The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 17, 1888, Image 4

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OBtB. ir, 18S3.
Tne Evening Herald.
A. SliJbBrj, Eellt, Rotfriraci BaiUlc?
Br. Stf 1st. Offlc la Vcrlar' Drg Ctsrf El
4fSC C'cr. Sixth a'l (tranlte. Telephone So. i.
Dr. Witter, the PalalMS Itoatlrt, taloa
Block, tor i rlcke' Drajr tor flatl-uaoata.
There i3 a lcp arrival at the home
cf Mr. R B. VTindhain. It's a girl.
Sir. T. TT. Warrant cad wife, of
Ashland, parents cf Mrs. "V7. H. Pool, are
in the citj.
-ttiivti Arny O'Neill. Florence Smith,
Anna td Mary Wright, of E-llerue, are
vieitinsc friend in the city today.
Egnlar meeting cf W. O. T. U
Tharsday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at ths
rssidence of Mrs 5 A. Darii. on Pe&tl
The Pit.ttsaouth Turner society Trill
gire a dance aer.t Tuesday, October 3,
in rit;geraid"3 haih to Tvhich all friend
of the s ;ttj are cordially ;n-ited-
There irili be a meeting of the Ts
tomorrow at 4 p- m , in Cranraer's
rooms All members are earnestly re
qqested to be present Ey crder of Pies.
llr. Geo. Prongrr, cne cf the striking
engineers who again secured a run on
the B 4 linear Denver, is in the city and
fc intend 3 to move his family cut et
a te ddj?
Tfcstlnre sad Ellis, the to repro
bates who way kid a man last Sunday
tljht near Third street. and relieved him
cf hit watch and money, are fceinij
tried today before Judge Stiles.
Yir. John A. Ear;?, president of the
y-csg men'o republican club of this cily,
has been honored by an invitation to
speak at the republican rally to be held
.t Council Zlaff on the 2; th inst.
The funeral cf "Saddle" Druncond.
sa of prof. Drummond. vrho died yes
terday, T7ill leave his father? residence
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Cisol
the little felloes playm:?? -ill act at
Sir. C 1- Spencer, -ho rra? so
severely injured by a railvray accident a?
Omaha last Saturday, is improving as
rapidly as possible. He i? now at th
'ot-joe cosp; there unci -r trsatratut ol
Dr. Lee. the company". physician.
. the creditors cf tne old . "iz cstatf
are being settled with today by th ad
.ministrotor, Mr. C. K. Prmele. Tin
courts have beu restless for the u-.-.i fivt
year? cn account cf numerous cUims to j
shre in the estate. Over ta?o
have accumulated tluiing the untitled
Zflr. 77:11 Huhnej. trctner cf Id
J .'La Huhney. is iu the city. The un
f ortuuute tuau is arhicted " ith consump
tion, aad has just returned from Denvej
vrhsrt he 1.S3 been for iercral months ir
c..-u.t of better health, tut as herealirct1
little 1-cUs.Ut fiutU the (t&stciU cliutttcr, h
his returned to Flattsmouth.
jlr. S. C Heibert, ;s. salesman foi
a wholesale house of Des Ii.
apparently is a genial fellovr and Ut
very eccentric as vili be seen Trben a fev
icllowinc tacts are made known. Oui
friend, C. Whopper c: her man of tht
Journal and the above nam?d gentlemat
hye be;n the most intimate friends foi
many year?, even from boyhood to tin
present, and during th8 vr&r they bot)
nouldered their muskets in the sam
company and Trended their Tray to th
tray as brothers They stood the stiusgi
travely and came cat as friendly a? whei
they sorted in. 2it. Sherman's friend
was in the city only a few days ago, and
s an illustration of his eccentricity vr.
girfc th following piopositivn nidde b
fcita to Mr. C. W. Mr. Herbert has for
years voted the democratic ticket, bo .
this year, he informs us, it is his iauuti&r
to go solid for Harrison, and more thai,
that he is a strong supporter wf the re
publican candidate in every particular
even In betting While in an rgumen.
with his friend, ilr. Sherman, the othn
day, he expressed hi3 desire cf betting
him any amcunt he wished to cover or.
the eiectioa. Air. Sherman meekly in
formed h;ra that he was not a betting
character, hut still he was Trilling to ac
cept most any other preposition vrhicl
might be laid before him. "7ell, Sher
man. I'll tli feu wh-tt l il aprree to do
vith you.: he said with a smile whil
Sherman awaited patiently for th
propositicn- "If Cleveland is elected,
1 11 azree to seoure a wnsel-birrow and
wheel the ttzviist and homeliest nig-ger-
wench thit j oa car ii.;.-t f oi me in the1
si ate of 2.-br&3ka, for the di'tasce of one
block oa .Vl-iin street from oth tu cth
streets, if you'll agree ta do the same
providing Harrison is elected." We
inedthat Mr. C. W. Sherman, editoi
&a 1 proprietor of our local contemporary,
the Jcurml. arcpted the ahcye propo
si tion, but not without coo?iderabia hes
itancy. We beliere he will cry before
he oomplttes his contract, ' A hor?e i
horss. mj paper fcr a hew,'-' but we be
iisve b will cry himself hcrss"1 and
nothing Tfiil be lift for hint bi&t the coon
tnd the wheel barrow, and U.e gret
pr?;Jent vnll say C i rpfsr, C
WLopptr, Thpecutrtt thou rot
Craphicaily Oascrlbed and " Laid
Cut ' by & Wisio-Av.a:
irih Voter.
Who is he coming from the 5:u:h aad
wants the Irish tu vcte fcr hiui cn - the
Cth of Ilovember nezt lie i3 a demo
crat who?e former occupation of lashing
the negro 13 gone, and whose prpstnt
tusiness is leading the southern convicts
ih chain-gang3 and selling their services
to the highest bidder. , . '
Who is he bellowing in the south for
free trade and want3 the Irish tu vote for
his pet theory J He is a democrat mud
with rage becaase he has to pay for labor
novr, instead of the slave labor of : by
gone days, and who wishes that England
shculd manufacture ail our goods and
sell them again to us at a Urge prcht, as
she did in former days in unfortunate
Ireland, and left her as shs is today a
pauper among the nationges the earth.
Who is he coming from the south and
proclaiming justice and freedom to all
men, and vrho sever believed in the con
stitution of the United State9 thnt all
men were created ecjul He is a demo
crat who never respected an Irish laborer,
and who never condescended to allow
him to er.t at the same table with him,
or ever tojsr&jed him to sleep beneath his
roof, but graciously permitted him to
sleep in his barn or out house.
Who i3 he coming from the s.uth
and w&nt3 the Irish to vote for Grover
Cleveland and his democrHtic cabinet 2
He is one who wants Cleveland to put
the Extradition Treaty in force by which
England can talfb any Irishman from this
country and have him tried and hur-g at
" ITevr Gate-"?
Irishmen, will yon do it I
" A:j iKissMit,-. '
C&ssCcunty Biosr&phicai Project.
It is alwaj3 Instructive and a pleasure
to trace the origin cf families and fellow
their history through .the uiuUtion ol
time. With the people cf this country., the prejryatio n of family hi?
tory has been too much neglected- For
the benefit of future gsneratior3 "e
should commence and give this subject
oiore consideration.
Some years ago there was established
,n 01iicr.e the rw of Chambers Bros.
who, reallz'r tk IrnpcriUca cf bio
graphical works, and during the
encouragement cf the best citizens
that secticn.ccmm'inced their publication.
They now propose to issue fcr the people
f Cass and Ot::e cnunt;e3 an eleeaut
edition cf their portrait and bigraphi
oal album. It w;il contain lengthy
iographies cf the pioneer and leading
It will tell how some commenced life
in poverty and by industry and economy
iccumulated wealth, how other3 with
limited advantages fcr securing an edu
ction, have become learned men and
Tomea, with an influence extending
t'iroughoui the length nd breadth cf
the land. It will tell cf those in everv
walk n life who hve striven
'o succeed and wiii record how
that success has awarded the;r erfcrtsl A
vork of this kind caauct but bs intEfest
Dg and valuable to coming generations
tnd will be preserved by them a.3 sacred
treasures, x he work his been in progress
in Otce county some weeks and is nn as-
4ured success there and we hope ma
cure the hearty support of the citirens
f this county.
Resolution cf Crstiruda,
Headquarters Toung Ladies Republican
Club, Ashland, reb., Oct. It.
Essclced. Ey th? members 01
this club that we extend to thi
Ldie3" Republican Club of Flattsmouth
jut highest appreciation for the roya'
.velcome and splendid entertainment ac
:orded us upon our late visit to theii
ciij. jieaea, ictobia botd res.
by Sam B. Hall, Capt and A. R. .
Tickets for the Leap year suppei
md dance which will be held at Fits
gerald hail next Friday night can be
cured of either Miss iate Hemple or Mis
Cora Waymaa. The yenng ladies intend
to leave a favorable impression thtthey
still recognize their privileges, for some
of the girls are monopolizing from two
tu six of their gentlemen friends. Wt
will never again criticize the young ladies
in their efforts, bat cn the contrary, ex
tend them our best wishes for future
prosperity and success in every under
taking. We believe they will still keep
their heads above water and land on the
other shore the shore of married iiie
but we trust thnt none cf them may 3trike
quicksand when they rsach it. Oaiy a
little more than two monies s ;ii remains
and now that many are at woik, they
willb? obliged to do woik to come
to the front in such a shoit tiui", (.ut as
we silted before we wish them all success
and we hoe their effort3 rrnyke crown
ed in time.
Siveral young ladies aud gbiltinan
of Lincoln will visit Piattsuriouth next
Friday to attend the leap year ball. The
ycung man of this city will present a
bla? appearance whea they learn that the
ycang ladies are importing their company
from Linco'n, but neTer mind, "there's
o better time c:nirg cn'" as.d fcrr years
J. Sterling has his natch when he faces
W. J. Conntll.
Ike Methcdist paron&ge near hers :3
to be moved to Union this fall. .
Our hardwaie man, M. 17. Thcma?. h.s
sold oat to a firm in ITebraska city.
P.. B Wallace, II D , was at the ccunty
couveution, Saturday the II th inTt
Our jeweler, C. II Janet, ha3 left
town, but improvements go on just the
The Baptist and Presbyterian churches!
under construction at this pc-ii.1 are xroina
on nicelv.
We have been blessed bv a shower off
rain lately, which ever-body ha3' beecf
wishing foi
Harrison and pictKOticn.. aad Clee
land and the bandann Vottis td:.
jour choice.
Hok::. At tho home of Mr. and Mrs
A. t. Becker, a boy. weisrht iOr pounds
Cigars A. L.
Cora husking ha? begun on some iarmsj
in this vicinity: the yield ranges from
SO to 42 bushels per acre.
A rumor is aSoat that Union will have
an at her new hotel. wh;ch v,;il us
three. How's that J " That's all" right
Wasep:- A box of cigars or $10.00
worth of whiskey tj electioneer tor
candidate cn any side. Formerly elec
tioneered for county treasurer, but now
for any thins-, i was at the convention
Saturday and hae a great deal of innu
ence with certain people till the. ?ret
acquainted with me
icurs.. etc.
Quite a number from here attended
the rally at Flattsmouth and say it was
the grandest and most enthusiastic they
have attended during the campaign. The
youg men especially wjh to ccjigt&iuiate
the younsr ladies of flattsmouth and
abroad upon the way they ichieyed 1
themselves trying to mate the rally what
it was a succe3.
Some of our democratic iiisnds were
at Flattsmouth and heard the so called
j. ?terl;n! iioftin spetk. but cun t tell I
any thing they htard,' cniy tht there
were several empty Lser kegs sitting out
us the street nc7.t morning.
C: the drriic-rats like to take their beer
And J. will do the same.
Bat Grover s rlhing. don't y ru hear,
To get seme pi Jiticai game.
Very ruy, -Jf CjC":ii:T5HAM.
Union, iitb., Oct. i5,
Fitittsrr.outr. Street Sal.av Tims
6:15 a
m.. S-7-J a. in.. a. m . u.
? j a. m., a. u.
- 1 t r
a. ta ; ;2:C p. n?,'' p. ?n , :c0 p. in
i"TE 7? TIi' ffSfr
.... o r.-, . .j IB.. if a. Hi-. 15:05
.cv a, ui-, o ju a ui ;
p. in-. 1:20 p. m 4:S0p. m., w
6:50 a. m., for switch
returning to ?tl
and v ine at 7:10 a
One fare (five cents) wiii be charged
for round trip, leaving Seventh and
Vine at 1 :S0 p. m. and returning at 3:20
p. ra. from west end cf line.
F?.-U"r. Ci-URCTH. Pres.
O- II,, ZVii'g Director
Flattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 8, 123.
: Republican Ciubs Invited
CoriTciL ELcrrs, la , Oct, 15, 1 6 io
To the R&bublican Clubs, Flattsmouth
ITeb. Ladies and Gentlemen: You ai
cordially invited to attend the Grand!
Interstate Republican Rally at Council
Brans, Oct. 2th. this besides being arJ
interstate aff.iir i3 our district rallv anca
we are planning for an immense arrait
Special i at es and trains are assured, as
you will see by enclosed slip. Particular
attention will be given to secure the
comfort and pleasure of all ladies favor
ing lis with their presence. Please r.n
swer that you will come and give number
XCt Respectfully turns
M t-. M.7ER3; See y.
uis3 Anna Breed, of Hastings; who
has' been at Albany, 17. T. for some time
cultivating her musical Uient. i? the
guest of the Mise3 Hemple for a lay
days before she returns to her home
It you wish to reap the benefit now
and restore your eyesight, with the most
brilliant glasses in existence, call without
del.y at Riddle house bef ore Prof, otrass
oia'n's departure. 3t
Flenty of fsed, rluur,
meal at Heisti's mill, tf
:rahr.m t.nd
The finest bedr:
at H. Eoeck's.
;om sets can bs fcand
Go to Jce: the One Price Clothier, and
buy a pair of Ifewburotigh Overalls, the
best in the world. Fvery pair warranted
not to rip.
O- P. Smith A Co., general western
agents for Santa Clause for the ear,
Jan:y 1st, 133 5.
A new line of aft ?t;
& Cu- 's just received.
lies at O P. Smith
Fine large house for rent,
lcml W. 5.
Wis z.
For rent hcuse cf four
rooms, cae
Inquire at
block from
this cinoe.
High School,
Gaze on O. P. Smith k Co 'a window
and piepuie fr the future.
Everything necessary fcr furnishing a
house Can be putihased at II. Boecka
H. Eoeck's furniture stock is actrituvil
tdged to be the finest and most cr.rspletc
in the city.
Between disease and the many chesp
preparations 'which are palmed crx under
the name of blood purines, take your
chances v.-ith diseas?. until you can pro
cure Ayer's SarSAparilia the only reliable
HcsdpurifUr. Soil by 11 drcgists
tnd dealers is mediates.
f cCO Rsv.ard
I he former proprietor of D. . S-e';
Catatrh Remedy, fcr year; n.;jde a stand
ing, public offer in all American uew3
papers of $500 reward for i r,v-e of ca
tairh tii.-.t ho could not cure Thi: pr.
enl proprietors have renewed tY.;s omr.
All the druggists s 11 this Rdt!iPd;r; tu
gcthei with tho ' D iiithe. ' and ?di othtr
appii luces advised t) be- uetl iu ounce
tiuu with it. No catarrh patient id longer
able to say "I cannot be curpd." You
srei ;C0 in case of failure.
Too query vrhy from bonis I
Vi'hj 'l cat thj torral-rovc
The reason 1iyls plaia.. you tnr-
1m av oac of J6S2raw2T03.
Mi 1!
Call early and ma:.? :.'kction., lor
y.Mi -ill i:no"- hv difficult it i: lutei' on to tret
the sies.
ihii cut iepve-nt:- , i ..;;r Jcci.i. . 1 ai
.tain: in that )me. coirii.-ioncin- a ith ziz;. i nt
li.50; -ith :. DOe ihr- h-i a ma.hi ai ,t
ilro-n CheclrfcJ Ail Wool ri..c1-ij.c-. P1..Ur.-l
ui. s;k iino.ui,.,.i
in St'.vO nr.-Mijs; :ic,E
Vines iiom
2 to 18.
M. J&Jt. w 43L Mild. &Q MM, J,M.
-i .a ..Erv.i.
Do not fail to call and e::am;n;-
for the 2e?A
You Can Sav
While wc ?ts haTinsr thi?
PORK PACiERS akd ceai
Sugar -Cured M eft Is, Hams,
ct our ov.n i.uhf. Hi? l.crl lun.U
U W LO. 1
J:a5 " 1 1 ' 1 " 1 r i i ,,
Herald, ie
'.' n r ctctl: cl OivHh : i : i.vr ccm-
i?le ;;nd vc rue; th? Lavcii
i.inr ovr r f'ji'Mif.l iit in ihi La
J ..le.'ririii;.r i Js'c.v U'rr.p this lesson
Ji.oiihi ii .t ii. i :z i-jol iiiLT ij-.i- liuf1,
wo aro sln.r.vincT tlj' Yrry. I tet
Novelties at very Lm'.v Trie-?:
Till: cat i ejii c JLiit i oiir j.ojr.alar
i .C,ri I.?.. lie:' J;ici:ct, in e c f All-Vocl Clr.ihiiic and ut t!
;p. in ; co n
(i.'t. 1. in ..f th v;u V I; :d i,, ,f..i
it. :cliJ C..I..1J -md
SiCtC: iaiiss'0 fn;l;l 12 tO I-
Cloak's !
I -V ill
w; ivt. iii Mmh
lagging lr... if" f
1 ' ll Mull Ii 11'
Plush - Cloaks.
"We hare never carried sr. h.rsc a lii.e
of Plush Cloaks as this season. .nd c
prices so lov."
Fliidi Ke-.TiJiarktt; at -SG5.00.
J'liuh Jachets iro;;i 1.00 to -j-20 .'''
Plush Modjesla's ironi ilo.Cv Lo $55. CO
Plush Mc.nteaus front ia.00 t $10 CO.
TxiXC TIT a III!" """AT f r
the f,Cash:: Trices e v ill sire
Thiiti' Dam,
25 Per Cent
Great "CashJ: lieduciion Sale.
CK & CO,
J. W. JVIxTt-inrs.
rns n; RITTTER A K T I i -C,H
Bacon, Lard, &c., La
of OTSTER3. in cans and Lull- -, '
3 3,E ? ?
per week.