-' ' 1 X . THE D A i L V ii Eli A L I) : I'LA riSaiouTxi, xtHSKAsKA, .THUAi", OCTO lUli i 5. 16SS. i The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. i - .. i ' ' ' r . . . .ii. KNOTTS DECS., Publishers & Proprietors. THK I'LATTSMOUTII HKKALI In iiublinlieil every evpnlni? except Sunday and Wrekly every Tlmi -.day inoiiili. Itegls lered at tlie Mi-t.riire. rtaliMiiout Ii. Nelr..n Hceoml-cl.is matter. inice corner of Vine and .Fifth Mrtets. Tcicl.lione Z. TEKMS rfK UMI.V. One copy one e:ir in advance, by mail. ...; w One copy er inonlli. ly eari ier, f One copy ht Mrek, ly earlier !" TKIHH FOR WKKkl V. One onny One year, in advance One copy tlx mourns. advance 75 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. KOK I'KKMIOKNT, BENJAMIN HAKUISON, of Indian;!. Kolt VICK I'KKSIIM-.ST, LKVI T. MOKTON, of New York. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS II. C. ItUSSKLL. Colfax county. flKO. II. HASTINGS, Saline county M. 51. V.VTUAl, (J.iwi county. CIIAS. I'. IDIHNOS, Lincoln county JAMKS McNENKY, Webster county REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. yon oovkknoii. .IOIIN 31. TIIAYEK. VOK MKPTKNANT tiiiV ICKNOll. CKOIWK I). 3IKIKLKJOHN. Flt SKC'UKTAKV IlK STATIC, UILBKIM' L. LAW'S. KOK THKASl KKK, J. i:. HILL. FOB. AI'IUTOH OK IT KMC AC 'Of NTS, THOMAS II. BENTON. KOH AT'l'oItNKY OKNH1IA!.. WILLIAM LEESE. KOK ("OMMIMDNKIt OK I'l'lILIC LANDS AND , r.Lir.DiNov, .JOHN STEEN. Koi: SITKUIXTKNIH-N T OF lTKI.IC IN ktkcctio.n. HKOlUiU I - LANE. CONGRESSIONAL TICKET- rou conokkss, (First ('unxrer.si-risil Kisriict.) W. J. CONN ELI. COUNTY TICKET. Von STATE SF.NATOR, MILTON D. POLK. (OK FLOAT KKPKESKNTATIVF., 'lilrict No. JOHN C. WATSON. FOU It EPII F KNTATI V KS, N. 31. SATCHEL, EDWIN JEAKY. FOR ( nt NTV ATTORN KV, ALLEN I'EESON. FOR f'OMMISSlONKR. 1 ST. DInT. A MM I Ii. TODD. FOR SC11VF.VOK. IIEIIMAN SCHMIDT. Many a demagogue ami so-called reformer, who never labors himself eithei with brain or hand, but live oil" the in dustry of other?, isthe loudest shoutei in the cause of labor, and claims re eminence as the friend of workhigmcn. Equity. 31. IX Polk the republican niunmei for state senator is a young man it is true, but our democratic friends need build no hopes that that grave crimt(?j will inure to their benefit. The rcpubli can voters of old Cass will forgive him for being young and give him a splendid majority. The outlook in Indiana is altogether satisfactory from a Republican point ol view. Gen. Harrison has the confidence and admiration of the people in adegrei which makes success certain, and his majority will be larger than the state has ever given for any other Presidential candidate. Unless extraordinary change occurs," says the New York Htrabl, "Now York is lost and the Democracy i3 beaten." The Democratic chiefs are aware that that no "extraordinary change" can now occur except one that would be more disastrous to their party than the present conditions. 3Ir. Cleveland is serving h'S last term in :he Presidency. The reduction m price of every article on our customs li:t which is produced here in important qu intith s has been greater in the United States within the past twenty years than it lias been in Eu rope. There is no exception. The drop in pne j in every sing e instance has been greater here than tin re. The price of the manufactured portion of the aitichs clee.l as neccssrries of life i. but little greater now in this country than it is .in any other part of. the world, and this slight difference is steadily being lessened. 3Iessrs. Democrats, these arc statesmen! which none of you will dare to dispute. These facts, too, you will o!serve, knock "the studing" out of your theory that "the tari'T is a tax." Globe Democrat. l'HOtJllEsx. Notwithstanding derogating influ ence?, among them the strike being the greatest, 183 has been as prosperous a jenras Plattmouth has ever experienced; with ths exception of 18S7 more resi dences have been built than during any year of it cxistaiicee, and the sound of the saw and hr.mn.er ti ill be Leard far into the winter. Tne public impnn !mccts this season are of n character that put the finishing touches on the foundation of one of Xcbrnsk.Vd future great cities. With our city well lighted by gas, our magnificent water system, street car line, substantial sewerage and macadamized streets, Plattsmwuth may well claim a front seat among the rising towns of Nebraska. The constant and steady increase of her population, is a graifying omen of growing prestage. The improvements in the new additions to Plattsmouth speak loudly of present prosperity, par ticularly so those of South Park. A little ove a year ago a Herald representative passed over the ground where the addi tion was then being surveyed, a recent yisit finds it almost a town of itself; the building boom has not once ceased since the start and the building of houses al ready planned will reach far into 18S9. One thing that speaks vol u ins for the substautiubility of Pluttsmouth, is the f iCt. that notwithstanding her great pro gress she has not yet beeu atllieted with i fictitious real-estate boom, there being only a warranted increase in value, hence good residence lots can be bought today for from $100 to $:io0 and business lots from $1000 to u'000. At the close of 133 the Herald will give a review of the work accomplished during the year, which will probably be a surprise to those who last spring thought the strike had riddled the town. $500 Not Called For. It seems strange that it is necessary to persuade men that you can cure their discuses by offering a premium to the man who fails to receive benefit. And yet Dr. Sige undoubtly cured thousands of cases of obstinate catarrh with his "Catarrh Itcmcdy," who would never have applied to him, if it had not been for his offer of the above sum for nn in curable case. Who is the next bidder for cure or cash : 1'al'ios of tliu vtur.ir.t-uita. "Tlirro goes my vacation!" exclaimed a Norw ich working woman the other day, but uu oii'.'saw it go or could comprehend the weaning of tiso remark until felio took her plato of false teeth from Ler mouth in two (.i-ecs. With working jieoplo vacations hold iy i very slender thread. Norwich Bul etin. ; ' - Don't let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con sumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is langerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept Healthy and clear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of ISosehec's Herman Syrup. If vu don't kn'-w this already, thousands nid thousands of people can tell you rhey have been cured by it and know how it is, themselves. Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. The Daily Herald 1 K'ts. per week. delivered for What Indians Have Done. Indians in the United States last year cultivated CiT.-Go acres of land, and raised M 1.033 bv shels of wheat, 0o4,072 bushel3 of corn, rl2,V.il bushels of oats and bar- v, 524.C10 bushels of vegetables and pnd 101,&!S tons of hay. They also owned o.lJ.334 horses and mules, 111,407 head of cittle. 40,471 swiueaud 1,117,273 sheep. Chicago J.eralcL $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward fcr any ci e of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick he idache, indigestion, constipation or co tiveness we cannot cure witn W st's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictlv coHiplhu with. They arc purely vegetable, and never fid to irivc satisfaction. Large boxes mtaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. F r sale by all druggists. Beware of c mnterfeits and imitations. The gen- u'ne manufactured only by John O. We fc Co.. 82 W. Madison St. Chiciigo.aud Sold by W. J. Warrick. REASON Why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is preferable to any other for trie cure of Blood Diseases. because no oisoiious or deleterious ingredients enter into the comiositiiii of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains only tlie purest and most effective remedial properties. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prepared with -xtreu; care, skill, and cleanliness. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prescribed by leading physicians. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is for salo every v here, and recommended by all tirst-elass druggists. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine, mid not a leverage in disguise. Ayer's Sarsaparilla never fails to effect a cure, when persistently used, according to direelious. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con cntrated extract, and therefore lhe inost economical l:lood Medicine in the market. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had a suc cessful career of nearly half a century, and was never so popular as at present. Thousands of testimonials are on file from those benefited by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. rRF.I'AUF.n KY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. , Trie fl ; tlx bottle, f. Worth $5 tottla. w livll Em ray II 0 IjOA'T you know it ? Of course you do and you will want warm Underwear , Blankets, etc. Q UR Line is Unsurpassed by any other line in the city. A handsome ARIETY of Seasonable Dress Goods, Broad cloths, Henrietta, Cloths '3 Trecots, etc- YERYTIIING in Blankets, Flannels, Bed Comforts, Hosierv, Battings, that you will want. OU will not regret looking 'our different Dc )artmcnis over before purchasing It will pay you. RUGS and a Handsome Line of Car pets, Malts, Floor Oil Cloths, and Linoleum at Loir Prices. c let gin We continue to oifer SPECIAL PRICES ! and Extra Good Bargains in La dies, Children's and Misses' WRAPS Seal Plushes, Short Wraps, Cloaks, Newmarkets, Plush Spcques, Etc., Etc. Other Branches, such as FliiiiiiiiDi'ffiCnii In all varieties. Our Stock of Winter Goods Is very complete. Iiemeinher we oiier a Special 15 Per Cent Discount On All Woolen Underwear. A Call Will Convince .You, ) i mm isj 'AS A CCIL As a I. " -. ' : Sel.s i - As one poet's n - S.i. All And fiou-cn r.: bnngin! Tli A: ' needs urn : " lake liei-s it i r. . Ilor sneccii I:; i: The scepter, I: l,n I I .1 . . My Deak I. on my usual ; I want to tal'v you, so can y pair of da-s" . tho dear oh' ; always. Of course I anywhere ::: .'. ding of the ' had. It v.;.-. May, and v. in . con 'it ry to t . i . dueed ouu c! knew, hut iii i a few hours; : dermic of i,; - I i!.pt f,.r i t'n.it v.a:; p;: : and part ly I s suiTc-ring. When I ir. realization i : wiiero I was, anything 1: present stato further I r.i::. My friend. : lif moii fir a l" had reserved ; . rooms imiMi drawing rou;. . from t ho dr.: .. uof)rs and le-. library, woi s iusl ailed. !!; again was 1. : ing closet, c: . . extremely eo:.. Witli i-iy dreamy remen.!.: " watcher lie.r : eyes I was 1' ' any part of . which slie L. . vacant, and I tho had gone and I could ; : open the do:.! 1 bo that my I lllUrit IkiA v. seeme d to wai. sciousiiess c'i' ! knew also tS;:- -looked towar I ' kouio one sitil.:. Siio made no ; ; louder, "Naaiii meat to show looked v,-ith i ! liglit, anil tli! ; nie, but a Kti- -never seen. :v.: . ill the 1::;; fi:' unfamiliar, I ' face turned ; looking sir.::., earnest gaze '. . for her tro:i'.s . deed, the wh ' face was ext ; : she had b'. . :; folded on !:: i lay bad; i:i 1 .'. of the deepe..' light enougii f.-.-very beautifu'. greatly who s at all wonder '; Presently t!;e 1 1--: it did, grow l! turned i.iy eye doors, shade:! ' were gone! e.nd length of the windows, heuv" damask of oi l sufOeioutly di . to the farili'-. t note every p::: my lovely . medium hei:;.. that t;ha was 1 ' . which was uy.. : . broad, rather I up and tied wi, her proudly veiled the v. I:: . tho round fair: the elbows, nr. . silk gown si. her lovely kk'..: light, she v.i.s . Suddenly I : sea blue eyes. : welcome, :'.::i : sav. cntc;-'.!:.; i niuu i;i nuvi.i . . closed behind iv . s l.iiii quickly, heil out to : love was m )-'. 1 ent over t':. tlicra lingerir;. fore her, with n ho t:.i;:e:l very knev fror.i 1.. ; Bailor was he ' power to giu:: . was to be f.s t : tend or word e : his he-art :zv"i ing weary u;o:.: and saiilod o.i 1. left her h:i:i: - 1 .. . her from Li i J : her, but I cu;:. -givo him v. 1. . . heart grew vcr . great sorrow, cl-J. : no word nor st-v strange way ki:. lier. when at la e "And this i - : only this? Nat to keep my hear, cad in perli;.; , . that ara all in i: .. . lovel Ouly 1L1: keep thee, my .; come back, thc:.l Th3 grand, pr . fhona iu his cLii!: i uovezient ho l one kiss on her tv. Lurried from th? r As tho heavy c fair girl, weepiv; ' her pretty hariii . call to him to c. ti . i - i ,'I'lii 1 ,od nro ,a a; ! crown. .: icy. s iTting ; I go with ' " 'a :.::i at Vtiurs ;:ono ' bid 1 ever i- f..r l'linii i in- i,.-ver ; lor it'." po i.'ilK! ...:,ic:d - t a : i:t:d want i" my . -oing ..its. :!ian- : 'Use, . eral l.'.rgo ,:. oif 'ding ; as u 1 was : this half ! ving my . ;oV! .ir iu was 1 hat i. me, i left ..o:n, . her. . f.n-1 id I V I cing .:de!" .it ile .)e . I ilim . . :n- ; had ' i:ig . !ly i.'-r . l'.- .'.:J. thy ; in , .civ ;h"i .v 'vas " red . Hot i'lher n!y 1 l.'ing i !:ev ; the ::-.ut -nd vine . :.: dl o of . .. of ' sir, li'T vd .:. Of lica vtr .-. m . ; ich i of i de- . . her s f f . I I :.d j -: h , l.e . -Mi I, i i '.3 : t.: r . :...t .'so i :-.c:p i - - i . . '. :l j 1 11 '..vo . ::vt : r.jy : '.-.trd . '.-o:uo ; to mo . ..::.ts : :, if i ; p ltd . ...Ica :. laid i and ; s'-i the ' . out . i to iiho i i -at To.j hde! lid him what ho had asked. tvasi ponel She sank nlmo.st fainting it pen a sola, and after a little whiln IL d.x-c opened again and I raw enter u yoiin;; nriu not the samo but another. This iMtfnl.-.o wiii hi a dress of some inilit: ry f.. hi-.ni. v. i:h l.ij swin-il girded round uboul luru, mid ho "- ---ft was us fiiir as tho o'.!:! i- 1 and 1 perceived, too, that l!. ! l'a'ltit likeness between the t v. -I wondered wa t thia o:io t-.o ,., tho wars, like the old i'.uighi-i, loocomo to say farewell tot luvi'd? and which of 1 1. love? She looked tip as be -:u:i lier eyes were si reaiiii:"; 'il!i i ho Mining to her hide t.vl !' knees before her and laid l.i young faeo in her h::n Is, i i liow crc.'.t hob:-. ;.ho!i him. niaidv that a strong man lark, I :1 nn homo b". '!" 11 1 f. if:: olf Id had hu ;o riil ho two ::d :d r.i. Tlieil il on his hi :ti. t il'td I I could HO II is nut 1111- hli 'M.l Weep ;;i'ii.l'; i! ml CTeat 1 !,.. . i i i nil.:.. sometimes. 1 ma.eh.'il how uu uus bliould end. Well she gave this one nothing either onlv tears and smiles, as to the other, and when he had kit l.-r f ! wrung her hands, on which 1 h.-nv t lie i ich jewel flashing with all their lovely colors, ami fled found fro throii'rh t he gr it room in u"onv, but with ic all 1 1 e.-r.l mi word, n sound of weeping, llor Moali then it all laded away t::i doors and Iho heavy curt ;:. again in tho dim, shade! went to hie: p wonderi:.;,' v- h and who the.-o wen: to .; I ! knew that this was a l!i:;! ; ; pened once in that very rou' i l:i t lie morning v. J - :i my with my Ijreakf.it I t 'i 1: is it, that in nil tie- never told mo the s.tors c : tlii.s house? I thour.'i: about -ill vov.r old I i 1 1 bears n:s v.cil as i here's evident ly a il.ii you must Jiave a story So then I told h-r v. asked her who t In ' v.'. ro I ha! ;:' thus to their old haunts. "Vou'r.) ;.(!i-e you raw iM tl.i-'.' it. couldn't have been" "The morphine? Not u !.ii now I know you've found see it," for she looked cuv a moment, and then u far came into her eyes as if she to recall some !i;!i, half for. I was becoming tonr-what when ielio Midd-idy "cei::e bai 'Pard'!! i!e, but, now 1 thh didn't it si l ike y :i tliat you v. . out of place? that i.i l.ut, i. fce-1 as if you oii;r!du't to bf tin ., iiiiikllo of all that sentiment, i ete.V" ".Not ill the U-l'.l . It never 1 ;; 1 !'! , 1 o t il I ,.:t I ha : ant. . !'. I ; :.ap- eanid , h,)-.v l han i with . . hiiif I foi'- r, but r . and si. :.:-d tho ii; i.'od MolV, I 1 I:.o for away look. :c I ( 1 1 itl'f ii : c n t iiin.''. lent 'syin: :;!. i' il, . lalher .n'l, yo:i .) i:i tho e:.i'.'. ion, o:ieo oc curred to l.:e to lh::d; of i and I fanevthat with the! i moro conseiou.-.ues-; d' i :y j with mo tiif-i'c ;v..i l.i re- sound of their voice.,; thou If t lie a!!, i no : ; ; (hull .... i ;.i i it or i no h I :-"(.;, Hd to dl occult seieliCe, ;t cf il, I eonld lt clear to You know what they were 1 likin.:,' about. I was simply outside of their consciousness." "Xow, if I wore up in Buddhism, and the i make tho whole tl.i and" "More likely to make it miJi. r than ever to both of us, 1 should .s.iy." Sho went on, calmly ijuori.r; my sar castic comment: "I haven't th" smalh-.-.t idea .what 'as tral bodies' may be, but th.it i.i probably what you saw, the astral bodies of kouio poor creatures that are j;ivc:i a sort of panto" v. naiever iii'-y were, r !: tv not have been," f i:;! en-iipt d. hotly, "the fact e:;i..ts l'..r i t!; present, for me 1 sa.r .h-:-:lv have told vou! and that ( . bodies, or any ether !, that Irive lived' and havu fcred too, I am entirely ; is tpiite enouyrh to lai-n r.i tiiem. iso, ii you story! and if they v t hey that I saw I know il , 1 hen the family history th'. "Ion e vi l "i'i 1 .no'-, ere X hi ;, : :oh r i, . . '.".in; , i , I v.: !'f i a: d . u !i:id or may l-tther . V '.'.(! . wi.at li ; ;.-.tral -..' t:re:i :;.! s".f-..dllat I . oi I.' eople, l dou't I v.sir that, they who take no delight iit theiieedd of their ancestors will not ! likely to earj much for tho doings of th .; deeeudaaia nicbt.'" "'I lie noble deeds it is. my friend; and they whom I haw last i i.-;!it never did any deed you hhould In; loath to 1; now or to tell. Corny imw, b- ;.i;i. My cciT-.a was life restoring and tho ro'.l.s bJ for goddesses and I am huiij'.rin h,r other i : t v.- ii t.:'.;o. i ;( rve of "Well, we are not fie ourpho:-;ts; in fa t I had we had ever had cne, j ius which is it? a wholo such as you sent to i. However they sc":i to ! their confidence, ho it mu complete tin biiKiniT.-, 1, key to it. But keep i; io "In -reat -;rreat -," rand !'. r cswitter's tim; in Ib.l!.. so fur b.i'.!: for i sv b.-'r; slim crew v.: b ;.( n .' : Trench family that ha.d J! during ti.o reii:p.-jus p i. friencisuip was handed o i to ;.;r.-at mother Magdaienl jo yo.i la.y.v mean?" I nodd d. "And to hor 1-vh:; care- av.! rr.i hhip was l.-ft a v ry l.-raut ii.il maiden who came inio tho l'r and was i i all respects a dait.thtcr of th-; house, l.er pre; ty iai;.i,- v.'a:, Isabel Bar berine. Sho was k:.ov. u ir.ivcr- lly a' 'ia Lobe L.ai-oc-nue,' at. 1 wdih leas-.a; bat ::r of ten lv.'s Lhen : vo d i ''ovei-ed. i-:-ve f'. ven y -i -.: b'i lawful to ( ivinsr you tbsj yo':r., li'l her vr-i .tchlect- ! 1 I !..17.; to co ad.-.'C- a I i ii ;al- i..i ii a: d a i i.:l Holland tio.a;; , yreuU v.L o I .)'.; l;V Vou; here I lied not tell yj;t t seta her; her portrait v.a: very dress you d: sen be" So that v.a:; why I ?; i "She was a bit of a and fully enjoyed all rreat beauty and l.er ch t pired. though h'uc- f - -rood and generous of a ... tier almost counties .3 (ruished two, tho two y.; iasupcrable di;ri'."'i:' v in choice b;'.we";i i;:c;a; ir iiapojsible. T! not kiio'i- whie. lor yo i bavo paiaicd iu tlu : v: I -, !:n-.w her! '.' " a 'ia ! :!,' tie d vu'.i A r ::;: of mt.nac:' y.M 1 l ave boc.'i 1 v. i'k i.A. A' ie-i" a. tor.; t a cliitin- f .;.'. iihv had tec. I. i.. h'eriied g-iil act::ailv did .rd Left. Bvidl the laws of counterpart s tho should havo loved the dark raan. cud homctiiucs so thn did; but then the fair laddie was so beau tiful! So v.-iuuius' and sweet ! How v.-c ehe to help lovi-ac Liui'f And t o tho did love hLoi, and Lo'loved htt- so dcvotedlv. "How could ehe ever break 1 i-? he-i? And eo it went oa itiiiil the taikr lever had to joiu his buvj aui ro to .s.oa r.ui tho poor the 1: fair haired bov was c rc.orcu to caty i j . .--w IVJ lii-J I.Ui. inc ia which all their hearts wi ro brok' a and when all that either could win from la hello" was that tho Wuvdd civo her fair self to the one w ho fchovdi c a:e btc!: taker? Di'in't 1 say it wa3 dttih-- tctii war or other? Ivolutiouary cr ileii can" ."Iran! they vrcro a cccttzry apart!" "So they were it mu.-;t havo ben tVn revolution with what a Jiao :-t rep:i.: tioa do wo eav 'tho r-jvoiutlou;' &i i' there had been but on ea t v. j did it! of couisa It was the revtiulita J.ud tLj r C i i n y It i 4i