist-
:d him. lie labored under every disad
V intage here, but he now takes a great
jride in his work since it terminated so
The "grouse" which was shot by a
couple of hunters in some farmers baru
yard a couple of days ago, made an
elegant chicken stew. Some farmers
were lso paid well to allow them the
privilege of shooting at their turkeys.
They found three in one farmers flock
chat would stand still and allow them
an hour to fire away, aud the goose which
they say was wild must have wanted to
Mr. Will Crehan, who had his head
seyerely cut about a week ago while at
work in the pumphouse at the water
works, has recovered sufficiently from
the injury to be around on the streets. It
was a mincle that he did not meet his
death by the blow he received from a
2x4 board which caught in the driving
wheel and struck him a severe blow over
the head.
The circulating library belonging to
rhe members of the Y. L. It. R. A. has
een placed in the rooms of tho Young
Men's Christian Association, but the
nembcr of the ladies' reading circle ara
' have the usage of the books. Satur
days being the time specified to exchange
Riddle bouse arrivals: O. IL Draper,
I. D. Morris, D. Straw, Wells, Minn.;
C. Mclntire, Burlington; Aug. Rothe,
Chicago; Mr. Fesiler, Chicago.
I o o I
Ladies' Modjeskas.
Black .Diagonal Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only $7.00.
Black Extra Quality Boucle Cloth,
Spike Fringe Trimmings, Bell Sleeve,
only $10.00..
Black Frieze Cloth, BallTrimming,
Quilted Lining, Astrachan Culls and
Collar?, only 1J.OO.
Brown and Tan Brocaded Matel
lasse, Mush Ball Trimming, Plush
Cufls and Collar, onlv 15.00.
Silk Plush, Plush Ball Trimming?,
plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets,
nly S13.0D:
Black Astrachan OJoth, Spike
Trimmings, Satin Lined, only Slf.
Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking,
Ball Trimming to match, Quilted
gajin Lining, only $20.
Seal lu;Ij, Elegant Plush Ball
Trimming, Satin "Lined, gesinc Seal
Loops, only 23.
ELeant Seal Plush, Beaver Ball
Trimmings and Cpllar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, 33.50,
Our Plush Sacques are finished with the best of Quilted Satin
Lining. Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee
failing to i4Mti the representation in wear given our garments, will be
replaced by a new o"n,
p.Ut pt Letters
Remaining unolaimcd, ii tVe Posfoffice
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Nov. 14, 1888
for the week ending Nov. 3, 18S8:
Ansttn. Mm. EUza Baii U enry
Carroll. EltAha Carroll. Mrs F A
Clilum&n. Frank lemmoos. Jofeph
r'k.l.lla.,iinn IlIIltl9 l)nlll. J 1
Geier. F Wm
Henrv, uecie
Johnston. Mrs II L
Money i(tiuy. J W
Moneomery. if
MeUee, Thoiaas
Osborne. George
Prosser, H
Sculler, James
Vallery, Walter
Hamlitoa, J li
McArthur, H
McCorde. J K
Pipinl .urn
Pence, Samuel
Hinder. T.6ias
Wf-boor, W H
Wroth, l nomas
White, (ieorpa
Persons calling for anv of the Bbov6
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wise. P. M.
Lateii fityjeoi Dunlap Stiff Hats in all
shades at 8. it J. Muyci
An Intrlilous Poisori Stopper.
patenteeffor use in Lottle3 containing
Ijoisons. 4. q.9 stopper is inaae oi inula
loibber, and is eurmounted bv a per
forated ball of india rubber priglitly
t i i .! if i!
coicreu so as to rencier it cusuncuve m
the liht. and containincr a bell which
rattles when the bottle is moved, thus
drawing attention to the character of
the contents, even though it be imijos-
siblo to sec the label. 3uch a warning
stopper would have rendered impossi
ble many of the accidents which have
from tune to time taken place, notably
one a tew months a;ro, wnen a dis
tinguished surgeon lost his life owing
to a mistake as to a uoltie containing
poisonous uiedichie. Cassell's Family
Loss of Different Members.
A table prepared for a workingman's
society in Leipsic represents that a loss
of different members of the lxxly re
duces the capacity to gain a living in
tho following proportions: Loss of
both arms, legs, hands or feet, 100 per
cent. : loss of right hand, 40 pcir cent. ;
of right thumb, 33 1-3 per cent ; of one
e vc, 22 per cent. ; of Jef t thumb or
right index finger, 14 percent; of any
finger, 5 per cent Brooklyn Eagle.
Earopan Troop In India.
The total number of European troops
in English India in I860 was 61,015.
And the average death rate per 1.000
was 15.18. In the province of Bengal
there were 89,000 men, and the death
rate was 15.8. In the province of
Madras 11.000. and the death rate 16.2.
Province of Bombay 11,000, death rate
12.7. The number of native troops
was 106.010. and the death rate was I
19.43 per 1.CC0. Chic?TO Kcrsld,
Onr Assortment surpasses
anything heretofore attempted
by us in this Department, and
our customers will he surprised
at our magnificent display of
LaOies' god-Misses'
and at very Low Prices. We
are showing-decided novelties in
Stripes, Checks,
and Solid Colors !
with Plain, Bell or Angel
mam m9
A Bible) Lesson.
!! Johnnie who was the most patient
mm ? "
" Gen. Harrison."
" Harrison ? Well, I expected yu to
Bay Job; but since Harrison reads several
thousands of letters of congratulation
wuliout murmur every day, I guess you're
right. " Please move io k hed of the
tjis Eye; n a Sling.
" yes, I cap telj nearly all about a man's
habits flow the nppcarane-c of his eyes."
" Please experiment on iuv."
" Easy enough; you are in the habit
ofTeft-rriiicf to large men a9 liars.
Anew supply oX Chjnohilla Overcoats,
Beaver Collars and Cuffs just received at
S. & C. Mayers, they are excelent value
and selling at $14. d-tf
Mrs. J( F. Johnson has just received
some handsome hats and bonnets, and
she will be pleased to show them to any
of our readers, who will call on her.
Clothing must go, M-u's Business Suits
at $4.60. Elson, the One Price Clothier
If yon want a good clock, go to II. M.
Gault. lie has a large assortment to
pick from at prices that can't help but
sell them.
Men'3 Overcoats at
Eicon's, the One
Price Clothier $1.00,
for sale. A good span of matched
ponies for sale, thev are a nunibtr-one
buggy team. Enquire at this office. tf
Gold and silver watches enough to
supply the country at II. M. G:iult's,
cheap and warranted to give satisfaction.
O. P. Smith & Co. are making a spec
ialty of Christmas and fine Is'ew Years
cards this season.
Elson the One Price is selling Chinchil-
as Overcoats, Beayer Collars and Cuffs, at
Everything necessary for furnishing a
house can be purchased at H, Boeck's.
Gold and silver spectacles at IL )L
For rent A bouse of three srood
rooms for rent, cheap. Eoiair at Pearl
crscs furniture store. tf
Special Sale !
Kid Gloves.
We shall oflVr u.11 of our Kid Gloves,
worth from 1 1.75 to $J.00, at the Nomi
nal Price
This includes cvcrytliirg m- cnry in
Stock of Dressed, Suedes, C:istors, aud
Driving Gloves.
0 IJutton Simpson's 15t-t Colors and
Bbicks, now $1.50, worth 2.r0.
4 Rutton Simpson's U-t Colors and
Blacks, now $1.50, w rth $'..'..'.
4 Button Our Own Fancy Embroidered
Backs, (Mors uml Black, now $1.50,
worth $2.00.
5 Button Bon Marche Extra, Colors
and Black, now $1.50, w ith $1.75.
8 Button MoKiUi-t;dre Suuic-s, Colors,
only $1.50, w. ith $2.05.
C Button Mof-quctidrc Siu-di s, Colors
and Black, $1.50, worih $2.( 0.
4 Button Cantors, Colors, only now
1.50. worth 2.00.
Suede Guantlet Driving Gloves, Colors
only now $150, worth $2.25.
Our $4.00 Boaver Shawls in Greys and
Browns, sold elsewhere nt $.00.
Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys
and Browns, with Fancy Border, is decid
edly a nood bargain.
Our $7.00 Beaver good heayy Shawl
Very pretty line of colors.
Our $9.00 Beaver, superior quality,
decant patterns, well worth $10.00.
Our $10.00 Beaver in Greys, Tuns nnd
Browns, entirely new patterns, and would
be decidedly cheap at $12.00.
Comprises Everything in
Gorman Knitting,
Eider Down.
Fairy Floss,
Shetland Flow,
Comforts and Blankets.
10x4 White Blaskets at $1.25 per pair.
10x4 White Blankets, cood weight,
pall 2.00 per pair.
i0x4 "White all Wool Guaranteed,
only $4.00.
Our Country-made White, at $4.75
Boots ajidl
, i&ciAj.! naies in Ladit-s- i-ne H ind-
' worth $5.00.
UR Three-Dollar Shoos i.s fr b. tttr
OR a Two Hullar
Shoe nothing will
DIE is gfjin i n an t .(;.'
MT"'ds must
OMP: think this Ie just a blow.
jJ OW all wc r.bk is for you to ive us a call.
AND to see the good, v.ill convince jou tint we are selling cheaper th
i other dealer. p
RICES Low is our Motto.
O. P. Smith & Co. have the finest dis
play pf hqliday goods ever brought to
to the city.
A house to rent, bandy to the busi
ness part of the city. For infoimation
call at this office.
Elson, the One Price Clothier, is sailing
the Chicago Hats at $1.00.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heiscl's mill, tf
H. Boeck's furniture stock is aeknowl
pdgecl Jo be the finest and most complete
in the city.
II. M. Gault is receiving some very
1 . : .-- -i - . 7... -
A - i- . V,.,
7 -i""-- Ujcu Oliver gwus
for Ijohdava I
If von have a w'atcli clnk r ioair I
of and kind you'want repaired ooei, take
it to n. JL Ganlt All work warranted
to give satisfaction.
Men's Unlaundried Shirts, 40 cents, at
Bison's the One Price Clothier.
Smith fc Co. will give away a Qne
house and lot in Vallerv place during
the pext ty dsys. Each person buying
5 of goods dnrins thst time is entitlivl
per pair, is extra large mzc, end generally
advertised ns a lig Imignin fit $5.10.
11x4 "White Imperial is full M.e and
at $7.50 a pair is a good l.uipain.
$4.50,"Westun Kckhvc Kcd Blanket is
good value at $5.C0.
$0.00, Hcd Blunkct cxMa weight nr.d
12x4 lied Blunkct at $0.00 per pair,
made up of the finest wool.
Brown nnd Gray mixed Bhuikits, at
all prices.
Our $1.C0 Comfort, fair print, goe.d
Our $1.50 Comfort, good quality,
print poliel, red lining, filhd with
white batting.
Our $2.00 comfort. Best Print, extra
Our $2.50 Comfort, two jood values :
Ne. 1. Fnt-t Colored Chintz Flint,
White Cotton Filled, extra size rt)d(
we if lit. if
Ko. 2. Fiine-y Sntine. rolid red lirl
ings, elefimt line of pr.t t t i.s : nd colore.
7)ur $." 1:5 Tnif 'itel (l .i t Iitterns,
very fancv rjniltiil. xlrii mc m d veiht.
Our f i t'' Fun Fi l v SutiM-. Seilid
j Sitine IM:ed, vei' i i i I (fi. lli', HZCJ
Ladies' White JW rino YM; . Silk fflte li
ed, Silk boi nel, at 50 cel. Is e i e h. Pants
to match.
Ladies' Extra fine. M;r iiior :i ality,
White Meiino Vests, Jerse y i ib' eel beeves
at 75 cents eac h. Pants to n.nte h at nm.o
Ladies' White Wool Vests, Silk Bound
and Stitched, nt $1.25.
Ladies' Natural Woe.l Vrts and Pants
at $1.00 each, worth $1.25.
Ladies' Scarlet Vests nnd Parts, unooth
and soft, on'y $1.00 each.
Ladies' Scarle t Saxony Wool V sts and
Pants, finest quality, at 81.75 each.
Ladies' Camels Hair Pants anel Vetta
Reduced to $0.00 a suit, worth $4.00.
Full Lines of Children's, Misses and
Boys' Underwear. White, Scarlet, Natur
al and Camels Hair nt l ow priccp.
Seal Plush Wraps.
Our line of Plush Garmexts this Benson
are made up of the best grades of Lpp
dpn Dyed and Listers Heal Plufh'?, aud
Every Garment Guaranteed to wear.
Our Plush Jackets at $15.P0 are very
Our English Walking .Tee ke ts, three
quarters 1 ngth, at $25, wll we.rth $00.
Our $25.00 Pluth Sacques, se.ld else
where at $00.00
Our $00.00 Plush Sacques worth fully
$05. pp.
Our $05.00 Plush Saruuc-3 Tvorfh full7
Our $07.50 Plush SaceeueB sold evcrv?
where at $45.00.
Our $45.00 Plush Sacques, regular city
price, $55.
Turned yiiofs. soiling now lur e nl
y $0.50,
thau ever put on th- m.irkct here before.
by svM;
in any
Dr. C. A, Marshall
Slesidont Senfiat.
Prc-fcervoticn of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Anctthctirs given for Pain
less Filling pn Extraction ok Tuiir.
Artincal teeth made on Gold. Silver
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, ai.d inttitcd
. "
m Boon as iceiii are extracted when Ac
tt HOOn as te tll nre tntrrt,A
All v
All work warranted.
Prices reasonable.
Because he had no Gablajtd Stove.
Buy one of Jonsspy Bbqs. scpt22-dlm.
Remember vou save 25 rta
i0.11" fading wjth Elson the Ono
xnt-c v-ioinier, .
The holiday stock at Smith & Co.V Hi