V. U ! LY U.ERaLI : PL.v riS:.ou J'n, i.iJAi5KA, TUESDAY, .O0TC0ER 9, lSbS. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KalUbary. DcatUt, Bock wood Balldlag, Dr. Xlff Ina, OfBft In Orris'! Dm Ktor, BiU caca at, Sixth aal Uraailc, Telt-phoae S. Dr. Wither, the Pal aim llratlut, I'aloa Block, orer Krlcke'a Dra Store, riatUmoulh. CITY CORDIALS. There was no meeting of the council last night as a quorum could not be se cured. The laying of the pavement was commenced this morning at the foot of Main street. There will Mb a meeting of the Cha tauqua club at the office of Mr. Byron Clark tonight. The Y. h. R. It. A. will giye a socia ble tonight in their reading room and the O. A. R. hall. There will be a meeting of the Young Men's Republican club tonight at the office of Judge Russell. Miss Paul is making preparations to give another musical concert. The date has not yet been decided cn. No critical mind will yield to Mc Cullough's superiority over McLean as Tirginius. Terre Haute, Iud., Gazette. The PlUtsmouth Bohemian Dra matic Company will give a grand ball at Fitzgerald's on the evening of Oct. 15th. The Hon. J. Sterling Morton, the democratic nominee for congress, will speak in the Waterman opera house to morrow night. Louis Deal was arraigned before Judge Clifford yesterday morning fur being drunk and disorderly. This be ing the second offence, he was fined $5 and costs. He was fined $2 and costs last Saturday. A livery man tells us that he is never Afraid to trust his horses in the care of a young man who hires a rig to take his young lady friend for a drive. They are never known to be fast drivers on such occasions. In " Pa thenia and Galatea," comparison betsveen Mary Anderson and Marie Pescott is inevitable, and it is not extreme praise to say that Miss Prescott Las the greater merit of the two. De triot Post-Tribune. Marie Prescott is a great actres. She reaches the highest ideal in acting in causing the audience to forget the actress and only feel with the character. She is terrible in her passion, grand in heroism and heart rending in sorrow, and her magnetism draws her so closley to her audience that they forget the play and weep and laugh with the woman. Cin cinnati Post. Nature has been kind to Mr. McLean in fitting him for the assumption of this class of characters. Of heroic sizi, he possesses a voice that is full, resonant and powerful, yet capable of very delicate modulation. His stage presence is in spiring, his personal attractiveness re markable and his method correct and artistic in the highest sense. Philadel phia Inquirer. Mr. Tom Patterson, whilo running to third base, in the base ball game with Grand Island last Saturday, attempted to dodge the third base man and turned hi ankle out of place. He had nicely recovered from a similar injury, and this accident will, no doubt, lay him up for a much longer time as it was more seven. Just before the accident he was doing great service for the club. The "Wills, Ifenshaw & Tenbroerk musical comedy company will hold forth t the Waterman Opera house next-Mon lay evening in a phy entitled "Two obi Cronies." The city has already beer billed for the coming event, and tb lithographs are a proof of its excellence. 2Ir. J. P. Young has opened up thi season in good shape by so far securing only first-class companies. . Christmas is again approaching. The tkney goods stores are beginning to loom up, their show windows are being repaired and preparations made to rt ceive holiday goods. The store of Mr. O. P. Smith A Co., his been renovated within the last few weeks and it now pre sents an inviting appearance. Tup room lias been neatly papered with fancy papers, the chow windows built back to that goods can ba shown to better advan tage and other noticeable improvement. made. We notice that Mr. J. P. Young is also improving hi3 windows in a simi lar style. PERSONALS. Mr. J. 21. Patterson, sr.j-is in Omaha today on iMtilness. Miss Lillie Stadelmann. of Oira'ia, ! the guest of Miss Do -a Ileio'd. Hiss Lizzie Yeager, of New Geneva, Pa., is visiting at the home Mr. Jce McCoy. Mrs. W. Pottenger and Mrs. M. Shan non drove to Weeping vVater to lay, where they will visit friends he remain der of the we?k. . . - Mr. G. Reefer returned from Wa fcoo thin morning. He his located hs ' rt tv- -- " - - The Y. U. R n. A. The Y.L. R. R. A. Ti.c Young Ladies' Heading Room Association has merited for itself an enviable reputation since its organization, and it has gradually work ed its way into prominence and become an honor, as it can claim a share in thr intellectual advancement of our city. The society was organized on the 2.1th day of February, iHS't, and it consisted of eighteen of our most estimable young ladieu. They labored under many disad vantages and found many obstacles in their way which they were obliged to overcome in order to obtain a foothold and succeed iu making their work take effect. At first it. was only thought of as a social society, but after a few meetings were held, they decided oq furnishing a room and procuring the material neces sary for a reading room. They received little encouragement from the public, as every one they came in contact with was apparently under the impression that their efforts would soon fall through, and no donations have ever been received ex ceeding $5. Since they manifested per severance in the work, they have received considerable encouragement in various ways. Concerts under the auspices of the association have been given constantly, all, with only a few exceptions, receiving good patronage from the citizens. A large dumber of the young ladies who composed the association in its organisation are still members, ouly se ven of the eighteen having withdrawn. The following ladies who originated the idea of opening a public reading room are worthy of the praise of every citizen: Misses Kate Dorrington, Sue Sampson, Josephine Morrisey, Olive Jones, Hattle Fulmer, May Cranmer, Maggie O'Hourk Lillian Pollock, Anna Murphy, Lelia Thomas, llattie Sheffer, Kate itemplr, Addie Seail, Mrs. Wilkinson, nee Laura Overlander, Anna Weckbach, Hallie Parmele, Ilactie Pronger, and Clara Kab bingtou. Since its organization the fol lowing names have been added to the list; Misses Maggie Campbell, Eirdie Irish, Laura Shipman, Auu-tha Tucker, Amelia Vallery, Lvdia Patterson. Dora Hereld, Alice Wilson, Gertie Kearney, Mamie Styles, Julia Oliver, Kate Oliver, llattie Chapman, Kate Robbins, Mary Hawks worth, Anna Russell, Mary Buzzell, Mag- cie Streight, Emma Johnson, Bertie Housewoith, Agatha Tuoker, Alma Waterman, Bertha Wise, Irene Patterson. Lessie Hunt. Henorary members, Mrs. J. M. Patterson, jr., and Mrs. C. W. Bell ville. Officers Misses Lillian Pollock, president; Anna A(urjhy, Vice-Prcs., Li;lia Thomas. 2nd Vice-Prcs.; .Olive Jones, Sec'y; Maggie O'Rourk, Treas. Since a Y. M. C. A. has been organized in the city, thse young ladies have of fered to assist the young men in their good work by paying for one of the three rooms to be occupied by them iu the Anheuser-Busch building, for five months They have also offered to furnioh the room find have donated about three hun dred and fifty volumes of books which they had is. their possession. Since the young ladies have organized. ihy have succeeded in raising on an average each year about $909, and for the last two years, about $1,000 each year. They are now closing up their business with over $156 in the tieasury. The following resolutions were passed by the Y. M. C. A. accepting their pro position; Ilesolced, That this association accept? tli3 proposition of the Y. L. R. R. A. for the transfer of their books, furniture, &c, md agrees to continue the library as n circulating library for all members of the association, uctive and associate, a rackets issued by the Y. L. R. R. A. to b foca until iue iiu;c expires ior wiuci. tiiey w'?r given, also that upon payment or oiie-nali tl.r mwmuersiiip ueoi wus as 9ocintion, ladies sfia!.1 have the privileg. of the library;one afternoon of each week to bu set apart for them to exelianu. bo;ks. and one eveniug of each week f : exchange by members of tiiii association and further that the present members o' the Y. It. R. R. A: shall have the use ol the library as above, for the coming year, without any fee. Resolved, That this arrangement shall continue until March 1, 1800, and that if 'or any reason the library should he clos ol for an indefinite time, or if at th end of the time named, the arrangement shall not work satisfactorily, then tli:. association a?ree3 to return to the Y. L R. R. A. all the books, furniture. &c , rcpived from them, or an equivalent therefor, an inventory to be taken of the property fixing the value of the same be fore the tifitjsfer is made. Previous io removal to Carruth's building November and in order lo reduce our Stock we will sell everything n our line at a low figure. Satin Scarfs 15c. formerly 25; Satin Scarfs 2.1c for merly 31; Satin Scarfs 50, formerly 75 at 3. & C. Mayer's. Wake up to Facts! And consult your interest without delay while an opportunity offers yet our com munity which has never before been our good fortune to consult so high authori ty on the eyes, as is now at the Riddle Houe. Prof. Strassnian. who is an Optic ian of E:nj lenoc, can tell yon in an in--tance as if by magic any ailment of your Eyes and Equalize glasses to all defaults md inequalities qf the' sight, in which tttempt ll others have fiiiled. Giv thin your firt attention, as the Prot. ser vice ie calUd npon elsewhere. - . Louisville. R. P. Loucks is now in Kansas visiting his father. MUs Agatha Tucker's bister is now visiting in town. Rev. C. II. Gilmore moves his familj to Elmwood Friday of this week. Miss May Carr spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton and Miss DeWitt were at Ashland Friday night and Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. John Saylea of Green wood are visiting relatives and friends in the city. Xelce Nelson who has been sick for a short time died Sunday, and was buried Monday p. m. While the couty convention was very enthusiastic it was very harmonious. Very little kicking was done and that came from some of the chronics because of wounded stlf satisfaction to see some of the csndidates defeated. Children's Shirt Waists 20 cents & C, Mayer's. at S. Plattsmouth Clubs Invited. Tiie president of the Young Men's Re publican club receiyed the following invitation to attend a grand republican parade and rally to be held in Omaha on Thursday evening next, the 11th iust. After the meeting of the club tonight definite information can be had, but it is supposed the invitation will be accepted and a large crowd will gojfrotn here: Omaha, Neb., Oct. 8, 1888. Chairman Republican Club, Platts mouth, Dear Sir: The Republicans of Omaha cordially invite all your clubs to join us in our great parade and rally of Thursday evening 11th inst. Advise me of your acceptance that prominent position nr. ay be assigned you. Yours Truly, T. S. Clarkbox, Chairman H. and M. Club. Chief Marshal. Latest Novelties in Neckwear at C. Mayer's. S. & Watson For Float Senator- The republican delegates of Cas3 and Otoe counties met in float convention at Weeping Water last night. A. N. Sulli van, of this city, nominated General John C. Watson, of Nebraska City, for float representative. Watson was elected by acclamation without a dissenting voice. Mr. Watson said he would gladly meet his democratic opponent, Iliggins, or any proxy that ho (Iliggins) might name, on the stump to discuss the issues of the campaign, this meeting to be in any town in either of the counties. It is gen erally felt here that Mr. Watson's nom ination will add strength to the republi can tickets of both counties. Campaign Caps either Cleveland or Harrison J 5c. at S. & C. Mayer's. Critical tothfc Lzt- Judge (concluding a sentence): "And you will then be hanged by the neck un til you are dead, dead, dead." Condemned man; "Your honor, I should think that a man in your position would avoid superfluity of language." "What do you mean?" "There is no necessity for the repetition of the word dead; in fact, there is no necessity for the use of the word at alL for it follows that if I anl hanged by the neck death must ensue; therefore " "Sheriff, remove the prisoner." Republican Central Committee. There will be a meeting of the Repub lican Central Commute of Cass cpunty at Weeping Water, Monday, October 15, 1S88, at 1 o'clock p. m. Every member is earnestly requested to be present. Oklando Tefft. Chairman. Not Qualified to Judg. Teacher: "Now, if you stand facing the west, will the north be to your right or left hand?" Now echohr; "I'm sure I don't know, aia'am; I'm a strange in tfcese parts." Lincoln Journal. - Young Ladies Meetine. The members of the young ladies re publican club will meet at the county clerk's office tonight at the usual time. All members of the club are earnestly requested to be'present. Meeting of Republican Club. All republicans are requested to attend the meeting of the young men's republi can club tonight at the office of Judge Russell. , ' Oyster Supper. The W. R. C will give an oyster sup per in the G. A. R. hall on the night of the election, Nov. Gth. Employment Wanted! A young lady, with good references. wishes employment in private family. Inquire of Emma Hollenbach, Home of Will Carruth, 2nd sr., Winterstein Hill. tf Secure your reserved ceata now fur Marie Prescott, Thursdrvjnight. KWy ie&i, should be sold, for Mr Young has suc ceeded in getting them to put reserved seat tickets at 75c. when their regular price every S'hcre s $l.J)Or Dont go to Omaha when you svan to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to HeLry Boeck's fur niture emporium where yon can get every thing in the furniture line that will go to make your Jome beautiful and cor-fcrt- j r- 1 r" -ri r'l jr-tY-t - v-l Between The lOth and 15th. For the Jltnelt of the Worlrtnyman: Prof. Strassman will keep his office fpen n thes- dates, between and H, evenings; and adapt Glasses which will comfort nml r-li.-ve tlio owsitflit nt reasonablw. thai-..-s. Oilico Riddle House. 3d You query why from home I go, Why 'bout the town I rove ' The reason why is plain, you know, We've got no Gaiu.and Stove. lm Ruy one of Johnson Bnos. A MAN FROZE TO DEATH ! Why? Because he had no Garland Stove. Buy one of Jounsos Bros. Bept22-dlm, For sale cheap. Gasoline stovo nearly new. oct'J-5t W. S. Wise. A good smart boy, 14 or 15 yr. old, can find a "oud home und school for the winter call at office. 2d-lw II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. Shcrwin fc Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Frickc & Co's. drug tore. 8-tf. Blow ! Blow your horns, We've not the slightest fear ! You cannot beat the Gaklands if You blow a thousand years. 1 m For sale by Johnson Bkob. Wood for Sale. Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, at nett & Tutt's store. Ben- tf. Phillip Kraus sell3 flags and Chinese lanterns for the rally. oct 3-10t Dr. -Withers will make you a set of teeth and guarantee a fit or no pay. Ji,vervthini necessary tor iurnisluncr house can be purchased at II. Boeck's. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and sftll keep trvintr inferior medicines when BEGGS'" CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, aud we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Go to Joe the One Price Clother and buy a pair of Newburough Overalls the best in the world every pair warranted not to rip. Wanted. Steady employment given to a good blacksmith. tf RonT. Donnelly. HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold," and keep giving them cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when they can be po easily re lieved by BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP? It has no superior, and few equals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Two car-loads of potatoes aad ether produce just received for winter use. Call and get prices. tf Chris Wohlfarth. Private Sewerage All parties desiring private sewerage connection with the main sewer, can be accommo dati d tit any time, by address ing Hau lins A Shelton, Sewer Contrae tors, P. O. box 1130, or by calling at th office, Murphy's store. lm WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap pps trums put up by Cheap John houses or iire8ppnsbe parfies at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine pf wprld wide reputuation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No medicine in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood ns mp&S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and eer "bptile' thai d-:cs not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., ts. f4Q NEED OF IT. Tne &iair'l expect Her beau tonight, And 'lis the stove With nuthracite, Because the air is rasy apd damp, I3ut quite forgets To fill the lamp. Boston Record. Tea pf a pelI Picking. The daily life of the tea importer aed lis representatives would appear weu cat eulted to c-ive them "old maidish" char acteristics, as they are obliged to spend the greater part of their time In sipping lea; out, on tne contrary, tiiey are au ex ceedinrrly lively and active lot of neoole. When the wind Is southerly they know a poor nosn irom a xoung tiyson. mere are several of the leading experts in the phic&gq tea houses who endear them selves to a large circle of friends every year by sending with the ' regular ordozs of their houses a number of personal orders for a few small packages of a spe cial picKmg. At the tea plantations these personal orders are carefully tilled with the choic est'leaf ut4 ghjpped here with the bulk orders. As fheyrusually pack i-hf, in Ove pound boxes the salesman ordering'H can allow his chosen friends to have it In convenient j-ackages, and he disposes ol nt the importation price sometime?, less. K is the nearest approach to the fabled hcclar of f. Le goJi inagiujibje, and the drinker caii"' 1 aLnQsV'tecI "a pigtail growing ont of tho back of LW head as he tups it. It Is ton ftUti r-rtiffy fo Lo sold tot hd t vatic?. 3 lu t-yizi l- rvUUcd el l.t per p'ju:id to &.?u- Vj& rot!l?rt 1 AECS I mm ana Mia Call early and make your selections, lor yi u all know how dilllcult it is later on to et the sizes. This cut represents one of our decided bar gait s in that line, commencing with size 4 at $4.50, with a 50c. rise for a size made of a Brown Checked All-Wool Cloaking, Plaited skirt, wit'i Surah Lined Hood. We have lull lines from $2.00 upwards, sizes ranging from 2 to 18. We Plush Of ! Q 7Y TY O .fiStJU Vili iL mm m c l j OITE DOOa EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. CASH" RBDXJCTSO WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING IN THE WAY OF BOOTS AMD SHOES ! Do not fail to call and examine the "Cash" Prices we will give for the Next Thirty Days, You Can Save While we are having this C- F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the bes-t and mo.xt complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic proolena that ever came west of Missouri riyef. 2ote these prices;' Bsiuef's s-iitg from 11 to f 35, dres3 suits, jjifi"5 to $4?), pants $4, $5, $6, $6.50 and upwards. ESWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defv Competition. WML. BROWNE. liA.W OFFICE. rersnnal attention to all Business Entrust to my care. ftTARV v nirrrrr suraiice Written, Heal Esttue 8Md. i i lAttllllUPU. AUSLUrULB lyOmn Pfl. ID- 1 a Better Facilities for making Farn Loans than Any Qthep Ageacj 1 HEALTH fS WEALTH I ! Dr. E. f!. West's Nerve and Brain TrMtm,i a euarantea xnecifie fnr Ilvst cri niT7ifin Convulsions. Fits. Nervou Npnralirla H.sii' ache. Nerveoue Prostration cansfri he th .... jreision, Softeniinf of the Prain resulting In ,n sautiy and leading t lniaery. decay n(Mfath. ereuiature old Aee. Barrecness. Loaa nf PnJ er in either sex. fiivoluBtary Losers and Sper matorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the bruin, selfabuse orowr.lnrinlintnp frn.-h k.. contains one month treatment. $1 OC a box ytsu boxea f or ts.oo, sent by man crenaJdon eeerpt of prrcc - ' - - - UECUAnAniEEEnrrsm fo ciira asy case. Witb each 'crtr r"M (lull i r-'-", t - v - , w I ft, I., ""a"iATEATMEIifr-f CLOAKS! Our Stock of Clo:ik: is now coni j'U'te ;t!il we :iif f-hwSn: the Largest J.itio ever Mi'l out in tins :I t v. La dirs tlosirin :i Xi w Wnj th m on fehotiM nut ii'is lioJ;in; i-vi-r n,r line, for we are showing t Ij c- Yrvv I :ti.t Novelties at very Low Ti'iceb. Ladies' anQ Misses' Jackets ! This cut represents our popular $5.00 Ladies' Jacket, made of A 11-Wool Stripel Cloaking, and at the price ft decided bargain. We have Full Lines at $1 to $15, ach inad'2 up of the very best materials, in solid colors anil stripe.-. -fo Misses' Jacket from 4 to $7:50. Sizes ran ire from 12 to 18. Cloaks i Plush - Cloaks. have never carried Cloaks as this bo large a line reason, and at prices so low. Plush Sacques from $25.00 to $45. Plush Newmarkets at 05.00. Plush Jackets from $15.00 to $20.00. Plush Modjecka's from $18.50 to $35.60. Plush Manteaus from 18.00 to $40.00. Call Early and make your Selection, TTlVn CTi TTTl TrTl JLiiilL dJdl J11L 1111 25 Per Cent Great "Cash" Eeduction Sale. BOECK&CO. Dr. C- A. Marshall, 3Residont 3DcnUot. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auetihetics given for Pain less Filling or Extinction of Teeth. Artificirtl teeth nitde on Gold Silver Jijief 9T peljalpid Plafcs, and Wrted ' as soon as tetth are extracted wheu 1 j Bireu. i All wnrlr n . mi i. 1 1 ices reasonable. FiTzoEaAi.n'g Block Plattsmouth. Njsb f J y 51 THI ro ( o I cl I op s H i ri- s