i t that on that occasion my rami ap jioarod In Oio dispatches. Put I would rather havo faced a buttery, mid had tun charters nhot under me, with the loss of a limb to hoot, than I would liuvo told my undo Unit in tho fog I had exchanged his "First folio" f r 'Bobbins on font racts." Discovery could not long Iks delayed, us Iho iook was only to havo been lent for three days. I vus in con stant dread lest my undo should receive homo communication from his friend, and thus learn that tho "Shakespeare" had never reached him. It was tho fourtli day after my mishap that my unclo said to mo in u highly dis satislied tone: "I can't understand what A means by keeping my 'l'ir.-t Folio' so long. 1 told him instinct ly that I could not spare it for moro than three days. I trust ho lias taken good t are of it; hut I heartily wi.sh now that I had never lent it at all. I wish you to ;; and fetch it. Hunt him up wherever ho may be, and don't return without it. I am going out for a few hour.-, a:id hhall expert to see it when I coi!'.e back." As Htxm as my onclo left the house I resolved that, iro l-.o leturned. I .should have tuktii my departure for tfood. I knew it was useless to expect hi.i forgivc liesi. and, frankly, 1 h id not tho conrago to f.ieo his anger. So I il.-toriiiine.l to wrilo mel informing l.i;n of Lis lo.-s, anil reottest a small :,um :.t;;!iei'-nt to allow mo to emigrate. 1 was c.iT.it'.ginf my plans, vh n u servant came to 1 cl! mo t hat. a man had called respeet hi.y a book which ho wished my uncle to mi. My uin-lo w:u v.ell hiiov.n ci a coH'vtnr, u:ui. thin!;;;:.,- this might 1 a me:- -civr fnnn .soriin (lci!i-r. I said that 1 would m-o 1 ho man. On entering ihe room v.leiv ho vas I saw a tall, iV.ir jwttrig niu:i of ;.l...ut t wcnty-h'fVrii. Ei; . i i wi re j-.iine v.h::t v.oi-n. and he ha 1 a i jeetid expres sion, lie held in his hand a l.i-own p:.per p :iv I I hr.v- a l,k litre," he f -id. "v 1 li .ul.l lik.r Mr. :ii-":u to :n h Licit l::u5 1 ; -:i ,: lit ion. 1 to a ; parly x: l.:r;iit lv V. mi.:'; t:' n':v ! 1 .'.iving I ti;is he to--!; i'lorn the 1 paper r.-.y um k-'s "First Folio" ami i i i i.iv't tvmbiing l.an.i 1'iiWH "Thai:1: l.e-i1. eu! ' i : iii!;::- d rj'.ol ton1, v. hiio t y..:;i;c; ! '.! ; i: Mr. :-! ;-n' . o-.-.n J :. t oontiuuv '. "ii w. ! t t! - and I was a'": ; i. ; I ' :i : i::: I you spoke of it..' : ' i ' Vol course, to see whether : i i.. I do; and so will Mr. Morgan, shall have your reward; stay till I re turn." And on I went with the "Shakespep.ro." nor was I content till I had locked it in the cabinet where it was usually kept. I then went to pet some money and re turned to givo it to the man. To my as tonishment I found that he was gom, and a servant toid mo that he had left the house very hurriedly. I Ie cert ainly did not appear to bo an individual who would bo above accepting a reward. That, how ever, was a trivial matter, red gave mo littlo concern in the midst of my intense elation. As soon ai my uncle carao back I put the "First Folio" into his Lands, 'iho timo had not yet come v.-ben I fchould judge it proper that ho should learn tho truth. I noticed that my undo was ex amining1 tho book very carefully, fearful, I supposed, lest it had received any Li jury. At last ho looked at mo with a cunning expression, and said in a low tone: "Do you know this isn't my copy?" "Not yours?" I exclaimed in surprise a'.d r.'.trr.i. "No." replied my uncle, "it is not the en? 1 bought, and is a still moro perfect copy. The title page in my 'Shakespeare' vrc..i torn in one corner; in this it is abso lutely without a flaw. The first pages of Hamlet were 'foxed' in my copy, but ht.ro they are as clean as when they were printed. I know what has happened," continued my uncle with another cunning plinee towards me. "A and his friends have been comparing my 'Shake speare' with some others, and my name has become detached, so they have been mixed. The man who has got mine is probably none the wiser, and will bo just as well satisfied with it as with this, and I, of course, won't complain." Now, although the reader may have formed a contrary opinion, my uncle when in the city was famed for his uprightness tnd for the probity of till his dealings. It was only as a collector, and w:hen dealing in scarce books, that he sometimes dis played a laxity of honor which distressed ineJ What has occurred was clear to me. The lok which was now In my uncle's po?i;eion had been stolen, and not the lictual thief, but a resetter, or a messen jrer, had ccme to dispose of it. Con--Jp.ding frc.ii) my words that the IkmjI; bad been btoieu from my unci, and under lhs belief that I had goijo for a policeman, the fellow had made his escape, I am sorry to relate that mv uncle's In terest in this fresh copv of t!;o "First Folio," coupled with his devotion to the fhakespeasvan question, proved injurious to his hel;h, aiid several ie ks luu-r he ivm s-'i-d wirh a stro!;e ef npoplery, y. hich proved fatal. I inht:!!vl nil bi p!"0;.'"'rt v, including his v.-u.mUe cl;.-ctk.n i ; r.:ro ij-,'.s. From !; j I'ne -n i first ,-.nj .-dure. I (he ru:l. r.-io".ji!ig i he &to!oz l.coi 1 icsolved tl .u nil :.i;'.-ly it would bo restored to its owner. 1 ;u:i f ieservina i; n.n f:::!y; and I u.I.e this c j poi tunity !: .:;:: : list i: will L.- delivered to any j iieuiir i; u:nt i , I; ho prefer. . ftblj to prove it. 1 shall have t j h..'-j.- vasu.-u i'v v. tiiritcli, 'and j... . J it l.i-j :;ij!i.it. ii.t;-j Is nu. net of restitution rr'.d i rem d :ia t. r i.n to ... I have fcaid iL-t. 1 was '.';.; risked by the thought of Laving f:;-: ::iled my fair cousin in my un:!e'i vriii; L.:t .-Ik- hsat last consented f accept th-t.t- T? --iriiioTi which will give no the ;re-jt-.'. s.; is?aetlou to bestow. pH)' it is jTobablo that soon people will bnce more be making free of my name; and my friends will again tind occasion to fcav that my !nck : J. t'-ir U-vond mv de- -J.'Cr.".vforJ f-i-'ot in IVlgravia. t f t. i . A futut In C-Jery Cultiirn. Celery of any kind, whether self blanch ing or r'oi. is much more crisp and tender if banked with earth. A good way of preventing the earth from sifting in among tho stalks, says a correspondent in (tardcTi h.:A Forest, is to wrap .j:ch plant ii. -i. it up of putciiors paper; say rriri eight1 to tell inches wide. With u frard -h trovvel tarth enough ta hold ! iie pirtri ? phieo fan li easily nanagei; l I U9 p'ania should bo hilled up almost to thotop oj the payers. This plan Is n-coninieuueii tor caiiy celery, and is net riucii moro extra work than the tying up pmrthvd bv frardcuer3. Cam must be t .Lcu (o hofd fiio plants civet while put iisvj on the papT, '" ; - i ..-, ' - - . - jL lediever li) prcpcsclalais that they Pto goovl for that oysterforiJ disctssfi, pJ-f-'-z. r tViri t-5,1 Uj rnti7 "Tlif l'AILY HKltALD; -mffT7fTiirrrTrnriiri '111 1 i if MHiMiimniif B'JMX I REPUOUCAN PLATFORM. The r pntlli ;um of I lie riiilM States, ascni blfil ly l i i . -1 ilrliKates in ti;l i'.na! rimvi iitiou, liaiice ei. tin; thii r-liottl ef tie lr prneeeiHiiKS t" lioiicr t :c li.cim'iy i I llielr lust i'!v:.l leafier hill liu i.cii t ;il eli;iiiiioli ( 1:1. ill) ;iiil the I illts ( I lie x-.i;.ie, .Mr:ili:iili I iiieolti, ;iul to I'.iw r .Iso v. illi wii-Htlei 't iinj.ei i-.liiit.le ri' inilaluai.ee ami a i at 1 1 u le tin- l.eioic in.liiiS of om l:i!t r li'jiilfi.t w Iio li;ie l.eeii in-ie ref-ntly e..!. il ii s. ity liimi i:ircoutrC!lH, tliiiiit. !allielif. Art liii', Lo iu ;nnl i 'oiiklinir. A'ay tlieiriiieni oil' s r:u ' Ii l'u ! : y elo-i ihe.l. We also rwall witli .i!f ii-elii.K ;ui.l prajer for ifcovi iy tlm i.iiiue 'f i r.e o! our liviin? liei'O'-s wliese niiiioi v v. ill !. irei.nut i! in tlie lilslory botli if r'iuh;i:','ifi :iinl of the lepiililie. I"he name Is t !i;it f I lie nohle m.Miit ;iiul lavoi ltt; child of vtetory. I'lulfii It. oliet iitjin. In I In: p-iJirn of llio-'e ureal lenders ami of our devotion I" liiiiiian lili- v. ionl with thai hos lllity to inl tonus f leioliiii ;u 1 opprcH'-lou v.liich Ii the fuiKl.'iliiei.tuI idea of the r-nihli-eau party v.e k-;hI .'rale'iial eoiiu'rattilallinis to our fellow An ei i ::i : il I'.iazil upon their !- M-;il aet of eiii.iM'Ip.nl mil wiiiull olnpIetei ilie aiio.iti"i. of .slavery tliroulioiit the two Aiii:'rt::ii continents. We earnvstiy hupe v-a n av m'oii (tiiimnil tilste tir fellow citiein of I r i r-1 1 l.ui!i upon 1 it r eac-eful lecoveiy of home I t:le ft.r Ii'e!;n.l. V. K 'J'Kll:'! O'il rN-.'KI!VIMI OKV-i'lloN to i;ali':i.i' ei.::4t;n:tioii :hmI to the imlis Hulilile ill:: "Ii f si .. en to the :tn1ooi:l:i' ' silvol to t he - tati m in.iier t l.e coi:.-t Inn im, to the p.-1-.oiiii! ! i-iit-liliil liiiell les of eltii-ot ill :.li "--a'l-c .i i.l teii'Kiiies c- the union ami en- i i ::i'iv to Hie st'P '.'lie: a:ul snvfU'ivn iiuui oi e i:i v ei' Veil I i -: - tj r po.-r. i.a'ive or IotIl'ii I or. l.ite .lie e .r l.,:n l.n.i-t (me fii'f os.l.ol lit e ll.u.x ::i i to have !iar. Lull'. I '. Vi e h .'l u flee anil l:o .r t i ni : i "'.'I '.i:j:l P-pie e.ti:lio:i 'l eil.e Ii lit ilHlion of i. uf re .ti:ii'ic,f :.:,,( lo'i.u'.iel tiee'ive . ree' ie tlv i: t-;;iiiy :n 1 ptnitv ;.i-!i ; i .- I !.e t"in li-iliS of ell pill . i:.-i:-e Ui:.t ti e pnv.ei t ad ;l i u' ni'iei'a! ie ni;!)"r;ty :ti -iJ lee'-'- J-.i:"MSj ie-sie;i .', I:.- ! i:ie:i:.i ui II Ileal Ii ef i l.e ..! : !;...-: '' 1 .e t I. lied f tnTe-; - I' : : i ' !:if 'V--r "I th:- I ; . .! t !. i- e nr-.tesl pm I,1 :r I. !. :'l : K i' M I ! .1. 1 i..-.:! ! the pr i I I he in . . ie' uu-uier p.iCI IVe to iii i ii.t ! e'i.-..i.. Ho- r -in m i i s ri' ii ..i I ' I c .'M!r r. It li :(.ii .. I .. . I e Illi-K ii ::f I o In to lhat i. ta: i l"l'! .1. . le W'-uli': t l 1- V': - IT - T a'l i e.ili il ;ie !iy I' pi allll' e ;,n nt' o a- I !i.i e . w lie '. :i: ..i i ' !l lire i t..e tax il -li i ts aui! ! eelia: iral lull - T'e' II VI- l-l of i In- tar ll 1 .ws as ii si. eh M-:i h-s as I o I l'i-i I e. li e pio .iii lin: of . ;i'pl y e t to .-ur l.timr. and re (ae i. oil illltf" 1 1 i se ailielis of for- : -i . ,i . '-'-epr Ii. Mi: ien, the like ef i eu eaiii'oi hi i rod ueeii ;it home, there hail .Mil i i-inHin " larger revei. ue than is reipiisiti foi t;o- v. :t nt of Koveraiiiem . uf internal taxes ralher I ha;i ' .:'Teinier any tiart of our rmec- live system : 1on.t hell-st of Hie whisky rinjr and a.Lei ' - : AliAlNsi ; : V n eelare ho- :u f - is rountr'. oi fllinese labor li eei-.st.itiiiion ir.-i 1 -.eiun tnaatif aet in-ers. :; and I. Man: tucs-s. v to the ii.troo uetion info .'i: '-mitral t labor and of . r eivil.Zi'.t ion and our .!:::. Kid tile n;;i i eniorce .. !.'.: t it. and favor sueli i ;is v:ii exclude such la- ill lit of existi; :.i-.s mnieU'-it- let:e i.:ti : ;;s I)- r trout our si ; e-.. We ileclaii- ...i;- ; ::i ii t'on- ot eapitai "i -.i' o to control ;.iH;a:i!. to '1 eoiiiliina-i-r othe: iiiiion of ! eeoinrnerul .-. s in their : : :u as will i- ; 1 orve-s : -upplies : h.t ion ef s to pre : 1 d . cruu- tialu aieomi eito. fo eo cress ami 1 ' reepestive jiiris'ili in 1 nieveiit t he exei 1 : !. .: ' he pec p'e by i.im: :iS -si:.! i a- : U ' or bv tin j 11 t I'at-.s S'-v tile J::t::-; their proiluets We approve 1. vent aliUe uni uiatioii l ilv.e. ! i- ni ii .1:1: y - .:i.:i 1.. 1. : t . ! . i : :rsl.-r; e rei.liu-n eiililt:; lands , steail lor A: aliei.s. wl.ic' j.i I I ir :; thf lieine : not .t i.l 11 f . i-.-i.;: ii.-'sed ip;a:.!;:e;i of I j. iioui-ht. iti.ii'.'.'Clit de- in IS'2 na'i'.M i-.e :' ::-.f .;: ill'1 e.i-moera's pi .:::;;!! . '. t- 'e! oil r lilt at -:: !i ee.::.:i'- Olo in velopt -a.ei-t. ':'!: res i.iti.n: grants n ihe put- ie ilinn i:. i tual settlers, hieh v.'a- !.ei.-i: iiiiiilftratinn of I its'i'ei i continued, vv e deny th-.l tli has ever restored one :iei e to declare that by ti e joint ae:: and democrats alem; lifty mil mif ai not I:-nd r I l.e i:.-e of ac 1 ;m ifr the ::! -i"!;ur .sbot:lt! b; I'.eu!' C!:it;c ::!! tiie pi e!'!-, but !i id re.ti'..lic:i!is lb :i acres t un- earned h'.nd . oriuinally ir'ati: flructioTi ef railroads, hava 1 ll-r ill'! ecj- itoie'. to f he public I'niitaiii iii nv'.i.iiri'i it ;y.,ii;;eii.s ns'-ricd by tb- 1 ciiubiicai; t hrty in tise mijni nl rai:ts. " We cii:ti :,e t e liemoe: a! ie iiila l::is traiiou with 1 -i i i re to xeciPu laiM s;urlr;i to Hettler title to II. Ctl liem te:irt l.inl wiih I"--iti!i apt r. ri iatb.r.s mad.-for i:.:ir 1 lii'i't s i haiTass P iioveul s'--!kr wl:U pi- r.r.il I'l'-se-eiiTpniH umier ti;e fa.:e pn tei--ie of IX;;-::'!' fraud-; ami vimrca: ii'it iiiu law. . BMt.iMu.V t l- i'r l'i'.ZTOaiUS. The i;e.vei-:::ii; i.i. by eoipr?r-.. ..f jhe u i-it:-r-ie is b-i-eil upon 10 ee-sit y e:.-!y to tbe pjj l ii;:r tbey m.iy hecoiae st'-.tc-1 in the t-iilon : tl;' t'ore.w bei-.cvi-r t be fefi 1 it :"- i f pi.'aiirn inateriid ii -1 i.'- t-, -,i pi!-" hii.'-h: nci- unci inoriotty ;..' M.-.Ji ii'-e.ire i';;b!e local kov-er-ii'p f I lir '!!! Ills ji"..pv- ofiiii-h territories l.oti it n i'n. itle.l.a .:;-t inl.er-.-iit In them, n f .' i.i r.n 'i't !,i-. Iv.-.- c ii v'.itu'.ieiis und stale ji-vi i ' 1 :ei;:- a.i.t be ;.tl treil into 1 be nnton. .-i-.:i"K 1 : 1:11 i' i ' s;v-lo.iu ail ofileefi ;.e.--- ; f,.;..- , 1 tii -,-; it-l ti'iii bona fide -iii 1 L Vv"s 0 i iii territory vliei-.-lii i. t- i-c H- '...h UlKot:i houl 'f ii-' i iie-.i'.- lately ..d'niited as a state in tee in.ici: tiie'er ihe coi'.stitiitl' n fr-iri'-d ami . ; pe."' I.y her renj ie ami e hr-uviiiy ea b ! ' Ktfjoe. o' ihe .ibiteiiil 'sLmilts' ic niiv 1 :i-ii. I'ii v for ' i t "a.iii'i iiU.11 . '1 mi r. s.. 1 'i 1 i.t- m li .'.Uc tio-.iseot leprcseuta- :!.- '1 ri:'H:n - .ii-l !e:o :."-,i:- t biit'l " f " favoi .i'iiy ( fin I - . w'tbul -violation' of the i r! .eiple of local jielf-c -vern e e.tie. !.lt ifU ::i j --t .oil tb lie ... . - , . ent.'li!'' I '1 r: 1 . - -- 1 - r . ti v v .; . - I.l! ' 1 1 ib .ii in e t-i v. i Iii cr- " r-,: - b i ; i .-ir!- ; ' v !,."'. iiiii 11. ...iliin in I'm-1 .oi:e.'. ! lo ;.! -ce :i st n.-'.-ei i .0 i- ir c;i i i:- -ta-i'Ti 1 u: lo. t ;e.i r,'ii: . -: 1 1 o:.l I J is 'ii f;'Vl'- mi si vi r as ite'i.ev . '1 ;. of lb di-.im-.rai li.ir's to o 'iii"iiPto.e ic. u : vl-Ci llO'ss I , .- I, f" ! tl- n.Ui . ei 'ii : i i' fratioii in ii . V c de.. to t c nt per of the , and use c aOniitr.s .dver. 1 t '.ie ruii'-tion lii:fe. f letter postage In :i leuuliUe l'ke oifs. whTe th c:ti.-C!ic Is he sover. -u and tJ'P o!;icti ji.e ift-i:v;!.it . here no pen t :v .-v ivise-l except Ov tbe v.:i 1 f tbe i-eoph-' o i - uir,-ot Isinl iii.-.f the sover IU people slniul'l 'iieSM S-' i0tUita"i--. 'f!-e free seJioi-'l is 1 he proinot er nt :h"' luiel 1-i:ce which ir to pres. rvv- v a fire nn'b-u. ,'luer fore, the sti't-- or 1. :.!. -n ir bnih eenhired. sh'-i-'il siipiirt. Ine 11 i i: ;ii icii-i of rni!iK s 'iT'eieni to fiord to evei y cb'ld irrowir.ir. Uj bi Ihe laml fin- epportiltiicV et a Kood coailuoli ci.o"l edmatioe. V it 1 F l!C ! I A C T M IS IM-. We earnest y recommeTi-l l!(:i( i.tl.ir.f.i rMi;,..i fif taken i c rs'i-Si (:.(:.: e ..c-,iu.:!b4 .-'I- h legima'pci m w'ui o-.;t msoiii-.-j -t it- ii-b:'biU"i -tiou of our A eric' r--iii? rV'u'int'1!.'.. ,:;,;.. -id we protest airai'ist 'b- n':..-.s.ii t,y .iUL'rcni :f f re" ibii bill as cap til.t,d tov..k i:iju-ce 'o labor by lesiien'R i .e w 1140 1 i-f th'-se en-s-ijred io prenainii; iiiatertals as well as tbos lireefy employed 111 :t slij.yuid'. e le mntict tippropllHtloii for ihe n r!y reliiiiblinir T fur ii.ivy lor l.le on-fn:"! 1011 of c sst forti!i.-tio' s and mi:derii or.tiiiancc and other j -1T11 ir-ir,-.l i,l,wl-ril lli,'-.l u uf jl..l.r-.wu fur 1 1 n.tecti ii f cur T!!f- tlvoiai i-t' S ciiks ; li.u f. .4ii , ei-V v pa Si.lilifo OUT Soldi. -i, Kd' iv-r-ii.iV,' V. of 'n!on,-U lm portat'c iu the inirrcvn.-f-nt' ct the harbors and ehan'tls it i iern-.l. coastwiser and orp ta pnmmpnw It ih' encourajemeut the shipping b::firest of tL Avl itiiiv ' MnU and PhPlc itatej til fc tor Vue piyrneki of tne Diitarli iut;ic debt. ItU K.T wf",l .vr-"-1 f ' ' r , - . eountry. promote trade, open new ami direct liinlkeis for our products ami idieap- n the cost of t laiispnitat'on. We ailtirin this to be far better lor our country than toe democratic. Jioliry of hiiiilii;r the L'overinneiil'n money without Interest to "pet banks." KOICKK1N Ktl.ATIOm, The conduct of Ion-Inn airalrs by tho piesent ailmiiilstration lni! lieeu dii-tint-'iiishcd by Inef-llciei-ry and cowardice. Haviiur withdrawn from lite senate nil im-iuIIiik tiea'les clicctcd by ri-piiblictm admin IsfratUn s for the removal of foreign burdens ami restrictions upon our commeiee and for Its extension intj a better market U has neither ail'ected nor jiropused :i'iy others in their ntead. Professing adher ence to the Monroe doctrine. It b;is ceen with Idle coniphicency the extension of foreign in fluence in Uentral America and of fnrei:n trade cverywlieie amoi'i: our neighbors. It lias re funed to charter sanction or encouraue any American oranlytion for coiiMtriiettii'! the Niearamia eansil. a work of vtal Impnrtaiiee to Ihe n.aiiitenam-e of ihe .Monroe iloelrii e and of our lialional iullttciice 1:1 Centra) and South America, and iicei-MHHiv for the development ef Irmle with our I'aciile territory, with Soii'h Aui-r;ca, and with the further coasts of the raciflv Ocian. HSHKKIK8 ii;K.srioN. We arrah'ti the present democratic adtiti'iU tiHilnii fi r i's weak r.ial in. pat ri.it I- treatment of t:;e fisle lies ipiesi :on , ::m! its pu-illaiiiiuoiis Miiremlerof all pnvil-e 10 vrli 1 Ii o:;r fishery i.sscltnre eliti lul in Omul Ian puts under 1 lie trealv if lsls. Ihe 1 ecipi o-iite li.an:! tii:e lei-lslat ion of a:oi comity of nail uis n'.d which 'an:-.iti:iii Jimi itir vessel-; receive in the pin Is of t lie I eiled SiiOi s. e eoii leian 1 he 1 hey i.l the present administration ami the ileieecralic n..ip.i:!y in c :it;ress f. .wards our libe"ie as uafi rei.dK' and e nioieiei:.-!.'.-eni. it 1 lul ic ami ti ndiiiii t" Oei-tr"y a valnahle 11:1 t i' a. ;il imi,ti y and an imlispi nsiiilo icsouf ee of defense .'..;iiie t f- reii'ii enemy The name of A pi.-i ic:-u !-.ei!:i . alike to 11 eiiii-i'S of I t:e 1.- j. ii.:i -. anil io 11 ii-s i.;nut m-ii iii.ke 1 he -aim o- I live. .. t 1 l:e s::ti be tl.e p:oioply ami it. s! oii'd slile e r l-.w. i i b or ' it: 1 ' i-l ole 1 : l" e !o liie liirec! . est in i-and intisi -:::iv i'i'1 .' I hi'" v. iio weais .! 1 ;i'i'-. i ii-:.' -.viiether loj-'h . in :. ! i.' civil rilitu It 11 '": . , ii'tectiiiii at home -!',,i..l ;..e. i )il"'.' e 1 j ; : . 1 . .111 a in nan in w iiaicvcr l.uu! he e -,: . I i.mful errand. 1 : ! nKltVICK KKK'MiM. "f 1 e . nl Hid. !. eil 1 l.e repuidican p.ir : ' - ': ..id continue o ; dliere to Ihe demo-i::-. ; ai't have de-i I ed net only Ihe cause 1 :., (-nt i;oven inei t, hut of s eind finance, of l.redom and puiily ef the hal et . but eseec iallv liavi-desi fro tbi' eau-e of r. fiir : in the civil seivn-e. V e v. ill not bill to k' ei uiir oh ilces heeau-e t ey have broken theirs, or i.e -:i se I I'elr eamlidafe hns brok-ii his. We ! beretme repeji 0111 ileela at ion of tsst.towit: The ri form of civil s,o vice aun'ieii'usly ln un U. i-'i v lei'i'hlicau aClninlsl f;il ii ' liotilil he ei r-pli'l.-d bv a !: tliei ext eiisp n of t !) refoi'lii s si. 11, already esiabli.-li-d by la w lo .11 grades of the si rv'.ee "o which it Is ;ijvli-d. Thespir it and 111 : pose of 1 efm m should in-id -. rved in -.11 executive a " oi :i t men 1 s. :.nd all lawn at arif ce with the oSject f exoMiiir reform 1' jr islutioii sh i:ld be ic'i c'-.h-.l. and that the dan vets In free nisi it lit ions which lurk in thejiow- r t o cial natroiKie m y l.e wisely and ef fe tivelv iiveided. I he eraiiliule of lh natbili to the defenders o! tl e 111. ion cannot be assured except bv law-s. The Iciiishtt lo.i of coiiLTess should conform to the ph-dires made bv a loyal p-op'e. and be so oiilameil and CNtcmie I as lo prov'ib against I l.e i-iissiliiiity Ih-.i: any iu:;u who honorably v.i re Hie federal ntiifo-tn shall ln-i )tne an in 1 :i -, t . of an aliiihoi'se ur depend. -nt on i rivate ei..;.ritv. In ine piesiiii-e of an ovei 11. v. my treasury il would b" a put-lie si ;:ia!al to do b'ss for ihi.se whose valorous ser lee preserved the novel nmenr. We denounce the hostile spirit cliown by I'resiileht Cleveland in hisnuineroii' vetoes of measuies for pension relief, ami the action of Ihe democratic bouse of representa tives in refusing even coi.s'deratiou of jjentral pensn n leislai ien. In support ef the principles 1 en with enun ciated, we invite I he eo-operalioii ol patriotic men of :;11 parlies, pspi'i'i diy t:f a'l workinfr men whose prosperilv is seriously tlirealeneil by the free trade policy of the present admiu is'tratiin. The liriit on; cein ef all pood fj" vei'Pnient Is tl'e vii tue and sol'i u ty of the i.tMl -.ml the purity of tlu-ir b.omes. Tbe republican party cordiallv s 1npr.tl1i7.es with i-!l wi-e and well iliiected efforts for the promotion of temper ance. ii irsi n i:ss inn i:ctouy. ATTORNEY. S. F. THfMAS. At!ornev-:it-h?.w anil Notary rubiic. Frzcera'd r.lock, l'lattsmouth, Neb. Otilce in TTllilNl'' A. N. sri-LIVAN. Attorreyrat-bnw. W'til sive prompt atontiot) f-j a'l liusmcs intrMten to ;um. 7iuee Tnion l!ock. Fist slue. l-!attsinoutb. Neb. 10 A UICICCXTUKAI. IMPI.KMF.NTS. Tl. II A I.L & CKAKJ. AerieuHnriil Implements, Cmutland BusK'es and liu'.hford Wsiko!!". "Ooed Tin tier and bone Dry." sold Mi'l Wai runted. Main street, between Kixih and Seventh. BAN!.". i'T 1? V NATION" Ab RANK, of Plrltsmotith. ('npital SaO.OiKt ; suriiltii Sll, Cf'O. .To'.in FitGerald. President : S. Wrauh. rr.sbitr: K. S. White , VSce-I'resident. Reavd of llirectoiti : John K'teral'l. F. . U:'e, iiio. 1!. VW. I. U,n.ksvefti, S. W-iagii, pANK. r, Tiii": OiTtzKNS rank. o !'!!i:tsmi.ut:.. Opil 1 stock paid in, ?5u.nn. Frank Carruth, !T"hiden : W. H. Cushing. 'aulinr; J. a. Ciiiin.,r, Viei,Preiil(Bfl, !'i neial bankinsr y.;;nv$ Ir-- uacted. Xiotlec t':oa.; teceiye pi'oui, 1 rmd careful attention. Ti.ack;- MI IT 1 riOXXEM.Y. l.lacksnitlh n.;l Wnsron'eake: mills. Fiunps and Fiitini. l'".',il' iu Vmd- pOOi-S ANi 5HCKS Jti'-EfH VI P.oots rnd Shoes. lp:ii:ni; to. South Side Main site rz5.!!. i I'ICII' :',v nuemUd I rtTKlt MKlf:F, A eeaiplete assi rtiuent i f eve'yUind of Foot w e:-r and ch'a; er than the cheapest w st of the Mi-isiiuri itive-. Alsi minuf an tiring and Jieiu: irtntr. Acr.t'" i: liens Hi-.ii I' -Nf AT?' noil. 1: :.;iKi.rv. lei li ji.t all l oui-s. Ladies" find ::i I'liiii. :i specialty. Cor. 6iii i!er ("ami- IiV. p. SKI i.Y PU i'.t. I': ily. We. I ci- I'li'.n;- I'. M'Abi'.I.MAN'V. is. lies ''.11ns. hp., fre-h daily. i'i-i.!- nii.l Fa cy Cake a specialty, ii. .--i.y ipomli'y. X.iLil. V jr. .-. i'. ViU'NT,, -t t: :.i.-r. and Yews in-aler ; Fsncy -: Cii.c.'-fmr'ry, Kne Cigars. Soda i. '- .rioike, rinnm; and Organs and O.. -.inn-, ,1s. T-C, Her. ' fiMilHIN'.i. . ft':. M Y:"o, tine Tailor ?.Inde I'lctldns :.u I ' I i!1 'en's Wear. Their ;.!; irio.i. Tiie-- misrepicscnt W r 1 m Then- I' '!. d r. in M. i Finnish! u s i'.o ib fv ."11 pile loth n:. J heir i 1 I'.L TIIIXU. L. OOLMXil. Cedti'i'i!. Fi-ni:-!in C-nods 111 f-s e.lil ri liabl" b.-use fi r Mali, t;.irs.l'u:lr-H-ts. Trunks, lloeitf, Sinn-s4 In iiiu stn pt, next ts v o, lie, pLOTliIXt:. yj V. M K-f tiiT, Cliitblnp. Hat. Ois, ,vc. l ine 1'iiM'i-irii :s oii-specialty, tnje i.vii e ce.-l 110 "".iM-lcey hiii ii.es.s. I ;iy to traat; v.! til n. !; !; v..j.'-,l i;iK. pANXlN'fJ CO Mi t il M' lit' 1NY. 11 c. ,'vt, co.. Fran' CariiO'l. H.-i.fy S:n-:i;t. 1 "rnri-iiOI.S. l'asl:erse: th C .i.'iiix I'.r.iad Vi-ui t.ables. piXF2CTUH;V. J Phi, I I rifts. CorMln :: v I'nd b in (.12 li.vV.ovi lu Wail Taper. Faints, Oil, Art JTater iai. t;iars .H.C. Kojl.w t; jj L'.ocli. nuuos. oirm-o Iiii3. Ch'n:ica!s. l'aiiit; ft Ci .. . Oils. uos. F. G FKIOUE a. C(X . Iirans s!o:!ii.infc. Cuerncals. 'Painte. Oils, A "lili',4!''' DleJ tn,Is etc-; Kine Stationery, dcicti i'liici uuu rnucy Anicies. DRYGOODS, GROCEItlEp. Pry Qood,s, G4pc.v,rie.' N Vioui. 'nrat M.-r-ybada, et. a. E, corner .Main und eth st. D ur GOODS. 1'LArrSMUuTII, NEBRASKA, TIlUflSDAV. OCTOBER 11, 18S8. D' i:y ;oois. on-cKitni. K. O PU f. Ac Sl.. Carrv a tunc ntock of Fine iiroceries, iry liooils. Carpets, necnsware. Notions, mid Fhiicv IIixkIi, to b found lu the county. L'p per Ala n ftreet. between Mb and i!th. D,:N1,Sr nn.A.T.NVIT.IF.tS. The I'atnlcss lienW'ts." Teeth extracted w it hout the least pain or harm. Ar ifieialte.-U' inserted immediately alter extraetlii icittiral one wiien de-ired. Hold and all other ! ilbus rtrictly til Ht cbos. OlVsce In I'liiou illock. lit UK MIT UK. T II i:KY IIOKCK. Furiilt lire, Frame", e in dtock. l'.i.ilitiii.' lookin'.' t;l:i-e'. I'lcture c. Wooden and Mutal Caskets kept ynixi rri:i:. r I. I'K.V lil.M A N. Furniture. Farlm Suitn, Cpho'steiy Coeds. Smves. t.iiieenswaie, 'I intvare. and ali kinds of 11. in-1 lioid (bioiis. North tit 'i .street, l'clv.ecn Main I'tid Viae. GF-NT'S FCoM-IUNC C'i "is. .1. II. 1 ) x N i' i.l.Y, Cents Flnr Fin eidur anl Italic-. The nu st complete r.hi! finest s'oek i.i the city. CiU i utii Kiock. er. j:h ami Main. riKICFKI. v.? M ii. mc: ; I'll v .v co., 'Ihe I vr.il'.rn lli-iilers i.i t : n.cei b-. rockery. ( !i t on . I.i ps. SVo'idi ii rml Will'-v ware, F.o'ir, Fectl,&:;. C;.!i pa'.l for i oiiotr prodace. ( i:t 1. 1 c..s. J i.i.:i;i i IFF : SOFNMCMSFN. lilasswiire -ml I'rockery. Cfnn ill", i'lfl irlollS, ft ,.(( i-Ulr.S. U F. Mf'COF wrocn. Staple and Fancy c F.T. roceri,H. Q.itf)CKi:n:s 'T RKXNK.T f & TI'TT, staple ami Funcy Cr.icerits, Green Canned Ooods. Fruits and GKOf'KHIKS. .W'i. II V Groif-rlcH and 0.!i-,,,"-" t' ' ' ". Cijrars, T-liacc . n I 1 . . . It. n l-'iie iio.i-e. GltOCKISIFS cuius WOlll.FAKTII, staple and rancy Groceries, tilassware ami Crocket v. Flour a nd Feed. UOTKL. I". FltKI) 'tOOS, Proprietor City Hotel. Terms. Sl.oti per special Attention iriven commercial men. day. HAKNF.S3. V. G. KFKFKK. Successor to O. M. Stf'-iuMit. Hani' Goods. Net-1. Robes, luters, and lushing i;oo;ls. ss, Sa.ldlerj nil horse fur- HAKDWAKF. .IOIINsON 15KOS., Hiinlware. Stoves. Tinware, Tahle and l'oeket Cutlery. Rasors, etc. Household Sew imr, Ma chines and .lew-el Gasoline Move". Tinwork of all kinds dune at reasonable prices. Alain street, IJockwood I'.lock. TFWF.LKY. O 15. A. Mi KIAVAI V. Watehen;. ;iocks. Silverware and Jewelry. Special Attention (tiveli lo V;iteh Kep-iiriu. TKWEI.UY. J FI N!v CAUKirril ci SO Always curv ali-i-j stneti of l)i:imoiul-i, Watch es. CI -ks. Jewelry, silverware ati t Spectacles. Drop in and inspect theirsro.'.i.s before parclias uifc' elsewhere. Tl WFI.KY. 0 J. SCII LATH li. Jeweler. Waltha-n Watches a fcp6iiaHy. Street, near Fomth. Main LIVEKY STARLE. C. M. llOLMKS & SON, The Checkered ihiru. I.ivery. Keed and S;ile stable ; parties conveyed to ail partsof the city. Carriage at all trains. Corner Vine anU ntli. MKAl'AlAKKKT. K1CHAHD RII.STEIN, Vvho'esiile ami Ketail Dealer in First Quality Reef. Fork. Mutton. Veal. Lamb, etc. Sixth stree'', Neville Block. Prices moderate. MEAT MAli.KKT. J. liATT & CO,, Kill their own Cattle. Kender their own Lard and Cure their own Racon. Main street. MEATiMAl!KET FICKLEK & CO.. FfiK.s, Poultry ic We use oi lv the best crade of native stock. Oysters and trame in season. MEKCHAXT JAILOK. C. F. SMITH, Merchant Tai'or, Main street, "over Merges' shoe store. Complete stock of samples. Fit guaranteed. Prices defy competition. f..TI!-LIXiiKV.. ' ' -tli ; ; it US. J. F. JOHNSON. A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil linery and Trin. tninu's ; also Children's r,d In fants' Ronne's. to 18 cjoyedLCt;ti,tvi!';t " T LisTAHlVvXT N1 I -HCH MOiVm JiCOil Meii!sand- - -a lie lies ei veu I'lt'iuci ill it i ii'imi. . . ,.- i stei s, 'nr.ars, ioh iceo. Opposite Kiddle House. Pop and Cider q;Hi LE POtlM. " FKAflM & KLtET.TI. Sample Kooni. Imported and Domestic ties. Liquors and t'i rars. nly straight roods han dled. Milwaukee Rottled Laier a Specialty. Cor. 5iU and Mi Sts. SAMPLE KOOM. THE A At ERIC AN SXCIUVnK. Ni-k Cutiniinrlutm, proprietor Choige V ines, Ll.'Piovs siot tNjr irs. Fool and Bil.iard Tables. U d.lte Hon e llb.-ck. Q AMPLE I:OOM. " T'TE KLK'IOiiM "sVLOOX. W'm. V.'eber. nroiirietor. Manufacturers of Soda Water, p.irch I'e-er. Cider, etc. AKeat for Fred Knit's Celebrated Lajrei- Beer. VM.'i.E lt fM. J- iIlV til. VKK. sJAinni-- Uii'i .i and Billiard tiali Cii' i.io Linuors and Ci a s. ii llisni find Pool T Wines tides. C F.SMi T H, The Boss Tailor Main St.. Over Merges' Shoe Store. lifts the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolena that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these nrieR: Piirii'-: sniu froiii Sltf to $o.j, dress tuits, C'-o to $4o, pants f l. 0, .7-0.50 aud upwards. CSrWiJl guaranteed a fit. Trices Dcfv Competition. X-.VW OFFICE. " H--.I ::t'entIon care. to all Eusiaese Fntrust- n riiy xr;T..r.y 'cs Kviui'Ped. IX OFFICK. Abstatcts Coinpi'e.i. In- rit uraiiee Writtrr, iieal Fbtate Sold Rt-tter Faci!!?'es for mukins Farm I.oana than Plattniautli, Fracticsl ?m and Organ Timer AXD RE?ArP,FIl. Flrat-clas work guaranteed. Also deal er iu Pianos and Organs. Office at Boeck's furniture store, Plattsmoutb, Nebraska. P.B. tvj v ii v-vi. Johk A. Patikp, - Notary Public. Xotary Public. VT&5EXtIA3f A bAVIES, Plattsmouth !j EIDDLE HOUSE - 'A ProL Slusnii, Till-: WOKf.l) FAMOl'S OPTICIAN I'K'iM Berlin, Germany. -if ': -irV-.i J- You can consult him about ITonr JHyes, and how to take care of them. More light for the unfortunate spectacle wear ers, and the doom of blindness prevented by the use of his Alaska IhillianU and xVustralian Crystals. A new chemical X W JLj And patent sd' (iillst:n r s -j c Tlie first time intradnced into this conn try; manufactured to order after cartful examination by modern instrument. PROF. STBASSMAN has arrivid in I'littsmoutli, and has au ofliee at the Hiddlo House. He is do ing an immense business throughout the United States, giving the best of satisfac tion and delight to hundreds with de fective sight. His knowledge of the human eye and his skill in adjusting the glasses is matvelous beyond imagination. Cndorsed by all the great men of this country tu.d Europe. In an instant, ns if by magic ho- is en abled to tell you any ailment of your failing vision, point out the cauxe ami danir'T, iio. I adapt brilliant glasses, pe culiarly ground to suit every defect of the eye. which will aid in strengthening the eyesight of the old and young. Sci- ntisis invited to examine the new sys 'cm for the p: t sjrvatitm of the hum -in ye. TcaciiiTs sVodd watch the only t iar.i testations of their schol ir- ey. s-iht an " report in time to the:r respective parents to have their eyesight examined by Prof. Strassmnn, the expert optician of nation al fnnic. Artificial Eyes Eeplaced. Persons deprived of an eye can have this deformity removed by the insertion of an artificial one, which moyes and looks like a n.itural organ. OFFICE no U It s. 9 the to 12 a. eyening. m., 1 to i p., and 7 to S in REFERENCE KEBltASKA CITY. " Geo'crc Bnrgctt, Rev. A. Clark Ro'.ie Mi. Mrs Duff, Mrs Dr La sh. Dr Lh sii. I) I Streeter. Dr Drinker. Ii M Iiolfe. Roden- brock, C Anden.cn, J Y WaldsmitTi, W A Cotton. S II CalhouD, Judge Mapes, David Brown, Dr Ilershcv, Wm liver T S Jones, E M Taggart, E RiHT, W. II Murphy, FrtV JTcCartney, James Ilchie. H'V. Emanuel Ilartig. Mr?. A. E Rudd, AV D Merriam, Miss Van: '.li ter. Dr S L Gant, A Ilotr.e, Iaul Si huiinke. Xat Adams, Gio A Wiicox, Mr Sheldon. Mr. Gunsell. Rev li Pearson, Shomcrus. h Lvey, S M Kirkpatrick, DryscoIL Donald McCuaig, AVilliaai Wilhelmy. Rev Rivers, Logan fcavart, N Red field. J F Welch, Rev.' J D Green, John Good lett, C B Bickel, Dan Gn-o-g, C W Schcr fy. E S Ilawlev, A Ii Newcomb, Wm Xelson. Mrs N Dvis. AVui Fulton. Ai am Kloos, Mrs Ed Plainer. At T Johnson, Mra Camout, ilts. Sicrltnw Morton. Mrs. Watson. Miss Mortou, Mr Geo W Hawke. r-a W T C!on. lln L W lAoyA. 7'- . . "N ffl IIS Pro! Xc -er lit i'oro line hii Opticiun re ceived such tfbtiinonialii from the people. Oilioe of Iowa Holdier'H Homo. Maishalltown, In., Feb. 17, 'fc8. I'noF. Mthassm an, lHur tilr: Tho filasses yon furnished myself and wifo when in Clinton, have proven in every way satisfactory, ami we take pleasure in recomineiulini; your work and glansoH tn all who may lie iu need of safety and and comfort for your eyesight. Very Hcspeclivi 1, Cob. Milo Smith, Commandant. Mayor's Ofliee, Maishallti n, Nuvcnibcr :Jrd, 187. Prof. Stiassinan has been in our city some six weeks or more, and as an opti ci::n has givin the lust of fratisfattioii both as to prices mid (jtiality of work, having treatid some of the most (lillicult cases of the eyt s with Hiiccess and am sat islicd you will ind him a skillful opti cian and a gentleman. Very Respectfully, Nki.son Am i:s, Mayor. Prof. Strassmnn, a ilistinguishcd op tician, now stopping in our city, comes bcfvic us with tlio highest tobtiintnials of skill and experience in his art, and I take pleasure in recommending him to my friends mid tin; public who inny bo in need of his servicec, as one entitled to his confidence. J. Williamson, M. I). Ottumwii, Iowa, how Eyes The long felt vmiv hi. tnunity for s.ght-r ,stor; supplied by ;,lf; M1(.r(Msru, (),(i(.iant ,,rufi ..tifi.,nnn, from Berlin, Go; many, fur riiftj-t time longer at the Riddle house. 1 he waste, of valuable eyesight can bo prevented, if m.t too lute, by his correct mode ot erpiali.iug i,)l inequalities of tho injured eyes hi his specialty, it is con ceded that he is the head of "the profes sion, and nmiiy of our best citizens, und physicians h.iye been successful in ob taining relief by the use of his glasses: Alien IJceson. Myron Drew, J. Vallcrv, jr., H. Boeck, -Mrs. F. Johnson, Mrs. N. E. Sage, Mr. C. Nichols, Mr. Hodgctt, Mrs. Levings, Mr. Hayes, Mrs. Nicinan. Geo. Bueklo, Mr. Leonard, J'hn Bobbins. Mr. Ifolschu.-h. Miss Laura !!aker, rZ. A. S.vift. Mrs. W. D. Jones, Dr. Seliiblknei-ht, S. I'. Vunattii, nr. II. Newel J, Mrs. I. Kesslcr, Mis. p. Kenned' v, C W. .Sherman, J'.li Sampson, Mrs. Rankin, Miss Yeiiti". V. Mitnker. Prof.J.Ti. Wiffiromh Judge A. N. Hull! van fudge Chapman, Mrs. Bcnfcr. (1. W. Covell, Mr. Klsor. -Mr. G.-o. N'.tfferson, .rs D. M. Jones. Mrs. Iv;.te Simpson, Mr. J. !. CnminiDfl, Mrs. P. L. Wibo, Rev. F. W. Witte. REFERENCES. It Kit OAK. Dr E B Yonnsr. C priarL, G K Powers, I) B Miller, J R Tfcov'-s, Mrs J Seimk,Mr3 T II Dcai boni. G W Holt, A C Blose, W ACIos", Mrs. Appkboe, Mr btockslaer, J S Wn.th, R.-v McClute, Mrs Hei-iler, .Mrs. Farrier, Mankt.v. Ro v McCullery, Mm Stanley. R Vv'tidsworl'n, Mr Marcnlmltz, Mr Jelliies, Rr y Ji.gg, V Stafford. C Xf Schneider, H irvuy Kpry, C 11 Richardfl, David H irris, Mr. Isold, C II Lane, (J M Mills. T II Lee. Win Koehler. G J Lilli jeberk, T M Lee, (Co L J'ltitt, Mrs L Jlolvser, Wm Dul.lcy, O Runnels, Mrs H S Porter, I II Ilr.zfirentis, Mr Ihoadby, F A Gaiter, Mr Fisher, Mr Stoddard, E OSlnplnnl, A McC'onnell. E A Brown, Mr Gibson, Mr Fikes. Rev J W Ibimll ton, H V Miller, Mrs F G Clark, Ii E A. Simons. J Saul bin, Mr Van A I-tine, L V Ross, Mrs Deemcr. Mr. Junkin. I'tios Gtiifith, I Sjtiliorn, (eo Binus, Mr. Meyers, 1'. P. Johnson, find many others from the aurroiindir fountrv. CI.AHI UA. Col AV I Ilepbrrn, ex-coi nssmr-n.; Hon T E Clark, pM.utor; Rev Snook, Dr Cokcn.iwrr, D. Le.Likn, F W Harhb, I S M lutyr, A S flail, J D Jones, li W Foster, II C B.ckwith, John Glaseby, C A Eiuibnl!, Mrs. Mor.man. V GrafT, Iiev. Say, Dr Van S mt, J D Haw-b y, T M .Monziugo. Dr Millen, II Red well, Copt Stone. J II Stet, Hon Wm Bnller, O X Hurdle, A T Clement, J M frnhill. Mr Xewton, Mrs Shaul. Hon T E CUrk, Mr& Loranz, Dr. Power, Rev Eddy, liaymond. Lorinz, A P Skecd, J P Burrov.i, Dr Barrett. Mrs Ells. ClifcHTOK. Resident of First Nations! Rank and President of Creston Ntional Rank; J II Patt, Mr Uo-.'.in, Mrs Teed, Ed Derr, Rev Van Wagner, Geo Webster. Miss G W"v.,tcr, Mrs Mary Ktkert, Thou. McGr-.Ui, Ed !w;s, Dr N Turrey. Prof T.arrarrfc. (,) Swall. Mrs W D Moore, W V Metiuaid. J II Lichty, Mr Spnrr, Dr Groves, Mr II Newman, Dr Dunlap, W F Pitt. Rev F W Lason, Mrs M Sulli van, Mrs Laramore, Mr. Zallars, Mrs K Duane, Miss C Eoyer, R E Eivirg. W M Lparr, Dr. Reynolds, Mrs II P Sawvrr. Mis Mattie JInntz. C Hurlev. DG Miller, N II Blunchard, Dr rv-ldflfwie, Mr B Jlnr ley, Mr ll imman, Mm A M Govt, Prof Meyer, Dr Rcynuiri. iowa riir. Scuah.r Bloom, Dr I F Sfincjf, Dr. Copperthwaite. 3!i8 Dr L u Matters, l'ar vin. Kost Mosicr, F U Rrdley, JI If Jonep, D ShirelifT. p u. Pwdy, Gea Rom,. Warner. Mr F J Cux. Hon P A Dey, Rev Porter. Pror Pnrker. Prof McCUire, Pruf .,f r , -r. o