The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 25, 1888, Image 3

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Frenchman under
Kocbambeau. I liare lor.t his name, but
lie was a Mo la' Eomethln or other grand
wiih nucchtrv enough at llie buck of Lim
to make Lim
"A very bnmblo Individual?"
" Yea, if lie ever thought of how much
Itlory and 'noblest be had to keep up;
nil, that (M chivalry! Well, this ono
could do it, I funoy. Wfll, after they
bud gono 'la, Ix-llo' t-'oh nioro
t ban over. Sho bad m.-iit them from b'-r
without tho kind words they Lad pleaded
for; if fit bcr wt-ro slain Low could ho
gi vc herself to tho of hT? Sc lier young
life was just a misery of anxiety and feelf
rcprouch. Only think what it uiiist Lavo
In-en to Lit, all those long- weeks of
wi-ury wailing, Kxr young1 thing, tossed
nlx.iit by desires, feeling aud emotions:
ho at viiiiaiir-o with each othfr. Can't
you fancy tho a.nioiis days, the weary
night:. ulviuyH wuiling, waiting forKouu:
thing? Ahvay s extr(-ting, she knew not
what. Tho eager qucntioninga wl.on a
courier would arrive, bearing icrhnpi
Winn; little word or token from ouo cr tho
other. There's a little element of ab
surdity in it all, 1 know; you can't help
thinking of the old line aljout being
'happy with either.'
"But it seems to Lave been serious
work for the pix-r little belle, and after
all it is pathetic too. Poor little teiuM't
tost houl. one must ity her wit h all her
ii-mghty, cmpietti.-Ji wiles and wicked-i.e.-es.
And you can't help believing that
iuvav hv.u jit the l.ttoin of her liltlo
way ward heart she wa.-. sweet and t rue,
nud !-ho was tso youngl I'oor little for
lorn heart!" siiid roan's gray blue oy h
iti-iv f ad, and her sweet voire hud a tone
in it that well, it's true, 1 sobbed out
right. You bee I had been with them
all thr-o tho night In-fore, and I had seen
al! her tears and her grief, aud 1 believed
in them nil. Well, my clear, they never
caiio back? We heard they heard of a
gr-Nit light at t,ca there were sea fights
in tho revolution, weren't there? That
v.:.s followed by a heavy storm, and in
her crippled condition the went
down; ul least it was iujio.sed so, fur
anot her frigate that had lecu in the en
gagement with her iviortcd her ns (Ha
inan, led and evidently sinking. On ac
fiunt of tho gale it was impossible to
give any help.
'Almost at tho srtmo time enmo the
news that a battle had been fought some
v.!:-!0 in the west nud the fair Saxon
l-.ver had been slain; they gave him
Oil i .t burial, as they call it. as if to
be laid away ii the clear blue depths of
God's ocean by Lis own hand were a thing
L'ss desirable, less holy, and the thunder
of the waves and tho roar of tho winds
were not
life aud
a grander thing than dram and
the popping of a platoon of
"What is it about? 'One was killed in
the c;ut by the sea aud one in tho west'.'"
So that was the news that came to tho
little waiting heart and broke it forever.
So it was bet tied for 'la bello Barberine.'
'I suppose she would very likely have
gone into a convent, and if she had she
would have Ix'como the mother superior
before she died. I should fancy that a
very good way of ending such a story,
don't you think?''
"Xan! if you have!"
Have what?"
"Made it up."
"What if I have? I've done my very
L-.-st for you."
"I'll never forgive you!"
'For doing iny bcstY'
"I "or not believing my story."
she thought it was the morphine, but 1
knew Letter. Homo Jouruai.
Names of Western Hivcrs.
It is a ;ity our nobk-st streams cannot
bo in: : tho monuments of noble achieve-in-'ii:
iu t heir mimes, instead or bearing
mi. !i trivial titles as Ciraud and Green,
Red and Blue.North I'ork and South Fork.
Even when they have a good name it is
f. ::; t tea or perverted, as has hanjH'ued
to the Kio Bravo del Norte. This is done
in many cases deliberately, though the
speakers know better. Toiniehi is gener
uMy ca'led Tomeetcli; Ouray (Ooray) be
o.nns Youray. It is willful, too, and
characteristic of tb.e pig headed ignorance
and coueeit which crops out sooffensiv'ely
iu all frontier society. I had a man toil
mo th other day that he mispronounced
famish and Indian names purposely, be
cauo ho hated greasers and redskins, and
thought it a shi.uie that anything should
be named after them or any mi nieiito be
kept of th'-ir former presence. He talked
-anis'i as well as English, aud nioit! cor
rectly, yet never failed to say "mccsa"
t'-r i:;--.-.i. and "Santa Fee" for Santa Fe.
r.i.d Denver, cud "Rye Grand" instead of
lic-M Grande. Old Eseahmto. in lTTo.
gave names to many of these rivers; it
would be a great gain if they could bo re
Stored. Lru. it Ingersoll in Cotaopolitau-
rMiiii.n lire of tho ?Ict roixjlis. .
Another source of millionaires in the
tictrojHiiis is their emigration from the
country. Great cities always draw from
smaller ones. Men who have gained a
fortune lewhc-re like to display it, if not
to mj y it. i:i the capital, whero they
tad a i:.ure favorable eiivironnient for
bu-iiutss r.s well as pleasure. They arc'.u.-5. often, to Li Jo their humblo an
tceedeuts iu its, bustle, dis
traction and glitter. They fancy that its
vastn-ss and spleutior are consonant with
their own. Comptrativtly few affluent New
Yorkers by residence are New Yorkers by
Lii-Lli. TLey Lave come from New Kuglaud.
tkj west, tho south, frc-ni Roston. Provi
dence, Hartford, Philadelphia, Baltimore.
fc.'avaL.u:;h, Xew Orleans, Jt. Lotiis, Chi-
, ca.'o. C'lircii.nati, aud aro cosmopolitan
and tboro-ghly comfortable in their islam!
hor:c. Whatever objections may be urged j
agamst tbo city, it 13 generally agreed to
be a good place for the rich. It has been
called a center of paupers and million
tires, and it ofica teems such, because,
Ieiliaps, people in moderate or independ
ent circumstances epptar. compared with
tha majmlicentlj opulent, pinched with
penury. A man with only $200,000 or
300,000 can scarcely aspire hero to the
docorousness of poverty. Paul R. Clove
land in Cosmopolitan.
ZjccCL Tipes 'ot Eat Iroo
If some inventive genius will get np a
poisonous preparation with wlucli to coat
the lead pipo used in residences Le will
make a fortune. Fully cne-hslf of the
unexplained cases cf burst cr leaking
lead pipes ere due to rats, and not to
flaws in the materiaL In a well cemented
basement, with cement floors, etc., as
nearly vermin proof as can be, the annoy
ance from rats is tbo greatest, as, being
unable to find water, they are driven
frantic by the sound of it flowing through
tho pipes, and they proceed to cat their
Tray to it. A rat can make a hold iu a
roft lead pipe in a verv short time, and
then t ho cellar is flooded and the landlord
Is nothleJ. that the pipe has burst. It
eeems to me that eomo cert cf coating
could, be got up that would kill tho rat
just as oon as he commenced to eat Lis
way to the running uater. Pltnnber ia
'ark man was
plobe-IXaaocrat. t .
"i ii gwva' . v
Tlia roiuiMlpiiim of the I lilted State" USHflll-
blcil ly lli-ir ilcUuaten tit nati-inal con' f-iiluni,
iauio en the llnelmld ef tln-lr procef imnis t
iionor tlic eieiiKiiy ft llnrlr llrsl r-ut leatler
Mill iiii'ior'al cl'unijoii of lili-rly hikI l lie
ri.;litsof I tie IM-Ojt'e, 1)1 jlhatll ! Ilir"!ii. lo
i-nirr xi' with v.tei-.tln ! in. i-l, !! re
iiifiuht unit KiiOitiel th li-lolr uiiiue of i.iUm h a.ti i v, tio have i.ct-ii in -le i (cully
Cil'e.l ;i av from om-:i.iui:v(, (iiHIit, iai tielif,
AiiIhk, l.'.iraii :mi1 ( .i.U in., a' i heir eiem
Olles l.e litlll.TiiPy ch' We alto rfMll
wuli oi r uii'i-llm; mitt iracr for hi" rccovciy
tli-iiMint- of one ot our Iiviik hern k
in linn le lrekurej In the lii-toiy holh
of n-ni1iMn:i uii'l of the republic. Th-i iiatne
M,j;U m 111.' iiobii' ' ! I ! t I'.'iu L. lili- chilli
of victory. I hille II. blie ii. I. .ii.
In iiif rplrlt of lliose (jn-at Inolfru anil of our
b votlon I human libeily, anil wllll that lios
ll!ii lo Hit (onus of b-.oti-ni soil oppression
which It the f iiiiitaliiental iilea of the republi
can party. M'liil Iratcnal foiiKralnlailonn
lo our fe'low Aluerleai.i ( Jlruil upon their
Kieat Hi't of c inaiii'lpr.tioii which completed
the abolition of slavery throiihoiit the two
A met lean coi.tiiietits. We f arnvstly hope we
mav roon coii'ratiilate our fellow ej'l i. of
lrih hiith iiMn tSj peaceful tecovciy of home
ruin for Irelaml.
to the nalioiia' const. tiilioli imI to I ho IiiiIIm-
noluhle union of HtatcH to the aut ly re-
Ki-rve't to the states inner the coie-lit iitloii. to
th personal riiiliti ami hlici ties of citiens in
al! "rate and tcinloi les lr the union ami -peclally
to I In; supffiiie ami Hovcreij.'" iluht of
every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign
born, w lute or I. luck, toca-t one flee ballot in
the public electloi s ami to have Vlil ballot
i nly coiinictl. We hoiil a live and honest op
niar liallot and jut :inl fiual rcine-eiitatioii
ol all p ople tw be l!ie loiimJalioii of oar re
publican "ovt-riniieii ami (lemaml ctlcclive
It-ni'.h.tioii lo t-ecure the iiitivnty aiel imiity
it ill c mil' w huh ill I lie li ii it: 'Ills ot all pllli
Hi- .in! lior.t v. U e ei.Hitre that lh;' present ad
iiiie!-' rt iom a::il I tie il.-.ocr.i' e M ajority III
oi.i ! nu e I li.-u cist-u lo i lo -uei i csiiiti
i t i i.c tiallol l t In- i l on l.i. tl l illliili '.t :on of lie
col si II li I loll :ilil i.n-. .-. ol the I' lil! -i!'
.'. e i;i. i louioloiiiis .iily in favor of th'!
Vlff n.-ail stent o! pK.lei Hoi.. We protest
gainst tin- . 1 1 -- 1 1 in-:
.! tit aiel !ii- ;ai 1 y.
i l r.iooi e
V. I( W'l.l. S'.'I'I -OUT
We accept t lie i-nr
I lo- peopiar tor I heir
i :i piop -.e.l o
1 hey M-rve i i.i
the pr.
lIlU l
I NTK It l- S l S OF A.MKKIl A
, ami coni' appeal to
jiliijineiit. t he pi olid IVt
. t i : i m i i . lis abandonment
s'-leii: inil-l lie ma
has ulw.iji lien lollowcil by L-em iai (lis-ster
to all lnleie-iti exeepi thos.-el tue tile liter
:ui. I sheiitl.
We le:. i mice t lie Mills' bill as ih-st r.ict ive to
fjeli'T.ti b'lwmes.s. labor, ami I he bo 'tuti inter
ois ot t !: -ti ti ; ry, aim i.e heartuy eiuioisr
I he coue -lent aii-i p-.tiiote: action ol Hie re
publican n.i.ieseutativcs in congress in opnos-
.:. ti
nit; Ms I
:i:. i co.uii'iiiu me j i j oiiosiiioii
ol ! he (ii ::. i
ti ct ii-i am
.eralt:; pattv to place wcolmi tne
lulls' thai ihe umics thereon
ha'l hi
llisil i'ai
i'll-ti V.
I :ie"ri
! eil i:c! '
,tu r.l-ien ;i ti il ciamtaliu'il so as to Im
am! c.!iiii ite protect ion to that l'l
publican pally woiihl effect all needed
ii of l!i ri venue by reiiealinir
tl.e la-s on loliaceo, wloch are an arrogance
aiol 'n:v,!i i to ai icial lire, aial the tax upon
sturi's use. i in the arts anil for mechanical inir-
i. -.'". tuitl l.v mic'.i re i-ion of the isiritf I twsas
iH tend to chock imports ot such ar:i -lea
a ' produced by our people, the pKaiiictiou oi
w Inch mveH employment to our labor, ami re
lease fr---iii import iluties tnese articles of for
eiBii iroliii t ion. except. luMuo-f. Hie like ol
whii'li caiiiiot bt produced at home, there - hall
Mill remain a larger revenue than is reiuiit(-
for t tie waat of eovernnient. ot iiileniai taxes
rather than surrender anv part of our rotee
tive system a, the joint heh st of the whisky
tiiiK ami agents ol toremu m.iiiuiacturcrs.
Wo eclare hostililv to the ii trojuc lion into
this country of foreign contract I ibor ami of
Chinese labor alien to our civilization ami our
cor.stit utioii. ami we demand the risi I enforce
ment of existing laws against it ami favor such
immediate legislation as win exclude sucii la
bor from our shores.
We declare our opposition to all comhii.a-
fioiis of capital organized in trusts or otlier-
ube to control arhitrariiv lite e-.mdilioii of
trade among our citizens and we recommend
to covgressaud the state legislatures in their
reeoective nil isilictions such iegislalloi: :n will
prevent ttie execution of all scheme i to oppress
he pel pie ny undue cliarges on ineir supplies
or by uiiju t rates for the transportation of
their products to market.
we i'tinriive legislation by coi'g'es to pre
vent aii!'.- imjiisi burdens and unfair d sol nil
tnalb.i: between fates.
V.. I'.i.l'- I.K:lSI.4TIO.V.
W e reallii ia t he policy of approprmting the
public lands of he UhitPil Stales to lie home
.-leads tor An ei lean cir v.vtis and settlers not
a'leiis. v Lie', the republican i;ar;y estaldished
in Js-2 ag.t'ii-t the opposition of
the ill i-i -via s in emigres, which Jias brought
our great western domain into inngtiiticeiit de-
vd ''!':::( t. ne resi.orat ion of uoeanieu laiiu
grants to the puhlii: dom.iiii for the use of ac
: ...i: - t . -. .i en v i . ppin t i ne au-
ininlsti-.tion (t Hns ilti.t r iu.i -teojld be
continued. We deny tht tliedeinuciattc partv
has cer restored one acre to the people, hut
declaii that ty tle j'vnt aelion of reriutilicahs
and deniiicrats aooit! nay million acres t f un
earned lands, originally e. "lined for the eon
struct ion of railroads, have been restored to
the public oomain in pursuance of conditions
inserted by the. repuheeau party ill theoiigiu-
ai urnius we (iiag i e democratic aoinitns
t ration with lailere to execute laws seenring to
Heftier title to liieii homesteads and witn us-
ing approprtations made for Iliac purpose to
liarrass i-'nocenf settlers with pie5 ami prose
cut iomt under t he fj;i-e pretense of expo.-itij
frauds and liulieatiii;; the law.
The government by coLgro-s of tiie lerritor
ie is hn-ed uiih necessity only to the end thai
thfv may iiecom-states in I lie union : there-
fole. w believer th conditions of population,
material return ree. pi.lilic intelligence and
moralitv are such a io insure stable local gov-
crniueiit therein the peojile of riedi territories
slieuiil P.- permitted, a light Inherent :n tlieni
to fon.i tor the!iielve! coii-miuiioiis mul state
DVeininci'.ts ami he ad ttcd into the union
I'en.'ing t rep irati n for statehood all ettlcers
ttief'f si;oold be selected tiom bona fide
n-si.l--r.ts and citizens of the territory wherein
:ii loe to serve .--..iilli l'.ikot.i rhoitl I of
rig' t l- ii:i:ne i . r t 1 y admit led as a st tte in
the li;:iili tuiiler theciinslitir.ii ll fm::cd and
ailopTod by her people and we heartily en
d ;i -c i lie ac; ! n of the cj tiiilican senate in
twice passing bills for 'er a-.l mis-ion. 1 he re-f-isal
of tin- ileiiioeirtic hoil-e o: 1 epresenta-tive-i.
'or pai tis-in pui't t-sc. t f.iorab;y en-Milt-r
these I i!)s i- a w illnil ioiat ion" uf t he
s e rcd A niei ic iu prii-eiple o! local sclt-g-.verii
laeat. an.i luei its t he fMiiifi:'.-,..! ion of ail just
n.t-:i. '1 lie pending tdh-s in the senate for acts
to enable the People of isliingloii. Noitli
Dakota a'-.d Montan'ia teiritones to form con
stiiii'ion : and est.-.blisii state govertnne-.ts
sliotihl be pa-'-cl wiih-ejt iineeees-ary de'ay.
The republican partv pledges insi-lf to do all 111
its power to facilitate th" admission of the ter-ri'.orie-
of w Mexico. W jomir.g. Idaho and
Arizona to the en.'oyment of self-aovernnient
as state-. Midi '.f tiietu as are now iialiiicd
as soon as possible. and others as soon as they
may bet so.
Tli" political power of the Mormon cliurch in
the tenitorii's as exercised In tlie past is a
t'lcit.mce to free i;:s: it tit ions "on drilltierous to
lie loiii .-lit!-, ted. T: elefore v e p edge tin; re
pi.hlicaa pa: ty to api-'t'opriatc legislation.
aserti:ig tiie scycreigtity ef the nation in all
tlie territ ries where the same is questioned,
and iu l.iiii.i ranee of that end to place
ntmn 'h st-Tifote lioek legislation stringent
enough to diverge political i"r.iii ecclesiastical
power, iittd thus stamp out the attendant
wi -kednoss of polygamy.
The reenbiican party is io favor of the use
of Loth goiu win! silvc: as money, and con
demns t he policy of the democratic adminis
tration ui its efforts to demonetize silver.
We dema.ul the reduction of letter postage
to I c-nt ter ounce.
In a republic like ours, wh-re the citizens is
the sovereign and the otIii;i-l the servant,
where no powvr is exercised except by the wiil
of the peopie. it is important that the sover
eign people should possess intelligence. The
free school is the promoter of that intelligence
wh ich is to preserve us a free nation. 'I here
fore, the state or nation, or both conbiued.
should support, free institutions of learning
sufficient to -fford to every child growing up
in the land the opportunity of a good comtuon
ecl.ool education.
We earnestly recommend that prompt action
be taken b c cpess in the c acttnent of such
legislation as will best secure the rebtibili a
tiou of our Americ 'ti merchant, marine, aid
we profpst against the passage by c.muress of
a. fre fiiip bill as calculated to work injustice
to labor by lessening the wages of those en
gaged in preparing materials as well as those
directly e ui nioyed in our shipyards. de
mand appropriation for the e-rly rebuilding
i" our navy, for the construction of c ast
fortifications Hnl modern ordinance and other
approved modern meas of defense for the
protection of our defenseless harbors and
cities, for the vv ment cf ju-t pensions to our
soldiers, for iuei-sarv w -rk-? of national i-ii-porTar.e
in the improvement of th harbors
and channels of internal, cotistwiser and
re m nimituiw, fur te encouragement, of
the siiiuiitig interests of the Atlmtic. Onlf
t n' p. . if ; r ? as a for tb pYDeut
of the nuturiiig pablu d.-a . T'.i iicv will
give employment to our l-b-.rr, activity to our
various iadustrlfea, Increased, security to our
country, promote trade, open new and direct
maiketi for our products and cheap n the cost
of transportation. Wo afUrm tht tube far
better for our country than tt democratic
policy of loaning Die government' money
without interest to "pet bank."
The eondnet ol foreign ulfairs by the piesent
nilmlnistrntloii ban been distinguished by tnef
llcieecy ai.d cowardice. Having withdrawn
from l he s-nate all pending tiea les effected
by republican ndminlsiiatioi s for the lemoval
of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our
comincice and for Its extension into a better
market t has reither allceled nor iroposid
I anv oili.-iH in t : cir stead professing adlier
J eni-e to tlM-Monroe lnctlii e. il has neeli wUll
! idle complacency t to- extension ef foreign lu
ll. leiK-e in ( nt 1. 1 1 Aini-iica aud of foreign trade
evervwlicre amopg ittir uelghbois. Ilhasre-
lused lo cliaiter sanction or eiicnurngc nnj
Anierlemi oiganizyl urn for const rue! nig the
Nlenragii.t il. a woik of vial tinportance lo
the ii.aiiiteiiance ot the Monroe iloctilne and
of our national influence I" Central and South
.Mnei lea, and m cessai y fo the development
of trmle with our fa lilu lenitory, with Soii'h
America, and with the fin t her coasts of the
I'acitlc Ocean.
Kldll Kill KS yfKSTION .
We arraign the present demoer -tic adminis
tration for us weak iMttl unpatriotic treatment
of the fisheries uestioii, and its pusillanimous
surrender of all privileges to which our fishery
vessel -i are elitl lt d in Canadiin potts under
the treaty of isls. the ieeiiroeate iiiarin
tlne inn of In.'Ui and comity of natlnis
and whicli Cauxdiau tNi- ing vessels receive in
the ports of the I'liited Slalt s. V e con leiini
t he i elicy ot the present administration and
t he democratic majority in congress towards
our llshcric as mil I iet.dl and eouspicloiily
illipatriutic ami in tending to deftroy a valualde
national indiisli y and an indisieiisitile resource
of defense against f-. reign enemy
The name of American at. plies alike to xll
cilizeiis ol ttie rep.ibli '. and imposes upon men
alike the same o' ligatio. i of oli-ilien're to l lie
aws. .. I the same tune ci i.ciiship i.s and must,
be the panoply and tali -guard of him who wcais
it. should shie'dand protect him w hether high
or low, rich or poor, m all li is civil rignis. n
should ; ; i I must afford htm protection at home
ami follow ai d piotect him abroad in whatever
land he may lie on a lawful errand.
The men who ah onioned the republican par
ty in Issl and continue to adhere to the demo
ctatic party ha e deserted not only the cause
ol honest government, hut of sound finance, of
fri-.dom and purity of the ballot, but espec
ially have deserted the cau-eof reform in the
civil service. We will not tall to keep our
pledges because tf.ey have broken theirs, or
he- aiisi; their candidate lias broken l.:s. We
therefore repca- our declaration of 181, towit :
The reform of civil service auspiciously begun
under lepiihlieau administration should he
completed bv a further extension of th" reform
s.sleii: already established by law to all grades
oi the service to which it is applied. Ttie spir
it ami purpose of reform should be observed in
all executive appoint incuts, and all laws at
varience with f lie object of existing reform leg
islation should he repealed, and that the dan-gers-lo
free instil tit ions which lurk in the pow
er of, otf cial patronage lin y be wisely and ef
fect ivelv avoided.
'I he gratitude of the nation to the defenders
of tlie union cannot be assured except bv laws.
The legislation of congress should conform to
the pledges made by a loyal p op'.e. and be so
enlarged and extended as to prov'de against
tlie possibility that any man who honorably
wore t he federal niiifo'in shall become au In
mate of an almshouse or dependent on private
charity. In sue presence ot an overflowing
treasury il would b a public scandal to do less
tor those whose valorous service preserved the
government. We denounce the hostile spirit
show n by President Cleveland in his numerous
vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the
action of the democratic house of representa
tives in refusing even consideration of general
pension legislation.
In support vf I he principles Percw ith enun
ciated, we invite t hct co-operation of patriotic
men of all parties, f specially of all working
men whose prosperity is seriously threatened
by the free ttaile policy of the present admin
istration. The first co-cei n of 11 good government is
the virtue and sobriety of the people a-uid the
purity of their homes. The republican party
cordinllv svmpat hizes witli all wise and well
directed efforts for the promotion of temper
Attornei -at-haw and Notary Public. Office in
l'ii.gera'd Llock. Piattsmouth, Neb.
Attornev-at-Law. Will give prompt attention
to all intrusted to him. Ollice. in
Unio:. Hlock. Fast side. Plattsmouth. Neb.
Agiicultut'iil Iinpiemeiits, ('ourtland Buggies
and Kuthford Wagons, "(Jood Timber and llry." sold and Warranted. .Main street,
between Sixth and Seventh.
of Plattsnioulii. Capital .r0.inn ; sloping $11,
0no. John Fitzgerald, President: S. Waugli.
Cas'.iier : F. H.. U'lnte, Vice-President. Board
of Directors : Jv,hn Fitzgerald. F. K. While,
Inn. K. Clark, 1. liawksworth, S. Waugli.
of Plattsmout:.. ('apit 1 stock paid in, ?
Frank Carrutli, President : W. II. dishing.
1'ashier: J. A. Connor, Vice-President. - A
general banking business transacted. Collec
tions receive prompt and careful attention.
Blacksmith mid Waironmaker, Dealer In Vind
niills. Pumps and Fittings.
Boots nnd Shoes. Repairing promptly attended
to. South Side Main street.
A complete assortment of eveiy kind of Foot
wear and cheaper than the cheapest vvst. of
the Missouri River. Also manufartiiring and
Hot and Col l Ra-hsat all hours. Ladies' and
Children's I lair Outing a specialty. Cor. 5th
and Main, under Carrui It's.
F. STADELMANN. Cakes. I'ies. Runs, etc., fresh daily.
Party, Wedding and Farcy Cake a specialty.
Ice Cream in any quantity.
Bookseller, Stationer, and News Dealer ; Fancy
floods, Toys. Confectionery, Fine Cigars. Soda
v ater and .Milk Shake, Pianos and Organs aud
Musi al Instruments.
S. & O. MAYER.
Gent 's Furnishings. Fine Tailor Made Clothing
in Men's. Roys' and children's Wear. Their
prices defy competition. Thev misrepresent
nothing. Jheir Word s Their Bond.
PlStTunoI :
Cloth'rtt. Furnishing Oood-i. Go to the o!d re
liable house for Hats, Cans. Umbrellas, Trunks.
Boots, Shoes. Main street, next Lass! o, Bank.
c. e. wEscorr.
Clothing. Hats. Cans, Ac. Fine Furnishings
our specialty. One price and uo Monkcy-Kus-iness.
it pays to trade with us. Kockwood Bik.
Frank Carrutli. Henry .1. Streight. Proprietors.
Packers of the Climax Brand Vegetables.
Knrts. Confectiouerv and Fine Cigars.
O. P. SMI rH & CO.
Dealers lu Wall Paper, Paints. Oil, Art Mater
ials. Cigars & 3. Rockw-o.l Block.
Drugs, Cli imlcals. Paints, Oils .
F. G FRfCKE t CO..
Dniis. Medicines. (.'Ueiiiicils. Points. Oils,
arui-ns. live Sfti.T etf. Ki:ia statiouerv.
Select T ilet ai'l F.nny Aj-tic'.es.
F. S. CE. -Dry'l-tids,
(irocii-ies .V ti'n(. G?neral Mer
chauUiss, etc. S. E. cira ir M.iin aart 6th Sts.
Bhyg5ods. . ' . -'
K.HSBBllNV. - - ,
Dry Go"d. Nitija an! LalinV PurnlsHiug
Good. O49 door et I irss 1. :nrj I xt i.
v (1 iioVKV it SON.
Curi-v rt lnri'M Block of Flu (i rocerles. Dry
Goods, Carpets. I) leensware. Notions. lid
Fancy Goods, to be found In the county. Up
tcr Ala ii stieet. between 5i Ii and (ith.
D ENfisr:
"The Painless Dentists." Teeth extracted
without I ht least pain or harm. Ar in.-ial tecll
inserted immediately after extracting natiilal
ones w hen ile-ircd. Gold and all ol her Fillings
sti icily tlrstcla-s. Office in I'liion Block.
Fundi lire. Bedding. Looking lilasse-. Picture
Frames, etc. Wooden aud .Metal Caskets kepi
in stock.
Furniture. I'arloi Miits, l plio'slcry Goad.
Stoves. Oueeiiswarc, 'I inware. and all kinds of
lloti-chold Goods. North t.t'l street, between
Main and Vine.
.1. II. DON NK.LI.V.
Gent Fine Furnisher and H.ttlcr. The most
complete and tlnest s'ock in tlie city. Carrutli
Block, Cor. .Mil and Main.
Hie I ending Dealers iu Groceries. ( rockery.
China, La ps. Wooden and Willow ware,
Fiour, Feed, etc. Cash pa'd for country produce,
Groceries, Provisions, Glassw are snd Crockery.
Green. Staple and Fancy I rocerb s.
Staple and Fancy Groceries. Greeu Fruits and
( alined (tooils.
Groi ( lies and tniee-sw !, t I e t'.'C '
Cigars, Tohacc'i .out i.'u .cr.. iu.iuie ll.oise.
Staple ami Fancy GrecT'es, Glass-.vare and
Crockciy. Flour and Feed.
Proprietor City Hotel. Tcruis, .1 .00 per day.
Special Alteiition given commercial men.
Successor to O. M. Straight. Harness, Saddlery
Goods. Net--, Robes, Dusiers. and all horse fur
nishing goods.
Hani ware. Stoves. Tinware. Table and Pock el
Cut lery. Hasor.s, etc. Household Sewing Ma
chines and Jewel Gasoline stoves. Tiuwork
of all kinds done at reasonable prices, id a 111
street, Kockwood Block. Y.
Watches. Clocks. Silverware and Jewelry.
Special Attention given to Watch Repairing.
Always c 11 ry a tiie- sto"K of I i I'lion 1 1 s.W ate li
es, cf cks. Jewelrv. Silverware and Specta"!es.
Drop in and inspect their goads before parchas
llig elsew here.
Jeweler. Waltha-u Watches a Specialty. Main
Street, ne. ;r Fourth.
The Checkered Barn. Lively. Feed and Sale
stable : parlies conveyed toail partsof the city.
Carriages at all I rains. Corner Vine and nth.
Vhoes:-ile and Retail Dealer in First finality
Beef. Pork, Muttyn Veal. Lamb. etc. Sixth
stree. Neville Bluck. Prices moderate.
J. II AT T , (;)..
Kill their own Cattle. Remler their own Lard
and Cure their ow n Bacon. Main stiert.
Eggs. Poultry &e. We use o ly Ihe best urade
if native stock. Oysters and game in season.
Merchan' Tai'or. Main street, over Merges'
shoe store. Complete slock of samples. Fit
guaranteed. Prices defy competition.
A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil
linery and Trimmings ; also Children's and In
fants'' Bonne s lo be closi-d ut at cost.
Meals a'.id Lunches sei veil tooiiL-r at a l hours.
Al-o Ovst -rs. igars. Tob icco. Pop and Cider,
opposite Riddle Hoit'o.
Sample Room, linponcl and Domestic W tics,
I.iitiors and Ciiars. Only straight goods han
dled. Milwaukee Hot lied a S..e ially.
Cor 5 It and M iia Sts.
Ni -k Ciuiiiinghain, proprietor Choice i-rs.
Liquors and Cigars. Pool anj Bil.iard Tables.
K'ddle Hon c Block.
Win. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of
Soda Water. Uir.-;li Beer. Cider, etc. Agents for
Fred Krug's Celebrated Lag;;r Beer.
Sample Room ami I'.ilii ird Hall. Choi.ft Wines
Liipiori and CUars. ii Hi u-J and Po l Tables.
WMl. B R O FN'E,
Personal attention to all Business Enttusf
to my care.
Titles Examined. Abstaicts Compiled, In
surance Written. Peal Estate Sold.
Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than
Any Other Agency.
.cl fit a
The Boss Tailor
Mala S"., Over Merges' Slice Store.
Has the best and most complete stock
of samples, loth foreign and clom?stic
woolena that ever came west of Missouri
river. Note these prices: Business suits
from $10' to $3.1. dress suits, f 25 to $45.
pants $4, o, $'5, O.oO and upwards.
E2T"'Vill guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defv Competition.
Practical Piani and Organ Inner
First-class work guaranteed. Also deal
er in Pianos and Organs. Office at fioeck's
furniture store, Plattsmoutb, Nebraska.
iT. O, B002T3E,
All work firet-dass; ' west Fifth Street,
North Robert C trwocVs V .
lattsmouti !
on l( t: .T.
v v ;
Tin-: v.oi;n famdi's
s ft
Berlin, Germany.
H ri 2 V
v.v- v-rv.
.JIPX l--li
You titn consult him ubout
Your Eyes,
and how to take care of tlicin. More
light for the unfortunate spectacle wear
ers, and t lie doom of blindness prevented
by the UnC of his Alaska Brilliants and
Australian Crystals. A new chemical
combination of
And patent self-adjusting
Spring1 Slyalassss
The first time ititiadtteed into this coun
try; manufactured to order after careful
examination bv modern instruments.
lias arrivid in I', and has
an oilice at the Hi. Idle House. He is do
ing an iiinm 11 -e business throughout tin
United States, giving the best of sat is-I'.ic-tion
and delight to hundreds it h de
feet ive sight. His knowledge of the
human eye and his skill in adjusting tin
glasses is mutveloiis beyond imagination.
Endorsed by nil tlie gr.-at men of this
country and Europe.
In 1111 instant, as if by magic he is cn
able.l to tell you any ailment of your
failing vi.-ion, point out the cause and
danger, and adapt brilliant glasses, pe
culiarly ground to suit every defect ol
the eye. which will aid in strengthening
the eyesight of the old and young. S; i
entists invited to examine the new sys
tern for the preservation of the human
Teachers should watch the curly mani
festations of their scholars' eyesight an.'';
report in li:nc to tlu-r respective parents
to h ive th 'ir eyesight examined by Prof.
Strassman, the expert optician of nation
al fame.
Artificial Ej'es Replaced.
Persons deprived of an eye can have
tliis deformity removed by the ins-rtioi.
of tin nrtifici il one. which usoyvs and
looks like a natural organ.
9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.. and 7 to 8 in
the eyening.
li i: F I K E N C K S :
G sortie Hurett, liev. A. f.'Iark, Mr.
Duff, Mrs I)r Li-sh. J) 1' Holfe. M;--Strceter,
Dr lirinker. II M Ilolfe, linden
brock, C An.'.ersoii. J W V.'aldstnit li,
A Cotton, S II falliotui, .Iml'? M.-ipes.
D.ivid I5ion. Dr II isliev. Win I Iyer.
T S Jones E M Tatrirart, 11 Keiber, W.
II Murphy, Frtnk Medii tney. Jaunt
Fiteli'te, Kev. Eiinmutl llartig. Mrs. A.
E Itudd. W D Merri un, Miss VnnMeter.
Dr S L G int. A Ilorne. Paul Si lmiinke.
Nat Adams. Geo A Wilcox, Mr Sheldon.
Mr. Guusell. Iicv Ii Penrson. Slioineni
L Levev. S M Kirkpati ick, Diyscoll.
Donald "Mc'.'iinig, William Willn-lmy.
Kev litvers, Loan Enyart. X IU-dtield.
J F Welch, Rev. J B (j recti, John Good
lett. C B Bickel, Dm Gregg. C W Seller
fy. E S Hnwley, A li Xewromb. Win
Xelson. Mrs X D ivis, Wm Fulton, Ac am
ICloos, Mrs E l Platner, M T Johnson.
Mrs Carnout, Mrs. Sterling Morton. Mrs.
Watson. Miss Morton, Mr Geo W Ilav. ke.
Mrs W T Sloan, Mrs L W. Lloyd, Mrs
S J Stephenaon. Dr. Bishop. He Johnsou
r. c , T'rs XirZt
0 P y SJ
iilJL o
I Xr ft' In i'oiv li;is tin Optician 1C
1 1
j ccht'fl Midi tc.-t iinnlii:il fl ulil
t Ik Jii'djilc
Oil'u-e ol Iowa Soldier's Heme.
Malshallti.Wli. I.i., Fib. 17, 'MS.
1'iiur. S-i 1:, Ihtir Sir: Tho
glil.-si s yotl llllliishi d lnyself nnd M'ifo
when in ('linti n, have piovin in eviry
w.-iy s itisfai t ry, and we take pleasure
II leromnifl.iliilg VoUf Wolk lllld gtltfSCH
to 1. II who luiiy be 111 need of safely and
nut coinfott for your ey sight.
'eiy lb s. 1 livi
Cm.. Mil.1 Smii 11. (' ii.iiii.ndaiit.
Mayor's Oilier, Malslmllti !l,
Novelnlier .'ild, 1MH7.
Prof. Stiassnnin has Ik 11 in our city
some six weeks or more, mid us tin opti
( i -1 1 1 ha-; given th- lust of satisfaction
wi!, ,i, 1,1 piios nud ipiality of woik,
having treated sninr (, (Ik- most dillirtilt
cas.-s of I be eyes m ilh success nud tun wit
islii d you will find him a skillful opli and a "ei;l. m.-iu.
Very 1 Ii" pi t I fully,
N'i i.soN Ami-:m, Mayor.
I'rof. Slrassiiitin, a distinguished op
tician, n-iw slopping in our city, comes
' In b ic u with the higlnt Ii slimoiiiids
j of skill and experience in his int. itt.d I
j lake plea-tire in 1 1 colnllH lid i llg 111 111 to
, my ('ii- in!.- and the public who may be
i in need of 1 1 is ., 1 in as cur en I it led t it
his nil, lid' lice. .1. il II MMi.V, M. D.
( HI II II 1 wa, low 11.
ew Eyes
The long lilt waul iu this com
munity I or sight icstolillg gill' sen is now
Silppli' tl by the s (leer In 1 optician, Prof,
A, lioiu Iletlin, (o-.n.iinv, for
U short liliic bieger ut the Kiddle house.
Tlie wnte nl vtdttable cy sight ran be.
prevented, if nut too lair, bv his correct
mode ol all meipial il ies of tho
injured eyi s In I, is vpe -ially, it is ron
ccdnl that he is the head of the profes
sion. 1. ml many of our best i-ili.i un, nnd
physiciam have been successful in ob
taining I'dii-I by the tle ol his glaM-rs:
Allen Bees. ni, )r. Scloldknct lit,
Bvi.-n Drew, S. 1. Vnnutln.
J. Valid v. jr.. W. II. Newdl.
11. Bon k, ' .Mrs. P. Kcsshr,
.Mrs. F. Johns n. Mis. p. Kcnncdv,
Mrs . E. Sige, I'. W. Sherman,
Mr. ('. Nichols, Eli Sumps' n,
Mr., Mrs. li.inkiii,
Mrs. I.evings, Mi-s Voting,
Mr. Hayes, V. Maiik' r.
Mrs. Nil-man. Piof. J.B. Wi'tcomb
(ieo. Bit' kle. Judge A N. Sullivan
.Mr. Leonard, Jmlge Chupman,
John Bobbins. Mrs. B' lifer.
Mr. Ilolschueh. G. W. Covcll,
-Mi-s .una Baker. .Mr. Elson.
Mrs. A. S.vilt, Mr. Geo. Niittcrson,
Mrs. W. D. Jotcs. M,s. J. .. Joins.
Mrs. Mate Siiiip-on, .Mr. J. ('. 'iinitiiins
Mrs. I'. I,. Wi.c, Kev. I'. W. Wittc.
Mrs. L. D. Bemc tt. Mrs. M, K'aity.
Mis. Dr. J1.0 Dr. Je. Biack,
Gen. Ihral; r, Fred floos.
J. II. Young. Mis. b. A. Plumb.
Mr. J. W. Jones. Mr. Streight.
T;!-:i-' i;s
i:;:i oak.
Dr E B Young. ' F Clark. G K Powers.
! I) B Miller, .1 li K- i vs. Mis J Sennk,Mrs
T II Dearboin. G W A C B!,:se, W
A Cio.s -. Mr.-. Aj 1 !, Mr M,chshigcr,
.1 S Wi .th. B v M( iittc. Mis Htsllcr,
Mrs. Finier. Min.kiv. I'i-v MiCullciy, Mis
Stanley. B a-Is . 01 1 ii, Mr MuK-l "holl.
Mr J. n;i s? K. v Jagg, W Staffonl. C W
Schneider, Harvey Spi v. C E Kii hards,
D.ivid Hitiis. Mr. Bold. C II banc, C M
Mills. T II Lee. Wm Koi hh r, C J Eilli
jrbeik. T M Bee. Geo I, Pb;tt. Mis L
Holvs.r. Win Dub by, O Kminels, .Airs
BS Port 1 r, I II Jla.aK mis. Mr Brotidby,
F A Gaiter, Mrs Ti ller, Mi Stoddard, E
0 Slc plc-nl. A McCotiiii il. E A Brown,
Mr Gib-oti. Mr Fike. K v J W Hainll
ton, S P Miller, Mr- I'.C i.i, ! . B E A
Simons. J V, Saul bin, Mr V-.n A I.-line,
I, F Boss, Mrs I) .v':s. Jittikin,
Tli os 1: illitli, I S ...I irtij f o Bitus, Mr.
.Meyers, P. P. .!!. n-oit, and many others
frmn the siiii'.Hniiitig coin.try.
( l.AIIIMf l.
Col W P Hepburn. r. rongi-esnit-n;
ilon T E Clark, senator; Kev Snoi.k. Dr
(.'okfliower, Dr r.ewcileu. I' W Ilalish,
1 S Mcli.tvr. A S Bailv. .1 I) Jems. B W
Kosfr, II C Beck with.' John fi!n-bv. O
A Kin.bali. Mr. '!iii-!,. ,li. V Giafr.'BeV.
-eiiv. Dr Van S.u.f, J D I!
Monzingo. Dr Miih-n, II V dwell. C..i t
V.W. J If St. r. II- 11 Wm IJ;::hr, O X
iltirdie. A T CI ii.ent. J M Ctabil). Mr
Newton. Mrs Sh iiil. lb 11 T E Clatk, Mis
bo:anz. Dr. Bower. Kev Eddy, Bavmond
Lor in. APSk' t d, J 1' Burtows, Dr
B cntt. Mrs Ells.
President of Fiist National Bank and
President d' Cteston Xaiiontd Bank;
I H, Mr D.mlin, Mrs Teed. Ed
D.-rr. K'-v Van G.-o Webster.
Miss C Wcb'tcr. M. - Mary Eck i t, Tims.
M'.Gr.ith, Ed Lewi-. Ir X Ttiti'v, Prof
Larrab'-e. C.,1 Swall. Mrs W DMoore,
W V Mcfi iid. J II Lichty. Mi Spnrr,
Dr Groves. Mr II Xewm.-iii. Dr Duii'.Hp,
Y V Patt. K-v F Vv' Eason. Mrs M Sulli
van, Mrs Ltiain-.te. Mr. Zallars. Mrs K
Duane. Miss C Eover, K E Eving. W M
Lptrr. Dr. Kevnolds. Mrs II P Snvvtr,
Mi-s Mattie Munt.. C Ilttrb-v, DO Miller,
II Blanchard. Dr S' hitfei'le, Mr B Hur
ley, Mr If unman. Mrs A M Goiv, Prof
Meyer, Dr Reynolds.
Konntor Bloom. Dr I F H.uisit, Dr.
Coppcrthwaite. M13 Dr L'e. Messrs. Par
vin, Kost. Mosier. F II Bradley, II . II
loncs, D Shin liff. p n Purdv, (Jen Koss,
Warner. Mrs F J Cox. lion PA Dcv, llev
Potter, Prof Parker. I'rof McClaire, I'rof
McUride, Prof X Ii Leonard, Prof. A O
Hunt, Trof 1 II William, Hon Sam Fuir
nl, TI S Fairal, and otLcr9.
a mm
t i
! ;