Plrffeiii0ttfilj f a. A si:com vi:au PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATUKIAY EVENING, OCIOHEK 27, 1S88. mlmisek ;! l:iyor, Ceik, rrif.iii'T, Attorney, KlIIIK' M.u-Hii.ill, F. M. km nr.v W K Fox JAMK4 l'ATIKMIK,.IK. Hi icon ri.Al: K - A MAHOI.K . S CI.IIKMU V 11 MAI.ICK IJoUIHaillien, itwaiu, 1 y fiAMSUUKV . .. U M Jo.NK " im 3rd 4th. Hoard Pub. Work I UK. A SlUI'MAN . t M if Ml'itHH V S W IIUITON VttS O'CONNOK. I f McUallkn. raw I J W JOtlNH ,.I1AI1CMAN 1 ur.ii !okikk I l li llAWKitWollTII Treasurer, D.ipu.y lre.isurer. J. A. i:ami'kll Hi Kit t'KITCHflKl.n lpuiyCleilc. - - fcXACKircHriKM I; ..r.l..r ,1 1) -etla - - W. II. Foot, I ItM,. - JO'lN M LK.YtA I l-rlr f IUtrct CO irt. XV. V. M-lOWAl.TKK ui.url J. O. KlKKff KAK K.irvev'or. - A..Ma1oI.K Attorney. Hilpt. of 1Mb. School. County Judite. iiDABD ok surmtviaoiia. rialtsinoutli CovUl - Weeping Wat" A. H. Ui kwX, Al.LK.X I'.KKMON Mav.nahd scisk C. KUSSKLL. Kiin wood GIVIG SOGIK'IUiS. r i lSS l.ODOrf No. 115. 1 O. . K -Meets Lxyry Tueday evcutn of each week. All truiuli-iit brothers are respectfully invited to !!(' II. I. ; II LA f I MOU rii ENUA M I'M E.NT No. 3. I. O. - l l.. nen every aiternare rrniay in e;i:1i nmnt'i li tlx; Mwoiii Hall. Hrothers aro i ivitdd to attend. Visiting N.. M. A. O. IJ. XV. M ( - . . . ... :i. ............. it in I KlVrV .11' 'I.H- I'll v " flUCiO l.iti-: halL Transient lr-il !"r ;ir rcs;.fi-t i 'n-1 V in virl ,i" --rl. F..I . M.ririi. M.fti-r Workman ; I." i I'r.iivu Knr-Mi:ii : II. it. eiii' ver i: A. Tim-. K:ii:iitcMt-r : K. lloti-c- w.ol li. KhmmIci ; M. M:i lnlit. Itco'i vT ; l. H -mill., l'a-1 .M. W. : 1. .N ISovven, Cunle ; V. J. KuiiZ. Ins lie at i' iu rv .ii no sm. miji)!-:::.n wooumkn V ' i.f :!.! i.-.t -M.'i-rs sfciiul iinl f.iurl li M'n 1 :!V .v.ii:i-- ;il li. .f I. Ii.ill. Ail trali-ii'iit hr.ii li.-r mt- ri-irt.-iti-'l t" iiii-i-t willi n. I.. A o'.V'"') ""I". Vi-'i. jr:i!il; !iiisul ; 'r, Nile.-, woriliv AilvNt-r: S. .;. Wililc. J'.aiiKcr : W. A. I'.occk, Clffk. 1L VTTSViHH M l.i!iK NU.s, .o. l V. pvi rv ;ilt.-i ii:it.; I'lid iv evi'iiiiij; :it Ilockw.ioil h:t!! ill x oVlui'K. All rr:i!isiv!lt liMi Il rr arf rsi?-crt"ul'.y invitol i aliemt. S. I.iirion. M. W- : t1'- l'.ov l. Kon iM.iii : S. U. Wilde. K.-cml'-r ; Loon nil verer. Loutac .no. g. a. & a..m. M.-t-t; oil tli" fir-t :iiil tljinl Mii!il:iys i l eacli mom ! tlit-ir l.:ill. -I" ....... Ctr Kie toiilially ilM licit t' Mlri't Willi lis. W m. Hath. Swcrftinry. TiKirilASKA c: Haiti: it- JO. !J. K. A. M; ntonib at ' M;oiiV Hall. Trunseunt bri.tlars re invited V meet witn us. Xm. HaV?. S-erciary. r. e. whitk, ii. p. HfT. zion COMMA f.YI!Y Nil S. K. T. each in.ntli at Mam i s nan. yimmus r eordially invited to mj-et w-jili u. W.H. IlAY.-i, Kec. 1 Wut IE. E. C. vss co r nc i l :io. ioai . no v a u kg a n u ai i meet the second and fourth Mondays of tach in out ii at Arcanum n.tu. U. S. ii L&sil, Kesent. 1. C. Mixor, Secretary. PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE l'rttdut Koot- B W inilliam I.hi Viee Frvtldont A. B. 1mUI 2nd Vice rreMdciu..., , W evnlc tcretary , UUTT" Teiwurer V. R. Outliinan IKK"TOIi!. .1 C Hiehev. F. E. White, J. C. PattersoD, jr. A. i.'uuiirr, B. EIkob, C. W. Sherman, F. bor der, J. V. cW I, ;-). .MCCOMIHIE PQST 45 C. A. R. B08TEB, J. v. .Tono ,- Commander. Cl. Twit ....Senior Vw K v.Bitk Junior " " Nilx Adjutant. HiBV STHKHIHT Q. M. Min Dixom OHceroftiie Imy. Chaki.m Kki " " JJuard Ah--h' F,v Sert Majoi. J whs iJoiiB'.F.MAX.. ..'Juarter Master SerKt. L. C. Cuurif Fost Chaislaiu Mifln SaiuiJa eytiuin; HEALTH IS WEALTH ! K3i AjXTR EATM E NT Dr. E.C. st.s Xerve w.d lira In Treatment a euarantee specific for lljsteila lizxines. i:"Tulioiw. Fi'. Xervon Neuraliiia. Head loI;.'ervfipu lrostr?ttfn caused ty the use ut M cohol'or tobacco. Wkefulness.Mental Ie o.-ei-i'jn. .S:':eEln,roftho Urain resulting iu iu 4ii: io Uai'n t misery, decay and 'ieath. How the Exclusion Sill Is Regarded in the Flowery Kingdom. Sm Firtncinco, Oi t. 0. The Mi-amer Ar iliic arriveil from Ilotifj Kong ami Yo kaliitiiKi tliis iiftcinoo.i. Tlic Japan ii i zcttj hits a slnti mi-lit jiul'lihlied in the Ciiiui bu Times to the effect that the ac tion of the Chinese minister to the L'niteil States in the matter of the treaty which was recently rejecteJ ly the Chiuese gov ernment excites great animosity against him in Kvaiitunr, and endeavors were m ule by an angry mob to wreck the min ister's house. The Chinese Times also contains a h-tter signed by a I'ekin official written just lifter t!;; news reichrd China that the United States had passed the ex clusion bill. The following is an extract from the letter: 'If the obnoxious American treaty should be enrried into effect there will be no other course open to China consist ent with her dignity as a nation that to adopt retaliatory measures by prohibiting citizens of the United States from com ing to China. Tins will be iu no means proportionate to tha harm done Chinese interests in America, but will have to be done in order to show that the Chinese can do the same thing, and if this will have no effect in bringing the United States congress and government to reason and fa'rness, then it will be a question for Ciiin:i to consider whether it is not time for her to cansel her treaties with that oountiy, lo recall her subj cts fn iu there, to oxpr-ll all United States citizens from this country, an 1 to cease all rela tions and intercourse, diplomatic an commercial, with that country." discarded Winery. WHAT BECOMES OF THE CAST OFF CLOTHING OF RICH LADIES. HOW CAN PARENTS allow their childrr-n to coitoh nud strain ami c(iii"h una calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold," and keen giyipg them cheap and dangerous mediums, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when they can be so easily re lieved bv IIEGGS' CIIEUKY COUGH SY UUP f It has no superior, and few fijil:ils. for s.ile ly J. I siniiii k wo.. druggists. Men'. Overcoats at lsons, the One Prico Clothier $1.00. You query why from home I go, Why "bout the town I rove ? The reason why is plain, you know, "We've got no Oakland Stovk. Itn V,u one of Johnson 1kos. Everything nocrssarv for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Boeck s. Xo fjner, large, cheaper iir,e of neck wear in the state ot eurasKa man you can nnd at Joe'a, the one price clothier. tf II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. Joe, the one price clothier, is selling the genuine Chicago hat with the Chicago Brnnd in it at $2.25. Every hat war ranted- for rent house of four rooms, one block froiu High Sclippl. Inquire at this olljcc. tf Remember you save 23 cts. on eyery lollar by trading with Elson the One Price Cl .tl.icr. Clothing must go, Men's Business Suits at $4. GO. Elson. the One Price Clothier. Blow ! Blow your borr.3, We've uot the slightest fear ! You cannot beat the Garlands if You blow a thousand years. In Jo? eae by Jftscj Bros. Donnelly, the iopular Gents Furnisher and Hatter, his the most complete line of Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves for fall and W inter weir, in the city. Bear this in mind. tf If you haye a watch, clock or jewelry of and kind you want repaired good, take it to II. M. Ganlt. All work warranted to give satisfaction. -ri",i.iiir old Afet. nsrr?tiu,"'b, I.s of Tow- 'iri'stK. 1 :i vt.l .jjI al V 1 '.ss'eS iill'J .-PT- r.r.t iri:oea c -t.;' or-rvertiwi of (.-.- ponies for sale, the f are a number one f.r.t.n .:;iLU:''i,iri-.;.itMsi..i'i . -. i..:ri':s "ne n.i'i-tij-t tre:..:;,ein. it ii' a li i.r oi .! l"'ir ?.":', ut niiijl prepaid o: rc tv .-f ;iice XVZ GUARASKE SIX BOXES To i-.irt snv c s'e. V.'ltii e;uii or;!er i'-feiv.-: bv l-s tor iv l ines. :t eotii'in-e(l witn $5 We vitl send t.e V'.i: e! ";:r wiitten t'liar.n!-tr-e to r.-ti;::: rlie iniy 'I Hie Mlineiit i!oe r,,l a . nre. ; T.rui't ees Usiii-d iti!v t. Wi"J Warrii-k so!p -i 't. f'lattsnioutli. Nrl JULIUS PEPPER8ERG. MAJSUFACTCRKU OF AXD WHOLESALE & RETAIL for sale. A good span of matched uiiea for sale, they are a ni buggy team. Enquire at this office, tf Tin finest bedroom sets can be found at H. Boeck's. Nice house and half block, only 3 blocks from high school. Only $ i 100 a decided bargain. 1!) 10 V,. S. Wise. DEALER IN THE c hoicest Brands of Cfears, including cifjr t lor oo Peppcbergo' and 'Buds FCLL LINE OF TOBACCO AXD SMOKERS' ARTICLES 'r, -,- ctnok. Nov. 2C, 188;. Sh,; ).f s: in lor. & Wi"i.;:-n nixed paints, the -.trKc-f h t J-.'i ick't i Co'sdrug ! Joe. the one price clothier, believes on the good old motto, "quick sales and p-.uail promts." Je is always busy sell ing goods. tf COUCH! and COUCH! ana COUCH! What in the world is the reason you will coucdi and keep coughing and still keep trvir.r inferior medicines when BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? iV-iisno advertising scheme, but an aiial fac t. nd we guarantee it. Sold by "). p, Smith it Co., druggl&ta. Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thins in the furniture line that will go to mafee yoyr fjihiie jeapfiii:l snq comfort able; and abo.e al yrtucang'etit cheap. Rem iuber tiint he' who sells' most can cell cheapest. . - I I . " - . r. ? I , not so much for the U13 7 2 ui i - venienceof it. They IQ'- U ? I of doling out gifts.. 1 O c rrf S pall in the ordinary f 5 (Jj rr. -L would not for the U2 ' h tZ ? I " mm r-i m m Illfiroverieii Iud by an InquUitiTO Ro Hjrter Clurnicuti Found in Socond Hund Clothing Stores of the Better The I'oor l:-IatioiiH Not Forgotten. "Hiat do tLe fashionable and weulthy women of New York do with their dis carded garments?" This question is sug gested by ono of our thoughtful readers. Ho savs: "To bo in the swim these ladies mustliave cords and cords of clothes to cast olT, entirely too many for a supply of their poor relat ions Do they sell them? Do they invito tho old clo' men to their houses? They cannot givo 'cm to their servants. What do they do with em?" Looking this subject up, a reporter learned that the ladies of New York havo various ways of disposing of their dis carded garments, and instead of being at all embarrassed to do so, they could dis pose of many more. It Is certain that none of them is thrown into the street. That many of them are sold is obvious from the fact that iu second hand cloth ing stores of the better class there are al ways to be found rich garments that have been but little worn. There is quite as much difference between second hand stores as there is between stores where only pew goods are sold. There are plenty of second hand stores where only goods of first quality are sold; where very nieo silks, satins, lace, upholstery and bric-a brae can always bo found, und where the prices are kept quite above the reach of ordinary people, although far below nrst hand prices for such goods. It need not be inferred that ull these goods are bought directly from first owners. In many cases they are bought of seeond owners, who have received them as gifts from the first owners, who discard everything the mo ment that It goes out of fashion. DISLIKE TUE DOTH EU. Yet there are rich ladies who sell every thing of tins kind money as for the con do not like tho bother Of course, they do not old clo' man. They . world exchange a word with the conten tious juukmeu who are so anxious to ex change crockery for old garments. They deal with quiet, nice people, whq make a business or going to dwelling houses by appointment to appraise and purchase bucu gooau. jiib uuvu nsemcmsui vneoe "upier class" dealers may always be found in tho newspapers. The fact that the business is profitable is apparent front the lactrmat sucu advezuisemenis ao con stantly appear, and such garments may always bo found in seeond hand stores. One very capacious outlet for such goods is'found in the aid societies of the various churches and the rapacious demands of ladies fairs. Much rich clpthmg gets cut up to make cvazy quilts, pin pushions and me million RinckknacKS that go to fall a ladies' fair. ' The underclothing is easily seized by the benevolent ladies for distri bution among the poor, to whom rich outer garments would be an inappropriate gift- Some rich ladles do not scrapie to use up all their old silk or satin dresses as lining for new garments. These silk and Satin linings are not only elegant and styl ish, but they are very comfortable and convenient. They arcrjighter. han" ordi nary linings. ' ' - But the poor relations are not forgotten. Tnere are many of them in New York. Most of the rich families hayp pome up from poverty py a long course of hard work fend active business. Very few have been able to bring up all their relations with them. The boor relations, have daughters whq musf be ma.da presentable when they visit the rich houses, and they are not only not ashamed to accept gifts of clothing, but are very glad to get it. There are also many poor women in Nev York who have once been rich, whose hus bands or fathers havo failed in business or died with embarrassed estates.. And who rely upon old asscciaies among the rich for suitable clothing to keep up a respect able appearance. ACTRESS costumes. As to the leading actresses whq have larco and axuens-ive wardrobes, thev do not need to" give away or sell much cloth ing, l he exigencies of their profession require largo quantities of material to pro vide costumes for various parts, and their good dresses are made over and over again and reappear in various forms, are interchanged, mixed and mingled go, that the original shapd is unrecognizable. There is no end to the uses that expert costumers can make of good material, which, whether the property of the rich or the professional, need never go a-begging. Much of the discarded clothing pf rich ladies does find its way to the stage costumer, and reappears in the court trains, the ' ball 'room robes, and other wonders of the toilet that grace the (air forms of walking ladies, and astound the unthinking female in the audience at the lavish expenditure which the manager has made. Much of the best material of the dis carded dresses of rich ladies finds its way to the dye house, and there assumes some more marketable or fashionable color, or gets done in black, which is equally the taste of the grave and gay, the Uyely and severe. Anq thus in many ways, the old dresses of rich ladies are conserved and .1 T? TOE m TOE For "run-down." debilitated and overworked women. Dr. Flerce'B Favorite Freseription ia the best of all restorative tonic. It is a potent fpeciflo for all those Chronio Weakueases and Diseases peculiar to Women: a powerful, firen ral as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, it Imparts vigor and strength to tho whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indigestion. Moating-, weak back. nervoiiK pros tration, debility and sleeplessness. In either sex. It la carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's deiicato organization. I'urelv veiretnblo and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. "favorite I'rescrip tlon ia the only medicine for women, sold bv driuririHta. under u poniiive guar. antee of satisfaction in every case, or price $1.(0) refunded. This puaranteo has tieen printed on the bottle-wraper, and faithfully carried out for many years. For larire. illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (loo paes, with full directions for home-treatment), send fen cents in stamps. Addreso, Wokmi'h Dispknsarv Mrhical, Association. tKXi Mala Street. Buffalo, N. Y. Warranted. O 0 b .1 trJ 0 III i Us xx O C2 s si H O T. 1 R.B. Windham, join a. daviks. Notary fublic. Notary rublic. wixisxa:h& iavii:w. Attorneys - at - 2 aw, Ofllce over Rank of (.'ays Cev.vdjf. PLATTSMOCTH, - -. KEB11A8KA FOR SAI.E TOFEEDEKS ! Qte?ra and He'fars, One. Two and Three yea is old, near Kiowa, jvans:ts : suitable ror l eeouiKOi Rouliiiii;. AIbo Stoclx. Cattlo. Will tell ou time to parties r.inkin first-clam pa ter : jiddress : K. It. (1KIMKS. K!ow, Kas , er W. li. (ililMr'S, Kip.ts vUi;, .Mo. p. A. S. K Members of the N. A. S. J), will plcnse meet at their room, Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. A V'l attendance is desired, as business of importance is to be trans acted. By order of the Past Grand Workman, Plenty of feed, flour, gr..ham and meal at Helsel's mill, tf A MAN FROZE TO DEATH ! Why? Because be had no Oakland Stovf. Buy one of Jmxson Bros. sept22-dlm. WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people wdl not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits. rather than take a medicine of world wide reputuation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No medicine m the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for pmifving the blop3 a- BL'GG S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and ever bottle that does not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale bv O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. B.A. M. "Time Table. Not. 1. 5 :tn a. m. No, 3.--6 r KiP. m No. f fl :lf :v. in. No. 7.-1 P. m. No. !l :l n. m. No. 11 C ;L'7 a. m. A'l trains run dally by wavof Omaha, except Nos 7 and 8 which run to and fr m Si-lin lor daily exc pt Sunday. No. so Is a stub to Taeinc .function at a 30-i n No. 19 Is a s'.nb from I'iicifie Junction at lla.m. J, n. EMMONS, M. D. HoycEorHATic OoT NO EAST. S 1 p. m. No. 4. 10 :SO a. in. No. 67 :13 P in. No. 10. 9 :4j a. in. The One-Price Clothier J V ' iDl f o i : i : mt m i m H r- i J, Until Novembor lst II Will Belitesli ,nm Ami Won't Cod Veil u Cent. dr o ieS4 wrvz a. a For Trade, Tlic r.or Man" a Fi-iomi. No Tvo Tru-os ! So Cn-dit IGmI OKLY ! JOE will sell you iJetter (ods lor Less Money than you can find in 1'lattsniotitli. f Uford to itjepiibliea. The importance of the results cf tha present political campaign can not bo overestimated by those wlio desiro the success of the Republican party. Tho Democrats, besides the " Solid South' are, In tho North intrenched behind breastworks of public patronage. It will tako steady, earnest, and united work to dislodge them. No hing will so surely bring about that stend y, ear nest, and united work as the circulation oi sound political literature, and OF THIS CLASS NO OTHER IS AS EFFICIENT AS THE DAILY AND WEEK LY NEWSPAPER. Speeches and documents are read ty the few, and when read are laid aside; the newspaper is the fireside friend, the trusted family companion. Its influence ia continuous, constant. The Republicans can not aid their party better than by circulating HtThee Daily o Infer 0eean?- It is a live Republican Newspaper, and has been faithful among the faithloss In Chicago. No man has ever quaationed its soundness on the platform, because the principles of the pla form have been advocated by TUE INTER OCEAN many years. PROTECTION TO AMERICAN INDUSTRIES AND AMERICAN MARKETS FOR AMERICAN PRODUCERS have been its battle cries from the beginning. It did not take it eix weeks to ascertain whether it could ctand on the platform or not. Republicans have done much to aid in tha inculcation cf aXs political doctrines by patronizing papers that advocate them. Why should they do f when they can avoid it by subscribing for THE INTER OCEAN, which U acknowledged to be The Jest ar.d JVlost Reliable newspaper Published in Chicago? In enterprise, news, editorial ability, and evervAin that goes to make A is uaexceUed by any its contemporaries. Every Republican ought to subscribe for it. Every working man ought to subscribe for i-. It ia the paper for all classes of patriotic people who believe in procectLT tne homes of America. You can subscribe through your newsdealer or po3tnucor. If you are unable to do that send direct to the of f ice of publication. Sample copies aro always eent on application. Address INTER OCEAN, CHICAGO- contribute their mite to illustrate that D C triumph of civilization that is approaching rlYSIClcllI cuUTQBOri when, not htfifr fioes to waste. The refuse J J of tho mlo hnnsfl la made Into the most Office over Wecoft ntnre. Main street ffonreoM aniline dves. and applied to D'. Soli'ldk.trrhtu i ioeerty. , 1 . - . . " . . .1 i "in'iiii; if ii iiv- a ti I lipases 1 ivoman an,i faded rich materials, to aain reappear m Children-, apt-tydt' ve bojn, to n a.m. those delightful forms that ever faseuinte afd o i,. ni. the eoj.6 of man and absorb 'so much;;,of the tirne and" thought 3 of women. Thqs ever the old is transfornSed into the p'ev in the alembio pf kLti and thiuU the genius ana invention or man &nu woman. New York Sun. WILL OPEN SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION tn vnrii.rriTrnp streasSIieoljis the Memory. Anon? the axioms which 11 the aorai Specv?1. r-rz It en in cultivatins Urns columns or a weeiuy journr.i ia one inas power, removing voice from throat. "inere is no petTerwavto exreDeitts ine memory than by BPetkiisg the- exact truth.' and another; that A liar should havo a good memory." The editor kas a deddttd tL?t for tone '- CLEOfiE B. DANIELS, Of Omaha, formerly of Washington, 7 CL . T' r- '" --' -- f ' ' hllSlriP- ONLY S3.IO FOR THE WEEKLY IIKKALD r- .. ytf and TiaWrM4"e WThT fmmmmtmm A WONDERFUL ?PBUCATION. rany inppoe IlEMOREST'S M03TTHI.T to be a faUio& maaziDe. ThU la a great mii-take. it undoubtedly contains the Cnc Fachiom Ie p.ftTKENT of any magazine potdtahed, but thin ia Hie cane from the fact that (rrtl mterprl and ex perience are ehown, to that each department is equal to a magazine in tiaelf. In DzMOKtrr'a you get a dozen mazazirfe In one. and sera re amuse ment and instructkin for the whole family. It con taint Stories, Foemn, and other Literary uitractiona. Intituling Artist ic. Scientific, ad ilousbold mattem. nd la IllQFtraied with cjrlguuik fcteel Knjrraviii!p, PhotoravDreti, Water-Coiora, and fine Woodcut, making it the Modku M aazikb op AacairA. the bolder WlecUon of Ajrr Pattkrv ulnstrated hany number of the Maifaalne, and m ast o? xa manufactured, each valued at from W cent to 30 cent, or vet fiOO worth of paucrna M,J- I . Tear, f ' 'Yearly aubscrtpUoii, f 2.00. A trial will conrlnce yon Ut yo r ft ten T tb sooner paid. Ciu;: corle (eati coUdoL 3 rl it r. f , Tr'aa