The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 13, 1888, Image 3

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CortM-liua Vunderbllt'a Originality mid
Powfr of . Combination Suc
reoftful I l:i I'ndiTlukliiSs -Social
y null tit I'll j irl ApjM-uruucc.
Another f ri'.it t -tni U t lio V.mflerbilt
estate It wuj fo'in-hvl by C'4rn-!iii3 Van
dcrbilt. us its ffllow wa.i ly John Jacob
Astor, born thirty one year, awl died
twenty ii'mu -:irs cnrli'-r, tit tho sain
jt-e. Vawh-rLiit, who was an American
for .several cucr.'.l ions, liul lirt s-eu tho
light on St at '.-II I .land, iitel inhei itel
various 1 rcits fr. in his Iintch stock. IIo
had iivro iiiiaiicial cai'm-il y It amounted
1o genius than Aslor; had far Kr,-'atcr
originality, bMw.-,s and power of com
hinat imi; but it was cxi-lnsivcly f . a
liKjiiolary sort II; iliv-hbd tnanltiinl into
two cl.ts -(, 1 hi- who could and thoso
who eoul 1 i:"t make iriewy, and the hit ter
he condi riw-d as blank tools. Probably
man of thi.s j'Mitnry ever Lout Liiu.-;elf
n'.ory out !y t' the pirn nit ef wealth,
from t!u; t'uii" Lo L'lJiIit a pcrhi.'ua, :it
I'l. aflor his father's (ii'i-.ih, ti carry farm
tii-i.!:.' ! s 1 1. t !kj Xc.v Vurl; i iaihet, until
his final ii'iii.-i sit ".'
:.i! AN KIil'CA ! L! M N.
IIo was illiterate through. ut life, having
a violent pi juiit' u;; education,
wiii-h be b.iiored to Litcriere Miih r-raC-tiraJ
stteee:jn. and talked a ceuliar Eiir
lioti, di feint t.t t.uiui.1: :.;id orthoepy.
Letter, be a!;K.t never wrote eorres-iKndeii;-e-
was i:s seveiv u ta.-k for Lh:i as
for Sam V.'eih-r but lie in vui iub'.y wanted
everybody el so to . L i::i y 1 n.-.i:je:;s pro
r : ul on puj ci- lie never, bo far us
Known, vrc-:-ed thi; slb-httrt regret fr
his lack of education. nil, pinsiimcbly,
nuver foil any. Loin,; i:i tbis exception
to Liy r:ir e. k.s a cnr..'. n alion fully
Hiit'.icient for bif.i bo wtu phcnonouaHy
nstutat a tru'ie, bir or little, und had a
i.:.'.rvi lous i::-,t t l r comiuerrial nrolit.
I'.ct'oro i-'D. be iviimvl to 1 ais city, and
thru' years l!:-r was wortli :lt,
which was harder, be aid, to pet than
liny foi! oe.fMit m:':i At that ti:no bo
b::i!t the b:.i Mi :;:.:!;oat to run between
iCi.-.v Vi.ik and J.V.v i'ni!::;wiek, ntsd ro
eiivil l,fi'iJn;.f:j a; cfiptaiu. IIo con
tinued on t!;o liua until be r.tado its
l,-v.'ii-:i! i oi.o;. ) a yec.r; bis wife mer.:
wbiie ke-;.!! uu inn bo l al married at
U at the New Jraey terminus, and
turuin,; it t j ;-'0 1 ;.eeoin:t.
For lifty-fvor ycur.-j ha followed the
water, owning stoanilio? o: tho Dehl
wuro, l-i'j II;:i.-.i.ii .tid Loinf lslatid sou-id,
and btLa.risbiris ou tho Albtntii: and I'a.
cilie, Me.aiiiy ov. i-uuiin;; c;-pobitiou and
b.volli::;r lib; forltni-'. At r.O, with prop
erty e-Ai mated at e .'! Uk;. the c ouiino as be was e;;!I -ii. dli-eeted his attcn
tinii to, iv.-;d i neeulrated l;is intfroit in,
railways. havi: boon for many years a
1;-T.vy sio'cl.hoi .or in tho Now York and
Nov. Haven road. At to advanced mi uo
E'.ich u elmngo was ba-.avi'ous to say t)i
loajl; but ha was brilliantly successful iu
it, fch iv.i'.i.r thj mcivry and f(;rca ot youth
i.i all bis j.l ins at!. I coml-hiiM ions. lie
sesrcclv ever i..i. lir-il. j eil, but in at-
.) i?i-r to irvtw etiia;
d of tho Erie
ri.-ad, wlie'i I i.-k :md (iould controlled it,
!: i i'.i 1 1. 1 t i i : l thi y v.ere supplying, willi
o it any to " ;!it of rc.ponsi bility, all tho
t'.rv . ii:..l i cor ot tiers wero willing to
p..y I ! . '.. -..:i ti:-in;r i.f pit ; i:i -r bis money
is .!:. i x :.: ir ''. i.iiiiir p: o.v, be confessed
L l.i udcta'..', - i.i. 'i 1 i' u-eriU'd to bis ad
visers. to v.hnui be had yi Ided. be said.
ai;.'st !.:. better j ; .d'rre.eut.
; : i i ::;'o: rrAixi;D.
L" ; 'I ys e'.o- iufr he bad
-1-e Lad ihe r.j rome sa'.Lj-
ii.T ataasscd not far trout
i.n.1 he ear id for nothing
c iii.-. t;e in existence he had
tain.-d. Alt iionyh averse by
i riviiiij iiiviiv mor.ev St
a b.t;.T i.i...
f-ic'!- a i i .
;. ..'. , !.b..
t : i.i on
! ::-'ii;ly at
t . :iW. io:i
c ; .i.i do : o p 'riuaoe'it ';od. in his
, ;: u l -t-nied l he steamship Van
:. ;"wilt. wo! -a cost s-'.id.C"J!. to the v-e--uiue;ii
;t the oui-breal; ol the civil war,
a.:d endowed, through the inlutence of his
f.cfend wife, tho Vanderbilt university,
s.t Isa-diviile. v. iili fr7lW.0L0. lie also
ra;de. tow:i'i the ia.-;i, various bequests,
tome ol v. ui.!i indicated that he was not
impervious to artful frailanli v. lie often
Lviped i..j:i that be happened to like, and
it 1::!V I
to nus :ouit, that ho was
always a-t c-wtili;-.;:t
pre v.
fen.-rally a-.-.-.
cvv. '. ivc pov. t ,
f jr tinie.
Fir.e lot
Lis hai:;i.-on:
el r.s his v.-ovd. Totally
m..- or j iesi'.; ip;ioii, lie was
s!!.-.'.. havinpr so Much ex
tht h -' was tcddoru prossc.'.;lly in bis old nj;e., elect cai-ria're, ami
ciaMiir kU ) v. . ro lively to uraw at tetitiou,
even in ;-..-wecd Lrca iway. He mig-ht
l.ive b.-, :i a p. hut.' in di.-.rnise, if princes
vtre wbut thoy i-o iiuag Inert to be. 11
certaiuly did not appear, physically, like
tho hard beaded, uncoiidithiaal, uulottercd
business inan lie 'was. His two recrea
tions wero e.rivinr and whist. lie loved
IT j.jd la r.-ce, bad lc::'.y of thcui. and wr.3
tho d -p-1 ot t!:o road. Ia v.hi-.t, he
played t.:J ri.vor of thi frame, und could
net' Lear to bo beaten, which be seldom
tra. At Saratoga, where he usually
re:it the m;::u:; r, be was disappointed
if ha did ".ot win cnoujh to u:ect his
hotel I lib When Lis ru emery bi jran to
fail he e.-:ied to play: serious as was tlie
deprivation, ho was uuwi'Iintr to Iee tho
r?iik be bad so lorn oeiir ied. He did uot
bo-.uer l.ian-f If nbv.-.t tiit-.loiry; but if bo
la-d L-i'li vt d t!:e li-I- ll. nl anarur.cemcnt
.f ti e tHi': -".!ty n a-.rit. ;;pon a rich
m-':i's c-:teri!.'r heaven, he would Lave
i a vevv p;.:;f eoi:.!-u of Leaven. Paul
X Clwchind la 'ina Cosmopolitaa.
Woman's fancier Conrrrna's Jcwc-lrj-.
A 1j.:t ti-;:e e that dy when the
woild tuvvea at the nod cf Cleopatra, the
Irvpth;:i women f ived all their gold to
bay emeralds for their daughters, because
the v.ssesiun of them not only insured
freedom from ell phytical ills, but made
in tl cir hearts an ercr spring well of
li pe, forci-:;r them to bo cheerful, happy
women. Sometimes tho etut-rtdd was en
praved with cabrdiatie characters, oftener
its smooth s:irfaco w.:s untouched; what
cocld net be aecoMpli-die.l by the precious
gra itself certaiuly could not by tho aid
of a my-tcvi: us Fyiuboh Then the Sici
lian women lou;rLt corul f." r their babies,
iKlievinj that it not only Lrougr'nt to
then pood health, but counteracted the
efTect of the evil cyo and kept away the
wicked spirits. It teened for a while as if
tho some interest was poimj to bo taken
in coral now that ws.3 then, for beautiful
piuk framed in diamonds was uot
on!- shown in tha laro jewelry shops,
Lut was worn by samo very smart 70u1en.
However. tI:o fancy sceuu to bavo died
cut: ccr; 1 is no loader either displayed hi
tho wiudo-.v or 01 woman. Cnfor-
tuni'.toly both of these jnccdtli giving orna
xneuts. tho emerald &'id tho com!, arc
easdy imitfctetL jtdiiea destroys their
valuo la tha tss cf tho pern cuMect-
I I . , - I.. jo. S"l lli l llil i ,stTi".Hselil
l.lfil V li H -11 : ko a' I- iml i oiiv tit on.
e i. I.. i I' i .li il III" li ii.i li'il,li;H In
: ti;,i' .i ( . i I In I' lirM Kr it l-a1r
ml mi 1. 1. i . ei Mieity aioi ilio
rm'iisoi Hit- !.(. A I. rali a im-.ilii. lo
ci vt-r-'-. . wild uioallis I in. . ili tin. f e
liiMiilra '? u a'll.l ! I'a.- Iieruie lialie-.s of
on ;, ! i ! 1 :.v. l,i-cu in ic !--11 H y
K i..i :iv.;i 1 1 "1.1 e line . lira III . ' ' lb II,
ilin . I..l:-li Mill i .n- l!HK i.y 1 in II ineta
., i.-s I..- I.iii 'ilin eti-iisii. . ' .- lilvi re-all
, li i I.i ; i I 111-'- -o..l !1" .f li: - I . Col el V
ae i- ! ut i.i . r o'li I . i" M''M'
111. I V il li." !! -liie il i I l-"T lieill
. . . . t e . .i I !'(. I !: i aim
c l. -..1 .1 a. 1 ia.i il'- 1 lolil
1 1 . .-i..-ii n n
1 li" ; o at li aiO .11 ' of oar
,1 - 1 1 . 1 . ' i 11.11 .i. I.U.-i l . anl Willi 1 1..' t ln.s
t.liiv 1 i r.! ! l M.oii-111 a1 it !; ri M-.inu
v. l.t-l 11 Hi li.Ki.iiiii-i lal l.lea 01 me i.(.i.i.ii
. oaitv tt- .e1.1L H' nal cuiiyialiiliilieiiH
! 0111 li b u .Miiriic ii .l biail iinm Iheir
,0 a. : I d t inai cii.aliiui w llicli colupleleil
,.riuiio.,, i, .slaveis tliiniil.oiit lilt; two
A I1111 n coiiliiii Ills. We eai iifslly lioi? wo
. a .nii c..iuialul..t' our fellow citii im of
Irl-li I. urli 111x.11 tiio .ea.-eful lecoveiy ol home
nil'-. ir I1el.11 l.
! 1 :
V. Ill
1 V 4
... I
'. 1 '
1,. .'I.I
I Ml:M o 1. 1 N.sw Ki'Vi y. n k v i n on
i.alioii.i .'". a oil to llie iltii-
tno 1 .'' ::te lo ll. au' .my l'(?-
I n. III.' si:,ie 1.1:. .1 II. e coliMlliltioll, to
1M.1..1. 1 i,:M-. i.i! ?H" I f s ol eitienH in
:: , . . i u : 1 1 1 1 1 ! s li. I If uiium aii.l i'S-
i.m,. j 0 liit s .p i-it.'-;u.l ov;-H i.ii unut oi
1 ly rii.i'ii, ir i"i.r, na-ive n- loieimi
1;.. '. iil.e "I ei to.-, to ea I on" fiee balioL in
lai'.ln: eiei ll"i h mi lo liave tin. I I. allot
..-iial -il. Ve I'.ol.l c iiei) nail lioii. vl po-
.1 i.aie-l 1 ;a-: I : nl ! i.u- eiiialion
it 1- . . 1.. .. 1 lor l.uatU.lioU of our re
1 , . i..i : f .i ::llil i.einailil .ll'Cllve
t( i- .,. -H- te ' 1- o le.rMly air put it y
1 -,.!! 1. .0. il.i-l in I Ms of all fali-
, . . e! a-e Ml.. I I lie uresei.t aJ
..i 1. ! . . lie.i-i:'.' ie maj lily in
s . w - : t.el. . I - I .-i I" 1 be 11 :; li" si on
,1 . 1 .. jlir- en. .mi I nii.:tln:tt llof Uti
1. 1 .0 . .. , ! ..-. t.f li e 1 hlMd Ktai.
. a ,ei-".i i. i.iU iiifly In fnvor of Hif
. . a -1 :a o' ; i t etioo. .1- pi'..u l
, :;. ... . '. i-o; -.e l le. tin- ii- -I
riy j M'l'ii' lilt iiiU'ie.-iA
,. .. l i'..,i. l.. 1 i;l Kl- F A.MK'.IC.V.
m.i ::. ,--1.. . iin roi.:.'ii n;:y a i-eal t
;. 1 I ;..r .il. iuel ieia. 'i h.r piolei'llV.
.' 111 ii::.-i t 1 noiin.unal. lis ivijaeil.'l.Iil.'iit
. i ;iv. In- 11 io Howeil by tei ei'1 tii ter
II iu'ieiest- eMvpt in.. so of ll.e uiiriut-r
... -li-ii:l.
e ii.o t i. m e U.f Mills bill as ileslruetlve to
. r ln-fiec-s. lalior. ai.o lie latenii' inter
Iso' 1 h" c' nil i'V an.l v.'i
:t-nso.-.ii an o t i'-.tii
tiear'by eieloise
ret ion ol t liti r-
C! :o.
r s-
4 in (inr'res in opT.i-s-lui.
111 ' lt:e
I" 1 l.e-e W i.i I oil l;e
::i !i C u'. ies t llol . "li
.ah I at' 1 l so as 1 11 f 111-
le'ui.a l :on to that ia-
i : a
l.:.: a
: r.-f'
e'i II
1 '
;:' . v i-iiM ellcef all nei-.n ti
I 1 i- .. ;o". .o r v.' iy r...):il;ng
in lax - n let. ..... wlileli an- an iriii;,.iee
r :t 1 Ml; 1 lo ar. 1 l.'i.hai.-. airil tee tax UJieli
. iii's s. .iiiti- mis an'l foi " ecliai ieal uir-
. ! !. 1. vi-: .; ' f lie lanll 1 -ws as
x c. .J', i '. 'v. - ;."i!s a Micii 1.111 lea a.s
at 1-ieui.ecO I;, ecr i i llie pio .uetiell of
'v Inch riv en,'.l j .1 to our labor, ana re-lui-e
ii- in bi:; eit iiie:, luisi' e.rt-eie.s ol for
. 14 1 ;i .ulirtl :!.. ex. -f 1 1 hixuir". t!;e liLe of
. 1 ;. i-.ii.i-. ; 1 i-iei.:ice.i at lo.iiie. llieie liall
.- ii! iiinaia. ii over levc.iue Ulan is r-quixitt
i...' t..e w... it- 1 ii v. men i.i. 1 laieraul taxes
1 !:! Io n i.t-1.1.. 1 1 :n v part cf our rnlee
; : , sbli-iii ; i t eji.ii 1 bell tt f l!ie wlii-k)
11a 11 .1 i;Ts I lnieiir.i tuan'if it"tar. is.
-.OM.-r-l I-M !: K AM' I. I1.' K i MS S
S (1 1" ' w I I .:' I" .Ir ! i I o. l!l-l loll iliio
1 . , . : . e . . 1 1 1 ii i nn r I I . I r : iel of
-. . 1 : ii ' i:r eiv.i zation anil our
; - ii .: . .1 v, e iiei. 1 i.ii t in-1 li ; eniove.'
it! .1 i: e-. s;i. u laws ai-ain.-t it inn: favoi sae'.i
bi.i'o-ilia; 1- i'.tati.-n as w-.U vxcb.cle ucli 1 1-.-
. 1 : in an s.
we t'"ci:ue our 1 i r-" b'o'ii to a"! co'r.Mi.a
' 'i n I.''. 1! ...i; hi ieii In irusis or otliei-A.-e
(o tr.r. lie! a: U .oily the cvi. tliti- of
t'.a'.e su'onj i;;- r.'i.e'is ai'il wt reeo-menit
e v- e - (' ; in-.0 a-e Ii frislatur -s in rlir
It ee. j e .- . i. I e nr; - aen leuNi. I i i. an wi.
..: i.- ir. eye'i.lli 1. .' aii s. r.i'ti 1 s o. tuei-s
r ; t I' - 'o " 1 one eii ; 11 ilieii i-tii;il;es
. 1 i- v tii j 1 1 r.o.. s ( r i lis- tr iii.-'i'.r,.it ion of
1 "ir in a 11 -t- t 1. 1 1; et
w e .i-- r iei.----!;, i le tiy eo.i;ess t' ire
. in-'- lir I i.s .V it tiiilai r iIm'iihi-
.. .il I. T O '
I f .li-or p 1 I Ot;- I ll
:. . v...t III ll"iiie-
niz s ion' s -filer '"-t
iil lie.-in riy ei-tai'iisbet)
i ".lua.sii ion . f
I- t!ie if
,..11- the
era fin ft njreM wn
ich iiaa bi'ouahl.
e. .Li.itii-.-nl ;e-
.. e .i-re I !'ll
1 ,,. llr-.J ft !
. '. H'l ill" iUl-
i-.Ium- slieu'al l.e
oeee iTiifc liiirty
tiie n-'opit . bin
"i of ivi'iili'i.-alis
, ill- ...
.it; ro
, j ... j,
' r
l I-H'O
.1 1 ! V 1 '
alien aii "j.n. ion jirj-fN 1 ii"-
ri'.'U. 1 i leilert : r in on
i .a s. 1; v I.e. 11 le.-loreil to
.: '1. ..'a . in.-e ..r i. io;;s
i -. nil 1 . i: ; a:-, v in ! l.e oiuSM-
4! !;: i'.- ' eii:'' "-' i e i.eiii'KTa! ic inlniittiH
tiati'ui willi nil ie io eyoen'e la-.-s sernrii'S to
s.'ltlev ritb' t) llieiT lieiar -KM-ls and v. trli its
iii!l :.ri r 'i riat'-je m-iJe for tliar jiuroeso to
harrass r rioeeiii se: Mi-r." with siii. s ami prose
eM'ieviH tin-l r I'o- at-e pr- te;?e cf cxpo.-ing
fr.-uitls "tul v.'int!''at,l! : i lit? law.
ArMI-'-10N (.fTi-llK'WI'IKS.
The t-f"ii:iiti!i by ei"icreM of the ienit'r
ie is la-el uj-eo! nceefsity oi-ly to the einl Unit
Mi-v ni:-v ., o, s,-. c- in t ri e union : nieri-
evci ; lo
e--i! 'uioiis i.i poj.iilal ion.
a "--i'. 1.1 te -i if. u on: i -teii;.' nee anil
i ':!. l-y il. '.iia- t-t insure s! al'ie Iia'i'.l frov
; "i lie.- ".i'a. a-, j.-f i.f-i.-il t err't nrien
.. : I. i e a : .' I ir-". vivi! : : a I ir via.
!o i -ivi '"or . 'e i'-i' H'". ! .-' i i ii I i " i :s st nil si ate
j.,v-r.. ;i i . lie ...t ill-' iri'o i lie union
i 'i-i.i li..' ef.-ie. r: i i !er .tarehiwrt nil ollicer-1
f .' I 'l l'! li 'e( li'.-m lima fiilr-
'.-i . - -i-i i ;;.?: h -ervit'.rv wherein
' U 11 f'-ikooi In i ii I I f
n . i : . Oft..' as a t-'!e in
t - .: i ; . -i .i siititli-:-. Il-.e-e-.l :iimI
l . i i . . :, j , -j -.i e in ln arliiy e
.1 - ,e !!.ii i rtjf i'(i'iMi.'i ft ier.:ire ii
wL r t i-i'n lor ..ef -llliUitoil. "he re-
i .: ! ihf eein-x-ratle Iioure or represenla-
ive. r partls'aH pur nse. t favorably iron-
t'ler these talis i.' a willful violation of the
. re Atii'rl'm rtrinciple of local eelf-gnvera
.: Ci f. an ive'iiTi- ih." e.n.Ieu:ii.irteii of a1.! JuM;
ii e t !-e peiutuiK bills in Ihe seiatte for acts
i -...iib' 1 o iie-,.le ot W i-li:: cioa. '.itii
ii'ii.rn ei.i 'on'ieit f.o i it i its io fm in eon-
rim i.i-i n'1.1 M'sli slat.- k'ivci nine--1 s
it ii I ;. -se.' w.M'oni iiir!i--e s-..ry le 'y.
i-.- iiii'i.e:,i, . t -.- ;.-e,i-.-s ineH to 'lo ail hi
; t.w.-t t f ;...;.;- it- ihe iidni'sviuii ef ihe
ef Ntw Mexie.t. Wjofiniijr. b'aho nr.rt
inz-'Pii Mithc erjoynipnt " of seif-tioverM'.ent
t-tsiatf-. Si eb ."f t in ni :is ar? tanv qualtlied
: i - ' as re.-.siiiie.i'inl others hs soon as they
I. t'tj. .Ille sir
: li- pr.wer of tiie ".loriiii u cVureli in
- e er ilt.rtesas exercised In t!,e nnst 1" H
. . .1 To :.' e 1 S l-i:.'! OO li oiiie'-ons to
! . ... ;r -j t r f re e p eilit- Ihe tv-
.ir- ial e-i-;ai ...ii.
ritiie IS CI'
I,,::! ill'!'
i- ireiaii. n
a." i.t
' it-.- ui e !:;
out tl.e iiite
I ,1, ,
,:'r,',.e 1 r...' eo
tr-'t: rr . i i.- !
i'e -iPT-.'a'..1
totem Tier
!! ra i-'-i" it"!1:
lie sever, tr'i
w'li-r: ro jia.v
f !:e !': '
vor of ;!n
I : i
i.ev. ae.l cnn-
' i!'-lir.i.'l.ltl,! hilillllUS-
;f..r t i
liemonTiio s'lv.r
tii? t.-Ju -t:on of letitr postyge
i- t'!; ours. wlir the cttii-ns is
r.T'd tip "tli.i'l tiie servant
r ox ;-i-j- imi p"i,t hy ell? wi 1
... n - iir,-ir tit.'.r tl.e s?.vr
.'p:M i.spm tn'eiii're ce. The
i i'ie .v,ni. tr ct liiat inrolilrrence
l i .- rve 'i :i tr.'e n-.tien. t her.
t : n. r Tie-li c-ai:-iii. t.
; -j-.., -. -.1 j;;;- - .;) ; f .'I
U " i e, - -. ;v (:';' I L-r'-vi: 'i n;,
i ' - ' : I .:t -' .i i'l'i.-J en!H
1 rw
Vet. !
,, ....
ui:. r.
VV arr. '.! v -.'..
.; ess
eaV- i io-' " '! I e
r i'-n '-c oar , r'e o
If'.'fW .rr-in-.f l
I rp (.'no- I'M I us v 1 '
!..:-. i that tTorttpt si'Miin
'i thee ; iiii-i.t i f sa.'-i
" eenre tile r -haiiiii
i:r re'iiif tea' -;( and
- r.'.-s-..-A 1 . crnvrtPS ef
itia'e ' to wnrK lriu nee
o iri-.-.r iv )-rT.j..w t M-ie or tll' Se e:t
' ce-.i in ur ii. iiirile'i.-il-.n well as th"s!
le-rf-Mv f'.,;i(i)V". in on -h oyartls. e de-ni-t
..i :"fiirepri' ii. a- for he riy rebull.iini;
f nr r-nvy ;er liie eeiiMru. tlou of e -ast
'orirtir -tio s unit tl'-r'l itrfJIniuic- "n't othr
nor f ti .'in.l.'-M i . a t." il-ter-.n for the
.r-tecii.". t -uir 1e' ns.-l hitrln-rs a-l
Ihh for h. n vmetif t jit s re sions fo mir
i.tilfr-. fr life w r'- of rttln-ai I -
e !. ti..rt v"intit of t hnroors
id 'Qit -y ' I lern-1 C'eiiwlsPr and
.--- "it -" r e "I'liKmrtn f
f .-ti- am ntk) 0lf
.-- ? : . 4 tin- tor th -jr- ni
-r tut- i-V'f4i. T -. v" r"i
country, proinntn trade, oiien ri-w and direct
Inaikets for our pioitnelR und elifap II the c.uht
of tniespoilal on Ve afhriii IhU to e lar
better for nr country than t democratic
po'l-y of loan nn Ihe covernineiit'i iiiuliey
without lnteresl iop-t hanks "
'Ho- eoiiilia t o' Ion ian allalrt by Ihe present
arliiilniitiatloii ban Ih-i-u !i't inruisheil bv luef-fien-
-y and coward lee. Ilaiitu: withdrawn
Iri.tii I1ih senaU- all poi'dlug trea les eftected
hy r- piihlu an a 'l.unisl ral io. s n.r the reliioval
of fort-on l.uriletis and resti ie ions in juir
iiiiuii.-ii'i' and for Ms extension btlo a bettor
iniilU-'t ! lias neither alleeted nor preposed
li-.y i-lln-is in I'lt-ir ftead Prof.-iinu adher
ei ee to li e Mnniiii' doe! ril e. il has ceeii with
I Me eoliii-bte.-liev lie' evlersio i ol fori'U'll Ll
tiueliee in 'eirll.u Ameiiea and et folr'i-'li trade
fvervwhele alee: j: our ni lii hoi s. It has re-tn-.-.l
to rbaili r Miiielioti or rm nnmpr any
.' nierieiin ei i-atiivt ion for eet-i ruei int; the
N K'.uaiia eaaiil. a work ol vt'al iniportaiiee to
tin- maintenance ol t Inn .Monroe doctrine and
ot national iiilluenet- ni t 'en! i al and Sou'.li
iiiii iiea iiml iiH-r-M'V f" the devt'loiinient
of ir nle with our aeiii.- teriitory, with hoieh
, ineriea. ami wilb Hie liiilhei coasts of the
I'iieille I e- a n.
I- till y.U I KS (.ifKsTION .
We ii mil -in the present deinecrntle .idini'iU
ItHtion f'-r its weak mid unpati lot Ic treatment
of the li-dieiii iii.";tion. iiinl its
surreiiileror a'! iirlvil-tt- lo which our fishery
tssel-are im'i ltd in I 'aiiaiii m putt iimler
the treaty of 1-1. Hie. n-eiireeate limri'.l
tii.e let-illation ot is.'-ti and comily of nations,
a'.d which ('an..iiati tishiiiK vs-'-'U receive In
the ports of i he I uiied Stat' s. ' e coU'Jenili
llieitlicvnf the pleselil adl'iillistrul ion and
tho ileiiioera'.ie maj lily in r"nn'".s towards
our INherien as iiiifri.-mjlv and eunsidcieti-ly
un p;i' ti.. Me and as tetiibni; tn destroy a valuable
national iidie'tty and an iuilisiu-nsihle resource
ot defense against fi reitti etieti.y
The nat f Atnei leau aepiief alike to U
cdiei.s of the rep.itdi . and ia.p m-s upon nn'ti
i-like the .-aine o lie-tiio ol' ..!. ei. 1. -e to the
;iw. . t t he same tinieci ii ii.-hi'.i ir- and must
he the panoply and f aieuaiii of him ho v a;s
it, si onlil shie d und protect him whether loh
. r row. ilcli or pior. in all his civil ridit ll
should und nws'.alToul b'lti prote'-Mou m Home
und fellow hi d protect hltn al.rnad In whatever
land he may be on a Uwful errainl.
("l Vin SKKVU'K Itft'oilM.
1 he men lio ah onioned the republican n.r
tv in ISM ami continue adhere to Ihe demo
cratic part v 1. live deserted not only the cause
of lioi efl. t'ove'-iiiiient, hut of sound linnnce. of
ficiriliini and p"'by 'f l,ie hallot. but espec
ially hair de.nerteo thr eaure of refro ill I be
civil service. V. e w ill nut full to keep uUl'
pledges beeau-e 1 1 ev have broken theirs, or
he mine their candidate has broken h'.s. We
therefore repea our declaration of m, tow it :
The reform of civil service au-pieiously heiui republican adniinlslrat ion should be hy a further extension of th- reform
MMteu: already established by law to all urades
of the service io which It is apolied. The spir
it and purpose of ii-form should be obderved in
nil executive appointments, and all laws at
vatieiice witii the object of exiioinK reform b g
islation sh. uld be repealed, and that the flan
jiers to free institutions which furk In the pow
er ef,,c: cial tnitroiiatje nn. y be wisely and ef-fe-livelv
I he era! itn dc of the nat! n to the defenders
of the unio.i cannot lie assured except tV Ihws.
'1 lie legislation of coninest should conform to
the pledges made bv a loyal p op'e. aud be so
ee.laiL'ed and CNtended as to prov'de against
the possibility tin t any man who honorably
w i re ihe federal unifonn shall becon e an In
mate of an xlnishoiise or depend 'lit on i rivate
i-haritv. In the presi nee of an overflowing
treasury it would h- a public ceandal to do lens
for those whose valorons sci vice ireserved the
f.overeiii.iit. We clenouee tho hontiie spirit
-hev. n hv President licveiaml In his numerous
vetoes t't measures for pension relief, and the
action of the democratic house of representa
tives in refusing even coiislUeratioii of general
pen n.n legislation.
In support - f the principles herewith enun
ci.i'ed v e invite I h" co-opet'af.ion ol patriotic
in- u of all patties. specially of all working
men whose pro--' parity is seriously threatened
by ihe free trade policy of the present admin
istration. The Hist co ecu of dl jreod government is
the virtue and sohriety of the i.eoob- jnd the
purity of their homes, .the republican party
eordinllv symnahtzes with t-.11 wbe aiid wed
directed charts for the prouiotion tf t-mper-ni
IUJMlTISs 1i kkcto'ky.'
h- S. F. T!b M AS
Attorne -at haw and Moary Public. Ofike in
l"i znera d block. I'lat-sinonth. Neb.
A TlOiiN 1' Y.
4Jloriiey-at-Law Will srive prompt attention
t.t a'l iuisine 'iirusted to him. Oflice in
feior. Klock. Fast -ed. Plattsniouth. Neb.
i liidCl'b'l f" Al. I.MriMliNTS.
?t II ALL -V t IJAUl,
,-i icnUnval Implements, l omtlatid BugKies
nd Kutbf T.i'd Vvaiions "(iood 'limber and
Hone Dry," fold ami Warranted. Main street,
tit twecn Hix. h ami Seventh.
-D N K.
ef i'li't'sinoui h. Capital sao.nno : siiiplu? Slt,
(ioi). John l'itzerahl. President; S. Waugh.
Casiiier: K. ul. W hite, Viee-I'rcsi.lent. Hoard
of Director" : John Fitzgerald. F. K. White,
Juo. K. Clark, 1. iiawkswoi th, S. Waugh.
of Plattsmont:.. Ciip't-1 stock paid in, S50.ono.
Frank Carruth, President : W. il. dishing,
Cashier ; J. V Connor, Vice-President. A
irenera! banking hii-i'ics trnnaeted. Collec
tions receive prompt mid careful attention.
ifL.V.'KsM rtt
Hlacksniii h end W:iiron - aker, Dealer in Wind
mills, i'nmps and FiUings.
BtalTS AMi-llilr.s.
Boots anil Shoes. Urpaii'ln.i: rroinptly attended
to. south. -ide Main stiver.
B. iO i'S AX l TT'FS.
f'tTKlt MFiwrs.
A complete assortment of eveiy kind of Koet
vi'iir mii cli'-a -er ibau the cheap-sr wes' of
the Missouri Also iiianuf.m tiring and
Hot ai d Odd Ha bsat all hours. Ladies' and
Children's Hair Cutting a specialty. Cor. Cih
ami Mam, under Cami'.h V.
Bread, Cakes. Pies, linns, etc., fresh daily.
Parly. Wedding and Fa-rcy Cake a specialty.
IceCreatn in any quantity.
J. 1. Y'OUNC,
Bookseller, stationer, and News Dealer ; Fancy
Moods. Toys. Confectionery, Fine cigars. Soda
Water ami Milk Miake, i'iauosand Organs aud
Musi ul Instruments.
S. & C. M V YER.
!cn',s Fin -ni-hitigs. Fine Tailor Made Clothing
i i .Aid 's, leivs' and
i'il.'.ren's Wear. Their
tlt-fv l o'i iiei itiou. Tiiev misrenreseiit
j h ir V. ri is Their Bond.
" L. OOLDINfi. "p. r"ii;nisiiiiig lioodi tlo to the old
house for Huts, Cans. Umbrellas, Trunks,
!-. Is, Sbo-.s. Main street, next Cass Co, Bank.
C. E. WEsCOTT, .
Clothing. Hats. Cans, tire. Fine Furnishings
our specialty. One price and no Monkey Hus
tiicss. n ays to tra ie with us. llockwood Blk.
vj oa tt i:r i i i c n v i no co.,
Kr-'inSc far-Mi. Menry .1. Streiglit, Proprietors.
Pr.ckcrs ef the Climax Braud Vegetables.
ii. 'f Jv'N FRY.
PMIi.Lfil KHU'S,
Coiifeci:o!ierv and Fine Ciears.
f ni t
r. p. SMI'H & o.
1 V.i'crs in Wall Paper. Paint . Oil. Art Mater
ials. Cirar.? Rjckwood Block.
A .L'Rl VO & Ct,.
Iitig, Ch-tiiiioals. Paints. Oils.
U P. (i FRIKE A CO..
I) "h"i!iie.iis. i' iut. Oils.
Varni-'h s. tye S'litl, et ; . 'i i tuMou-Ty,
Stilt-ct r Ret .ltd F.msy Vrtieies. "
DtYG "D , O'JOnKt iKS.
F. Will IK. -Dry
i d-, 'rrHiHi-h,- .rioos. G'ier' Mer-
l"' -i-lie. f e - - '? e -i !- M;io ;md 6 h -tsi.
?. Jir.R
'nrrv a large tck of Fine ttroeerle. Dry
(iooils. Carpets. O ieeusware. Notions, jnd
Fancy (ioods. to b found In the county. Lp
jier Ma li ntreet between 5th and Cth.
JjKNTIsl. j)it a T WITIIER8.
"The Patuless Dentists." Teeth extracted
nit bout the least pain or harm. Ari Iflclal teeth
Inserted Immediately after extracting imtnral
one when desired. Oold and all other Fillings
sti icily first cbi's. Oflice In L'uiou P.lock.
Hiruitii-e. Be.bling. Looking Mia-ue. Picture
Fr imcM, etc. Wooden aud Metal Caskets kept
in stock.
T . PF.aRLMAN. tire. I'iirloi Suiis, Cpho'stery flood.
Stoves. viieensware, '1 inware. and all kinds of
lion clinld Moods. North t!i street, between
Main and Vine.
GENTS t7R:ilTl NO OOOns.
Ments Fine Furnisher and Hatter. Tbe most
complete and lloest s'ock in the city. Carruth
li'iock. Cor. 5th and Main.
U M. It. MURPHY & CO.,
Tho Leading Dealers in Oroceric". Crockery.
China, Lamps. Wooden and Willow' ware.
Flour, Fecd.&e. Casdi pa'd for country produce,
C.ioceries, Provisions, Glassware nd Crockery.
Mreen. Staple and Fancy Groceries.
staple and Fancy Groceries, Greeu Fruit and
Canned Goods.
p ROCElflES.
ai:g. b veil.
Groceries and Quecnsware, Flour and Feed
Cigars, Tobacco and CuMerc. Ri 1 '! II i.-c
.staple and Fancy Groceries, Glassware and
Crockery, Flour and Feed.
Proprietor City Hotel. Terms. 1.00 pur day.
Special Attention given commercial men.
Successor to O. M. Slr-ight. Harness, Saddler)
Goods. Net-", Robes, Dusters, and all horse fur
nishing goods.
Hardware. Stoves. Tinware. Table and Pocket
C'ttleiy. Rasors, etc. Household Sewing Ma
chines and Jewel Gasoline ntoye(. Tinwork
of all kinds done at reasonable prices. Main
street, Rockwood Block.
Watches. Clocks, Silverware and Jewelry.
Special Attention given to Watch Kepairing.
Always carry a line etock of Dianoonds.Watcli
es. CI cks. Jewelry, Silverware an 4 Spectaoles.
Drop In and inspect their goad before purchas
ing elsewhere.
Jeweler. Walthani Watches a Specialty.
Street, near Fourth.
The Checkered Barn. Livery. Keed and Sale
stable ; parties conveyed to all parts of the city.
Carriages at all trains. Corner Vine aud ctu.
Who'esale and Retail Dealer In First Quality
Beef, Pork, Mutton Veal. Lamb. etc. Sixth
stree, Neville Block. Prices moderate.
J. II AT T & CO..
Kill their own Cattle. Render their own Lard
and Cure their own Bacon. Main street.
rinirr L-1 o. -i r
- i i iy J . ur.u .x
Eggs, Poultry &c. We use o ly the best grade
of native stock. Oysters and game in season.
C. F. tsMITH,
Merchant, Tafor. Main street, "over Merges'
shoe store. Complete stock of samples. Fit
guaranteed. Prices defy competition.
A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil
linery and Ti liuiiiinas : also Children's and lu
f an ts' Bonne's, to be closed out at. cost.
Meals and Lunches set ved to order at a'l hours.
Also cigars. 'fob icco. Pop aud Cider.
Opposite Riddle House.
Sample Room, lmpor e-1 and Domestic V-nes,
Liijuors and Cigars. Only straight goails han
dled. Milwaukee Bottled Lager a Specialty.
Cor. 5th and Mriiu Sts.
Nb-k Ciinnimilnim. proiirietnr Choice Wines.
Liquors and Cigars. Poul and Bil iard Tables.
R ddle Hou-e Block.
Wm. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of
Soda Water. P.ircli Beer. Cider, etc Agents lor
Fred Krii4's f 'e'.ebrated lig-r Beer.
Sampl ' Room and Billiard Hail. Choice Wines
Ltiiuurs and Ci-iars. B 11 iard and Pool Tables.
The Boss Tailor
Main Sr., Over Mergi s' Klit-e tileie.
Has the best and i;nr?t complete stock
of samples, both foreign and domestic
woolens- that ever came west of Missouri
rivsr. Xote these prices: Business suits
from $lt to b'., dress suits, 23 to $45,
pants $4, $3, $0 ?G.50 and upwards.
Will ;uariintet'd a fit.
Prices Defv Compelilion.
it i
P rsoiiKl attention to all Buainees Entrust
o a.y care.
Tiilep Et '.ti'.iued. Abstarcts Compiled, In
st lance Written, Heal Estate Sold.
better Facilities for making Farm Loan than
m.ittNmoutli, - TV"b ilia
Practical PiEna scd Organ Timer
First-class work guaranteed. Alao deal
er in Pianos and Organs. .Office at Boeck's
furniture store, Plattsmoutb, Nebraska
R. B. V.'INDIIAM. John A. Datixa,
Kotary Public. Notary Public
ttoraya - at - Ticsr?.
---. , r ..
attsmouth !
Pit Still
Berlin, Germany.
X TO 'it
You can consult him about
Your Eyes,
and how to take care of them. More
light for the unfortunate spectacle wear
ers, and the doom of blindness prevented
by the use of his Alaska. Brilliants and
Australian Crystals. A new chemical
combination of
And patent self-adjusting
Spring- ISyoglasses
The first time intraditced into this coun
try; manufactured to order after careful
examination by modern instruments.
has arrived in Plattsmoutb, and ha
an oflice at the Riddle House. He is do
ing an immense business throughout tin
United States, giving the best of satisfac
tion and delight to hundreds with de
fective sight. His knowledge of tin
human eye and bis skill in adjusting thi
glasses is marvelous beyond imagination.
Eudorsed by all the great men of this
country and Europe.
In an instant, as if by magic he is en
abled to tell you any ailment of your
failing vision, point out the cause and
danger, aud adapt brilliant glasses, pe
culiarly ground to suit every defect ol
the eye, which will aid in 6trengtheninp
the eyesight of the old and young. Sci
entists invited to examine the new sys
tern for the preservation of the humar
Teachers should watch the early mani
festations of their scholars' eyesight anrl
report in time to then- respective parent
to h ive their eyesight exninined by Prof.
Stra.-smap, the expert optician of nation
il fame.
Artificial Eyes Eeplaced,
Persons deprived of an eye can have
this deformity removed by the insertion
of nn artificial one, which moves and
looks like a natural organ.
9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p., and 7 to 8 iD
the eyening.
Geo'ge Burgett, Rev. A. Clark, Mr.
Duff, Mrs Dr Latsh, D P Rolfe, Mr.
Streeter, Dr Briuker, R 31 Rolfe, Rodeti
brock, C Anderson, J W Waldsmith,
A Cotton, S II Calhoun, Judge Mapes.
David Brown. Dr II-rshey, Wm Hyer.
T S Jones, E M Taggart, E Reiber, W.
II Murphy, Frank McCartney, Jame
Fitchie, Rev. Emanuel Hartig, Mrs. A.
E Rudd, W D Merriam, -Miss VanMeter
Dr S L Oaut. A Home, Paul Schmink
Nat Adams, Geo A "Wilcox, Mr Sheldor
Mr. Guosell. Rev R Pearson, Shomeru
L Levey, S M Kirkpntrick, Dryscob
Donald McCuaig, William Wilhelmy
Rev Rivers, Logan Enyart. N Redfield
J F Welch, Rev. J B Green, John Good
lett. C Vt Bickel, Dan Gregg, C W 8cher
ff. E S Ilnwley. A R Newcomb, Wr
NelsoD. Mrs N Davis, Wm Fulton. Acar
KIckm, Mrs Ed M T Johnsoe
Mm Carnout, Mrs. Sterling Morton. 31 n
Wntrwn. Mis Morton. Mr Geo T7 Hawk-
Never before has an Optician re
ceived such testimonial from
the people.
Oilice of Iowa Soldier's Home,
Maishalltown, la., Feb. 17, '88.
Pitor. Stuahkma, Vrtir Sir: The
glasses you furnished myself and wife
when in Clinton, have proven iu every
way satisfactory, and we take pleasuro
in recommending your work and glasses
to nil who may be in need of safety aud
and comfort for your eyesight.
Very Respectively,
Cot.. Milo Smith, C'onnnt.ndant.
Mayor's Oilice, Maishallti n,
November Hrd, 18H7.
Prof. Strassman lias been in our city
some six weeks or more, and as an opti
cian has given the best of satisfaction
both as to prices and juality of work,
having treated some of the most diflicult
cases of the eyes with success and am sat
isfied you will find him a skillful opti
cian and a gentleman.
Very Res) ect f u 1 1 y,
Nelson Ames, Mayor.
Prof. Strassman, a distinguished
tician, now stopping in our city, comes
before us with the highest testimonials
of skill and experience in his art, and I
take pleasure in recommending him to
my friends and tho public who may le
in need of his services, as one entitled to
his confidence. J. Williamson, M. D.
Oltumwa, Iowa.
Kew Eyes
The long felt want in this com
munity for sight-restoring glasses is now
supplied by the successful optician, Prof.
A. Strssman, from Berlin, Oe.-many, for
a short time longer at the Riddle house.
The waste of valuable eyesight can be
prevented, if not too late, by his correct
mode of equalizing all inequalities of the
injured eyes In his specialty, it is con
ceded that he is the head of the profes
sion, and many of our best citizens, and
physicians have been successful in ob
taining relief by the use of his glasses:
Allen Beesou,
Byron Drew,
J. Vallery, jr.,
II. Boeck,
Mrs. F. Johnson,
Mrs. N. E. Sage,
Mr. C. Nichols,
Mr. Hodgett,
Mrs. Lcvings,
Mr. Hayes,
Mrs. Nieman,
Geo. Buckle,
Mr. Leonard,
John Bobbins,
Mr. Holschuch,
Miss Laura Baker,
Mrs. A. SA-ift,
Mrs. W. I). Jones,
Mrs. Kate Simpson,
Mrs. P. L. Wise,
Dr. Schildknecht,
H. P. Vanatta,
W. H. Newt 11,
Mrs. P. Kessler,
Mrs. P. Kennedy,
C W. Sherman,"
Eli Sampson,
Mrs. Rankin,
Miss Young,
W. Manker,
Prof. J.B. Wiltcomb
Judge A. N. Sullivan
Judge Chapman,
Mrs. Benfer.
G. W. Covell,
Mr. Elson,
Mr. Geo. Natterson,
Mrs. I). M. Jones.
Mr. .1. ('. Cummins,
Rev. F. W. Wittc.
Dr E B YonDg, C F Clark, G K Powers,
D B Miller, J B Reeves, Mis J Seank.Mis
T H Dearborn. G W Holt, A C Blose, W
A Close, Mr9. Applelx, Mr Stockhluger,
J S Wroth, Rev McCIure, Mrs I testier,
Mrs. Farrier, Manker. Rev McCullery, Mrs
Stanley. R Wadswortli, Mr Mnrenholtx,
Mr Jeffries, Rev Jagg, W Stafford, C W
Sehneider, Harvey Spry, C E Richards,
David Harris. Mr. Isold, C II Lane, C M
Mills, T H Lee. Wm Koehkr, C J LilJi
jeberk, T M Lee, Geo L Piatt, Mrs L
Holyser, Win Dubley, O Runnels, Mrs
li S Porter, I II Hazarenus, Mr Broadby,
F A Carter, Mrs Fisher, Mr Stoddard, E
0 Shepherd, A McConnell, E A Brown,
Mr Gibson, Mr Fikes, Rev J W Hamil
ton, S P Miller, Mrs F C Clark, B E A
Simons, J W Sautbin, Mr Van Alstine,
L F Ross, Mrs Deemer. Mrs. Junkin,
Thos Griffith, I Sanborn, Geo Binus, Mr.
Meyers, P. P. Johnson, and many ethers
from the surrounding country.
Col W P Hepburn, tx-congrcssmcn;
Hon T E Clark, senatf. ; Rev Snook, Dr
Cokeuowcr, Dr Lewelleu, F W Harish,
1 S Mclntyr, A 8 Bailv. J D Jonts, B W
Foster, H C Beckwith, John Glaseby, O
A Kimball, Mrs. Moisman, V Graff, Rev.
Seay. Dr Van Sant, J D Hawley, T M
Monzingo, Dr Millen, II Bed well, Capt
Stone, J II Stet, Hon Wm Butler, O N
Hurdle, A T ClemeDt. J M Crabill. Mr
Newton, Mrs Shaul, Hon T E Clark, Mrs
Lor an z, Dr. Power, Rev Eddy, Raymond
Loranz, A P Skeed, J P Burrows, Dr
Barrett. Mrs Ells.
President of First National Bank and
President of Creston National Bank;
I II Patt, Mr Donlin, Mrs Teed, Ed
Derr, Rev Van Wagner, Geo Webster.
Miss C Webster, 3Irs Mary Eckert, TfaoM.
McGrath, Ed Lewis, Dr N Turrey, Prof
Larrabee, Col Swall, Mrs W D Moore,
W V McQuaid, J II Lichty, Mr Spurr,
Dr Groves, Mr II Newman, Dr Duulnp,
W F Patt, Rev F W Eason. Mrs M Sulli
van, Mrs Laramore, Mr. Zallars, Mrs K
Duane. Miss C Eoyer, R E Ewingr. W M
Lparr, Dr. Reynolds, Mrs II P Sawyer,
Miss Mattie Muntz. C Hurley, D G Miller,
V II Blanchard, Dr Schifferie, Mr B Hur
'ey, Mr Hamman. Mrs A M Gow, Prof
Meyer, Dr Reynolds.
Senator Bloom, Dr I F Ilansit, Dr.
pperthwaite. Mrs Dr Lee, Messrs. Par
in, Kost, Mosier, F II Bradley, II II
Tones, D 8hireliff. p m Purdy, Oen Rosm,
Tarner. Mrs F J Cox. Hon P A Dey, Rer
oiter. Prof Parker. Prof ITcClalre, Prof
rrv.r-trr.f r---. o
! !l
ii -
I ;