the Daily herald : PLAfrsttotmi, Kebkaska, t tfEsDAV, oor v-ii w, - 7 Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KalM.ury. NrolUI, Kocktioo4 ISaildiaff, Or. Klln. omr In (irrinic'i lru Store, Kil ivurt for. Jth ! Oraallf, T-l-.lir o. 12- lr. WilliT, ht I'alnlrM llrntM. I'tiioB Ilhwi, orr Krirk' Urn Slorr, i'UIUuiouth. CITY CORDIALS. Election day will le just one week from today. Wm. Smith was arrested last night for being drunk and disorderly on the ntrcK The artificial stone makers are laying a foundation for a stone walk in front of Blake's saloon. If you have not heen there before, go and guest how many beans "Joe" has in his jar. It will cost you nothing. The ladies of the Prebyteiiun Aid society ure requested to meet at the h -me of Mrs AY. D. Joins, Wedmsday, Oct. ;$i,at p. 111. The Omaha lice comes out today in kixtcen pages. Thy causu is attributed to the opening of the new bridge between Oiiiuha und Council DluITs. The newspapers of this city are laboring under many difliculties today. Their devils have struck. They have not yet become naturalized. --One week from today will certainly be an eventful one. The democracy which his broke foitli in our midst, will after that day, remain subdued. It is reported that Collins, who late ly returned to this city from his exten ded pleasure trip over the country, started to woik at the shops h-re yesterday morn -ing. Handsome lithographs advertising the '-Cold day c-jinp my," are quite prom inent on all ayailaba location this morn ing. Their play is a genuine comedy aud will .surely catc'i a house. Notice. I. O. O. V. members of the degree staff are requested to be present at meeting of Cass Lodge. I Hi tonight, as business of importance will come be fore the lodge. By order of captain of the team. The working hours for the shops have been changed within the past few days. The men now commence work a quarter of an hour earlier in the morning and only take three quarters of an hour at noon, allowing them half an hour at night half past fiye. Mr. Robt, Geinger, who has been employed in the oflice of Mr. Fred Lath am as ticket agent, left last night for Everett, Pa., where he was called by a dispatch announcing that his sister ws sick. He says he will remain in that tate to swell the republican majority. The B. of L. F. are entertaining great anticipations for their third annual ball which will be held on Thanksgiving evening, Wednesday, November 2Sth, 18S8, at the Wateiman opera house. Their balls have all been the most suc cessful on previous occasions, and we be speak for them success iu tho coining event. The young ladies of the Presbyter ian church will give a social at Rock wood hall, Friday evening, Nov. 2jd. A short program ha3 been prepared, after which, refreshments will bi served. Everybody is cordially invited to b present. The proceeds are for the bene fit of the Sunday School Library. "Joe" the popular one pric cljt:iiv has made an offer to the public worth special notice. He offers a $20 suit of clothes to the person guessing the co're-1 number, or the nearest to it, of bean contained in a jar. No expense is con nected with the guess, and if this is nt a splendid good chance for some man to secure a suit of clothes as a present, we lose our gue-s. Sometimes when an editor endeavor to be impressively serious, he dcvclopi quite a talent in the humorous line. Tliu, when he solemnly assures his readers that JfcShane will In elect d governor of Nebriv.ka, he dcvelopos a fund of wit quite charming. The elec tion of McShane and B--lva Lo kwo:l will mark a new era in the American Litory. and mark it in red. Lincoln Journal. Mr. Mrt Cudiing. who was obliged to protect his ho rue last Sunday afternoon against nults from Mr. Rogan, with whom he had a tussle, wishes th? public to know that Rogan is not in the fauli so much as was at first supposed. He informs us that it was a job put up by the strikers to be revenged on him, and that ther knew he was at home at the time. Their desire was to get him thumped, but the schema did not work. Misses Clara Paul and Maud Barnes will give another concert, at York, on Friday evening next. The programme will be something similar to the one "iven here Inst week with the exception of the performers. They have engaged the following Plattsmouth talent for lli fCasion: Mrs. Carpenter, Miss Emma Johaon, Mrs. Campbell, and Mr. W. A. Derrick. We wish them guccre and iiope they will represent PlatUmoatb. iu praiseworthy manner. PERSONALS. Hon. J. "W. Barnes, of York, passed through the city to-dny. Mr. I). A. Campbell and family are pending the day in the country. Messrs Mike Cavey aud Will Del lea, of Elmwood, are in the city to-day. Mr. Geo. Krug of the popular St. Louis brewing firm, was in the city yes terday on business. Messrs. Da vies and Polk addressed a large audience of voters at the Gilinore school house last night. Mr. Edwin Jeary, of Greenwood, nom inee for representative on the republican ticket, is in the city today. Mrs. S. S. Dillenback, of Ida Grove, Ohio, arrived in the city last night. She will visit at. the home of Mr. Loverin for a short time. Mrs. Dr. Emmons took her departure for Denver this morning where she will visit her sister for a short time and re cruit her health. Mr. Fred Hebert, a former resident of this city, at one time employed on the Journal staff here but now following up his trade at Sioux City, is in the city to-day calling on his numerous friends. Miss Clara Paul' will give a musical recital to her pupils and their fi lends to-night at her rooms in the I lerold block. She lias been very successful in securing pupils since starting in here, and all speak favorably of their advancement under her instructions. Dr. I). T. Smith, of the firm of Cave & Smith who had a dental office here fr some time, is in the city today. He is on his way from his heme in Indiana where he has been visiting for some time, to Grand Island,' to make arraiigemeuts for opening up an office in D.s Moines. Men's Heavy working boots worth $:, $:..) and 1. 00 selling at half price to close betore our removal. S. .V C. Mayer the Popular Clothier. Louisville. Miss Mary Do Witt closed a fall term of school in district No. SO last Friday. Mrs. Wm. Carr, of Greenwood, was the gunst of her sister Mrs. Barker, Saturday and Sunday. Remember the rally here to-night. (Tuesday) Let every republican turn out and help to make it a success. Let every teacher remember the Local to be held here next Saturday at the High school building beKinning at 10:J0 a. m., following is the programme; School management, J. W. Berge, opening discussion Emma Duncan; Or thography J. I. Burwell, opening discus sion Maggie Free; Civil government A. II. Wnterbousp, opening discussion A. M. Bushnell; Relation of teacher and parcur, M. Spink, opening discussion LaYtrta Morse; Physiology, J. C. Cur rent, opening discussion J. E. Ley da; Arithmetic, May Coner, opening discus sion Minnie Angel History, Wm Latta, opening discussion Marcia Wood; Morals in schools, D. E. Reese; opening discus sion Mary E. Barker. Overcoats for men with fur collars and cuffs for $12.50 at Mayerrs Popular Clothing Store. Card of Thanks- We desire to express our sincere thanks for the many kindnesses shown to us by our many friends during our great mis fortune and bereavement, iu the sickness and death of our little son, Richard. We feel deeply grateful for the kiud sym pathy and interest shown to us by our many friends and also to the choir for assisting in the services at the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Goodwix. Elson the One Price is selling Chinchil la Overcoats, Beaver Collars and Cuffs, at tlo.00. The funeral of the late John R. Vsd- lery takes place at his late residence, about six miles west of tho city, tomor row morning at 11 o'clock. It is ex pected that there will be a large atten dance, as he was well known in this vicinity. Gold and silver spectacles at H. M. Gault's Mr. AV. H. Baker, proprietor of the postoffice book store, is making prepara tions at present to remove his stock. He will occupy the corucr store room in the Anheuser-Busch building, which will l c ready for occupancy the latter part of the week. Children's overcoats $1.23, Boy's ovrrr 'coats $1."0, Men' overcoats fcl.TS ni Mayer s Popular Clothing store, Love and Law" was played at the Waterman opera house last night by the Milton Nobles company to as satisfactory a houc as we Iiaye seen there yet this season, The pnfoim&nce was purely firsr-clos3, and many favorable comments have been passed today on its merit. The play was full of wit of the highest order, and those who did not appreciate it, can rest assured that the company and the play were nil right, and that their taste UAi not been cultivated up to that standard. Men's Wool mitts at cents, Men's fur hats fl.So, Men's fur stiff hatj $1.50 at Mayer's Popular Clothing Store. A large number of Plattsmonth peo ple went up to Omaha this morning to attend the grand opening of the nw bridge between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Mm mimmlmwi -fcV i--r ft J ? - - rs' 1 I Ladies' Modjeskas. Plack .Diagonal Cloth, Fur Trim med, only $7.00. Plack Extra Quality Poucle Cloth, Spike Fringe Trimmings, Pell Sleeve, only $10.00. Plack Frieze Cloth, Pall Trimming, Quilted Lining, Astrachan Culls and Collars, only $14.00. Prown and Tan Procaded Matcl lasse, Plush Pall Trimming, Plush Culls and Collar, only $15.00. Silk Plush, Plush PallTrimmings, plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets, only 815.00. Plack Astrachan Cloth, Spike Trimmings, Satin Lined, only 16. Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking, Pall Trimming to match, Quilted Satin Lining, only $20. Seal Plush, Elegant Plush Pall Trimming, Satin Lined, genuine Seal Loops, onlv 23, Elegant" Seal Plush, Beaver Pall Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin Lined, onlv, 32.50. Our Plush Sacques are finished with tho be,t of Quilted Satin Lining, Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee failing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will be replaced by a new one. BP 11 a f it ONE DOOR. EAST FIRST 1TATI01TAL BAITK. -Tlia tools used by Mr, Thompson, who is now carrying out the contract of grading the sewer, were attached thismorn ing by a Mr. Namara, of Sioux City for a $4S0 debt, which was charged against the firm of DLauey & Thompson. IXI.aney drew over $5,000 of the firm's money out of the bank some time ago nnd skipped, leaving his partner, Mr. Thomp son, responsible for the debts incurred by the firm. Mr. Thompson has en deavored to fulfil his contracts so far, but his expectations been overreached The work has baen stepped on account of the attachment and about twenty-. five men are now lying idle. The case will be brought up before Judge Russell to day, W. L. Brow:i?, pro;cuting, and city at torn -jy Byron Chirk defending. Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Boeck's. The "Milton Nobles" company left the city this morning for Council Bluffs, where they will show tonight. Elson, the One Price Clothier, is selling the Chicago Hats at $l.ft0. Toelay the Omaha dailies are writing ui) the town from its birth. Wc believe that the bridge will bridge a long felt want and open an avenue for a boom to the two cities. There will be a grand torchlight procession there tonight. Peter Merges has the' finest and largest assortment of boots, shoes and rubbers iu the city. Give him a call and look at his immense stock. 'That's What rtly Wife Says." "How are all the folks"? asked Brown of Jones." "All well, except my wife," snid Jones. 'Tin. worried about her. She tij es out so'eusilv: she complains of a ! backache about all the time, and sua i; so low-spirited that she don't seem like herself at all." "My dear fellow," intei rupted Brown, "I'll tell you exactly what she needs. My wife had fhe very same symptoms a few months ago, but toelay she i the healthiest woman in town. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cured her, and it will cure Mrs. Jones, too. There's nothing on earth like it for the com plaints to which tho weaker sex are liable. That's what my wi fe says, and she know." Guarantee to give satisfaction in every case, or money returned, printed on the bpttje wrapper. L AKS 2 Our Assortment surpasses anything heretofore attempted by us in this Department, ami our customers will be surprised at our magnificent display of Laflies" enfl Misses" ami at very iLow Price?. We are showini; decided novelties in Stripes, Checks, and Sol.d Colors ! with Plain, Pell -or Angel Sleeves. wl a n n HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly say; "Oh! it is only a little cold," and keep giving them cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when thev can be so easily re lieved by BEGGS'" CHERRY COUGH SYRUP i It has no superior, and few equals. For s.ilc by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Joe, the one price clotlii-ir, is selling the genuine Chicago hat with the Chicago Brand in it at $2.2o. Every hat war rautedj tf If yon want a good clock, go to II. M. Gault. lie has a large assortment to pick from at prices that can't help but sell them, Joe. the one price clothier, believes on the good old motto, "quick sales ami small profits." Joe is always busy sell ing gooels. tf If you want anything in the jewelry line, go to II. M. Gault He will st il you good goods at low prices and guarantee them as represented. Mrs. Johnson has jsut received one of the finest displays of trimmed hats and bonnets ever brought to the city. No finer, larger, cheaper line of neck wear m the stat; of Nebraska than you can find at Joe's, the one price clothier. tf Gold and silver watches enough to supply the country at II. M. Gault's, cheap aud wnrrantid to give satisfaction. Men's Unlaundiicd Shirts, 40 cents, at Elson's the One Price Clothier, Dr; C- A. filar shall. Preservation of the Natural "Teeth a Specialry. Auesthe tics given for Pain less Filling on Extraction ok Teeth. Artificial teeth ninde on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted a scop 82 teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. rrtzacBAXo'8 Block. Plaixsmocth, nrb s f mW ESI liu Specie! Sale id Gloves. We "hall oflVr all of our Kiel Gloves, worth from sfl.lfl to i2..0, t the Nomi nal It ii SI.150 PER PAIR. This ineliules t vii vlhing we currj in Stock of Dressed, ttuetles, Castors, ami Driving Gl')ve. (I I5utton Siinjsoii's Uit-t Colors ami Blacks, now $1.00, worth 2.r.O. 4 Uutton Simjison's I .-st Colors anil Blacks, now $1.50, w rth ?L'.2o. 4 Cutton Our Own Faucv Kmhrokleretl Harks, Ci lors and iilack, now $1.50, w rth $2.00. 5 Iiutton lion Jlaiche Extra, Colors and Uluck, now $1.50, w rth $1.75. 8 Button MoH'iuetnire Sueues, Color?, only $1.5, worth $2.25. G ftutton Mosquetaire Suidcf, Colors and Uhick, $1.5(1, worih $-'.(0. 4 Iiutton Castors, dilors, oiily now $1.50, worth $2.00. SucdeOiiHiilltt Driving Gloves. Colors, onlv now $150, worth $2.'J5. Shawl s. Our $4.00 Beaver Shawls in Greys and Browns, solel elscwh' re at $5.00. Our $5.00 Ueversihle Velvet, in Greys and Browns, with rancy Bonier, is elee-nl-e'dly a geiod hnrgain. Our $7.00 Boave r good heavy Shawl. Ve-ry pi-e lty line ef colors. Our $0.00 Beaver, bup-rior quality, elegant patterns, well worth $10.00. Our $10.00 Bc.'ivtr in Greys, Tans nnd Browns, entirely new patterns, and would be- decidedly cheap at $12.00. Yams. Comprises Everything in German Knitting, Spanish, Germantown, Eider Down. Fairy Floss, Shetland Floss, Angora, Haxony, Zephyrs, Crewels. Comforts and Blankets. 10x4 White Blankets at $1.25 per pair. 10x4 White Blankets, good weight, only $2.00 per pair. 10x4 White all Wool Guaranteed, only $4.00. Our Country-made White, at $4.75 IE EE ONE DODREiST PIRST 1TATI0NAL BAITK. rest" IX OCR ENTIRE BOOTS AND SHOES ! Cash will buy tlie greatest bargain ever offered west of Chicago. rVSen's Fleece Unad Arciics Ladies' Light Rubbers only Everything Selling at a Keduction. Don't forget the Phice. Z "3? B DEALER AND ALL is a g h ft n is c HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -LATEST STYLES OF- KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. PICTURE THAMES MADE TO SIXTH' STREET, BET. MAIN AND VINE. FLAT TJ-5.011 P, : EE. Tlont rro to Omaha when vou want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room gets but gw to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thine: In the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful cn1 comfort able; and above all yon can get it cheap. Remember that he who sells, most can sell cheapest. n. Boeck's furniture stock ia acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. "An rn n jy uvJ 8 u u y isl per luir, a extra large ni.v, nnd litiurully advertised ns a big lnrgnin id $5.00. 1 1x4 White Inipe rial is full fci.e anel at $7.50 a pair iw a geoel lMifiain. $4.50,WtHtcrn Keoervc Kul liluukct is geoel vulue at $5.00. $0.00, Ited Ulwiikit extra weight niwl eniality. 12x4 Heel ISIaukct t $!.00 per pair, mnele up of tlx- finest wool. Drown and Gray mixed Blanket, it all prircs. Our $1.00 Comfort, fair print, good value. Our $1.50 Comfort, good quality, print Holid, red lining, HMrd with white hatting. Our $2.00 Best 1'iint, extra weight. Our $2.50 Ce.infeirt, two geexl vmIuo : Ne. 1. Fast Coleireel Chintz Flint, White. Cotton Filled, extra tsizo hmI weight. No. 2. Fancy Satim'. f-VA reel fil ings' , elegant line of p it t i n ml colors. Our $:.25 Importeel Chintz l';it( ri:s, very fancy quilted, exira '. i- writd't. Our $4.00 Fine Fane-y r -. S i r -. Solid Sfitine Lined, very nicely ju !!..'., fcizo 72xb2. Underwear. Ladies' White M'iin Ycsls, Siik Milch ed, iSilk bound, at 50 cents eae It. I 'a ills to match. Luetics' Extra fine', surperior qiialily, White Ieriuet Ve-Kt, .b r. y ribl.e-d .Iei vi s at 75 cents each, l'ants to match at raino price. Ladie s' White Woed V sts, Silk Bound ami Stitched, at $1.25. Ladies' Natural Wool Vests and l'anls at $1.00 each, worth $1.25. Ladies1 Scarlet Vests ami I'ant, unoeith anel soft, on'y $1.00 e ach. Laelks' Scarlet Sa-xony Wm, VVMstind Fants, fine-ht quality, at 81.75 e ne b. Ladies' Camels Hair l'ants and VeMs lieduced te $:3.00 a Miit, worlh $4.00. Full Lines e-f Cliildn n's, Mioses nnd Boys' Underwear, White-, Scarlet, Natur al and Camels Hair nt Low prices. Seal Plush Wraps. Our line of Plush Garments this season are made up of the bet graeles ef Lon don Dyed and Listers Seal Plushes, md Every Garment Guaranlee-el te wear. Our Plush Jackets at $15.00 are very cheap. Our English Walking Jacke ts, three quarters length, nt $25. well worth $:50. Our $25.00 Plush Sncqucs, sold else where at $:;(. 00 Our $30.00 Plush Sacejues worth fully $35.00. Our $:!5.00 Plush Sacques worth fully $40.00. m Our $37.50 Plush Sacquts sohl every- wliftre st $45.00. Our $45.00 Plush Sacques, regular city price, ?o5. liter STOCK OV - 75 to 85 cts. - - 25 els. o Hi 2v 2T IN" I 1 1 K ft- ,j : a a m v - k KINDS OF- COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the woild is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicine when BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP v.ill positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. H. M. Gault is receiving some very fine novelties in Oxidized Silver goods for holidays.