The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 24, 1888, Image 4

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    THE DAILY HERALD ! i'LA-xS!uJVTti iStlAX&A, WgrAlfES.DAV, OCT&BLll 24. 16SS.
Tne Evening Herald.
A. Kallobarjr. beatM, UwV wood ItmlUluf,
Or. onSra In (irring'it llrux Ktor, Il-
drare for. Ulh (iranltr, Trl-ihone So. 12.
Ir. WltUir. the Palalr llratNt. IhIom
Hlorkt airr Krlrke'a lru More, PUttmoulh.
"The Anlilnnd IUI1'- WnU the talk
in tlie city toiny.
A full report of the concort given
lat night ly Miss Paul, willl appenr in
tomorrow' issm-.
There will le a mctting of the S't.
Luki-n Guild flewing society at t lie resi
deuce of Mrs. II. H. Burgess, :jnl street,
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
There will be a regular meeting of
the Bund of Hope, Thurmlay afternoon, at
4 o'clock, at (i. A. IC. hall. All inemlwrs
try and bo present, ami any wishing to
become member?.
J. Duke Murray, G'-ncnil advance
a"cnt for "Milton Nobles" was in che
f ity last night completing arrangement
for the advertising of his compmy on
Monday night next, Oct. iO, in Mr. No
ble's own drama "L-'ve and Law."'
We are sorry to learn that our new
tea man has been lihtly "under the
weather" for the hint two days. The
cause we attribute to the horrible stench
arising from the olel sewer left open in
front of his store, which he is obliged to
Messrs. B-iker, Fricke, Watt Holmes
and Antill leave the city today for Hiu
tons lake. Iowa, where they intend to
hunt the featuered tribe fur a few days.
They have provided themselves with a
liakcr and it is not probable they will
think of their Holmes until they bueceed
in tilling their frickle. An till then we do
not txpect to see them.
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion will have a formal opening of their
rooms tomorrow evening Oct. '2. Mr.
IX li. Smith and J. II. Waterman are
a committee on programme umi,tiny ti ll
us to come aud see, then we w ill know
what will be there. As 'tis free, and uo
collection taken, we will surely go. Let
all turn out ami show the young men we
appreciate their efforts for the welfare of
our young men.
C'leone De Forest Daniels, a promi
nent elocutionist of Omaha, and a grudu
ate of Margurite W. Morton from "Phil
adelphia school of Oraiory," is at present
in the city. She is ready to receive pu
pils, and is prepared to give tln-in a
thorough course in elocution and voicr
culture. This rare opportunity has never
been offered to the young and ambition
people of this city before, aud there sure
ly is a good opening for such a tea-, her.
We wi-h Miss Daniels unlimited success
here. For further particulars notice
her advertisement on this page.
Mr. C. 31. Wead, who went to Oma
ha this moruing as a committee cf one
from the Yonng 3Ien's RcnuMican Club
to make arrangements for the transporta
tion to Ashland Friday night, telegraphed
the information this afternoon that ac
commodation would be furnished for the
occasion provided one hundred and fifty
tickets are sold. The train wifl leave
l.ere Fritlay evening at the regular time
and return the same night. Already
over the required number haye signified
their intention of attending, and it is ex
ected that five times as many more will
go. The fare has been reduced to J0
rents for the round trip, so that no one
can cry on account of expense.
The branch of the water company's
located here is laboring under many dis
advantages at present. Plattsmouth
boasts of as tine water privileges as there
are in the state of Nebraska, for which
considerable credit is elue the water c.m
pany which located one of their branch
olfices here. They built here on the en
couragement of the prospects of increas
ing population and industry; not for the
money to be made at present. For some
time the support afforeled them by the
city has not paid expenses, and the com
pany has been obliged to draw on head
quarters. At present there is another
obstacle in their course. They are now
compelled to make various inprovements
and changes in their works. As the
river has dried up, the water supply
which they have always used previously
Lis been cut off. and now they are at the
expense of digging wells. Betides this,
the taking up and changing of the main
pipe on 3Iaiu street, necessitated by the
grading, adds quite an additional sum to
their expense blls. We trust that pros
perity in the future years will amply re
jl y them for drawbacks of the past
which they have been obliged to tolerate.
Meeting of F. E. White Company.
There will be a meet in of the F. E.
White hose company at the council
chamber tonight 3I;eting called at 8
orclock sharp. A. SiLisnrnv,
Children's overcoats $1.2. and up
wards, Boy's overcoats $1.23 and up
ward. 3Ieus overcoats in Chinchillas
with Bearer collars and enffs at f 16.00.
Men's WeUon overcoats $10.00 tod up
wards at Mayer's Popular Clothing Store.
Jano Coombs In Bleak House.
There will be a fine dramatic event at
Waterman opera house Thursday even
ing Oct 2., Miss. Coombs will appear as
"Lady Dedlock and llortensc." in Charles
Dickens' "Bleak House." At her ap
pearance at Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 23th,
the Plain Dealer says:
31iss Cocrtnhs, as announced, assumed
the dual ivies of Lady Dedlock and
I, anil how admiral le the ( oiiccp
tioii, how faithful the production, only
those who have seen it can testify. How
singularly adapted this actress is to em
body in face, form and feature, the nov
elist's description of his heroine. "She
has a beautiful face, fine bearing and ex
quisite grace. Her figure is elegant and
has the effect or leinr tali " From tins
what a transformation to the role of
llortense, the crafty, cunning, revengeful
lady's maid. "A French woman of two
and thirty from somewhere in the south
ern country about Marsailles a large
eyed, brown woman with black hair,
who would be handsome, but for a cer
tain feline mouth, giving her the general
air of a neat she-wolf imperfectly turned."
Miss Combs not only looked the charac
ters, but she faithfully anted them and
ijave expression to a multitude of emo
tions, intense maternal love, bitter hate,
supreme contempt, following one another
in quick succession.
Special scenery ami elaborate stage
s"tting, are carried by this company and
Miss Coombs is surrounded by a repre
sentative Americnn company.
Grand Republican Rally.
Fremont, Neb., Oct. 23, '88
Eu. Herald, Plattsmouth, DearS'u".
The Republicans of Fremont are arrang
ing for a grand rally on the ."1st of this
mouth. During the aftetnoon, from 2
to o'clock, there will be speakiug by
the best orators of Nebraska, including
Senator Manderson, Gov. Thayer, Con
gressman Dorsey, and many others. At
5 o'clock, a good, old-fashioned Barbecue
will be given. At night there will be
an illumination of the city and a mam
moth torchlight parade of the Republi
can clubs of the Nebraska State League.
All the state officers will be present. The
indications now are that it will be the
grandest political demonstration ever
held in the state.
The railroads have all made a rate of
ouc fare for the round trip
from all points in Nebraska. We should
be yery much pleased to have you come.
For the good of the cause will you kindly
mention the rally in your excellent
paper ? Yours respectfully,
( Ross I Hammond.
Invitation Com. -
S. B. Cor.soN.
3Ir. Orin Backus, brother-in-law of 3Ir.
W. D. Jones, arrived in the city this
morning from California.
3Irs. J. F. Kellogg, of Evanston, 111.,
arrived in the city this morning to re
main a few days as the guest of her son,
Mr. A. V. Kellogg, city engineer.
Misses Anna Breed and Lou Engel,
who have been visiting relatives in this
city for some time, took their departure
for Hastings, their home, this morning.
3Ir. Charley 31'iller returned from Ne
!iawka last evening, where he wa3 called
by the base ball club of that place to as
sist them in a couple of games recently
N- A. S. E.
3fembers of the N. A. S. E. will please
meet at their room, Saturday evening at
i o'clock. A full attendance is desired,
is business of importance is to be trans
acted. By order of the Past Grand
Men's scarlet wool mitts 25c. Men's
.vool hose 20c. and upwards. Men's
super stout 3Ierino hose 25cts. a pair at
Mayer's Popular Clothing Store.
It is useless to attempt the cure of any
disorder, if the blood is allowed to re
main impure. Neuralgia and rheuma
tism are traeablc to a disordered condition
of the blood, and in numberless cases
have been cured by taking a few bottle?
of Aycr's Sarsnparilla.
Elegant neckwear for 15, 23 and 50c
at 3Iayer's Popular Clothing store.
Ashland Republican League.
Ashland, Neb., Oct. 24, 18S8.
Jno. A. Davies, Pres. Young 3Ien's
Republican Club, Plattsmouth. Dear
S r: Your favor of 23d. inst. at hand
We are very much pleased at your ac
ceptance of our invitation and can assure
you that your actions are appreciated
Seuator JIandcrsou will speak in the
evening. Please let us know as soon a9
possible what time your train will arrive.
The Lincoln Flambeau Club will be with
us. Yours tru'y.
G. J. Rails back, Sec.
A large assortment of fur caps ?5c
$1.0') and $1.50 at .Mayer's Popular
i lothing Store.
Young Ladies Republican Club.
The young ladies will meet at Rock
wood hall tonight for the purpose of
drilling and completing arrangements
for the Ashland rally which will be held
on Friday night. As tha time is limited
all are ea.-nestly tequested to le- present
at the meeting tonight. Meeting call eel
at 7:00 o'clocL sharp. The young ladies
are depended assist the young men
as much as possible by a large turnout
i d the nght of the 3
Eight Mil Grove
We had quite a snow storm on Sun
Corn husking is the order of the day
with our farmers.
3Iajor A. Hall and Miss Lee Perry are
atteuding school at the University, this
Tewalt Vallery has added another im
provement, by building a kitchen onto
his house.
Mr. and 3Irs. Sigel Davis of Ulyses,
were visiting his parents 3Ir. and Jlrs. J.
A. Davis not long since.
R. J. Mi n ford has his new house erected
and almost completed, and it will soon
be ready for occupancy.
D. W. Cameron or southern Illinois, is
cngagcil teaching a fall term of school at
Pleasant II ill, south of here.
Mr. N. Slocumb and children of Otoe
county were visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Jlrs. George Amick, last week.
Jlr. and Mis. J. H. Pool of Wabash,
were vis'.tiug relatives and old friends at
this place during the week of the county
Jlrs. J. R. Cathey has gone to Saline
county, Illinois, where she will spend the
winter with her mother and sisters at
Jlr. and Jlrs. Lewis Barker returned
from Buffalo county, where they have
been making improvements on their farm
the past month.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Will Jeffcrs and Ernest
Jeffers and his new bride, arrived here
from Kausas not long since and are stop
ping with their sisters, at present.
The dance uiven at the home of
Aaron Battel son on the 10th inst., was
very successful in getting a large crowd,
but not so successful in procuring god
Rev. E. 1 lowers, onr new minister,
would have put in his first appearance at
this place on Sunday, if the storm had
not prevented his coming to fulfil his
J. R. Vallery is building a new house
on his lot in Plattsmouth where lie and
his family will move the 1st of Decem
ber to establish a new home and educate
their children.
The basket supper given by the young
ladies ut the Cottonwood school house
last Wednesday evening for the benefit
of the U. B. minister, was a exand suc
cess socially and very good financially, it
. if j. ii
netted tuem auout ntteen uouars.
J. R. Cathey after visiting three weeks
with his mother and old friends in south
ern Ohio, returned home on the 4th inst
He savs politics are warm there and he
thinks Ohio is sure to send in her thirty
electors for Harrison on the 6th of
Jlr. and Jlrs. W. Jenkins returned on
the 4th inst., from their visit in Scioto
county, Ohio. It is twenty-five years
since they emigrated to the great prairies
of the west, and they found everything
grcatlv changed there. They were per
fectly delighted with their visit, but have
no desire to live there again.
T. E. Fulton, our blacksmith, made
flying visit to his parents, brothers and
sister, living in Cecil county, Maryland,
and returned home the 1st of tbl nvnth
where he found a shop full of w;rk a
waiting nun. lie has always n en a
staunch democrat but he says h-a . ill
zive Harrison a full su-n t at this fall's
Ose OP
Rock Bluffs-
Charles Shera, who has been living at
Rapid City, Dakota, for some time came
home last week.
Billy Allen has got his new house so
ueariy completed, that they are moving
into it this week
Geo. Churchill and his son Frank came
in from Kearney last week and are busy
picking up box elder seeds.
If we can ascertain the date that the
Journal man's election bet is to be pajd,
we will come all the way to Plattsmouth
to see that wheel-barrow exhibition.
Alexander Graves has sold out his
property here, consisting of a dwlling
house and about thirty acres of ground
to John Churchill. We understand the
consideration was a span of horses,
harness, wagon and a hundred dollars in
Mrs. James Woods who has been in
very poor health for some time, with
consumption, died last Saturday and
was buried Monday in Rock Bluffs ceme
tery. Jlrs. Woods leaves a husband and
a family of thirteen children to mourn
her loss.
Geo. Furlong who went west to
Cheyenuc Co. about three months ago,
to see if he could improve his health,
returned last week yery much poorer
in health than when he went away,
having lost nearly thirty pounds of flesh
during that time.
Charles Tracy moved to Plattsmouth
two weeks ago, and went to work in the
railroad shops. . Those shops are absorb
ers of men. Something like fifteen or
twenty men and boys have gone into
those shops form this precinct, during
the pnst eighteen months.
Tim Shaver.
Invalids should remember that the
causes of sick and nervous headaches
may be promptly renjoyed by takjng
Ayer's Pills. These pills speedily correct
irregularities of the stomach, liver and
bowels, and are 'the mildest and most
reliable cathartic in use.
Gents fur soft hats in medium and full
shape for $ 1.25 worth $2.00 to 92,23,
Gents fine stiff hats $1.50 worth $3.50.
Gent's white and colored Jlerino under
wear $1.50 a suit at JIayer's Popular
Clothing Store.
Well, Sarah, what have you been doing
to make you look so young? Ob, nothing
much, on'y been using Hall's Hair Re
newer to restore the color ot my hair,
Miss EttaScule is teaching in 2d ward
in the absence of Miss Fulmer, who hns
been sick.
Jliss Vallery is at lier post of duty
and in her absence the schools lose one
of its brightest teachers.
And by the way, a new mode of pun
ishment has been brought in use. It is
peculiar, but very pleasant und still
effective. Plans and specifications can
be furnished by calling on room No. 0.
(No patent applied for.)
West 4th ward has the largest at
tendance, of any of the wards and is
doing good work and the board of edu
cation made uo mistake when they
placed Jliss Hollnway and Jliss Rid lie
in charge of this school.
Our school grounds look so much
better than formerly the grass is growing
nicely, but still they could be improved
on by the janitor exerting himself a little
and gat'iering up the waste paper that is
thrown out the windows.
The decrease of attendance is percept
able since the Catholic school began
which illustrate one of two things their
attendance is not very large or else the
city is growing in population and we
are inclined to think the city is growing.
'She's Much Older Than Her Hus
band." We heard a young girl make the above
remark the other day about a lady with
whom we are slightly acquainted. It
was not true, yet the lady in question
actually does look five years older than
her husband, although she is really sever
al years his junior. She is prematurely
aged, and functional derangement is the
cause. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
would cure her, and should be recom
mended to her, aud to all others who are
in the same couditon. If the reader of
this chances to be a similar sufferer, let
her get the "Prescription." It will bring
back her lost beauty, and, better still, it
will remove all those distressing symp
toms which have made life a burden to
her so long. Money refunded if it don't
give satisfaction. See guarantee printed
on bottle wrapper.
For rent house of four rooms, one
block from High School. Inquire at
this oifice. tf
Blow ! Blow your horns,
We've not the slightest fear !
You cannot beat the Gaulakds if
You blow a thousand years,
lm For sale by Johnson Bros.
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pill; they never
disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War
rick's drug store.
Mrs. Johnson has just received one
of the finest displays of trimmed hats
and bonnets ever brought to t.he city,
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city.
No finer, larger, cheaper line of neck
wear in the state of Nebraska than
you can find at Joe's, the one price
clothier. tf
You query why from home I g'1,
Why "bout the town I rove ?
The reason why is plain, you know,
We've got no Garland Stove.
J ni Buy one of Jquxsqn linos,
Joe, the one price clothier, is selling
the genuine Chicago hat with the Chicago
Brand in it at $2.25. Every hat war
ranted, tf
Nice house and Ijalf black, only 8
blocks from high school. Only $ 1 100
a decided bargain.
1910 W. S. Wise.
Joe. the one price clothier, believes on
the good old motto, "quick sales and
small profits." Joe is always busy sell
ing goods. tf
Donnelly, the popular Gents Furnisher
and Hatter, has the most complete line
of Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves for
fall and Winter we ir, in the city. Bear
this in mind,
for sale. A good span of matched
ponies for sale, they are a number-one
buggy team. Enquire at this office. tf
The finest bedroom sets can be found
at II. Boeck's.
Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the
best in the market, at Fricke & Cu's. drug
tore. 8-tf.
Plenty of feed, Hour, graham
meal at Hejsel'3 mill- tf
A choice lot of Polen China pigs 6 mo?,
old, for sale only till Nov. 1 at my farm
six miles west of Plattsmouth.
29-2 Wm JIerten.
Special care laken in cultivating lung
power, removing voice from throat.
Of Omaha, formerly of Washington,
D. C. Terms, reduced, per lesson, 50cts.
Address Box 352, Plattsmouth P. O.
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
SlQSidexit DerjiUst.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specially. Anesthetics given for Pain
lkbs Filling or Extraction op Teeth.
Artificjsl teeth made on Gold, gllyer,
lubber or Celluloid Plates, and ipserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
hi ilTvm'j nw .nccno'
fitr a
Call early niui m;i!;c Your t-elect ions, !or
you all know how diiiiciilt it is lattr on to get
the size?.
-This cut re pr-' n!s one of our d( cided 1 ar
jrains in that line, c -in m nemo- with :'ze 4 at
$4.o0. with a .'.(V. ii:c for a size made ot a
Brown Cheeked Ali-Vfnol Cloaking, Plaited
skirt, with Sin aii l.nud 1 1 cod
i i. nun niHMi.
lines irom :.'. m'i
2 to IS.
l j.UaniS, Sl.OS-
63j 4
HM. O.J. iL" JiJLi k ill Ho
in oi i: ks'iiui: s'l or i-
Ca.-h will I.iiv the greatest 1 argain ever o tie red west of Chic;ioo.
Men's Fleeced Fins Arctics - - 90 cfs.
Ladies' Light Rubbers only - - 25 cts.
Everything Selling at a deduction. Don't forget the I'lace.
"K3. kJs a sk3 O ISO
f a u v i & i r.
rOKIv PACKLTS ,.:) dealers in BUTTER A SI) EGGS
Sugar Cured Meals, Hsms. Bacon, Lard, tic, c
of our ovvn Tlic hest lirriuls of OYSTERS, in cnd JU j j i. ll
1 LUj I
Herald, lBe.
J? L-3 li a
n.iv fsiiiid.- of (!ln:lks i.s UoW COlll-
pleto :i!il we iir? i-lu'Win;;- I he Large st
Line c cr op-. rn 1 r.t. in llii- city. L i
!:cs ilc. itiirr a N-w Vr:-j this K-asoit
so:i!l :: t t:'iis h!vin-- r our line,
j..r wt; a iv iliviiio; tin! Wry Latent
AowltitM at vri-y I.v l'Ji s
I allies' aM Miios' Meis !
This cut ivjiv-c!il-- "ir j m
:.0() li.!itv Jacket, i!i;ui-,' All- wool
StrijK-l Clunking, and at the ,rico ;i
Uei(lel bargain.
We have Full Lines at : t $15,
each inside nj) of the very l-'st materials,
in solid colors ami stripes.
Misses' Jackets from St to $7.0.
Si':3.-; ran re from 1'2 to IS.
1 no fo
v u jiae inn ERr-j - 4
lai:gll!r llt lll &-;iai.-5-dr
- Cloaks.
have never curried o hi me li lino
: i
of J'Jush Cloaks as this f-ea.-on, and at
prices so low.
Plush Sacques from 00 to i-Ao.
Pliifth Newmarkets at :.U)0.
Plu.,h Jackets fiem Slo.CO to 20.00.
Plush Jlodjcsk-a's irom $JS..0 to &o.( 0.
Plush Manteaus from SlS.OO to --lO.iiO.
G Sk
3 g
-.4 V-,.
J. "W . jMAirruifi..
2 c
U II li 1 I Ulvd
per week.