The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 19, 1888, Image 4

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T'lii irAirf itnhALb: iAnsaouTri, KiTinASKA, rszoAT, ooTO.ii ir, i883.
Trie Evening Herald.
A. KalMiarjr. lit a list, Kor.knvnJ Ilaildln,
fr. Sl!, OIBft In Urrin lrm Store, Kp1
4er l or. lslk tiranltr, Tcli-phone .No. 4i.
Dr. Wither. th faialra ItratWt, (' Inn
Block, er Irlrke'a lira More, rutt .month.
Watch for Jots litind-lill, Saturday
the 20th iust.
A certain prominent yoiin? imin in
this city is afflicted with the "aul-y."
Remcinlxr the leap year ball tonight
at Fitzgerald's hall. A large iinmlr of
yinitors are expected to be present.
Mr. Tiffany Dugan, advanee accent
for Miss Jane Coombs, is in the city tod-M
arranging for the appearance of 'hat
popular nctre at the opera limine on tin
25th inst.
Hon. L. P. liiehard?, r lum nuiii of
Nebraska republican state central com
mittee informs us that the Hon. C'lms.
F. Mandersou is billed to speak at Ash
land on Friday, the 20th.
Miss Jane Coombs present- her yrcrit
and elaborate production of Ciiarht
Dickens' '"Bleak House," at Waterman"
Opera House Thursday, Oct. :?". The
scenery U something marvelous.
Ami Todd hns served the people of
Cass county faith fully for two terms, he
has lxen nominated for a third tern,
because he has dealt fairly with all ques
tions, let U3 elect him agnin. Weeping
Water Eagle.
The district court ca iendar for t! c
adjourned September term was forwarded
-to the Weeping WnUr Il-puLli'- n this
iveek fir publieati n by the f lei k, Mr. TV.
C. Showalter It contained one humlrci
and seventy-six civil and twelve ciiuiimi
. Our juvenile liat ball club, the
Rrowiw, informs us that the b xac lull sea
son ia not yet at an end, and thnt it i-
their intention to play another game n
fore retiring for the winter. They will
play a nine from Hock Creek this rti-r-noon
on the base ball grounds wct?t of the
The Y. M. C. A. reading rooms arc
now Open for the accommodation o
the public. They have been elegantly
furnished and every other inducement i
offered to young men to ppend their ey
emings there. A formal opening will oc
cur next Thursday evening.
A subscription paper will be circu
lated in a few day to aid in securing r -turns
from the presidential election. I1
the required amount can be raised to
cover expenses, wires will bo connected
with Uockwood Hall and operatois wil:
be stationed there the whole night of th
th. It is thought that the agitators wil'
experience but little difficulty in s-ccur
iu the desired amount.
Men were employed yestcrdny in
bailing out the Journal office. As th.
"stink creek" which flowed by thai
journalistic corner had been interrupter
in it How by the sheet mechanics. th
river overflowed its banks and f! od.r
that office. If the inhabitants of that
cellar do not die of yeiloiv fever, cholir
or something of the kind, bad watei
does not contain the germ.
There are enough musical republi
cans in this city to make a creditable o -ganization
for campaign purposes. Sue
an organization would assist at 'an
meeting during the campaign as mate
ially as the most pleading speakers, and
little variation would lend life to Mich
meeting. In the surrounding towi
campaign chorus societies hiye been or
ganized consisting of fourteen or nfti
young ladies and gentlemen, and the?
purpose has proven effectual.
Mr. John W. Clark, of Weepim
Water, brother of City attorney Ryrot
Clark, is now in the city at the home o
his parents. At present he is suffering
intensely from the effects of Bright'
disease, and his eyesight has almost u -tirely
failed him. He has traveled t
the hot springs and over the entire coun
try to rind relief, and returned to hi
home here thinking he was speadil;
overcoming the disease, but we learn th; t
he is now suffering as much as at a in
We learn that preparations are lx.hif.
made by the Ashiand republicans foi a
rally to be given at that city. We knew
that t'ds information will gratify tic
strong desires of the rising young repul -
licans here and are a little inclined to be
lieve there is some under handed woj k
in the matter and that the agitation par
tially originated in this city. However,
we know that when the eventful day
does come around, the republicans ol
Piattsmouth will surely do their home
proud by their turnout and also make
their hosts of Ashland feel their pres
ence. The rally which occurred at Glen
wood some time ago was helped out
wonderfully by a delegation from Platts
roouth and there has ever since been a
fond remembrance, "hut since so much in
terest is now manifested, we feel confi
dent that when a republican club again
uuiitnu e
UUt wil
rallies from this city that it will surprise
til, il every re?-ect.
Tho Piattsmouth Clubs Invited to
Attend Thoir Rally Oct. to.
The republicans of A-hl.n.t have, de
cided on Friday next, the Jtith, as the
day on which to hold llr ir rally. Their
club left a mo t favorahh: impression
Upou l'l'tltsmouth cj e. find it i.-t need
less to say that lliuc will lM an over
whelming turnout from tiiis city to at
tend thdr rally on th: J'llU. T!ij ladies"
club of this c ity has dso b t u invited,
and vo hope they will not fall .short of
doiii'r their iltttv, us th.; A-liIaud ladies
Hiio did ill l'l itts:iin:fli. I lie pri si i:cc
of holies on siuh mi occasion itn'mly
lends iiinrh enthusiasm, and we ktiow
the voting!-s of l'iitlt -mouth will
liohl tbcjr that day.
VVe only hop-that they turn out in
'nil fore-and do ju.-tive t our ci'y and
to themselves.
Clubs will be pre-ent from ():n:ihu,
Lincoln, Plittsmouth, Waho- and other
joints. A largo mcetiiiir will bo lield in
the afterno n, and a torchlight proei . .-ion
in the evening.
B.jtU ine'linus will be
addressed by prominent speakers.
ator Manderson, liev. J. O. Tate, V.'. J.
imncll. Judge Crows--, (J.-o. 1. M ikle-
johii, atKl otle is will l- pr.-jiil. .pee
i'd accommodations will be f iin::sliu
for the I'l itlsinoiitli t'Mjl an I it is ex
pected all lepahlii .u:.s of tliis city
who r;:n will .v.t.'ml and par::eip:;o in
the rally.
The lollowing invitation to the club
'ias been receivcil:
Oki-ick or IJiiiTiu.iCAN Lf.aci:k. )
Aahlaud. Xel., I -1 , IS..
Mr. J-tftii A. Dur ts, J'ushhiit of
Yotti.-ti M it's I': i-hli-nii Clnh, l'l-its-nnntti,
A' !ri--l;t :
Df.ati Sn: Tiic? rejHil-lioan.. of Ash
; and eo:dia!lv invite your clulito join us
"i a grand raliv on the ve of I"ii lay.
Octob-.-r 2:,. Omaha, Lincoln, M'ahoo
nd other jo:nts are expcted to s-.-nd
iood delegations. Please address us of
tMiir actions a mdu :ts pfi.ible, that you
nav be assi-iied a promim-i.t petition in
lie p.irriibv
o;;; s 1 1 rdy.
!. .1. ItAlLSIIlCK, SoO.
V:ik IT mix' K-;.:et .-, . .m, ::?'t acu;
Men Uii.! i v i.r. I and oOe. r aeli;
lur ('.iiis 7.i-. Me. i
h I.tad".:;'.; Clothiers.
The funeral of "Buddie" Drunmiond
rook phicj yts-t' rd.ty afternoon about
i o'ekwk. riv-rvices wore held at the
residence of his father, by tho Rev. II. B.
Burgess, of thff Episcopal church, before
the removal of the remains. At the
gnve the regular Epit-copal burial ser
vice ivas held. Six f tho boy's class
mates were kcitcw'd as pall bearers, and
six more acted as e.-cv-rts. uy Yandcr
voort. Fraucis Baliince, Beitic lladicy,
frank White. Charles Murray, IJobrt
Brown. E-co;-ts: Wallace Thresher,
Xobk- Suuuley, Fixdllivvksworth, Chas.
Kennedy, Jimmy StcT.a: t; Waydeu Hunt.
V larue number of th ? ir.Jct beaatlful
our; UL-ts were donated by childrca of
i t ie school and tcacheis, wtntc mtmcrri
r titlies-i offered sv.nilar tributes of re
i H-ct. Although tl:i bulc fellow was
nly about i.x years old, be hid gained
ii.any friends and was a geueral favorite
;vhre ever he w za known. He was tin-
.'.nonly bright for a child of his age,
iiul gave great promise; but he was cut
lown in his youth and bis death has
aus.-d the deepest bereavement to
is parents. The funeral wa3 un
oinmouiy lare. The Heuald sympath
zes with the pareats 5.1 this their sever
st trial.
.eading Clothiers.
The Glcnwood Opinion leaves us
outer the impression that the Uknwoof;
ople are of the opinion that the Platts
i'uth republicans cleverly entertained
tern during the rally of last Saturday
l ght. Abuut one column appeared iD
t iat paper's issue of tho 18th speaking
uudly in'pruise of the rally, from which
tne following fow linos were clipped:
" Our folks were cordially greet e 1 and
oyally treated, the ladies being espec
dly well cared'for. They were furn
hed an elegant supper and comfortable
marters, in which to tarry whil in the
it v.
Watch for Joe's
lie 20th inst.
hand-bills Saturday,
Mrs. Sophia Shultz, widow of the
nan who was so terribly cut to pieces by
a irmiit tram near Bou:svilIe a few
v-eks ago, lias entered a suit in the
li.-triet court against Thus. Jehnscm, n
saloon-keeper of that place, and several
of bis bondsmen, for 00 00. It is
thought she ha strong case.
Watch for Joe's h mi-bibs Saturday
th? 20th inst.
There is to Ijo an art exhibition in
Omaha rest month, ami all artists who
"wish to exhibit are requested to send
their names, along with names and sizes
of pictures, to the Secretary, Miss Kate
B ill, Max Meyer's rooms, Omaha.
This is no Jo-Jo-Jo-Joke but a tirst
cla.s Chinchilla Overcoat, fl innel lined,
beaver collars and cuffs, can be bought
of S. fc C. Mayer for $10".
Niee house an.l half blo.-k. enly 3
(looks froiii hig'i school. Only $ 11 00
a dr.-ided 'ureain.
W. S. Wise.
Uuiaundrifvl Shirts 40c- Ny- There are probably fifty miles of
Lojaunanej suira, 4uc. , -" various kind of 'ti-eueirhig g-Ang on m
,o.-.; ; Lmcn Collars, oc, at Mayers' the, L tay, ind iu all those fifty jniles
- undiny (Mtb a I f Ilia . -r ;
Mr. (.'arl King, of Olenwood, was in
the city today.
Mr. Mack Hale, of Glcnwood, is 3u
the citv on lusinjss.
Mr. Wm. Collins, of Wahoo, was iu
the city yesterday on business.
Mr. I. II. Wo. .ley, of Weepi:ig Water
w is in tlie city yesterday on business.
Mr. V. S. English, assistant superinten
dent of the B. A; M., is in the citv today
on business.
Mr. X. Pearson and wife, of Sanmar-
ei il, New Mexico, who have been visit
in rrlaiives in this city, took their de
parture for their home this morning.
The following is ;i eo iy of pint of
a letter to Mrs. , who works in the
recorder's office; fioin her uncle who
lives iii New York City: " I hope that
you, as many other of our democratic
friends do, see before you a sure defeat
of democracy, and that yon. as hosts of
others, hive concluded to work for the
republican ticket and help to secure pro
tection to our homes.' The sentiment
was well received but hard to rejoice
A serious accident will certainly
oc cur before miuiy days if tha large ditch
on Fifth street, opposite the American
Tea store, is left open. Today a couple
of ladies narrowly escaped being backed
ino the hole by a team of restless
horses. Besides being dangerous, it throws
out a mo t off nsivu s:enc'i. The author
ities should attend to thi3 matter before
ioiae a ci icni occurs.
A grand prohibition meeting will be
hold nt Bocl.wood hill tonight. Hon. J.
il Montague, of Lincoln, III., will ad
dress the pconic of riattsmouth and
Cass county on the only real issue of th
day, the protect-on of hom?s against the
drink traffic. Prof. A. B. Iluckins, the
world renowned vocalist, will ba there
with his prohibit! n sons. Meeting to
begin at 7::JU o'clock. Dodger.
A Fliserablo Campaign.
"Tins is th" du!l"st, tireariest, most
wretched Political canjnaisru 1 ever
knew." ,
"Why, I think it is a model campaign."
'Model the deuce! I haven't been otter
ed n quarter fr my vote yet. There's
too much apothy."
Cast Iron Vengeance,
"Do you remember how, ten years ago,
you swore that you would kill Ovcr
muuk "
"He stili lives."
I know Iii IJyes. and I am avenged,
lie is man led to r.iy dloced wife."
Liucolu Journal.
Donnelly, the popular Gents Furnisher
aud Hatter, has the most comph t of
J .Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves
. .11
and Vifijuej- -be city.
iu mind. if
Watch for Joe's ll.imi- ills S
the C-Oth inst.
How fci&Uc laborers TTovIc.
As I stand gazing from ray study win
dow I sec a deep trench 30 feet in length,
C feet deep, ti feet wide. In it stand be
tween forty and fifty Italians, shag-gy
haired, bright eyed." bronzed skinned, fur
rowed with dirt, their hauds, knuckles,
their clothes tha commonest and cheapest
obtainable. They're working. The iirst
thought which occurs is, where are the
Irish w ho, ten years ago, did this work?
I don't know where thev are. Thcv cer
ium! nro not doing this class of work lo-
iui3 clly ... fv jHshineh. but
I doubt if you . ti.n
I will liud you at least L',u .... '
The sseoTid thought is, why pay these
men for this kind of work? What kind
of work? Lazy work. Why, there's a
group standing immediately in front of
mo now, three of them leaning on picks,
two of them on shovels, while another
lozily tosses a half shovelful of dirt frora
tho bottom of the trench en to tho wind
row by its side. They don't begin to
earn tha traditional dollar a day, yet
there they arc, and it is a very serious
problem, first, what has become of tho
irish, to' whom this great work was
formerly intrusted alone? and, second, by
what process of reasoning do contractors
find it to bo to their advantage to hire
such lazy workers cs these fellows show
themselves to be? Joe Ilowaid ia Chicago
All tho corneob pipes in tho world are
manufactured at Washington, Mo., where
one man and a machine make 300 per
A Novel Social Kntertainment.
Another novelty in the line of social
entertainment is what might be called
the reminiscent lecture. It was invented,
I believe, by a lady of excellent family,
advanced in years and Impoverished by
financial misfortunes, but whose social
position is beyond assault. Kho baa
added considerably to her income by de
livering drawing room talks upon her re
collections of American society in the past,
to subscribers, at $10 a course, out of tho
ranks of the society of tha present. Now
and then, when she stops to ttdce a breath,
a pianist plays an air adapted to the oc
casion. This performer Ls her only ex
pense, and as pianists are cheap inst now,
he cannot cut deeply into the lecturer's
profits. At any rate, her gains during
the past winter seem to have been tempt
ing enough to Induce others to enter the
lists, and several are mentioned who will,
during the season to come, inform us
what tho antecedents of Mr. McAllister's
select clan used to say and do in the good
ola times before the war. To iudge from
the couple of lectures that I listented to
last winter, society in the past was neither
as lively nor as interesting as that of to
day, though it was certainly dull enough
to be more respectable, Alfred Trmable
Sower Bids.
Proposals for the construction of tan-
itary sewer in ditt. No. 2. Piattsmouth,
Sealed bids will bo rccivtd by the
Chairman of the Board of Public Works
at his office in said city until noon, No
yendcr, 8th, for the construction of an
eight inch sanitary sewer pipe in distiict
No. 2, as follows: Commencing near the
cast end of the alley in block No. 20,
t'neuci! west in alley to a connection with
the 15 inch pipe sewer in Fifth street.
To be done according to plans and
specifications on file in the office of the
Board of Public Works. The aggregate
estimate of the eos-t of said work is
Bids must be made on blanks furnish
ed by the Chub man of tin B"-rd, Mid
must be iicconipanird by a eei tilled ch a k
en a ior-nl bunk in the sum of S100, i s
an evidence of good faith.
Bids will be opened and contract lit
on same day. The Board reserves the
right to rcj -ct an' or all bids.
J. W. Johnson,
tf Chairman.
Piattsmouth Street Railway T,m9 ;
0:l."j a. in., 8:J0 a. in.. 'J::?0 a. in.. 11:10
a. in., 1:40 p. in., .;:20 p. m., 5:::0 p. m.
i,i;avk Ttii vinj: stiieets
7:;;0 a. m.. 8:o0 a. in., 10.15 a. m., 12:05
p. in., l::0p. m. -i::J0p. m., 0:10 p. in.,
0:50 a. m., f or switch, returning to 7th
ai.d Vine at :10 a. in.
One fare (live cents) will bo charged
for. round irip, leaving Sevcuth and
Vine at 1:0 p. m. and returning at 3:20
p. m. from we.-t end of line.
Fkank Caukut, Pres.
O. if. B.u.i.or. M'n'g Director., Neb., Oct. 8, 1SSS.
allow their children to cough and strain
and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it i
only a little cold,'' an keep giving diem
cheap and dangerous mcdicim s, until
ihey arc elown with lung iev r or con
sumption, when thev can be so easily re
lieved by I5KOGS'" CHEliltY COUCH
SYRUP!1 It has no superior, ami few
equals. For sale by O. P. riuiith & Co .
Dont go to Omaha when you want
to get your be.-.utilul parlor and !i-d
room sets but go to lb hit Boei k's i'nr
nilure emporium whe'eyou can uet t v r
tiling in th furniture line that will to
make your home beautilul inul comfort
able; and above all yon can get it cln-ap.
Remember that he who sills most can
sell cheapest.
h? the reason people w 11 not, can n t, or
do not see any difference in clu-np nos
trums put np by Cheap John houses or
irresponsible parties at enormous pia.fiii,
rath.-r than take a medicine of world
wide repudiation im.l one that is giving
universal satisfaction at tf.nal price? No
medicine in the world is giving such un
paralleled satisfaction for pu'iivinir the
blood ns liEGG'S Pd.OOD PURIFIER &
IJLOOD MAKER, and ever bottle that
d' cs not do its work will cost you noth
ing. "For sale by O. P. Smith & Co.,
Blow ! Blow your bonis,
We've not the slightest fear !
You cannot bent the Garlands if
You blow a thousand years. .
lm For sale by Johnson Buos.
for SAi.ti. A good span of matched
ponhs lor sale, they are a mimix r o;n
bnirgy team. Enquire at tios otiiee. tf
Because he had ;io Oakland Stovr.
Buy one of Johnson Bitos. sept23-dlin.
What in t be ;voikl jj the reason you
will cough and ke p coughing :ml ttiil
keep trying inf'aior ni'dieiiK-s whi-u
nositivelv relieve vour couh at once?
This is no advertising scheme, but an
actual fact, and we guarantee it. S.dd
by O. p. n)'ih Co., rlrurzuists.
Rijerwin & Williams' ni!i ;i paiius, the
. : - m&rk'-t, St FricUe t OoV-. droi?
oest in tr.e . tC
t- At,
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Ueisel's mill, tf
Tiie finest bedroom sets can be found
at II. Boeck's.
For rent
block from
this ollice.
house of lour
Ilijdi School.
roon:s, ovte
Inquire at
Everything necessary for furnbhinir b
housecan be purchased at H. Boeeks
11. Boeck's furniture stork is acknowl
edged to bt? the finest and most ei.-mpl t"
iu the city.
You query WI13' from home I g ,
Why "bout the town I rove ;
The reason why is plain, 3 011 know,
AVe've yot m Gaut.and Stove.
lm Buv one of Johnson Runs.
SncrifT's Sr.l3-
Hy virme cf an -xecutiiu t?i'd l-y W.
Sbmvalfer, eWk of tlie district nlflni
ami for Cass county, Nebraskn and to n.e el I -reeled.
1 will on tlie loth i!av of .Novemb-T. a.
1). 1SS. t 2 eeIoc!c p. in., of aH i;:y. at Ilie
resilience of Samuel 1. Thomas, ia Pia:t.smouili
rrweiiicl. In sh.h! couaty. suli at public .melon
t!i" foiite... iv.ji 1 eindu'd pioiierfv. 10-v it :
'f be MinMvle ' oae-l;a'f intt res- o. f.vo tjior
o ga l-rtl t.ui'3 and emlividcd one eve- til
iMi-resi In r:liie sprinpr calves, f Jute t-o vuar
oM beiff-rs. eix co.vs, one one year o!J bn!l and
four teer.s.
The ttnie beln-r Ifvird non iut Up?-. a
the irn-eity of T.eai ? J Thoiaas. d- fi d.,iu :
to ;iiisfy n ji'd-nuT.r of sa d ceiir: ria-i-v- -J
by (Jeore E. lluiv;, pUiarff, ag Al?i de
feiidant. rimtsiac.utli. Xeb., Oct 1 'th. A r. lsx
S'J 2 .r. ei. hiKKuu:r.
Sberift Cass CountY. Nel.
St;ers and Hs'fers,
One. Two and Three years Md, ner Hi..wa, ; suit ibie for Fe diau; or Roiig'.nnj:.
Also Stocls. CJ.-t ilo.
Will ell on time ti partes making first-cla
: papr ; e.ridress :
K. K. IjRIM E?, Kiowa, or
VT. B. liltiAllrf, Kaa-plty, Mo.
"m " '
Cite'- ana Mkses'
Call early and make your s-ol
you all know how cliflicult it is late r
th" f-izes.
Tliis cut represents one o' tir
jains in that line, coniinencino v i r 1
fcvi.oO, with a 5Uc. rise lur a s.z
lirown (vlifeked All-Wool Cli-akino- riaitci.
fkii't, wi's Surali Lined Hood. VN'e have lull
lints from $2.0 upwards, sizes ranging lroiu
2 to 18.
.- - -m J. z KB
F. He
Do not fail to call and examine the '(."li" Pr-'ees we will give
for the Next Thirty Days.
You Can Save 25 Fer Cent
While we are Lav ing tin's
Sugar wrtti
ei our own muke.
Tbe Ijtut lr;-r.ii.-
Herald, lSc
Our Stock of Clo.-iks is now com
plete mid we are showing tlie l.uri.Hfc
lane ever opened out in this city. Ja
dies desiring ti New Wrap this K-nson
should not miss louking over our line,
!-.- we tire showing the Very Latest
Novelties at very Low Prices.
allies' and Misses' Jackets !
Th's c it represents our ponular
?".ii0 l, i li-s' .Jacket, made of Al!-Vool
trije d ( :!o;ikiiii', and at the price a
b'c'ub-l luii'o tin.
V.; have Full Lines at $3 t 15,
!i nui l u ol'tiie very hast materials,
i s did eo'or- and stripes.
Mi-ssen' Jackets from Si to $7.50.
Si-ies imii (V.m I'' to 18.
et' ;r
on te p't
hci(! 1m
- t-y. 1 m
niM.e id
Plush - Cloaks.
We liavi never carried 1-0 large a lino
of Plush Cloaks as this beaeon, and at
prices so low.
Pliislj Sacques from $25.00 to
Pln-1. Neun nrkets at 05.00.
I' ;.cl eU froiP 15.00 to $20.00.
PIu,li Modji ilia's rotii 18.50 to .'35.r;0.
IMu.-h Mt.iiteaus from $1S.00 lo'lO.OO.
lull I'arl.v unci imiko
rrm-a,ii in
Git nt
Cah" Reduction Sale.
& CI.
... 1 z'
i 'a.iN ul VEAI.
1 0"j'h'JI ;, ct i -, i j. Lulk at
AN1 Ufci Ail .
ta t
per week,
t V ' T rz. BB
i t i l I U