The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 15, 1888, Image 4

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THE tUltV ilEKALD :- VIA r-iSfliOtJTti, utTlfKAcjKA, TH LTHrfAYM-.
Tne Evening Herald
ST -; llkrr IUt, Horkwo4 BaildlM,
- TmImmII.U. - -
J. -rsr v-
Dr. tls, Offlct a Orta' lira Mm.
4mr for. Sixth Uraalte,Telrpha 5.
Dr. .Wlttora. lb Palalm IN-atlat, I'aloa
' ' - Block, ater I'rleke'a Urair More, fUtUaioalh.
' The Elm wood Echo says Sherman's
- a liar. '. Wonder if he is T .
; "Rhea" at tbo Waterman opera house
' . to-night. Everybody go.
Lost A tiger eye . culc charm. .Tlie
' finder will be suitably rewarded for its
return to Freel Carruth. . 2
Thank heavens, it ia over. Elm wood
Echo. Wc think Plattsmouth put it all
over them, and this is where the thank
' comes in.
The Union Leader, which has recent
ly come to light, can find room as yet in
the first column of its editorial for. the
names of the subscribers. '
The train p issing through York to
Lincoln, which was to convey the Rhea
company, was so late that tl.ey will not
arrive in the city until the flyer i due.
On figuring by the vote 'of Cass
county at the last election, it is estimated
that the population will aggregate uboui
4 1,550, showing a growth since 1H?0 ol
The triai docket of the September
adjourned term.lssrt. of the district court
of Cass county, has been printed and
distributed. The September adjourned
term opens on the 10th of this tnonth.
Elmw-Kd gave Weeping Water l.r,6
Totes for county seat, Manley 4, Platts
mouth 1 and Elm wood 1. Elm wood
JSoho. Thanks. There is one sensible
man in your midst. He deserves the
fattest sit on the lit and he may echo the
truth to your village.
The street car company are engaged
in laying fietr track again, and the work
has Imjcu completed as far as Sixth street,
on Viae. The city has leen without
street transportation for some time, and
- the suburban residents of the city who
are obliged to walk to their places ol
business daily, wdl ba pleased to scO the
Work progress.
The Chrysanthemum social and hop
given by the young ladies of St. Luke
church at Fitzgerald's hall last night met
with encouragiug success. The most
lcautiful display of Chrysanthemums evci
seen ia this city adorned a large tablt
which reached from one end of the hall
to the other and won much praise for
Mr. L. Moore, the florist "who furnished
them for the society. The hall was com
fortably tilled with pleasure-seekers who
indulged in a delightful dance until
late hour. The Bohemian baud furnished
the music for the occasion.
Mr. G. B. Kempstcr, it is repor'ed,
is endeavoring to secure the required
number of singersMn this city to produce
the cantatta of "Queen Esther," in a
creditable style. We do not know what
raccess he has met with so far," but we
have heard several of the ambitious young
musicians expressing their desire to par
ticipate in such a production. As thh
beautiful cantatta has not been presented
in the city for years, the prospects for
success are evident, and if this gentle
man succeeds in bringing a cla:s el
trained singers before the public in thh
piece, we bespeak for him rich compen
sation. The Y. M. C. A. rooms, which are
located on Fourth and Main streets.
Jiavtj become a very desirable quarter foi
young men of the city. The rooms an
comfortably furnished, convenient to tin
city, abundantly supplied with tirst-clao
literature of all kinds, and various gnm
tables. No stranger, who can enjoj
himself at any edifying anuiscmtut o'
study can feel himself anyway bu?
admirably provided for. The rooms an
fast becoming popular among the youn;.
men, and as the nights grow c lder an
the rooms present a more attractive
appearance, there will no doubt lie diffi
culty in accommodating the crowd. Suc
cess for this popular association in
Plattsmouth is already apparent.
Mr. Coon Vallery, a staunch demo I
crat living a few miles west of this city. I
has signed contracts which will, unless
he manages to throw up the job in 8-m"
mysterious wsy he is not onto at present,
k jep him hustling for tv: entire winter
months. If pressed for a bet we believe
lie would haye staked his life on Cleve
land's election if he had run short o
funds, but as it is he has only sign
d contracts, and the execution of
them is apparantly worrying bin
enough at present. We learned that h
inndc a contract with one, Win. Witten
camp, to shell two thousanil bushels n4
his corn gratis, if Ilarrisou was electee'
president for the coining term, and il
defeated, those with whom he contracted
were to pay him double money for shell
ing the aame amount. 'CoonM will no'
run across many loLcscme hoars elurin;
the winter because of no work for h
luado a uutuber of such contracts whicl
) will ls obliged ' to . complete. II
A Happy Event . ...
A happy event occured yesterday after
noon about 2:30 o'clock at tbo residence
of Mii. Kate Oliver In; the .'marriage ' of
her daughter, Misa'Julia, to Mr. .Charles
Kadi. ' It was the most extensive affair
which has been seen in this city for many
a day, nearly a hundred guests bein
present. Joy apparently reigucd supreme
in the presence of the happy couple, and
each face in ' the - large assemblage - ex
pressed a sentiment of good wibhes for
future happiness and' prosperity to the
contracting party. The bride and groom
are both favorably . and. - extensively
known here, having resided here for years
and earned the friendship of many. The
bride was attired in a most beautiful pea
green silk and presented a very charm
ing appearance. Rev. J. T. Baird of
t'.ie Presbyteria.i church tied the knot
Miss Eda Wiggcnhorn, of Ashland, acted
as bridesmaid, and Mr. D. C. Morgan, of
this city, as groomsman, and they
performed their parti gracefully.
The happy couple took their departure
for Burlington, Ia., the home of the
rooiii, by the flyer shortly after the cere
mony was performed. Refreshments,
.'onsi&ting of all the delicacies of the
season, were served in ubundance shortly
deforc the couple took their departure.
Half dozen white damask towels, Mr.
and Mrs Con O'Connor; half dozen col
.red border damask towe Is, Mrs. Pollan,
dcllevue; plush table cover Persian bor-
br, Misses Sonden and Uawksworth,
.lillhouse and Qrav, Burlington; a hand
.ome decorated china dinner set of 150
,ieces, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Wcad. Mrs. E. Lyon. Mrs. J.
M. Patterson, sr., Mrs. John Ballenger,
Irs. Byrou Clark, Mrs. W. Agnew, Mrs.,
$. Atwood. Mrs. W. D. Jones, 3Irs, C. II.
armele, Mrs. I). Uawksworth, Mrs. J.
Jhase, Mrs. Win. Baker, Mrs. W. Grass
nan, Mrs. Andrew Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
iia. Wheeler; silver and cut glass pickle
astor, Mrs. L. A. Plumb; a handsome
langing lamp, Robt. Smith, Thomas
iuley, Jce Marshic, J. L. Gallbraith,
'rank Jackson, Jas. Knotts, . J.- E.! Mar
hall, M. N. Griffith, Sol. Levi; a rose
eaf pot-Pourri jar. Miss Sarrali Baker;
et silver tea spoons, Mrs. J. McCoy;
et silyer spoons, Mary and Anna Week-.
ach; set china fruit plates, Tillie Leu
loff; elegant fronted - water set, -Dr.. A.
ihipman and family; set silyer tea spoons,
Cat j and Tress Ilemple; cut glass water
et, Anna Gorder; elegant silver stable
:astor, D. C. Morgan; silver spoon holder
Jrs. John McCoy, Omaha; fruit plates,
Jr and" Mrs. Grant Powell, Lincoln;
dvtr celTee-pot, Peter Keller and Laura klc; - chair tiny Carrie ; Oliver;
'hair tidy,". : Maud Vivian;--handsome
ntique brass".: lamp, B. -' A:-.' Uass and
delta Wendall: towel rings . and pair
owels, ,Mrs. Birdie Morgan; towel rings,
Vlamie Vivian; silver fruit-knives in
lush case, Ada Wiggcnhorn; fruit
cnives. Mrs. J. L. Root; wall:: banners,
Iiss Georgie Oliver; dresser : toilet set.
and painted,' Mrs. Tom, Ryan; pin cush
ion, Minnie Housewortb; ' dresser and
ommode cover, Mrs. -Birdies House
vorth: fruit knives, :JiVilKSmithman;
lerfume bttle and - plush holder;
)r. E. W. Cook and O. P. Smith;
d ass set, Mary Bach; vinegar ibottles,
Miss Maggie Oliver;' fruit kuives, Mr.
nd Mrs. Theo. Barker, Creston; cut
;lass dish, little Warren and '- Ruth
Vheeler; Marsailles bed spread, Miss
fate Oliver; napkins and crumb cloth.
. Mrs. - Miles Morgan; table cloth. Mrs.
?iui Patterson; commode mats, Sirs. J. P.
raylor; dozen napkiu9. Mrs. James Pat
terson, Jr.; splasher. Miss Nellie Taylor;
aif dozen silver tea spoons, Tom Rey
lolds; antique oak extension table and
hairs, Misses Ilerold, Uawksworth, Irene
atterson, Lida Patterson. Jones, Safford,
lurphy, Pollock, Seidenstrikcr, Cass,
fc Dougal, Fulmor, Livinsston, Messrs.
'hatburn, Cook, Ilerold. Murphy, Tom
'armele, Le. Van Pollock, Smith, Me
'ntee, C. C. Parmele; handsone ontlqvip
ak rocker with mahogany plush cushion
nd roll. Messrs. A. D. Eigenbroadr. W.
r Streiaht. S. W. Dutton, W. II. Miller.
I. J. Helps, G. F. Houseworth, II. D.
'ackson. O. C. Smith, W. Crowther. J. E.
tirwick; hmdsomc steel engraving,
Mr. and iTis. J. A. Connor.
The fire alarm was sounded last
ight about 10 o'clock and news .spread
iat a fire had broken out in the 3rd
v-ard. It was discovered that a small
led, at the rear of a house on Marble
-reet in which Mr. Ed Emery and family
side, was on fire. Great difficulty was
xperienced in extinguishing the flame
ffore it reached the hous, and had a
lild south wind been blowing at the time
here would haye baen no possible chance
o save the main building. A short
i me after the alarm was sounded the
tichey hos? team of the 3rd ward put in
n appearance, bnt as their" hose lacked
everal hundred feet of reaching the de
ired spot, no efTecttye work ; could be
lone by throwing water and it Vwas
.bandoned. Tlie cry arose Where are
!ie other hose carts ? "" and lhc excuse
-ame that the second ward -. cart could
tot be pulled from its station on account
f the high bank left in front by the
grading, and all attempts to get it out to
he fire were given up. The general
pinion is that half ths town would have
mrneJ before another effort would hive
.en made to get more hose to the fire,
iuch a way of leaving the fire aparatus
cems very negligent on the part of the
ire company and steps should be taken
inmediately to mako preparations for
mother fire should one ever occur again.
Woolen Jackets from $1 and upwards
made by the celebrated Geru.ania Knit
ring Mills, at S. & C. Mayer. d-tf
Gold and silver spectacles at II.
L ACtS 2...
tire s s m
3 rT o su-';
Ladies' Modjeskas.
Black Diagonal Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only 7.00. . .. '.
Jilack hxtvn Quality lioucle CJoth.
Spike Fringe Triinminffs, Bell Sleeve;
only, $10.00 '
Black Frieze Cloth; BalhTrimming,
Quilted Lining, Astrachan Cuffs; and
Collars, only '.$14.00.-'. " ! . .
J.rown and lan Brocaded Alatel-
laase, Plush Ball Trt mining, Plush
Cnftkand Collar, only 315.00.
Silk PJushPlush Ball Trimmings;
plaiiv Satiii Lined, : Chamois - pockets,
only 15.00. :; ': ":'', : L .V:
Black, Astrachan Cloth,! tSpike
Trimmings, Satin Lined. -only S16.
Fancy Silk Striped . Cloaking,
Ball Trimming to match, Quilted
Satin Lining, only $20.
Seal Plush, Elegant PluslCBall
Trimming, Satin Lined, genuine Seal
Loops, only S23. . . . .. :
Elegant Seal Plush, Beaver : Ball,
Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, 32.50. - ; V .;
Our Plush Sacques are finished
Lining. Chamois Pockets and Genuine-Seal Loops!''. '.''Any guarantee'
aujug to meet ine represenianou
eplaced by a new one.
t j e rccr mi-Pit
Mr. J. W. Vail, " of Chicago, is . in the
city. . - ; ; ': ; i :
Mr. W. II. Rayher, of. Omaha, is in the'
city. -
M, C. II. Chapin returned to the city
this morning.
Mr. O. E. Doane. of Council Bluffs is
in the city on business.
Mr. J. Streight, of South Bend, is in
the city visiting his sons, Messrs. II. J.
and O. M. Streight.
Mr. John Terryberry ami Miss Maggie
Ohlenhausen were inarrh'el this afternoon
by county Judge, C. Russell.
Mr. M. A. Hartigan and Miss Kittie
and Master Dot returned to Hastings last
evening after a pleasant vialt of a few
days here.
Mr. Rosswater, of the firm of
Rosewater & Christie, of Omaha,
is in the city today attending to the bus
iness of the firm.
Mr. Lou Pennington and wife took
their eleparture for Beatrice this morning
to attend the wedding of his brother
which occurs there tlm afternoon. .
Anew supply of Chinchilla Overcoats
Beaver Collars and Cuffs just received at
S. & C. Mayers, they are excelent value
and selling at $14. - d-tf
Messrs O. P. Smith and E. A.
St. John and who started out
yesterday morning on a wild goose chase
returned last evening much fatigued and
carrying one goose, three turkeys ; and
grouse. They wished to leave -the im
pression upon the minds of the specta
tors who gathered arouuel them and
formed one great mob, that the- birds
were all wild and that they deserved the
credit of shooting. "them. However, it
was considered good recompense for a
day's hunting. ! - '
Ask for Mayers Laundricd Shirts the
best in the market either plain or plaited
bosom, only $1 at S. & C. Mayors., . d-t
.;". " " ,." u..'r "i. ... ... .vtr-..Vi--. "
Everything necessary for fnrniainhj s
tcu3e con bd p;rcbared at U, EctcYa,
Our Assortment surpasses
anything- heretofore nttpnipteJ
by us in this Department, and
onr customers will "bcsurprisetl
" . .- . . .
at our inanih'cent di5jay of
Keli iels !
ami . at . very Low I'Hces, ' ro
are showing leci'leil liqvelties in
Stripes, Checks. j
and Solid Colors !
M-itli Plain,
Jwith. the. best of1 .Quilted Satin
m.wear giveii..uur.-.g!ii mems. win -ue
T 'National "BtitieL :-
Returns "Sho'vy Close Contest, But
" Latest . Special Favors- ;
-"'i ' -the Minor Parfy " .V-
RETCRN llEADQUAItTEnS, No V..15,.1888.
-Special to the IIekald. Returns
still coming in from Missouri. The Chief
Clerk in the store elepartment of the B. &
M. R. (J. L. Minor) hael a scrap with one
of the clerks under him; at last accounts
the Chief Clerk was on top and "the under
clerk mourning the loss of an eye (glassX
As this city is almost over crowded
with young men who are idle after
working hours and who would be anx
ious to make an advancement in educa
tion if an opportunity were afforded,
why would not a night school in such a
town as this prove greatly bsneflcial and
meet with boundless success ? , Young
men who are now obliged to work, and
who have let opportunities pass when
they had chances presented to them,
would consider now such an advantage
a g.-lden opportunity, anil '"would, be
perfectly willing to pay well for their
instruction and go to work with the
intention of advancing. ' . The school
board could gain great favor by making
a step in this direction, securing a teach
er for this purpose and all the necessary
advantage?. Who will be the first to
help out this god work f
Latest style of Dunlap Stiff Hats in all
shades at S. & C. Mayers. ". d-tf
Persons who have hael some" reason
to complain in regard to the, heating of
the opera bonne , heretofore, are - assured
by the. management that -the hxrac will
be warm find comfortable, during tlw en
tire performance tonight, and it ia hoped
that M'lleRhea and her -'powerful com
pany will be" greeted by, a ..very - large
audience in ..Uer. great- play of "Much
Ado About Nothing."' Go see the, tiuest
wardrobes ever seen -'-on.'.a' Plattinouth
stage. "' " i-yy
. Men's Overcoats - at : Elson's,'. the' One
Price Clothier $l.0, - - -.: .-i
.The Daily Hekali
5ct3, per wtekf
delivered for
Kid Gloves.
We . sh all off. r all of our Kid . jCilv.ves.
worth -frcni !f1.T5 to $u'.r(), ia the; Nomi
nal Pi ice. . .
a sr. so per pair; :
-;..Jl.Jiin. iiu lud s cv r v 1 1 1 i n jr c carry in
Stofk of Drcssi-d, Siicls, Cantors; mid
Driving Gloves.
i. liuttiin Simpsoirs It s-t Ciders and
Jilai kfi; now fl.GO, worth ?i..ri(i.
4 i)utton SinipMn"s Ilt Colors and IH.fiO, wrrth J.l:-).
- "i'lJutton Our Own Fancy Phiibroidercd
ftacks, . Colors and Black, now $l..r)0,
worth $2.00.
" 5 Button lion Marche Extra, Colors
and Black, now $ 1.50, woith $1.75.
8 Button Mosquetairc Suedes, Colors,
only '$1.50, worth $2.25.
6 Button Mosquetairc Surdes, . Colors
and Black, $1.50, worih $2.00. .
4 Mutton Castors, Colors, only now
$1.50, worth $2.00.
Suede Guantlet Driving Gloves, Colors,
only now $150, worth fc2.25.
Our $4.00 Beaver Shawls in Greys and
Browns, sold elsewhere at $.i.00.
Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys
and Browns, with Fancy Border, is decid
edly U Kood bargain.
Our $7.00 Beaver good heayy Shawl,
Ycrv pretty line of colors.
;. Our $9.00 Beaver, superior quality,
elegant patterns, well worth $10.00. :--
" Onr $10.00 Beaver in Greys, Tans and
Browns, entirely new patterns, and woiild
be decidedly cheap at $12.00. ;
Yarris;. :m
"'. ". 'Comprises Everything in T ' ' .
X3erman Knitting, "
-7 SpaniMi; . . :
;'.r" f Gerniantown, ; : .
V;. -. Eider Down. ' . .
.. Fairy Floss,
Shetla'iid FlosiJ, :
- Angora,
- - ' t " Zephyrs,
" " Crewels."
Comforts and Blankets.
10x4 White Blankets at $1.25 per pair.
10x4 White Blankets, good weight,
only $2.00 per pair.
-il0x4 White all Wool Guaranteed,
only-$4. 00. .,
Our 1 Countfy-iiiade Wlntejiit $4.75
EI e'r
.1. :-:lo:'e doo. e st tirst
FECIAL Sales in Ladies'
" worth $5.00.
UR Three Dollar Shoes is far better
OR a Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will equal ours.
"IME is going on and our goods must lie sold.
OME think this is just a blow.
jJ OW all we ask is for you to give us a call.
AND to see the gooda will convince you that we are felling, cheaper than any
other dealer.
IRICES Low is our Motto.
O. P. Smith & Co. have the fine st dis
play of holiday goods ever brought to
to the city.
A house to rent, handy to the busi
ness part of the city. For infoimation
call at thia office. .
Elson, the One Price Clothier, is selling
the Chicago Hats at $1.90.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Hetsel's mill, tf
IL Boeck'a furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city. .
;; H. M. Qault is receiving some very
fine noyelties in Oxidized Silver goods
for holidays. -
if you have a watch, clock or jewelry
of and kind y'onVant repaired good, take
it to H. M. Ganlt. All work m warranted
to give satisfaction.
Men's Unlaundrieel Shirts, 40 cents, at
Elson's the One? Price Clothier. ;
V- Senith & Co. will give away a " fine
house and lot -in Vallery place during
the next sixty days. Each person buying
i of "goods during that time is entl led
to a chancfe on the hcrose and lot.
u) ij) nn
An nn r
per pair, is extra large the, nixl gt nciaUy
udvertisi'd as a big bmgnin t 5 (0.
" 11x4 White liij'diiil is full the md
at $T.'.')0 ii 'nu'iK a g d 1'Hipnin.
$t.50,Atstuii INx'iVt lbd llb.iikit is
good value ut $5.( 0.
$r00, Rid. Blanket txtia wt-ight nr.d
(pualitvp ) ;!. . i
nx4.1U'dililnikct at f-V.QO pir pair,
niade up of tin- UiKst wool.'
Brown iiml Giny inix d - Blnrki Is, nt
all ftriei.-'- - :
-Our $1:00 Cdnftit, fair print, good
value. '
- 'Our $1.50" Comfort, good rji nlity,
print solid, red lii'ing, lilhd with
white batting.
Our $2.00 comfort, I.Ytl I'lint, extra
Our $2.50 Comfort, two gooil values :
No. J. Fast Colored Chintz l'rint,
White Cotton Filled, x1ia si.e and
No. 2. Fancy Satino. folid rid ly
ings, elegant line of patttii.i: mid colors.
Our $3.25 Imported lot tz I'atttnis,
very fancy quilted, e.vlm icm d wi ight.
Our $4.00 Fine Fancy inline. Solid
Sutine Lined, very nictlv ei: itd, size
Ladies' White Me iino Veits. Silk t If li
ed, Silk bouiul, at 50 cents cistJi. Prints
to match.
Ladies' Extra fine, mrprrior epu'lily,
White Merino Ve'sts, Jerse y libl.ed -le- ve s
at 75 cents each. I'ants to mote h nt
Ladies' White Wool Vests, Silk Bound
and Stitched, at $1.25.
' Ladies' Natural Wool Vests and I'ants
at $1.00 c-nch,1 worth $1.25.
" La die's' Scarlet Vests and Pants, t mooth
and soft, on'y $1.00 each.: -
Ladies' Scarlet Sax on v Wool Vests and
Pants... finest quality, at SI. 75 cneh.
... Ladies Camels Hair I'ants and Vests
Reduced to -$3.00 n suit, worth $4.00.
-: Full Lines of Children's, Mioses onel
Boys Underw'carVrWhitc, $carlet, Natur
aj and Camels Ilair at Low prices.
Seal Plush Wraps.
.. Our line: of Plush Gninienits this season
are marie up of the best grades of Lon
don Dyed-and Listers Seal Plushes, and
Every Garment Guaranteed to wear.
Our Plush Jackets at $15.00 are ve ry
Our English Walking Ji.cke 4s. three-
quarters length, nt $25. well worth $:J0.
Our $25.00 Plush Snemus, se.ld else
where at $30.00
Our $30.00 Plush Saremrs worth fullv
Our $35.00 Plush Sacfiuts woith fully.
$40.00. ti
Oar $37.50 Plush Snco ucs pold every-' -
whore nt $4,100. :
' Oiii- ;$4ii..0.0 Plush S.iremr a, rretdar city
pMCf, $55. - :
hatioit'al b ijk.
Ilaml-Turned Slio sr h liing now for only $3.50,
than ever put on the market here before.
& CO.
Dr. C- A. Marshall!
Resident Z3cntiBt.
:PreFervatie.n of the Xatuial Teeth a
Specialty.. A net-tlx ties given for Pain
Artificial teeth nu:de on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloiel Plate s, ard insc-iied
as soon as teeth are cxtrncteel wlien de
All work warrantee!. Prices reasonable.
Kitzoeb i-oV Bw-ck Plattsmouth. Nrn
-. - Why?
Because be had. no Garlasd Stove.
Buy one of Jqjjxboh Bros sept22-dlm.
'" Rememie? save 25 cts.
dollar by trading with lcton
Price Clothier.
on cyery
the One
The holiday stock at Smith & Co.V
immense this year. Call and fes it.
7 ' I