Ifcffff l.l III iMn ' PLATTSMOUTJI, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13, 1888. NUMBER J7 SECOND YEAR CITY" OFFICERS. Mayor, Treturer, Attorney. Kiixlfier. Police JiiUic, MardiaU, K.M. Ktciiky - - W K tOX - Jams Pa rrKRuon, jh. - hvuon 01.AUK A Mauulk W II MALI K .1 v vVm'rbacii . .. S J 2nd ;i 1 Mi. 1 M ) km 1 1'lt. till I PM AN , I M it '.iLliil'll V I - V lr t -N I ' ' - Von Noit. i- M. C .l.i.fN I'll KM .1 W J "INS ,' HAIHM 4.V A Negress Exeouted for Murder- Union Sprinos, Ala., Oct. 13. Paul ine McCoy, a negro girl aged 19, was banged here yesterday for the murder of Annie Jordon, a 14 year old white child, last February. The execution was pri vate, ouly the necessary persons being admitted. The crime for which the woinnu was hanged was a peculiar one. j Tiie victim, Annie Jor.l-in, strayed away ii ai'i ui. Wrk- r ICKII ii lK f I 11 Hawkmvvokth COLTjC'l'Y OFFIGE1JS. l'rea.irr. tviiy ! f.t 'i' I . Ju-rlt. '! rk. tt.-ciir.lf-'- .1 1 .--4l' Cl-r. ! "i -i. ! o ir Stieri.f. rnrv.y.r. Ati'i.ii-v. .( "1 ! !-. .11. J, ' ' - . K. . !. li':i . L :'l -. i.r.. . rk. II K.s. I A I'AMI'IIKI.L I'll - I.'M'K Ml 111) ' I1IT II I- I.U Kxa ill mki.i w. ii. r- .i. .!.' N M I.KVOA A'. SllourAI.TK.lt .1. Kl K KN ItAHV , M All'iLK l.l,K ItKKSO.N M V N 1 1 S INK Itl' -4 l.l. K V I .ils. I'l .itMnuuth V.--jisii W-iif-r 1'. IIIWIMmI she has taken it. The United States tried to frighten her with a commercial union, annexation and unrestricted reciprocity, but she was well before and is better now and does not -ih to change. The diplomacy of the premier will be vindi cated on Novi-mber 7, whichever paity tjoes in. While- ho did not d.'sire to dis purage the United States, lu: would s iy that it they v ie to annex themselves to Canada, it would do 1 hem good. I'ar for all tli'-st; from her home iu Montgomery and uoth- I : i i r i . . ... .:i i . i 1 liaiacnt will iIj its tlutv. tor f,...,i ; i.,... ..f i.. MfpJ movements toward the United States Tlie circumstances pointed to Pauline and she was arrested with the" dead girl's I clothing on h-r. She. was found guilty last spring and s nttnced to death. Ef forts wi re made t get the g 'vernor to interfere, hut to no avail. ( -.s i) l ' I l'i - !S--X T I- I l)T -V.M liI -ro.3i-.il lri!i s- ar r iimmI. I O. . K if I'll v.-i'k. Ali f ii.'ctf ;il!y Siivtte.! to II.ATTMOlT! M K.VC VMI'MKN'T N.3. I.O. -- O. K.. in'-ei- every :ntern;i!e Ki l.lay in fnrh moiilli In th! M.i-iii': Hall. Visiting llr.it lieri ;ue invilo 1 to atteiul. 'iniio i.o:k;k no. mi. a. o. u. v. Meets I everr ltruatrt t'riilay evening at K. or V. hall. Transient brothers ar respectfully lu viteJ toatteml. P.J. Mrcii,.Ma-tei Woikman ; K. P. H row n. Foreman ; (' H. Keinter. Over eor; It. A. Taite, Financier : H. F. Houe worth. ftccorder; M. Maybiiglit. Receiver; 1. U Smitli. F.t M. W. : 1. S. Bowcn, Guide ; I. J. Kunz, Inside Watch. tlASS CAMP NO. 3.12. MOUUIIN WOOOMKX ' of America Meets e;ond and fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. hall. All transient brother are requested to meet with u. Ij. A. Newco oer. Venerable Consul ; F, Nlleo, Worthy Adviser; S. C. Wilde. Banker ; W. A. Boeclc, Clerk. PLATT3 MOUTH tJOlME NO. 8. A.O. U. W. Met every alternate Friday evening at Kockwood hail at so'elocic. All traiisieut broth ers are respectfully iuvitd io attend. L. S. I.prsuu. M. W. ; F. Boyd. Foreman: 8. C. WUae. Uecordor ; Leonard Anderson, overseer. PLATrSMOLTH LODGE NO, (. A. F. A. M. Meet on the first and third Moudays of each month at their hall. All transient broth er are cordially Invited to meet with us. J. G. KiciiKV, W. M. ffx. Hats. Secretary. TEBKA8KA CIIAPTKIC NO. 3. R. A. M. W Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Maon Hall. TranseW-nt brothers are Invited to meet with us. , F. E. White, II. P. Wsi. Havs. Secretary. Mr. ZION COMMA -IARY. NO. 5. K. T. , Meets llrst and third Wednesday night of laeh month at M uo 's hall. Visiti.iy bruthers "'are eordi illy Invited to meet with us. WM. Havs. Kec. F. E. Whits:, E. C. CASSCVt'NClLXO. l.-'l. KOVAL vRCANUM "fj.-i the eeind an.J fouriU Mondays of Sho' Dnad- Pli Mil Ckkkk, Nel., )et. 13. Yester day inoiiiiii, at about 11 o'clock, farmer named alter West was shot and instantly killed at the farm house of 11 S. Adams, tight miles east of this city. The murder frew out of trouble over the - ! division of whe;it frown cm land owned Meet-. ... . " iy Aiiam-i ana reiUeU iy est. i no lult-'-r hnd just brought n load to deliver to Adams when t lie qmrrcl "hetween the two men arose, which resulted iu Adams drawit g a revolver and shooting Wist through the heart. Adams came to the city in the afternoon and gave him self into Sheriff Taylor's hands. The coronor's jury has not yet returned its verdict. Wet va3 a single man about thirty-eight years old. Adams is about sixty. The Finest Business Block In Town Entirely Destroyed. Valentine, Neb., Oct. 12. A great fire has been raging here, but is now un der control. The finest business block in the town has been burned out. The fire started at 10:20 in the rear of E. Mc Donald's hardware store and spread rap idly, burning B. McDonald's hardware store' hia large dry goods kotise; Shaw's handsome block, iu which were Shaw's general store and resinence; the United States signal office, which is a complete loss; Qodkin & Wagner's photograph gallery, McKean's shoe shop and Spark's bank of Cherry County. The lss is es timated at $20,000, with but little in surance. Valentine has just voted a sys tem of water works, but it is not yet completed. nead only one thing destruction to Canada's industries ami whatever she has striven for during the Kt ten years." t.Vii uioiiiu at Aioauuru uau, K. N. Glenn, Regent. 1. C. Mtxoft. fceeretary. PLATTSMOUTH SOAROOFTRAQE President. Root. B Windham 1st Vic Prfidnt.... A. 11. Todd nd Vies President 'Vm Neville Secr'tary..., F. lleri"tibiiu Trea-urer. , F- K. Gutlnnan IMHEOTOB-I. .1. C. Tii.-l.ev. F. E. Wnti-. .1 I'. Patterson, J. A. 'ouii.-r, II. Lirfou, (.'. v. .t:eim i'.., F Gor d. r, J. V. ekl.:eh. --OwS?lMie POST 45 Cm. A. r?. H.)H fEK. s. T.v: F . A O ;!.?:.. .i Ill lll lT in r Vi.'f " A.tj HiN.it I lir.Ilili Al M...S iV ii O ' H..S : !f 4xv --'v 'iv. .. .' ; .: .. i L. . :!'ic'i- of til" it '. . '.i::rd -r Major. '1.11 .T S.T: -. I Iflotlng Str kers in a Missouri poal Mine Kill the Owner. St. Louis Mo., Oct. J3. A special from Macon, Mo says; Thomas "Ward Well, a wealthy coal mine pperttor, was killed at Ijevier (his afternoon by strik ing miners, during a riot. Nearly all of the mine owners have eugaged new men, and these have been coming in from abroad for several days past. This action of the operators great I V - incensed the. strikers, who were bitter iu their ' expres sions against their former employers, es ueecially Wurdell. Threats have been ! made by the strikers against the new men, but there, was qo violvut demonstrations until today, wlun borne of the new men j w re bet upon 13 th:? strikers and a gen- rnl battle followed. During the riot V .li. i. 11 Wa floit u:.d k!li; d. There s intense cxcitemeiit nt Ccvier, ; an'l t4 " are ciitei twined or further 1 iioo.l!i. d. The f h i iff uud a posse have 1-olK- to i evicr. Ashland Republicans' Enterprise. Ashland, Neb., Oct. 1-. The grand est demonstration of the campaign in Ashland occurred last night under the auspices of the republican league. At 7:30 the flambeau club, under the charge of Captain K. L McKinny, formed in the line on Silver street and gave the mo.-t magnificent display of fireworks ever witnessed in Ashland for a long time, af ter which the multitude filed into Sim. ington's opera house until it was packed full, and many were compelled o leave for want of room. The mcoting was called to order by Lieutenant Governor Shcdd, who intro duced to the audience the lion. (J. M Lambertson ot Lincoln, who made an excellent speech on the tariff, comparing the senate tariff bill with the" Mills bill and proving that the demodratic argu ment of tariff reform means in the end free trade. It was a grand speech, filled from beginning to end with solid argu ment, such only as is capable of being produced by the best-posted men on the tariff duestien. What Ails You? Do you have obstructions of the nasal passages, drsehargts from the head and throat, sometimes profuse; acid ami watery, at others, thick, tenacious, mu cous, purulent, bloody, putrid and of fensive; dull, heayy headache most of the time, with occasional "splitting head aches '; are your eyes we'ik, watery, or inflamed; is there ringing in the cars, with more or less duafue-is; do you h ive t hark, cough and gig, in your e fforts to clear your throat in the morning; do you expectorate offensive matter, scabs from ulcers, perhaps tinged with blood; is your voice changed and is. there, a "nasal twang" to it; is your breath offen sive; are jrour senses of taste and smell impaired If yon have all or tiny con siderable number of these symptoms, you arc suffering from that most common and dangerous of maladies chronic nasal catarrh. The more complied -d your disease Ii..s beej..i -, the gie.oer the I number and diversity of symptoms. No matter what stage it has reached, Dr. Sage's Catanh Itemed y, which is sold by druggists at only hO cents, will cure it. The manufacturers of this wonderful remedy offer, in good faith, $300 for a case of this disease which they cannot cure. TV? ffil i 0 due IS NOT MSgfOIlK . When lie claims that lie can show the Finest, Fullest, Fanciest and Cheapest Stock of Liens', youths', Boys' and Children?, Phrenology with Modifications. Dr. Clevenger, while assailing phre nology in its technical forms, has taken strong grounds in The American Naiural ist in favor of a modified cerebrologr. He does not like burupolocy, hut believe3 that the differences In heads mean something, and a very definite something pertaining to character; precisely as facial unUkP nessea do. "We now know that ihere are centers in the brain of man for the speech faculty, above the temple; and that thence backward and upward to the upper back part of the head aro arm and leg centers; that auditory mental impres sions aro registered in the brain above the upper ear tip; and a center for visual function is located in the occipital end of tho cerebrum." So after all our science steadily leads ua back, fr perhaps' for ward, tc. $ rational cnastemng oi tne brain functional centers, a verifiable phrenology. Charlatans do not so much indicate the falseness of a theory aa its perversion. Globe-Democrat. Pt. K.. v. -s -rrt aii-1 r.i;.li. 1 nai wia a gu.f-a ! M -etc i-r I'y-t.ii.. I izz.-.es.i. toiivuN' . l-V. ?r ns .lr..lia. H-art H'-li.. rv-'ii I'r sir '..ii c: n-i-ii ly tlifii oi a t'.ili.; nr t t'-iee.'. Wak-l:iii'!u. .ental !-lr--in. oif nil..; -f ilw rra!" iv-ultiii): in in finity an : li :t'i.'i: i iHiSd y . ot-.-.iy n Oil 'ie'ttli, i-remature '1I Aire. Iarri-i.ne, Li s- oi !-Vw-t x in ittier s x. liiv"!:n.i;uy and Spcr- fitav rrh i'.-i causi-tl y ov'r-eertitn it tn Lralo'. fe!i.itue or nver-ii-.i'i-.lt nee. Kiifh box tdlitaoi' one itioiita'n Ireiitmeiit, Slw) a box wit noses far 5.00, sent by mail prepaid on rtxvij.i e( prtc srx: otj ahant j: ?ix boxes To ou re anv ea W.tb c-iuii order received by i.-vj six bo. acconinan''J wit;i $ iw, we te.Ji setul thi purchaei: our written jJ'iaran tefi to return tin moiiy it the trttnoiit does notHlert a cure. t:uarntee i.stuieu only by WIUJ. Wrrlrksolea ot, Flattsnir.utli. Xeb , Tne Dominion Secretary of State on tho Subject of Annexation. Montheai.. Oct. 12. At a dinner giv en to Uobt. S. White, the newly elected member of p.tiliment for Card well, last eytniiig llou. j. . Chapieau, secretary of state, in response to the toast, ''The Federal Parliament," said: "Canada is no.r passing through a cris's, clerly, coollv and wisely. In the Uqited States tbre is great excitement pver their i-icctioq and politics, But, as an English paper saya, Canada has given an example to the world in the cool way The ponutry Cook's Originality. The various well known qualities of the average cook iu this country are some times equaled by her originality. Tho other day, there being English guests at dinner, the cook was told to ornament tho pudding with some fresh strawberries. When the dish was served, it presented a delicious appearance of jelly and whipped cream decorated with the bright red fruit; but as soon as tho hostess took out a spoonful of the mass, a look of horror came 'upon her countenance. In tho saucer were fragrant strawberries, but attached to each was a wooden toothpick. The culinary artist had found that to pre sent the desired effect, the berries needed some support and had hit upon the ingen ious plan or wooded stems. In spito of tho protest of the hostess, tho English guests have written homo thst vhy. cUetr American serve lootUpicks in their pud- uii-s. vjvou Aiouseseeping. A Curious Funeral Ceremony. One curious ceremony still survives, and has puzzled the learned. When a Parseo dies, a dog (originally a fox eyed dog was demanded, but now a yellow dog with white ears is orthodox) is brought in and made to look upon the body. What the significance of this is the modern Parsis cannot explain, or rather they offer contradictory explanations. Perhaps it is connected with the Parsee tradition of the dogs of Yima, the lord of death, who has two hounds which go through the earth scenting out those who aro marked for the grave, and afterward escort their souls to the place of judg ment, guarding them on the way from the evil spirits. Possibly tho bringing in of t ho dog to look at the corpse had its origu. in the idea of securiug the attention of the dogs of Yima to the just departed spirit aud so insuring the due protection of the latter on its last perilous journey. New York Tribune Book Review. Not Very ickeu. Littlo Dick Papa, won't you take nit. to tho circus? Papa My son, don't you know tircusesi aro wicked "Yes, papa, but this isn't a regular show; it's only 10 cents; children, 5 cents." "Um well cr a 10 cent circus can't bo so very wicked. Let's go." Phila delphia Uecord. Hift? W h 4f li,Si FTP Furnishing Goods, Hats, Cafs, etc., e ver oilbreil lor sale in thin part of the country. n m L liiii hi Test Foi' per Precious Welfare. "Harry, shall 1 wear a veil out riding with yon this evening" "No, dearcat; take my advice and don't." "Why not?" "Maude, vou have he-en eating onions." "Why, UarryP" "It is only for your precious welfare that I speak. Suppose your breath should get tangled up in your veil. You might die of suffocation." Uerchaut Traveler, And JOE stands prepaired to prove every point that h.- claims in favor of liis Good.s Over All Other. Figures arethe First and Final Test Other things being equal. The triumphs in tin's test as royer of High Prices The Desf 1 ou may he sure you are right when you go ahead to frouietlilnjj Cfatcliing The amateur photographer and the burglar havo very taking ways, and there Is undoubtedly something catching about the policeman and the fisherman. Har per's Bazar. FOli SALE TOFEEDJJKS ! Steers. aa& Ue'fsTs, Oie. Ttt o auii Three years old, near Kiowa, Kansas ; suitable for Feeding or Roughing. A.lso Stools. Cfittlo. Will sell on time to partu s making first-class pai-r ; address ; It. It. (ililMl-.'-s, ICioa. Kas., cr V. H. ottl-Njl ii. Kaiifiid City, Alo. JULIUS PEPPERBERG, ItAXOFAetVltEK OK AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALKH IN Tltl!, Choicest frauds of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Cuds FULI, LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nor. 5, 165, OFFERED At Solomon gSc 2-Tatiian'c Old StaiA. HAS A FULL LINE OF LADIES' Cloaks Por Winter Wear. M' DREBB Gr O O 33 B .S for an incurable case of Catarrh : in the Head bytheproprietoreof j If DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY, Symptoms of Catarrli. Headache i obstruction of nose, discharges falling- into ' tnroat, sometimes proiuso, watery, ana acria, at others, thick, tenarlous, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, ringing- in ears, deafness, difficulty of clearing- throat, expoeto Mtition of offensive matter: breath offensive: smell and tnst impaired, and freneral debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in con sumption, and end in the jrrave. By its mild, soothing, and healing- properties. Dr. Sage's Remedy cures the worst cases. 50c, HMinV The Original e a a ivw1 l turn Dn i o ble & Harmless. UnequaledasaLilverPill. Smallest,cheap est, easiest to take. One Pellet a Done. Cure SlcK Headache, Hiliou Headache, Dizziness. Conntlpatlon, Iiidifcestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the stomacn and bowels. 25 cts. by drug-gists. OFFERED AT THE LOWEST PRICES. f And Everything kept in a First-Class Ilou.e tor Winter "Ware. qa:rfets, oilcloths, matxings LACS WIITSOW Cp-SITIITS. ' A Full and Complete Stock of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES I 2sev Goods Received Daily. Give us a Call. Q Y AINB i Men's "Working Suits Men's Business Suits Men '8 Best Made Suits Men's Custom Made Suits $4.95 I Child's, Ivilt Suitsfrom 7.80 I Child's Suits from L0.00 I Boys' Suits from 25.00 I Youths' Snits from $1.90 to 3.75 - 2.00 to 9..0 3.2 5 to i0.90 - 4.00 to 15 00 Men's Overcoats Men's Nobby Check Overcoats Men's Fur Beaver Qver-c-aats -Men's lilaol; Worsted Overcoats 2.00 5.00 1250 10 00 Elegant Lino of Boys', "outfa.3' and Cliildronc OTrorcoats. "Tovi mis it if yovi don't buy your Ciotliin., Sats, Caps, Fur-" aisniag Goods, Soots and Slioes, eto.f of - The - One Price - Qlothier, - Piattcmouth, - SlSobrrr