The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 10, 1888, Image 3

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UocU Hani Hard to Pleaa 4lr Itor
Wlio Art Physically Perfect Cao Roler
II U Nary A THal Trip to th Maal
Head Tmta.
ment qJ Recruiting. Washington. July 10,
1KHH lloyn wanted, between tha agni of It and
ID. for apprentice In ttie U 8 Navy, to mtt un
til tliey are JI years or iuce Pay at (9. f IV arid
$11 per month Bad bays, or boys whose parent
or Ki'uriliaiiH "wish them to be dlxclptinnd" trill
not be reccivcj The otJe.-t of the naval training
kyrflnm U to train o body of first class men to lnao
IhokliipMor llio L! S Nuvy Apply k-iur or
li person on board llm CSS Miutx-aota. foot of
Wed Twenty-seventh t.trecl. North river. New
The above 1h an advertisement which
mcclH one's eye in tlm neu.pacrs n boost
every tiny In fact. Undo .Sam" appetite
fur sailors is insatiate Yt t lint owner of
tlii big farm in very particular r.s to v.iio
y shall "hand rief cr steer or sl.ip ns i al
- vagee" on Ids n:rn-of v. :ir
i:kji iklmkxts ok a sailor.
dipt. U C, of i lie .Minnesota,
..ays that only ono out of eovi ii H;;li.:i:ils
i'nr the lil shirts an I .i.;c I isi
ivc;.:o:l Out of I 1 1 loy'j ' (!:' pro
t'.fl li;"4 who applied ibilil! J t!l-
4 -tpiitrr Jut:-.? 'M. 871 v.iim n j tel. !o.l'o aci-o j. ted. J"0- lin:'.-..i !; nir.l v. cro
tti'ver i:li:vvl. triil o:;!y 1 i.clu.llv (n
list: 1 a:td boi-auio r:;:i-.iil Yio vrr
r a;-o of t !h-s'i v.:u 1? yt I
tins) v.dio r.;ijM-ar i:i 1 tal.-bi of t;.;ujv
C.:.-ro ar i. orc. f i.i';ni.-.-::i cv.l v.-iio
tiro rejected !v V. I! riarsh. i'.r- ::'!.; :.i
cKri:. l.i'c-aiio il t.'
'tl:fi4 dffi-ita cro rrn.:
r.ti'i liii'Ti'.M. voico i::o:
i'v :f thy li-lijtii of l.'v
. " a.:- Ihi::;;:;
, . -li Sa::i will- ro! !
thecoiia:-' f I-i s p:.i-::
the consent vf
t lie surrogate, 'lu.:
I'Vi1. ;
;.t :
:l u:id
i." : -.1 or
... t .
.. or.
.'.: i
.. yo
v. ul,
1 !v
t'.uit or uis own iree v.ui,
fuir i'.iu-llpct. ab'.o to read and write; must
1x3 bet wecu fourteen and eighteen years of
ne: uust bo a yood boy and not hent on
jHard to lo disci pliued; taut have pood
rt. i and rurn; must not be troubled with
e't'upsy or convulsions within live years
jVior tt 'lllitnient; must have good teeth,
ju. ready ty.O nnd no symptom of chronic
disease of au (Uiad-
lie inuft, aeedrdiugr to his age, alsa
t-onio t:p to the staudaitlof h ight, weight
and chest uieabiiro ishown in this table;"
J't. lu. I-b. In.
1'ourteen In fiileeeu , 4 li M
nrtecn to sixtpen 4 U n &
iixteva to sercuteen 5 1 f ifJ
fcoveDteou to eiBbteen. 5 2 l'JO S3
Tho candidate must be able to read dis
tinctly, with each eye singly, Snellen's
jtwezjtjr foot test tyie at a distance of
iifteei eet, and, having satisfied the ex
aminers, hrs. Wagner. Ilenneberger and
Keeney, that La f ulQlls all tbene require
ments, ho must go over tho masthead to
i ho roaintru-.-k. 200 feet Kward-1 heaven
abovo tho deck, without flinching tiuj
without dizziness. The medical examina
tion is very simple. The candidate strips
to the cuticle, and his heart Is sounded,
hi long tried, his muscles and bones ex
amined, nd if be has never so slight a
defect his t-t&iC9 of remaining a landsman
Is splendid.
Tho writer knows one j oungster wLo
tried for three successive springs to en
List on t he Minnesota. He had never had
a day's sickness since birth, was a robust.
strontr. hearty lad, but be was rejected
eacii time because the examiners detected
nu i?citient trouble with his throat, an
enlarged brpnehial tube, or something of
thai ort, nos immediately irouDiesome,
but promising disease late jn )ife. Uncla
!?aui demands physically perfect Utto.
Eos are rejected by the examiners for
enrvaturoof the spine quite frequently;
for bad eyesight, enlarged vehjn, color
t lindncss. tlcaluess, and Mnian piiey ar
fApcon breasted.
iianf Jads pass the physical examina
tion, but hail late half way up the ropes
to the main truek, look down for au in
ataot frora their giddy height, and are
lost to Uncle barn's uavy. But having
eoircessfully surmounted all obstacles,
the youngster enlists, bids farewell to
terra firm till he's a voter, and becomes
au entered apprentice. He will bo sent
along with nineteen other boys i:i a day
or two to Newport, whero ho . -"3 into
training on the Now Hampshire for is
months at least. lie will be taught thc
common tugjib branches sailinaking.
rowinj. swimming, boxing, fencing and
fcailiu:; boats V.Tien suCicientiy 4
va:ic-.1 Lowill Lo transferred toa cruising
trai ,j ship, and after A tUre again he
will i, j t ran j. erred to a geuoiaj cruising
sbi; cf tU. naval service.
V hi test b.ei is to tlio placo of seaman'
lopreu'.ite, second chiss. it 19 per month:
tho first clas i. at $24. Afler this, for tht
remainder of hi training cruiao and til! be
is twenty-one, ho i3 t-.igiLla to tho rating
t)f a petty odeer, sm -j r.s q::artcnuastcr,
-crjxvcin, c-ptain t f t r t ,iiJ:nuker
r.;t. Tiilh pa., from to tJ.-Vj a inontl).
.--.ivi-liccs. tceorJii.g fjlw, h:ivo the
y ..- caco in apri;:i: mcut3 to ivarrant
,':!. .s. as boatsv.-aius. gunners and sail
r.iakers. It must bo bomo i:i mind, how
fver, thattho objoct of tho training sys
tem is not to educata oCie-srs for the navy,
but seaman, and as t hero aro but 1 13 of
.these cScers only a few of tho most de
serving can hope to reach tbeso positions.
The apprentice win como out a sailor,
ouito distinct froaj tho militan' part of
tho service. Ue cannot go to the Annapolis
school. lie will get far better food, how
ever, than a o'ercbant sailor. Indeed
Uncle Sam keeps his sailors like lords, and
tho bill of fare "for a week on shipboard
includes fresh beef, "salt pork, han), canned
goods, coffee, soft bread, 6hip biscuit,
beans. patmeaJ. commeal. flour, sugar,
hominy and a dozen ct bcr palatable things,
and many a lad would faro far better on
one of Undo Sam's mcu-of-war than he
ever did at home cr ia tho stre2ts. New
York Erenlug World.
roLnU la Uutter MWn.
At a recent meeting of the Ithaca Dairy
institute Professor Roberts stated that in
Lis experience the Holsteln's milk tested
13.4 and tho Jersey's J2J pounds of milk
to one pound of butter. A fact generally
conceded at thla meeting was that cream
ahonld be kept cool and sweet until there
is enough for a churning, and then a'l
onrod or ripened alike by putting in a
warm room and stirring from bottom to
top once an Lour. Experts prent c-Iaimpd.
that by this means one-tenth more butter
will bo made than br a promiscuous mix
Jjjg of the cream Ln L) stages of Hpeningr.
. .lit. J
The fastest annsi cruiser in tha world
Is said to be tte Oermon Grief, with 2CJ
ions dhf'Lxcr -5 tad 3,00 ndictH
-- r' : i r tz
The rejiublli aui of the United State. a.HMom
bled by llirlr ilelliri'.te.t in li:itioiiHl coliveutlon.
aue on the tlin-li"IU ( IliHr oroceedliiKi to
Minor the memory :t their flrnl Kreat leader
and linn on ul ehamiiloii of libeily and I lie
rights ol the people, Abraham Uneoln, and to
cover alo with wreath -f lniieiihable re
meiiibniiiee and Kiatltuile the heroic names of
our later leader ino have been more recently
called hwiiv front iureounnili, tiraiit, tJartleld,
Arthur, lAi'ii'iii and Conkliug. ly their meiii
oiie be faithfully cherlliel. We also recall
with our t;reetliiK anil iirayer tor lii recovery
the name of one of our IivIik hero- v.hoe
inemory m hi be trejii-iireU In ti e lilntory both
of reiiibll-MLM hii I of the republic. The name
Is that of Hie noble hi. hi if r and favorite child
of victory. riiili II. Sheridan.
ln the i-i'iril of those 1'ieat leatlern anil of our
devotion t iiiiiii:in l.beitv. and wilii that lio
tiiity to ml forms d despoti'iu oppressiou
which Utlie luit.l.iinci.lHl Idea of the lepubll
caii partv. aeeud Irxte'tial eonratiiJatlons
to our fellow AiiiericMm ol itruzil upon tlicir
Kreat act of emancipation which completed
the altolitlon of hlaverv tlirouhoiit the two
Aiiieiic.-ui c iitii:cnl. We eanivslly hope wa
may eoon coii(;rtiiUte our fellow eiti-ii Of
Iri-h birih up.iu the eaccful lecovery of home
rule fur In-l.tixl.
to the i,alioi:a' constitution and to llie uidiit
i.i I ilile uuiou .f stat r- to the jiti:ouiiiy re
served to tl'e elates uii'ier the couMitiitioii. to
the p.-roiml ilfil.t ami liberties of citieiH in
:ill ::iich it. ;n riioi ie i. the union ar.d e-jii-ciallv
to tiie sup me aiul snverc an rli'M of
very ii en. ticti or poor, native or iou-in
Onrii. vnire or uiae:. io ca-i n" it-n urn 1:1
li e Ml::li- e!- IOl s
mi.: in luivi" mi.i oaiKir
4 ! 1 1 1 V I ll'ilei'. U e I
i.'.ir 1 1 . . 1 1 . t :.ii l jiiHi
..I 1 1- iiple I - i.i- 1 1
jilibiici li 1. 1 . ri.n-e.
'.. i-li ti' i-el.! i
. f I - -1 ioi. v : !i :
ntt t.f i .i ;. . W i
iiiii.i-1'...lh'i'i : ! ir. : . I :.. :: i
f l iik 1 ::: t !.y : '.'
t- i s: t li' i 'i; '
e :in- i : ";
. i ! 1 :.: ii - v : t :.; '
. 11. 1 ; ; "-; r:;e
.li !.! :o:i; i.: ;i :! : v.
.(' i : t -
I ;
II .
i tiro Jiiiil honest i.;i
t ijmiI r tile i i.t. Ii':i
nmliiii..'! ol .:r
mi tit iuuikI !i i t i vc
n tiviitv mi i i'ii: if y
: !.e f. in t.-ins of ill
: ' r.l- I h. I I be .Tfl:l :i:
i- u .cra'ii; ii.aj-..:iiy t:i
i-ti-z i e f . Ir- -it-: re-si. I
: : i-. II I !ii:i' iie..t li ef . In
.i lie t '.o, ,
.i, i i;;y i i f.ivor of i;i
I 1 1 i' -.. t- pr ! s:
.,! :'n:iiM'.i In li:e ;
i.Vi-'ive lhj iiitiiciB
v. i- iv :
U ; in .
t'.i- f,-.
: il
;... - II'
'. e i!
... .j. .r,;
l. s ! ;
! ; i
i ! '.:
ir; -I !
!: I i N I I. ! ST-' OF .MKHICA.
. .-(.ui.of.! y atieal to
!! jt.,;j n:e:.i. i lie protective
: .tii i-.-.i. : i. abauUoiiiiieiit
!. .' mii! by uci'cml fter
i. .. ; I : Lose of the tniMirer
"i: is' bill as desfruetive to
i :. .r. and i lie farming inter
.iv and we heartily enuoise
pi.trlotift jiction of the re--;ii:ilives
in eoniess in optms
Vf eoiideiini the proposition
ic party to place wool on the
nils- that I lie (lutii thereon
t and iniilntiilned so an to fur
..Uequate protection to that in-
Hhafl b
nisii full a
The republican party Would effect all needed
reduction of the rational it venue by repealing
tiie taxt-M on tobacco, which are an arroxaiice
nd burden to agriculture, abd tl.e tax upon
spin's used in the arts and for mechanical pur
pose, im.l by Biicli revision of the taritl laws as
will tend to cheek Imports of Siitiji aKles as
a e produced ! v our people, the production of
winch uivex en pi-vnient to our labor, and te
lease from impoit iiii!:s these articles of for
eign production, except luxuries, the like of
hich cannot In i nu'iieed at home, there hall
still remain a hiu'. r n .c ue than is reiitl-itfe
for the m1 ol uvi n Hu nt, of internal taxes
rather than miji. ,o:f : ny part of our t rotec
tive system r.t t' e oin i sr. of t!:? whisky
rinK and iiei.ts t foreign 't.inilfcfiii'er.1.
AISAINST PAt f f AM I. ' IlOIt TH L'S 8.
Wo r.r;:lare hovtii.iy lo ihe i: tro.Mn-tiou into
tis country of fiir.e's'n contuo t 1 ber and of
Chinese Inbor aJo.ii !.i .;. .-r-ii -o i. n and our
cori.vtitutioii. alio v.e i!, !.:! .5 1 1:0 :,. i i-,.'iM?C-ment
oidiisliiifr luv. s vnhi-i il imn f.,yors'li;h
immediate len'si:; ;i an v. iil e.eii;u.- siicU Ta
bor from our sli'-Ve.-.
We dodurt' cm i-t c ? a'fPml'c2
tlon of eapliat "ii-ni. vi'd in Wtjsii . fi.n(,r-
wine to control ior.:ainv ii.; coii.-iiiviii ui
trade anions ::r citizens and i reuon Hienil
to cowgressand inc ;:.te leislatiuvs lu their
rmnective jurisrtieiioi.s si.c!'. !t :bbi:i -u as will
pre'vent t.';e execulion :i aMse". eir.m to oppress
he pecilteby uwO liBlves n ll:eir xupplies
orbyuujiit rafi;: Xd !.- p4;ii-:"l!;'Uou of
their products to ihh'i 1 '" '
w approve !giaii':i l y ri-i i'Ty.
vent alike unjtikt burden ji.d ti.-.i'-iu i! scii:ii
luatioii betweon i-tMtt-
1M HI.K; i. am I.Ki;I.!,lTJOV.
We realtirm the policy of approp i-.tir-i; tlis
nubile lands of the I'bited Stales to be h'.mc-
stead lor American citizens aiut s t.l -i
aliepa. wic- the republie.-iti pjirly rstaMisbcd
ill l&i iMa'fifrt t).n peri-!sfe.t oppesiui u f
the dt?mctfrais in'cop.Urvsi', w!:li.i -,. ii )-. 1:1
our great western iloni'rdi) iiilo tnr.i.ii,, i.t i'..;
velopemort, llie res-oral ion of uiK-i.;'ai J l-j'.J
granta to the publiu Ji! in fir (be u.-s of ac
tual sell!ni,Mlui'ii :is Uffcilil ti o ad
ministration Of i'r tj'iiei t Af'ilUi' hllntiiil be
continued. We deny tlit the de:n:t'iatic puiiv
has ever restored one acre lo the people. l:ui
declare that by thejoMit action of republicalis
and democrats ahoui fifty million acres 1 1 ni.
earned lande, originally g ained for the con
fiructjon at fnllro.-o!. iave been restored to
the pilblljB ioi.Kill ia luir-.nii.cp o( con. Hi Ions
Inserted by llo ic;ub.i'c:p fin I y lu the oiiln
al craDts. Weclia'Ket e dem.-rraticadtnini--tration
with lail'-re to execute la vis sceuriui; to
Kettler tii!e to theii hiMiie'tpi!? and with i;s-in-
api-"i na; Ions i.;:ide for that. pt:rK se to
harrasd i-noeeiif knltp-rii villi ipp. u:d pi"t
cutlom under the fub-e prttec.-e ox tapoflng
frauds and vliul'calibt' the law.
The Koveinnicnt by coi jri c,fi of the ieirit-r-les
s bawed upon necessity ulily to the ei:.l ilia
they may liBfior.'.e sfilf" jil iMdon ; tllt'ie
fore. w believe I lie condii Ion of p.iul;:l mil.
luateriiil resource, i'-l!ie intelligence and
morality are uch a" to insure stable local irov
erimie1 t l!ifrein the iK'ople ofioich territories
r.:iou:i u periiiUted.'a r.,it inliripnt In tlieia.
o f ri.i for ill' inielvch eoii.-iiiilii'iis and s'ate
gov.-ri'iiieiit.- and be ;m1 l!ed icto the union
'eti'iiiiii jircpuraii n for statehood all oniei-r
t!if:c'i l;!;.'-!1' '"' sele.-lnl li-in bona fide
re-i.l lit-, an 1 ' If.zeiis of I lie ten ii.ij y tiiicu-in
:li- tire to -ive Soiiili H.ikoia i-hoiild ..f
'.iZ 1 ln ir.' i:ir:'y hiiinHiinI as a state in
ii:e iini"ii innb r ' lie coiiHi it ut i-;i fr -med and
u!..p...l by In-i people ami we lie:;rliiy e:i-
I . ie lu'V'et ii ii . f the u-j-!!!:!f:'ii senate in
wiee --t iiii 1 i:!s for "cr ;:.iniis :ioii. 'I p.e rc-f-s.:l
i f Hi- :. im ( ; i io liou-e o representa-live-.
or p:ti i :s"ii p'trj -e f. f i r;hly n-n--i.'er
t?:.e i i. a will'ul violation of the
.- .re! -i lilri: ii principle of ioi:;:l Bt-ii jrr-vern
.i.e:.',, :.n.i mei i!s llie coiidemiiai ion of all just
T-i. n i !"e p.-i!'iii bills in the senate for acts
incii: l lit- people of Wj-hii::toii. North
I) Uo'ri and "i'!!Moi i te ritopc to for;! eoii-
!i i i -i .i i i esrl!'sti sfaie jiovenSme ts
S.1...0 ( be . s-pii w thout uiitieces-i y ('e'i y.
:!..'.-. lili!.-:i ti pV'Iues i;i"-lf to lid a'l III
i : ov. t. '.-.'' lit . i' t l e iidmissioi. i. f t lot 'i r-itit'iie-
:! - ev. exie . V. voniii'ir. I. 'alio anil
- rito.oi I.. i: -i y 'j iti -iit " pf i.ei'-i-.'Vereiiient
as slat en. S t ;i of i h.'in s-h art bow ijualified
eooti a t ti si'.'le.i nd othevx as sooa as tliey
may becuine so.
The political power of the Moruiou c.iurcli in
the tcriilories ns exercised lu the past I a
menaue to free ii!Kiituiloiis 'co dangerous to
be lone sintered. T before i e u t-due t lie re
publican party !o approprinte Iciriblation.
asei'tini; liie fovcrelynty of the nation in all
the territories wlieie the same is uuettioucd.
and in fiirtliepiiice of that end to place
upon the (Statute book legislation ftvliiK'-iit
en- ut'U to divorce oliucal from ecclesiastical
power, nid thus etamp out the attei.dant
wickednexs of polygamy.
1 he repunncan party is in isvor or I lie use
of both trold and Kilvei" w money, and con
demns the policy of the democratic adminis
tration in its eltorlH to demonetize silver.
We demand the reduction of letter postage
to 1 c-nt per mice.
In a republic like ours, where the citl pnsis
the sovereign and the oftiei 1 the servant
where no powr is exercised except t!v tte wi 1
of the people, trip Important liiat tiie sover-
Mgn reopie Simula posse intelligence. llie
frea school Is the promoter of ilitit iuiel igeiice
which ito preserve us a free nation. There
fore, llie state or nation, or both conbinert.
sbouM support free Institutions of Irani i in:
S'lflieient to -fiord to eveiy child 'lowinic up
in the land the opportunity of auood coiniii'iii-
cLool cdtiCntlor..
We earnestly recommend that uroinut action
be taken li c- r ' ess in the e actment of such
lei;iiation as will best secure ile rebahiii.a
tion of our An. eric -n merchant mailne. a'al
we protest against the passage by couuress of
h free bip bill as calculated to work injuticc
to labor bv lerfeoirit the waces of tlmte en-
ftsged In preparing materials as well as those
directly employed in our shipyard. . e de-
maua appropriation' ior i nc i-..ri- leouininiu
of our navy, for the cou't ruction of c-nt
fortiflcatioi's and oiodern ordinance and other
-tpproyej moiieru mcans of ueiK- lor the
protection of our defenseless harbors and
cities for the payment of just pe sions to our
soldier, for necess;r- w rk of national im-
Dortanc in me improvement oi uta naroors
and channels of l-ternal. coast wiser and
ore n aominritv's cw M. uaouraiiinienc ot
the shipping- lateiests ol the AtUatlc. Golf
and Psciiic vtates as well sa for the parsjent
country, proitiote trade, open new and direct
maikets for our products and cheap'ii the cost
of transportation. We a f linn tills tube far
better for our country than tne democratic
policy of loaning the eoverumenl's money
without Interest to "pet banks."
The conduct of forclgu an airs by the present
administration ha been distinguished by Inef
ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn
from the senate all tending trea'les effected
by republican adinliilstrat lot s for the removal
of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our
commeice and for Its extension into a better
market. It has neither afleeted nor proposed
any others ln their stead, professing adher
ence to the Monroe doctrine, it has seen with
Idle complacency the extension of foreign in
fluence In Central America and of foreign trade
everywhere anioi'i; our nelghbois. It has re
fused to charter, sanction or et)L-onra-.'e any
American oigiiniytion for construct in;; the
Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to
the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and
of our national influence In Centra! and South
America, and necessary for the development
of tride with our Pacillc teiiiiory, with Si-.u'h
A mericH. and with the further coasts of the
1'acilic Ocean.
We arraign the present democri'tio !iilnii'.i
tr:i;iou forils weak slid unpatriotic Trent:cent
of tiie lisliciie.s ;n fl ion, and il ill-illaniinous
surrendcrof a!l privlleg- to wiiicii oar fishery
v sseN aro cut i lid u: .':'r.atlb.ii poll under
the treaty if IsIh. ihe icciprocate mariri
tine lei'ishition of l-Ul ni-d cninity or natl 'iis.
and whii li "- . :i t i -i t . iny vo-i'ls receive ia
the potts of I be I Pile. 1 Stall s. V o con cum
the : oli-.-y i.t the piiM-Pt iiditiiiii.-.:ralion ai-.-i
t he democra! ie n-.;.j li'.y in c o.yresM tiwariN
our li-b.eiier. as iihfrliM.i :imS ciiusj-ieior..-ly !
imp;. 1 1 1-1' P- Mi t -:. in-, t" 1 1 -p-T i v . vali!:;b:o
' lie!
.1 led i -I i y : .1 ;i i. :;-.iltp -i.Mo'.e resource
i-li -e .I'.aUi ! l' I e .li I r.y
name or A in i :-:'!. :n u:..-- alike to nil
isi ftber ;;'.!'. . a:. ii in. poses upon men
like Hie -:nc o' li :r!o ol obedience to the
aw-. .'. I i i !.: ci Izeiish ip is and must
1 e 1 lie iinooly ;ii:ii -afeguard of him w ho weals
it, M oi:!d slue '. and protect him whether liih
i r i w. lic'i or poor, in all his civil right. It
b.v.iM ;:'.id must afford htm proteeiion at home
follow and protect him abroad in whatever
lnd he may be on a lawful errand.
11 VI L SKitVICK lls-Kl'lt.M.
The men who abandoned the republican par
tv in Issl and continue lo adhere to the demo
cratic party have deserted not only the cause
of hoi est gove-iiiiieiit. but of sound finance, of
freedom and purity of the ballot, but espec
ially have deserted "the cavtrc of refori in the
civil service. We will not. fall to keep our
Hedges because tb y have broken theirs, or
he -ause their candidate has broken his. We
l herefore repea" our tleelarat ion of 1ss4, tow it :
The reform of civil service auspiciously Ix-uti
uio'er a.liiiini.slratio i should be
completed bv a further extension of th- reform
sstem already established by law to all grades
of the service "to which it is applied. The spir
it s-.nd purpose of reform should he observed in
all executive appointment, and all law at
varlenee v. ii it the object of exist ii'ij reform leg
islation should be repealed, and 1 fiat the dan
gers lo free nistitutioi-s which lurk in the pow
er of nFcial patronage in: y be w isely and ef
fectively avoided.
T he gi-atitibte of the nati-'il to the defenders
ot the union canimt be assured except bv laws.
The legislation of congress should conform to
the pledges made bv a loval p -ople, and he so
enlarged and extended a to provide against
the posriihdiiy t.r.t any map. "ho l:onorally
wore the federal uiiifo'iii shall Iwcoilie un in
mate of an almshouse or dependent on private
charltv. In the presence f an overflowing
treasury it would b a public scardal to do less
for those whose valorous service preserved Ihe
government. We denounce the hostile spirit
shown by President I.'levetand in his numerous
vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the
a. iioii of tliw democratic house of representa
tives in reusing even coiisiue.-atiorf oi general
pension legislation. ' " ' '"
In support of (he principles herewith enun
ciated, we invite tiie co -operation of patriotic
piep of all parties, especially of all working
men whose prosperity js Sisriously threatened
by the free trade policy of the present admin
istration - . .
The' first cot pet u of all good government is
t;e vjrtije and sobrjety of trip people Mid the
p.trity oi tfieii-io,ii..3. The republican party
coi-diallv sympathises wttfi ail wise ana' well
directed efforts for the pt-oniotlou of temper
S. r". tnOMAS. ftn.l Notary Pitblio.
ri-zgem d iiioek, I'laitsinuuth. Neb,
Oftlce ip
Attorney-at-Law. Will irive prompt attention
to all business 'utrusted to him. Olllce in
(Juir,n UloClr. P;t side, PJattsiriouth. Neu.
A5 K I C L' M L" A 1 . 1 MPLKMENTS,
IA,l,ii Cl'.AIi:.
Agrtcuttiirl Implements, fourtland Buggies
and Iluthford Wagons, "Hood Timber and
Hone Ury." sold and Warranted. Main street.
between Six.h and Seventh.
of Piiirttnoiith. Capital $-M.tMio ; suiplu. 11,
0H). John Fitzaeiald. President: S. Wauuli.
Cashier: F. S. White, Vice-President. Hoard
of Directors : John Fitzgerald. K. E. White,
Jno. K. Clark. I. Haw ksworth. S. Wauuh
of PlattMiiout!.. i-apit 1 stock paid in, .",o.O0O.
Frank Carrulh, Pri-fi.Jenf : w. f. Cushliiji.
Cashier; J. A. Connor, VSce-I'reKidpnt, A
irenera! bankini; tiu-i-'is I r nsactcd. ivollec
tions receive propii t ; ii't careful attention.
Blacksinitli m5 W:ifi-.n'siker, Uc-akT ill Vind
Ulills, 1'uilll ti !il:d IM'iUiL's.
JO-K I'll KlTI'-'lt.
P.oots and Shops. Ki-pVuia.; tii-o'iipt'y atter.diMl
to. Hputli Side Main si-(-wr.
A complete assortment of eveiy kind of Fnot-wpjii-
and eheaoer than the cheapest west of
the Missi uri Kiver. Also nianufarturing and
IU-i a.ring.
Ba i:ri:i: shop a no h th room.
Mot nrl Ool.l Ra'hs tit :dl hours. Ladies' and
Children's I!atr Cutting a specialty. Cor. 5th
and .Main, under Cainith's,
F. STADF.I.MANN. Cat-es. Pics. Runs, etc.. freh daily.
Party. Wedding and F.-i'.cy Cake a specialty,
lee Ci earn iti any iiiantity.
.1. V. YOUXG,
Rooksel'er, Stationrr. nnd .ys Dealer ; Fancy
floods. Toys. Confectionery, Fine iir.u-s. Soda
Water and Milk Shake, Pianos and Organs and
Musia! lnstruoieu'.s.
S. & C. MaYHR,
Gent's Furnishings, Fine Tailor Mailp Clothing
in Men's. Roys' and Children's Wear. Their
prices defy competition. Thev t:iirepresent
nothing, their
word s
Their !5 -.l.
Clotli'rg. Fiunlshing tioods (ia to the old re
liable house for Hats, Caps. Umbrellas. Ti links.
Roots, Shoes. Main street, next Cas Co, R:l k.
c. e. wKscorr,
Clothing. Hats. Cans, r-. Fi; furnishing
our specialty. Oue price and n. M mkey i'.us
ines. it ( ays to trade with us. i;uckwo;'d Rlk.
Canmng company.
Frank Carrwth. Henry J. Strelsht. I'roprietars.
Packers ol thsC imax Brand Vegetable,
HII-MIl JlKAt?.-4.
Fru't. Con feet Ifjnerv and Fine Clga".
O. P. sMI II & CO.
Dealers in Wall Taper. Paint. Oil. Art Mater
lals. Cigars &s. RockwooJ Rlock.
Drug. Ch -mlcals. Paints. Oils.
Drnits. 3ieuiciBes. Chemicals. Paints. Oils,
i".rnl'i! ?, y Stuffs etc.. Fine btaUonery,
Select Toilet and Fancy Articles.
F. 8. WRITE.
Dry Good. OtooeHes. Notliai. Qenaial Mer-.
chandlae, etc S. S, corner Main aad c:h St.
TktCYGOOr - - . .
nuv tioons. r. uoci: iu Fa.
Lf K. ii. DOVKY Ik SOX.
Carry a large dock of Fine Groceries,
Goods, Carpets, tjeensware. Notion,
Fancy Goods, to be found in tho county.
M.-r Ma ii Direct, between 5th and all.
"The Pamirs Dentists." Teeth extracted
without Ihe least pain or harm. Artificial teeth
inserted Immediately after extracting natural
one w hen desired. Oold and all of her Fiiliiigs
strictly first class. Office lu Cniou Rlock.
Furniture. P.cddlin.'. lioKing (ilassp-. Picture
Frame, etc. Woodeu and Alctal l.'asl-ets kept
in stock.
r i. i-kari.m an.
Furniture. Parloi Suit, Upholstery tioods.
Sioves. Qiiecnswaic, '1 inwaie. ami all l.ihd i of
Iloit-enohl tioods. North iii'i street, between
Main and Ylno.-
r l
J. II. i'Nrl.l,V.
Furnisher Biol Hatte -.
dents Fiii
Ll i ut h
coliin!ele ami to: est suck Hi i ae cliy
l!ior"k. Cor. r,: h and Main.
ci:itn s.
M V.. MIT II I'll Y .V CO..
'Ihe I eadln;; l:.-:.I.-rs in Groceries. Crockery.
hina, L i is. Wooden and Willow ware,
l-'ioiir, Feed.&c. Cash paid for country produce.
f i !;Ch RIES.
tJrocprics, Provisions, Glassware mid Crockery.
Green. Staple and Fancy (irocerics.
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Green Fruits and
Canned Goods.
n i
Groceries and ltieensware. Flour i"i'l Fee-1
Cigars. Tobacco and '"'! "--r-. l:: ' '.' ' ' -u- .
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Glassware and
Crockery, Flour and Feed.
FRED ''.(KM.
Proprietor City Hotel. Terms, $t.(i0 per
Special Attention given commercial men.
W. (!. KEEFER.
Successor to O. M. Straight. Harness, Saddlery
Goods. Net. Robes, Dusters, and all horse fur
iiisliiii' yoods.
Hardware. Stove. Tiu ware. Table and Pocket
Cutlery. Kasors, etc. Household Sew ing Ma
chine and Jewel Gasoline stove. Tinwork
of all kinds don. at reasonable prices. Main
street, Rockwood Rlock.
T EWF. Lit V.
U R. A. MoEI.WAlN.
Watches. Clocks, silverware and Jewelry.
Special Attention given to Watch Repairi'
Always carry a line stock of Diamonds, Watch
es. CloeKs. Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles.
Drop in and in.M.ect t"fcU woods before parchas-mg-
ejsewheb. 1
Jev-per. Walfham Watches a BpeelaUv. Main
Street, near Fpuiiji .
Tiie Chcckerad Rain. LiKry. Feed and Sale
stable ; parties eonveyed to all parts of the citv.
Carriages at all trains. Corner Vine and Cth.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in First Quality
Beef, Fork. Mutton. Veal. Lamb, etc. sixth
sireo', Me.lile Bocit. PfiCi. tiiodirae.
.1. II AT r & CO.
Kill toils nin ftulil "
- - . . .vender
their own Lard
and Cure their own Racon.
Maiu street.
Fjjgs. Poultry &c. We use o' ly the best grade
oi native stock. Oysters and game in season.
Merchant Tai'or. Main street, "over Mercres'
shoe store. Complete stock of samples. "Fit
guaranteed. I'rices defy competition.
A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil
linery and Trimmings ; also Children's and In
fants' Bonne's, to he closed out at cost.
J 4Cf II
Meal and Lunches sei ved to order at aM hours.
Also Oysters. I'ig.-irs. Tob icco, Pop and Cider.
Opposite Riddle House.
Sample Room, linpoi 'i-'l and Domestic W'nes,
Liquors nnd Cinars. mlv straight good han
dled. Milwaukee Bottled Lager a Specialty.
Cor. otli and Main Sts.
N i -1; Cii'.iiiiiighain, proprietor Choice ines,
L'ouors iu.d Ciiiars. Pool ani Ril.iard Tables.
R'dille Jli.'iise Block.
Win. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of
Soda Water. Iiircli Beer. Cider, etc. Agents for
Fred Krag's Celebrated Lager Beer.
Sample Room and Billiard Mall. Cli'de Wines
Liquors aud B liiard and Tables.
The Boss Tailor
Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store.
Has the best and most complete stock
of samples, both foreign and domestic
woolens that ever came west of Missour!
river. Note tlu-ce prices: Business suits
from ?1G to f35. dress suits, $25 to $45,
pants $4, $3, $0, $G.50 find upwards.
CiPWill guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defv Competiiion.
F-i-simal attention
io my care.
to all Business Entrust-
Titles Exiovncd. Abstarcts Compiled, In-
surauL-e wii.teti, mpi r.sia;e
BeUer Facilities for making Farm Loans than
Any Othet Agency,
PlattMmouth, - IVcb ka
Practical PiEni and Organ Tuner
First-class work guaranteed. Also deni
er ia Pianos and Organs. Office at Boeck's
furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
R. B. W:i;vam. J0HX A. DAV1W.
Kotary Public. Notary Public.
wisotun UAVIE. ,
oi- i n i: at
Fit M
Berlin, Germany,
can consult- ,!! about
lour Eyes,
and how to take care of them. More
light for the unfortunate spectacle wear
ers, and the ilooui of blindness prevented
bv the use of his Alaska Brilliants and
Australian Crystals. A new chemical
combination of
And patent self-adjusting
Spring Eyeglasses
The first time ititr.iduced into this coun
try; manufactured to order after careful
examination by modern instruments.
has arrived in Plattsmouth, and has
an orlice at the Riddle House. He is do
ing an immense business throughout the
United States, giving tho best of satisfac
tion and delight to hundreds with de
fective sight. His knowledge of the
human eye and his skill in adjusting the
glasses is marvelous beyond imagination.
Endorsed by all the great men of this
country and Europe.
In an instant, as if by magic lie is en
able! to tell you any ailment of your
failing vision, point out the cause and
danger, and adapt brilliant glasses, pe
culiarly ground to suit every defect of
the eye. which will aid in ptrength-iiino
tiie eyesiir'it of the old and young. Sci
entists invited to exarnSnc the new sys
torn for the preservation of t li luiiii i
Teachers should wntr-li the early muni
festations of their scholar" eyesight and
report in time to their respective parents
to hire their eyesight examined by Prof.
Strasnnan, the expert optician of nation
il fume.
Artificial Eyes replaced,
Persons deprived of an eye cm have
this deformity removed by the insertion
of an artificial one, which meyes and
looks lilce a natural organ.
to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p., and 7 to 8 in
George Burgett, liev. A. Clark, Mr.
Duff, Mrs Dr'Larsh, I) P Ilolfe, Mrs
Strectcr, Dr Brinkcr, li 31 Kolfe, Roden
brcck, C Anderson, J W "Waldstnith, W
A Cotton, S II Calhoun, Judge Mipes,
David Brown. Dr Hershcv. V'.u liver,
T S Jones, E M Taga: t. E Riber, "W.
H Murphy, Frank McCartney, James
Fitehie, Ruv. Emanuel ffartig, Mr:. A.
E Rudd, W D Merriam, Mi Van Meter,
Dr S L Gant, A LTorr.;', Paul Si
Nat Adams., Geo A Wilcox, Mr Sheldon,
Mr. Gunsell, Rev H Pearson, Shomerus.
L Levey, S M Kirkpatrick, Drvsroll,
Donald McCuaig, William Wilhelmy.
Hev Riyer3, Logan Enyart, N Redfield.
J F Welch, Rev. J B Green, John Good
lett, C B Bickel, Dan Gretrg, C W Sober
fy. E S ITawley, A R Newcoiub, Wm
Nelson. Mrs X D ivis, Win Fulton, At am
Kloos, Mrs Ed Platner. M T Johnsm.
Mrs Carnout, Mrs. Sterling Morton, Mrs.
Watson. Miss Morton, Mr Geo W Ilawke
Prot Irassinao,
G 1 A f J
S 1 i--'-s
ffl SB
fiPm mwm)
D 11UJ
3 uuuuuiiuuii
2srever before lias an ()ticiitn re
ceived such testimonial! from
the jK'ujilc.
Office of Iowa Soldier's Home.
Maislialltovti, In., Feb. 17, 'HM.
Prop. Sthassman, Diar Sir: Tho
glasses you furnished myself and wifo
when in Clinton, have proven in every
way satisfactory, and wvt tuke pleasure
in recominendiiig your work and gliissCH
to all who may be in need of safety and
and comfort for your eyesiiht.
Very Hi k ( Ii vi ),
Col. MiloSmitii,
Mayor's OHice, Maishalltt n,
November Hid, 1K7.
Prof. Stiassinaii has been in our city
some six weeks or mm e, and ns an ojiii
ciiill has o;iVi n the lu st of Satisfaction
iiolh ns to prices and ipinlity of work,
having treated some of the; most difliriilt
cases of tho eyes with success and am sat
isfied you will find him a t-killful opti
cian and a gentleman.
Very Respectfully,
Mi-.i.MiN Am i;s, Mayor.
Prof. Strassnian, a distinguUlu-l (,jt.
tieian, now stojipinj; in t)tir city, tomH
before us with the highest testimonial
of skill nnd experience in his ni t, mid I
take pleasure in recommending l,im 4
my friends and thu public who may
in need of his hei vices, as ono tntiilcd tt.
his confidence, J. WitUiMsoN, M. I.
Ottumwa, loiva.
Kew Eyes
The long Ci-ie want u t),is com
munity for 'gl't-restoring glasses is now
supplied hy the successful optician, Prof.
A. Strssman, fnnn Berlin, fb-jmaiiy, for
a short time longer at the Riddle house.
The waste of valuable eyesiiflit can b
prevented, if not too late, by his correct
mode f equalizing all inequalities of the
injured eyes In his specialty, it is con
ceded that he is the head of the profes
sion, nnd many of our best citizens, und
physicians have been successful in ob
taining relief by the use of his glasses:
Allen Beeson
Dr. Scbildknecht.
Byron Drew,
J. Vallerv, jr.,
II. lloeck,
Mrs. F. Johnscn,
Mrs. X. E. Sage,
Mr. C. Nichols,
Mr. Ilodgctt,
Mrs. I.eviogs,
Mr. Hayes,
Mrs. Nicnian.
Geo. Buckle.
Mr. Leonard,
John Robbing.
Mr. Ilolschuch,
Miss Laura Baker.
Mrs. A. S.vift,
S. P. Vnnatta,
W. If. Newell,
.Mrs. P. K easier,
Mrs. Kennedy,
C. XV. Sherman,
Kli Sampson,
Mrs. Rankin,
Miss Young,
V. Manker,
Prof. J. IJ. Wiltor-mb
Tudgo A. N. Sullivsn
Judge Chapmnii,
Mrs. Bc-nfer.
d. W. f :ovell,
Mr. Elson.
Mr. Geo. Nfitter30ii.
Mrs. W. I). Joivs,
1 1. M. Jones.
Mrs. Kate Simpson, Mr. J. C. Commiiis,
Mrs. P. L. Wise, Rev. F. W. VYitte.
It F.I) OAK.
Dr E B Young. CFCJat k, : KVov:6ts,
I) B Miller, J B Ret v s M'a J Scank.Mrn
T II Dearborn. G W H.1, A C Blose, W
.V Close, Mrs. Appleby, Mr Stockslager,
.1 S Wroth, Rev VicClnre, Mrs lies) lor,
.Mrs. Farrier. Viaiiker. Rev Mcf'iilb-rv Mi
Stanluv. R Wadswortli. Mr "M !.rrnlir.1f y
Mr Jelfric!,. Rev Ju-r-'. XV Staflnnl f' V
Schneider, Harvey Spry, C E Richards,
David Harris, Mr. Isold, C II Lane, C M
Mills, T II Lee. Yv'm Koehler, C J Lilli
jeberk, T M Lee. Geo L Piatt. Mrs I.
Holyser, 'm Dublev. () Runnels. Mis
I S Porter, I II Ha.iirenus, Mr Broadby.
V A Carter. Mis Fisher. Mr Stoddard. E
O Shepherd. A M Conto 11. E A Brown,
Mr Gibson, Mr Fikes. Rev J XV Hamil
ton, S P Miller, Mrs F C f lark, B E A
'imor.3. J W Sauibin. Mr Yan Alstine.
L F Ross, Mrs Deemer. Mrs. Junk in,
This GlifTitll. T Sanbiirn Cer.T'.inna ir
Meyers, P. P. Johnson, and inntiy other.
. i . -. .
iroun tne surrounuing country.
Col XV P Jicoburn. r:v-cr;mrrr..vir.-rT.
Hon T F. Clark, senator; Rev Suook, Dr
.okenowtr, Dr Lrwellen. f W Ibirbb,
I S Mclntyr. A S Daily, J D Joins, B XV
Poster, II O Beck with, John Glaseby. if
A Kimball, Mrs. Moi.-man, V Graff, Rev.
neay. Dr Van Sunt. J D Hawby. T M
Monziuo, Dr Milb u, II Bedwtll, Capt
stone, J II Sttt. Hon Wm troth r. i NT
Hurdle, A T Clement. J M CrabiU. Mr
Newton, Mrs Shaui, Hon T E Clark, Mrs
Loranz, in. J'ower. Rev Eddy, Itayinond
f.oi-in, A P Ske. d, J P Bunws, Dc
Rarrctu Mrs E1L.
President of Firs- "Cation:'. It-mt- arl
President of Cieston SiOroial It.nU.
J II Patt 'Mr Dunlin, Mrs Teed, Ed
Derr. R.-v Van WftL'of-r. fJeo Wf-lwf.r
Miss Webctor Afrc r ...... T-,.b.t 'i i
- 1 . x . I . . i 1 1 US.
McGrath. Ed Lewi.-,. Dr N Tuner. Prof
r&nabee, Col Swall. Mrs W D .Moore.
W V McOliaid. J II Licbtv. Mr Rnnrr
Dr Groves, Mr H Xev.mau, Dr Dunlap.
- r i. rur. iiev r iason, .airs il r3trl-
van, Mrs Laramore, Mr. Zallars, Mrs K
Duane, Miss C Eoyer, R E Ewtng. XV M
Lparr, Dr. Reynolds, Mrs II P Sawver.
Miss Mattie Muntz, C Hurlev, DG Miller,
X 11 Blanchard, Dr Schiffeile, Mr B Hur
ley, Mr Ilamman. Mrs A M Gow, Prof
Meyer, Dr Reynolds.
Senator Bloom, Dr T F Hansit, Dr.
Copperthwaite. Mrs Dr Ie. Messr. Par
vin, Kost, Moster, F II Bradley, H If
Toiler, D Shireliff. p m PonTy, Gen Roi,
Warner, Mrs F J Cox. lion P A Dey, Rev
Porter, Prof IVrirer. Prof IlcCIaire, Prof
ef tJte p.fpri"T rv
f -- -