PLATTSMOUTH, NEBKA8KA, TUESDAY KVENINU, OCTOISI2U 211, 1888. NUMItlCU Ml si:coNi) vj:ak I". M. :i ii k. v V K r.. jAMirH Pl I K.KHON. .III. Ill K.I.N (,'I.AHH - A MIKIK H O.lfKOUO V II MAI.ll K it'.ru-y, r:il':ei. l'olie .1 j-Io, Council Mien, Int. wiir-l. J V V'K liltAlll A PaMM-.UiiV ) l M J'l.SW I I'll. A Ml I I'M AN I M II Ml KI HV I s V Ui; iti-n ith. 1 Mi'f'AI.I.KN. I'llKI 1 J w i KltKl f l 11 J V JOHN IN.I'IIAIKMA.N Board rub. Work ltKl lil'llllr K IlAWKHWOKf If Trf ysurer. y lrivi-ur-r, - CllVM. Jii'!-t rirrk, Ht-;.)i'li-r .l IVetl-i 1 1 itv " i-iirx of :i- iikm ' irt, "infrlil. - ;; :i v.-y -r. - I ' - v. , .( ; ... ...1 . ':. ' -; " it. l ' ! r H. I.-l. I li't:!., I. -ii i r' ., . IS. 1M K: UN, D. A. CAMI'ltKl.f. TlUM. I'DlLlll'll Hutu Cm rem i ki.u . i;xa on i H i-1 i.i.i V. H. I'.mil to I N .'.1 I.KV l W . '. M'HWAI.I I- K .1.-1 '. I'.l I- N HA It -.. M M..O.K ', I.!. i'.N !'. .- M . V 'll- S I K i: l.r-'- I 11 V I 'IIS. -l'!'ri:"lll'l. Vte(illi' V 'I 1-. n: ; ''ii ! ;IV1' SO (51 Jc'lvKS. '..V-1 !.'!: '. n i .. i . r. .!' ;. ! iV Irt.-.ill' of ' ' '.I'll "Ai-I-!;. i'i i'i-'..,l l-i.'tlu'is ;w r. f per I f.l'y ii'Vi.e i tr'-J ii, i i l ii'ni r. .i:Mi'.iKS r n. :i. i. . tl. 1".. . i -. '-' rv'-V I -'r Kill! '.-,- i:i it y 'If M.finil': liill. i.iun V.r it s .ii n i.i vtlcl io ::ttewl. "Hti-1 U !!!: N:. v. ' ,;- W. M-i-i J m'rv ;! il Kri.lny ''.:. nir si' K. "! I", i V:i i'i .i'i-.i.-iit iir,t'ii'i r- tin ly in - vi-" l :i:i-.i l i'.-l .vl":.-u.M.i-U-r Workin.ii! ; K. 1'. I'.riwii. I-in ';i:i:i : J. 15. VCt-iiister. nvr-if-r ; K. A. T.i.l . I' iKHK I- '' : ii. K. ll i;.---worth. r.i'(nlir: !. .M; !! i'it. i:." "; . Ii -iiulh, l';i-t X!. VV. ul- N. Ht-f.!, Sui.lf ; I. J. Kuiiz. linM V;it. I.. i'AHS CWII' N').:i:-. M'JlHUtN WllOll.MK.N -' f A'Ufii t Alc-l.s si'conil :nnl foiirtU Muu- , duyrvfi.ii.:; il K. -I l: liV!. .All trij-i-ut . i'rutlipr are ro'iue.s'oU to wUli u. I- A. j Jewn ntr. Wi-er-blo tliiiiHiil ; . r', Nilen, ' Worthy A dvlser ; S. V. WilUe, liiiiiker ; V. . A. Boeck, Clerk. 1L VTTSMOUTH LOIi!K NO. . A. O. U. V. Meet kry a'iirnae Frid.ty evening at Kockwuod hr5i at s oVIock. All tra;:slelit bmtli era ar reiM-ctfully invitol to attend. L. i. Larsun, M. W. ; K. iloyd. Foreman: . C, ; Wtlde. Kecord-r ; Leonurd Anderson, uverseer. IH.ATfiHMOUTH LODGE NO. 6. A. V. & A. M. MrrtH r.n tli firt aud Ihird Moii.layn of each n;oiit!i at Hieir liall. All tr.instfni inoiu er are cotdiiiUy m iu-d to inrot with us. J. . Kn. iiKV, W. M. W.M. Hath. Seiretary 'KIJKASK.V CH Vl'TEll. XO. 3. It. A. M. i" Mecii smtond and fourth t'iifid;iv of each month ;it Mifou1 Ha"- Trai:s4.u-nt brothers ru liiyited to met with (im. f. K. Will IK, II. P V.'M. IIav.. StTi'truy. . ;'"l COMMA IKY. NO. 5 h. AIt.. ... i r.f :ta I th.r l w . ..u. s i-iy nhrrt if r v 't i. a' ' i: ... !' -. i'rwi':C in" i .r i l , i'i ill ii '. i". k. 'I ni v. (. i.A-S-M I . ' I ".'!. 1! V Vl. ' W.lNI'.'l ,j ..... i f.f - :.l :i:i-l f."ii ! Ii Miiikd:" .4 "f ,i. : ..' .i-M -i..ii U-.l. t:. X., Kcfj'.-r.t. J. : "(M"t. uy. PL'.Vl TSJilpUTH UOARO OF TRADE 1'r.l.ii'ii' lit ; rr! le:it .... . ri'l Viutf l'rr-oid .nt.... "ifjUuref . i;.ilit. I! Wni.lliiwn A. It. loiUl Win 'eville '. Herrniaiia . t . II- iiUWiniaa J. C U!i:hev. K. K. Wliiie. J . ". Pattepon, J. A. 'onnT, y. E!on, C. V. Sherman, 1". C.or dfr. J. V. Weckbach. McCOHlHIE POST 45 C. A. R- ROSTER. J. W. J..ll03t G. . Twis C . HM :. o. Wlti.Z ftZMtV ST'iiEu:T.. i;ioN iiix'-ix f.'lf t'O'tO A!OKKoar fuv. I AOH OotfH'.KM A3f. Commander, Seniar Vice .. ..Junior M AOiuianr. ....i). M. ..:..ui!crot the Day. " ! Ou:ird Pergt Major. (Juartor Master Sert. M-ffiu-r t ird:y eveni::j HEALTH IS WEALTH i tr !;.". 'Vei' Vcrvf itii.l r.rnln Trcatiii-iit h a.vanl.'e vin-ciT'e d r HvMeria Dizzi'iess. riMivui 'iis. FiT. Xti.i;. Sf ur.ilia. II -.ul i-Sf Nrrv..i" I'ri'str.tton cnnseti l.v the use " - . . . . ,.t... ....... II......I I lit a eillOi nri":'tin;u. iii. ..:.-:i: wit i.,.i!.!i. S'.;ri-iitif; "f t hi: liruin rei.iiiin.; in in - .f'.IMt V t'u i M.. . v.-.p.';ty :i.iK-:-ai ti. vre:n: :iire "id Ave ll.'irre nil.""-: . I.osu of Pew- tf i: Hill'T Si'.1!. Ili I'liii-I"! j j. iies uii'i .- r- . .. .... ..I 1.. ti...t rtf ll. h,:i( Itlill 4lll'". . ...-,....... hrln. geil.tlMl-ic nr over-liuiiilrfeiu-e. Kiifh lox com ain one nuiiTir. treat'iieiit. 1 ) .a hex ori r.i'X.s for tS.Oo, st-ut by mall preinidor re -fipt of r'i'-e ffE GUASAKTIE SIX BOXES T.1 ri.rfwvfin. '.Villi each on'er received -y 9 t ir t! iii.xe. Boi'(irii.aa:i'U v.u,i to iO, lev l.l se... t!i. mr'ii.i.t r .nr nritteii Kiiaraa t .rilni!t tli. n'l'iiev ii the trf atnient doe.i !' -ct a eure: (lu irr.ntces l?ued only bv viX'. V iirii.-k sole a t, flattsnioutli. Neb Men's Working Suits Men's Business Suits Hen's Best Made Suits Men's Custom Made Suits Utiviir,, 'i i ! mm r. An Elegant X.ine of Boys', TTo-atns' and Children's Overcoats. STpn miss it "if yon don't buy your Clothing, Sats, Caps, Fur nishing Goods, Soots and Shoes, etc., of LSOiM, An r.xi'Ciitlon in Slaiii. In Iho c-nttr of flio fic-U two hhort fitakfs li:ul Lm''ii driven into tliu prjiind, iiihHo tlioio when tlio oxerut iinitrs li:tj tiiii.slitid t heir meul tlm prisoners walked filowly outwithoiit any ono to nard them, tin arriving at the stakes they again prayed; tliey but down with their bucks toward tho i-takes, to which their arms wero tied, after which an oiiicial walked out, blindfolded thorn with strips of linen, lilled their ears with clay, ami then re tired with his assistants, "leaving the con demned men ulone in the middle of tho field. About two minutes after .the exe cutioners walked out armed with Japanese h words uml tsat down some thirty paces lieyond tho prisoners. They sat thus for perhaps a minute; then rose and ad vanced toward the doomed men. execut ing fantastic dance like figures, almost as if cautiously approaching an enemy, till they emtio within striking distance, when they raised their swords as if to strike, but instead of doing so turned round ami retired to where thoy started from. After a short pause they advanced again in tho same manner, but, on coming dose, stooped duwn and looked fixedly for about ten seconds Into tho faces of "the prison ers, who sat perfectly motionless, and then again retired. Tho third time they advanced, tmi, as in the lirdt instance, raised their swords u.-i if to strike, but in stead of doing so they turned round and again retired. Then they knelt down, and. tjawing toward the commissioner, called out, in bianiese, that they awaited his order. On receiving tho word tliej advance-! toward the prisoners more quickly than before, and when within reach, after standing for a few seconds with their swords jioised in the air, proceeded to cut their lii ads oiF. The head of the man who had begged for his life was taken off at three blows, but seven or tight were struck before tho head of tho other an immensely powerful looking man, with a thick, luuscuhir neck fell. The moment tho first man's head fell his executioner ran o IT to a temple close by to perform certain rites, the other executioner fol lowing as soon as his victim's Lead was oil. Chicago Herald. CoutagiouHiiess of IproAy. The contagiousness of lejirosy still con tines to be a mooted question. Dr. Hake, superintendent of tho Trinidad Leper hospital, has made a report to tho British Medical association which embodies the results of Ids experiments in the cultiva- tion of tho cerm of lenrosv. the bacillus i leprie, which have been under way for tho J past lour rears. Ho sava that (1) at savs that (1) at a tropical temperature and on the ordinary nutrient media he has failed to grow the bacillus lepra?; ("--) m all animals yet ex amined he has failed to find any local growth or general dissemination of tho bacillus after inoculation, whether be neath the skin, in the abdominal cavity, or in the anterior chamber; feeding with Iprotis tissues has also given negative results; 'i) ho has found no growth of tho bacillus Iepny when placed in putrid fluids or buried in the earth. Ho further says tint an inquiry of this kind is practically fiuiioas, so varied are the conditions of temperature, time, nutrient media, living anient! tissues, or putrescent substance, and so niuiiv tiro the observations uecea sary to avoid or lessen tho risk of errors of experiment. Science. In tlso Presence of a Spore. Tho scourge which makes readers of telegraphic dispatches from Florida trem ble appeals, to a vaguo seuso of liorror and dread. It tells how helpless are wo In tho presenco of a plague which is only a despicable little liviuj; thing, so infiu Itesimally little that wo can neither see, nor touch, nor paint, nor kill it. If a Marks or Shepherd could only photograph It; if wo could go netting for its coveys; if we could discover its habits and ring bells and catch its srvarrua ia beehives; if yve could build great fire3 la tho streets and make streets and houses perfectly dry and forco air currents burdened with these Hying spores into flames; if vo could see the shape and bow these U'.tlo creatures move, " wo could perhaps de stroy them. But art and learning aud genius aud the truest heroism, ever illus trated In self sacrifice, arc all impotent and uncrowned and humiliated in the presence of a spore. Dupro In Biriaiag Lam (Ala.) News. YVlicro He Got It. Magistrate You say your name is Na pclooa Bonaparte Pancko? Witness Yes, sah. Aiagistrato Whero did you get that name' Witness I wuz named artcr my poo ole f adder. His name was do same as mine. Napoleon Bonaparte, 1 'specs, sah, am a family name. Utica Ob server. Ttb, Tlieir Shoes On. Five Kansas young ladies were recently caught ui tlio uiiddl3 of a long railroad bridge by a passenger train end forced to jump twenty feet into the witer to save themselves. It would also be correct to state that it was u jump of ten feet. Nature Is Iliad. ' People who' cat garlic aad smoke cigar ettes, it is said, will never be attacked by yellow fever. Natur doesn't believe in pilinr on tb ae-onr. " OEIiTIiTCS- THE L003ES, jaL.T THE ft 403 7.80 L0.00 25.00 " The - One Price - Clothier, - Plattsmouth, - Plattsmouth Street Railway Time Table. I.KAY U VAM.MIY I'LAI'K i:l"i n. in., 8:0 a. m., 1:30 a. m., 11:40 in., K i:-li p. in.. 3: 20 l. in., ":o0 1 in. wi: 7tji am vim; stkkkts ::) a. in., S-M a. in., 10. I 'i a. in., 12:05 in., l:::o p. in. 4: JO p. in., i:10 p. in., 0:50 a. in., for switch, returning to 7th ami Vinejit 7:10 a. in. One fare (live cents) will be (barged for round trip, b-uving Seventh and Vine at 1::0 p. in. and n turning at :':20 p. in. from west end of line. Fkank Cuni i n. Pres. (. II. Uai.i.oi", M'n'g Director Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 8, IMS. Sewer Bids. Proposals for the construction of san itary sewtr in ciist. No. 2. Plattsnioutii, Neli.: Healed bids will be recti ved by the Chairnuin of the Hoard of Public: Works at his ollice in said citv until noon. No vember, bth, for the construction of an ! eight-inch sanitary sewer pipe in difhict No. 2, as follows: Commencing near the ! east ml of the alley in block No. 2!, ' thenco west in alley to a connection with the 15 inch pipe sewtr in Fifth street. To be done according to plans and ' specifications on file in the ollice of the : Hoard of Public Works. The aggregate I estimate, of the of said work is i :j;5:l.50. IJids must lie made on blanks furnish ed by the Chairman of the Hoard, and must be accompanied by a certified chef k on a iocnl bank in the sum of $100, as an evidence of good faith. Dids will be opened and contract let on same day. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. V. Johnson, tf Chairman. Cirl VJ anted. (Jood wages will be paid a girl com petent to do general hose work. Apply at the residence of W. C. Showidter or nt the office of the clerk of the district court, Kockwood Hlock, Plattsmouth, Neb. tf. Wanted. A girl to do general house work. Jin quire at E. Q. Dovcy & son. WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, cau not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide rcputuation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No medicine in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as BLXJG'S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and ever bottle that di es not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Blow ! Blow your horns, We've not the slightest fear ! You cannot beat the Garlands if You blow a thousand years. 1m For sale by Johnson Bros. A MAN FROZE TO DEATH ! Why? Because he had no Garland Stove. Buy one of .Tpnx'spx Bros. sept22-dlm. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in he world i. the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicines when BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. SmUh $ Co., drtiggst3. HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly says -'oh! it is only a little cold," and keep giving ihcin cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when tjiev can be so easily re lieved by BEGGS' " CHERRY COuGII SYRUP? It hrj no superioV, aort few eqqafcv i'or s.Ue'by $ 8uiUU i& Co., druggists For rent house of four rooms, one block from High School. Inquire at this oiBce. if II. YioeckV furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. ' Send your job wo.rk to the Herald office. I Child's Kilt Sultsfrom I Child's Suits from . I Boys' Suits from I Youths' Suits from m in s m g O l era wgj wfhi 11 m It. Ii. Windham, John a. Daviks, Notary riiblic. Notary Fublic. WI.MIIIAM& iavii:h, attorneys - at - Xa.w. Oflice. over 1'ank of Ca County. Plaitsm t tii, - - Nkbkaska JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER OP AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor e'e Peppcrbergo' end 'Buds FULL LINE OK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26, 1 885. 500 for an Incurable case of Catarrh Id the Head by the proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY Symptoms of Catarrh. Ilcauaclio, obstruction of nose, discharges falling infa throat, sometiraea protuao, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, ringing in ears, leaf ness. difficulty of clearinp throat, evnocto, fcition of offensive matter: breath offensive; smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a tew of these eyuiptoms likely to be pres-i ent at once. Thousands of cases result in con-, sumption, and end in the prave. By its mild, soothing, and liealins properties, Xr. Sage's Remedy cures the wor6t eases. 50c. The Original LITTLE to Liver Pills. Purely Vtgtta hie & Harml TJnequaled as a EMver Pill. Smaller, cheap est, easiest to take. One Pallet a Done, Cure Sick Headache, Hillous Headache. Dizziness. Constipation, IndiRcticim. Iiiioos Attaekd, und all derangements o tub Btomacn and bowels. 25 eta. by druggist. Pont go to Onviha when you want a get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where 3011 can get every thing in the furniture line that will go to make jour home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap. Remember that hp yho &els most can sell chc-ipc-if. B, & W, Time Table. i!ojn-5 wir. No. 1. X. :10 i ,. Vo, . 11 :4-'i p. 111. No. 5 ( :47 ;t 111. No. 7. 7 :: 1 p. 111. No. ! 6 :17 p. 111. No. 11 e ;27 a. 111. 001 NO kast. No. 2 4 :33 p. in. No. 4. 10 a. 111, No. 6 7 :13 P 111. No. 10. 0 :45 a. in. A'l tniin i h i daily by Vt-y , f.'i. K.-s-t Xos 7aud g v!i!, !i vc,ii v."i.,4 niu Hvh'.ii v.t daily -r.v-f V- SUMui'. Xrt. i'a ctituttt'r'aoitta .Iniictlon at s 3!:i in No. i u ailitj from faclilc Junction at lla.n . FOU SATE TOFEEEFta ! f Steers r-a Iie?fers, Omp. Tvoaiid Three years old, near Kiowa, Kansas : suitable for Feeding or Kotigiiui!;. Also Stools. C2?-it3L0. Will tell on time to parties making r,X-cl;i t ; 1 1 - r i'.tiiili'tvis K. I'.'viUl 'v.s.' Kiowa, Ka.'., or Vi. II. lili!Mi, Kant:s City, asi Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Boeck's. mm SE SEASON OP 1.00 to 3.75 - 2.00 to 0.80 3.2$ to 1O.OO - 4 00 to 15.00 T O ZE2 TXTs.ra.ts m-nu vmip T7atil XTovombor 1st. It Will Be Merest Ami Won't Cost The Too.- Man's Friemi. 2s' IVicos ! No The Toiler JOE will sell yon JJetter floods for Less Money than y,n can liml in I'Jatt.snioiith. f Word to tepuhiea)5. The importance ct the results of th 3 prtsont political campaien can not do overestimated by those who desire the success of the Republican party. The Democrats, besides the " Solid South' are, in the North intrenched behind breastworks of public patronage. It 'will take steady, earnest, and united work to dislodge them. No-hing will so surely bring about that steanly, ear nest, and united work as the circulation of sound political literature, and OB THIS CLASS NO OTHSP, IS AS EFFICIENT A3 THE DAILY AND WEEK LY NEWSPAPER, Speeches and documents are read by the few. and when read avrg laid aside; the newspaper is the fireside friend, the trusted family companion. Its influence is continuous, constant. The Republicans can not &id their paity better than by circulating rfheo Daily o It is a live Republican Newspaper, and has been faithful among the faithless in Chicago. No man has ev6r questioned its soundness on the platform, because the principles of th pia-fomi have been advocated by THE INTER OCEAN many years. PJvOTSCTION TO AMERICAN INDUSTRIES AND AMERICAN MJqsa FOR AMERICAN PRODUCERS have been rta battle cries from the beginning. It did not take it six weeks to ascertain whether it could etand on the platform or not. , . Republicans have done mueW aid in the inculcation of false politienl doctrines ty patronizing Tpapers that advocate them. Why should they do eo when they can av.;4 by subscribing tor THE INTER OCEAN, which Us acknowloijad v b The gest and TVlost Reliable newspaper Published in Chicago? In enterprise, news, editorial ability, and everything that goes to make A OOiiPLEXE NEWSPAPER it Is unexcelled by any o? its contemrjorapias. Every Republican ought ta eubaeribe for it. Every worklngman ought to subscribe for lr. It is the paper tor all classes of patriotic people who believe ta protecting the homes of America. Vou can subscribe through your n-vfcsdealer or postmaster. If you are unable to do that send direct to thj ofrlce of publication. Sample copies are aiways sent on application. Address the: inter ocean, CHICAGO. Men's Overcoats Men's Nobby Check Overcoats Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -Men's Black "Worsted Overcoats olDiifir "STC-ul to In) la (EVP THIS ! i, Pile, You ;i Cent. Trade, u Two iVIccs ! No Credit Cash l'riei ! Inter 0ceanr- : 2.00 2.00 12.50 10.00 IMebraska. OlTLlf