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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1888)
7 Tlii? 1A1LV 1IKUALU: lXATii5AUJijTH, liEBXlASkA, TUESDAY, OOlOBEIi w, 1888. The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS 13 U C S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE ri.ATTHMOUTlI 11KBALD I nulitlthed every evenlnj? exe-rpt Sunday and Werkly every Thurd;ty morning. Iej;l.-i-tered :t tlie pontoflice, riattxiiioutli, Ncbr., nritid--UH matter. OUIee corner l Vine and Fifth utrcelt. Telephone Mu- TKKMS kOK DAILY. One copy one ear in advance, ly Mail ? 00 Ou copy per month, Pyranier .. .r) One copy r week, ly carrier, 15 TKMMH roK WKP.KLV. Oneeopy one year. In advance.... One copy tlx luonias. in advance ..$1 50 7. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. KOK I'HKSIOKNT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. KOK Vlt'K I-KICslOKNT, LKVI P. MORTON, of New York. REPUBLICAN STATC TICKET. KOK (iOVKRXOIt, JOHN" M. THAYER. KOK I.IKCTKNANT (idVKKNOK, GEORGE I). MEIKLEJOHX. KOK SIXKETAKY OF STATIC, GILBERT L. LAWS. FOIt TIIEASCUElt, " J. K. HILL. FOIt ACDITOU OK rCIU.IC ACCOUNTS, THOMAS II. BENTON. FOR ATTOItNKY ; KNKH AI., WILLIAM LEESE. FOR COMMISSIONEK OF PIT.LIC LANDS AND IICIl.DINejS, JOHN STEEN. FOR 8UPERINTENDFNT OF PCBLIC STRUCTION, GEORGE B. LANE. IX- CONCRESTIONAL TICKET. FOK CONGRESS, (First Coiigrecsional Distiiet.) W. J. COXXELL. II STAKD3 for Harrison, happiness and health; while M is for Morton, with ability and wealth; P's for Protection, Pie, Plenty and Pelf; and together they're all for Pork, Potatoes, Peaches, Preserves, Potpie, Pudding and a whole lot of good things, that the emigrant conies to protected America to get. Since the 1st of January 12(5,217 poi sons have left Great Britain and Ireland to settle in the United States. Would it not be well for some able democratic orator to explain how it happens that so many people are disposed to forfeit the alleged advantages of free trade by com ing to a country iu which protection i.J the established policy? Globe Democrat. Major McKinlky's ten-do!l:ir suit ha been matched in the following advertise ment in the Washington J'ost: "We invite the Congress of the United States including the House and S-'noU nd their constituents, comprising the entire population of Am.riea, to our exhibit o! the best chevoit3 of American make, con verted by American free labor into sac!; and frock suits, (better made and better fitting than any London-made clothes that we h:ive ever seen,) that we an selling at 10 suit! forty-three st yier on exhibition iu one of our uiin,nioth show windows, an y one of which will knock kky-hih the suit recently exhib ited on the floor of the House of Repre sentatives. Tliink of it! In English fab rics wa have the Ilud.lersfield single yarn goods, that have sold all over Lon don at forty-two ehiltingr($ lO.oO) a suit, and we will sell you a suit of the ?am? material for 10, made by us right in the Capital of America; but we frankly say to you they are not so good for wear or style as other suits we sell at the siine riee made from fabrics manufactured fn this country. Look in the window and be conviuced that you can find right hen-, in the shadow of the dome of the nation'. Caprtol, the best $10 suit of cloth's to le found in any city m this country, or in any country in the world. JUG If WAUE IN ENGLAND The administration organs have been trying to defend free trade by asserting that wages are higher in unprotected Great Britain than any other part of Europe. This claim was or is based on statistics several years old, and docs not apply to the existing condition of affairs in England If there is any doubt on that point the following item from a recent Birmingham paper would dissipate it promptly: THE STRIKE IX THE OCN-LOCK. TRADE. The ojeratives on strike in the gun-lock trade at Darlaston decided on Wednes day evening to issue an apppeal to the general public for support, in which they set forth that, after paying expenses.they were unable to earn more tfinn Is. 2d. n 'day of 14 or 15 hours. They demand an increase of 2d. per lock, whchiif grant ed, would enable them to earn about 10. or 1 Is. per week. . JJ"ad this extract. AcenworHnj- . - , , r -.' f $2.50 to $2.? a week for working 14 hours a day. If wages are any lower in Belgium, God help the Belgians. San Francisco Chronicle. 1' HOT JSC T AMERICAN I N T E 11 E H T S. If the people of the United States should adopt the free trade idea should conclude to purcha-c abroad everything they consume that can be purchased cheaper than at home, is it not plain that two-thirds of our people would have no employment and, therefore, no money wherewith to purchase supplies, even though Hour be worth but $1 per bund and beef one rent per pound? Ami is it not also plain that to the extent that wc purchase abroad such articles as can be produced nt home a cu rtain proportion of our people must be condemned to en forced idleness and, therefore, io poverty, ignorance and degradation. Tin: people of the United States, like the people of all civilized nations, are compelled to contribute to the support of government, and all the mule inhabi tants of militfiry age arc under obligation to risk their lives in defense of that gov ernment in the event of war. Is it not, therefore, both just and expedient that our own citizens be preferred in our markets over foreigners- not merely placed upon on equlity with them? Giv ing the preference to our own citizens implies no enmity, no hostility to the people of other rations, for we recognize the right of other nations to prefer their people ov r us; and even if we did not they would exercise tint right have al ways done so and always will. Ohio State Journal. Don't let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con sumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschee's German Syrup. If you don't know this already, thousands and thousands of people c an tell you They have been cured by it and know how it is, themselves. Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. Detectives Wanted, to ferret out and discover, if they can, a single case where Dr. Pierce's Medical Discovery has been used for torpid liver, indigestion, impure blood, or consump tion in its early states, without giving immediate and permanent relief; provid ed, of course, that the directions have been reasonably well followed. At Darfur, id Africa, the menkejs are said to bo eo inordimitc'y foi:'l of a kin. of beer niaio by the natives ti;u.t tl.o bvv erago 'a us"J by treacherous man as t means of eupluiin their unsuspecting relatives. Cans of beer are- placed within reach, and when tl.o convivial r.:e:i!icy. have become bo thoroughly inebriated that they fail to know the difference be twcen luo man uud tho apo tl.o negro takes the hand of one of them, in oil goo-.t fellowship, end levels him oil. 'i'houlhcrr naturally follow Liu, nnil so good by tc their Uberty. Once a Week. Lrlft of Ocean Dc-rrlic ts. Everett Hayden, of the Ilyclregraphic bureau, in a recent leeturo before the Franklin institute, gave some interesting data concerning1 tho remarkable drift of ocean derelicts. For exarxmlc. tI:o sbio I ta. Iwnbilrt tanfht firn from Rrniitnneons t combustion, was abandoned, drifted 2,423 miles in eight months, was towed into port and continued to burn for eleven mouths longer; ,tbeu was repaired and made Into a handsome bark, which is doing good scrvieo in the Chinese - trade. Another vessel drifted U.521 miles in eight months and ten days. New York Tribune. Teutonic Element In Cliicajo. Chicago is one of the largest German cities in tho world, so far as tho numeri cal strength of tha Tcntonic element ib concerned. Even iu tho fatherland there are few centers of population which can vie in this respect with the wonderful metroplis of tho western hemisphere. Whatever causes may have driven the German from the land of his birth it can truthfully bo said that his first aim on foreign soil is to create a home for him self. Then he organizes a verein a so ciety. In fact, In populous cities the so ciety precedes the home. Chicago Times. fZOO Reward. We will pay the above reward fcr any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes toutaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John O. We & Co., b'J2 W. Madison St. Chicago.and Sold by W. J. Warrick. Neat Laundry Work. All parties desirous of having the neat est ami cheapest laundry work done, should leave it at this office Tuesday night and it can be secured again Friday evening. The Council Bluff steam laun dry, where the work is done, has put in nil the latest improved machinery, and their work cannot be surpassed. The finest polish. W. A. Derrick, Ag't. re fr liver cc l- PERFECTED. Touch her still heart, It U eo pet cef ul now, we will not weep, but part Tho waves of t;old above her face. And briaK her bridal robo of lace To bo her shroud. Lay lilies on her breast, Cut in their radiant time, and lest hc tfr, touch not the burning ring ebo kept, Or that small circle braided in with love and words wept Over as some hand which, held In hers. Might say "Almee," and now but blurs The eyed with tears to look on. Stay; Sigh not today When eho sleeint so, and, radiant in her rest, Wiib all her love confessed, la that still coldness of rare beauty know hho triumph, breaking from her woe To wake Iu that celestial glory, where to be la lift perfected Immortality. George Klingle In Frank Leslie's. "THE BITER BIT Maj. Do Laney was sitting at his club in Chirles street smoking IIo was. for the tuno being, alone, and not only was his faeo serious, but he was drawing at his eiirar with a certain fierceness which denoted anirer and annoyance. 'Hollo. Do Imey," cried a well known voice. "What's up? You look as crrave as an undertaker." "And you as though you would soon require my servieea. I may safely echo your question! Why, Vane, you are but tho fchadow of tho merry lad who joined us not many years ago. You're going tho paro too fast. "I know it; but it's too late to put the drag on. ".Not a bit of it. It is never too late to mend turn over a new leaf." "I would if I could tear out the old one, a la Dilke; but I'm in debt and diiUculties, and cannot extricate myself. The major continued to pull strongly at bis cigar, and silence fell between them. "Charlie," he said, looking up sud denly, "I'm off home to-morrow to York shire. The preserves are good lots of young birds, and this is only the 1st of September. I should have started yester day, you may be sure, but for something which has rather put me out and detained me here against my will. And now, my boy, suppose you accompany me; it will give you plenty of time to confide your troubles to me, if you feel Inclined. I have asked a few good fellows down, and my dear old mother and prettv little sister will make you welcome. They always come and take care of mo and my friends at mv littl shooting box, and de clare they like it, although it cannot be half so comfortable as their own home." "But they have your society to makeup for it." "lhat Is what tney say. 'lliey are weak enough to believe in me completely," he laughed. "Not so very wrong, either," returned Charles Vane with a smile, "but aro you sure - they wouldn't think me an awful bore?" "Quite; they extend their welcome to my friends. Shall we start by the after noon train?" "It is awfully good of you." "And you will come?" "I should like it muchly it was a lucky chance for me which kept you in town, It'B an ill wind which brings good to no one." "Then that is settled. It is the first time I have ceased to feel savage for the past two days." "That is not much in your lino either, major. Your circumstances and disposi tion seem generally to make life an easy matter with you." "Well, I'm a bit off the line now. It is not pleasant to receive a demand from a man you don't know, to return him a thousand pounds which you have never borrowed, now is it?" "By Jove, no! Who has been trying on that game with you?" "Cheatham, the advertising money lender of Swindle street." "Tho deuce ho has! lie's tho sharpest old beggar in town; Jew to the backbone, although ho eats pork like a Christian, aud would produce his baptismal certili cate at a few hours' notice if you doubted hi s assurance of his religious views. There is no dodge ho is not up to." "Well, it is a case of the 'biter bit this time; he has been had, at last." "What, old Cheatham? I'd like to shake hands with the man who could outwit him." "I don't think I should." "I'm all curiosity, major; do tell me about It." "Well, the day before yesterday I had got my leave, and had made up my mind to travel from Plymouth by the night train, when I received a letter from tho money lender, telling me my hill was due, and requesting immediate payment of tho same. I wired back that there must bo soiko mistake, as I had given him no bill, and received a return telegram saying There was no mistake whatever.' Upon which I took this strange communication over to the colonel, and asked his advice. It was to run up to London at once, and sift the matter. I did so, and here I am." "And what about the bill?" "It had been given him by some one re presenting himself to bo me, and very cleverly the rascal did it. He called et Cheatham's olSce and sent in his card, 'Maj. George De Lancy, 176th Fusiliers.' "The eagle eyed one of course saw him, and by his own account was very polite. "The 6trauger 6eems to have been a man of about my own age, of millitary and gentlemanly appearance. "lie told Cheatham that he had inde pendent means, but that he was for the moment inconvenienced for a little ready money in consequence of some family matters, and that he had made up hia mind to borrow 1,000, hut from who ever he might get it he Bhould require o promise of Btnct secrecy, and the sum should be returned in three months, but he would permit no inquiries to be made concerning him. . "He was not in the habit of borrowing, and it would ennoy him greatly if the transaction became known. "Mr. Cheatham promised Implicit obe dience, swore never to betray the major's confidence, and asked when the money would be yequlred, as he might not be abl to supply It for a day or two. "His client told him with nonchalance that thero was no hurry whatever the ail air was not pressing, a week hence would do for him admirably, and Cheat ham, unctuously rubbing his hands to gether, said that would suit him exactly; ppoa which the stronger took up his hat and gloves and turned to the door, but Mr. Cheatham was there before him, bowing hira out with his extra best cringe. "Of course he did make inquiries, ha admits the fact, and found that my credit was good, and that I was the owner of a Couple of estates, and he was more than satisfied. "VTa the Bharr-w' returred. at the i - r t- ! had had dealings with other Mr. Cheat- iiams oeroro. lie was aware that It was a dead certainty that tho man had made inquiries, and be traded on it. "Ho accused tho wretched Jew of hav Ing broken his word, and vowed that nothing on earth should induce him to take a penny of his 'dirty money.' and paced tho otiiee in a fury "In vain Cheatham sworo by all his gods that lie had not inquired, not asked one singlo question. "Tho major would have nothing what ever to do with him, and strode to tha door, but again Cheatham was thero first. and in possession of tho handle. "He would not bo denied "mo major must not go; the money was actually in his oflice. he would make it twice tho sum. if he desired it, upon nis nolo oi nanu only ii should bo so sorry not to do business with him in con sequence of such an unpleasant mistake. "lie begged and prayed and implored till the majors anger cooied. and to ob'.igo Cheatham, simply to oblige him, ho at last consented to take tho 1,000 for which ho had bargained, showing the most utter indifiercuco about it. Tho money lender eagerly counted out the notes and handed them to him, and the major lett tno oflice "Aud did not return to It?" "No, and never will; ho changed the notes and started for another country. wherein to begin a new life! It is the cleverest trick 1 have ever heard of. "Poor beggar. I hope he'll reform," said Charlio Vane; "and, by jove! I'm glad ho gave Cheatham a lesson, he has ruined many a good fellow who had got mercilessly entangled in his net. Of course, you're not responsible in any wav. "Neither morally nor legally; he is too nig a scamj) to command my sympathy, to which he now wildlv appeals. "Rather! uid how did that scoundrel get vour card? "It is not a fac-similo of mine; ho must have had it printed for himself, and is now probably using the rest of the hundred in the United States! "No, no, tho money once obtained, he would keep no trace of tho transaction. iouare rignt, ne has doubtless an other alias beforo now.' "The affair has annoyed me; it is a new and unpleasant experience to be mixed up witn suclia mau as Cheatham. "I wish it were with me," sighed Vane "Come, dine with me, and to-morrow we will go north; let us both forget oui troubles. "Easier said than done, De Lancy. II mine were no worse than 3-ours I might. but I've tired my governor out, aud he has stopped payment. I've wasted a fort night of my leave because I have not had tho pluck to faeo him and tell him truth about my liabilities." the "Well, suppose we ask him down, and set Eosie, that is my sister, to wheedle turn, lie wouldu t nave a chance against her, I can tell you. You always were s favorite of mine iu spite of your faults for 3-ou are blessed with a heart, instead of that strange article which does duty for ouo in most men's breasts in these de generate da3rs." Charles vane extended his hand aud grasped that of his friend. "Major, you're a brick," he said with feeling. "I'll try to bo a better fellow, if only to gain your good opinion. It was actually dark when Mai De Lancy's dog cart turned into the gateway or his pretty little place, "They don't expect 3-011, but thev wil. bo pleased to seo 3-ou, nevertheless," he said. "Stay, there is one of tho game keepers; drive on and I'll speak to him and bo after 3-011 in a minute," and th major jumped out. Charies Vane e.lighted beforo the hall door, which almost immediately opened and in another moment two solt arm- were about his neck. "You dear, dear old pet,"cri'd nsilvery voice, "I have been watching for 3-011 fr an age; how late you ere. and how glad ' am to see you," and she not ou!y gave him a ling, but a very decided kiss. Then she recoiled a little. "Ceorge, I never will forgive you!'' sh? cried; "you Lave been cutting your raus tache. It is not half tho size it was, aud it was such a beauty." Muj. Do Lancv was crossing tho lawn, and his footsteps gave back no sound Ho broke into a hearty laugh, and there was a suppressed chuckle from tho direc tion of the liorso's head, where stood the groom hidden by the darkness. "Don't alarm yourself, Rosie," said her brother, "I bavo not shortened a hair." For one moment tho girl stood.' as it were, spell bound. The next she pushed Charles Vane aside with strange power Tor sueu sol t arms. "You wretch!" she cried, and fled through the lighted hall like ask- rocket Charles Vane was a long time making Rose forgive him for what was alter ali no fault of his, but he could not forget the touch of her ripe lips nor tho pressure of lier rounded arms, and he was very patieut and persistent with her. . IIo liked her all tho better, perhaps, for her spirit and tho annoj-auce sho felt, and made up his mind to conquer tho antag onisra with which she met him after the contretemps. When she did forgive liim she did it royally. And. Maj. De Lancy forgavfc him, too, when he confessed that beautiful Rose had consented to be his wife. Sir Percy Vane, Charlie's father, was asked down, and there was no doubt about Rose's power to wheedle him. He was totally "mashed. For her sake he paid off every penny of her fiance's debts, and, moreover, prom Ised a liberal allowance to enable tho young man to marry. "I don t express a wish, mv dear, lie said, before he took his leave, "that you will make my boy happy vou couldn't fail to do it but 1 earnestly hope he will inakoyou so. I am glad to think that when I pay the debt of nature, Charles will bring such a euarm ing mistress to tho dear old place." "Major!- cried Charles, excitedl "I m dencedly obliged to that fellow fcr per sonat ing you. If he had not done so I should never have come down with 3ou into Yorkshire, and I should uever have met Rose." J. Sale Lloyd In Boston Herald. Tbe Clover Seed Crop. The clover seed crop is made from the second crop of tne plants, the first mow in.-r being for hay. After the beads of the second crop have become quite brown and fully matured tho crop is cut for seed. commonly this mowing Is put into bricks or into the bnrn to remain until it is convenient to hull and clean it up The condition of the clover hay crop, as reported bv the department Aug. 1, J averaged high iu quality. A V. rv rt left $t,CC0 t aiismcuth OK KICK AT RIDDLE HOUSE 8 rv Till. WOULD FAMOUS I'HOM Berlin, Germany. -; V H V 4 I: .-' t '''. .-. - A e,KA i-VA-vX ?-... . . You can consult him about IToiir Eyes, aud how to tnke care of them. More lighljfor the unfortunate spectach- wear ers, and tne doom of blindness prevented tv the use of his Alaska Urilliants and Australian Crystals. A new chemical combination of SPECTACL is And patent self-adjusting 1 us nrsi nine intraauoeci into this coun try; manufactured to order after careful examination by modern instruments. PROF. ST ASHMAN has arrived in Plattsmouth, aud has an oflice at the Riddle House. lie is do ing an immense business throughout the tinted States, giving the best of satisfac tion and delight to hundreds with de fective sight. II13 knowledge of the human eye and his skill in adjusting the glas-es is marvelous beyond imagination Lutiorsecl by all the great men of this country r.rd Europe. . in itii as it uy magic he is en abled to tell vou" any ailment of your tailing vision, point out the cause and c Linger, ami auapt nriniant glasses, pe culiarly ground to suit every defect of the eye, which will aid in strengthening 1. 1 1 . 1 1 the eyesight of the old aud young. Sci cntUts invited to exe.mine the new svs cm for the preservation of the human ve. Teachers should watc-li the c:u'ly mani festations of their scholars' eve-sight and eport in time to thcrr respective parents to have their eyesight examined by Prof. Strassmrui, the expert optician of nation al fme. Artificial Eyes Tep2ced. Persons deprived of an eye can have this deformity removed by the insertion of an artificial one. which moves and looks like a natural organ. OFFICE HOURS. 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p., and 7 to 8 in the eyeninif. 11 EFERENCES: KEI5RASKA CITV. George Eurgett, Rev. A. Clark, Mr. Duff, Mrs Dr Lash, D P Rolfe, Mrs Streeter. Dr Uriuker, R M Rolfe, Roden brock, C Anderson, J W Waldsinith, W A Cotton, S II Calhoun, Judge Mapes. David Brown. Dr Hersht-v. U'm Ilyer. T S Jones, E M Tareart, E K. W. II Murphy, Frank McCartney. James Fitchie, Rev. Emanuel Hartiji. Mrs. A. E Iludd, W D Mc-rriam, Miss Van Meter. Dr S L Gant, A Home. Paul Sehminke. Nat Adams. Geo A Wilcox, Mr Sheldon, Mr. Uunsell. Rev It Fcnrson, Sliomerup. L Lvey, S M Kirkpafrick, Dryscoll. Donald McCuaiff, William V.'ilhelmv. Rev Rivers, Logan Envart. N Red field. J F Welch. Rev. J Ji Green. John Good- lttt. C B Bickel, Dan Gregg. C W Scher fv. E S Hawley. A R Neweomb. Wm Nelson. Mrs X Davis, Wm Fulton. Ac am Kloos, Mrs Ed Platner. M T Johnnon. Mrs Carnout, Mrs. Sterling Morton. Hre. T7--"i. ?!iis irorron. Tyr- T7 fT- q p y q p 1 n All KYflS !:M Stall kill UU9JlllUli Never before lias an Oi.t'cimi re ceived such testimonials from the jK'ojde Home. Maishalltowii, la., Feb. I '88. PltOF. JS'lHAHSMAN, J'lUV -The glassisyou furnished myself nrTc' wife when in Clinton, have proven in every way satisfactory, and e take pi ensure 111 leconnni iieliiiij your woik und glasses . to nil who may be in need ef KnlVty and ami comfort f er your eye mo lit. Ve ry Re pee livch, Ceii,. Mi 1.0 Smith, (' niini.eidaQt. Mayor's Office1, M.ifshallte n, Novembe r 3rd, 1B87. Prof. Strassimin has been iu ur city some fcix weeks or more, and n an optic-inn has given the best of satisfaction both as to prices mid ejunlity of work, having I rented some of the most diilicult asM of the eye.8 with success und am sat isfied vou will find him a skillful opti cian and a gentleman. Very Respec tfully, Nk.i.bon Amkh, Mayor. Prof. Strassman, a distinguished op tician, now stopping in our city, comes befi-ro us with the highest testimonials of skill and experience in his art, and I take pleasure in recommending him to my friends and the public who may bo in need of his services, ns one entitled to hia confidence. J. Williamson, M. D. Ottumwa, Iowa, Kew Eyes The lemg felt want in this com munity for sight-restoring glasses is now supplied by the successful optician, Prof. A. Strssman, from Berlin, Germany, for a short time longer at the Riddle house. The waste ef valuable eyesight can be prevented, if not too late, by his correct mode of equalizing all inequalities of tho injured eyes In his specialty, it is con ceded that he is the head of the profes sion, and many of our best citizens, and physicians haye been successful in ob taining relief by the use of his glasses: Allen Bee son, Byron Drew, J. Vallery, jr., II. Boeck, Mrs. F. Johnson, Mrs. N. E. Sage, Mr. C. Nichols, Mr. K-crett, Mrs. Levings, Mr. Hayes, Mrs. Nieman. Ge'. Bu kle. Mr. Leonard, J hn RohhitiB. ' Mr. Tlolsehnrh, Miss Lnnra Baker. Mrs. A. S.vift. Mrs. W. D. Jones, Dr. Schildknecht, . 8. P. Vanatta, W. II. Newell,. Mrs. P. Kessler, Mrs. P. Kenneclv, C. W. Sherman Eli Sampson, Mrs. Rankin, Miss Young, W. Manke r, Prof. J. B. Wi'jqmb Judge A N. Sulfiva n Juelgc Chapman, Mrs. B nfer. G. W. Covell, Mr. Elson. Mr. Geo. Nattersiin, Mrs. D. M. Jones. REFERENCES. HI.I OAK. Dr E B Ye rr.g, C V Clark, G K Powers, D B Miller, J li Reey s, Mrs J rkiik,Mr8 T H Dearbemi. G W Hedt, A C Blce, W, Mrs. Applcbce, Mr Stoek(d.ger, J S Wroth, Rev McClure. Mis Ib tller, Mrs. Farrier. Manke r. Rev McCuIle ry, Mis Stanley. R Wadsworth. Mr Marci.holtz, Mr Jeffries, Rev Jagg, AY Stafford. C W Schneider, Harvey Spry, C E Richard. David Harris, Mr. Isedd, C II Lane, C M Mills. T II Lee. Wm Koehler, C J Lilli jeberk, T M Lee, Geo L Piatt, Mrs-L Holyser, Wm Dubley, O Runnels, Mn B S Porter, I II Ilazarenus, Mr BroadbyJ F A Carter, Mrs Fisher, Mr Stoddard, E O She pherd, A McConnc 1, E A Brown, Mr Gibson, Mr Fikes. Rbv J W Hamil ton, S P Miller, Mrs F C Clark, B E A Simons. J Sautbin, Mr Van Alstine, L F Ross, Mrs Deemer. Mrs. Junkin, Tlios Giifiith, I Sanborn, Geo Binus, Mr. Meyers, p. p. Je.hnson, and many others from the surrounding country. CI.AJ1INDA. fVl W P Hepburn, ex-congressmen; Hon T E Clark, senator; Rev Snook, Dr Cokenower, Dr Lewcllen, F W Ilarii-b, J S Mclntyr. A S Bailv. J D Jones, B W Foster, n C Beck with," John Glasebv. O A Kimball, Mrs. Morsman, V Graff. Rer. Stay. Dr Van Stent, .1 D Hawler. T M Monzingo. Dr Mille-n, II Be dwell. Cupt Sterne. J II Ste r, Hon Wm EutleTlb N Hurdle, A T Clement. J M CrabiH. Mr Newton, Mrs Shaul, Hon T E Clark, Mra Loranz, Dr Power, Rev Eddy, Raymond Loranz. A P Skeed, J P Burrows, Dr Barrett. Mrs Ells. CKKSTOK. President of First National Bank and President of Cieston National Bank: . J II Patt. Mr Demlin. Mrs Td Fd f Derr, Rev Van Wsemer. Geo Webster. Miss C Webster, Mrs Mary Eckert, Thoe. McGrath, Ed LewH Dr N Turrev. Prof Larrabee, Col Swall. Mrs W D Moore. W V McQuaid, J II Lichtv, Mr Spurr, Dr Groves, Mr II Newman, Dr Dun! up, W F Patt. Rev F W Eason. Mrg M Sulli van, Mrs Laramore, Mr. Zallars, Mrs K Duane, Miss C Eoyer, R E Ewing. W M Lparr. Dr. Reynolds. Mrs II P Sawrrr. jiiss jnattie Muntz. C Hurlev, D G Miller, X II Blnnehard. Dr Schiffer'le, Mr B Hur r, r- lev, .Mr ll'imman, Mrs A Tut1 Gow, Me yer, Dr rev edds. Prof TOWA CITY. Senator Bloom, Dr I F ll.msif. Dr. Co j p.rthwnite. Mi Dr Lee. Mrrs. Pr- ln. Kovr. Metier. F II ' P.rndlrr. II -H n . D Shinliff. p m prmlv. Gen RcA Wrn r. Mrs F J Cox. Ilorf I A Dev. Rer P rfer. Tre-f Parker. Trof T'efliire. Prof