The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 13, 1888, Image 4

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the daily herald
Tne Evening Herald.
A. KslUbarjr. DcatWt, lteckwoo4 Baildia,
Telrahoae Jf. 35.
Dr. Slla, OIBn la tierlnc'a Draff Klorf, Bm.
ae r. Sixth aa4 Uraalto, Telrpkoa ! 4.
Dr. WltNi-, the Palatum DratUt, felon
It lor k, sr i'rlrke'a Drax More, I'latUmoath.
CTiioLic.-St. I'aul'H Chiinli, Oak. between
fifth ana Slxlli. Father Carney, Castor.
Hf rvicea : Ma.ta at nnl 10 :.lo a. m. Sunday
Hchool at 2 :.'W, with beueuictlon.
Oiibitiaw. Corner Locust and Eighth Sts.
Hiiuday Hofiool 10 a. m.
KriwoPAU-fit.' Church, comer Third
ana vine. iter. 11. is. mincees. paetor. ser
vices : 11 a. M. a- 1 7 :.'M) P. M. Suuday School
ai z :ju r. m.
(iKhman Methodist. Corner Sixth 8t and
Oranltf. Iter. Ilirt. 1'antor. Hervlces : 11 A. M.
and 7 JO P. H. Kumlay Uchool lu UK) A M.
rHKBBYTKiilAK. Main, between Sixth and
Heventh. Kev. J. T. Italm. paxtur. fccrvlceii
I'ttual bourn, tnumlug and evening. Sunday
bcnooi 9 :3.
ikht Mthdit. Sixth St., betwen Main
and Pearl. Kev. W. It. Alexander. pastor.
Hervicen : II a. M.. 7 :3 r. M. Sundav Sehool
2 :'M P.;M. rrayt-r nut-lug Wednesday even
Gkrmax Phsbvtkhi an .Corner Main am
Ninth. Kev. Wltte, pasfr. Services : usual
hour. Sunday fclmol 'J : a. m.
SwKfOMH ONiitr;ATioNAi. Granite, be
tweeu Fifth ami Six Hi.
What's the matter with Waterman' I Immense.
whistle f It's all right. The laughter-loving part of the com
The Wahoo and Ashland special ar- mnnitj owe a debt of gratitude to Man
If you wish to reap the benefit now
and restore your eyesight, with the most
brilliant glasses in existence, call without
dclav at Kiddle house Ik-fore Prof. Strass-
ni an's departure. 'M
Mr. Irvin. an old mm about 0
vcars of aire, who resides about 14 miles
south of the city, came in today to attend
the rally, lie is a veteran of 140, who
supported Harrison.
Mr. W. G. Keefer received a tele
phone message from a reliable source in
Wahoo that ovct two hundred republi
cans would take advantage of the ex
coursion to this city and attend the rally
here tonight. The train arrives here
about 2:40 o'clock.
All 1840 veterans who voted for
Harrison are requested to be at the opera
house tonight and take a scat on
the speaker's platform. Through negli
gence, previous invitations have been
overlooked, but we hope the majority of
the old veterans may receive this invita
tion in time, ana that tliev will make a
good showing.
TUe ball and supper given by the
young ladies of the Catholic church at
Fitzgerald's hall last night proved to be
a success, both socially and financially.
The floor was crowded, there only being
room enough to dance. Oysters were
served to all parties desiring them. The
ladies realized ever $75.
The brethien and sisters of the col
ored church here have rented the vacant
storeroom adjoining u Joe's" clothing
store where they will serve meals today
and tonight. The object of this is to
obtain money to assist them in paying
for their new church. They have had
subscription papers in circulation several
times, but have not vet succeeded in
securing the required amount; but since
they are so enthusiastic in their good
work they shonld be assisted by the citi
zens as much as possible.
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion will hold a meeting in the new
rooms corner 4th and Main for men only,
led by Mr. John M. Hazelton of Omaha.
The ladies are pushing the furnishing of
the rooms, and some time next week the
place will be ready -for the use of the
young men of the city where can be
found at all times, all the leading papers
and magazines of the dsy (Herald in
cluded) we have been waiting patiently
for this enterprise, but it looks now as if
it will soon be realized.
Not more than a thousand miles
from this citv of hills dwells a judge
who has worked nvracles during the
period of his judiciullife. A case was
brought up before his honor by a com
pany against a man wfio had signed a
couple of notes for indebtedness. The
man was under the impression that he
had no case, but was persuaded by an at
torney here to contend it. The appeal
was brought up before his honor but
through dislike which the official had
cultivated for the company the law was
not considered in the case and he decided
it in fayor of p!aintiff. For fear the case
would be brought into a court of law
and justice the plaintiff volun'arily
ban Jed the money over to the company,s
Attorney the other day.
All parties livintr along the line of
march are requested, to decorate their resi
dences and windows today, as the club
is desirous of making a good showing.
Tranap.irancies and lanterns can be pur
chased tut a very moderate price and
those would utske as complete illumina
tions as could be secured. We would
like to see every republican express an
interest in the success of their party is
this way. The following line of march
will be observed: Forming on Vine
street, right on 6th, headed by B, & M.
band, will march north on 6th to Locust,
west on Locust to 0th, south on 9th to
Washington avenue, east on avenue to
7th. south on 7th to Main, west on Main
to 10th, south on 10th to Pearl, east on
Pearl to 0th. south on tith to Chicago
a venue, tUeuce east on avenue to Granite,
thence on Grsnie to Cth. thence north on
6tfc t Main east o Uin to the opera
hottse. J, Cfcief IJtttbsl
rived as we go to press.
Every republican must remember to
decorrte and illuminate tonight. Paint
things red.
uuver & itamge s are builuintr a
new sdcwalk in front of their meat mar
ket on Main street.
The oprra house has been decorated
iu flue style for the rally tonight It now
presents a very handsome appearane.
The Young Ladies' Republican
friends by a supper tonight to be given
in the new Anheuscr Busch building.
A whistle has been invented and a
large number have peen sold already in
use for tonight, which will answer the
question "What's the matter with Harri
son?" "He's all right."
Mr. Tom Patterson, who received
serious injuries to his ankle in the Grand
Idand-Plattsmouth game last week, has
come cut today on crutches to watch his
nine match the Wahoo club.
The base ball team from Wahoo did
not arrive uutil the excursion came in.
They play the Plattsmouth team on the
ball gounds west of the city. ' A good
game is expected. The visitors defeated
tl.e home team in a game some time ago.
The " Two Cronies," one of the
greatest comedies now on the boards,
will be played at the opera house on
.loiKiay niriit next. l he company is
about twenty-five strong and first-class in
every respect respect. Go this time and
afford some encouragement to f,ood com
The tlemocratic county convention
is being held at Hock wood hall today,
The following nominations were made:
ager Keogb. of the Academy of Music,
that they cannot easily pay. The 'Two
Old Cronies" will linger long and pleas
antly in the memories of the people of
Charleston. Many musical and comical
comedies have been given at the Academy
but it is safe to say that nothing like the
"Two Old Cronies" has ever been seen
here. The play is "immense," so to speak,
and the players are not to be surpassed
in the line of their work. The audience
last night was worthy of the occasion.
A more delighted or better pleased au
dience has seldom been gathered within
the walls of the Academy. The "Two
Old Cronies" may always count on a
hearty welome to Charleston. Charles
ton News and Courier.
The Colored Gentleman's Reason"
"Say, Uncle Sambo, is it so that yeu
have decided to vote for the democratic
"Yes, sah; I has."
"For what reason? Have you changed
your opinion on the tariff question?"
"No, boss, ele tariff question don't fig-
ger in dis yere campaign. De fact is, er,
de tlemocratic candydate has de bigges'
chicken roost in dc country.
Torches for Tonight.
All republicans are requested to meet
at the Wheeler block tonight at 7 o'clock
and secure torches for the procession.
There is an ample supply there for all and
it is hoped that every republican of this
city will turn out tonight, and contribute
to the success There is no doubt but
that there will be the largest crowd here
ever seen in Plattsmouth.
tit on Taugbt Toon " Aartea
Bwonlimia DUraaad.
A young bank clerk In Albany Is wiser
than he was year ago. In the bank
where he was a clerk a new man was
given a somewhat Inferior position. Ths
newcomer was a small, slight framed
Frenchman, whose English was decidedly
lame, but who so seldom spoko that it
made little difference. The senior clerK
had a decided penchant for fencing, and
compared with most fellows of his age
and position was unquestionably a good
swordsman. In addition to this he was a
most insufferable braggart, and his mili
tary accomplishment was his one topic of
thought and conversation. He bad about
him a very patronizing air, which he pro
ceeded to Inflict upon the inoffensive
Frenchman, and his familiar slaps on the
back evidently displeased the stranger.
Finally a particularly emphatic thump be
tween the little Frenchman's shoulders
produced as response a stinging slap in
the face, which left the red mark of a
small hand sharply prominent against the
otherwise deathly pale face of the young
Speechless with rage, the young man
found his desk, and shortly afterward,
through a friend, challenged the French
man to mortal combat. The latter apolo
gized, in fact did all in his power to undo
the mischief of his hasty blow, in vain.
"Nothing but blood can wipe out that in
Bult," the young man said haughtily. The
details were arranged, the Frenchman, as
the challenged party, choosing rapiers.
Greatly to the surprise of the hot blooded
young challenger, the cashier of the bank,
who knew the Frenchman well, acted as
tne latter's second. The day came and
the hour. The principals stepped to posi
tion, saluted, and the blue blades crossed
with that smooth, gliding sound which is
music to the ear of the true swordsman.
The Frenchman, whoso familiarity with
his weapon was evident at the start, con
fined himself at first entirely to defense,
turning his opponent's point with a grace
of movement and absence of fear or nerv
ousness which were poetry in action. The
young man grew bolder, his thrusts be
gan to have an air of ferocity which
seemed to anger the Frenchman a trifle,
and turning aside his opponent's thrust
he made a quick lunge, and the young
American barely parried.
Another quick thrust and a turn of the
wrist were too much for him; there was a
Notice to Republicans.
All republicans living on streets in
For representative, Hon. F. E. White, of wuich the procession will pass, are re- sharp snap and the top button of his coat
Plattsmouth, and Mr. J. II. Marquette.of quested to decorate and illuminate their ew across the room. Angry at this evi-
Woca; Mr. J. C. Gilmore, senator; Mr. houses. AU are earnestlv revuested to Zl I
make a good showing. I and the next button was snapped away.
une atter another the shining buttons on
his natty blue braided jacket were cut off
Mat Gering, county attorney; Mr. W. D
Jonce, county commissioner. The above
gentlemen were nominated by acclama
Mr. Joe Fairfield, of Sidney. Chey
enne, Co., at one time editor of the
Moraine Hail here, is in the city and
will remain for a few days. He was ac
companied by bis brother, Mack and Mr.
r. w. flughes. Mr. rairbeld gives us
the encouragement that Cheyenne will
go about 200 strong for Harrison. Two
years ago that county returned a large
democratic majority.
Dispatches have been received here
today stating that large delegations from
Lincoln, Wahoo, Ashland, Glenwood,
Weeping Water, Cedar Creek and Green
wood would surely be present to partici
pate in the grand rally here tonight,
Word was received from Glenwood that
over one hundred ladies would occom-
pany the young men's club, antl about
fifty are expected from Wahoo. Other
ladies clubs are also expected. Several
bands arc expected to accompany the
Mr. John Geger, a delegate from
Wahoo to the democratic convention
held here today, has become so insane
that it was necessary for the authorities
to take bim in charge. The cause of his
Is the reason people will not, can not, or by the Frenchman's ready point. De-
do not see any uitierence in cheap nos
trums put up by Cheap John houses or
irresponsible parties at enormous profits,
rather than take a medicine of world
wide reputuation and one that is giving
universal satisfaction at equal price? No
medicine in the world is giving such un
paralleled satisfaction for purifying the
BLOOD MAKER, and ever bottle that
does not do its work will cost you noth
ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co.,
Everything necessary for furnishing a
house can be purchased at H. Boeck's.
You query why from home I go,
Why bout the town I rove f
The reason why is plain, you know,
We've got no Garland Stove.
lm Buy one of Johnson Bros.
What in the world is the reason you
will cough and keep coughing and still
keep trying inferior medicines when
positively relieve your cough at once?
l bis is no advertising scheme, out an
actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold
by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists.
cidedly "rattled" at his opponent's skill
and the Irrepressible smiles of the seconds
and surgeon, the young clerk now, with
greater rapidity and less caution, made
fierce lunges, any one of which would
have driven the sharp rapier through the
body of the cool Frenchman, while the
little man, quietly parrying, with the
sharp point of his weapon stripped the
front of the young man's jacket to rib
bons. The contest had lasted some twenty
minutes when suddenly the Frenchman
caught the swiftly advancing point of his
opponent, turned it aside, slipped his own
sword quickly down along the other's
blade, turning it with a quick wrist mo
tion so that it partly wound around it,
and with a sharp wrenching motion tore
the weapon away and sent it flying across
the floor. Then he saluted, threw his
weapon down and left the room. It sub
sequently transpired that the foreigner
was and is a member of a once noble
French family, a captain in the French
army, and bis teachers have been some of
the best swordsmen in France. The
young American has not challenged any
miscellaneous foreigners since, and is less
inclined to talk of his experience or skill.
Albany Journal.
A Crater la Fall BUut.
Walking down Tremont street not
long ago with a friend we turned into a
shop, attracted by the latest fad in gold
hair pins temptingly displayed. As we
Private Seweraae.
All parties desiring private sewerage I "kx1 m blissful contemplation of this
connection wim me main sewer, can ue I e tv, y. cii kl-
insanity is said to be caused by a strain accommodated at any time, by address by some subtle attraction about a woman
on his mind occasioned bv over-reading I ing Haulins & Shelton. Sewer Contrae I who was on the point of leaving. Half
and too much study. He is said to re- tonr F- - box 113. or bJ calling at tu
I - -WW A
i ii i 7, i : n onice, juurpny s store. im
every political subject. He was in the
act of mailing credentials which he had
charge, to Washington, when he was
stopped. His whole ambition is to run
for the state senatorthip.
Gov. Thayer, of Lincoln, -is in the
Mr. John Burke, of Omaha, is in the
city today.
Mr.. O. Tt-ffr, a prominent politcian of
Avoca precinct, is in the city,
Mr. J. Callcn, traveling corresponcent
of the Omaha World, is in the city today
Mr. Frank Dickson, who is now resid
iog at Elmwood, came to the city today
to atteDd the rally.
Cap. Hill, candidate fpr state treasurer
on the republican ticket, came to he
pity today to attend the rally.
Mr. Richard Kivett, wife and child,
formally of this place but now of Lin
coln, arrived in the city today.
Detectives Wanted,
to ferret out and discover, if they can,
a single case where Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery has been used for
torpid liver, indigestion, impure blood,
or consumption in its early stages, with
out giving immediate and permanent re
lief; provided, of course, that the direc
tions have been reasonably well followed.
Because he had no Garland Stove.
Buy one of Joiinson Bros. sept22-dlni.
For sale cheap.
Gasoline stove nearly new.
oct9-5t W. S. Wise.
Wood for Sale.
Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, at
nett & Tutt's store.
unconsciously I looked up, but what I be
held restored mo fully to realization of
the ridiculous. In a stage whisper I men
tioned to my friend that she would miss
the sight of the season if she did not look
around. Whereupon she turned, and
turned again, for one glance at the
creature of fashion who, as I supposed,
had adjusted a miniature Mount Vesuvius
to the rear of her head, out of which
streamed great curls of lava destroyed
all the equilibrium of risibles in my
friend's possession.
"Seriously," I said, "what has she on?"
"Any one would know you had been out
of town," was the reply; "did you come
in on a hay wagon that you do not know
hair done a la Medici?" "I knew before
your burst of information that I had met
a jay," was my stern answer, "and I trust
the last of that species." But these girls!
I presume you are doing it, or will, so
why waste words? We moved back to
the counter behind which stood the clerk
ana Misses
Our Stock of Cloak is now com
plete nnd wc are showing the Lzirgcst
Lino ever opened out in this city. La
dies desiring si New Wrap this season
should not miss looking over our line,
tor we are showing the Very Latest
Novelties at very Low Prices.
Lais' aid Misses' Jackets !
This cut. represents our popular
$5.00 Ladies' jacket, made of All-VVool
Striped Cloaking, and at the price a
decided bargain.
We have Full Lines at $3 to $15,
ach made up of the very bjfct materials,
in solid colors and stripes.
Misses Jackets from 4 to $7.50.
Sizes range from 12 to 18.
Call early and make your selections, 'or
you all know how ditliciilt it is later on to get
the sizes.
This cut represf-nts one of our decided liar
gains in that line, commencing with size 4 at
$4.50, with a 50c. list; for a size made of a
Brown Checked All-Wool Cloaking, Plaited
skirt, with Surah Lined Hood. We have lull
lines from $2.00 upwards, sizes ranging liom
2 to IS.
Iff fil
to large
a line
and at
Plush - Cloaks.
We have never carried
of Plush Cloaks as this
prices so low.
Plush Sacqnes from $25.00 to $45.
Plush Newmarkets at 05.00.
Plush Jackets from 15.00 to $20.00.
Plush Modjeska's from $18.50 to 85.60.
Plush Manteaus from S 18.00 to $40.00.
Call - JEarJy ami nuike
your Selections.
WHEN tot; want anything in toe way ok-
Do not fail to call and examine the "Cash" Prices we will
for the Next Thirty Days.
You Can Save 25 Per Cent
While we are having this Great "Cash" Reduction Sale.
Jonathan LLatt.
7r? r
PORK PACKERS and dealeks in LL'TTKP . T t
11 ELI
?sar' t.
Dont go to Omaha when vou want
to get your beautiful parlor and bed
room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur
niture emporium where you can get every
thing in the furniture line that will go to
make your home beautiful and comfort-
convulsed with inward laughter that Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c'
would come out when ha caught sie-ht of I "J 7 ' ' w
The best brnnds of OYSTERS, ,iu cms und bulk at
able; and above all you can get it cheap.
Remember that he who sells most can
Mr. J. C. Eikenbary, accompanied by I sell cheapest;
his wife and Mrs. S. A. Davis, drove
Nehawka yesterday to visit friends. A
ycry pleasant time was had.
Mrs. Wm. Hayes and daughter, Mies
Mabel, who have been visiting with
relatives in Illinois lor some time, re
turned kozae (his morning.
would come out when he caught sight of
our grinning countenances. The result
was that we trioed our merriment, as the
whole affair had been irresistible. The
hair was a streaky yellow, hoisted into a
projectile below the crown of the head.
At the extreme outer end of this protu
berance were fastened what the roman
ticist would term "a cluster of ringlets,"
but in my dull, material way I should
pronounce false curls of precisely a lava
tint. Consequently my first thought was
of a crater in full blast. Boston Cor.
Chicago Times.
of our own make.
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
Pay Car Wk
Blow blow your borps,
We've not the slightest fear !
You cannot beat the Garlands if
You blow a thousand years.
1 m For sale by Johnson Bros.
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city.
Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the
...til I.a a nrnnf il'aaI' of fit A A mltSA f'iic fl
..tore in the Sherwood block. The m &e Wa.r.ket- at Fricke & Co's. drag
manager jr;ll have a big Coffee Roast tore 8tf
every day anr i.uiyj nanu-paintea cnina plenty of feed, flour, graham and
piaies wiu oe given aa prejcjjf8: aireauy meai at Heisel'S mill, tf
(be company s choice brands ot fea$ and
Coffees are bringing them a big trade in
The finest bedroom sets can be fonnd
at IL Boeck's.
looking Ten Tears Older.
"There, you look ten years older now,"
said a down town barber as he released a
man from the meshes of a towel and
yelled, "Brush!" To the customer who
followed he said: "That was a young fel
low who has just started in business here
as a doctor. He looted too yoxaxg, ana to
get patients he had to grow old in the
barber's chair. Can we age a man? Well,
I should say so. It's a part of our trade.
Let me take yon in hand and dress your
hair and beard my way for a month and
youU look m middle aged man. It'a all in
th appearance. People won't trust a
young doctor if he looks too young, and I
am adding years to the appearanoeof half
a dozen young physicians now. 'Hare a
Bhampoof Chicago Herald.
Resident 33 a litis t.
Preservation of the Katural Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain
less Filling or Extraction op Teeth.
Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver.
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
FiTzocsALD'g Block. Plattsiiodth, Nib
for sale. A good span of matched
penics for sale, they are a number one
buggy team. Enquire at this office, tf
Go to Joe, the One Price Clothier, and
buy pair of Newburongh Overalls, the
best in the world. Every pair warranted
not to rip, . . -
Pbllbp Kraus sells
lanterns fur the rally.
flags and Chinese
oct s-ict
The Daily Herald
lCctJ. pr weelz.
deliver! for
A ) wttJj Tricycle.
Two young Germans )n Berlin fought
duel with tricycles. - Starting at 800 fards
apart, they chergsd full tilt against each
other, with alight injury to themselves
pnd serious hurts to 'their roacTcines.
t- - - r tt rr : z-J.1: ' --V.:r Vr
allow their children to cough and strain
and cough and calmly say; "Oh it is
only a little cold," and keep giving them
cheap and dangerous medicines, qntl
they are down with lung fever or pop
sumption, when they can be so easily re
SYRUP? It has no superior, and few
equals. For sale by O. P. J&nitb s Co.,
fflgl o ica 9
T to m m " rr
5 a'
o i
: . or, a.
w n
f 5