THE bAlLV ilfcKALD : riSjhtJut.ii, itjSUlCAbJiA, THUKSDAV, OVEMBEffc. 1SS8. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KalUbury. UeatUt, Itorknood IluiMlng, Teirphoan &. Ir. Micalnn, OIHre In lining'! llriiff Stor, Rl 4rar or. Sixth an-l Uranite, TflrhHe o. 42- Dr. Wltiirra. I ha Palate llralUt. 1'aloa BIKk atrr Krlcke'a lruif More, I'iatlitaioulh. CITY CORDIALS. Mr. IXiji Spurcon wm j died last night for.bviug'elrunk and disorderly on .-the'etreets. Timothy McCarthy was arre-std last jiight for being drunk and disorderly on the streets. Col. A. II. Anderson, the indepen dent candidate for congress, of Sidney, Iowa, wha defeated. A large crowd of Hard-on and Mr ton juveniles had the city lighted up last night with bonfires - J. B. Weaver, the Iowa greenWkcr who was a candidate for congress from the Sixth district, was defeated by a yood majority. Louis Bauer, the six-year old son of Mr. John Ilauer, w!;o died last Tuesday from membraneous croup, was hurried this morning at 10 o'clock. He was aged t year3, '. mouths and 2 days. Mr. Frank Can-nth, a prominent re publican and a live business man of this city, showed us the first ti k'.t he ever voted The old union ticket on which Abraham Lincoln was elected. It is a sacred treasure to him. A club of seven young in-:i of this city i.ave contracted to give parties on th- ir respective birthday. Mr. Chulrj Marphy f dU r. victim to thepenafty 01. this his eigiite -nth bluhliy, and tonight his six friends, aceompur-ial by tln-ir young lady friends will meet at his home to do him the honor due. Mrs. John Oradiiile, a Bohemian lady who lived on Pearl street, died yes terday at 12 o'clock. She was nnTict-d with dropsy, and had been ailing for name time. She leaves a husband and live children to mourn her loss. Slie was 45 years of age. The funeral took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tin Indies of St. Lukes Guild arc agitating a Chrysanthemum social ane' hop, which is to be held in Fitzgerald's hill on Thursday evening, November 13th. The ladies of the above society are putting forth every cffoit to muki tlu coming eyent, the eyent of the season. As it will vary much from the ordinary styl the coining social and dance will hi a great novelty here. They will sure ly secure a good crowd. Miss Etta Shepherd give a progres sive euchre party lsst night at her home in honor of her guest, Miss Kennisb. Tuere were about fifteen young ladles and gentlemen present.and a very enjoy able evening was spent at the game. Miss MiaGerlng secured the ladies prize, a beautiful card sack containing a pack age of cards. Mr. E. M. Schlegel secured t'l gentlemen's prize, a paper weight it the form of an alegator, while the I oobj prize was awarded Mr. L. Mooic. An invitation was reivtd th afternoon from the secretary of the st:it. central committee asking all republicans to attend a grand jolification meeting tc beheld at Lincoln tomorrow night. L one hundred names can be secured, t special train will be ruu from Platts niouth to Lincoln at a reduced rate of fare, The war is oyer and the county s?at still remains where it belongs. The self importaut creatures of our sister burg failed in their disreputable schemes to remove the county seat from here to that corporation of nincompoops. Over thi matter there has been more skull-dug gcry oa the part of those people than w are yet able to comprehend, ami suu ther have not secured a crip. ilia: community cannot be completely civiliz d when jeaceable citizens from hen endanger their lives by visiting the place Two young nun from here were so badh used up there on election day tuat the; still bear the marks of violence receive. ut the hands of a mob of reprobates, an,. they report th;.t hid they not made tiiri escape when they did, their lives Woaj, hsve leen valued as nothing. Soy rpocl. one of the young men frum here info-m us that they were stnndbg near the pol; ing plate, without offering a word of in sult to anyone, when they were pommeled He said that some iinkiiuivn. perso.i cam up to them when he recognized them Plitt.smouih men, ami advised them to leave the towu, or bear the cousequencer if they remained. As they supposed tin I tw was recognized there and that on man had as much right to st oid in tin gtre ts as another, they paid little atten tion to the threat. We are iufoimed tha an all-important personage name. Wooley picked tip a brick or a stone ano f truck him violently in the back, nne' then the seen? opened up. They tied foi their lives, and elid not stop until the; reached Manl.y, a small station a shori ilistaitce from there, and they woreoMig ed to st-nd some person after their ri: which they had to leave at Weeping "Water. The two fellows patt roughly handled and they will not re rover from tha blows received for some fi'ic. Thii city became indignant when the news was circul-ttjd that such 1atiins had been committed, ard the ritiz-ns Mood rr resentment arose with ia their veil a. Wc trust that the toughs who vrrre guilty of these acts tv;ll sorely fr'ttt tlwia. w PRECINCT RETURNS. Given as Far as Obtainable They Comoin Slowly, and Divide the Ticket. Estimated Majorities. Official returns from tho precincts of the county are slow to come in, but put ing together those received with a fair estimate of the tthcr., these pluralities are thought to bo about cornet for the county ticket: Polk, "00; Watson, 272; Satchell, ICO; Todd, H2; White, 100; Schmidt, 50; Gcring, 40. Salt Ciikkk Cleveland D4, Harrison 140; Morton 93, Conull 14; MeShane 97, Thayer 148; Paters on 94, Hill 149; Mun ger 91, Leese 151; Oilmorc 98, Polk 14; Higgins 99, Watson 1 Hi; White 122, Marquardt 97, Jeary 113, Satchel 119; Oering 98, Beesou 14'.; Jones 07, Todd !4s; Pollard 9.J, Schmidt 130; Pl.itts mouth 159, Weeping Water 75, Mauley 3. Returns from South Bend Harrison (57, Cleveland 79; Council 08, Morton 82; Thayer til, McSliauo 83; Meilejohn 70, Folda 82; Laws 09, llines 81; Hill 07, Patterson a.l; Ueutoii 72, Poynter 78; Lecse 01, M ungcr 83; Steen 70, Jussen 80; Line 70, Thrawher 80; Polk t5, (Jilmore 82; Jeary 07, White 77; Satchell 70. Mar quardt 82; Watson 09, Higgins 82; liee .lon 05, Oeiing 9; Toild 77, J ones 00. Returns from Plattsmuuth l'recinct Harrison 123, Cleveland 200; Council 120, Morton 198; Thayer 120, McShauc 00: Iill 119, Patterson 207; Leese 112, Mun ger 218; Polk 122, Oilmorc 205; Watson 127, Higgins 199; M injuardt 200, White 212; Ucesou 131, Uering 194; Todd 117, fones 205; Schrn-ct 121, Pollard 197. iatchell 125, Jeary 10. K turns from Il ck UlulTs Cleveland i-i, Harrison 122; Morton 152, Council ;19; MeS!i ine 1 lit, Thayer 121: Folda .18, MeikLjchn 122; Iliuis 143, Laws :22; Patterson 15S, Hdl 113; Poynter MS Denton 122; Mtingerl48, L-?ese 122; Jussen 143, Sleen 122; Thrasher 1-18, i.-uiel22; Gilmorc 142, Polk 117; White 140, Jeary 1 10; Manpiardt M 8, Satchell 108; Higgins 148, Watson 111; Gering 02, Iiecson 117; Jones 147, Toeld 119. Ask for Mayers Laundried Shirts the bc,t in the market either plain or plaited bosom, emly $1 at S. A: C. Mayers. d-t Louisyille. W. IJ. Shryock was at the county' seat A'celnesday looking after the election et urns. Supeiintendant Maynard Spink passed through the city yesterday enroute -for Plattsmoulh Every thing at election was quiet and i alisfnctory; the vote stands 1 10 demo cratic anel 113 republican. Mr. A. W. Hall has changed locations 'roiii the Pacific house to the Louisville house. Mrs. F. S. Rockwell left for McCxk Monelay moruing on the flyer. Our town was honored with the pres ence of a goodly number of teachers iast Saturday; they report a profitable and jlcasant "local." Miss Stell Xeely and her two sisters lave been quite sick but are slowly im roving. Mrs. M. Peterson and her son were in O.nah i on business Tuvsday. The democrats say: "Tee star is elimcel tint lately shone," E'en that disciple whom he lved. poor Grover had to send him home." We can now Hurmh for Harrison Home anil Honey Morton Might and Money. Latest style of Duulap Stiff Hats in all shades at S. & C. Mayers. d-tf Rock Bluffs Charles Iliatt son of Moses Iliatt ol Reaver City, Furnas county, Nebraska is visiting ti lends and olel acquaintances in t'lis locality. Mrs. Kat i Johnson, of Valpariso, has been visitiug her mother, Mrs. Alien, th past week. Mrs. Julius Bates has been granted a pension of $20 per mouth, for herself mel four children. Now that the e'ection is over anel the lemocrats hav very handsomely scooped !f the Journal mr.n will advertize the lay and hour wherj he will pay that lection bet with his Iowa friend, we ,v ill take the responsibility of promising lim a delegation of on? h unci reel from itoek Bluffs pn cinct to witness that pay- nent ollhat wheelbarrow elebt. Tim Siiavek. A new line of Astrachan Coats anel Vests jut received at S. fc C. Mayer and filing fast at $13. el-tf An American press dispatch was re Teiveel here last night to the effect that New York gave Cleveland a majority of ibout 15.000. The report calleel forth he most intense excitement fir some rime from both parties, until a party of ur staunch republicai s who could not view the dispatch as anything but a hoax r a money-making scheme, telegraphed -o Omaha to learn the truth of the matter. Wrd was soon received that the report .va fal.-e. This morning the Omaha Hi ul I conceded that their ticke t was 'ost, giving a detailed report of the cause -in.l endeavoring to show up the great rror the American people were to blame for. Woolen Jackets fr in $1 and upwards mad by the celebrated Germania Knit ting Mills, at a fc C. Mayer. d-tf The "YV arc miking preparations to give 8 le:ip year social shoitly. The date or the place has not yet been made IB h trr v il b t S vi5Fi m:Sa S I m tin - fcj j! ' i ! a V5 VI i t - 'ill izza a? & & & ?i sf 'i h $ lRxA saa fte-aaLsZ i Ladies' Modjeskas. Jihu'k Jvi:ional Cloth, Fur Trim med, only !?7.:0. Ulack Extra (Quality lioucle CK-fls, Spike l'rine Trimmings, Bell Slee e, only ;sl0.(K. J'lack Frieze Cloth, lall Trimniii:. (Quilted Lining, Astrachan Cutis and CVllars, only !?14.00. lh-own and Tan Uroeaded Iatel lasse, l'lush all Trimming, Flush Cutis and Collar, only 315.00. Silk Flush, Flush 'Hall Trimmings, plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets, only SI 5.00. lllaek Astrachan Cloth, Spike Trimmings, Satin Liiu-d, only $10. Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking, Fall Triinniii: to match, Quilted Satin Lining, onlv s20. Seal l'lush, Flush Fall Trimming, Satin Fined, genuine Seal Loops, onlv Elegant' Seal Flush, Heaver Fall Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin Lined, only, 332.50. f Our Flush Sacques are finished with the hest of Quilted Satin Lining. Chamois Fockets and Genuine Seal Loons. Any guarantee failing to meet the represeutntf n in wear given our garments, will be replaced by a new one. F HI g. ir ir Q . JJL JZ. ClvE rCOR EAT FIRST PERSONALS. Mr. W. Shryock of Louisvi le, was in the city vesterelay. Mr. W. G. Keefer returned from Wa hoo this morning, where he went to cast his ballot. Miss Maggie Stn ight returned from itstfath Bend this morning after a short visit with her cousin, there. Mr. E. M. Schlegel, time-keeper of the master-mechanic's oilice, took his 'depar ture for Ioipiel City, Dakot, this morn ing, where he will visit a few days with friends Mr. George Staats. cluk in Mr. J P' Young's book store, is li ft a grass wiel owcr, anel for the next two months he will be compelled to pull through a siege. His wife will visit at her home inPckin, 111., during that time. She took her ele parture last night. Mr. Clif Shepherd, who returned to his home here on account of sickness, has re covered sufficiently to again attend to his eluties as clerk in the office of the B. & M. II. P. fuel department at Lincoln. 1 He was threatened with typhoid fever, but we were pleaseel to sec him rally forth before the elisease secureel a firm hotel upon him. Amusements The patrous of Taylor's Opera House were much pleasod with the charming performance of Miss Tutein in the musi cal comedy of " Struck Gas, "last evening Miss Tutein is new to us but hereafter she may be sure of a warm welcome. Her style is peculiar!' her own; facinating. bright, and original; and that coupleel with a very sweet voice wich by the way she knows how to use, is a rare combina tion. Mr Harry Pepper sang anel acted his part to perfection, and the rcudition ' his ballads was a muiical treat Trenton True American. Go and laugh tomorrow night at "Struck Gas". An?w supply of Chinchilla Overcoats, Beaver Collars and Cuffs just receiveel nt S. & C. Mayers, they are excel en t value Our Assortment surpasses anything lieretofure attempted ly ns in this I)ejartment, and our customers will be surprised nt our magnificent display of PQ r. rr.f-f. mm V R and at very Low Trice.-. are showing decide novi-ltic in Stripes, Checks and Sold Color with I Sleeves. 'lain, Jidl r Anel 2 u&$mbm inm sin im. JLilXJLX JUkJU q NATI01TAL BANK. Men. Overcoats nt Price Clothier $1.U0. Elson's, thj One II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edgeel to be the finest anel most complete in the city. Look out for change of "adel" anel hand bills of Joe4 the One Price Clothier. If you want a gooel clock, go to II. M. Gault. He has a large assortment to pick from at prices that can't help but sell them. E'son the One Price is selling Chinchil la Overcoats, Beaver Collars and Cuffs, at $15.00. For Rent Part, or all of my house to small fami ly, Cor. Gth and D iv streets. tf Mns. J, A, Hceli,. Men's Unlaundricel Shirts, 40 cents, at Elson's the One Price Clothier. Gold and silver spectacles at II. M. Gault's Don't be misled by so palled reduced prices when yi u can buy cheperat Joe's the One Price Clothier. Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Boeck's. Joe the Oue Price Clothier, is death on high prices. If you have a watch, clock or jewelry of and kind you want repaired ijood, t:ike it to H. M. Ganlt. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Xo so called "reduced price "' at Joe,s but honest goods r.t lowest low prices that compttiors wont d;re meet. The finest bedroom sets can be found at II. Boeck's. HOW CAN PASEKTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough anel calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold," an-l keep giving ihein cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when thev can be so v re lieved by BKGGS" CIIERBY COUGH SYRUP t It has m superior, and few equals. For s lie by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Plain fitiures and plain truth at Joe's, tbe One Price Clothier. For peife-ct flttinjj Suits or Overcoats f i r Men Boys and Children call on 8. & a, m f II is oil 3 llB f Kid Gloves. We shall eff r -d! .f i.ur Kid Gloves, worth from Jpl.73 t- sf2.50, ut the Nomi nal Vn . c . GJ.rO PER PAIR. 1 his iwhules t v rythinp v e cirry in f-t 1-cf Ifnssd." Suedes, Custors, and Driving Olovcs. C liutton Sin;i.'on's lt-st Colors and Marks, now $1.30, woitl, ifir.fl). I I'utton Sitppscn'H I? ('lo;s end j:!.".el;!--, now $1.30, w Tlh $:M.3. I Hiittoii Our Oh n Kiim v Cmbroidereel Harks, Vlo. Mid Mack, r.ow $1.30, wtCi CO. 3 )utt..ii Hon Mriiri e J3'ii', C'lotH t-:il M:ick, now 1.30, with -l.l.". y liuttoii Monii. t:iire Sik d' s. Colors, only $1.30, wcrlh :;'v.'.'J3. ( I'utton Movquetyire Sn ili s, 'oors him! Mark, $1.30, vrnh $j.(!0. 4 Mitton (Castors, Colors, o:.!- now $1 .30. worth $'J.(0. Sueih-Guaiitlet Driving (Uoves, Colors, only now $130, Worth $lV23. Shawi s. Our $4.00 IJi aver Shi wis in Greys and lirowna, sold clscwh'Te fit $3.00. Our $3.00 Heversible Velvet, in Greys and Bri wiin, with Fancy Holder, is decid edly a :;ood bin-gain. Our $7.00 Ueavcr good heavy Shawl. Wry pretty line of colors. Our $'..n0 lii-nver, superior quality, elegant patterns, well worth $lo.00. Our $10.00 H-avcrin Greyn, Tans and I'i'owns, entirely new patterns, and would be decidedly cheaj) ;it $12.00. Yarn s. Comprises Fverythiug in (Jena in Knit I ing, S; mil it-It, Gcrinantown, Lidir invn. Fairy Floi-s, F-hetland Floss, Angora, Saxony, Zephyrs, Crewels. Comforts and Blankets. 104 White Uhiiikets :.t $1.3 per pair. 10x4 White Hlankets, good weight, only $J.OO per pair. 10x1 White all Wool Guaranteed, only $4.00. Our Country-made White, at $4.75 TP h. o 0"E D03EE&ST FIRST Special H is audi Shoes LEASE don't let politics absorb you forget all about the great & Co, are giving. ,'-?a VvrI.NG to the slow demand for -ell at a .vuerilk-e 2? oidcr to mt the le.vdv '-Cash' to meet our obhVations. () time later will bnyyeur Foots and Shoes as eluf.par yon can buy them for the i.ext Thirty TIJ Pi IME will tell before we are resident. O save your moneo by buying a man's Arctics lor only i 5 cents, at WHAT ON EAUTH I Is the reason people w li not, can nc-t, or elo not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up 1-y Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine ef world wnie reputuation an.l one that is giving universal satisfaction at cejual price? Xo medicine in the world is giving such un-j.a:.dicl(-d satisfaction for pruifving the blood as BKGG'S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOIJ MAKER, aud ever bottle that des not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. A MAN FROZE TO DEATH ! Why? Because he had no Gakund Stove. Buy ejne of Jonxsox Baos sept22 dim. Remember you save 23 cts. on every dollar by trading with Elson the One Price Clothier. II. M. Gault is receiving some very fine novelties in Osidized Silver goods for holidays. 1 have a few Hats to close oat at 25 and 60 cents, call and secure a bargain before they are all gone. 111! pe r pair, is rAtia Inrie f-i.r, m.d i;Miidiy advertisid as n bi buiaiii at lJ3.(;0. . 1 1x4 While Imperial is full h'zc ami at $7.30 a pair is a jooel 1'Hienin. $ 1.30,W(stein Ihmrvc ld Mm.kit is good, value ut $3.00. $0.00, Hid lilaiikit cxlia weight m.d ejualit v. 12x4 Hrd Mimki t at JjO.OO per pair, iiinde up of the tin wool. Mown and Cony niixid DhiuKets, nt all piirf. Our $1.( 0 Cm. fe i t, fair print, p od value. Our $1.30 Comfort, good quality, print Holid, red Jiiiiifg, filli-d ith white battii.g. Our $2.( 0 comfoit, Lt-st Print, extra weight. Our $2.30 Comfort, two good viiIiiih: No. 1. Pail Colored Chintz l'lint. White Cotton Filled, ixtia und weight. No. 2. Fancy Saline. k K.I l d lin ings, elegant line of putt i n i d coleiH. Our $.:5.23 Iinpi itid Cl.iiitz I'i.ltiriK, very tnncv quilte'il. xlra n" m v iigiir. )tir $4.00 Fin" Fancy f'M'i". Koliil Sitine Lined, vny nicely qu lt'd, fizo 72x2. Underwear. Ladie s' White M rino VMs, Silk MiU li ed, Silk bound, at 30 cints ci;eh. Punts to match. Ladies' Extra line, t-urpi-iior jiiality, White Meiino Vests, Jersey i ibbi d th e vch at 73 cents each. Punts to niiiteh at f-amo price. Ladies' White Wool Vests, Silk Hound and $1.:M. Ladies' Natural AS'r.ol Vi.ts and Pr.nts at $1.00 each, woith $1.23. Ladies' Sccrlct Vests anel Pants, unoctli and soft, oidy $1.00 earh. Ladies' Seal l t Saxony Wool Vifctsanel Pants, finest fjunlity, nt -SI. 73 ear h. Ladies' Camels liair Pants and Vests Reduced to $3.00 a suit, worth $4.00. Full Lines of Children's, MUses and Hoys' Underwear, White, Scarlet, Natur al and Ciimels Hair at Low prices. Sea! Plush Wraps. Our line of Pltih GarmeHs this sc. sen are made up of the best ji!ils of Lon don Dyed and Lhtcrs Seal Plushes, and Every Garment OuM'an'eed to wear. Our Plu'sh Jackets at $13.(0 are very cheap. Our English W.-.lkirg .l. la ts. three quarters 1. i,eli. ,.,t $1:5. well worth $:50. Our $23.00 Mnth Sae-qus, sold else where at $:H.00 Our $:;0.00 Plush Saeqiies worth fully ?:'... 00. . t)ur $.:;3.C0 Plush S.nques worth fiy $40.00. Our $:57.30 Plush Sacques sold every where at $43.00. Our $43.00 Plush Sacques, regular city price, $53. . NATIONAL 3ANZ. o so much of your attention that cut in cash prices "W. A. Iiocck Fall Goods we are compelled fo days. many days older who will 1c your footwear where you can get Dr. C- A. Marshall; Ji?i' Preservation of the Natural Tn th a Specialty. Aucftlu tics given fcr Pain less Filling on Extraction of TttTtr. Artificinl teeth made on Gold. Silver, I'.ubbcr or Cellideiel Phiten, arel insert e-d as soon as teeth are extracted when de sire'd. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FiTZOKKALO's in.- e n I't irrHMouTU. ris R.B. WIMHTAM, JoIIN A. PAVIF8, Notarj' I'uWic. Notary I'ubllc. attorneys - at - Law. Office over Bank of Cat County. PLATT8MOUTH, - - NEBRASKA Elson, tbe One Price Clothier, is selling