Hi SECOND VEAH PLATTSMOUTII, NEBKASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 188S. NUMBER Ri 1; city oiaacKiis. Mayor. rirrK, rrevirr, attorney. F.QiMue.-r, Polio J.iin, Varahuit. K. M. .i H( v K t-.t JAMK PATrKtttit.s, jk - i;vit .n i'lauk - A Mtlto Ci.itnmu W 11 MALUK Uouu,l..uu. la. rrd. J .Vbuky ,. ID M JONK HIS. K Mil I I'M AN .. -, I M ft Muki ih- , (,'ON "'CuNNOB. ,lu- If M-Cam.itn Prim I J WJimM , HA I KM VN UMd Pub. VTorknX um lio'-iiM 1 11 IU VVK AoKfll :i.d Treav-mr. - 1. A I'AMinitix Drouir r-orer, - - rim-i. I'ulijm k Glrk. - - hiri) i icit iirifi.ti iiutv clerk. - - I.xa hi i run km Kaoorder ol Heed - - M. poor Diioutir KfeorJiT - Join l.K u. Clem of IM'tnct Co art. W. C. sii.iwaltick !herlu ... J.i'. KlKKNHAKt Burreyor. - a. Mwi.k Attorney. ... A 1. 1. FN limv.: Suet, of Pun Schools. - Mavsiahu Si-ink County Jmli:e. - C. Ki;imm I-.OAKU K MCPKKVIHOKit. A . n. Trtim. L'h'm.. - - lWtt3tnoutli LoCIS KoLTZ. - WwpiiiK W tter A. It. 1I KttON. - fciiiiwona GIVIG SOGIlVPliS. v i i ASH I.01X1H No. llti. 1 ). O. F.-Meets l.wiru IiixI:lv nvniiine of each week. All transient brothers aro lei-peoUulIy Invited to ttnd. LATTMObTII KNX'AMl'.MKNT No. I. O. O. K.. meet every a'ternato truiay 111 each ruontli lo the Maioulc Hail. Brothers are Invited to attend. Visiting T1KIO LODtiK NO. Ml. A. O. V. W. Meets k-erv ttrerii-ii Frldty evening at K. of F liV.l. ltnMeit brother aro reiHctfuiiy lu v itM to Attend ? -f U r"tu. Muster Workman ; '. P. P.rowu. f"re .inn ; 15. "vemstr. over or: It. A. Taito. Killdiinicr: . K. IIue worth. Keoorder; M. MHybr'gJit. Kelver; l. !; M iilth, ift I. W. ; I. N. Bjweu. Guide ; Y. .1. Kum. liis'do WiU-U. fs- ov? no. 3JJ. miki:n woodmen oi A'lieucd Mi-btj Ht-cijnd ;;id foin tli Mm 1 v evwiilun at K. .f ii iti. A! ltiiMeiit hrither re reijuf?: i m-ei in. ' I: A. swto, Vetietudo tim'K'ti ; f!. , Nile, Worthy a, t'; ii.Jo. :micer ; w, a. fll.ATTSMOfJri! LDDliK NO H. A. O. a. ir. v. Moet every alternate I"rM.y evt-iiin at Rocktrood hall nt Ho'cJuCK. All t.r.i iUMii broth ers aro respectfully lnvitd i atteinl. L. S. luktson, M. V.', i V. KovJ. Foreman : S. C. WlMe. Recorder ; l.eoti.ir.l aii lirs..u. Overseer. Jir.ATivK(;inii LonnKNo.6. a. f a a.m. 'MrtGd th tit and third Mondays of tacll tnouth ut their hp.lt.- All transient broth rf. are Cor4UUy 'iJtOT M. WH- iat. Sefet4fyj ' kBKAHKA OIlTKK. .NO. 5. tt. A. A.' Meets second and fourth Tuiy of each month at Miin'f Hall. Traiiftcirut brother are Inylled to meet with as. IT. E. Whitk, II. P. Wn. Iva. Seeretary. Mr. ZIOI COMMA -n vHY. NO. 5. K. T. Meet flrt and third Wednendiy nlulit of r trh-ionth-e M 'liAil. WhUiiik brother 'tre tordiHllylarlt-jd to iMt fh 'u' Havs:. .ted. F. If: Vhit. K. O. CAMOOL'XCi . XO Uiil.hOYAL 'UCANUM iHfct thti necond and fourth Moudavs ot tv ntoath at Arcanum Hall. y m -".?:n.v. Kr -ent. T. C. Minok. Secretary. Women SutYeroge Defeated. Montpelikii, Vt.. Nov. 15. la the The Street Can-. biers of China. 0n never failing- source of amuso- ... f . .i i mcnt was watchintr the street cam- huiis, of rep, s-nutire. thu morning the Ueps Ym ft ftn ffenorallX hill ittinin u women the right of. most innocent looking of Cliinamen, HufTni'e. w i-i l.:feated bv a vote of 192; if one Chinawan can be said to look to 7. ill HQT WV tliirpi-nf fmm nnntlioK 1 1 t I lsOU Ilk - I ll'ull'inra ...'ll. "H"-oa aji oi.r, a.llvlHLr UJUJllT W1LI1 Cheated The Hangman. wliat looks liko u rather Iaro urn- Los ANOELK8, Cl.f Not.. 15. Fritz V AJ - 1 S , Wl , " UunKS lo AnarliU, tin- German who was to have con,er sticks tins tnachino on the h?'n tX'-cutc.l Friclrtj for the murder of i g-rounil, which in some ingenious Mr. nd Mr. Hitclic ck in Jauuarj last, : way, hecomr-s a gtimbling- table, -..i i i . i i i hiui ncu iiiisj o 1 1 i;n i m lKJlj. ill an com. iiiUi-d tiutci le Inst niht by takin? i : . i ili " J rt . instant ho is sun-ottiiueu by a crowd Htryclinin. , and di d shortly aftor mid- j of all ages, and t!i game goes merrily ! THE GLOWING COALS. night. If They Can Count Them In. V8iiiNQTON, Nov. 16. Representa tivi? Th nipoii, s crctarv of the demo crttic conr -s-iioiitl noimuittee, t'dd a -Star r orti-r this afternoon that lie thought th- d: inocrats would certainly have a in ij rity of one or thtee in the next house. W.nts Fees Abolished. Wasaington, Nov. 16. First Auditor Chcnuwitli in his aunual report to the accrdt.-iry of t!i:: treasury recommends the abolition ot' thi systcqi, as applied tp United St it attorneys, marshals and clerks, m I tli a loptioa instead of just and reasounble salaries. Army Transfers. Los AxofcXtcs, Cal.,. Nov. 15. General Nelson . Mib-s received formal notice from tit w ir department at Washington at tv ning, of his transfer to Sin Fran cisco, to t.ikb coii.tuand of the division of th P. -ilic, vic j General O. O. Howard who .-s ir.ist t i uauma command of tl9 Atlantic An ther Papai Rocript- Dcbi.in, X iv. 10. -The Irish bishops have rcc :i v.id anothvr papal rescript. It ord rs th in to actively execute the for mer rescript, which instruct? thee: tu do-nouuet- tint pl;in of campaign and,' "boy cotting. It also orders them to direct priests to .ir i.-fi iiinst agiti;tmi, and tq forbid tii --n to take (jar in b.ojqott- iag an. I 1 m of campaign movements, which ti.ey must opposd with all means in their pow.-r. PLATTSMOUTH 30!0 OFTR rreldsnt Hint. H Windham 1-A ice resideot ... . . ' 'A . I"..' iVld lidVioe rre.iideiU... v in Neviil Xii:r,ktary , ..." K. llerrniann Tre&iurer K. K. Uiuhinau DIKK--TOK-. J. C. Ri hev F. E. Whit". .1 C. Tatterson. J. A. flona-r, B. Kl-oii. C. W. sliermu, F Jor der, J. V. eckbch. MoCUNIHIC POST 45 2. A. ROMTCf, J. W. Jcnvso'. & S. T I s, : ... . P A. rATi'!...: twq. Niles. Hiur srsr.itiaT. Malum Iiixon CflAftLK-t K-K' A.VDRHKO.V FKY. .. J.VflOll liOHB' KMAN. L. C. Ccttris UeettnK Saturday eronln ..Onmanii't. ..Senior Vice " . Juiili.r AiJ I't'i! Q.V. i tllCTiif the " Ou-ini -ert Major. ..(Juarrer Mas'er Ser-T". rixt lni;l.:.i; Em .500 an Incurable case of Catarrh be Head bythe proprietorsQf DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY, Symptoms) of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction of nose, discharjres falling- Into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, ringing' in ears, deafness, difficulty or clearing- throat, expecto sation of offensive matter; breath offensive: eraeU and tafte impaired, and ireneraJ debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in eon Sumption, and end In the grave. - -- Br Its mild, soothing;, and healing properties, Pr. Sage's Remedy cures the worst cases. 50c: 55 liver Pills. -wrrr rrsria bit A Uarmlet. rAiAonaJedasat.lTer Pill. Smallest.cheap- Mt, esiuest to take. SJiie Pellet a Dome, Cure Sick Headache, Hiliona Ileadaeh. IMzzlneM, Countipation, ludls;eslloii ' istllou Attacks and ail derangements' Ot Sm stomach aad bowvls. 5 c-U. by dru--ist. "jULUJS PEPPERBtRG. MASCFACTUBER OF AX WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN TUB Choicest Brands of Cigars including our Fior da Pepperbergo and 'Bud rnx lisk or TOBACCO AND SifOKEBS' ARTICLE. aiways in rtock. Not. 2. 1 8S-5. gherwtn & .Will is mt mixed paints, the best-in the market, at FricLe Si Co's. dru (tore. 8 tf. Woman's Congress. Detroit. Nov. 16. At the morning session m it;- ucmao;a congress, reports irom in - vi -o prcsiaents ana various com mitt s wro made, embracino- the tnor-d, m in-.(ii ii and edueational Condi tiou of wm a in si.; geveriil fltates According H) thfse reports the general condition of women is advancing stead ily. Soiu ? comparative statistics on the qu -stic ii (,ril f i;tior of mt-n and women were pres. uu-d. hut they were of a frag mentary character. The report of the tre t-urer .-hows that all bills have been paid and th re is a comfortable balance in tin- hank. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Nellie Reid Cody, of Iowa, road a paper on organi zation anions women. on. Suddenly a cry of police goes up and in an instant man and tablo have mysteriously disappeared and the crowd has scattered. I believe tholaw is strict against gambling, but tho po lice seem about as ellicient to stop and prevent it as aro the police of ouj country. I never could get to tinder stand the game, but it seems to be run on the good old principle that the odds should bo in favor of the bank, as the bank seemed always to win. After watching tho game for several days, I came to the conclusion that the person, who raised the cry of police must be a confederate, as it was always done when tie stakes were quite large, that is, for that game, as only pieces'of copper were placed on the board, and, in his anxiety to get away tho man would not wait to hand back to the players their money, but would disap- 5car. money, table, and all. Samuel Farrar in Chicago Journal. WHAT ON EARTH is tho re:i.on p, i.ple w.ll not, can not, or do not ei any i:lTert-nce in cheap nos tiii'ii j.ut up ly Cheap John houses or i r-MX'ti-ohle parties at enormous profits, rjth -r than take a medicine of wcrld widi rcp.nu itioii and one that is giving niv.-- I - ts' ct:on at iriual urice? No A t :)'-'':.: ; ' Ai-iM is giving such un-or.-il ; ! -"iii.m for purifying the hired n- !;i:iG S hlood PrniFlfdi & IJLOOD M All Kit. r.qd ever bottle that d"cs not '" iis work will cost yoa ni'th ing. For s .! hy O. P. Smith & Ca druvit. Dr t in Oruaha when you want to g r ! ix-utiful parlor and led room s-r.-: t.i unto Hc-nry Boeck's fur niture --,!ip.i,-:.; i where you can get every thinir in ri. niture line thaf will go tp make your i, mm beautiful and comfort able; and iiove all you can get it cheap. Rememl'er t!nt he who sells rnos.t can sell cheapest. HOWV CAN PARENTS allow t!, i h-I'lren to cough and strain inl rm: --"l f-dinly say: "Oh! it s only : ! ; id." And keep giving them cheap ! d-iieroos medicines, until tluw jo i'"-aii with lunsj fever- or con sumpn..n. v. i n Miev can Ik? so easily re lieved v I5KOGS' " CHERRY COUGH SYRUP? It ha? no superidf, aid few equals. For s ite by 0'. P. Smith fc ()o , druggists, If you want anything in the jewelry line, co to IT. M. Gault He will sell you good goods t low prices and guarantee them as represented. For Heqt Part, or all of my "Bouse to small fami ly. Cor. 6th and Diy streets. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH What in tli- world is the reason yon will conL'h -"i-l keep cougln'nt; and still keep trvlno inferior medicines when BEG OS' THERRY COTjqiI SYRfJP will poitiv ly n li re yoor pougb at once? This i n- advertising scheme, but an actu d fncf. s-cd we rus ranter it. Sold by O. P. 3.a.;;1i Co., druggists. ' The Detectives of Berlin. The detectives of 3euin aro the. n ear6st approach in stolidity to thosoi of IjOndon. 'Therb is really very little triine in tho German empire, on ac count of the extraoi-dinary sc-niences nai a. impuset) and thQ strict mih nry. uicipAuie luaii prevail inrougti ut (lie nnpiro, and which lias its ighest development in Berlin. On tins account the most experienced and capable detectives are tken out of the criminal service as rapidly as possible, and promoted to tUt omeiaf '-'department ! ' ' ' Th'eir duties consist solely in watch ing socialism and CTiarding eminent Germans from bombs and dynamite. Bismarck.' for. ! instance," never ravels yvithout h6 protection of at J,cast jwq of tbo crack" officers of tho detective corps, and, when ho takes a ride in the park, ort even ventures on a short official visit to one of the departments. a man precedes and follows liim. The vigilance is severe and thoxav.gh.. The emperor, I may remark' in "passing, is never guarded by detectives, but his Krsohal staff Uorer about him m a shion that renders any interference from Nihilists or. 'rooiali'ti w1i -.! A - . . t l wu ueteciives, n cannot, x mime, oc compared for a moment with that of the police of Paris or New York. New York Cor. (51oberpemocra. ' ' Fecwliar Xdea Abont ReUglon. A student deeply versed in ecclesias tical matters recently advanced a very peculiar idea while conversing with a friend. He said that the established religion of a country owed its princi pal doctrines less to faith' than to the conditions of its climate and surround ings. He cited the beautiful religion of the natives of Indirt, who would not eat anything that had once lived, be cause, vhilo all could take away life, only Ouo could ;vive it. He argued that a religious belief like that could only have it s origin in an intensely hot climate liko that of India, where animal food is not nccorsary to sus tain life. Anioiw-tbe Inlanders such a religion could iiever'obiain, because t wcz tbsoiutoiy i:oct;ssj;ry for the inhabitants of so liih : l'atitudo tc utep the v.-a:mtli of the body up tor. ccrt-in heat. Kothin.? but ciiimal fat could do thai. -Nev York Bua. Tue trlowing coal ai-e redly bright. Aad deecn th wjrt Khades of tii;-iit Thai lo tha sheltering corners hiile Their fitful forms. In haste togliJo From out tho ruby rsys of light. An! as I look they fade from sight; Vacuo forms of thought, forgotten quite Instead seem liorrrinj? bcsiUo The glirtvinff i-uaU And dreama of boyish fear and fright. in I'nncy s colored tines hediIit, Fti-eiini down the drowsy nieiitel tiJe; Till fact mid r.m-y lxth untv:id. And in ono dull, deep flau.o, unito Tho plowing eoula. N. a. in Hochester Popt-Erpi-ess. Tho Locomotive r.nj;ln-cr'8 Anxiety. The passenger runner's greatest con cern ia to "make time." Some trains are scheduled so that the engineman must keep his engine up to its very highes efficiency over every furlong of its journey in order to arrive til destination on time. A little careless ness in tiring, in lotting cold water into tho boiler irregularly, or in slack ening more than is necessary where the right to the irr.cU r. ii 'Jv: ':'; few rods: thc.v.- . oi-o of similar circip.;stanccs may make live minutes' delay in the arrival at the terminus and necessitate an embarrassing intcf view with tl:r train master. A trip on a crowded line piav' involve v;if(h ing fo: danger, signal's evcrv c.uni-ifr of it imlc and tlio loaink-nanco of sucli lilh pecil that they must be obeyed tho iiirdaul they are espied in order to avoid the possibility v' Collision. The pasoenwr tin i nor finds liusclf now ann then with n r'-s'.Nvl On November First ! iL3Wrnai.-imw TTlliri 9m 9 f? O n hier WILL PLACE Kvoi-vImmIv can r .. i . . in one oi jus windows. hvorvboilv can oiios :im1 ncctl cent's wortJi. Tin: -mo nesin jJt. ,Kan i.t to Jn.v Ue-aus the jar contains, by Jan. 1st, shall receive ITS not hi III. 'II' v on J:is h:'.!,:-U. c.iul 'two "or three bun on-o i;asseuue:3 stat-.dii!''- ai-otind .-im. u:-ently. ready to et him up if he does not remedy lha diP,',cr.ltv in short order. Oftcr, n suU cjise-s bo is in douot bims:i( whether thu iviwirs nec-.-!ss:n-y ivnuby h engine to proceed 'ytl ot-eujy fifteen minutes or :n Lour. T!iis, with the knotty question of where tha nearest u ticl' engine is, causes l he brow to knit and flic wcat to start, and to -i.ui g" t tnnei p: ovc-;s perk nee which he lone remembers. B. 13. Adams, Jr., iu Sc ri bner's JIa g; wo. f CLOTHES The second ncai-cst at! ! A T!o V, t-;:i.i'.0oy f C-i ruinny. lhc emperor, durhir the neuvci-s, b. s htmdiC liia tvooy.i v.'Iih out the ?lip.liirM extmneous assLi-'nct thtit f could 60C, aiviiig his ord-rs quickly and : ha: ply. md, as th-event--proved, with no ic;:.-o:i to rcc:.'l hi; woids. I speak only of , iuK ar.;x ar;: on the out side, ;.i.d cannot sr.y tiiat he does not inost "ahxionhl v 'e(mc-.ii e'of strategic. I::iov;iviho tt ihv r1 1,.. source A Itapo V:.li:er-s Coolni-ss. If I mysoif do ot i'scl nervous, I wn nfiv.id thy many person:; 1 have carried on my back across the rope have felt r. trine perturbed, save when ihey h.nve bceai prorosional tssistiints. In irality there is uolhir.g in the world tor them to boi.fiai.i of. All they have to do is lo s;t jierfec'Jy still, refrain froni cutc::in. mo too tightly around :tho nec!: and lor.ve the rest lo me. V."t)cn I am carrying cny one over fee tho firt time, I elTrit to lnm couiun:out:ly on eny indili'ercnt sub jects I can think about, and try in this .nanner to relieve his anxiety, and I always car.tion him e .r-.inst looking downward v.ficn in vSi'l fdr. "Some how, though, ho never teems quite nappy. : ndI always detect a gasp of relief when tho end of the rope and tho platform are reached. Mor-j than onco the victim has devputly ex claimed, 'Never, again !"'J. B. Bloti diu in Lippineott's. eve of his f-hpni V-aUW tV !cnov.;3 Im in.Vj.ieuio imports pitjt'..ng an army wttii :.- fect thai Its chief is a clear thinker, reaching his conclusions r;v;:dy and applying them wi'h immr-ii--io f.Trvt .-Ni.n all the w.rid is rec.on.;r -'1 "evr- y motion iz a' snir;t vt r.ot alootl-- U..J " ' -i.-? . ' : sfi - trieiMuy- ciuicisia. 13 u nicciv Jeis gohifr to fm-iiWi U, uie picture cf :i norulual '"..cary chief wkooe stepsare omy tatcen wiiiie leaning on tlie arm of an cider servant? I otiftney Lige- iij nj-uiy anil xsavy tjrazeite. Hie Cat's Quiet Nerves. Life has always something in reserve for the cat. She is a mine of resources, and in consequence she is ever serene ana liopclul. She can endure all night exposures, the fatigue of the hunt, the unevenness of her diet. Eight extra lives, each one compounded of similar exposures and fatigues and irregulari ties, are hers. How do I explain this? it is an ttue ;a ner attitude toward the wca-ld, to the composed state of her nerves, and this to her peculiarly iiissiui accompnsnxnent, ner purr. Herein is she strong against tho on slaughts of time and tho ingenuity of tho small boy. She drinks, camel Tike, when fountains oii'er, slips with a quiet thrust of her claw through grasp ing fingers, nerved alike for depriva tion and sudden attack by the quiet hour purred away by the kitchen tire. G. O. Shields in Harper's Magazine. Dissipation of Vital Energy. riruly did Emerson designate dissi pation as the greatest evil in life. He did not mean dissipation in the narrow and common censo of excess of drink ing. IIg meant dissipation of all EOrts the dissipation "of vital energy iri the pursuit of trivial objects, social dissipation, waste of time, wasto p money, waste in fc-eneral. Social" dis sipation is one cf the most hcrrniul f onus of dissipation, because it is so insidious, apparently so innocenL Wo are commanded to loye oy r neigli"bors but vve oi-e not commanded a ecdl on them two pr three times' week. The) junount of time corisumed in superflu ous and purposeless Eocial intercourse in this world is eomcthiug' positively appalling. New York Commercial Aavertiser. Katural Gas That Kills. There is a peculiar spring near Ash land, Ore., the: t emits gas that is sure death to all animated nature. At one time it was frequented by tho Indians as tho greut medicinal depository, where ell diseases, no matter how com plicated, were cured. Lizards, snakes and frogs die almost immediately when placed in contact with this pecyJiar gas. There is a apriiijy a . Soda Springs, 1. T., frorn whWri the" water has ceased toru'nl'biit which emits a stream of carbonic acid gas, and all about its oriiico Ho continually the bodies of birds which have bc-eu killed "by tho f nines. New York Tcle?2ra:n." Air from SU-aut llu.li:itors. Ir speaking of artificial heat The Slanufucturer and Builder says that it is a mistake; to suppose that steam heat is any '-moister" or in any way differ ent from other kinds. Air warmed by passing over a steam radiator Vi in no way dilForcjii from.' that warmed by a stove'br h6t air fumaco. In fact, the air is more" likely to be impure, in a i-ooni hetod byrAhptaiti fiiruacc, from wnic'n a, yuiivnt'of fresh air is con stantly Coviiig. Rural New Yorker. . Marly everylxxly in England writes with a quill. You find them pat for public use in ec;y ; rts in banks, in tele graph offices end postoffiees--in fact, everywhei-a wliei-g p&opie must write. If a man prefers to use a pen or a pen cil he mult carry it with him. The Argonaut - And the Third Nearest A FINE LEATHER CLUB SATCHEL Hfll V . . . ine jar will be hlled and sealed n,, Ly two resi,onsil,Ie i.aities on November 1st, and counted dy threo ivejwngil.le .aitie.s at a J ublic Hall, on Januory 1st, ISSl), in Platr.-nioutJi. If a lady should be tho litt nearest cuesser -lie will receive Twenty - Dollar Trunk. The Second Nearest ixe Sills: 2-cLfler I 'i he Third Xearost i .X- FIME SILK HANDKERCHIEF I your guesses with name in a sealed envelope. One "uees to each person . -TT Lookout for large hand bills giving you a prorairi before -oin hll the Jar and count the L'pfuis. 'ihe IVu-rram wilf be very interesting. O The One-Price Clothing Hussler Ami Leader of Low I'rict. A iirino- to BUSINESS ii!ti:CTOKY. A TTOKNEY. -ii- S. F. THOMAS. Attorner-.-it-I.aw Notary fublie. Office in Fitzgerald lilotk. i'lattsiuoiuh, i'.eb. ATIOKNKY. " A. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney-ar-Law. Will give prompt Attention to all hufine-s intrusted to him. Ofliee. In Cnion Block. Kast side. I'lattsmovt h. Neb. BAKDEK SHOP AN O HATH l!OOM, KD. MOKLKY. Hot and ColI Baths ut all hours. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting a specially. Cor. r.th ana iuain. tinner canui . CL. THING. L. t.OLDINt;. ('lo ll '-g. Fiii-itjKhing (ioods. !o to the oA re liiibie house for Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, Trunks. Boi'ts, Shues. Main street, ne.xt Cass Co, liank. Duces. O. V. SMIfH & CO, Dealer? In Wall Paper, Tainto, Oil, Art Ifater iai, Ciiiiirs &c. HockwoQd lilock. DENTIS.T. TlH A . T tVITllPRM riiO rainless Deoticts." Teetii' extrnele.i wit hoiit I h'' least iim:ii ,tv Iimtiii A r. in.-iul tcci 1. inserted iiiiinee.iately after extraetin na;ural 1 'me.-' when ile-i:ed. tiolil and nrher 1. i.iim.i f n icuy int cia8. othce in Ciuoa liiock. J.H.EMMONS, M. D. iioyKorATiuc Physician I Surgeon Ofhee over Wc-coll'" Rtoic, M:nn street. Jtef-idenee in Or. Sehildkiiecht's property. Chronie DieaKe and li-n;ises of Women and Children a specialty. Cilice, honif, u to II a. 111. ' to 5 Mid 7 to '.1 p. in. FOR SALE TO FEKDJSKS ! Stsers and Heifers, One. Tw o and Three years old, pear Kiowa. Kansas : suitable for Fe dinj; or Houghing. -A-lso. Stoclx. Cftttlo. Will t-ell on lime to parties iej Kit j; lirst-clana I pa!' r : aodre: : 11. i;. ;ki;iks. hi. h. ksh-.. or V. J5. (;l'.I.MK.S, Khi City, Wo. GKOCEKIKS. ('HItIS WOITLPAUTH Staple and Fancy i;rWiie.i, Glassware and Crockery F;o.ii ind Foed. GKj;PIilE. LKIINHOFF& OEXNICHSEN, Groceries, I'roviHions. (Jlassware and Cmi.J. O- 33. KEMPSTER, PracticBl Piam tu Gra: Tuner AND ItKI'AIKI 'i. First-class woi kgUHTfttito'.!. Also deal er in Pianos and Organ. Office nt Hoeck'a furniture storo. Wattsmoutb, Nebraska. HAKNE65, W. O K Pi' V' S-B j SMeeessor to Ct- M. S't'r-ijjht, MaineM, SadJ!er I Net-, KuUid, Du;id, and all horse fur- UlSIIlUg KOOUi. lti;CJJANl TA1IXJR. " , , C F. SMITH, Merchant Tai'or, Main Ntrett. 'over Merges shoe store. Complete stock of samples. 1t Kiiarauieed. Friees defy couipetitior- The London, school board proposo to flrpp the study of Latin and substitute rnoaerr kuifuaovsv Notice PfcATSMOVTU, Neb., Nov. 12, WHS. To the Stockholders of the Platt. niouth Canning Cuinpany. At a meet ing of the Ikoard ot directors held on the 9th of November, 1S38, at 8 p. m. at the factory it was ordered by said board of directors that an assessment of 2-3 per Cent be made on all stuck Issued and that a special meeting of tho stockhold ers U therefore called on the 15th day of December 188 at 7:30 p. in. at the county judges office. All stockholder, are requested to atteLd the meeting. F. R. GcTitMEN Fkd, GofiniiH President Secretary. The finest bedr-ui seta can be found at H. Boeck's. . Send your job work to the LTeiiai.d office. C. F. SM ITH, The Boss Tailor Main St., Over Merge'' .Shoe Store. lias the best uid n:o&t ccni).)cfe stock of samples, both foreign and douit-fetic woolens that ever came wett of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business nuits from ?l(j to 35, drees suits, $25 to 45, .ants 4, $3, G, fG.50 and upwards. ESfWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competition. R.II. Windham. Johw a. Davifji, Notary Public. Notary Public. WllUA5I A UAVII M AttoraG3?s - at - Law. Office over Kank ot Cam County. Plattsmocth. - - Nebraska a. A M. Time Table. OOI NO WKT. No. 1. 5 :lo a. m. in. 3. :)p, m. No. :47 a. m. No. 7.--T -jr r. m. No. 6 :17 p. in. No. 11-6 ;27a.ni. COINO FAST. No. 2.-4 ii3 p. m. No. 4. 10 rso a. m. No. 7 :13 . in. No. .10. 0 M a. to. AU train 1 run daily by wavr.f Omaha, except No 7 and ji which run to and from fcehuyler daily except Sunday. . No. 31 la a stub to Pacific Junction at ft 3oa.nt vi,onaa9 iraai racloe J unction at 11 t is 71 'I f h i " M f