The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 09, 1888, Image 4

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    TUC.UALy JihUALD : 1'Lii JlSfrouTxi. xitfflKASKA, FJUDAV, NOVEMBER 9, 1SS8.
Tne Evening Herald.
-A. Malliary D...t, Et. MIm.
Trlraavae S. .
Dr. Klrla. illirm la Krrlaa-'a lro Slori, IUjI
4 car tor. Slith an-l Jraalf. Trlrphoae So. 4-
lr. Wlthrr. tha Palnla l'",0B
Dlora, rr I rlcke'a Draa; More,
Cotton Kazs wanted at this oflice.
-The republicans are busy collec ting
The democrats have given up the
"Struck Gas." at the opera house
An election makes lots of fun. We
gutf s yaes.
Wc w ill pay 0 cents per pound for
n few cotton rags at this office.
Tho democrats don't ak now
"What's the matter with Cleveland."
The republicans w ill hold a grand
j.dilieatioti meeting at Lincoln tonight.
Cleveland can go fishing next deco
ration d:iy and nobody'll kick. Fish
don't bile in Suit River.
X democrat made the statement
that the most brainy men of the country
lndoDg to the republican party.
The chinning actress, 'Tutein" will
appear tonight in the new musical com-,-dy
-Struck Ous," at the Waterman
opera house.
X large number of rUizcns have sig
nified their intention of hearing Gil
more's celebrated band at Omaha
Sunday afternoon and evening.
The storo room in the Anheu-er-
Busch building which will be occupied
by Mr. W. H. Baker, ha- been fitted up
in first class style and he intend- to move
his stock in next Monday.
Smith & Co. w ill give away a rii e
house and lot in Vallery place duiing
the next sixty days. Each person buying
$3 of good during that time is cnti led
to a chance on the house and lot.
.'Notice the log cabin and its pro
tection in Smith it Co's. window tonight.
It was purchased by 20 young republi
cans as a present to Mrs. Harrison. It is
the most elegant and complete thing we
hare seen.
The new musical comedy "Struck
Gas" will be produced at the Watermtr
opera house tonight. This compauy
specially mentions their singing as there
nresevcial first-class artists among them.
The company arrived this morning after
an all night ride, having showed at
Atchison, Kansas, last night.
About twenty couples assembled at
the home of Miss Annie Kroehler, last
night, preparatory to giving their frienc
Miss Carrie Gutham, a surprise. Aftci
all arrangements were completed, the
party started for her home on Walnut
street between 10th and 11th. The sur
prise was complete, and a very enjoyable
evening was spent.
Invitations were issued yesterday foi
the marriage of Miss Julia OliTer to Mr.
Charles D. Bads, on "Wednesday after
noon November 14th. The mt'iriage
will occur at the residence of the bride'.-
mother, corner of Third and Vine streets.
A larfre number of invitations linvc beer
f nl. nod it exnected that the hapin
cveDt will Ikj witnessed by many friends.
The i?t Andrews cntcrtainmrct
-which was advertised for last Thursde;
evening and postponed on account of in
clement weather, will take place to
niht in Iiockwood ha'l. A first clas-f
program has been prepared and some oi
the best talent in the city secured for th
occasion. Tickets bouuht lor November
1st will b? good tonight. Admissioi
10 cent?.
There will be a special meeting of th
Young Men's Republican club toniglr
at the county judge's office to make ar
rangemcuts for a grand joTiiicatb i
meeting to be held in this city shortly.
It is expected that the coming cvti.t wi 1
eclipse any frn:er turnout ever knovr
here. Let every republican who fn :
elated, as every one should, turn out t
night t arrange for a general Mow on
An ancient Irishman named Toir
Brown, who has been employed on th;
grading work here for several days, ha.c
ceased to labor since he drew his pay
and several young men of the city fitted
him out in a new suit of cloths and "set
up tho drinks" for him occasionally.
Judging by his conversation, he is a
staunch democrat, and since he recog
nizes himself as being so creditably
attired, his hobby is to 6tart out as a
stump speaker in the interests of his
The Ja'lie? of St Lukes church, wfco
are making preparations for ihe Chxys
autheraurn social and hop to I e given
in Fitzgerald's hall nest Tburs?y after
noon and evening, will beastutedhy Mr.
L. 3Ioore, florist. An admission feo of
30 tents will bo charged both afternoon
and evening. The dance tickits will be
old at $1, and topper, T,0 tent per con
pie. Tins hall will le profisely decora with Covrer, and everything piovi
No More Crow.
"Democrats should bear ia mind ' that
republican friends need all the fun
f'lic they can between now
and election day, and we should do
nothing but sympathize with them in
their efforts this evening."
The above lines are a production
which appeared in our local contempor
ary, the Journal, the night of the grand
republican rally, October BJth. The
above squib was carefully treasured
for future reference. Th worthy editor
may cast his desolate glance over his own
production once again, and recall many
happy days of the pat which are gone
from him forever. The following is the
second production:
Oh. how sick. Wonder who craves
for sympathy ? Why, one republican
ffercd to bet one of the prominent dem
-crats of this city -'0. yesterday while
he was at Lincoln tint ' Cleveland is the
president." The poor hopeless man put
;m his money, it is said, but when he
found out that Cleveland is the president
he republican returned him his money
rii! man kicked himself real hard.
Poor C. Whopper, wbo predicted such
.ivrwhelinin:? Warns ia fayor of the
lemoerats, has ituia'-d sibntly in his
hole under the Sli-.rwood block since
l.-cton day, If any one visit? him there
ind a4;. 'How's el.-cti.m, C. W.," his
t ....t. v nut an end to any
further conversation. All possible aid
1 fiir the sick one. but he
was Kkuiv-i .v.
tamed up bis toes.
All hones have since baen conceded,
md the following illustration gives the
next order cf procedure.
For perfect fitting Suits or Overcoats
for Men Boys and Children call on S. &
C. Mayer the popular Clothiers. d-tf
The teachers, this morning, were in
jrcat gb-c in the anticipation of a feast
f cake and coffee in the near future.
A much larger attendance for the last
nouth and very few cases of tardiness
lisplay the fact that the schools have
settled down to solid work.
Today is pay day for the teachers and
if you could see the smiles displayed on
their countenances wkee Professor tenders
; hem their pay you would iiaidjy think
rhey work for the honor alone there is in
! it.
A few dollars expended for storm
vindows on the west and north of the
ouilding would be a good investment
I 13 it is very uncomfortable in some of
I he rooms, from the fact that the wind-
ows are not in proper shape to withstand
the wind.
Would it not ha a good plan for par
ents to regulate their time eo as to set
their pupils here about school hour in
stead of sending small children here
often before 8 o'clock to freeze and
shiver out side of the building, its looks
is though a little good judgmeut could
be displayed to an advantage.
Latest style of Dtnilap Si tiff Hats in all
hades at S. ic O. Mayers. d-tf
Resublican Club Meeting.
Tiiere will be a rooeting of the Young
Mens Republican Club io-cight ?t the
-fnce of Judge Russell to ake arrange
nents for a grand jolislcation meeting,
fet there be a guud turnout. By order
of the president. John A. Da vies.
Anew supply of Chinchilla Overcoat.,
Bij.iver Collars and CufTs just received nt
S. & V. Mayers, they are exceh nt value
md selling'at 514. d-tf
M E. Church.
The services connected with the first
quarterly meeting for the present confer
ence year will be held at the M. E.
church the coming Sabbath. Rev. C. F.
Creighton, D. D., chanceler of the Wcs
lyan University at Lincoln, will preach
Saturday evening and Sabbath. Quar
terly Conference will be held Saturday
evening at the close of service.
A new line of Astrachan Coats and
Vests just received at S. & C. Mayer and
selling fast at $13. d-tf
There will be a meeting of camp
No. 3, I. O; p. F. to-night at their hall.
Work in the Patriarch degree will be
transacted. By order of the secretary.
L. Q. Lar?o -
Woolen Jackets fn;m $1 and upwards
made by the celebrated Germania Knit
ting Mills, at S. fc C. Mayer. d-tf
( Several democrats were heard to re
nvtrk some ftime ago: "No man rin
4 r H ? t- t - ft0 fit IS
ISf fcr Si ? i..1? : -1 & : t l v4 S Vc; i
h r. ! t ri & .ti ! I 1 t3, l
K - a vfc v- -f r? p 5-.
Ladies' Mocljeskas.
lilack Diagonal Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only sT.OO.
Black Extra Quality IJoucle Cloth,
Spike Fringe Trimmings, Pell Sleeve,
only 810.00.
Jllack Frieze Cloth, Ball.Trimming,
Quilted Lining, A&trachan Cuffs and
Collars, only 14.00.
Brown and Tan Brocaded Matel
lasse, Plush Ball Tritnming, Plush
Culls and Collar, only 3 15.00.
Silk Plush, Plush Ball Trimmings,
plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets,
only 315.00.
Black Astrachan Cloth, Spike
Trimmings, Satin Lined, only $1G.
Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking,
Ball ""Tri m to match, Quilted
Satin Lining, only $20.
Spal Plush. Elegant Plush Ball
Trimining, Satin Lined, genuine Seal
Loops, only 3.
p:ie?ant Seal Plush, Beaver Ball
Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, 53.;0f
' Our Plush Sacques are finished with tha' Lost oi Quilted Scatm
rmin". Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee
failin- to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will ba
ilaced by a new one.
li. J-L JL
Mrs. Ed Gerrans, of Lincoln, who ha3
dcen visiting her mother, Mrs. Cooper,
and her many friends here, for some time,
returned home last evening.
Mr. W. J. Warrick returned from
Chicago this morning after purchasing a
S fine holiday stock. The stock is twice
as extensive us tjie one purchased for the
holidays last year and cost about 1 1,5 0.0.
The goods are only first clusa.
A?k for Mayers Lauadried Shirts the
best in the market either plain or plaited
bosom, only $1 at S. & C. Mayers, d-t
Lamentations of JeremiJi ciispicr L ver
ses 20 and 21: -I am in distress; my
bowels are troubled, mine heart is turned
within rue, TLey iesl tjiat I sigh, there
hi none to comfort me; miae efiernleg
have heard of trouble; they arc glad"
Mr. Charles Campbell who was a
delegate from here to the Brtht-rhood
of Locomotive Engineers conveption
held at Richmond, Va.. returned home
this morning. lie reports a very pleas
ant trip and a delightful visit to the
empire city.
The fiuest bedroom sets can be fonnd
at II. Boeck's.
No so called " reduced price " at Joe,s
but honest goods at lowest low. prices
that competiors wont dare meet.
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pills; they never
disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War
rick's drug store.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
Clothing must go, Men's Business Suits
at f 4.60. Elson, the One Price Clothier
Gold and silver watches enough to
supply the country at II. M. Gault's,
cheap and warranted to give satisfaction.
Everything necessary for furnishing a
bouse can be purchased at H. Boeck'g. -
If you have a watch, clock or jewelry
of and k"rd yo?wt r?pair"l
Our Assortment surpasses
anything heretofore attempted
ly ns in this Department, and
our customers will he surprised
at our magnificent display of
very Low Prices. We
arc showing decided novelties in
Stripes, Checks,
and Sol d Colors !
with Plain, Uell or
ILii & JiJB- JU.aU.
Men's O vercoats at Elson's, the One
Price Clothier $1.90.
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to le the finest and most complete
in the city.
If you want a good clock, go to II. M.
Gault. lie has a large assortment to
pick from at prices that can't help but
sell them.
Elson the One Price is
Pverconts, Beayer Collars and Cuffs, at
7 15.06.'
For Rent
Part, or all of my house to small fami
ly, Cor. (ith and Day streets.
tf Mr.s. J. A. Bi em..
Men's Cnlaun-lried Sh:rt, 40 ce::ts, at
ETson's tiie One Price Clothier.
Gold r.nd silver spectacles at II. M.
Vile CiLruncas of irroziU
orao of the upland i-egions of Brazil,
especially near the city of Earbaeena, are
cilTll?'.? 1v appearance of great nigged
h Hows ia tho siues and elopes of many
of t ho rolling, gross covered hills. They
avi lani slips, caused by the existence of
springs atjvl present an appearance pict
uresque in. "thVextfcno." ' Their Bidei arp
worn into every imaginable shape, ' of
pinnacles, denies, pointed towers, but
tresses and cavities, with ravines, nar
row, deep and precipitous, or wide, open
spaces, surrounded by lofty, perpendicu
lar walls, riven by creeks and ready to
falL Cat their great charm lies in their
color. The prevailing tint is a deep In
dian red, which combined with tho green
hills 8nd the blue sky, bearing its glisten
ing white clouds, constitutes a charming
combination of tones. Any pue of these
barrancas, as they are called, offers ex
cellent opportunities to tho geologist.
Popular Scienco Monthly.
Discomfiture of a Harbor.
A Vienna correspondent relates a pleas
ant tale of the well merited discorctiture
of . barber at Iimsbruck. A rough and
ready fellow, in a mountaineering dress
not a little besmudged with dirt and the
worse for weai. entered oco of the grand
"shaving saloons" of tho city, lie sat
down in an easy chair, and said he wished
to bo shaved. "No, uol" exclaimed tho
exquisitely dressed md perfumed pro
prietor, "we don't shave peasants here;
toil i3 a saloon!" "Very well," replied
the dismissed customer, "when my adju
tant calls for mo vou will perhaps have
tve "politeness to tell t'rj tb be will Cud
"v ' - " '
f3 OH i
Li fifci tin L V
W1: i
K' -.1
Kid Gloves.
We shall ofi'.-r nil of err Kid Cloves,
worth from :f t-. ?.'.:.0, at the Nomi
nal Price
This inelu.Vs ' '.I.'-i ,. v.. owiy in
Stock of Pri.i-s'd. u.-!i-. .'::-i-is, and
Driving Glove..
('.Button Sii. j-i-i.V 1'i-t C.'.irs and
Bl-.eks, now y - .-i:'. '
1 lUitton '- i ' - ' -s iid
Blacks, now . v r'h
4 Button Ot-.r I' rtii-.c. .Miid.ndden d
Backs, C b-i nw,
wrrth ?.(K.
5 Button i "..!. !'sm:i. Cl-llV
and Bl.Kk, i -;w i; T.u. w 1 1 ?! ".".
S Button .'li. '. I;.- :: ;,.:.., Color-,
only 1.50, v Uii
(J Button Mosfnietiiire Sn den. Colors
and Black, 1.50. wonh Jii.OD.
4 Button CaHti.r- C'.l'r-, oily i:ow
1.r0. worth :-::. 1 1.
Suede G ti - 1 1- t ! in" 1 n Colors,
onlv now $lo0, . t.:lli V-"'-
Our 1.00 !'
Browns, sohl 1 -. :
Our ..i.OO : M. v
nnd Browns, v. , i' ! 1
cdlv a goo-1 1 '
Our ?7.0'1 ;
vry prettv !' . - '.'
Our ftiVOO !
elegant patt- . v I ''
Our $10.H- ; :. . c
Browns, enli: I ;
be decidedly d i".
1 ! ; Gn-vs
: , ; - d (;.!-
. .-lality,
1 .1 ' ,1.
';' and
. i would
Conipii---- v-nt'-i' - iii -
German ITni; ''
Kpiiii 'i!,
CK'I'io:! itowii,
Eidi r 1
l-iiry Floss,
Shetland Fl-.s.
A n-.-or.-i.
10x4 White ri.-Kk-'.s ::t c I.:-"" p- r pair.
10x4 White Biank-ffs. L'oo-l wfight,
Oilly t2.00 H T
10x1 Whi! . AV-) -l h.. n.iced,
only .4.0u.
Our Country-i.'.:td ; Whit-, i.t .?L75
r T
0) e'. &2m A
W' a V-fcvi'
yon iiTi;1 1 ill I iii'wiit t!.e great
vfc Co. t'.rr; ivin.;
sell :r .! iiic.
SS Cl eicl iV i !
: l.i
g O time invt-i w ,
. o '
bnv tne:. ; ,, H.
U President.
v mr.'.-n r.iivmi'
; :.!',- 75
J i -
what c;
Is the reason p w:j
', c i". n"t, or
do not seo any r iir .
trums put np by .'u
: j.-.-i-i ii; u-es or
irresponsible parties :,t cnor.i-u8 proUta,
rather than talie a medicine of world
wide reputuattoi- and one thi-t is giving
universal satisfaction nt crpud ;r:et No
medicine in th" wrrl 1 givi?i.r siw.-h un
paralleled sa'i-r-' t: n f .r i ieti the
blood as BKG'VS i:L;OD PL'B.'FILR &
BLOOD MAKL'L', Mid ever I.., trie that
does not do its work will cwt yon noth
ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co.,
Because he had no Gakla"l Stove.
Buy one of Jonxsox Bhos. 6ei)t22-dlm.
Remember you ave 30 cM. on every
dollar by trading with Llson the One
Price Clothier.
n.-3I. Gault is receiving some vei-y
fine noyelties in Oxidiixd silver gocds
for holidays,
I have a few IT .t to eloso out at 25
r ad. 0 cts, call and secure a bargain
til m m m h
per pair, is e.xlta liii.e y; ai i1 f n inilly
jidvertisi d us a I i- bnij-fii at C 1 1
1 lx-M hile In puial if fii'i kc f Ml
nt $7.-" a pair is a k ' "if"'"'
l.r)0,W stein IIikmc B'i I h.i lit is
good value at ?5.00.
$0.00, Bed Blanket extra weight and
12x4 Bed Blanket at $0.00 per pair,
made up of the finest wool.
Brown and Gray mixed Blnnkttp, at
all prices.
Our $1.00 Ccmfort, fair print, good
Our $1.00 Comfort, go, ,1 c.r.ulity.
print solid, led lining, lilhd with
white batting.-
Our $2.00 con. fort, l.'ist 1'iint, extra
Our $2.00 (Vn. fort, two yc-od vnlu(
No. 1. I'uft Co'o'.c1 (1ii. Priii
White CofUll l'llic'. .'M:i -;.- Hlld
vvt-i jjlit.
No. 2. Fancy S:.tii.- m l:d td lin
ing, 1 t 1i"- "f P: 1 '' ' 1 : 1 ' "b'fs.
Our !:;. CO Iirfi i tc ! ( l..i.:. J':. items,
very fai cv ii! 1. x-- " 4 v ij-.M.
Our ? 4 .(' Fine F.-i ' " f"o:il
S'tine IM' il, vi-rj im- !y qui:.'-, r.o
Liolies' Wl.itcMniiio Vfit.-.r-'o!. -litih-cd,
Silk bound, at 00 ctr.ts cn h. I'i.nt3
to tiipteh.
L.idi(s' Extrn fine. HMj-rrv y v.v.Wty,
White M i iro Vj (, .T' i v i ' 1 ' ( i1 i-Iei vi s
nt 75 i i -tits ci' 1-. 1'ai.ts t. v : ' ! i t f i.nio
Ladie ,' V, bite Wool V-vs. Bound
and Stich(d,at $1.20.
Ladies' Nfttmil W ' 1 XhAh nd Pants
at $1.00 Mali, v oith $1.20.
Li-dies' Sf-irlif Vist.- in . I I'M.t', Miiocth
and soft, on'y $.1.00 enr-h.
Ladies' ricarlet Saxony Wool V(tsarl
Pants, finest quality, at'f-1.75 each.
Ladies' ('amcls Hair Pant3 and Vests
Reduced to $.1.00 ndt, worth $4.00.
Full Lines of Children's, MIskih and
Boys' Underwear. White, Scnrlct, Natur
al and Camels Hair at Low price?.
Seal Piusii Wraps,
Our line of Tlush Gurmei ts this season
are made up of the liest trrmli s of Lon
don Dyed and Listers Seal Pin: lies, and
Every Gunur.t Giiaran'cd to wcur.
Our Plush .bo I.i !s at C10. CO me vrry
Our English W.-dking .Tt. K ts, three
quarters length, nt $20. wll avi, ith $:J0.
Our $20.( 0 I luOi Sin. ( in s, f.(,l.l else
where at $.:o.(;f)
Our !:;0.(i0 PP.!;..h r-afou-s ,Milii Lilly V
Our t:?.r .00 Pins') Saequ'-s v.o:th fully
Our $:'7.00 l'li;..h S..f qo-s soi l every
where i-t .40.0 . A.
Our 4.'). 00 Plush Sur qt'.f , n-gular city
price, $00.
ALLA KLAiJ viiJJ- i)
so luucu d' v"ur
:it iitii i; Unit
cut in c-Ji -vi "V, . . I.'otck
for Fall ii "(i- v i-
" li I j
.1 to
i : ( :lii
veur !oo:vc?.r v. t. .
I ii
cents, nt
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
1 t?' Jerif
Pregervnth n of the Nat urn J Teeth a
Specialty. Aues-thttirs gi n for Pain
less Filling or Kxtk.ution u- Tr tur.
Artificial tf:tth made r. Cold, hilver,
Rubber or Cillt le'Ti I i.- tfr-. .- j ( "i -tt(d
as soon Jistei th are extracted v.l in ele:
All work warranteel. Prices n-r. -liable.
R.B. VIKPnAU, J( liv A. T A iJ
J.otary riibilc. . I l;u y 1 1 L'ic.
Attorneys - at - 7 zjvt.
Oflfl -e ever Pni.k t'Sv r ii t .
ta Fl i( i
f-1 for tl.e C'flTf"