ttP (1 fan SISCOXJ YEAIi PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVE3IIJEII lO, 1888. NUMIJEK 51 CITY Mjyor, VJterli. Trj;.urer, - Kiiiner. . Pollen Judge, Marshall, Councilman, 1st ward, " 2nd " OFFICIOS. Indian.. WVVv.-Wv. I Indianapolis, $Tov. 10.- Itcpublicans ' - " . - WKKox are jubilant, but the demonstrations . Jaxas Pa"bkon. j. 0f the past two dart have ceased. The - a Madol people baye returned to their business ana me city nas asaumeu its normal W II MALIOK I J V WKCKHA( I A HALItlHUAr 3rd 4ta. Bo&rd Tul.Work i I) M JUNKB I 1K. A HI1IPMAK 111 H MURPHY 1 8 W IJUTTOlf I Con O'Comnob. 1 Y McGallkst. Pbu iOKDRK AWKSWOBTH I J WJol f KHRU G )l)UUi ! . GOLTjMTY OFFICIOS. P aspect. The county canvassing board is still in session. The official figures on the result in this city cannot be obtained, but the democratic electoral ticket was carried in the county by a plurality of 378. A few official returns are coming in from coun ties over the state, and it is thought the ican plurality will be in the neigh- i. a. oami'hkll I boihoou of 2,o00. Tmn. roi.i.iMK I . .... 1'iki uit( iiKiKia I arrangements are completed tor a Kxa Cbi i v kiki-i. j,ritna rti.ication meeting here tonight, M LEYI and it is probable that Geueral Harrison J. c. Kikknhaht. will be induced to participate in the allkn Ckkkiim I demonstration in some way. The general ii nnoorHurKHVMOK!. I coining ol tit-legates lor the purpose of A. IS. Toil. 'h'lll.. - - I iHttsmolltn I riinrrriltlil. itin.r him (?nn,rnitiillinna liv L ,1 IS K M.r.. - WwpilK WilfM, " " . " . J A B. li K.v, - fciinwoiio-i letter, lie says, will receive prompt atten tion. Iu response to a call for a speech GIV'IGSOGI KT.IiS. yesterday he said: . ineiime lor 8iecc.i-miikin? is over. 1VSH l.H.'' fin. IKS. 1 O. it. r.-Mwt T, 1,1 . : 11 . . ii .it 4 ... i r i. .nil lie debate is ( Ioh-iI nml I li.Ii.-v- Mint fyrTir m iif trvtriiltij; i i tr.n " r . it 1 1 - r r trnnii-'iil brothers are reiecllMlly iuvlted to I the polls are closed. I thank you for rreiisurer. Iwuiy r.e.nurer, -3lTle. Oepuiy Clt-rk, lUicorJer (! I'eeds Muty Ueo.rder C .-rR nl i Utile' Co lit, 8 ii-riir. irv-yi-r. Alriy. - - yt. lub Sc1ihIk, rtil I la r r m i J r 1 1 kn t: v m r.M k n r No. 3. I. M. nl-tr in Vi.-t.lin-i your call toiiiglit. The republican headquarters closed la-st night. Chairman Huston and Secre tary Dill were each presented with gold- headed cancb by the clerical corps of the committee. The democrats now concede Indiana to ILirrisou by 2,500. Reports to the Asso ciated press confirm this, thoi-gh the vote f 4 -1 ma . ilAXS I'AMI NO. IT' MODKKN WOdllMKN I luaJ uuuuiru iiiwif.-, uic cnu.o v of America Meetsnecond ami lourtU Mon- ....ij;-.,, ,., 5 tl.-ra d ay eeiiiu at K. ol i. lialU All transient " " " brutlier are requested to meet witu un. 1.. A. bcinr scarcely 300 votes difference thus fiewco ner. eueraie uhhui; r, riie-, i - - worthy Adviser; s. u. uue, itauaer ; w. a. iar ueiween General uarrisou ana uoyer O. K iut-r"- trr'-y a'tt-r ih r rut-tr In i'U morn it In tli" M i-"nic li.ilt iir tlher-i ar-s I ivile-l to atteinl. 'IIKIO l.)l)iiE NO. Ml. A. O. V. .V. Meetn every altrrn ita tritlay eveniim at K. of f. hail, rraniiem Diomeri are respflciiu.iy in Ua toatteuil. K.J. Marfan. Master Workman ; K. V. i;run. Foreman ;,. it. K-in-ter. ivei- eer: K. A. Taite. Kmaneier : a. tr. iioui-e worth. K-.?orler; M. Maybright. Iteeeirer; I. It. Smttli, 1'an-t M. W. : I. N. Uowen, Guide ; 1 J. Kunz. Inside watcn. Ohio. Cincinnati, Nov. 10. Ytfctcrday the ballots cast in Kenton connty for con gressman from the Sixth (Carlisle's) Ken tucky district, were counted at Indepen dence, Ky., and about two-thirds of them was found to be rough edged and per forated. The republican committee pro tected against the counting of them. 601 of those ballots were cast in Campbell county and there the republicans protest ed against their being counted. These ballots were distributed in csnsiderablc numbers throughout the remainder of the district. THE LION AMONG THE FLOWERS. Here, in till irurtlen nook, alone, t-iea au old uon of gray tono Ouue, io th I our gone golden hour, A lordly lion, proud in state, Ttie guardian of a mansion gate Now be tiem low among the flowers. West Virginia. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 9 Forty countries, polling 115,463 votes for pres ident in 1834, show a net republican gain of 4,0.56. The remaining thirteen count ies, polling 16,689 votes, will at the same ratio of gains?, give the republicans a gain of 794, making a total net gain in the state of 4,845, which would give the state to the republicans by 624 majority. Tne indications are that Atkinson, Flick and Smith (reps.) are elected, respective ly, in the First, Second and Fourth con gressional districts. Then, oft ho Raw the shining doors. Heard light feet fall on festal floors. Heard music wake Its witching din. Then daoce beneath the torches' blaze The kuighta and ladies of old days. While be watched over all within. Now he lies bere; In his old age Coat out. rejected, by the rage Of time, a down beaten, broken, scarred An old gray lion; yet not less A lion lu his feebleuens! One thing is left him still to guard. Ho guards it well, by night and day, In those great paws of granite gray, In the strong shelter of his breast; No man shall serve him yet with scorn. Though an old Uon. thus forlorn. And all he guards a robin's next! Temple Bar. lioeck. Clerk. nor-clcct Ilovey. In the Eighth district LATTSMOUril LOiXSK NO. 8. A. O. U. W. rtrnnlf .Ai,n .W.-ta .T.1in,n froivl Ing at I " " Meets evfrv alternate Friday even Rockwood hall at H o'clock. All transient broth- I for congress bv 05 majority era are respectfully invited to attend. L. 8. I , . f Wilde, uecoraor ; uuuaru Anaersou. uvtrwei. This is a 1U.ATT9SIOUTII LODGE NO. 6. A. F. & A.M. a M.'i'H on tho tirt and tliir:! Mondays of each moiitli at their hail. Ail transient brotn- er! are eordully nutted to meet with in. J. O. KlL'IIF.Y, W. M. Wm. Hat". Secretary. 'F.BKASKA CHAITEU. NO. 3. II. A. M i-' Meet seooiiil and fourtti Tuesda ol each month at MarunV Hall. Traiiscu-iit brothers are invited to meet wuu us. K. E. White, II. P. Wm. I1 vs. Secretary. fT. zion COMMAMIVKV. NO. 5. K. "Meet first and third Wednesday nilit ot ei-U montii at M no ' liall. Visiiiiu brjllier art. oriaily inyit-'d to meet wuh us. WM. 11 ws, Kec. F. E. W ii ir is, E. C. Heavy Snow Storm Reported from Northern Kansas. Atchison, Kan., Nov. 9. The most pheuonienal snow storm that ever occured in northern Kansas began this niornin and has continued furiously all day Trains are all delayed and telegraph wires are prostrated iu all directions with the exception of one line to Kansas City In Atchison oyer 2Q0 telephone lines are broken and so tangled up with electric light wires that the electric light work ; riASSCoCNCILNO.irei.KOYAL RCANUM have been suspended to prevent accident. i meets tne xecond aud fourtti Moudavs ol , . . . . . 1 tach nioutli at Arcanum Hall. I The snow storm is the heaviest that lias It. N. Glkxn, Regent. r. C. Minor. Secretary. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE occurred at any season of the . year since 1878. The extent of the damage cannot be ascertained, owing to the suspension President Boot. B Windham of telegraphic connection " ir x i csiurub. .......... ...... - v. m CliI Vi F7r'lilent DIRKOTORS. J. C. Efchev. F. K. White, J.C.Patterson. J. A. Conner, B. Elson, C. W. Sherman, F. O or der, j. v. weeicoacn. xr..i 1 1 .. i k iwi9 i itt rvoir it 4 rin srnrm U( (Tito frlUIUCUb ........iiiu serine I vf y , i . . . Bocretary.... , , F. Herrmann i l..;..;,.- .,. k;. mnrnir, AA Treasurer , F. K-Uuthmaui "v'""A"e -v nt v,.VKv into a snow storm at 3 o'clock tips after? noon and has been falling ever sjnee. The snow, however has melted as fast as it has fallen. It has been accompanied by brisk winds and has done considerable i damage. Nearly all railroads centering here are more or less delayed, the Santa Fe being the worst sufferer. Telegraph wires are also somewhat crippled. 1 McCONIHIC P08T 45 G. A. R. BOSTEK. Commander. Senior Vice " .. ..Junior Adjutant, Olllcerof the Day. luarrt , SerKt Major ..Quarter M:wrer Serst. . I'o t ills plain 1 . C. H. TwiM K. A. B ATKS It K NII.F.S IlIMlY STRKIGHT M Lor Dtxox CHtKLM F'RD ANDKifON Fry. ... .1 AOilij OOM B', K.MAX. r. t'cnris.... 'ipfcTi'i r . (iirday eyeniu for "mn-down," debilitated and overworked women. Ir. 1'ierce's Favorite Prescription it. the best of all restorative tonic. It is a potent hnecino lor an those hronio weaknesses ana piseasea peculiar to Women: a powerful, getXr eral as well as uterine, tonio and nervine, if imparts vi?or ana strengin to ine wnoie system, It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea! Indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervous pros t ration. omj ity and sleeplessness. In either sex Kanmas Citt, Nov. 0. A special from Pittsburgh, Kan., says: The most dread- tul dis stcr in the history of Kansas oc enrred at 5 o'clock this evening. At that time a terribla explosion was lieard it shaft No. 2, in Fontennc, a suburb of Pittsburgh. The shaf was completely shattered and there were 1G0 men below, only two of whon are known to have escaped. Being 112 feet deep it is almost certain at this writing that nil whp were in the mine are dead or burried alive. Attempts will be made to reach the men below before morning. The shock des- It is carefully compounded by an experienced phrsician. and adapted to woman's delicate narc?.e n il is lrobWe Vriie :" P- tUnt the men in th lower levels are bur Ion' is th nnlv mNlicin I for women, sold bv dnifrgists. I icd beneath tons of slate. Black damp VARHANTD. "f nte of satlsfacUon in every case, or price is supposed to have caused the explosion. " &Ulntttl,D tehJun? Most of the miners at these shafts wen ? : . t a.. 4 as man w vaiasi - - 1 1 aj m -n i uriim wua s s - u For targe, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of jVomen 1X) page, with full directions fb( bonie-treatmenti, send tea cents In stamps: " Addrosd, WORLDS UlSPtKSABT MKDICA& sWociAiiOtft out Mala Street, Buffalo, N, Ti JULIUS PEPPERBERG, were orTginally from the mines of Pennsyl vania. i A Few California Figures- San Pkancisco, Nov. 9. The count of 116 precincts in the city of 176 give tT T Ol non m 1 J rro rrt. . MANUFACTCRER OP AND I ,1IU"3UU vieveiauu -,ouo. ine I rnnlImn citato rnmm!ttu rl.imi m m w w w M V wm1 m W W tt W wmmmm m w I I VYMULtbALL 6t ntl AIL state by from ten to twelye thousand dealer ix thk The democratic; state committee concedes ( 'llOlCCSt DrandS Ot UlarS, majority:- The latest figures' indi 'I i. i : -T r iocludicg our Flor do Pepperbergo and TOBACCO AND S3IOKERS' ARTIOLES always in stock. Nov. 26. lSS-t catc the election of four republican con gressmen. Three qf he congressional i f Buds districts are very close. RnntEcxirFs, Nov. 9. Vice President elect Morton spent the day in reading and arranging hundreds of telegrams re- I r ASA1 KtlM watnwk 4l A H Am iuih tTmm 1 nm. C1,r-r; X- WillUnm1 miveH nainta. the "J "o TC Ix-st in the market, at Fricke & Co's. drag ult of the campaign. They are from store. - - . 8-tf. leading repubcan ttrourtout tie and. Illinois. Na8iivillk, III., Noy. 9. Foreman (dein) for congress in the Eighteenth Il linois district has a majority of 17 over Jehu Baker (rep.). The following is the official returns : Foreman's majorities : St. Clair county, 229; Monroe, 560; Total 7S9. Baker's, majorities j Madison, 324; Bond, 385: Washington, 63; Total 772. Foreman was serenaded at bis residence this evening. HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and- strain ana cougn and calmly say: "Un! it is only a little cold," and keep giving them cheap and dangerous medicines, uc.til they are dowp with Jung feyer or con sumption, wuen tuey can ue so easily re lieved by BEQGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP It has equals. For sale druggists, Don't be misled by 6o called reduced prices when you can buy cheaper at Joe's the One Price Clothier. Bonded in a Surety Company. The method by which an emplore is bonded in a surety company Is simple enough. The cr.'.H-fc having Lecn re quested by his emph yer to furnish a bond in some stated amo int. goes to a reliable surety company and Gils out and signs an application. The application contains a number of questions regarding the char acter and antecedents of the employe, which must be answered fully and specif ically. All employments for ten years last past must be clearly 6tated. with the reason for leaving each. A complete de scription of the appearance of the appli cant Is noted ou the back of the applica tion. At least four responsible persons must be given as references. To each of them a special form of questions is then sent. Upon satisfactory answers to. these questions, and upon a careful private in vestigation of the habits of life of the ap plicant, a, baud is executed by the guaran tee company and handed to the employer, insuring him against loss arising from dishonesty on the part cf the emplove. At the very threshold it is remarkable to observe how many employers dread to offend their employes by asking them for such a bond. This may bo very well as a matter of delicate politeness, but surely, in the expressive language of trade, 'lit is not business." The question Is pot w'hat is most courteous, but ' what is most right? What is most just uot only to the employer, but to the employe himselH xuiq a Detter test De devised than to -'- is On November First ! Tk OneHPrice lofhisr will place; TsIES Ol In one of ln's windows. Everybody can fjiiess arid cent's worth. The one iruessiiiijr the nesn-cfct to need now Beans the jar contains, by Jan. 1st, tdiall receive not buy a many A $20 SUIT OF CLOTHES ! -The second nearest A Clear Beaver Hat! And the Third Nearcst- na employe to trive - T, t no superior, and few hnest, he ytt&a so cheerfully; if he ! by O. P. Smith & Co., ,ffets Wfire as well to dis- vou u. c-yre in uppmcott's Mag; A Delicious Java Truit. Travelers in Java ha columns with rhapsodies, oyer (he mangos- Dodt go to Omaha when vou wint :,"'J,i Vl ten extolling It as the to iret tour beautif jl parlor and l.ed F. e VC4!S"V Pl no iroP,cs H'emnn. room sets but To ti IllnrV Boeck's fur- ?v? to W1e 3 a hard rou"d rooxn m go W ttenry oecs s tur- fru,t tLe of ft peacu Its hard outer A411.141C uiiuMiii4ii il'cini -H jvi. cyerv thing iu the furniture line that will go to make your borne beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap, s- a .a. a m m uememuer mat ue who sells most can sell cheapest. Look out for change pf t"iidd" and hand bills qf Jfoe? the One Price Clothier. . . . ' ' . UUll,! sueii or rinu is or the same color and t It !!" 11 AO O 1 CI A . 1 m. S i . . u.o yiwu wuiiuii, out 111. tnis brown husk lie six or citrht seirmont of aanrtvn. ... I A - 1 WT a.. . a Huuepuip. rue uttio liegments aro easily separated, fvn4 tmnsferred to ine mouin rufeit awav. the nnhi hp'mn- na fi .- " - to j.oiv anu uno as a custard. The mansros teens delicate duId tastes, as nil it on loffists say. like strawberries nr.ohna bananas and oranores all at once: .1 lilin-ht tartness is veiled iuthesedeii'eious flavors, and it is never cioyinerlv sweet. Taken just as it comes from the ice box the Dr. Withers is an experienced dentist and will save your teeth if they can be saved; if nqt, h,e will extract them with-I mangosteen is an epicure's dream real- out pain. imce in union iiipCK. a-wit I . ""io. me more s m PUV tnat It oniv ' . " ' I TT" L. nw 1 7 , , T T I fci..o .u jtvv jjupca any ueaaiy cu- CPMCH! and CQUqHI and CQUCH W nat ip me wor'ct is, tne renson you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicines when BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but f.n actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. Smith $ Co., r-ggitg. Plain figures and plain truth at Joe's, the One Price Clothier. If you want anything in the jewelry line, go to II. M. Gault. He will sell ycu good goods at low prices and guarantee them as represented. on sale. A good span of matched ponies for sale, they are a numlxr one lU2ry team. Enquire at this ofhec. tf what OH EARTH la thp reason people will not, fan not, or 1 . Z 1 uo not see any uiiterence in cueap nos trums put up by Cheap John bouses or j irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide reputuation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No medicine in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as BEGG S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and ever "bottle1 that ues nop ng. or drHgg-stg. mates, and does uot bear t run r nrt-t i t i nn Larire sums 1 1 a r xtn nfToT-nr or,H r and O. steamships have made hundreds of ineneetual eflorts to tret a basket of man- gosteens to England for the queen. The hard rind looks unchanged for weeks, hnt the delicate pulp melts away, and the dryest and coldest rfrigf rater chambers canngi Kefp tne iieart of the mangosteen trom. spoiling Globe Democrat. Last Cargo of Slaves. Though the slave trade was nrohibitnd by law after 1808. a period of eirrhtv years, it was clandestinely cayr4-4 on' so long cs slavery in this "eountry made a rjartet foe kidnaped nefrroes. The last cargo of this kind that effected a landing was from the Wanderer, a slave trading vessel, aud some of the negroes kidnaped in Africa siill hvo oa a oiantation in Georgia. They hvd become civilized and Christianized, soeivliisg the Entrlish lan guago with a littlo reminder of their riginal mother toujne. They tall occa eioually in the puinea langr.Rgv y.-'hen bv themselves, but niako no effort 3 to teach it to tbfiv children. Boston Budcret. "LonB" John Wentworth's Ceply. "Lonr" John Went worth was once run- uin'r for office, and heard that his Doliti- ct.1 opponents v.ciu asserting that, if elected, he wordd eoou get his band, nto the city treasury. "May bo, J -vill, and may e won't, hp sardonically replied wnen ue ncaru oi me cnarire. 'iiut 1 11 j anc ever poytie ipar tclI yoi4 9ue; .nin pobody else will get .f It? work will cost you noth- hjs i,ailli 'u; ij oa ihchist'ew orsaleby Q. Smith Co., Vft?k Trbin.' Joe the Gne Price Clothier, is death on high prices. - Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Boeck's. Clothing must go, Men's business fruits at jsi.t-w. tsison, tne une mce Clothier gome Qmeer .Sermon Titles. The Christian at Work prints a list of sensational topics announced by American preachers, and says they compare favcra- oiy witn aimo novel titles, tlofa are a few of the ser7-r.n litinjiir "Bovcottinff thi Dead.?. Great Oil." "Straiirht from the Shouldur." -'Hell, and thePeoola Who Are Goinc There." "Taken bv th Throat,M "Use Your Eyes." "Off Goes the 'omes the M Ken VKrt A FINE LEATHER CLUB SATCHEL I The Jar will be filled and sealed nn Lv two rpRimnsibU mri;c November is , and counted dy three responsible parties at a 1 ubhc Hall, on Januory 1st, 1889, in riattsmouth. If a ' lady should be the first nearest guesser she will receive A Twentv - Dollar Trunk j . . I M I I ITil The Second .Nearest iaae Silir Iv-vn.ffLer I Ihe Third Nearest A FINE SILK HANDKERCHIEF r Brin g your guesses'witb name in a sealed envelope. One each person. guess to Lookout for large hand bills giving you a program before in fill the Jar and count the Beans, 'ihe Program will be very interesting. 3T n IE31 to The One-Price Clothing Hussler And Leader of Low Prices. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEY. S. F. THOMAS. Attorne---at-L:iw and Notury Public. Fiizgera'd BlocK. riattsmouth. Neb. Oflice In ATTOKNhV. A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney-at-Law. Will give prompt attention to all business intrusted to him. Ofiiiw In Union Block, East side. Plattftmoutb, Xeti. BARBEK SHOP AND P,TH ROOM. E. IUOHI.EV. Hot nnd Cold P'.a:it all hours. Ladies' and Children V, flair Cutting a specialty. Cor. 5th and Mum. under Carrutl.'. BOOKSELLER. ETC. J. P. YOUNG. Bookseller, Stationer, and Nevja Uraler ; Fancy Goods, Toys, Confection??, Fine :iL'ars. Soda ! v. ...... .i . . Afili. . t; .. . i . . . Musi ;tl Iiit-ruments. WILL OPEN SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION ANll VOL'AL CULTURE. Special care lafceu. in cultivating lung power, removing voice from throat. CLE0NE B. DANIELS, Of Oma'ia, formerly of Washington, D. C. Terms, reduced, per lesson, AOcts, Address IJox '2. J'lattsmouth P. O. OL 'THING. u L. GOLDING. Cloth'-'a-. Fu'-niNliinir Goods. Go to the n'd re liable house tor HtS. Car. 1'nibrella.s. Trunks. Boi-tP, Shoes, Mnin street, next Case Co, Hank. DKUGS, Dea'er in Wall Paper, Paints. Oil.' Art Mater- iiis, dinars Koekwood Block. DENTIST, nn a t wmtPRs The Pamlesi Denti't.s." Teeth' eYtrnr.tod without I he least tiain or harm. A r ifl.. I r-h inserted immediatelv aftr estTtiiifr n-.ural ones when desirud. "Gold aud'all other Fillings trictly fri ckt.. Oince in Union BIoch. FOR SALE TO FECDKKS 'l Steers and Heifers, One. Two and Three years olil, near Kiowa. Kaiis;ts : suitable lor Feedij or i'oiiKhinj;. -A-lo Stools. Cattle. Will pell on time to parties nuking first -rlaa pan r : iiiidrct-'. ; If. H. Glil.MKS. K! M. Knr..,cr W. I. (.1IIMI S. Kani-at'ity. fJKOCEKIES w CHRIS WOHLKABTH. Staple and Pimcv G'tvees. Gl.i.xsw.irn and Crockery, Flut.ri!id Feed. ENTS FURNISHING OOODS. J. H. I INN'EI.LY. Gents Fine Furnisher and Hatter. The most complete and finest stock in the city. Carr"; C. F.SMITH, The Boss Tailor MiUu St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and rnwt coiuplt K0ck of samples, both foreign and. domestic woolens that ever came wc-f.. tf MiwMuri river. Note these prices; TiusineM suits from $1(1 to $35, d.-es juits, $25 to $45 pants $4, $5, fft, $e.50 and upward. Price Defv Competition. WSt- 1 1 T7LS V LKH.NHf4 SmKNNICHSIEJ Groeatlc., iVUvu.onn, Glassware jjrc lassware 1 crockery. Gold and silver watches enough to "r UP comes the jiu. -Kw Yffrk mm - 7 . cheap and warranted to give a'iiacioD." ) Elson the One Price is seirinsr Chi rrh li as Overcoats, aver polhandff a $ lvi.U The standard remedv for liver com plaint is West's Liver PUl; they never disappoint vou. SO pills 25c At War rick's drug store. No so railed V redoc. d price V at Joe.s but honest poods at 'lowest low prices Ci ccistibii wont dare teet. " - Slkts In Northern Scotland A clergyman recently returiied from a vacation spent' a th "north of Scotland eaya (hk nights tire so short there that there is hardly two hours of darkness. At Inverness he was able to read at 1 o'clock at night without the aid of arllti cial light. Chicago Uera ' I)rroier for Sou(J Amerce. Patagonia anl Argentina are gaining large accessions of farmers by immigra tion. It is said a person ma'v become a citizen on his landing there, and he can get htsd for uothJjvi. Pon, JfrdM- ' I AKNES5. w ci kpitpitp Successor to O. M. Straight, llarui, Saddlerj Goods. Net. Robes, Jiui-t&r, aud all horse fur nishing gOQda, HAVtiWAKK. JOHNSON BROS.. Hardware. Ptoven. TtnwHre. Table and Pocket CAj.'.iery. tt-uor-, ete. Household SScwins Ma ch.nv ..nd .lewel Gasoline ftoven. Tinw.irk ofarlklnd don at reasonable prices, Main street. Bockwood Block. MEKCHAM TAILOR. ,r Cf. SAitTH, Merchant Tajr. Alai ktek.'over Merge-. sboa iwa. Competa sieck of samples. Fit miisTntreii. iSma defy competition. U1LLISEI1V. M RS. J. F. JOHNSON, A Complete Line of the Latent of Mil linery and Trimmings : aUo Ontldren's and Ia lauls' bouus s. to Ue closed out at eoet. ' TUe tiocst bedroom sets can be f oond atU.Eoe?k'9, - CITY CORDIALS J. II. EMMONS, M. D. I10ME0IAT11IC Physician I Surgeon over Wecott's tore. m street ltThkiene In Ir. Kehildknecht's proierty". hronic Disea-ww and Oisenses of Women and Children a specialty. Ottce hours, 9 to 11 a.m. 8 to a and 7 to p. in. B. A M. Time Table. GOIXO FAST. No, 2.-4 as p. m. No. 4. la : a. rrr. N. 7 :I3 p. m. No. 10.--9 :13 a. n. No, :ioa.m. "-, s. a :4o p, m. No. ft. 6 :47 a. nu No. 7.-7 -3 p. io. No.. 6 :17 p. 111. zo. 11 u a. 1. . AH trains run daily by wavof Omaha, except Nm 7 and 8 which run to and from tchujler dally except Sunday. No. 3n Is a stub to Pacific Junction at a Mm ao. l is a sia iroia raoac J uacuoa at ill 7 ) t i ; i ' 1 ' s w !!