flip ptaim0iiilj SECOND VKAK PLiATTSMOUTU, XEIJUASKA, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOI5EK 22, 1SSS. Mayor. ' rK, I rot .ur-T, Attorney, , M. I.I' II K V K l'OX JAMK- rriKliS.IA,.IH. liV K'l.N I'l.AUK - A MlOI.K S 1.1 KHHIIl tt' li M.M.ICK J V V.'M lillAI II l.-it W.irJ, -( A ai.i.hhijkV I I) M JONI'.H I'll. A MIII'MAX ) M It M L it I'll V i s W luii rcN irilN U'tO.VMIIl. 1 Ml CAI.I.K..S. I'KM I.I V .Ioknh o.Chaihmax HoaiJ 1Mb. Work..? r iiki. ;.. ki.hu J 1 H JlAWK-jW'OHTIT THl ACTION OF TH K SIOUX. souri undoubedly ho would have vetoed , it. The stent of Turncr'a success in e- Duo to tho Influence of Chiefs Call I curi:iIr its approval U now ma.le known. una o,ii.nK duii- , , , .i..v,.i,1(i tl.:.f unless he signed the hill, J. Milton Tur ner, us ii leader of Ilia Colored luce, 2.h1 3rd GOUTil'Y OFKJGKljS. IreiiturtT. - I'epuiy Ireaiurer, V& Clerk. Jieuuty ClerK, HecorJr of li-els IMj'tiv ttecuritair Clnrk of IM-Mict Co irt. Sheriff, Surveyor. Attorney. huft. i School . '"'nuty JiiiL.e. hoakd ok an-Kivis.i:s. A. IS. Toon, Cli'm., - - J-lP.UsiiM.utli l.oi'H F-iit .. - Vw!j)iii4 Wnli-r A. II. II KrtOX. - tf.mwooU I). A. CAMI'KKU TlHW. I'lll.LOCK Hii:i t urn hhki-u KxaChii:hkiki.i V. I. I'ooi. loriN M Uvua V. C .MlOWAI.TKlt .1. C. Kl K KM ISA It A, Maimm.K Al I.K.N liKKKON M SA" SvlS K GfVIG SOGILVIMiS. I.Ui'. No. ll!'. I ' H. -Meets every T'iihimIuv oveiiUK "I evil ''. ek. All transient brother are re-peetfully iui:e: to itteinl. 1 A SS iL.vriMourii km: auiwikn r No. n. i.o. Why They Rejected the Treaty. Washington, 1). C. Oct. 22. I is no ticed duting the conference between the Sioux Indians and Secretary Villas lmt week that while Utile 'Wounded, Gray Eagle, nud a half doen other prominent chiefs had KUgCht:oiis to make, and that they interpolated remarks from time to time duriug tho translation of Secretary Villa' pioposal, Cziiefs Sitting Bull and Gull Hat in apparent indifference in the rear of the room with their backs against the walls. They nppearod throughout the pow-wow to have the least possible interest in the proceedings. Yet these two men did nrre than all the rest to gether towards securing the rejection of Secretary Villas' proposals. In fact, 't is stated, now that the Indians have left. that but for the opposition of these two wary old wariiirs the majority would have acquiesced in the proposals, and that, insteed of a failure, their visit would have been a success. (Jail and Sitting Hull understand that the accept ance of the Sioux bill means the aboli tion of the power and the breaking up of would at once renounce Democracy and carry with him into the Republican camp some 40,000 colored Democrats from the doubtful Stutc3. The i rgument was most convincing and the. President yield ed. He stipulated, however, that Turner should make an active canvass among the colored voter. in the doubtful States until election. The bill is n'w signed, and Mr. Turner Iris gone on his mission ary tour. 0 Ps? as y v s ' Wo I O 5 ca 5 hS i I iii i ; 2 ili M & . I 22. The last ' ! , . , , . I J : decided in- j o o The Yellow Fever. Jacksonvii.t.f., Fla., Oct two days nave witnessed a crease in the number of new cases, und today the death record is not vtry en couraging. Dr. Xeal Mitchell, president of the board or health, reports 2i new cases up to 0 p. m today; deaths, 4; total cases to date, :J,7!)tr total deaths, l . a; a i it iiK'-.-K i-frv ait'r' lie Ki'iliv III -.ieli iiiimii'.i in ili" M.i-..ni.r n.ii!. Vim: me j the tribd rel ttions of this powerful na-llr.tli-rH ire iuvileil in altfii.l. ., ... I tiou of reil men. l ioin the nm their m- 1UU UHUiK X . si. A. O. li. w -M.-.-ts , ,,. vrv alf.-rni- 1- .-i l.iV evenmii ;it K. ol r. iiutuic u.n i.-.hi hiihimiuii- !!:..!'' 'ws,s realized from the outset 1". I', r.ro.vn. l-'oreivan ; ;. 15. vcm-.T. Ov-r-ft-er : It. A. Tailt. 1'" luun ifr ; ;. K. llmlfe wirs:i. iii'i i.tili-r ; M. Miilii(iht. K-fiivei ; I. II Sn;it!i. I'ai-t M. W. : 1. N . Howtii, liuitlc ; y. J. !uu.. liis:ile waii'ii. that more was to be feared from Sitting Hull nud Gall than from all the others put together. The election of the In- 1 Sliliia viicfti'.l-it ltIttrra a final w- r Jl.S.H CV.MI Sli.3...", MOIIKUN WODllMKN J'"""""; " " ot America Mi:ts!ecoii. ana f.iui r.i Mon- . goti itions under the act known as the .1ay vei.i..(; ut K. o l hall. All transient inollicrf ar! riMjriesieti it iie-f. huh u-, i,. ... . jjjiwes uui, ami li is noi iiKtjy iiiai uny Nawii.r. VoiiraMe !oi,sil : i. K. ,'.r-, i ,,,....,.,.. . , Worihy .ll.-'or; 8. V. Wthlo, la:ikei ; W. A. lsr.eek, l'i-rlvr I.ATTS.IOIJril LOIIliK SO. s, A. I). V. V. - Meet evi-ry alt-rr.ate Kii'lay eveiiins; at Kockvvood tiiillal so'ciocK, AH :r.insiiMit Itrulli r it aie retpeetfnily invilel lo attuiei. L. S. I.nri:j, M. V. i V. IIy i. Kor-ms;n : S. O. Willie, Iti'cr.ler ; I.o manl Aiil-rH-iti. overseer. iH.ATIsMOlJTU I .DUCK X. A. V. Jb A. M. Mn ti mi Hi" lir-t ami ilnr.l Momiays of raeli mon! i At I li-ir hall. Ail tran-iiett hroth ers are corJi.tUy ln ilcl tu meet Willi us. J. Kii.-iikv, V. M. Wm. II ts. s,..-reiar VE!'i;K ell I'TKlt NO. :, It. A. M. .M-i-ii .-euin! ;::nl f.e.irili Tiiesilat f a,li R.i.i.riT ::I M:iihV Hiill. 'IViiiii..! :it protliers . isviteii l iii.it viVl lis. K. '.VHHK, 11. P Vi. ii:. it. s,v-rei;ii y. V-. ZI?N l.'ilMM V IdKV. Xti. S. K. l. JX ftil an:l :!nrl 'Ve:l:n -"l ly ni'nt of fH' Ii hi it!i ;. M ti 's li:ill. V::i hr-.l!ier itre cr.li:illy n.vii, l tv inc 'vi.li in. A M. Mavs, litre i". V.. ii i i fi. i iasS!' .:;vcl sum l.I-.!l-i:i.s el .11 1..J1. lU'Y - I :t'i i t i n": ii ! Lt til r-;rt!..:u M !i. ;:. s kn:, !i.--ent. i . ei y. Sewer Bids. Proposals for the construction of san itary sewer in dist. No. 2. l'lattsmouth. Neb.: Sealed bids will be received by the Chairman of the Hoard of Public Works ut his ollice in said city until noon, No vember, tfth, for the construction of an eight-inch sanitary sewer pipe in district No- 2, ns follows: Commencing near the east end of the alle' in block No. 20, thence M-cst in alley to a connection with the 15 inch pipe sewer in Fifth street. To be done according to plans and specifications on file in the office of the lioard of Public Works. The aggregate estimate of the cost of said work is !?:$::$. .10. Dids must be made on blanks furnish ed by the Chairman of the Hoard, 'and must be accompanied by a certified check on a "local bank in the sum of $100, as an evidence of good faith. and contract let ard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. Johnson, tf Chairman. 0g-; op x P 2. X s O 873 O 2 T O -H3 1 Tf MV? oil w eLS JOE The One-Price iii) mm A3NTD PLTrsr.TOUTH 33AROO? TRIDc r..i.!.,t It.ibt. II WiiHliat't i l ! iT--: le.it " Seviile s,.., r ,.,r. ' !?' ir'-inu lie.i-.ir'i V- itlim:ti) TIT TtH. . . i ).. v. Wl.li'.. .! V.. Pa!t?rso, j ";, l, r. ii. EUon.O. V. ijuviin'-, I' Ur U i . J. V. V, ec'ljacil. ft .auNIHI pps r its u. tc S. r.Vli F K. ISAT1W li CI. N I L F.rl - . . II it V Si It K.I GUT.. l"MV (WAULK K.ll ANHRKOX Kkv. ... J AOOIt I i KB .KM AX. . L. IVifK... tfizvUuJ -sturJHy eveains ....('.orniiiar.der. .heiiijr Vice 'uniyr ' Auliitunt. ..".y. M. orn'orof the Way. liuird Sprt Major. .Quarter Master Sergf. ..ru.it Cliaplatn HEALTH SS WEALTH! jz V I ,,..c.vyf lr. K. . s's Very ami Hrain Treatmpni guarantee Kjiecirtc for Hysteria Dizziness CavuUins. Fi'j. Nervous ei:ra)tfla. Head aelie. Nervcou rrostrytioii oaused ly tli-usc of a'.eohol ortoliaceo. Wakefulness. ier.tal De priion, SoftfMiliijj f t he Hrain resultinti in in g;i!iitv ai-t leading t misery, deray Mid death, reniaiure dd Age. Harrecness, Loss of Pow er In lt:it-r si x. liiViduntary Issues and Sper-nr-tt rrhir cuused hy over-exertion of the brain, selialnwe ir over-te.iiidijence Kaeh bos toiitidus one moetli's treatiiii'iu, 1 im a box orsii boxes for o.w, sent by mail prepaid or retdpt of iniee GUAHAMIE SIX BOXES To cure aiiv ease With ea'di order received by im ! ' s! boxe.i. econi;aued wltti $5.00. we will end ti e purchaser our written Kuaran tei to tetiirn the iruiey if the treatment doe; not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Will J. Warrick sole a ut. Flattsmoutn, Neb thing further will be done for some time to conjc towards the opening of the Sioux reservation, as secretary Villas is deter mined not to depart one iota from the premises laid down by him when he in- J formed the Ind.ans that they must sig- rMs w;u ,)0 pf,nfttl nify their willingness t'j accept as indi- . on samft day. The Ho viduals before returning to their people. A Terrible Catastrophe. HoorEK, Neb., Oct 21. A terrible ac cident occred. at tlia place lust night by which three persons were killed and twe were seriously injured. About 10 o'clock p. tn. Henry SchafFer, living four miles west of town, started for hotii'. Accompanying him in the wagon was his stepson D ivid Minnick, his sons Percival nnd Henry Schaffer, his son 1) iiiiel Si hai'tt'r. l-ltumas line and a Air. Ji.-nig. As thr.y drove to tho Elkhnrn road a stock train was approach ing from the west at a high rate of spejd. It seems that the occupants did not see the train until it wa- upon them. Just before the engine strufk them the mule teair: thev were driving tarred down the track in tho same direction that the train was going. The engine struck them, killing Henry SeLaf fer, sr., lJavid Mjuuick; arid ' Percival Schnfrer, and injuring Thomas IVe and Leri'g. lioth lie in a precarious condition, with some cbancc3 of recovery. Henry Schaffer. jr. escaped, after being thrown about forty feet away. One of t!",e mules was killed. The coroner' ;:i-nest was held today and 4 verdict rendered censuring the the train crew' for running at too high & rate of speed and not giving proper signals. One thing noticeable was that eich of the victims Tits killed by being struck iu the head. Turner "Bluffs"- Cleveland. Wasiiixgtox, D. C, Oct. 22. One of President Cleveland's last official acts be fore the adjournment of Congress was to fulfill his agreement with J. Milton Tur ner. The bill to pay the Cherokee freed inen $75,000 received the Presinent's offi cial signature and became a law as he had promised J. Milton Turner on last Wednesday. The colored apostle of Democracy left on Thursday, according to agreement with the President, to take part in the campaign. The President waa opposed to the bill, and had it not been for tha dusky statesman from Mis- WH AT ON EARTH Is tho reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put tip by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rat I km than take a medicine of world wide reputu'ition and one that is giving universal siti.-fuction t c;jual price? No medicjjic in world is giving such un paraiieled satisfaction for puiifving the hiood as HKOIVS IU-OOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and ever buttle that di es not do its woik will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. I . gSgSSsy Blow ! Blow your horns, We've not the sHg'.ite-t fear ! "i'oyi cannot beat the Garlands if Vou blow a thousand yer.rs. lm For sale by Jotisox Bkos. A MAN f 0 TO DEATH ! Why? Because he had no Garland Stove. Buy one of JonNsox Bnos. sept22-dlm. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is the re"- ' will conji k.c-K c.oughiug and still fcCji iryinpt inferior medicines when BEUGS1 CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? Tliiii is no advertising scheme, but au actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. U. B. Wimhiam, John A. Davikh, Notary Public. Notary Public. H I.Vltll.UIA KAVIKN, IttoriiGys - at - Law. Office over I'.aiik rf Cai-.s I'l imiy. Pl.ATTPMOt'TH, - - NlCISKASKA JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUKACTl'ItKIt OK AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor do Popperborgo' end 'Duds FCLL LINE OF iUliAUl-U AJNIJ S-MUivt-ltb ARTICLES always ia stock. Nov. 2G. Th iu n m n v ij liAi. 'irfe J & Low Prices Will havo a very intorcsting Hand Bill out Saturday tho 23tr)f Full of Truth. Lli Fl' 1 Fir II Ami Kral it Oai-efiillv and Thoroufflilv clcanso the blood, which is the fountain of health, by using: Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a Jalr skin, buoyant spirits, and bodily health dod vigor will be established. Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Es pecially has it proven its efficacy in curing Salt-rheum or Tetter, Eczema, ryslelas. Fever-sores. Hip -joint Disease. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Enlnrpred Glands, Goi tre or Thick Keck, and Eating Bores ox Ulcers. Golden Medical Discovery cure Consump, tion (which is Scrofula of the Lunirs), by its M'ondenui ' blood - purifying', invigorating. nd nutritive properties, if taken in time. For Weak Ludot, Spitting- of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Catarrh in tho Head, Bron chitis, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred affections, it is a 60vereign remedy. It iirbmptly cures the severest Coughs. For Torpid Liver, biliousness, or "Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it is n unequaled remedy. Sold by druggist, notice f l.oo, or six bottles for $5.00. Vou Will Profit Thereby- .JOE wants al-out 1,0iM) l-s in n,t ,f Ihk Simi temoon at 4 O'clock Monday An; ovcrv oiif f-ltall rt'ct-ivc :i nice Ca'.iiiiain Whittle. tja era IT HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly say ; "Oh! it is only a little cold," and keep giving them cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when thev can be so easily re lieved by BEGGS' " CHERRY COUGH SYRUP? It has no superior, and few equals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. For rent house of four rooms, one block from High School. Inquire at this ollice. tf II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. Send your job work to the IIeuald office. Dont go to Omaha when vc- -iV.D to get your beaM-p-y "d roo,n.;'c.s out go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where ou can get every thing in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all youcaugetit cheap. Remember that he who sells most can sell cheapest. Sheriff's Sale- P.y virtue of an execut ion issued by W. C. Showslt-r. clerk of the district court, within and for t'as eouisty. Nebraska and To me di rected. I will .m l In 301 h day of November, a. D. Ji-KS, at '' o'clock p. Hi., of s;tM rt:iy. at the residence of S:;iiiuel L. Tho'eas. iu l'lattsmouth Precinct, in said county, sell at public auct ua the following person;! "property. M'-'.vit : The undivdei out-!:a f interes- in two bull, and t'liMimlivideil one-eventli inte:-e.-f in eitrlir, cows, five steers one to two ywnrs Id, eight calves, one ball one year old, abd tv.o oue-yca:' old liei'er. The Fame beinc levied upon and taken a-s the property of Thomas J. Thomas. defendant ; to oatisfv a iu!rniert of s:i d court recovered by George E. Dovey, plaintiff, against said de feiKiant. l'lattsmouth. Neb., Oct. 22nd. A l. lo-. oJ 2 J. I.:. hlKKMUIIV. Siiflitf Cass County, Neb. f IJue Iepubliear? Jepaper. Now is the time for Republicans t-j exert taamelves to d'3tributa Bound political doctrins among the icpl?, and in no way can tney do it eo well as by subscribing tor THE DAILY INTER OCEAN, Which Is a reliable, active, at:d able exponent of Republican idea3 and doc trines. AS A NEWSPAPEK it i3 unexcelled by any publication in tho West. It has been POROINQ TO THE FRONT rapidly in the last two years, and sine the issue BETWEEN PROTECTION AND FRE3 TRADE became so promi nent, it has had A REGULAR BOOM. Tho caue is apparent. THE INTER OCEAN is the only RELIABLE PROTECTION MORNING NEWSPAPER Published in Chicago, and PROTECTION . IS NOW THE REPUBLICAN ISSUE, Every friend of true Republicanism ought to help swell the tide of its growth. Why should a Republican aid the enemy by patronizing FREE-TRADE NEWSPAPERS, and thus disseminating false political doctrines ? Now is the time to subscribe and to induce others to do the sanvt thing. Subscribe through your newsdealer or postmaster, or send direct. Spa cial rates offered for the campaign. Sample copies sent on request. THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. Plattsmouth Street Railway Time! p. m. from wes-t end of line. Table. j Fkank Cahki.tii. Pres. i.kave vallery place O. II. B.w.i.ot;, M'n'g Director. 6:15 a. m., 8:20 a. m., 0:30 a. m., 11:40 j Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 8, 1S8S. a. m., la:4U p. in., j:.'u p. m., .:-ii p. in. j B. &. M. Time Table. LEAVE VTII AND VINE 6TKEETS FOR SAI,i: TO FEEDK11S ! J 7:30 a. m., 8:50 a. m., 10.15 a. m., 12:05 Steers and Heifers, One. Two and Three years old, near Kiowa, Kansas : suitable for Feeding or Koiijr'.n ns?. -A-lrao Stools. C3o."tt3-o. Will eel! on time to part'.'s making first-clas pan- r ; a1!ress : R. V. (HilMK-i, Kiowa. Ka., or W. Ii. GKl.MK.s, Kanea- City, Mo. oorvo wkt No. 1. 5 :1' a tn. Mo, 3. li :4l p, ni. p. ni., 1:30 p. m. 4:30 p. m., 0:10 p. m., ! 2 L' ,"'" in. in. ;ol.v KAKr. No, 2 4 p. in. N. ! " a. ni. No. :. 7 p. in. No. 10. a :15 a. in. 6:50 a. m., for switch, rcturninj: to 7th i No.n -c :i7 p. , ' . i No- 11-6:27 a. i ana v inc ai i.iu a. in. j All trai:) run daily by wav of Onihha. except One fare (five cents) will be charged ! "except "'"'" !T" Bchuy'r for round trip, leaving Seventh and j x. i is tiibtoVaeiflc.liiiietioii at k .vih.ih ine at 1:30 p. m. and returning at 3:20 ' No. 19 Is a tib from r-ucific Junetion at lia.ui. T3?IKIIES Men's "Working1 Suits Men's Business Suits Men's Best Made Suits Men's Custom Made Suits 4.05 1 Child'fe Kilt Suitsfrom 7.80 I Child's Suits from 10.00 I Boys' Suits from 25.00 I Youths' Suits from 1.90 to 3.75 2.00 to 0.80 3.25 to lO.OO 4.00 to 15.00 Men's Overcoats Men's Nobby Check Overcoats Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -Men's Black "Worsted Overcoats i 2.00 2.00 12.50 10.00 An Slaat Lin of Boys', ?ou.tb.s' and Children's Overcoats. "2"ou miss it if youdon't buy your Olcthing, Hats, Caps, Fur nishing Goods, Boots and Shoos, etc., of EL80f, - The - One Price - Clothier, - Plattsmouth Nebraska.