pjlftlfemtmti I-I.ATTSMOUTII, XKHKASKA, SAT UIMIAY 12V12X1NU, OCTOKKK SO, 1888. second vi:ai: WO v V THE LESSON Or THE LEAVES. M i, r. :ii-r.. I'rrti.in'r, l' ! .1. , h ii ;!! r. IV.ii.: .1 i.l". M n 'uaai i: k'ii. .r Huaid I'ui. V ik K. M ' Hf.v v K fx .Jam .: 1 i i K.H i, . .;. Ii K ' I-A ll A i ! ! S i i I . I l.ltl ti '.'A I.I- K , .I V U ' K l " II ' I .V AI.IM'.I'I.V I i M N ( I ... .llrMAX i M r. Mi i:ri: t i . W l i i r n "i. i ' u:. .son. I t' .M UAl.l.FN. I K KH Jf'M.NH .Jlt A I KM AN i;Mi-:it AW HsWllKTII 4.1 W ,J I I II M r-TA iiv TiV-.i'irT, - l"ik, lci,l' "I-rU . loor l.-i- ..I I U U.jj-iiv U-i--r.l. r I 1-rX 1 Hi-tiua Ci irr, Stirrnf, Survivor. At!ru.y. .u;t.o' Pub. M'h'ioU. Coui.ly JiMxe. HOAIID OK HlH-KUVISOHH. ri.ittHuioui li Weppihi? Witter I) A. Camiiikix Tn . rui-i oi K HllMi CltlK IIUH.U hXA C'HI r-H M KI.D W. II. I'ool. I- N M I.K VO.V V. . .SlKMVAl.TKK J. X'. MliKXBAin A. MAOOI.K Al.I.KN llKICSOJ Maynaki Sunk C. KUHmCLL a. n. toii, cii'in. Louis Koi.T., A. li. Dl. Kso.v, iC.inwood CIVICS SOyilVP.I-i.-5. iiASH MMICK No. I . . F.-.Mwts L.-very Tui-K-.lay evpidiu f eaHi v.'k. Ail truncal braihrrs arr tei-pectluily Invited to tttoml. V T TMOUTII KNCAMI'MKNT No. i K. iitKHt-i mity alternate Kr eitcfi in:iii'.i in i he MAi.iir li.ill Hrot h.-r-i are Invited to attend. Oh tho:i aha lx-an-nt on lliy thoul Iful face Tin? weum-d culm Unit f'.lloivHalU-r fjrii-f. liow iii aiiliimii (jrui.l.n ?iu:h loot'iul loaf T sure n-is in iin own bhflu-rfU iiluco. Ah, not rr-cr hirl tht-y in th race Of wilil lir!.rti!ni rouuil tin? Rather?.! ulifif. Or, liurryin onuanl iti a rapturi! In icf, t'.iii oYr tlm iniKirlainln Into trnckli-ss spuca! t on,o In .11.. cMptiircH -uch; somo hholtvriu wall Airc.-.l tin? uuinl.Tfr on its aimless way; Tli"! nutiitn.rK K i,sive bi'uuly ntreds tlium all. Ami inker liuU lUcui warm, though bore and K'uy Tiny nurso youn b!iKsoni9 for the spring's swiH-t call, AikI KliifM iii-w li-.'i IIi-ls for the burst of May. ThoiiiiiH Wentworib liiiiuou in The CVuiuiy N vuila AIIiict Iyt-l Grrcn. A contract lias Ix-en lot on tlio Martin Wliitc iiiiin', at Vurl, Nev., and work is to bo it-Mimed forthwith. A fjuecr il:o uomciio:i i. c-oniHH-ted with tho working of tlio Martin Wliite ore. Tlio ore is very base, and it i.s inicvssary to roust the wholoof it Iiirini; the roasting process uo (IclfterioiiH or disagreeable tunics are oli.scrvablo, jot tho hair and the beards of all the men tmaed about the works are soon dyed a bright and permanent green Even the eyebrows of tho workmen are as green as grass. In scores of Nevada mines ores of various kinds are smelted and roasted, but at none of them is either the hair or beards of the workmen cliangnd from their nut ural hue. It la said there U less arsenic in the ore of the Mar tin White tliau in that of many other mines. Old smelters say arsenic has no 6uc.li effect on the hair, and all declare that the omeruld hue imparted to tho hair J owc-r Bids. I'ropo.vils foi tin.- oi.n-ti union of san itary R-wir in ui.-t. No. I'luttMiioutli, N.I..: frculci! I.'nls will I nc-iivl l-.V the Cl!iiiini:in of tin- lio.i;.! vi I'lil lin Works at his olliie in siiiil city until noon, N yt'inl.iT, Mb, for the i-t.n.-U uctioii of an eilit -inch t-anil iiy srwer pipe in tli-tiict No. 2, .is follow?.: Cohiiiu-iH ncai tiio east end of the nll- V in ihik No. J!, theneo west in nll'-y to a cunnci tion with the ir inch pipe s' vr in Tilth street. To lie done arronlin;?; to pbins and spei ilir ati.nis on lib- in the oll'ic e f the Hoard of 1'ublic Woil.s. The :igief,'ate estinnite of tho cost of said work is $:::;. oO. IJids must be made on blanks furnish ed by the Chairman of the lioard, and must be accompanied by a certified check on a local bank in the sum of $100, as an evidence of pood fuith. Uids will be opened and contract let on same day. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. Johnson, tf Chan inuti. WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up ly Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world TiKUl IV wide reputuation and one that is givinf; is due to tho presence of some unknown universal fnmiuc count P" , vliHi I "'3-steriou metal or mineral White. 'e ' H" "F" pai aiieii'u em ii aiuun 'i Mini.u - blood as IIKOO'S BLOOD PUHIFIKR & BLOOD MAKK1J, and ever bottle that w s mix f o 3 l ifh liiw MtJ r Q U 1 1 is . m - 'U S i- v e-Pnce 0 H 'J! O I llTut end Kiimiv luurild nml liaii ul.'a c grass green, whereas black or dark browu U)!i;K NO. SJ. A. O. II. W.-.Mi-PtJ i,:. .1,,1 ,i . !... rv!'er:,.u l'flJ:iy eveninu at K. ol T. ,f V." "" "."'J !""," ju.v. t.jr its V-.lHO Ul COIOr. lb retains its origiual softness and strength. Territorial Uuterprise. hVI. irit!..,ii-.il ln;l!:'T4 ar resperllmiy in- v!i.' It mit'iil K..I Mortii.M ft-rwoiK'naii ; I'. I". lirown. 1'i.remau ; !. H. temtsr. Over en r ; li. A . Taif, Kiiianeler ; i. K. Iloin-e-worili. ltft-or.lfr ; M. Mayhripht. It.-eelver ; 1. K -f!tii. I't M. W. ; I. N. Boweo, tluide ; V. .1. Kmiz. Ius:Jc WaUll. HASH CAM! NO. 3.12. MODr.lt.M '.VllDllHK.V of Anif-iii:.i MfH ftermiil aiul I'uirlh 1mi- d a- veiling it K. .f . Ii.ol- All tianienl hrotlirr r. r.-(ii'??ii?l t inet witii n". I.. . V . L-...k V':..i.t-rtl.lM l!t'llHIlI ii. r Nile". Worihy Ailfr ; S. v. WUJe, li.uikt-r ; 'A. A. j quires, give exhibitions of temper that is, i;ock. t,ier. i neverineiess, Kept in perfect control. l orce of character brings with it self re- l lio Man of Ileal Force. Contrary to general belief, then, the man of real force is never a bully, is never arbitrary or nnjust, is never pas siouate. though he may be, and generally i.gi-e-ive, aiiu may, as occasion re lb TTSMOIJIH Mrtei evrrv l.ODCK N s, A.O. K. W. ) a!lrnatf Ki:.ia eveiiii at I Kiki.Ml Ii.l!! ...t x.'.;ii.t:. AH rr.t:iMt'iil tii'.ln- , eis are ri-p-.'i-tt ul y i . : v i t I atifii.i. I.. S. l.arswi, M. W. ; K. l'.:yl. r or.-uian : S WiMi?. iJ. ..( it ; beoiiaiil Aini-T-!'. 'ViTf'T. i does not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggis-ts. Blow ! Blow your horns, We've not the slightest fear ! You cannot beat the Garlands if You Mow a thousand years, lm For sale bv Johnson Bros. K. Ii. Windham, John a. daviks, .Notary TuMic. Notary l ublie IV 1 -X 1 HAM A V I r:si. Attorn ye - at - Law. Ofi'.ce ever IS;iik .f Cas Ceui.ty. Pl.ATTSMOl'TII. - - NkKRASKA ?i. t r-:.ior It Mr-.-K (!-i ti erf rti t- C'.n.i.iii I'M f.DIKiE NO. r. th-t Hi iM ha! Ail !' I in lm t'i I. i. lil' V. K. .V A. M. :u:i'!:iV ill L ish rit iirol 1; w i! h in. in -.Y. W. M. Vi . II , vs. n'.tc: ary. VKIUCA-SKA '!! I'TlCi: No.::, i-i Meis s. (mil an'! foui'tn i il-s:l.-i l;.:ulh i.l Mi V i'ali. '1'i.Hisei- lit are iuvii-it t i .iii'f t .vn!; ;ih. i . i:. ft'mt XV M. II.ws. Si'i-setary. i ii. A. M .it f.v ll brnt'.ici-s I-:. It. 1. ! 5 '.!' fii'li i n rs I h at r-; fiTili.iNv i vv.i. :i v.-. COMMA iAi: t aii liiinl w'r A 's lia'l. . !li-l to III' i . . 5 h . i . Will! 'I. nauco aim an imjierturbablo manner. Just as the realiy courageous man re mains cool in the presence of danger, the self reliant man keeps his temper under provocation because ho feels confidence in himself. The coward grows excited and loud mouthed to conceal his real feelings. Tl.o arbitrary man, accustomed to force Lis views upon others, loses confidence in and control of himself when ho fails to mako his usual impression. It is at such a moment that tval force of character be gins to tell: it is then that the self con tained and self respecting man dictates his terms and asserts his power. Haiti more .S.in. Foil 8ALK. A good span of matched jinnies for sale, they are a number one buggy team. Enquire at this office. tf K. vvjii r- As" )!';;i !- Il!! a m.M.i ii at .Vr V. Misoi: ."ii liLM. UOY . ill ail. I ! :ii' ai.ui ila'l. n. ; i.i Secretary. -m. i:-. M.'..i Ii .V.:!.';r..s of NN, Ileuelil. l t TT5MOUrH OF TRiDZ pi-sKt-.-iir .. l-o :! !'r. ja.l V;.-. IT-Serr-iaiy .. Trea-'iiri-r . i.-..t... li-li'iii . I! V.ii.iaei . io-i t -Viii Neviih? Heir. ..aim tiutliiaaii .1. C J. A ; U r, J. I. IKK :iti. !" ::. V. tt ii -. . K' - . 1. . . Si t". Fatern!!, ; '.ii.ia, i' . :- A MAN FROZE TO DEATH ! Why? Because he had no Garland Stove, Buy one of Johnson Bros. scpt22 dim. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicines when BEGGS' C11EHBY COUGH SYIIL'P will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising sch"ine, but an actual fart, and we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. Smith S: Co., druggists. Doni illy, the popular Gents Furnisher and Hatter, has tho most comphte line of Underwear, Hosiery and Glovts for fall and Winter we?ir, in the city. Bear this in mind. tf Shorwin & Williams'' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fiiikefc Co's! drug tore. 8-tf. Plenty of feed, llour, graham meal at lleisel's mill, tf POST 43 G. A. R. itiis l r.ii J. . .1.111 .-X.i O. s. rwi-s !" . II ATM 'Jf.O. MLKS HiUKV STKKIOHT. MAI.OU liTX'JJf Cl.Rt.K! ftRI Anokksov iur. ... .1 AOH f.OIUI'.t .I AN. V. O. CfKTI,. Meefiair Saturday evemu ... 'oaiinaiiiler. ...Senior Vice ..Junior " " , Adjutant. O..M. , ofli erf the Uay. " " Uuara Scn;t Major. .. Quarter Master Sert. . . l OJl t-l!SillU.ll HEALTH IS WEALTH i The finest bedroom sets can bo found : 11. Boecks. i I n A.'r- BHA1U Pr. E.C We?t's Nerve and Brain Treatment a guarantee specific for Hysteria Lnzztness Tlio Heawortliiiiess of Alanitors. The seaworthiness of tho monitors has been thoroughly tested. Tho old Monad nock rounded Capo Horn in loG!3 and be haved admirably in tho long seas of the Pacific ocean. Soon after the civil war tlio old Miantonomoh made a cruise to Europe, encountering heavy weather. The seas would come over bow and stern four feet deep at times, but pass off quickly without even preventing tho uso of her guns. She rolled but i degrees, while tho two ships accompanying her roiled 20 to o0 degrees. Ia tho "report of this cruise by Assistant Secretary Fox we find: "A vessel which attacks a monitor iu a seaway must approach very close to havo any chance of hitting such a low hull; and even then tho monitor is half the time covered up with three or four feet of water, protecting herself and dis turbing her opponent's tire." American Magazine. Agriculture of the Ainos. Tho British consul at Hokodade states that tho Ainos who are a remarkable tribe of small, hairy people, originally living by hunting and Cshing have been in great straits since the occupation of their fishing grounds by the Japanese in 1SG9. Since li?'S2 efforts have been mads to relieve their distress and. to teach thera For rent house of four farming, and in 1SS0 about 800 acres were L , . TT , , , cultivated by them. In their chief home, J block from "'S'1 School, in the Island of Yesso, the Ainos are esti- I this office. mated to nnmher 14 (MM) iiwti virtnola rvitU 3,000 houses. They are supposed to be gradually disappearing. Arkansaw Traveler. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DF.A1.KK IN THIS Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Popperbergo r.nd 'Bufis FULL LINE OK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 1s8r. and strain it is HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and and cough and calmly say: "Oh! only a little cold," and keep giving ihein cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when thev can be so easily re lieved by BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP? It has no superior, and few eepuals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. rooms, one Ineuire at tf First Fiddle to Somebody. In tho grand orchestra of life everybody ia anxious to play first fiddle. Nay, almost C "avulsions. Kit. Nervous Neuraleia. H. ad- ""VCJ Xr"' 7 .7 n u'' u "l.e. Nerveou- Prostrstion caused by the use ! eve7hody does play it; for although the cii a'cotuii or loi'afoo. w aKeiuinrss. piewai ie- i uni uuuiu busoiuib mav taKe preceeience ire-ilon,SoItenlriKofthe HralnresultiiiKin in-, of all the rest, yet every second fiddle is tt1:"'.'";! to somebody As "fleas have er in either sex. Involuntary Losses ami Sper- smaller fleas to bite 'em. and so on ad iu- nmtum, so every man who tickles a su perior has an inferior to tickle him. If it were not for this pleasant arrangement ive should have no social harmony, and it is only when this system of relations is disturbed that we experience discords ac4 mat rrho-a oamed by over-exertion of tne brin. selfabuae or over-lndnlenco. Kach box : onlhIin oue moith treatment, $100 a box; or six bote for ?J5.uo, sent by mail prepaid cd rei-elpt 'f priee XV Z GTJAHA KTZZ SIX BOXES ! To cure aav caP- With each oi'ler received ! bf cs r si boes. ac.'onijan ed itli 5.00, . we will serul the purchaser our written miaran- tee to ret'Tii the tpone tf the treatment does nt tSTeet mre. eJuarantees issued only tv Wt'jf I. iTi.-L sole a ut. I'lattsrr.outh. Neo Crashes. Nev York Ledger. inreursu wnereoy a man at toe tneaire can drop a rent in the slot and get a clovo. Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Boeck s. n. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edgeel to be the finest and most complete in the city. Yon query why from home I go, Why "bout the town I rove ? The reason why is plain, you know, We've got no Garland Stove. lm Buy one of Johnson Bros. Send your job work to the Herald office. Jfice house ami half block, only 3 blocks from high school. Only $ 1100 a decided bargain. 1910 . W" S. Wise. Warranted. For "run-down," debilitated and overworked women. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent Ppecitlc for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Women ; a powerful, gen eral as welt as uterine, tonic and nervine, it imparts vigor and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indigestion, bloating-, weak back, nervous pro?3 tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either se.v. It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purely vepretablo and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. fcavoriie rreacrip. tioii is the only medicine for women, sold by drUKviBts, under a positive guar antee of 6atisfae-tion in every case, or price (SL0O) refunded. This fruarantee has been yirinted on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. For laifre. illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (1(50 pages with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, CC3 Main fctreet, Buffalo, N. Y. Dont go to Omaha when you waut to get your beautiful pulor ami bed room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where on can ge t e very thing in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful anel comfort able; awl above all yeu can get it cheap. Remember that he who sells most can sell cheapest. Sheriffs Sale. V.y virtue ef an executio.i issue! by XV. C Showalter. eleifc of the district court, within and for Ca e.misty, Nebraska ami to uie di rected. I will .mi th" loth dav of November, a. I). lSfS, at -' o'clock p. in., of sai-l d:iy. at the residence of Samtie! L. Thomas, iu Plaitsinoiiili Precinct. In said couidy. sell at public auet on the foil.iwtnjj pcison:il property, to -wit : The iiiiilivde one-ha f interes' o" two thor o gii brMl bulls and undivided oi.e seventh interest in nine spring calve. tl:ree fvo vear oid heilff-rs, six cows, one one year- old brti! a:d four steers. 'Hie name beine levied ipon r.nd ts-keii a the proneity of Thomas J. 1 homas. di-fe iidaut : to rat'sfy a judgment of sa d court recoveied by fiee.re E. Dove., plaintiff, ag inst said de fendant. PlHttsinouth, N'eb., Oct 1 tli. A i. Iss C-J 2 .T. V. KlKKM: ltv. Sherill Cass County, b. 3J JO Low eices VVi 1 1 Have a vary interesting Hand Bill out Saturday tho 20th, Full of Truth. Look Far It ! Fir II ! And Ui'tul it C.iref'tillv ami You Will Profit Thereby- JOE wants about ,0i)0 hoys in limit f his Sieire Monday Afternoon at 4 O'clock And every one shill receive a nice (Jiiinji uit Wliistle. DON T YOU FOR GET IT FOIt SAIE TOFBEDEKS ! Steers and He'fers, On". Two and Three years "Id, near Kiowa, Kans t.s : suitable for Feeding or Kouhiiiif. AJso Stools. Ceittlo. Will Fell on lime to vart'es niakins first-class pan- r : a'liiress : It. 1.". CSRIM !:. Kiowa, Ka., or W. IJ. (i RIMES, Kansas City. Mo. f live Iepublieai? jeuyjpaper. Now ia the time for Republicans to exert themselves to distribute i:ound political doctrine among the people, and in no w.-y can they do it so well as by subscribing for THE DAIL Y INTER OCEAN, Which is a. reliable, active, ar.dable exponent of Ropublican ideas and doc trines. AS A NEWSPAPER it is unexcelled by any publication ii the West. It has been "FORGING TO THE FRONT rapidly in the last two years, and since the issue BETWEEN PROTECTION AND FRE3 TRADE bjcame so promi nent, it has had A P.E3UX,AR BOOM. The caujo is apparent. 7 UB INTER OCEAN is the only RELIABLE PROTECTION MORNING NEWSPAPER Published in Chicago, and PROTECTION 13 NOV THE REPUBLICAN ISSUE, Every friend of true Republicanism ov.ht to help swell the tide cf its growth. Why 6hould a Republican aid the enemy by patronizing FREE-TRADE NEWSPAPERS, and thus disseminating false politic il doctrines ? Koto is the time to subscribe and to itutuce ofht-rs to do the saint thiny. Subscribe through your newsdealer or postmaster, or send diroct. Spe cial rates olfered for the campaign. Sample copis3 sent on request. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. Plattsmouth Street Railway Time! p Tabic. ! i LEAVE VAI.LERY PLACE I 0:13 a. m., 8:20 a. in., 0:30 a. m., 11:40 i a. m., 12:40 p. in., 3:20 p. m., 3:30 p. m. ; LEAVE ITU AND VINE STREETS j 7:30 a. m., 8:30 a. m., 10.13 a. m., 12:03 j p. m., 1:30 p. ni. 4;30 p. m., 6:10 p. m., t (?:50 a. m.f for switch, returning to 7th j and Vine at 7:10 a. m. j One fare (five cents) will be charged j for round trip, leaving Seventh and j Vine at 1:30 p. ni. and returning at 3:20 m. from west e nd of line. Frank Carrctil Pres. O. II. Ballou, M'n"g Director. Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 8, 188s. B. &. M. Time Table. Ool.VO KAS". No, 1 p. in. No. 4. lo t'vi a. in. No. t. 7 :!.' p. in. No. 10. 9 M a. n. ooivo WKT. No. 1. 5 :io a ni. Vo, a. i; :V , in. No. 5 ti :47 a. ia. No. 7.--T ::i ii. 11. No. ! 0 :17 p. in. o. 11 ;'J7 H. in. A'l trains run daily by wavof nnaha. except Noh. 7 and 8 which run to and from !-cliiij l-r daily exceid Sunday. No. rxi is a stub to Pacifi? .Jnnr-tiori at s.3'ia.m No. ly Is a stub from Pacitic Junction at lla.ui. 3i O O "ES. "Xs "T1-IE3 IFIHiJlC5IEl "S Jk. 3U CHLaO-OPIHriElIE 2 Glen's AVorking- Suits wren's Business Suits Men's Best .Made Suits Men's Custom Made buits $ 4.05 I Child's Kilt Suitsfrom 7.80 1 Child's buits from L0.00 I Boys' Suits from 25 00 1 Youths' Suits from $L.90 to 3.75 - 2.00 to 9.80 3.2 5 to 1 0.90 - 4.00 to J5.00 Men's Overcoats Men's Nobby Check Overcoats Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -Men's Black Worsted Overcoats $ 2.00 2 00 12.50 10.00 Aa Slogan Iiao of Soys', TToutlis' and Oh.il dron's Overcoats. Ton miss it if you don't buy your Clothing, Sats, Caps, Fur nishing Goods, Soots and Shoes, etc., of -5 The - One - Price . Clothier, - Plattsmouth, - Nebraska,