The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 15, 1888, Image 1

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t u 1 ll
MT3II5i:R .."
.. '.:. : : 'A'Ue Rhea, yj !
Tii- T..I : rihyram An spJaking of
: .1 i'lili. 'ir K
i t : i)i l
i :i r vi. i
; .(. i. ttvi'll '
I .. . A I. -Il' itV . :
' .1 ! Ji'VK, ,
V -n. -sim: j'ian ""
t A' mn i 'if
it -JN ('LIIJi.MlB.
" I i M 0 I iM.h.N. 1'UKS
t .) .V .1 I'lNd ,.HAIItMAN
-v rivi ' M 47 .r .
111 il liAlYKrtWoUTil
!; ox ' M H '. .".'Tii'' uudkuce which left
v. j.i. I tu. (J) ., , : v. jj, vtiiinv: whtL the
-.M.W'H.v. ; curt. i:iJ4;n urn down tin -" the J last act,
: v.- itiircr,
'corny lirt.iarar, -'Jleilc.
- -
l.puty Clerk,
Kseorder of Deeds
ojuty Kec rdr
Clerk of i:i-trict Co ire,
JihcrtiT. - -iturveyor.
Wupt. of Pub. School,
.'Joi'uty iu'lrf.
A. !J. Turn. Ch'lii.,
L-M. M I- i.rz,
A. I. 1I K.MON,
w iv :.'. lii.j; t.; captive of-tlie charm
ing- iiue jji.TtMinatioii cf the
ri;li(. ivV-i-j IJi-ntrrce'- they had so
rf'ie:.-V,rij. iJ VuMh,, . it doubtful
that u ai"ic- oniliusinstic asemllnsc ever
jiitli i"m r "'"fiic atiilicnce wusuiuch
lar;i I h '-'jj ; l - 1 1 y ; rf vi-ius performance.
ami:H ;i.i i.i ' w Mire marked in its exprcs-
siimii ot r . 'mull.
In.t'Iie tl.jA.ft?r of Ueatrice 3rile Rhea
D. A. Uampkkll I Lh8 a p u inneh better calculated to
I Him . I tii I - . -
Kikd ;kitchkiki41 bring b r 'ill 'yiiip;'tthv, with tlie audience
w II IMir 1 may ciititT u i vitv . utiii:i luira 'iu nut.ii
W O SHmriLTIK u I I ' JJ:iuui tins, iu (wn.,
J.C. KiKrwKAKv I at least. 4.-X!I.ii:is the irreatl v. increased
Allen itKRfioN I enthusia.-iin of the ttudience. - At the end
MavnardSpixk I f.i.. ( . . .. f i ..t.--ii i.
M'ile Rli-.i f lore the curtain was repeat-
riitiisiiinuin i ..l .. .r.t ....i. .i.:,.i.
V'eeuillir Witter 1 c imu nuitu won vci lanujr
Kimwood vcry l ltt, i ilr;." .
M'lle i. ri--.t junl her macrnitieent cora-
CIVIG SOGIK'T.MS. pany will :. .! ar at the Waterman Opera
Ilou.ia t ii!:t. This bein; the attraction
n; all theHt re-goers should
-ttfu.i. I patroniz-j it. A lull house on tins
K. -Meetn
iss i.ouuh: no. m;. l
VVv.iry rufH.lay eveniu.r of e.iHi week. All of th s :i-
trai'ilcnt brothers are n-yin-ctlully Iuvited to
IItc Id iliW pan leu nooU. nlone,
Uv an old linn f j;ruy Klolie
Oncf. in t.'m lunj? jfoiie troMen,
A.lorilly lion. (ruij iu xtale. -Tlie
Kuuriiian of a mansion Kal
Now lit) lu?s low ainon; the Mowers.
.Tlicn, oft lioiaw the shining iloors,
. Ileunt lilit foet Tall on fi-stal floors,
lleanl music w ake it H itching din,
Tliea (Jancf U-iifaili tlie torcheH' blur.o
Tin. kui'htH an J ladies of old days.
W'lnle tio watched over all w ithin.
Now tie lie here; iu tiiaold age
Cunt out, rejected, by the thro
Of time, a down licaten, broken, scarred
Aa old Kray lion; yet not less
A lion hi hta feebleness!
One thing la left him t.ti'11 to guard.'
He KuardM it well, by nlKht and day.
In those great pawn of granite gray.
In tho utronjf Kheltcr of hu breast;
No nian shall serve him yd with bcorn.
Though au old lion, thus forlorn.
And all ho guards a rooin'si no!:t!
Teniplo Bar.
Bonded In a Surety Company.
Tlie method by which au employe is
bonded in a surety company is simple
enough The employe, having- been re
quested by bis em jl ycr to furnish a bond
in some stated amo'int, goes to a reliable
surety company and fills out and signs an
application? Tlie opplication contains f
number of questions regarding the char-
tcter ana antecedents of the employe,
which must be answered fully and siecif-
ically. All employments for ten years
last past must be clearly stated, with the
reason lor leaving each. A complete de
What in the world is the reason you
will cough iind keep tougliiui; and still
keep trying infu'ior . medicines ' when
l.F.(i(iS C1IKK1.Y Corcil SYia iMvill
positively relieve your eolith at tmco?
This is no' advert .(ting stlieine,1 but an
actual fact, and we guarantee it. So-Id
by (). P. Smith A; Co., druggists.
(. V. Smith & (. dte jn.iking u . spec
ialty of (lniitnias and fine New Years
cards this season. i
Sirs. J. 1 Johnson has just deceived
some handsome hats and Iioihh-Is, ami
she will be pleased to show them to any
of our leaders, who will call on her.
If you want u good cloc k, go to II. M.
Oault. He lias a large, assortment - to
pick from "at 'prices ' fhat can't h lp but
sull thein. ":
For rent A liouse of three . good
rooms for rent, cheap. Kmpiire at l-arl-inans
furniture store. - If
If you want anything in the jewelry
line, go to II. M. Uanlt lie will m you
gooa gootls al low pri.-is uii.l "uaiiiitee
them as represented.
On November f irst !
" -gj (?)
The OnieH-Poce llotlier
In one of Ills windows,
cent's worth. Tht
need not li
Kveijhody can mhs it!id
iruessm tin'
for salk. A good span of matched
ponies for sale, they are a number one
buggy team. Enquire at this oflice. tf
...... . ........ - . . I I A 11 1
iiLArrnuii H wi'A.Mr.Mr..i 3. i.u- occasion ccnainij auoru ine man- ecription or tue appearance of tbe appli,,"n,: il M'-oute' ii'vuTud!! agcnicnt much pleasure and ' encourage f?t Is noted on the buck of the applica-
r ther ara. Invited to attmnl. . m(lflf TI-r Served saat tiokets are on . . 1 'o" responsble persons
. , menr. in r -cr m soatiicitt.t3 aie on must bo civen as references. To each of
Gold and silver watches enough to
supply the country at II. M. Gault's,
cheap and warranted to -jive satisfaction.
iaio LOiKiK so. hi.-A. o. u. w.-Meeu 8Jlie at j. j. Youug's book store,
every lr-r:ioi- I riJy erenlnirst K. of P. I . " .
A new
l VI. rranilit'U brullier are rtfsoectfully in
vit't: i i'tRii I K.J. M'rKo. Miter Workman ;
K. t. Kr rn. Kifeftn ; tt. II. dein-itr. Over- I VesLs ju t I i
waeii. K-corder; M. Mv bright, lfc-celverj, e,1,uS 1 '. ;rl ?J- . :
P. J. Kuiu. Inside Watch. unn!l8y
i ....... i
them a special form of o. nest ions is then
. T ....
I sent. UDOU Ratisraernrv nnawevo in I Ucu
. r i. . i 11 .. -r ' -
"I AHiracuan uu ami l questions, and MDOn a careful i.rlratn in
- i.vcd uLS. & C. Majer and vestigatjoq pf the habits of life of the ap
a-u 1 pncBui, a pouu is execuiea oy tnecruaran
tee company and handed to tno employer.
tr- I.;. I . i ... t J .
For Rent
Part, or all of my house to small fami
ly, Cor. Cth and Day streets. -
JIns. J..A.I3iT-:u..
Chip In
Battle fiiwx Neb.. "Nov.- 15 The dishonesty rmrt of the cwnlnvo. Vs peoue win nor, can not, or
- - J ...-. i . - r . . - r. . I ff rt rt uii a rt fir.... 1. . ..f I : .'rU Or-elr ratified. TnesdAv me very inresnpia it is ivmajkable j : ... e...-..p uos
I to oosprvfi now ir
evening in a vny amusing to i all.' jit was j offend their empli
a siirnrisj I j themselves. It isUrbed bv I uch a bond. Th
... - I ne ,ii: i:. v . i i i ... . .
two lmnefi-s c.t fire cracker aiul hbrrah. ..nt " Ti. V 'u.T ?"'?""t.oi. ,
. :".'-. - :r- -i-. ' .. . " " wuut medicine in the world is aiv nir such un-
1fWLm.i'M Hii'CUHltl- All UMlUtlftllL UrULII- I i' ' H'.l i . i ' . nUHbAillU" VIIVUI I . . u?
insuring bin nfrainst loss nrisiuir from Tj ,
r threshold It is ivmarkohl. " not se
w many employers dread to rum8 l)Ut UP by Clieap John houses or
tnployes by asking them for irresponsible parties at enormous profits,
This may be very well as a rather than take a medicine of world
sometmdhb.rv "ctipping-lri," buying ,A !r " ""11 rcl)UtllHt,0 "d 'at is giving
..... r..v :i Al.... ba the expressive language of trade, "it is universal satisfaction at enual ... icp? Nn
iuebtion is not what medicine in the world is giving such un
but what is most I n ii ........ . " .v .
t.r & off Tvo or ,hi men started in search S07vor "ood as DEOG'S BLOOD KiVfeli
Could a better test bedevised than to ask ui&ii, atict ever liottle -that
' of Anieriei McttUM eoiul and fourth Mon-
ly Menini at K. of P. halt. Ail transient
l.rcf er are requtMted to meet with u. - I.. A.
'Wenner, aerll Omwol ; Ot- K, Nile, Adviier ; . u. Mr uue, itaiiKer ; w. a.
Jloecfr, .;ffk. . . . ;.vr --
IH.AfTKVOUTII i.oixsb n. S. a. o. v. w. t
Meet ev.-jry ltiut Friday evetiluir at I .
lot 1.11V
nt'Jiret-t to haw n-anv
Beans the j;ir funtnin.s, by 'ian, 1st, diall receivi-
ii j u '.
The M'cond neiire.t
a-esr Hat!
;';.- llirrison whileliring them
V. il u-. Ut ; I ..ii;4 Andf!a.erseer. Gf cn!i)t .. ,,; f,.irrtls and boxes, and soon
ML. Trv.ioir rH inmK Nii.e. a. y. A.M. had a b wAr tint brought out the : brass employe to give a bond? If he is "e8
- M-ets on ti," flr-t ;;.! Hurl Mo:iday f , , ,. , "... , Alr -honest, he. -wil) do' so cheerfully: if he inK-" For t
. each M.Mitli at iheir ban. Ait trautUnt iroth- band. .U-ilnv Grove citizens saw .tbe -.'gets pffipded," H were "as well 'to dis- dru"lts
. ?w are c..rtf tn-'tJy"ulJ M fire mid r down with .their' "martial charge him without much delay. Lin-
employe to give a bond? If he is a"e8 not tn 1 Jt3 woi k wilt cost yuu noth-
sao ly0. 1'. Smith & Co.,
;i. II tr4. :V'croJstry.
-MiiVSiiA i lIVt'Ti'.ii. S1. :i. &. A. M.
".!' ; Mi- !'! iiiiJ f.i';!t!l TiitHd. f eneli
uioosh :o .l.i-or.V iiaii. i f..:;ej ; nl bro'iiers
aie iaMtw.l tj ino.t -.::ii us.
r". li. WlllTK, H. P.
V.'m. v.-. rerot.iry.
band. Tii s !tr night out the cannon, and
tho juhi'-K as kert lip half the nij;ht.
For pc i f i t Mttinsr Suits or Overcoats
f'r ll-n t.,ys and Children call on S. &
C. Mar t it-,. p..pal.vfjter?,,.. d-tf
zin i;om:.ia !.. itv. xd. s. k.
'r'i .in I ilnr-1 '.VtT.lii.MiHj
a. It .;i i i"t :i' I . ) 'h "i it.. l..':::,! ii;:!.i
are c i; :!:y i '.1 t.) ii!!-- " wii -,
v. ;: .i :.." u 1'. iC. "V mt?. E. C.
,! I f i : ... i r ' ...
w - magazine. Dont on to Omaha
ti rrnf vmii lw. I ..1 1 t. i
A Delicious Java FruiL v.m panor aim IJPU
I VAAm nsvfrn A ww. - -1 m
Tr.l,c i !.,,. i ftti., S" m nry jjoecK s fur
columns with rhapsodies over the mangos- " , ure emporium wnere you car, g(.r eyery
teen, and all unite in extolling it as the ,n tnc Jarnitqrp line (l,t will g)"to
supreme delight of the tropics. The man- I m,Uv yur nome teaiuilnl and comfort-
y '
in t
i ;er
.. 1.1.1; ,
.-. .. :.:V.'I
" : . . "'' :.. : ! i n
"i "evill-
I". . Ierr-':iu
. . 1- r.
; . ,1 , C. r;:tt';ini.
I. . .lfiiji.iii, r . or
wotl'. i !
gl V :? I hi
h.t "
Good Intentions
gosteen appear to one as a hard round I able; -and above all you can act it eheim.
fi uit'the-size of a neaclL ;ls lwrrl mi tor I Renienilierstli tt he whril .1U"' mAf
oim, aenr, . i, . wish you .shell, or rind i of tlie 'KaniA'eotnr' nnA sell rheanpif". I - is v, i.i ,
tb!t horrid habit fef Uit-kncss as n grceq alntit, Imtiln'ftUis j': ? sl xL ": ;
...:-V.-3 . - -v ; creamy whitp pulp. The little segments ,.it,, fi ; !7 -i i fe- ' a, " .
" Vli.ritrlif T .will' T'll ara neilir emninnI "- .1 , r a a J
auow iijeu-ciM('roa to eoiiirli ami strain
mi', couiju ati.i eamiiy say: "tili: ;t"-i
A Clear
: . rrAn'i 'ihe.Thinl Xcurest
The jar will be filled ami 8ealed up l y tw. respmsihle parties on
;' Ne!1; lviid counted iy three, resiionsible 1.artiei..l. tt
. 1 nbJic Ilullyon Junuory 1st, 188!,-in I'lattsinoulh. If,H
- !.! shouhl he the firt nearest uesser she will reeeivt; .
A Twe n ty Dollar Tm n k.
. The Second .Nearest
::;OPiie Sills 3-Ta.fler I
; ' ; -- Th!; Third Xearest
n. " ..." . .
Vf'g.J.our guesses with liftme in a .sealed enveloj e. One
fiii'ii person.
Lookout tor h
tor hu-rf! l,and hills giving V))1i l pior;iMi V,ing
fill the Jarand enmt the I leans. UIh' rny;niiij' wilf
he verv intereslir.o-.
, me moutn melt awav. the mi n lieinn- na 1 """"J . "ii:
. ..jvy. . v... ... rr.if " Onlv :1 1 tth rohl " 1
! .:: iter tuts. v ncre s my toon i,.n n o nnln tncfoo no nil i.nn,. I Clieail flTlll d:l II rrfrIIK m,i(llinns n.,:i
.... .. - - . I'm... . no i tiix na cu i i . - - .iv,iu.,iiii ... t ! : . 1 1 1
I . ,-?.- 4 . T : ) ... i i I fl,. 1 i -
'"o151" iijo Bimwuvn les, peacues, I tiov.u won mrg rever or con-
,i)(r !R1S it ! " uuuauua uuu oranges au a; once; a slight sumption, when theyan le so caU ie-
i I?f!,...
iil-.O. N'lI.KS
UlMIV K'lKKUiUr...
M VLV Oixo.v ....
CU.VRL.E4 FK!.. ......
AKUilMOy t'Kl. ....
J A'VH iO nli'.KKiX. .
L. . CL KT10
; fjji 43 O, A. R.
......... ... ('omni tudur.
smor Vice "
...Junior ' "
, Adjutant,
feiiin -iatuflay evenintf
, Officer of the uay.
Serj;t Major.
.,)uKUr Master Sert.
. rose cnspiaio
" i it i i ill li"-lu"s' 'isyeiieo uitneseaeitciousila-vors, irfved lv BEOOS CHrjIinY COirGII
"1 .i;,,Uu.J;ul(ied,l0g toblankety and it sxever cloyinly sweet. Take sVftUfif-It has ol uZ"cr and ' few
blank i". .-. - . - " ' a 59st Ist ' Comes froniJHthei ice? box the eouaN i For de lv P r,iii, I V
-F,,nrd..'W-ri)lea-" I ;'Tournkl- ffyStoeii;is an epicuroV dream real- SSj, '& C
i,,u; -i'L-J-; ')k-r U Journal.r , izd. and-'the ruoro's.the pitvr4Uairt onlv dla1- ;.
O'-i ' Price is selling Cliinchil-
as bverc B:'ayer pollars and 'Cuffs, at
Clotliiug must grv K-i., husiii'ss Suits'
at $ 4.G0. ... Elson, th One Price Clothier
Coort Vf ' f SuffltJient Reasons.
. To w .) you attribute your ; de
feat t tin: h;te election '' "' ' -i ; 1
" Soin: ti-n. t in human 'form started
the repcrj. I'i 't I write poetry." Lincoln
Waterman Opera Housg
Thoroujrhlr cleanm the blood, which 18 the
fountain of health, by usinfr lr. I'lerce's U old
en Medical Discovery, and pood digestion, t
fair skin, buoyant ei'irita, and bodily tiealta
and visTOr will be efttablibed.
linlitrn Medical lllscovcrr cunt all humeri.
from the common rimple, blotch, or eruption.
to the worst Scrofula, or blood-polaon. f.t-
peciailr nas It proven its efficacy In curio?
Halt -rheum or Tetter, Ec7':uia, Krysipelaa.
Vever-sores. Jlip-joint Uiseaoe, Scrofulous
Sorrs and Swellines. Enlarged Glands. Goi-
uudv bores or
rrcsTesa of the Clilppew&a.
Twenty-!", vc CLippewas have gone back
from the lv;so of th9 Good Shepherd,
Denver. CcJo., lothcir parents in portherjJ
Dakota, i:f:.r finishing a three years"
course of .-: ty at tho institution, and
thirty Lioro luivo just arrived to be intro
duced t ;. ::' ; The parents of tho .
girls wLc '.. froiio home ere very proud
that tl.. .: ,-Uu3 Lave beca taught to
read cu.l v. il.-j end have learned many
things c- the ways of tho pale
faces, 'i! . a thing' that tho educated
little Ii: ".i. m v:vAd docs is to transform tho
loJgo t f t'.. li iulo one that is neat and
tiuy, ai;.l i s as it can become
under th. liv -.instances. Dy degrees the
parents f .:! ir.o the habits of their
dinglitci", f:-.t attracted by curiosity and
Cucliy lCf.iii-i:: j that civilized ways are
iuiiy iu : i:..i-:aLio as their own bar-
e. pity that it onlv
lnTnUu" in "fon n it.. vxltnAn ,1 J 1 1 ..If
maies, anu aces not. oear transportation.
'Larue sums hae been ottered, and P.
' and X). steamships have made hundreds of
uienectual eiiorts to get a basket of man-
gosteeus to England for the queen. The
hard rind looks unchanged for wrecks, but
tho delicate pulp melts away, and the
A r'ta fr- an1 aaMa.-v v.. I v . 1
e:rs rhursdavi kov. is
cuniug. UlUUt) i-'CIUOlTJil. 1 J . . w
Tiff TViniVi im.n....
oi slaves.
Though the slave trade was prohibited
by law after 180S, ' a period of eichtv
.years, it was clandestinely carried on so
long as Biavpry in t'ns country made a
marcet lor Kicnapeti ucgroes. The last
cargo of this kind that effected a landiu"
was from tho Wanderer, a slaro trading
vessel, and some of the nerrroes kidnaneo
in Africa still" live on a : plantation la
Georgia. They Lave beconje t iviiiJicd and
Christianized, speaking the Lnclbh luu
irtlnfr. n'itli n. lfil.. w.t.tiiilr.. ''f - il..!u
riginal mother tougue. They talk ocea ' ' ' - 5 ' r'
sionally iu tho Guinea lauuruago wlien by 11 f i IV,,, fj S D DIG
themselves, but mako no efforts to teach I U"- III. f 1 ilHIu
it to their children. Boston Budget
Urn! llll II II I ...-ttmnrr t
rice Clothinfi Hussler
Aml.T.e.'tder of Low Tru-t r.
I' j Physician I Surgeon
Arrows ey:
. . S. F. TlK'iiA. ;;! Nolai v I'litilic.
Fuzei jitd r(.-jk. I'latlsinoiith, el.
A Tf O.tN i- Y. '- '.
Attorney-at-Law. Will eive on-intit Attentioii
to all busine intrusted to him. Outre In
Union Ulock, East side, I'Uti&fiiauch. Neb,
. MOKl.fc. Y.
omro over We'cottV etore. Mam street.
Ite!.leii-e In Or. SehildkneclitS property.
hioiiie Di"eaMe ;ii!(l Hisses of Women and
Children a specialty. Oiiice lioiirn, 0 to II a.m.
2 to 5 and 7 to u p. in.
Hot and Co! I Balm at all hours. Ladies' and f T-TOT? 4T.I"' Tft rrriil.'OU t
Children's Hair Cntlinir st snecialtv. Cor. A V71v IU X Ji, li, J I li, If5 !
aud Main, under CarruihV. j ,
steers ana xiejiers,
" L. GOLIlX(i,
Cl..ili p. t"u nifhini; ( ; to the old re
liable house foy llaiM. i:urs. l'ii:br- Has, Ti nukH,
Bo- is, Sliues. Main street, next Oi.rii!t o, Ba-.k.
DKUCS. " ;
O. V SMI: If Xr f'f
I Oea'ers in Wall I'aper, Paint. i,il.' Art Mater-
Dk..viisi '
tre or Thick 'eck. and
L leers.
tlon (which Is Scrofula of tbe Lunira), by tt .ous cn.-..v.,-,. LohiOU Transcript. .
wcooeriui dioou - pumjinr, utwigormuag.
and nutritive propertlea, u taken la tima,
For Weak Luces, Splttlor of Blood. BhorU
Tfnf of Breath. Catarrh in the Head. Bron
chitis. Severe Cough. Asthma, and kindred
affections. It is a sovereign remedy. . It
promptly cures the severest Couffha.
ff or Torpid Liver. Biliousness, or Liver
(MBDlaint.1' DrsDepeia. and IndiMstion. it is
an unequaled. remedy. Sold by dxunfeta.
Jrlce Li, or six ooiuea lor
riioi s Brands of Cigars,
including our
l.rca OponlujUj
"Brt-r - was you down to the
opeciii' . f sY- -,v club room?"
"You I.. say. da renin's. Mlstah
Drownc ! i- free of "cm. Br'er
Thompst !..- Tencd d" procccdin's wiv
praj-er. 6-u 1 a ltl while Pete Jack
sou he epeued a jack pot on a fo flush.
an'OyTTtj he opened Jackson wiv a
izer." Tei-ro LLaute Express
CrtB.-g" of ioogrpb.' . j
A cc!lc-L f i- teaching every branch of
puotji,:; : ; ' - ! ,is been established In Ber
Jin rxd u:..:.r.i'r iu Vnua. Thaa institu
f.locs arr r -'.? equipped and are supported
by the : r.:r.eiit. Arkansasr Travelei
"Lone" John VVcntwortli's Reply.
"Long" John Went worth was once run
ning for otuce, and heard that Lis ooliti
cal opponents were asserting " that, it
elected, ho would Eoon get Lis hand into
the city treasury.. "May be I will, and
may te . j wpn f , ip scrdpnjcftlfy replied
when he heard of the ( barge. : I'llnt I'll
tell you one thing: nobody else will get
nis nana in: ill sit on tbe chist. Sow
York Tribune.
Loading American Actor. Fir.-t time in
this city, and Torrmui Vor"tuciiqn
p.f tjli iki speaks liiean'st Coin
ed V, iu live acts
Id AdQ AuOOt NotllM
Onf.Twoaiid Three years ol.l, near Kiowa.
Kansas ; suitable for Feeding or J'.oushtnK.
Alo Htoclj. GfxttJLo.
Wi'l t't-!i t 11 time to part'i s Kuil.inK flrst-clacs
pan r : jwldiess :
K. If. GIMMES. Iv'nna. Kan., or
- V. B. GIUMKS. K.ii,,: (;ny, y..
;ihfe1,h piam cEd Grgau Tnner
inserted uiniie.:i;ireiy after - extracting r.a nr:il !
one- iMii-ii o.e-.i'!:. .'.1 ail.1 all oThei Failing'
st ii'tii jila S. Oiliee in L'uiou Block.
Flor do Popperberco er.a
-vr in st.clc. Nov. Cft.
TL e c r . ' : t Lpmp are t bo pjeasantest
abro.-.d. tuj.c a littlo careful bow , yon
trust too t. t.ih to a too smiling face.
Tsir Mcn:a.ii
Sxriihors Ls.ys that the public made
r.uc!. 1 ( lus novel that lie classifies It
O.s a fT'iy'-d t Ilarpera pazar- ... -
Everv rnn feels hijnsetf stronger la M
relations j.itii oiliers-if he is surrouwlcg
Some Queer Sermon Title.
The Christian at Work prints a list 01
sensational topics announced, by Awericai
preachers, and savs thev compare fa vol a
bly with dime novel titles. Hero are a
few of .the sermon titles: Bo3-cottir'
the Dead." "The Great Oil," "Straight
irom ioe onouiuer, "ueu, ana tue feoi.It
Who Are Oolng There," "Taken by the!
Throat," "Use Your Eyes." "Off Goes tLe
Koof, "Lp Comes the Man." New York
f-T-i -i aiVirt-T
Maple a"d Fa icy (mot.iieb. Glass war- and
CrocKeiy, FJourmsd Feetl.
akOGM;it. '
Qroccriii", Frovisloiis. Glassware tnd Crockery.
HA ItX .-.
Successor to O. l. Str-ight. Harness, 8addl-i !
floods. Net'. Robes. Dusters, aad all h,cwsr '
First-class 'work ; guaranteed." Also deni
er in Pianos and Organs. Oflice at fJoeck's
furniture etore, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
The Boss Tailor
RUm Sr., Ov er Merges' S1k Store. '
TVT EitCH AM" o.
. . C. F. "MITH,
i-aeii-i.iiii -in. or. .Maui fire-r. over Merse
snoe sior. ijomplcte ffock of c;i
Euaranc-a. i'nce.4 defy compel
XlenU in Northern Scotland."
A clergyman recently returned from a
vacation spent in the north of ietatland
says me nignts are so snort there tbst nat . - ,
asi iwas fv!i 11 it Rea as Beatrice
o clock at eight withojit the aid of artlfl '" h TTo, t , , . -
cial Ught. Chicago lierald. ' greatest Comedy Charaetertaiat ion.
Magnificent Costumes !
I Has the best and nioht ccmi.lttc stock
of samples, loth foreign and domestic
woolens that ever came west of Missouri
sample?. F't 1 rivr: Note thcse prir: Business suits
Hiup,, ; j from f 1S to $35, dress suits, $25 to $45,
pants f4, ?3, fO, ?0.0 and upwards.
IWill guaranteed a fit.
rices Defv Competition.
Pi..TTSMOUTn, Xeb., Xov. 12, 18a
Ti th-j Stockholders of the Plafts
nioitth Cannin, Companv. At a meet
ing of the bqird ot directors held on the - H.H. Windham. John a. Daviks.
0th of Noveiiiber, 1 at 8 p. n. at the j Notary Pubtic. Notary PuM.
factory it w is ordered ly said lio.ird of WtlHA A DAYII N
.T ? a a 1 . I
uintiura un assessment or , tK?r A a. '
pept le made, on nil stock issued and aoe7S - at - iaW.
with c. r.LJi ratioti. esteem, vespect. " ".
t arn:crs for iVoutb America.
Patagonia andArgetinar. ips --gaiaitig:
-large accessions or turmcrs by immigra-
!1',,:fi r'.n'. .'ThetH-'t ;Hbwn WnoitHt1 Mrt:of lt,d ?, P01 ,oa fVmo 8
4 .' r; , l;:,'l'-r ,nJin LWj47Tt. ciUzeu t.n Lis landiuff there, and ho t an
tf. w ' get laud fui iiolhiug. Boston lfc(bK
f Ij7 "Worth, of Paris, France.
PRICES, ipl.UO. ft cents and gallery
50 cents. Seat9 I -Kervtl in advance at
4- P. Youpg's Dockstorc, no extia charge,
that a special meeting uf tho stoekhold
rrs is therefore ca!od on the 13th day of
December 1S9 at 7:30 p. m. at ilie
county judges office. All stockholders
are requ steel to atteid Hie meeting.
F R. Gcthmes FredGqhiph
President.. . fteoretarv.
Office over Bank rf Can County.
Plattsmodtii, - . Xebbaska
B. A M. Time Tablr.
Tij3 'ft'no&t. Uedrpm seta can lie foand
at JL Botck'a. . - - - - -
No. 1. 3 :lrt a m.
Vo. 3. ii :M p. m.
No. R 6 ;47 a. m.
SO. 7. 7 -TI ti tyi
No.9.--6:t7p. m.
ai o;zi a. m.-
o, 2.-4 el p. m.
.. 10 :? a. m.
Xo.Il 7 . m. .
No. .to. art3a.-.
AH train run ri.-iilv 1 w. .,r nn.
Send rnnr trK .rtr r t diivVv." 1 L Llun 10 cu ' Kchuyler
' W - . j ..w.a w; j -v(;,
! xi ,' ,s 10 Pacific .function ats.30m.rn
.. .
umo irom raciu.; .luncticB at 111