The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 15, 1888, Image 3

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    ; .an
wiia In m JtunPM folic fetation YUU
to I lie liurtau of Newspaper Censonhlp.
NuKpudlii ui OflVadlug Journal Socrct
A Japanese policeman was never known
to smile, but when be flu. Is it necessary
to proceed to the extreme step of arrest I
lny a lawbreaker his face becomes clouded
over with a pall of Borrow and solemnity
that would do credit to an Irish under
taker taking the coffin measurement of
an r.ri hbi.-diop Grasping the offender
firmly with one liaud. witi the other be
flr.'t-ln from un invisible pocket of great
4 ;i.;i. ny u toil t strong cord Whisper
ing uti.l miiiiiio directions in the
ur of ilif; vii ti!i, hr) ox-ya them with
fc. rnj.iiJ.Mi- coii.sidcrai iou for tho feelings
.J h . i .:;.;r, ho winds tho cord several
t .r rm.l wa:.,t and theu attaches
lua wri.-ts in optical contact with the
Mu i:l of his Lack. Six feet of cord re-
1 1 .in, the. policeman grasps tho loose end,
uuA bowing to the prisoner with au
"After VOII. sir." the nuir mnrpli aurno in
a touching union of amines and security.
'J ho neighborhood is aralyzed during the
performance, business is suspended and
traCie U atopped.
M rtciiEi off to inreox.
Thy formality of an r.rrest. however, la
tao nlv amusing side of Japanese Jus
tice If ron follow tho white clothed
polio-man and his prisoner you will soon
r.-iHi a jx.Ii.-o station in which sit a dozen
It-iks iiiii! functionaries Lard at wnrlr nt
if :i a
1:1' ll iilf Ic-alnit 11 till I niiiir-r-o l.t-.ln. I.
L- -.:c;i i,ua to dilicrciitiuto them from
i-!;:i.l..r Euivjm'uu oiliciul.s. The prisoner
v i.i Iv Liken Lci'iirt: a siijierior olIic;r, tlio
r!;:i !-.- hiui noted down; ho will
b' tc..ruil ami then put in one of a dozen
i-.Ivii nils, ten feet square jx-rhaps,
-rated fr-m the central passage by
Tc -t vii".J, m ,ars reaching from floor to
ii.ii ;. l making u ceil curiously like
an ii' iL' nit, but providing admira
bly f. r ventilation in this hot climate.
At :!;-. p.iii-e station ho inav not Le kept
inrr than twenty-four hours, aud then ho
.' ivmovcd to a central fcr.-itimi
m::!;.v tue h;st police station on a largo ; :
ai-.;h-.i:u;i;is-tho funct hmarius and plus
the. urrantrerneiils.forthn deten- '
ti. ... of prisoners for long periods. The
com I s ar? much liko European courts. ' : "
Alter visiting many court rooms we :
re::c !: d n room whera twenty particularly .
iati-hi.eni looking odicials tat at both v:
hi.i. s of a l-:!g tablo piled t:p with news
p.;;jers n-ir..ors. Line;- id red-pencils, paste ;':
pols.u;:J r.Ii tho t"-u;i; .;ir equipment of tho C,"
'.: I!;v. ;e e::tor.-4 t:. in ...I. turned to
;ay i;s I. r t:i t x. Lr,.iiic;i ami ca;irht ' '
' accounts and reports, with
except their physiognomy and
log 1.
only :
i anyw".
' part ii
on the iv
I of the
kind -and
cdr.s .-
of r
k !.:'
i is-
si 'ii ;
, nliot
th. i.
of alt
gate i.f
li'ul !.
Into i
the K.-!
ieg2. .v
Tliea .
no o!.
liter., uud .
f.r :
1 -
'Un ArtlMt'a IeorIptloiS-
trmrIlnry Scene.
"nphic description by the
iti.-t, of the results of the
.-! J I ion against the Cliineso
tLo reign of Tchugutchak:
..:' the town, it is hard to
i-ty; you cannot help hop
. io human being, if it be
Dut not a soul is to be seen
i ae houses are for tho most
-d, and likewise the paintings
aul the wooden lattice work
n.njf.Ts. I'otsherds aud frag. 1
: rtlcles of every conceivable j
g all about vessels of iron
PL.lflSfllorjTa, itjgttKASKA, TntTlilDAV. aVOVEMHER 15. 1SS8
French Children Taght to Itohave Tliem-
selvea Their rolltonraa Towards KIdera
VJvId Contraat to Young America's
Wajr The Secret of the Matter.
Speaking of American children 1 Lave
often wondered why it was that they were
generally so trying to tho world at largo
outside of their immediate fumilifK
French children ai-e treated with quite as
7 luan.lltJr ot copp r much if not more injudicious indulgence
aresses, caps. . I have known Fninoi.
- ' , lwm 'UI VU liO DVIIUiiilV
( ueiore accepting au invitation to a dinner
Karty. that they should be allowed to
, ring with them their darling daughter,
! aged six. Aud this was by no means au
. isolated or extraordinary instance. Dut
no one ever saw a Frencli child swinging
on the back of a visitor's chair or poking
its fingers into tho caller's neck or crawl
Ing under the table to investigate tho
caller's shoes or taking Lis or her um
brella to ride cock horse on it. or lilnrinir
circus arouud tho ceuter table with whoona
..1 II I i m . . . .
a strtnir.
r, shoes of all sizes the
"f Dtinghans and Calmucks
.th the miniature slippers
. ien. I put a pair of extra
. .i slippers In my pocket, as
all. skulls are to be seen
very where. The town Is
b. and the whole imnres
i is terrible. I wandered
lay in B.'s company, and
;iJ days alone, without
accustom myself to this and yells enough to deafen tho bystanders
me crave, and to the liri,t whit.. i J
f - . . .....
-ets. chapels, theatres an.l forever empty. Tlie
: T-.resa. which the besiegers
is still tolerably strong.
e to be seen tho entrance
r'uneau gallery by which
after a long and' tedious
eir way into the fortress,
-leri-iless butchery, in which
' .ed Skulls and bones lie
;ps against the walls here
1 the fortress; at nianr
ml of the gates, the skulls
to a great height. In the
.o town, too, lie skulls; as
? can reach, skulls, and
skulls. The wolves and
t :.
the had boy-in r.i:ts.
Passing along the Paris streets, if vou
seo a well dressed boy of 7 or b swinging t,n
all tho iron bars lu front uf the shop win
dows, getting into people's w:y. and
making a nuisance of himself generally,
you may bo sure that the youth is an em
bryo citizen of the great United States
On one occasion, in a London boarding
house, two boys of 10 aud 8 respectively
tried to hoist up a bowl of custard from
tho hall tablo down stairs to the third
floor landing by means of a noose of cord.
Of course the bowl was overturned and
broken and tho tablo and carpet were
deluged with the custard. Being left un-
Dill! is.1l Mil Oil A AVnti nniV,i. I. At
. u li done their work; tho j parents, they lowered next day a "sponge
I engaged In picking the ; into tho soup tureen, and tho lamiiv were
-r the sun and rain to j forthwith requested to leave the house
... , l i uo not wonucr thai the landlords of Hats
particular, which j or funilshed-:uouseis::in Amerk-u rpfn
J often tia'-fftiffk4 with children.
j vv ym ieutte&!&m&ot farcituro cov
crlfeftftelat lier having its
cyiipemms&S&gmv the children of
.'mm&tm3 occurred- hi a
Mennlns ' the tYord "UmltsJ."
A aubscriber asks for an explanation
af the word "limited," which frequently
follows the name of a corporation, as the
"Sunrise Blacking coinpunv. limited." or
Smith & Joins, limited. In the lust
rase, as in tho first, tho concern is a cor
poration, with shareholders, tu.t one of
wnom. possibly, is a Smith or a Jones.
The old principle of corporations cre
ated by legislative act was that tho entire
property of every stockholder was liable
for the whole debts of tho company, as
the whole property of every member of a
general partnership is still liable for the
debts of tho firm.
But this system made every shareholder
responsible for bad management of which
ho might not bo guilty, and deterred I
wealthy men from becoming interested in I
the shares of corporations To remove
mis objection the principle of limited lia
bility was Introduced, aud in order to no
tify tho public that onlv th inn t k
- ----- ' i 1 1. u
property of the corjoration was Fable for
the debts of the corporation tho
law requires that tho word -limited"
shall lie used in every caso by the com
pany Most American corporations are con
stituted on the principlo of limited lia
bility, but few. if any. of the states en
Join companies to append the word lim
ited to their corporate titles The matter
is so well understood in this count rv, in
deed, that it ia not necessary
The most noteworthy exception to the
rrer-eral rule is tlie caso of th n i: io .al
l .'tk. and even in t Ills iristan.-c 1 1 ,x L-i : i r v
nmiieu to an amount cntial i, i in
till K. LA "KS" T I TPP flTTTTT 1.1 TTmn m
"Cewnetltlea la the T.lfe ef Trade." and ir tou hvni .rTT7
cannot linaKln how lively trxle u. or .ow l.Vnf "7? t oil lt?, ht.V't '."'f" "'P'flVBd myUlB rim '
ae.iilniftoyournli. ',gm-! MMf V.I BlUlfc, or tbo JA.UE4 rtl iJANs' ATlU '
1'eaillrrly none Keniilne union harlnv our mini ami nrl. . . , .
Itnl r will I ...,,,.1, you wltb .h.K m M.mL u r, tn,ul ..fjm l.,.' la,V,,y on ,h" Tour
retaUen wlUcoai ,ou Uito buy lug Ulterior .Loc, upoa mhlch LT,umkii Urr1.! Uo "ol laMUt- '
on a
-v" AND
incrr profit.
f 7fU
to u I a
SFY .-
Jm. Man- i Sli.w In In every r-MoA-t i., " to t ,S .I,., wi l.'.l! I. t " Ul" n"w lo Hn,rm h
or ten dollar.. Ifou will try' on ..alrVo'i w m, h-'.". Z ?i'y."Jt5..t."'?f.wl"? '-"'""
oritjinai i anl 4 SHiww. ami tliose w)io IniUnta our t.r,m f ."i "": T." r"'"- . r. Ill
quality ol ! factory r.KlUc t.. In our line, "a Tth,, larSii ",.V. I rj."7..,7."'' ?.l::.N.,,"'M:t"
uiio or our iraveiliik' nalesniHii wlioH now vuin,. Vi. IT.. V, .. " . 2. .r
l(HllltHlll rtfl..n ur.t t.. 1. .Muoni.ii
. ..ii, .iicio nit iiiiluwr;
i am mora tliitn nailsilo.1 with th.i ivsnlianr mxHn
una in the hands of 'A No. 1'i1i.hI.. m VI "".'T ' . " "u'wuimi in pnujiniro
aplenflid retclon for n. to ,ll i . iZ..:,!.r. 'J?0.:.""."'-" -y. "Thin la i
itallLTH of the farina toast and Kocky
I hnr thiin fur mnvrfd.d in phu-lnff our full
in mui li our
oleaof ever oalr arl7rki.7.rnwnVi';. iViT.h ""'Lr. .V'r-V. "'w retail prl.M k(nIW, on II...
and when a retailer put. a f ull llne ol ll i lo'- .o-.r'.h-.'" . '". r.r.V '" '. ret. here.
u ine ileinanu for tliem." " bw. hoi iiiki.
1 rfJW
. I
au i.:f
its f.-: 1
urfc other v.iib
u i , u,. t ho joke.
Newspaper 'Censor
. ilea w i Lli't he si ice-
paste were exam-
frn-.s in
.- - f-.M'tl,t.. I 1
....uuua in UOIlt'S.
; ks, 15,000 strong, came
tho besieged, but a forco
undred Dunghans fell upon
;i Lack and killed them
man. What wonderful
rt of the insurgent JIo
'Vliat cowardice on the
: iiut n! I had enough to
vi the governor's palace
: i- houses of the common
illinss were habitable,
: all decorated with paint f.
- I'as reliefj. flowerssf-JJf
tors of an orifi-inal con
-r:t 'm pita in which son
"J.f tii! intact (though
- un in iv siiowca greaE-.ti
vin:r t hese and breakingwita
-.'-incii almost to be wait
o:e trt i:rong in to tLc:
vi-J with one C
I-i'-tn Af 1A n I . ... I . . - -
.. i'l l.ll- f III.'ll H a
tional bank fails, each stockholder may
not only lose what ho has invested, but
$100 more for each shrre of r.tocks !:o
holds, if so murii is ncJeasury to pay tho
debts of the bank.
Until within a few years all the Scot
tish banks were organized with unlimited
liability, and when, eight or ten years
ago. a Glasgow bank fuil-d. disastrously,
thero were cases of men who only owned
a fcharo or two, valued before the failure
ut not much more than u hundred doliurs
each, who tvero assessed thousands of
pounds sterling, to meet tho debts of the
bank. Since that time tho Scottish banks
have been allowed to reorganize on a basis
of limited liability. Youth's Companion.
no ureal
aure7yoth .l.fliH. ao far a, y nreconeerned. It
cent in a pimtal card and write to u. ' ,l,l,""l u wui invent oua
JAMiS JHEAiSS A; CO., 41 Lincoln St., Huston, Jllass.
X. aia? 3E3 ZLi nvr asr,
di:alku ik
ome.;iSi$b floor at a juverf&Sar1
i tbpiifr piled high with deliScie
A trga
.... . :e riiM'.spaiitrs .f Japan for
.. i:r toil ion. scat imenis or im
r it 1 1' luiniftcrial and im
1 wa-; i::li-oducod. thot weuty
!.. :i rf"e b'Liultancouslv and tbo
U-c.i:ue vncral. "This." said mv
v.vivn:' liis hand nraiullv nvrr if. a
.s f ri-r.ii ..mora a:nl tho teapots of tho
-ov, 'i.-s r.:i iiiftitntioa you have Hot
i li:..l i i England."
::r-4nii;w of tile press.
ha 1 1-iHtdare of this branch of the
riuef- rxlice Is eimnlo in tho ntmmn
A lyax eyed censor discovers au article
which seems to his conservative notions
tj threaten the stability of the govern
ment, to bring a minister Into contempt
or to foster improper agitation among the
pooplo. He extracts it and submit it to
me au-ector or tfce bureau, who probably
Li if..
Assutu- .
dozens of t.
rounded -
rto marvel at the
'-4dRI.5Rjrj3&si Tonriet ors who
8oelc;-jgfc4S!rtKaSa6rMastructive imps
fli--ii&raairc these thread-fuy.utj.epii.-of
people in a
.S-.pIg;K('bj usually
C?Wk.$tmmc finer in-
kWlTlWTOaaja American
wg aristo
ilies in thftESit'states seated
arty with a
?ies betwrii
3. aP.U gobl)llU2T down the d:dntiea
uncoutu noises and unrestraint
f..i-:Sow. thesa drpn.Tfiil iu-o o,,
, orthree;:;iris almost invariably grov up iuto well
OSSack an-.v.-.l'ehavtd men nd w.-rnV-i !,
wretched cabin outsidSsoi!r(e of their iM conduct ia childhood and every dx3rSa.-ies from tho fact that American na-
evening I roamed alwt-nts seldom or never think jt worth
.iing . drawing and pairfMhile to teach their children manners. A
a wild goat would strlrcnch boy or girl is trained from its
! where I was pamtinciSf.-earliost infanev to risn fmm it t
ill oIJ.- ... a. . ..
pvub """s me room, to sit per-
speed across t&CTiiectly still when makino- a mil nn n
steppo." Curreuf f to speak till spoken to. to remain ouiet
wticn takon out driving, and not to ask
for water or to complain of being tired,
to walk along tho street liko a ladv of a
ry of Honfo-r,
tnkes counsel with the higher authorities. 18 12
I the cemror'a view la confirmed the edl- and f
tor cf the paper is iweaotorilv but iw ' Hef.
litely er.mmoned everything is done i-as ,!
r"::i ; ia Japua, and I havo .uo doubt iafiV--
t ;:..t l.l ic!:0.1 lxV is nollte'v blrrhH anil StOil-
for u
c;i:nill.l lolitelv'rn nn.
:-l t!;o dc pai-ttiicut of polico at a certain
i.- ,rii;irenain uay. iiea that sum-rioa-,
comcj to join tho innumerable cara
van f martyrs to a sense of journalistic
duty ho knows that in tho expressive
language 'f the Bowery he is a "goner."
ir. ho ia told, "your estimable journal
is suspended for so many davs. Good
The whole system of secret polico is
Highly developed in Japan. There is a
regular staff of detectives who disguiso
themselves as laborers, merchants or trav
elers, or even in case it Is necessary to
hunt down some great criminal, hire a
house in tho suspected neighborhood and
iivethtre. One of these pica loses caste
icry much in his ofiice, if ho does not ae
t y ;ifTer a degradation of position, by
f.i i.: .; to return with information ho Is
-patt.-I-.ed to secure. Lesfdes these,
Isov, L ir, t tic. e ii n regular stafl of pri valo
r cor.-.. iri all parts of tho1
t -u..:: . ...;r. wli.jlo bureau at tho do
; -i ; .-.. of i o.i.-e is devoted to receiving,
r. r..i.r. -!.: :!;; these, t-.nd taking
iu-::.ia i:.oa llioia. A good deal of in for
ijai; n L:: st 1 iched t-p from tho tea
l.-V.liv.. f.. .1 GI . ilif.l 1.1
czar.s i
who ( .
n e::
all hi
of Ii-.
self, a
erecte. :
able si..--.
As a
Of 1'hi'lii
t-r other t-f v.
i.o l.ihabi:
iL-iiui. Tokio C'r. I."
center of fjesbip.
-.;:ca r!;:io.u cx-cr.-aiii
ci Vt.kio is ait
jr.- Vork World.
Tlio 3Iaa Xlio Lau-1
tu t
t :
i .
i .:c-ro is onj man v.-Lose prcsTico jr ;
L.iriag a coracdv is v. crtii monev
i.iauagemeut. 1 is the greatest l ever saw. i;:0 all food laugh
L v I fat. and it Cils n man with merry
jeats lo be around when ho is laugli
llc has a htcrty rolling larjga that
an ia:dif nco ;i:itklv. and aoen lir-
".Owe and ho uve engaged ia a laugh
; iu:;tt b. When the laughing La;i been
pa for four or fjvo minutes, pad
v t-r; holy's fides are eoro and al Lahcii
'.''j a i-st, thero m k lull through" tl i
i ui.-L- v. i.ItH i3 immediately broken by a
low p-iu!iate sob and a gtutlv modulated
- U ah!' iroui tiio laugher who is putting t.. ...
."Ihe L'uUhiag touches, on t Lis cacLinato:y " t-ij
i ' efTort. Im'UietnaUU" il-O audience :forgxt ;i
" tl.e Fcrenc-ss' of' . tlit-V fcides and burst. i;.Jo s c. ,.,
:nr;?.:-. I'riondj of h!a bring tho laugltcr it-': '
to iup i-ieaire just to j:ave tun witn liaa.
1Il comes with a di.lere'nt crowd veiy
. time, and Lis friends'. yet'i heir enjoyment
tut Of' him and not out of tho pcrfoftp He's tho Jol'iest laugher-I evr ' O. M. ia Globe-Democrat. '.':'' '
; weall!
shrine la
rial c.
Hnv :
to XL - '
the C
aids i.:.
the i.
cc-t rr i
tLe.- e i.
!:e ia ,
".!t-s. .
.oscow Is the Kremlin, ! gentleman, novor to touch tho belongings
f-iil-rto) 11TI.1 ...1,1.1.. - if onV rtW.Ill . V i . . .
- b,u"" i'iwu. ci-o. i pave seqiti
at tho homo of a French lady whose
youngest and Idolized child was then a
tino boy of 8. In the absence of his father
the young gentleman (which he was, most
emphatically) would gravely enact the
part of Lost, offering me his slender arm
to take mo out to dinner and to lead mo
back to my seat, and alwavs leaving me
with the profound bow required by French
etiquette. 1 " - ttHf'f?
The-Amercau boy or girl, even when
nearly crown ud. is entllv I
j any form or demonstration ofpolitonesi
1 tnwanta 1.1 a m ks. l.u x- . - .
viuuis. xioiie pi mv
m n n . 1 . 1 . . . '
"""6 wuuir; ieopie, uniess oaucated In
Europe, ever think of rising when an
elder person enters the room, of drawing
aside to Jet such ft person first pass
through a doorway, of relinquishing a
seat on the sofa or in an arm chair to an
elderly visitor, etc. It is not their fault
their parents have never trained them
la manners while they wero little children.
I had an exemplification of tho difference
In manners between French and American
children tho other dav whilst paving a
cull at ono of tho great Parisian hotels.
As-1 was waiting to tret into the eWntnit
an American boy, about P years of ago,
pushed past me with all his small
strength, jumped Into the elevator and
took the only available seat, leaving iri
to stand. My visit ouco paid. Jeft my
friend's room and encountered in the hall
a group of French children, seated "on a
soia ana evidently waiting
cittdel. and within Its
scores of churches ami
are the Cathedral of the
i tho Blessed Virgin, the
thv Archangel Michael, and
!:.-r churches, tho arsenal sur.
- 10 cannon taken from the
. 'g the disastrous retreat of
; -igniflcence of the churches
':: t he Kremlin surpasses be
rli of the Annunciation.
!:dd with agate, cornelian.
uy and other precious
us auu tuousanqs of dol-;.-ma
being thus jaid down
the Cathedral of St. Izaafc,
rioe the tombs of all the
lie time of Peter the Great,
buried in St. Petersburg,
i h has been followed by
-s. There are some dojceog
-.rors and empresses, for
. to have a shrine to him-
the remains of each was
. ,".a or cenotaph of consider
. :-.:p;ng with gems of gold.
. val traveler said of the tomb
.s i' ik'eket that gold was the
seen on it, the same with
: truth might be said of the
I. czars, for some boast of a
-"vr $1,000,000 in nrocioua
fulom each part of the
in are preserved the impe
..d regalia of Kussia; over
lire here, comprising not
v.iuig to nussia proper.
., Petroleum Well In llurmali.
Tlio petroleum field of Yenangyoong ex
tends over an area of sixteen square miles,
the physical conformation of which repro
duces almost exuetly that of tho oil pro
ducing district in Dakti ia tho Llussiao
Caucasus. laro crumbling ridges alter
nate with deep, dry gullies, half choked
with sand, while every hero and there yon
como upon a black, narrow, aud seemingly
unfathomable chasm in tho parched earth,
all around tho mouth of which the dusty!
yellowish gray surface is spotted with
pools of tliick. dark, glutinous lioui.l
if some boy giant had been set to (ill a
uumoer or coios.sal jars of ruolases, and
had doao it so awkwardly us to tpili th.'.
precious fluid all over the place.
The petroleum wells of Yenan"yooi
are about ZOO ia number, and vry m
depth from. to 220 feet. They have
been worked for a considerable period
but hitherto without much success, partly
on recount of tho unskillful and costly
system adopted by the natives and partlv
on account of tho ingrained rapacity o't
tho Burmese government, which, n: to
tho very latent moment of its existence,
uovcr failed tu lay ita greedy ciawa upon
every native industry v.hich showed the
slightest token of yioldi:r.j any profit
whatever, thereby verifying t t:.o l-tt r
moiia passage la tho uueleut
1 I ATI! F5 ( I 'i Ii, M J'. .
a f.
nymn to the hve headed dfity of r.ig!it:
"Tho priest is ono of thy mouths, tr.d
with that mouth thou devourcst the peo
ple; tho ting is one of thy mouths, and
with that mouth thou devourcst every
body." i'
The oil yielded by the Yenan-'voonw
wells is somewhat lighter than tho na
nary color, and uuusuallv thin wJt-i i-.t
-taken out. althouarli after
exposed to tho air for some time 'more
especially ia cold weather) it shows a
tendency to become thick aud glutinous.
As regards It3 quality tho resident ex
perts aro not altogether of ono mind, but
all aliko agree in pronouncing jt far infc.
rior to tho American article, and uol
likely to compare favorably even with the
oest quality of petroleum yielded by the
Russian oil wells at Baku. David Ker in
New York Times.
: Demorest's Monthly Magazine.
to be a fuBbioa magazine. 'J'liis In a ereat m'lMuki'.
It uniluubU;lly contains the finort FAmws l)r.
PAKTME.NT of any inapieiiio publiched, but iliio Is
the case from the fact that crcat "nterri; mid ex.
perk-nco are shown, so Umr each dcpartim nt Ik
equal to a magazine In itself. In DeaoHESTa you
get a dozen majnzincn in one, and wcure nmuKC.
montand limtruction for tho whole fatuity. It con.
tains Stories, Poems, and other Literary uf tractions,
including Artittir., befentific, and lioiiH-hold imuIIitk,
and is illustrated with original ti-i-l KtiifravtntB,
I'hotoravures, Water-Colors, and line Woojicuia,
makint; it thu Iouei, Magazine or Amrrica.
........ , ' . . . Jiach copy contains a I aitkiim rieu eutitiin?
tne holder to the Selection Of AUT Patttow lllnstrated In miir iinn.h.T of Mm Mn.mrinr. u .
of thb sizM manufactured, each valued, at from 20 cents to 00 cenm, or over $.1.00 worthof puiti-rtia
tlio ViiJiia
per year. free.
Yearly eubscriptinn, fS.fia A trial will convince yon that yon ran pet ten times
i-mj uiu. otugie wujiL-o tcaco coDmiiiiu 1'aitcm uracr), M cents.
Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, New York, .
The above combination Is a splendid chance to pet our pupcr and DcMoasai'a lIo.NTitir at a
tedaoed rate. Send yoar eubscriotlous to this ofllcn, -
for fsOnaa rn.n
antries conquered by the j On seeing me. one of tho number, a, little
0?"? the crown of Siberia i fellow tu-a collegian '9 uniform, instantly
luuaiin matpr Roland, auppea on of uts seat and raised his cap
rakLau, the Caucasus and 1 to salute me as I approached. Possibly
' ug the number, together the American boy may grow up a much
. ters, swords and" royal 'finer fellow and will bo hereafter more
-r jewels too numerous to '1 rally polite to ladies than Lis Parisian
..-.-sices all these diamonds, .contemporary. Dut meanwhile- tho latter
. . rnpphires, tnrquols. emer- 'Is by far the most agreeable individual for
'' tljo bushel ar-found in ; n elderly lady to encounter casual!.
..ji-it-a, 100 numerous to be I, me, secret of tao wholj iaattervlB'that
.. iinn.lful j-:' 1:':.. r , - - r .1
mi u jaisiui- ; mouucis, u,.o lorciga janguagfig,, should
r who many.j-ears ggo, f'be taught to children ia their earliest'
obtained access to that' years. I hare heard American" parents
-a:n in which are stored. .1 talk of the charm cf-lettmgichWretirow
treasures, said that they l up natural and unrestrained. Tho natural
iea bowls and in silver T and unrestrained (i. e., tho untrained and-
ii'.iiauce as to defv erm--'KunrPStriftedl rliilH 5a o lai..i.i.i. 1;
. ., - .. . ' VIC7141U1U UUVV1-
' Cc
A ;
ai. the
th-j c :
.v.-ion. Cor. Giobe-ljemo-.
Inc llttlft ft-.ivnm If It.o .l -. :u it.
I , o - rui IU, as, IU llie
one married
onf? (hail. rf??n;M. I . - - ' . - . j
oua calls tljo minor morals of : humanlt
would do well . enoiiE-li. " ni.ii. ion- ,
there aro people on earth' who Am Uable U
-be worried by other iwplo s' children it is
To Tempt tho Theatre Goers.
The midnight candy store is a new thing
In upper Broadway. It is open for busi
ness all day long, of course, but the par
ticular trade which jt I3 opeu to catch i
tuat, cr theatrical audiences. It is situ
ated iu a neighborhood of theatres, whose
ciopersing people are apt to sea its glare
of electric light, aud its gorgeous front
of illuminated red glass. The standard
summer joko of tho village newspaper,
based oa thodilaeultv experienced bv the
fellows in gettiuj their girls past tho ice
.cream saloon, ia Uero f.dapted ta the cold
weather season ia New York. A pacha 'o
of candy after tho play is a bv. oct boon to
women of every degree, whether from the
proscenium box or the topmost gidirv
and tho proprietor of this pla.f;o i!te.-a"'t
mean mat counle shal r.-nt!.-
without paying atteution to it.
Jjut tuo Gtrikmg character of tho ex
terior is exceeded insida, wIicko a comple
ment of very brightly reel haired girls are
o!i duty fioA, I'-ToA-loch; at night until j
V' hatevPK -d;f!ereii?es; of opinion may
5!?? "? tofteauatjr.of their aggreivo
liarr, their faces aro all p.'easaat and they
form a enridua -exhilatioi,".-Thero !a uo
naughtiness aboat it. Tliev merolv sell
ea:iuy,.smilinc:lv. but doEii.rr-lv ,!Vi,!.
valaolies ia tlicir Uttractiveness to tlieir
Jonathan II att. J. .. AlAtTiiis.
PORK PACKERS and df.axj:iis in HUTTEIi AND KGCS.
. . ,, . . - 1: : !: - fi: - ' ' :
bugar Lured meals, Knis. Baccn, Lard, le;,
of our own make.
Tlie liest brands of ''OYSTERS.'
111 cuiiS itial I.iilk, st
then .! .
. rutting It Very poUtely.
A . while ago a etudent preached Jn a
-,Ncw EiTIand city "with a view." After
Lis Sunday evening aermoi pmj of t
f iliu-3 aaid tq bun: - "We iav beetj
ranch pleased with your sermons and Jtflj
vtry sorry we are never going to. see yop;
gaui- Tula sHirge. Axp retoari- coq
vnced the candidate that b-WMrii6$
I 'tcly to b elected to thoTacactr' It
;ik and WliecIburroTr,
d man presented a check
;om"in ' lahburv".: Conn"
:! reeeTved id' exchahste" a'
t ;x, about tho .sizo of an'
; . a, uozen.. expressmen .At' tue uuty . or parent 16 render' their
. ruiiage. ..lie smued -. uanings as mtio. -obnoxious to istranri
' l Hie bT -nr1 fru-ilr mir n ' rviscil.lo onI nnl-Hn I : a 1 5-.?
ivr l.gand two. s,hqr1i .t that wo may wender if ' Beelzeonb; afte
-3 --' fio.,(.ieu. imo 1 il poieuii ,r.'j . vet-, of imps fev
.:';W.and lower opposite ? the realms below, hai iot left over A
-: 'uv-.tnurj- BucKs i "t;3 iiuuojiiiy 01 unusea material
: i.cP8 connectjng- the
" wheel found a place be-
etids of the'lon.' pieces.
- u U takes 16 tell" Ctho
-iTaed his 0b luto'aVlieel
: -ndled" it away.' jrlle re-
i ours, f.epacfce4te," pboel
" 9 ait towii oaayrestbquud
id to be, an' igeht for "a
:- uoa liotise, and resorted
uw devlwi fr im ca.
t f 1 .1 .- . . - t ry wMjr uuu. . (ien ,ea, or couia ever
jurii ... tier '-jclr- t f-I'if Z? -
onu sex, not to tac othct. ' The candy
caorcuact calculates lhst-tfifwi'ii ..T.
- - - .. , . r y--j "w OAt7
I paic v. oaien t-Hj pbout them, and thus adrer-
??rel . tisa h; midnight waes. tthU-h -consist of
'same. " candies delivei-eddireetlv fr,im v
lie minor morals of humanity ' drons du'iing the time of disnecsals of
welj,,enongli.-, Bytajst. ieng a-rtucafro ftudiencc. New York Sun.
.-Si- - DoTeVAbbut. KiT Vharvesl" ' .'
4 :, A:-troUniiiog the : covered wharte3 on
tho.Eastandi I"ortli rivers discJoses the
, particular! v iaterestinir -'fact ihiit
.... - (.VULW
?.nessts an uppermost feature Amid all; t
; Tl.'liS. ;
m:a: I :
- tarac.:
and t-t:
to the
C tr.'
e quantity of unused" mntni-iol i:i,"uil
j tiad been worked intq the substaiiWol
) . which Ametican chlldrcu are (oaiposea.:
There is in America a tSodety for Ihi
j Prevention of CrueltT to Children.' WTiat
U-sorcly -needed Jn the Ualtel Stotss ia a
Society for the Pfeveatioq of ' W Pecsc
oution pf 0rqwn People by 'ChildreiT-J
fcucy H. Hooper's; Paxis Letter! : '
P 1 the ;0, lug ABM,
ry loiao tenaer passion.
The only man I ever 1 .-ed. or could ever
- It:-' - X '
DS'Sl 6 4 iA
S X ''9.1 .4 -
lr. fe. r.'V!s 's Verve ami I'.i!,',, t. ...i
a t'uarantp spiflc ler: l!vi-iia liiyyiress
' Convulsions. Fit. ,Nrvovi Aenlta. 1I-1
. a' lie. .Nerveoan f'rit-,rlii raiia l.v iln.
I V : ; 01 a 'eoliol or t(.l.uf.i. wa!ti-fi!'iirsn.'MViTil De
I' -A ,i.''r,,?,-10.'Jl''l:iof.tlit.l'aiiii.i.u!tiiitrlii i-
.j, ri-Kaiatv Mi-Hlii K t ir.if,cr. diov and -teutli
. .' i- i rrjiiatnre oiil-AtrerHarrei'iieK., l.Oki'of IV,W.'
-jf , er in six. Iuv irv
H 2 Wi?
h,h rin i'H ciiusi-ii .i.y iver-r xenii i, ,fi,,
;i Drain.ienl,uifi(ivi-r-iii(tii)pnfB.. Kaclrlx.x
...... ....ii,ue, hmj. ir-aiiiit-i!. mi n i,
' -piflT-raftcKs of wharves am I j M' iV" S
nothing but VeHtable-7dovertP ! 3 9 ' TI cuH lr
ii r - - - a, i m . -
? - ,'TS1
over, the doyes du not foeni'to ihiud tb4
ivtur auu aci:yuy, Aianj pt hcm are very
tamo, and wilt eat fronj' thffTiaud.1 Tbej
are frequently seeiv ,hopptnff ix and ou
1uCj i" Ss, na 'vhwUMg wheels.
oboyseema to. knaw , whom thev be
- Sle Transit Gloria- Slojiau.
. Tourists enmntntn flint. Ik. j.h.viii
emlm and. qulot of H.ldelbe h Vvea
tq uojso and taaijuf2ctvrii!g tuatle,
A rrr vrrf tUr-----if -t' vt"
0" -
J ; 'J -a
3 -
,u,iy.!J"r tiHdcntty taail urcpaid oa
;llt ei pTlte r
To cureuiiyca. With agli or.ler,f
ijy i f r six tmxPH. acioiii,an- i( ,v. w 5 mi
,weill 8i tlie pun-lias.rnrutitla. imriin-
: 'yr. ofpice.;;;:.
O, 230017C,
. r ,Mtnal attention
(o my care.
to all .tuihfcViff
XOTAKV ix orncK.
Title ExaruInM. Aviaie Compiled. In
surance Written, KW Estate fold. " '
i I
r I