The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 25, 1888, Image 1

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A. !'. i ol'lt. iSi'in., - - I'itlsi.u ilth
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A. li. Ui - h-mv..u'l
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I.Vi.H l-OUtt8 iNj. II'!. 1
i. O. K. -Meets
eacli Wfrk. All
V .'rv T.ieiiilHV evni!i4 of
are rpe:ifuily iuviied to
"JI .ATTMOtiril KNl'AJI PM KNT o. :i. I. O.
O. K.. meets every ntLernate Friday In
each iiionlli In tli M;iiiiic Mali. Visiting
ilrotln-rs nre iiivited to hIUmii!.
rilKlO I.OIM'I- N. . A. (). L). V. Meets
every aUeraaia Prlday evening at K. of I.
trill. Transient forotlier are lespectf iilly lu-
v leil t.tiiltiiii.l K.J. .MoiMi.Mali;rYiiKiii:ui ;
V.i l'.rmvn. Koremau ; i. II. venisf;r. ovei
Mvr: K. A. Taite, Kiii:iih:Iit ; ii. K. lloiii'e
wortli. KecorJer ; M. AI bi i;:it. lieeeiver j
J. H Smith. I'a; t M. W. : I. .. Bowen, !uia ;
1. J. Kiiiiz, Insile Watch.
' 'f A!i!i:ri.: t Mt'etn ecii'-il ;t.!-l foiii'tll Mvil
.t :tv eyi-.ii K. f I. li.Ui. All transient
lrit !ler at -- I l ii fM!lce il". Ij. V iter. V. !! .usiil ; i. r", N. !..,
V, .iiii.y A.lviM-r ; S. r. Wii-le, HmiKlt ; W. A.
ISotCK, Ci
l it !,.';::'. N s. a.o. l. w.
cry ;. il r:i:iie rn-lay evriiinn at
Koeiwn.t.l a! s o'clneK, All transient Imiil:-
are re-i-.Ttfn'iy ii.viti'it ut a!!e;i.l. I.. H.!, M. v. ; K. Huy.l. Kor.-ii'an : C
Viht. U'T 'i ii r ; l.ts iii ml Auilerson. i iverf 'i.
ii. V T S "MOT; I'll I.ODCK N. . A. K. ."i A. .M.
A JI. -i ts mi t'.nr lirt-t an.l Sliir.l Mmuiays uf
each mniill; :ir i li ir lu-li. All liiiusierl lir.itii
eri are coP.i;al!y in-; iieil ti im-et Willi n-:.
J. (1. Uu-ii kv, V. M.
Wm. Hats. Stnvlary.
t.' KHI! siv rilAlTKR-
XO. C, K. A. M.
Tuesilav of eaull
iileels seeouil and I.ttilt!'.
iiionlh at .MasnnV Hall. Trausei.-nt orutiiers
nrn Invited to meet wit!i us.
K. K. Wiiitk, II. P.
VM. Havs, Seeretiuy.
Mei-lrf nrst ami third Wednesday nitrht of
aeh niootli at .M iso i's liall. Visiiin
ire cordially invited to meet villi us.
Vs. Hays. Uee. K. K. Win in, E
meet the nccond and fourth Mondays of
ach iir.iiith at Arcaniun Hall.
K. Is'., IJejjeut.
P. C. Minok. Secretary.
plIttsjyiouth BOARDOFTRADE
Presi.'.eiit ltoltt. li Windham
Ir. ice Presideut A. 15. Todd
ii'id Vice President Win Neville
r'rer;irv K- Herrinanii
Treafiirer F. li. (.iuihmaii
I . I; KUTOftM.
.1. '. T.'it jiev. F. J:. Whii". .1 C. Patterson,
,f. A ' 'i- it-r, 'X J'.'-ti.O. W. Slieiiiian, V !"i
a r, J. V. ( - -.l.
33 r
- i f.K.
-3 a. A. R.
. .('o'-llilHMd'T,
-i Vice
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ll -i-.V Sil-K.
;;i r
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C-!KI.HS l'-'HIt
A'!)KVN FllV. ..
I vi' i.: i. -!'. MAS.
L. '. I H V
i:iceri-f the liiiv.
" t uard
Vprjjt Major.
ir'f r .M:L-'er Seivt.
Po.t cuaplaiii
v evenltii
Vti"i:r -:ii:u"
Dt.E- Writ's Xcre,iid Bruin Treating-.!
K'j:rnnte aperi'lc lor Hvsteriu DlMiuess.
CoiiVaWll". Fit. Nr-rvou N?u.-j!la, ll-.'ad
-ii. Nerveou" Prosirvtloti cnuwu hi iheut
( fclcniijd or tohat-co. Wakt f a! lies. ieilt.;l Ie-rre.-di',
Joltt'rlnc of the Kratn rei-uliing in in
finity aud igdiiu; t tuicry. decay and dealh,
-xrnitur oia Atf. 1'arrenues. 1jk v( Pw-
i.icilhrr fiivoiublivry InrM iiu Siwr-
ia4 rr'ia'a caus-u ly ovrp-exertloii ! hf
tir uii. itf3nuse orov-r-iuuiuj;eiice. r.aen itox
t'oi'viuiuwimirtir treatinriil. SI io a liox
tr b-ir t't i.w, srDt by mail prepaid or
r-lit ft print
T ire anv eae. With fcu-U order received
ty ua f r wtx loxe. aecomjtaii ed lth$.Soo
-ev.ill scu-l tli puri-li.tiiT our liiten eu.tran
tt in r.-S'irn the n"ity 11 thB r-itir,eiit .li
fi'- ! KJ '"'e. itt:irante Uid im!y l
V i!l 4. i iiiT'Cii -!; a nt. P!;.tt.iiiiiilli. Nel
Choicest Brands of Gigars,
including our
Flor do Peppcrbcrgo' and 'Buds
always ia stock. Nov. 26. 18S5.
Sherwin & Williams mixed paints, tl.o
test ia the market, at Fricke & (-'o's. drug
tore. S-tf.
an liwan AajIuui A
S"ri.niH 4iietioi.
Tho fjMfstioii reeently raised ly cs
patients (if mi insulin nsylum, whether
all) K-oplo are ever kept t hero after cure
lieeaiisu cruel relatives will not take- tho
I'-al measures neresisary to jjet tlieni out,
h.i-i ruiisixl a ptxxl ileal of talk. Kveiy
villajfo has its iinfortuiiato, who is
pointed out us a whilom luadiuau or mad
woiuaii. A tcrriltiu name it is to hear,
too, lor never ean roino tho day, this Kido
of tin? f.-ravo, when "lie who has .meo he-n
into the dark v.dlcy is safe against a pos
sible rel urn. lie is always a subject of
Mi.-.j.irion and knows it, and if to this
knowIi-dju ia added 1 !ie In-lief that ho was
locked up wrongfully Ids position is
douhly jalliii.
A reporler asked a younr doctor who
has served his timo in the asylum wheth-
r sane peoplo wen? ever kept there when
they outfit to lm at liberty.
'That is it very delieat question," ho
said, "and veiy hard to answer. The
dividing lino between sanity and insanity
is very narrow and very faint sometimes,
and it is a very delicate matter to say
when a person has crossed it. Sorr.o
times a patient will ho iollv and anna-
rent ! wmo for mouths and then sud
denly fall back inly tho depths perhaps
into the dangerous itayo of lunacy. It
may bo laid down as a safo rule that u
man who has been once insane may bo
como so i;un, especially if worried nnd
fretted, mid facts like these must enter
into uny discussion of tho question you
liavo asked.
"Now it frequently happens here, as at
all asylums, that a patient reaches the
state so close to a euro that it would bo
hard to say that ho was not all right. IIo
Ix-gins to fret over his conlineineut, and if
ho could be taken out and not worried with
i no cares wihcu inviirianiy accompany a
bat tlo with tho world, he would bo far
'j-tter oir, perhaps, than under the nag
ijiutf influence of tho bolts and bars,
which ho knows in an asylum t-tand be
tween Lim and liberty. To send such a
Ulan out into the world and compel him to
liyht for himself would bo cruel. Nine
times out of ten he would bo back again
very soon, and much the worse for hav
huj left the asylum. Now that is the
class of cases which has undoubtedly
been brought to public attention, and
some of t hem are sad enough. I will say
this: that if tho medical staff of an asy
lum is satislied that a patient is thor
oughly cured cured to well that he or
sho can face the strain of a battle with
life no heartless relatives would be able
to keep that patient imprisoned."
"Dut how about inebriate patients?"
asked the rejiorter.
"Well, t hey are a sort of exception to
tho rulr" said tho doctor. "Many a
man is kept in an asylum who is perfectly
sane, who, if he were allowed the liberty
of the outside world, would be sure to
drink to excess. Tho insanity of drink is
in him. Such a man, I think, is better
behind asylum walls." New York World.
Vork of a Hotel C liaiiilierauticl.
Tho hotel porter has to movo and lift
some heavy baggage. But ho has an occa
sional rest. It is on the muscle and sinews
of the hotel chambermaid that the heaviest
and longest labors fall. There is one on
my floor who has an average of thirty
five rooms to attend to every day. That
ineais for each room bed making, sweep
ing, dusting, sheet changing and looking
after tho toilet requisites. The house
keeper has a sharp eye, is eternally vigi
lant, and uot a room is slighted. Cham
ber work doesn't lock hard, but it's very
wearing. I think the man of overage
strength would look tired after ho had
bent over his fifteenth bed and tucked the
sheets in properly.
Every otlur morning this girl must
arise at 4 and sweep the parlors. She can
escapo from tho house and her toils every
other day from 4 In the evening until 7
next morning. Tho remainder of the
time, when not asleep, sho is on tho move.
Sho is of the muscular draught horso
breed, and, though not over 20, her
shoulders aro bent like a Low from years
of stooping over beds while making thein
np. Sue feings at her work, and tells us
that sho never could got through it if sho
did not sing. She will bo an old, over
worked woman In ten years. A fresher,
younger "help" will supply her place
when she tumbles out of the ranks from
sheer exhaustion. None but stout girl;
can endure here. Tho landlord naturally
and reaouably wants the strongest girls,
for tho tauio reason we want tho strong
est hordes to draw oi:r loads. Prentice
Mulford in New York Star.
Tor Iler Precious Welfare,
"narry. shall I wear a veil out riding
with you this evening"
"No. dearest ; take my advice and don't."
Why Loir'
"Maude, you hava been eating onions."
"Why. Harry I"
"It is only for your precious welfare
that I speak. Suppose your breath should
get tangled up ia your veiL You might
dio of bullocaiioa." Merchant Traveler.
Something CatcUlnff
Tho amateur photographer and the
burglar havo very taking ways, and there
ii undoubtedly something catching about
tho policeman and th fisherman. Hav
5tr"s Bazar.
There Was a Little I Joy.
Tommv is fond of sugar and asks his
moiher for
and butter.
sigi:cd, but
s' nio to eat with his bread
Shr refuses. lie appears re
adds gravely: "You know.
mamma, what happened round
ner. There was a little boy.
tho cor
and his
mother would not give him any sugar on
his bread and butter, and and and next
day ho fell Into the well." Chicago Jour
The Frenchman' Compliment.
A Frenchman of this city having re
ceived the photograph of a lady asked a
friend what was customary under the cir
cumstances. "Compliment it," replied
the friend. "Tell her its beauty is very
rare." "1 beg to make zee acknowledg
mong, madam." ho said to her at their
next meeting "Zco beauty of madam ia
vair scarce," Bingham ton 'Republican.
PlattsmoutfJ Street Railway Timo
i Tabic.
; li.avi. vaki.i.i:y k
ii. in., S:-0 a. in., l::it) a. in., 11:40
a. in., 12:40 . in.. :i:2" p. ni.. r,::'A) p. in.
i LEWI-; Tin am vim: stukkih
' 7::0 a. in., S:"i() a. in., 10.11 a. in.. 12:0.1
p. hi., !;:: p. in. 4:o0p. in., 0:10 p. in.,
:.10 a. in., for switch, i tt in ning " to Tth
ami Vine at 7:1 0 a. in.
One fare (tive cents) will Ik; chnigul
for round trip, leaving Seventh I
. V ine at lSiOp. in. ami ri tin ning at :J:"i0
I ...
I p. in. from west end of line.
Fhank ('Aiiid Tii. Fns.
O. II. Bali.op, MVk Director.
Platt-nsouth, Nl., Oct. K, lss.
COUCH! and COUGH! c-nci COUCH!
What in the world is the reason you
will cough and keep coughing and still
keep trying infirior medicines when
positively relieve your cough nt once?
This is no advertising scheme, hut an
actual fact, and we guarantee it. S.dd
by O. 1. Smith & Co., druggists.
Donnelly, the popular Gents Furnisher
and Hatter, lnis the most complete line
of Underwear, Hosiery and Glovts for
fall ami Winter we i r, in the city. Beat
this in mind. If
fok sai.k. A good span of matched
ponies for sale, they are a number one
buggy team. Enquire at this office. tf
The finest bedroom sets can be found
at II. Boeck's.
Nice house and half block, only 3
bl ticks from high school. Only $ llOO
a decided bargain.
19 10 W. S. Wwe.
Joe. the one price clothier, believes on
the good old motto, "quick sales and
small profits." Joe is always Inisy sell
ing goods. tf
Plenty of feed, Hour, graham and
meal at Ileisel's mill, tf
You query why from home I gof
Why "bout the town I rove i
The reason why is plain, you know,
We've got no Oakland Stovk.
lm Buy one of Johnson IJkos.
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the titv.
Blow ! Blow your horns,
We've not the slightest fear !
You cannot beat the Garlands
You blow a thousand years.
lm For sale by Johnson Bros,
I he standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pill"; they never
disappoint you. CO pills 25c. At war-
rick's drug store.
Joe. the oiifi iriee clothier, is sellinc
T 4 , f-
the geuuine Chicago hat with the Chicago
Brand in it at S2.2. Every hat war
ranted, tf
allow their children to cough and strain
and cough ancl culmly sav: Oh I it is
only a little cold." and keep giving them
cheap and dangerous medicines, until
they are down with lunsr lever or con
sumption, when thev can be so easily re
SYRUP? It has no superior, and few
equals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co.,
For rent house of four rooms, one
block from Hifh School. Inquire at
this office. tf
Remember you save 21 cts.
dollar by trading with Elson
Price Clothier.
Treatment of V.liooplnj- Congh.
Tho value of Mobin's treatment of
whooping cough by sulphurous acid is re
ceiving strong continuation from many
sources. Dr. Manly, ia Tho Practitioner,
expresses the opinion that, if it was car
ried out in every case, at tho end of six
months the disease would be unknown.
The method used bv him is as follows:
The patient is In tho morning put into
clean clothes and removed elsewhere. All
his. clothes and toys, etc., aro brought
into the bedroom, and sulphur is burnt
upon a few live coals in tho middle of
the room. Tho fire is allowed to remain
in the room for five hours, and then the
windows and doors are thrown open.
The child sleeps in the room the same
evening. About twenty-live grams (a
little under an ounce) of sulphur to
every cubic meter may be burnt: this is
equivalent to rather more than ten gi-aius
per cubic foot. Tho other room is fumi
gated in a like manner during the night:
the patient practically living in an at
mosphere of diluted sulphurous acid gas
for some days, while in several cases tho
process is repeated at the end of a week.
Plan for a Young Writer.
A young writer should not expect to be
paid for the first articles he writes. He
Is lucky if he gets them into print at alL
It is useful to him to havo them printed,
for an article in type has a diilere-it look
from an article iu'manuscript, and faults
and defects that a writer might overlook
Li wrilten copy are made plain i:i the
printed sLeet. The test plan fvr a young
writer Is to epoil n good m&ny 6heet3 ef
paper tetcio he thinks or t-ving cny
tliin at til put into print. Whoa he has
writ ton scrething which ho thinks is
really good enough to lie i:tircstir:g to
ike puwlie, lct him mlco Iii- first cperi
meats with pri'-itcr's i . Jf he has sos:c
ifcing t3p-r.y tint 1 -wct'th earing, a.I
fG.vs it ia tii tit re rt! re vrrv. Lo v. ill firx
ueens cf getia-g
if i.c-' a taae. "W.
Lis t'.rt:cl.3 pr.iJ ft;
IL IL" hi The Wilier.
Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which M the
fountain if health, by uiinir Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery, mid Rood dlueelion, a
fair akin, buoyant npirltn, and bodily health
and vitro r will bo eMubliHlieil.
Golden Medical Discovery curs all humeri,
from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption,
to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Ks
pecially has it proven it ttlicucy In curing
Fait -rheum or Tetter, Kc7.ema, Krysipelaa,
Fever-sores. Hip-joint Diseane, Hcrofulous
Korea and Swellings, Knlarrev: Glands, Goi
tre or Thick Keck, and Ijttlnjr bores or
Golden Medical Discovery cures Consump
tion (which is iscrof ula if the Luntru), by its
wonderful blood - purifyinu, inviKoratinK',
and nutritive proiterties, if taken in time.
For Weak Luiiks, Hpittinjr of Jtlood, Phort
ni'M of lircath. Catarrh in tiio Head, Itron
ehitls. Severe Couifba, Asthma, and kindred
affections, it is a sovereign remedy. It
promptly cures the severest Cougis.
For Torpid I-iver, Hiliousness, or "Liver
Complaint, ' Dyspepsia, and indication, it la
an uixHjiialcd remedv. Sold by drugif IsU.
Price f I.uu, or mix bottles for $5.00.
o fS
r r
1 O o -
0 2 W r
hi s
W 7
K. R. Wl.VIIlIAM, .lol'N A. Daviks,
Notary Public. "Votary rublic,
Attorneys - at - Law.
Oflice over p.ank f Ca-.s County.
Platts.moutii. - - Nkp.k.vska
H.&. M. Time Table.
No. 1. 5 :l(i a. III.
No. 3. (i :40 p, in.
No. 5 li :47 a. 111.
No ".--7 :."' p. in.
No. !i I? :I7 p. in.
;ni: k.s".
No. 2. 4 i. iii.
No. 4. M a. !n.
No. C 7 :i.'' n. in.
No. 10. Ii H3 a. in.
No. 11 U ;'.'7 a. in.
A'l trains run daily by wavof Oieaha. except
Nos 7 and s which mil to and f re in t'ehuiler
daily except Sunday.
No. .Ki is a ft iih to Pacific Jiuition at s Sua in
No. 19 is a stub troiii Pacific .liuictiou at I In. in.
Steers and He'fers,
On.TM'ti and Tlr- y:irs ltl. u-:.- Ki: v,i,
hans-ts ; .suitable for reedinj; or ltiitg;nsi.
Awlo Stocli Cfttilo.
Will tell on lime to l art'is ni:.!:iM Erst-clas
pan- r ; aiiiiress :
K. I:. (;i;i.ME-i. Kiowa, JCas., or
V. 15. GKl.MKS, Kansas fit y, .Mo.
Everything necessary for furnishing a
house can be purchased at II. Boeck's.
Dont go to Omaha when vou want
to get your beautiful parlor and bed
room sets but go to Iltnry Boeck s fur
niture emporium where vou can get every
thing in the furniture line that will go to
make your home beautiful and comfort
able; ami above all you can get it cheap.
Remember that he who sells most can
sell cheapest.
Is the reason people will not, can not, or
do not sec any difference in cheap nos
trums put up by Cheap John houses or
irresponsible parties at uioimnus ndits.
rather than take a medicine of world
wide reputuation and one that is giving
universal satisfaction at equal pi ice? No
medicine in the wo Id is giving such un
paralleled eatisfa tion for pniifving fie
BLOOD MAKER, and ever bottle that
does not do its v oik will cost yon noth
ing. For sale 1 v O. P. Smith Si Co.,
A. S. E.
Members of the N". A. S. E. will please
meet at tin ir room, Saturday evening at
8 o'clock. A fi 11 attendance is desired.
as business of importance is to be trans
acted. By order of the Past Grand
Because he had no Gxr.T.ASD Stovk.
Buy one of Joutcson Euos. sept22-dlm.
Send your job work to the IIkkai.d
office. .
Special care lufcen in cultivating lung
power, removing voice from throat.
Of Omaha, formerly of Washington,
D. 0. Terms, reduced, per lesson, oOcts.
Address Box S32, Plattsmouth P. O.
j" Q IK
-sWJ-w..i..tMi a
niy u
1 110 i
If EcP
TJziLl l-Toveanbor 1st.
1 Eg Iteti, Fiialile,
Ami Won't ()
Tlie I'ou;- -Man's Frienu. X
I Vices ! X,.
i iio
JOE will sell yon Ucttcr (iumls IV.r Less .Mmicv tl :in vmi
can lifxl in I'lutt.-iixniili.
A Word to ie
Tho importarca of tho roeults cf Has rrt:icr.t political campciien. can no'. Yy&
overestimated by those who desire the f.ucce.-. of the Bc-jitiicdn party. Ihn
Democrats, besides the "Solid South," arc, in t!io NorUi ir.trenchod behind
Toreasfwoilss of public ratroiage. Iz -wiil Uiko stoacly, earnest, and united
worlsto diilodgs ttem. No hing vrili so t-aiely bring atDut tliat stewy, ear
nest, and united work as the circulation of sound political literature, and OF
LY NEWSPAPEil. Speeches and documents arereil ty iie few, and wben
read are laid aside; tha neWi;pap?r is tho fa-aside f .-lend, the trusted family
companion. Its i 3 continuous, constant. Tho Republicans can not
aid their paity better than ty circulating
It is a live Republican ITatVipapc-r, and has been faithful among the faithless in
Chicago. No man has ever questioned its soundness on the platform, because
the principles of the pla form have been advocated by TUB INTER OCEAN
MARKETS FOR AMERICAN PRODUCERS have been its battle crios from the
beginning. I; did net tako it six weeks to ascertain whether it could Litand on
the platform or not.
Republicans have done much to aid in the inculcation of ftlse politic 1!
doctrines ty patronizing papers tfiat r,dvocato them. Why should they do :-o
when they can avoid it by subscribing for THE INTER OCEAN, which is
acknowledged to be
The Best and 7Yls Reliable Hespafer
Published in Chicago? In en'erpTis. mws, editorial ability, and evAnAhint"
that goes to make A is uruzceUed 07 any of
Its contemporaries.
Every Republican ought to subscribe for it.
Every workingman ought to subscribe for it.
It is the paper for all classes cf patriotic people who b2l:evo in protecting
the homes of America.
You can subscribe through your n3Wsdealer or postmaster. It you aro
unable to do that send direct to the office of publication. Sample copigs aro
always cent on application. Addross
fcgiWtfrffifrlrafeaMSfc -
iach copy contains a Patter iBntn entitiir.'
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