The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 01, 1888, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. Kaliaharjr. DeatM, Horkwood Uaildia,
Ttlrahaaa Urn. 33.
ir.lxia.nira i. -rr,., " --J
4 or. aUto aal bramir, irirnuai
t irith.r.- Ikr Palalrn lirniioi. niua
Black, r I rlrkc'a lira Mori-, ri.l iiuoaia.
Take Notice.
Tlie republicans of Plattsmouth and
vicinity will hold a love fenht at the
frf-ra house this evming. Judge
Pound, of Lincoln. John L. Webster,
the piWer-toiinged orator of Omaha and
ir..n .1. O. Watson, our candidate for
float renresentative. will entertain our
people. It will lc a republican mass
meeting and the entertainment wi!l be
able addresses without parade. Tumi out
and hear the truth.
Remember the republican meeting
at the opera house tonight. A full hous
is expected.
Messrs. M. 1. Polk mid John A.
Davies will speak at Eight Mile Grove
tonight and tomorrow niht at Avoca.
Tlie ludi'-s aid society of ti c M. I
churc h will i.i' et Friday aft -i noon nt o
o'clock, at the chiinh. It i.s des-irtd that
all numbers be present.
The Worn- n's Il.-li'-f Corps will have
lunch all day at G. A. R. II ill eleetion
day, November Oth. I lot dinner at 1J
.M. Oyster si, pper ut night. fit
, The r(ung ladies of the Pre.-b teiian
church will .'.Ji? a social at Rockv.oo I
hall Friday ev nii.!j Xov. 2nd. the pro
ceed of whieii till be Used for the Si:n
.ehool librnrv. A Iiort i.ii.--i-i;iiii;i
a. a
lias been prepared which will i.ppoar to- j
morrow. J.verj:.-ne is corcnaiiy inviu u
Jo come and help iha Sunday sihool
Admission 10 cents.
The friends of Mr. Clif. Sheptietd
will be gricv'd to learn that he is now
confined to his home in this city, threat
ened with n severe siege of typhoid fe
ver, lie was taken sick ut Lincoln,
where he is emple-cd ley the 15. & 31.,
the first of the week, and his condition
rontinned to gru:v worse so lapidly that
Ids relatives have been obliged to remove
tii in to his home here. We hope that he
may pull through all riyht.
There will be a g:and republican
meeting tonight in the Waterman opera
Loue. As this will be the last opportunity
Til? Ti l
for a rally before the great eventful day,
it i expected that the opera house will be
crowded ta the doors. The lion. Stephen
1J. Pound, of Llucpln; Hon. J. I. Web
stcr, of Omaha; and J. C, Watson, of
Nebraska City; three of the most promi
nent speakers in the state will be present.
The laboring man who is now on the
fence and studying out his best interests,
fiboald hear the speakrng. as there may
le hidden points which he may value as
jewels when he hears the facts.
Our employer, Mr. A. B. Knotts, hns
taken his leave of the oniec today. Wc
all were peaceable and quiet, no question
concerning his sudden disappearance be
ing put to him, and the problem yet
remains a mystery. His slick attire and un
commonly pleasant visage forced upon us
the impression that there was something
about to take a drop, which caused tin
variation. We "judge" that he is about
to rustle for a special prize.
We have
. a
been infornnd that 12 o'clock was the
appointed time for hira to appear in the
proper costume, and only the rel
ativcs of the parties donating the
prize were allowed to witness
him in his grand effort We learn that
it is his intention to remain ii
the city if his brightest hopes are realized
e Know lie is a iustkr ami he maj
rustle and continue to rustle but the
i i . - ,
imure eioes kuoii contain as good n
prize as it is saiel ho secures todaw We
Juuoc mai ii iiv; iiiiu nut rUMlCCl -UISs
Kussell would knott have rustled to
.1... :t l. i i . .. .t i ...
make him rustle.
The firm of E. W. Lewis & Co., the
contractors who were engaged to lay the
stone walks in front of several promi
nent business houses, has changed its style
and is now know as Lewis & Stanley.
The concrete walk in front of the Cass
County bank on Main street has been
nnisueei, oui as me material requires
some time to settle and harden, it is ncc
cssary that the damp sand with which it
is now covered should not b removed
for two more days at least. Firt -class
work has been done and the front gives
the building a more city like appearance.
We are confident that when our pulia
liead business men arc aware of the bi ne
fit such a handsome walk w ill prova by
its attractiveness that they will surely
take a hold. It will help out the ap
pearance of the street remarkably besides
being an emblem of advancement of their
business. The attractiveness of a store
draws custom, as everybody "knows, and
we fetl certain the few handsome walks
wh-rever they may be, will attract a
Kood share of the city's patronage. S;v
eral men are still undecided in th;'mit
ter yat and are still waiting to see what
others will do and what the work w:U
look like when finished. We kn w t 'tis
firm raVes satisfaction, as their seniles
r mrii tr"-
Tho Cass County Campaign. j
To The Editor Ok The Hkkald:
The campaign in Cass county this fall
is one perhaps that may effect the fiscial
policy of the whole country, and there
fore bhould bo pushed with all the vigor
l-Hible. We have to elect this fall two
representatives and one senator to the
state legislature and that body must
elect m U. S. Seuator, who shall that be ?
This is the great question that starts us
in the face. Shall it be a man who has,
uince the death of that great leader,
the Black Eagle, cf 111., John A. Logan.
Mood as the champion of the union sol
dier, Charf F. Mand ison; or shall it be
that man who like a tailor dummy has
for the lust two years set in the house
and done nothing but ask for a leave
of absence, John A. McShano.
This is the question that we must
decide at the polls on Tuesday, next
In the caucus and in the convention we
have our own preferences; but the major
ity of the convention decides who shall
be our candidate, and if they were not
our own particular choice before the
convention they should have our most
hcirty support throughout the entire
campaig n. We must take off our coats
and roll ui our sleeves and ' to work
with a will. This is th, only way e
c ui ever win a battle; the election of one !
deiu cat to the l S. s. nate will make
t'lat boly a tie and if by any hook or
rrwilr tli if cnlild !: f noil "li fraud ! r- !
petrati d in this election to place .Mr.
Thurman in the chair n .resident of the
sjn .te, not !nly will tlie Mills bi 1 be
passed but one that will make a much
more sweeping reduction in iur tariff
laws. Kepithlicnns c::i not afford U.
vote for a democrat for the legislature
because he is a good citizen or a personal
fii- nd, bi cause whe n it to the
Daily vote for senator that democrat will
voje for Jno. A. McShane, and, Nebraska
national poiiile; has been disgra' t-d by him
long enough. Come p.:i, jo-j lukewarm
muinblers and growlers ami Work lor !!;
straight republican ticket, and do it like
meii, j'o'I were very enthusiastic when
you were cuiuV-J.-V't-S '"'" yr pi; si nt
candidates Worked iuf yoi i jtli a will.
Be men and return the coraplinu-ni. i
ery effort that can possibly be made by
thy democrats, both by time and money,
is bring done. We must work in unison
or we are lost. Ar.d a failure to elect a
republican legislature in Xcbritskw i.eanD
a democrat in the U. S. Senate. Come
out I szj and go to work, and vote the
s'raight ticket without a scratch. "
'A Fit be Ballot and a Faij CcfXj,"
Children's overcoats $1.25, Boy's over
coats $1.50, Men'a overcoats $1.75 at
Mayer's Popular Clothing itcrc.
Fisher's Colo" Day,
From the Bu21a Tilths At the
Court Street Theatre "standing ocm
only" was displayed before eight o'clock.
The occasion was the first production of
Fisher's comedy, "A Cold Day or the
Laplanders," in Buffalo. To say that
"A Cold Day" is funny would not ex
press enough. It is by far the most
laughable absurdity ever seen here, w ith
just enough plot to make it interesting.
The company is, without exception,
first class , and especially must be men
ioneel Mr. John J. Lessenger, who in the
character of Jacob Blow, kept the audi
ence busy laughing. "Will C. Sampson,
as Able Effort, was an able second, and
was as funny in his peculiar way. The
ladies of the company gave some very
fine singing; and it can be safely said
Fa.1 A.-1I ll 1 t a a
nirti, an iuuac wuo were iortunate cnousu
to witness last night's performance, went
home feeling better after enioying on
evening of laughter. Crowded houses
will undoubtedly be the rule as long as ;
"A Cold Day" remains at the Court j
Street Theatre, which w ill be the entire
week, with usual matinees.
J. P. Young says nothing would please
him more than to see the opera house
packed to standing room, so as to be
coinpelleel to put out a sign "Stamling
Boom Only," and this should be the case
next Monday night for once in the
history of Plattsmouth.
Men s Heavy working boots worth
3, $3.50 and $4.00 selling at half price
to close oetore our removal. S. & C.
Mayer the Popular Clothier.
Our Editor is Married.
At 12 o'clock to day Mr. A. B. Knotts,
proprietor of the Herald, and Miss
Silecia May Russell, daughter of
Judge Calvin H'.hspII, were unitetl In the
holy bonds of mitrimony, at tlie home
of the brido's parents. Ujv. W. D. Alex
an ler oili.'iated. The guests were near
relatives of t'u bride and groom, and
after tlie ceremony, were invited to a
rich dinner. The presents given were
hindsonn and useful.
Mr. an I Mrs. A. Ii. Knotts will nuke
their future home with the citizens of
Plattsmoutli, wherd tiiey are heartily wel
comed by their hosts of friends. Their
home will bo on north Fourth street.
Overcoats for men with fur collars and
cuffs for $12.50 at Maverjs Popular
Clothing Store.
Hon. F. E. White returned from
Chicago this morning, where he was
called last Sunday by the death of a
h $ H
ll ? fef 2 Ug fl jl yM V
J 5 fj jf g g feVU-U
H? a ir,ij ;j iri si si & Wi Vl
Jiliick Ji;ioYn;d Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only $7.0.
r,;u k 'Extra Quality ISjucIo Cloth,
Spike Fringe- Trimmings, Fell Sleeve,
only 10.00.
Jihick Frieze Cloth, Hall Trimming,
Quilted Lining, Astraehan Cull's and
Collars, only !?1-F04.
F.rown and Tan Brocaded Matcl
la., Fall Trimiring, Fluth
Cull's and CVlla,-, only 15.00.
Silk Plush, Flush Fall Trimmings,
plain Satin Fined, Chamois pockets,
only S 15.00.
Jllaek Aiyicjmn Cloth, Spike
Trimmings, Satin Lined, only
Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking,
Ball Trimming to match, Quilted
Sntjn Lining, only 20.
" Seal T:us, Want Plush Ball
Trimming, Satin t-'iikd, gviiJijo Seiil
Loops, only 23.
Elegant Seal Plush, Beaver Ball
Trimmijgs and Collar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, $32.50.
Owr PJash Sacnues are finished with the best of Quilted Satin
Lining',1 Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee
failing to meet the represeiitatipn jn wear given our garments, will be
i ' ' new one.
replaceu o
L r r
Mr. John II. Marquardt, of Avoca, the
democratic candidate for representative
is iu the city to-day.
Messrs. Charles Joyce, I. W. Ili nter,
W. II. Russell, of Weeping Water, paid
the IIkkald a friendly call today.
Messrs. Lem and Frank Knotts arrived
this morning from Council Bluffs to wit
ness the marriage of their brother today.
Mr. Thos. Knotts and wife, of Des
Moines, la., an iyed in the city this morn
ing, to witness the marriage of Mr. A. B.
Knotts and Miss May Russell.
Mrs. D. A. Campbell and Mrs. Carp
enter took their departure for York this
morning. They will assist Miss Barnes
and Miss Paul in their conceit to-morrow
night. Mr. W. A. Derrick, whose name
is also on the programme, leaves this
Mr. W. J. Hesser, the popular florist
who resides about five miles south of the
city, made us a friendly call today. He
informed us that he and his wife cele
brate today as the 23t'a anniyersary of
their arrival in Cass county. A number
of their relatives from a distance are at
their home home today enjoying and par
ticipating in the festivities. Those present
are: Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Lake, of Redker,
Ind.; Mr. and Sirs. S. B. Ilobson, of Mt.
Pleasant, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bird,
of Mt. Pleasant, la.; and Mr. and Mr, J.
A. Current, of Elmwood. Mr. Lake and
w ife w ill return home this evening. Mr.
Hesser has made many warm friends since
he lias made his residence here, ami he is
well known in this city. Ever indus
trious, he has made himself independent
financially, and has erer been known as
a straightforward, hard working man.
We only hope that he and his wife may
continue to live as happy and prosperous
a life as they have in the past and that
they may live to celebrate their fiftieth
The funeral of the late John R. Val
lery took place yesterday morning about
11 o'clock. The deceased was very
popular, having resided in the county
for about 3U years. and very much admired
by all who had the pleasure of his ac
quaintance. The funeral extended near
ly a r r? r'if-47-r Ti- "?r
Our Assortment surpasses
anything heretofore attempted
by us in this Department, and
our customers will be surprised
at our magnificent display of
and at very Low Prices. Wo.
are showing decided novelties in
Stripes, Checks,
and Sold Colors
A litrtl
sin a n 30.9
The effects of Hallowe'en are quite
prominent in the city today. At an early
hour last night, crowds of hoodlums
were seen gathering upon the streets and
making preparations for the night. It
only required a few minutes for them to
complete their arrangements and they
started out as an army, to paint the town
in all colors of the rainbow. Only a few
minutes elapsed before the citizens were
informed that their work had commenced
by their yelps. Five extra policemen
were sworn in yesterday afternoon, but
they evidently were dissatisfieel with their
employment as they were kept much
busier for the whole evening than they
had expected. The boys must have hael
the job put up on the "cops," for one
crowd would keep them hustling in one
end of the city while the majority of
kids were losiug no time and eloing good
work in the other localities, and we be
lieve they carried out their intentions in
this way unmolested. The reports of
guns were heard in different parts of the
city during the early part of the evening,
but no wounded boys have as yet been
heard from. They were not left to them
selves entirely, for a host of girls rallied
forth and assisted them during the fore
part of tlie evening. Tlie council cham
ber was reserved for the girls and boys
under sixteen vears, but no one was
captured. If any of them had been
caught at tln.-ir tricks, it was the intention
of the police to lock them up there until
morning. No more damage was tlone to
property than the removal of gates and
such annoyauce.
Mrs. Louie Bae-r was said to be af
flicted with a similar attack to tint which
caused the eleath of her brother, Mr.
John R. Vallery. She was not expected
to live for some time, but is said to be
recovering at present. A hired man,
whose name we have been unable to
learn, has been similarly attacked and so
severely, that Dr. T. P. Livingston was
pent for today with all possi
ble haste' as it was thought the man
would die in a short time if relief could
net reach him.
Men's Wool mitts at 25 cents, Men's
far hats $1.23, Men's fUr stiff hats $1.50
with Plain, Fell or
Special Sale !
Kid Gloves.
We shall offer all of our Kid Odoves,
worth from to J.00, at the Nomi
nal Price
This includes everything we carry In
Stock of Dressed, Suedes, Castors, and
Driving Gloves.
(5 Button Simpson's Best Colors and
Blacks, now $ 1.50, worth $2.50.
i Button Simpson's Best Colors und
Blacks, now 1.50, wert) 2.25.
4 Button Our Own Fancy l:iubroidered
Backs, Colors and Black, now $1.50,
worth $2.00.
f) Button Bon Marche Kxtra, Colors
and Black, r.av; 1.50, w l tit $1.75.
8 Button Mosqui taiee f.-Liedis, Colors,
only :?1.50, we;rt!i $2.25.
Button Mosquetaire Sie de. Colors
and Black, $1.50, worih $2.(i()
1 Button Castors, Colors, oi ly now
$1.50. worth $2.Jo.
Suede H nan t let Driving Glove. Colors,
onlv now $150, woith $2.25.
Our $4.00 Beavei Shawls in Greys and
Browns, sold elsewh re nt $5.00.
Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys
and Browns, with Faucy Border, is decid
edly a good bargain.
Our $7.00 Beaver good heavy Shawl.
Very pretty line of colors.
Our $0.(0 Reaver, superior quality,
elegant patterns, well' worth $)o.u0.
Our $10.00 Beaver in Greys, Talis and
Browns, entirely new patterns, and would
be decidedly cheap ut $12.(a.
Comprises Everything in
German Knitting,
Eider Dow n.
Fairy Floss,
Shetland Flosv
Comforts and Blankets.
10x4 White Blankets at $1.25 per pajr.
10x4 White Blankets, good weight,
only 2.02 per pair,
' ! i0x4 "White all Wool Guaranteed,
only $4.00. ' " ' ' "-' '
Qui" Country-made White, at $L75
He rrmann
(G-reait SIslth
Cash will hny the greatest bargain ever offered west of Chicago.
Men's Fleece Lined Arctics
Ladies' Light Rubbers only
Everything Selling at a Ileduction.
W. A. BOSCE c& CO.
List ot Letters
Remaining unclaimed, in the Postoftiee
at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, Oct. 81, 188
for the week ending Oct. 20th, 1833:
Darts, M:r (2) Crawford, Harry A
Goody, Frank Halcomb, Albert O
Jeronsek, John Kennedy, .1 .tines (2
Kirkpatrik, II. C. Lee, Charles A
Lantensch lager. Maggie
Lantenschlasxer, Miss Emma
MeCulloch,Mrs.01iie Macomber, Mai on
Mansfield, Jay
Miller, Mrs. Jennie
Miller, Henry
McDonald, 6 E
Plon, Anna
Stahl. John
Snook. Mrs. Anna
Veir. John F jr
Wright, Mrs E J
Miller, W K
Norris, Ii. W
Root, O E
S.-thoma, Jonas
Thomas, Mr Frank
Wheeler, R F
Zuniwalt, B M
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wise. P. 51.
Because he had no Garlaxd Stove.
Buy one of Jonxsox Bros. sept22-dlm.
For Rent.
Part, or all of my house to small fami
ly, Cor. Cth and Day streets.
tf Mrs. J. A. Bceli
Some of the herbs iu Hall's Hair Re
uewer, that wonderful preparation for
restoring the color and thickening the
growth of the hair, grow plentifully in
New England.
Send your job work to the rrcitTp
LiU liJ D
per pair, is extra large size, and gent rally
advertised as a big bargain at 5 ( 0.
1 1x4 White Imperial is lull size and
at $7.50 a pair in a good bargain.
$t.50,Wi8tcin Reserve Red Blunkct u
good value ut $5.00.
$0.00, Red Blanket extra weight and
12x4 Red Blanket nt $0.00 per pair,
made up of the finest wool.
Brown and Gray mixed Blankets, at
all prices.
'Our $1.00 Comfort, fair print, good
Our $1.50 Comfort, good quality,
print solid, red lining, tilled with
white batting.
Our $2.00 comfort, Best Print, extra
Our $2.50 Comfort, two good values :
No. 1. Fast Colored Chintz Print,
White Cotton Filled, extra size and
No. 2. Fancy Saline, solid reel lin
ings, elegant line of paid ins and colors.
.Our $:J.25 Imported Cir.i.l Pajliin
very fancy quilted, exlm t-':.'. n)t weight.
Our $1.00 Fine Fancy Saliio. Solid
SitiiiH Lined, very nicily qiiltfil, size
Cll .
Ladies' liite Meiino VMs. t':ik
lite h
I'nl.ts ed, Silk bound,
al 50 ei ills en h.
to nmteli.
L-olies' Extra line. nii' iiior eiilny,
While Meiino '( f Is, Jer- y i ibl ed i-le v t
at 75 cents each. I'ai.ts to n ntcl: i:t niino
Ladies' White Wool Ysts, Silk Bound
and Stitched, at $1.25.
Ladies' Natural W"oI Vests and I'anls
at $1.00 eiich, worth $1.25.
Ladhs' Scarlet Vests and Pants, smooth
and soft, on'y $1.00 ia h.
Ladh k' Scarlet Saxony Wool VMsand
Pants, finest quality, a( cl.75 c'Vh.
Ladies' Camels Hair Pants and Veslj
Reduced to $::.()() a suit, worth $1.00.
Full Line of Cliildresi H, Mi.-es and
.Boys' Underwear. White, Seal let, Natur
al and Camels llidi at Low pi has.
Seal Plush Wraps.
Our line of Plush liannciits this searou
are made up of tlif best gnui'S of Lon
e!on Dyed and Listers Seal J'ltislns, and
Every Gannent Gnaranserd to wear.
Our Pltidi .acj-.cs at $15.00 are very
Our English Walking .!; k tv, three
quarters length, at $25. wall woith $:!0.
Our $25.00 Plush Surqius, fold else
where at $:J0.00
Our $.30.00 Plush Sacques worth fully
' Our $:)5.00 Plush Sacqucs woith fully
Cur $.i7.50 Plush Sacques sold every
where itf $ J j.Cii. :
' Oar $45.00 Plush Saoques, regular city
price, !55.
o85 cts.
- 25 cts.
Don't forget the Place.
Joe, the one pi ice clothier, is selling
the genuine Chicago hat w ith the Chicago
Brand in it at
Every hat
tf ranted.
No finer, larger, cheaper line of neck
wear m the i-tate of Nebra.-ka tle.ii
you can find at Joe's, the one price
clothier. tf
Gold and silver watches enough toV
supply the country at H. M. Gaulfa,
cheap and w-nrranttd to give satisfaction.
Men's Utdicndried Shirts. 40 cents,
Elsou's the One Price CJcthie-r.
Everything necessary f,r fernishing a
house can he r urc'n.ise'd at II. Uoeck's.
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
15 if- U
S.sidnt -Dc-afist.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specially. Anesthetics given for Pain
less Fillixg or Extraction ok Teeth.
Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver,
Robber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable,
rrri? u")l r:r:i PcATrr-acTr, rra