The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 10, 1888, Image 4

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:nw waily iiEiuLo iLArrsMoui'ii, aeaitASKA, muuaY, November 10, iss.
Tne Evening Herald.
A. NalUbary leatlt, Bockwo4 Bildl
Telrpkoa Ha. 45.
Pr.KIU. OHn la irla lra Ktari, Bl
4eare to'. lt iraalt. Tl-paoae o. 4
Dr. Wlth'ra. Pmlalrw l"" l'."J"
BUca, ofer I ricke ura irr
CATiiouc.-St. Taiil's Church. Oak. between
. i. L'.n,.r '-.ri.v l'ustor.
HrrvlcM : Mm t 8 and to a. m. SunUay
Mehool Ut 2 SIM. Willi uciiruicin.M.
CHHiaTiAN.-4'orner I.oeust and Eighth 8ta.
Uiimliv Ml-IIM) 10 A.M.
Kri.M-oPAL.-St. Luke's Church, corner Third
"!!": 11 A. M. d 7 JO r. M . Sunday School
Gibman Corner Sixth St. and
Granite. Kev. inn. rwiw. wn ;
Pkmhvtkkian. Main, between Sixth and
r5eventh. Kev. J - T. iiairri, pastor. Scrv Ice. ;
imual uour. morning " -
CaI.hJ U 1fV
FliuiTMrrHOD.T.-Slxth 8t.. betweu M-Ju
Service- : 11 A. M 7 : P. M. nd School
2rtOP.;M. ITayrr ineem-K neunj
In t
a m Pitriior Main and
Ninth: Kv. V. Itte. pastor. Kervlces : usual
........ Miifil:ltr -lnHl 'J 130 A. M.
..v... --
8vir.tin c.onobfoationai. Granite, Je-
tween rum ana oum.
paint your bats red and take in
Omaha tonight.
Building improvemneU are quite
noticeable in the city at present.
The reat I Am, of Weeping Water,
is in the city today attempting to invee
tWate the county seat vote here.
Mr. W. H. Pickins is building a fine
l.rirlc honse in South Park for Mr. It. B.
Windham. Tliere are six good frized
Kev. J. T. Baird. of the Presbyter
ian church, will address the young men
of PlatUmouth from his pulpit tomorrow
evening. Services open at :50.
Mr. W. H. Pickina has the contrwt
to build a one story frau3 for Mr. S. F
Thomas, on Pearl street. The building
will coutaiu five large and couvcniei t
A weekly paper entitled the "Union
Ledger," came into existence last Satur
day. The paper presents a bright face
and we trust that the proprietor may
meet with burcess in his new adventure.
Fcur coaches have been secured for
the accommodation of the excursionist
from this city attending the graud jolifi
cation meeting at Omaha tonight. It is
expected that the four coaches will not
afford any too much room for the crowd.
We have been informed that it is
the intention of the young ladies repul
lican club of this city to attend the grand
jolification at Omaha to-night The
young men are also making preparations
to turn out in full force, and as there
will be no difficulty in securing sufficient
numbers required to obtain a special to
return from Omaha after the jolification,
the fare will be reduced to one fare for
the round trip. It is expected that the
display of republican patriotism to-night
would surely warm the heart oi tne nexi
president, should he bo present.
Reduced rates will be offered to ex
cursionists over the B. & M. from lure
to Omaha tomorrow if twenty-five or
more tickets can 1e sold. The object of
this reduction is to accommodate the
Plattsmouth people who wish to attend
the sacred concert which will be given by
Gilmore's band at the Grand opera house
tomorrow afternoon. Commendatiousof
the Gilmore band concerts are unneces
sarv. as an announcement of its coming
is sufficient to fill the largest opera house
in this vicinity for a week. Already that
number have signified their intention oi
taking advantage of this opportunity,
Mr. J. II. Lainc, manager and ail-
vnc; azent of the Khea company is in
the citf today making arrangements for
their apiearauce at the opera house on
Thursday evening, Nov. 15th. The tou:
Ilhea is now making over the country is j
lier last in America as she returns to htr
home in Paris to retire, after completing
lier engagement with this company. Mr.
Laine informs us that they have one of
the strongest companies on the American
stage. The announcement of the coming
of this world-renowned actress should
insure a crowded house in this city. Tin
!ay selected is "Much Adieu About
Nothing." a heavy piece. The cost of
Rhea's costume is estimated at S3,0l0,
while that worn by the co:npany is val
ued at $4,000.
The St. Andrew's Brotherhood of
St Lukes Episcopal church gave a very
pleasant entertainment last night at Kock
wood ball. The attendance was light
lut the appreciation expressed was warm
and hearty and would have done credit
to a large adienM?. The programme
consisted of vocal qHarktU. duets and
olo3 by lie srs. Barwick, Croa Jhcr,
Moore, Kenipster ind Wcad, a reading
ly Mr. Taite and recitations by Miss
ICaixl Fonda of Omaha. The latter was
the star of the evening and wor d hor
audience at will. Her hun.erous selec
tions were received with peU ol laugh
ter while the pathetic were ihteued fo
intently and the fac of all resen
showed how deeply tbeir heart Vef
touched. ThyouD3 lady V' a N
r... r vfV-,J"!- '
Pluz hats loom up on the craniums
the jubilant republicans since election
Jennie Kitchie, five year old daugh
ter of Mr. James Kitchie, died last night.
Mr. O. M. Straight accompanied
John Gygcr, the insane man, to the asy
lutn at Lincoln on rriday.
The "Y's" have decided to give
their sociable next Saturday at the resi
deuce of Mr. Wash Smith, corner Mirble
and Fifth streets.
"Where do the llic3 btay in the
winter?" The query is propounded by
an exchange. The flies will stay in the
neighborhood of Grover Cleveland this
winter. Lincoln Journal.
We will be satisfied and so will the
many friends of the youn men who go
to Omaha to-night, if they don't do any
more painting than they have already
done on their hats. The color of that
city may not suit them
Mr. Georce Chatburn, principal of
the high schools of this city, took his
departure for Ames, la., last night where
he was invited to address a graduating
class in the Ames agricultural college.
He graduated at the same college in le4
All the memlers of the young men's
republican club have painted their white
olun hats, which were worn before elec
tion, red, white and blue, and will assist
at the grand turnout at Omaha to-night.
We haye not been informed how the
ladies will paint but they may paint the
Treedore" a prominent democrat
among the younger politicians of this
city has manifested considerable uneasi
ness since the defeat of Cleveland- IIis
n!v desire now is that l is home could
be removed to the country for several
weeks until the worst part of the storm
bl;WS OVt-r
We have been informed that Moil-!
lav n:,rht next is the date selected on
which to hold the grand republican joli
fication. W are under the impression,
judging by the prorations now being
made for the event, that ic win far sur
pass either of the late rallies held in this
eitv. Everyone has now reason to give
away to a mighty hurrah for Harrison,
and let it be so. m
" Struck Ga3" was presented at the
opera house last night before as small an
audience as we have seen in the opera
house for many a day, but those present
were apparently very apr.KffJ2.tive. Al
though the company labored under many
great disadvantages, they did much
better work than was expected
of them. "Tutein," a "Nan" appeared
as natural in the character as the imper
sonation could possibly be executed.
Mr. Harry Pepper who possesses about
the finest baritone we have heard from
the opera house stage wa9 strongly en
cored in hi9 ballads. lie showed greai
science in the rendition of his solos.
In the good old days when Grover
Cleveland was an o1ctire lawyer in
Buffalo, he has some boon companions,
and they used to congregate m a con
venicnt saloon in the waning light of the
.rnlden evening nod sins a brave old
song, the refrain of which jyas: "There
is a hole in the bottom of the sea, nil it
up, fill it up." And as they sung they
would fill their tanks with beer, and
have a real good time. The people came
very near filling up the hole in the bot
tom of the sea on Tuesday, with demo
rrntir debris, and it's a caution what a
curious mass of stuff was shovelled in
Broken promises, mouldy intentions and
a thousand other reciicjacences were
dumped in. But it's all over now, and
there is no reason why we should not lc
bappy. In a few months Grover can
hunt up his boon companions agiin and
inundate his sorrows as of old, while the
gay old world wags on. Lincoln
Anew supply of Chinchilla Overcoats,
Beaver Collars and Cuffs just received at
a & C. Mayers, they are excelent value
and selling at $14. tl-tf
Mrs. Tuckberry, of Omaha, arrived in
the city this morning.
Mr. Elmer Eikcnbary arrived In the
city this morning from Lincoln.
Mr. E. II. Wooley, of Weeping Water,
arrived in the city this morning.
Mrs. Ilinkley, of Ashland, is visiting
with the family fif Wm. llerold.
Mr. C. F. Palmer, teacher ia the Belle
vue college, is the guest of Jiis nncie,
Mr. S. Waugh, of this city.
Mr. J. B. Strode, of Lincoln, is in the
city today. He is apparantly very jubi
lant over the election of Harrison.
Mr. George Palmer, who is attending
the State University at Lincoln, returned
Jjomc today to remain over Sunday.
Judge Russell and wife left for
Wcepinz Water ihy morning to visit
oyer Sunday with their old frieL
Mr. We;. Neville returned to Battle
C.cek, Mich-, hy tls flyer yesterday af
ternoon, to resume his work here on the
railroad contract.
O. P. SmUfc 6 03. are making a spec
ialty of Cyi-tiM a? J. 5e fjew xears
Ladies' Modjeskas.
Black Jviaffonal Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only 7.00.
Black Extra Quality Boucle Cloth,
Spike Fringe Trimmings, Bell Sleeve,
only 10.00.
fUack Friee Cloili, Ball Trimming,
Quilted Lining, AslracJian Cull's and
Collars, only SH.UO.
Brown and lan rocaueu jiaiei
lase, Plush Ball Trimming, Plush
Cuffs and Collar, only 15.00.
Silk Plush, Plush BallTrimmings,
plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets,
oniy 5iu.ut7.
Astrachan Cloth, Spike
Trimmings, (Satin Ljped, only $10.
.Fancy fcUK mpen uwaMt!
Ball Trimming to match, Quilted
Satin Lining, only $2Q.
Seal Plush, Elegant Plush Ball
TrimwRg, Satin Lined, genuine Seal
Loops, only So
Seal Plush, Beaver Ball
Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, 3Z mh
Our Plush Sacques are finished with the Ust of Quilted Satin
Lining Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loop.. Any guarantee
tailing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will be
replaced hy jwy one.
rover and Allen, in eighty-eight. .
Arrived just in time to be too la ;
3 he ship in silence paesed them py
; And left theu on the lapd to d:e-
The captain of the ship ot Maine.
The peop:e call him J. O. Blaine.
By his command unfurled the sail.
And now behold their piteous wails,
rout. .Tio,n ttia manv npnMinn vetoes
Will lie beneath the driftiiiK snow ;
There foiever in silence will they remain,
Reflecting hh horror the strength
of Blaine.
Sleep Grover sleep-and Allen too,
Old Satan pay remember you ;
And when you hear the trumpet blow,
m . ...... i;. I'lll muu.,)
xo tt wanuui viiiub. j " j
Peace to thv earthly pains and toil.
Rest to thy bisr neck and thy boils.
o n.ore yon'llskulk yourself away.
Upon a decoration day.
To fish for cat 's and mud tad poles,
JKnorlnc loyal vet r-nf pouIb.
1 hose chill wind will make yon fhiver,
Vibije you acd Al en, go -up Salt river.
Heed n-1 tne white-halt not by thewgy ;
rerchannw you'll re icli a warmer day.
You may reah a clime free of earth's wep ;
A barren space no grass ill grow.
Your earthly tricks will be forgot
r"cause vmir palace will be so hot.
ofa Ben "HairiMni and Levi Mf itn.
lu theg'deacliariot go byjsnortinf.
And nrstlein caiths olive frlades.
To l usk ceu-uely in thtirflides.
hie von soul Allen, aan silmtly figure,
lluw j P did vote against the nigger.
Spot DM.
For perfect fitting Suits or Overcoats
for Men Boys and Children call on S. &,
C. Mayer the popular Clothiers. d-tf
O. P. Smith & Co. have the finest dis
play of holiday goods ever brought to
to fhe city. ,
5tTki". c. a. UoteSf
Week of prayer begins to-niorrow,
Jfov. 11, at 8:45, by a consecration meet
ing; athe "JJooms" at 4 p. m. big gospel
meeting for yotfng mep only. 7:50 P-m-sermon
to young men at the prpsbyter
ian church. Meeting every night neit
week, except Wednesday night. This
series of meetings will close with a
sermon to young men at the Methodist
cb'irch Nov. 18. These meetings are for
'uien'onf; eppet the sermons' to young
men at the churches.
A new line of Astrachan Coats and
mf'efis just received at S. & C. Mayer and
tit A-t
I!rs. J. P. J-ri'rrp-t recrired
Our Assortment surpasses
anything heretofore attempted
hy us in this Department, and
our customers will be surprieed
at our magnificent display of
Ladies' and-Misses'
and at very Low Prices. We
are showing decided novelties in
Stripes, Checks,
and Sol d Colors I
with Plain,
Bell or
A nee
Men'3 Overcoats at Elson's, the One
Price Clothier $1.90.
H. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city.
If you want a good clock, go to H. M.
Oault. He baa a large assortment to
pick from at prices that can't help but
sell them.
Plenty of feed, Hour, graham and
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
Gold and silver spectacles at II. M.
The holiflay stock at Smith & Co.'s is
immense this year. Call and see it.
Woolen Jackets from $1 and upwards
made by the celebrated Gormania Knit
ting Mills, at S. & C. Mayer. d-tf
Smith & Co. will give away a fine
house and lot in Vailery place during
the next sixty flays. Each person buying
$5 of goods during that time is enti-led
to a chance on the house and lot.
Ask for Mayers Laundried Shirts the
best in the market eithi-r plain or plaited
bosom, only .$1 at S- C. Mayers. " d-t
Ifatracg Hickory the Strongest Wood.
Professor Sargent is credited with mak
ing the- statement that the "strongest
wood in the United States is that of the
nutmeg hickory of the Arkansas region
and the weakest ia the West Indian birch.
The most elastic is the tamarack, the
white or ghellbark hickory standing far
below it. The highest specific gravity,
upon which In general depends value as
fuel, is obtained by the blue wood of
Texas.'? ' ' ' " - " ' " '
Didn't Walt for Him.
City Editor (to new reporter You $ay
this man was blown np by a can of nitro-
glycrine, but you don't State whether h
i dead or alivrf.
New Reporter I waited around there
four or five hours, bat couldn't learn it.
City Editor Why couldn't yon learn it?
. New Reporter Because habtdn't come
down yet when I left. Binghimton Re
publican. A C)ose Approximation.
In 18C4) in Memhhis, In a' refugee schoo
that I visited while chaplain in the army-,
the Bible lesson was John xv, 1, "I am to
tX3 rise, and my Father fa tl4 hushcii
'r O-i 1 " f ' r '"" '
Kid Glov
We Miall ofiVr sill f nm
Kid Gloves,
lit tin; Nomi-
worth from i?!.;, i 2..r,C
nal Price
This ineluth's i vi rylliii'f. v'iry in
Stock of Drevil, ('!itor, and
Driving Gloves.
6 Button Siit ;is( !'s .t Colors and
Blacks, now $1.M wort I. 10.
4 Button Simi''M l'..-t Colors and
Black?, now if 1. "(', w nh "".
4 Button Our ". n Kaix v Kinlnidercd
Backs, Cilois :.i.d ni.i. k, r.ow $1.50,
worth $2.00.
5 'Button l!on M.robe Extra, Colors
and Black, now $1.50, v i ti $1.7..
8 Button M( . t: ir- .',(:-, Color?,
only $1.50, v Hi. 'J".
G Button MoMp tti'ire .'.-s Colors
and Black, $1.5':. v.,.nl C : )
4 Hutton t .-t -. (' !-, oi'ly now
$1.50. worth :;' ( !
StnrdeGuantl-1 !):ivii.- ('' s. Colors,
onlv n.)W $15 5.
Our $4.00 15. a v i li:twl
Browns, sold ( !-. v!i r - i t
i Wi (in ys nnd
i i. in Grey
Our $5.00 H
nd Browns, v il
',.r. ;
i.- ileeid-
edly a good bat
Our $7.00 i'.'M v. r ;r.;.U ' yy Shawl.
Very pretty line of e..;. i.
Our $9.00 ;'...!. Ml; :i ! qtndity,
elegant p:Ut.'M,-. w.-'.i vo;:!i .-. IwOO.
Our $10.00 i;-::y. i -r. ir s. 'I .ins and
Browns, entirely n pall- n. Hod would
be decidedly eli t .jl-.O' .
German Kuitlii
es Kveiy1
Hid', r 0 vn.
Shetland Flo,:,
S-ix ' ' v
Comforts and Blankets.
10x4 White U'Mjikftp ;,t l.,5 r pnir.
10x4 White Blankets. 'oo.i weight,
pny $2.00 per l,a:.r.
iiix'4 Whit'- all Wc-i! t'tir.rftiiteed,
only $4.00.
Our Countiv -made V.'lntc, nt $1.75
TTi -Win
II Q mk:
don't lot jKilirics absorb
y you forg
it tlio great
tfe Co, a,-o :;ivi!).
WIJJG to iLa slow demand tor
sell at a sacrifice
ret li
v yeur lo.
't "i hirtv
! . '. ' I I
ui: v 75 c
Practical Pitir; Organ Tuner
AM) !ti.I MllKil.
First-class work g-j-.irant.-ed. Also deal
er in Pianos and Organs. Ofiice at Hocck's
furniture store, l'latttnouth, Nebraska.
Because he had uo Gai j-axd Stove.
Buy one of Joiix.-ox lU:os. s pt22-dlm.
Remember you sawe 25 tts. on eyery
dollar by trading yk uh ELou the pne
Price Clothier.
II. M. Gault i- n-c. iving some very
tine novelties in Oxidized tilver goods
for holidav.
If you have a watch, clock or jewelry
of and kind you'want repaired good, take
it to II M. Ganlt. All work warranted
to give satisfaction.
Men's Unlaundried Shirts. 40 cents, at
Elson's the One Prir-e CJothk-r.
, - f - . r . r -
For Ront -Part,
or s,l of my houe to small fami-
V- ".J t f-J
! Boots amdl
K order l-
Lg O tin;- I
M3 buy t!.. m
TIAIK wil1
Prei'i nt.
O save v
a mail .v.
W. A
per pair, i xtia laipe h'r.c, m d m mlly
iidvtitimd us a big I muii. at 5 (0.
11x4 bite In tiii'l l"11 bn"
at $7.50 a i tit it a good bnipiiin.
$4.50,M'(Kttin INminc lit tt Lli.iikit is
good value at $5.( 0.
$C00, Ked Bl:i k(t extia wcifeht and
quality. .
12x4 lied Bli-t;l( t nt Ji'.CO pr pair, f
made up of the iimt wool.
Brown and Gray mixed Blanket, at
all prices. . ,
Our f 1.00 Ctmfcrt, fnir print, good
Our $1.50 Comfort, good quality,
print solid, red lining, filled with
white batting. ,
Our $2.00 comfort, Befct Print, extra
Our $2.50 Comfort, two good values :
No. 1. Fast Colored Chintz PlinW
White Cotton Filled, rxtia nze nmlJV
No. 2. Fancy Satin-. M-fil ml lin
ings, elegant line ff pattnns Mid ohts.
Our $.25 Imported Inr.lz Piitbriis,
very fanry quilled, rxlrn t-l: m ! light.
Our $4.00 Fine Fanc y fii.tin-. Solid
Sntinc Lined, very nicely qudlid, 'TQ
Ladies' M'Mte M( ii:i. Vefts. J-ilk 1 1 it (li
ed. Silk borrd. at 50 cmts nib. Pants
to lotiteh.
I-mVns' Fxtni fir.e. n i iier (.iwilily,
Whiir M' tiro VeslN. .! l 'i y i il I i d hle v s
ut 75 edits each. Punts to n : t( I: M mmo
Ladies' White Wool V Ms, Silk Bound
ar.d n.25.
Ladies' Niitund W 1 V sis and Punts
at $1.00 mill, woith $1.25.
Ladi(s' Seitllet Vests i.nd pMit, Mnooth
and soft, on'y $1.00 1 1 .
Lndies' Seinl- t S.ixory Wool V sfsnntl
Pants. fiiHst qnalitv, at 81.75 ei eh.
Ladies' Camels Iluir IVnts and Vcfits
Reduced to $:100a suit, v oilh $4.00.
Full Lines of Children', Misses nnd
Boys' Underwear. White, Scarlet, Natur
al and Camels Hair at Low pi ices.
Seal Plush Wraps.
Our line of Plush Gurmcnts this senaon
are made up of the bef-t gmdes of Lon
don Dyed and Listers Seal Plushes, tmd
Every Garment Guaranteed to wear.
Our Plush Jaekits nt $ 15.C0 are very
Our English Walking .Ii k ts, three
quarters length, lit $25, will wi.ilh $30.
Our $25.00 Plush Sacquts, cold else
where at $.:o.oo
Our $30.00 Plush Sacqum woith fully
Our $:'.5. 00 Plush Sacquis woith fully
Our $37.50 Plush Saeqiies sold every
where nt $45.CO.
Our $45.00 Plush Sarqui n, regubir cityW
price, $55.
60 much of your attention that
cut in cash prices Vr. A. Bocck
Fall Goods we are compel led to
-Cath" to meet our b' : tif r.F.
t anf
m i cjin
will le
! a on : n
f f3
Dr. C- A. f. ff sSiaD.s
Hocidoat Seni&t.
Preservation of the Natural Tttth a
as soon as letui aie cxuikkii wi;tn de
sired. prk wnirnnted Prices reasonabp,
Notaiy rublie. otary Fublic.
Attorneys - at - X aw.
Offlne over Bark t lU'&f-County.
i - a i i f .
Auest etic3 g'ven for Paiu-
j f tLI.IO OU t-XTHACl I p."? OK J
UCiai letui piboe on "c Jii, Silytr,
ibber or Celluloid Pltrs, ar d tied
.X .