The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 08, 1888, Image 4
. ' ( - v : ' ' TIJL 1AJLV lii:JiAi:i) : I'Ji riSfliou i u, v :x5iiAbKA , ilO-i J)A V, OCTOBER ISoS. s Tne Kvening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kallxbarjr, lira 111, llorkwouil liuililiiiL-, Telephone u. Dr. Slutlnx, Offlre In J(t1ikn lniK Store, ltel dmrr Cor, fcifcth ati'l i run lie, Trl'ihonc No. 42. lr. Wlthrn, lli Palnl.-H Ii.ntlxt, lulon Illork, ofcr FrirLe'M llrir Store, rutlniuoutli. (JITY CORDIALS. Council meets tonight. Tuere ar.j lut few candidates who will gather at tlie river t lu-t flows ly tlic throne of flod. Tlie hollow at the foot of Sixth street hill is being filled up with the sur plus clu t which h carried from Main street. Oyer fifty men are now employed in grading the streets, und from present in dications the work will be completed in a very short time. The ladies aid society of the M. K. church, will meet Tuesday afternoon at :i o'clock, at th? home of Mrs. A. N. Sullivan, corivr 11th mid Koek street-. The Y. L. It. It. A. will give a social at 5. A. 1C. hall, Tuesday Oct. U. As this will be the Inst social before closing the room, they will be gbsd to sec all their friends aud p:ttrou. Good butter iu the I'lattsmouth market at present is far more rare than the gold to purchase it. A butter mine here would yield a rich return. Not one pound could be purchased list Saturday for love or iajuey. The ladies of the city :n t tonight at the rooms corner Main and 4th., op posite post office. The object of th" meettug, we understand, is to have ull the ladies meet and see w hat can be done to proyide a place of resort for the younz men of the city. Every mother, daugh ter, and sister, of the young men of Flattsmouth should be present. Mr. J. C. Crawford, an old citizen of Plattsnioutli who is now residing at Areata, California, writes to the IIeh.vld, remitting if 10 for sam lie adds the following few lines of encouragement concerning one of the doubtful states: "Politics beginning to warm up on this coast, California is all right for Harrison and Projection." Mr. M. D. Polk entertained his sup porters of the county convention by an oyster supper on their return from Louis ville Saturday night. The supper vas served by Mine-host Riddle, of the Rid dle house, in his usual first-class style. It is needless to say that a jubilant time wa3 had and the brain food partaken of recruited their much exhausted abilities. The Hon. J. Sterling Morton, nomi nee for congress on the democratic ticket, "will speak in the Waterman opera house "Wednesday night next. As he is the king bee in the Nebraska democratic swarm, there is no doubt but that a large andience will greet him. lie will be the only prominent speaker on the platform, and he will occupy about two hours in explaining how thvarc to over come the great difficulties now before them. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Nehawka bank, of Nehawka. Neb., which was held on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd. the following gentlemen were appointed directors: Isaac Pollard, Lawson Sheldon, Geo. IV. Young, C II. Parmele, A. I. Weston, S. M. Kirkpatriek, Jos. E. Running, L. C. Pollard, Andrew Storm. The above directors then ap pointed the following officers: C. II. Parmele, president: L. C. Pollard, vice- president: C.C. Parmele, cashier. Messrs. Louie Kohrell and Singer sewuis machine aze.ul. lira at. are in a deplorable condition today. Kohrell is obliged to carry a cane to assist an in jured limb, while Rradt has been unable to put in an appearance on the streets at all. Their misfortune was caused by the tip ping over of the furniture wagon of Mr. Boeck. They had delivered some furni ture to the home of Mr. Rradt, Fifth street, at the rear of the Rainier stables, and they were in the act of turning the wagon around, when it upset with them. Bradt was struck on the head and re ceived several severe wounds, losing part of his lia r, while Kohrell h id his left leg badly bruised. The horses were checked lcfore they could get av.ay. The accident occurred Siturday after noon. The Leap year reinforcements so long held in a secluded locality are about to come upon us in full force and a gen cral outbreak is feared. It is reported the young lad k-s are about to hold another ball on the evening of the It'th in Fitz gerald' hall. Invitations will be extend ed in the usual leap year style, and the htfrif will be strictly private, no lady fti'l gentleman leing admitted at the 1por unki an invitation is shown. The bll will ! glrn in lienor of the young Ay vl!tor now in ths city. Over sixty fUtJoo will ! given. Several young tntif tinn tU'm J' ir Is drawing to a close. f,ifp bc"'rtl deapoiidcnt, but when the to? t?mUf f Ifut that the young ladies KMptili ttf Of Hel l, they will, no doaM, - ' -1 e r- - r--,----' ' REPUBLICAN COVENTION Held at Louisville Last Saturday Strons Men Nominated -The New Central Committee. The republican county convi-ntin was held at Louisville Saturday and nomina tions made for one state sciiator,two rep resentatives, one county attorney, one commissioner and one surveyor. " Convention called to order at 11:-'10 a. m. by Chairman M. . Polk. Dr. M. M. llutl.T, of Weeping Water, was elected temporary chairman. Re made a short speech which was well received. John A. Davies and L. E. Skinner were elected secretaries and an adjournment was taken Ull 1:00 p. m. Convention opened at l:-'.0. Report of committee on credentials and organiza tion adopted; and temporary officers made permanent. The following were elected delegates to the float convention: L. E. Skinner, Jas. Sage, N. T. Mugec, C. D. Cl ipp, Geo. D. Matherson, A. Shel don, F. A. Murphy, M. R. Murphy, Geo. II. Chatham, Wm. Deles, R. C. Yeoman, Win. Weber. H. Eikenbuy, P. S. Kendall, G. M. Flower, Daniel Down. M. Carey made a motion that delegates bo instructed to vote for J. C. Watson: motion was laid on the table. A. N. Sullivan then nominated Hon. W. II. Newell for senator; W. W. Drum niond nominated M. I). Pulk. Motion carried to allow those pris -nt to cast their full ratio of votes. Ry the second ballot Polk was elected l3-one in tjority, he receiving eighty three votes an I Newi 11 eighty-two. The following iniu-vd p:;:-s jii.j w. re then put u; for nomin Hi.n for represen tatives: Gjo. R. Fiuley, C. A. Kuiif;.! m, Nicholas Satchvll, Rozzjll Mo:;w. Edwin Jeary and T. F. Young, and on the fourth ballet Nieholrs Sitehcl' an.l Edwin Jeary were nominate I. Allen Ueeson was then nominated by acclamation for county attorney. A. R. Todd was also nominated by acclimation for county commissioner. II. C. Smith an I A. C. Hayes were put in nomination for county surveyor, and Mr. Smith was declared the nomine.-. Mr. E. II. Wooley then offered a resolu tion commendatory to Hon. Manderson, which was adopted. The following were elected for the centaal committee. Tipton, J. P. Eur dick; Greenwood. J. C. Stevenson; Salt Creek, M. Newman; Elmwood, John Aaron; South Rnd, James Crawford; Weeping Water City, J. W. Thomas; Weeping Water Precinct, Simmons; Cen ter, I. N. Woodard; Louisville, Cutfoith; Avoca, Hutchins; Eight Mile Grove, John II. Becker; Liberty, A. Root; Platts nioutli Precinct, N. Jean; Plattsnioutli 1st ward, W. AY. Drummond; 2nd ward, II. C. Mikiu; 3rd ward, Wm. Ibiyes: 4th ward, James W. Sage; Stove Creek, C. D. Clapp. 0:laudo Teff w is elected ch'iirniau. Adjourned. Latest Novelties in Neckwear :t S. & C. Mayer's Harrison and Protection. Large streamers bearing the following lines have been extensively circulated throughout the county and elsewhere: Grand Republican rally Plattsnioutli, Nebraska, Saturday, Oct. 13. The Young .Men's Republican Club of Plattamouth ire making big preparations for the rally on the above date. There will be meet ings both in the afternoon and evening at the opera house. The afternoon meet ing will be called to order at 2 o'clock, sind the evening meeting after a grand torchlight procession, will occur at the yinc place. Clubs will be present from Lincoln, Omaha, Ashland, South Rend, Louisville, Greenwood. Weeing Water, Cedar Creek, Union and other points in Cass count3 and clubs from Gienwood, Malvern, Pacific Junction and other ooiuts in Mills Co., Ia. The meetings will be addressed by the following prominent republicans: Gov. Jno. M. Thayer, our candidate for congress, W. 1. Connell, Judge M. L. Hay ward, Judge O. P. Mason, Att'y Gen. J. Y. Stone, of Iowa, and all the nominees on the coun- tv and legislative ticket in Cass countv. We inviti nil i-euiillip:ins hi f'ji.i ni-i.l !!. 1 1 j'jiuiiilj I 'Jiiiiucs 10 unite v. uti us. .vr- I ii;igcr.iezits will be made for trauspoitn- ion on all railroad linos. Children's Shirt Wauts 20 cents at S. fc C. Maver's. A Lincoln newspaper man was yes terday asked to read a printed article ami give an opinion as to its merits. He read it aud denounced U as the w orst piece of rot he had read for months, and wondered if the idiot who wrote it was still at large. When he heaped upon it all the contumely he had with him, the man who gave him the article whispered something to him, and the Lincoln news paper mail looked as cheap as though he were offered for sale at a junk shop. He stammered and laughed convulsively.and kicked l.inuelf real hard. The Lincoln ne.vspaper man had written the article himself a few months ago. Liucol Jour naL - . v ANNOUNCEMENT To the Friends and Patrons of the Y- L. R R A. Realizing that the work our associa tion has carried on for the past four years can more fully and more satisfactorily be continued should we unite our efforts with th'we of the Y. M. C. A., we have decided to close our reading room Oct. 12, and transfer our reading material, furniture, etc., to th- reading room of the Y. M. ('. A., in the new Anheuser Ruseh building, corner Main and I'oiutli streets. This room will still be open to the general public, ladies included, for the purpose of exchanging books, oue afternoon of each week, (afternoon to be hereafter designated), and all library tickets now out will be honored at the Y. M. C. A. room until the expiration of the time for which they were given. We expect to continue our organiza tion as heretofore, with the aim in view of adding to the circulating library as our means will permit. We trust most sincerely that the ninny who have shown us such kindness will foci the same or greater interest iu this new work, which we feel will accomplish much more good th m we would have been able to do. Olivk Jones, Lillian Pollock, Secretary. Pres. Y. L. R. R. A. Campaign Caps either Cleveland Harrison Joe. at S. & C. Mavcr's. or PERSONALS- Mr. O. P. Smith is at Nehawka. Mrs. Phil Seidenstriker, of Omaha is in the city today. Mr. Jas. Pollock, of Lincoln, spent Sunday :st hi- hour." hen;. Mr. Fred Murphy of Cedar Cieek .-;. ut Sunday in tlie city with his many friends. - M.-.ssrs. Fritz and M:x Wi-stcrman, of Lincoln, visited with Messrs. Beit and Jim Pollock over Sunday. Mrs. "W. 13. Hill and Stuart Livingston leave for Evanston, " III., tonight. Stuart will attend college there. " We need not go to Omaha any more to buy our clothing, we can buy it cheap er at home," were the general remarks made la?t night at the yrand opening of Joe, the One Price Clothier. Republican Club Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Young Men's Republican club tomorrow night at 8 o'clock sharp, at the usual place. Every republican who is interested in the success of the coming rally is earnestly requested to be present. A full attend ance of all the committees is earnestly requested, as no time can now be lost in completing preparations for the rally which occurs not later than next Sutur day. Silk Campaign Ilandkeichiefs for oo cents, worth 7oc. at S. & C. Mayer's. Be'ween The lOth and 15th. For the Benefit of the WorMngman: Prof. Strassman will keep his office open on these dates, between 6 and 8, evenings; and adapt Glasses which will comfort and relieve tho eyesight at reaspnablo charges. Office Riddle House. 3d Previous to removal to Carruth's building November 1st, and in order to reduce our Stock we will sell everything in our line at a low figure. Satin Scarfs 15c. formerly 2o; Satin Scarfs 25c for merly 35; Satin Scarfs 50, formerly 75 at S. & C. Mayer's. Nearly three hundred loads of sand were drawn and dumped on lower Main street yesterday. The sand to be used for paving purposes will be taken from the sand bars, as it fully answers the re quirements and more time will be made The old ditch which crossed Sixth street in the vicinitv of Rilstein's meat market is being filled tip today with Main street soil. There will be a inci ting of the Chatauqua club tomorrow night at the omec oi i.vron tMi K. I lie usual work- will be commenced. Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your besntiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Her.rv Eocck's fur niture? emporium where you can get everv tiling in the furniture line that will go to IMI-n I'.,,," Imnii Iwinlitlftil ....1 t.miM.f i i l; and above all yon csn cet it cheap, Remember that he who sells most can sell cheapest. Joe, the One Price Clothier, had the grandest opening last night ever seen in Plattsnioutli. i Mr. Jas. Donnelly sells the Atwood Suspender, the only suspender in the world that can be adjusted to the form of all. Non-clastic shoulder straps and clastic back straps. tf. Dr. Withers will make you a set of teeth and guarantee a fit or no pay. Everything necessary for furnishing house can be purchased at II. Roeck's. You query why from home I go, " Why "bout the town I rove ? The reason, why is plain, yon know, We've got no Oakland Stove. lm Buy one of Jouksoh Bros Wood for Salef Leave orders with J. P. Tutt, at Ben nett ci Tptt'a s tor". An Ordinance declaring the necessity of a district sewer in sewer dbitrict No. 2, of the city of Plattsmouth.and ordering its construction in alley of block twenty-eight. Re it orda'ned by the mayor and coun cil of the city of Plattsnioutli: Skc. 1. That it is hereby declared necessary for the health of the city to construct a sewer in sewer district No. 2 through the rdley of block No. twenty eight, of the city of Plattsnioutli, and the same is hereby ordered construc ted ac cording to the p'ans and specifications heretofore adopted. Skc. 2. The Board of Public Works are hereby ordered to obtain estimates and let the conti act for the building of the same according to law. Skc. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed and iidj roved September i5th, A. D. 1S8S. Attest: W. I. Tox, F. M. Richey, City C.'erk. Mayor. An Ordinance declaring the nec essity of and ordering district sewerage in district No. one, from 3rd street on Main east to its proper con nection with alley between 2nd end 3rd streets. Re it ordained 1 y the mayor and coun cil of the city of Plattsnioutli: Skc, J. That it is hereby declared necessary to construct district sewerage in sewer district No. one in the city of Plattsnioutli from its- proper connection at alley on Main ttrec-t between Second and Third streets to a connection with the storm w ater sewer, an main in Third street, and the same is hereby erdered Six. 2. The Board of Public Works are hereby ordered to obtain an estimate of the cost of the same and to let a con tract for the con" ruction of the same. Skc. 3. This ordinance Fhall be in force and take effect from find after its passage. Passed and :pproyed September 24th, A. D. IS Attest: W. K. Fox, F. M. Richkv, City Clerk. Mayor. The voyage from maiden fair to womanhood i.s often attended with irany perils. Mothers should insist upon lheo daughters being p-epared with every means of safety. Universrdly acknowl edged as tlie reliable "Lifc-p' rs i v r" n this rough sea of uncertainties, is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It ha averted many a disaster. It has rescued many a periled life! This popular reme dy is prepared especially for Woman. It is the only remedy of its class sold by druggists under a positive guarantee to give satisfaction. The guarantee has been faithfully carried oat by the manu facturers for many years. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicines when REGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. A MAN FROZE TO DEATH ! Why? Because he had no Garland Stove. Buy oue of Johnson Bros. sept22-dlm. A good sm u t boy, J 4 or 15 yrs. old, can find a g"v d home and school for the winter call at office. 2d-lw II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete iu ine cuv. Sherwiu &, Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, atFrickci. Co's. drug tore. 8 tf. Wanted. Steady employment given to a good blacksmith. tf Robt. Donnelly. Two car-loads of potatoes and other produce just received for winter use. Call and get prices. tf ClIRIS WOHLFAKTII. HIS WAY. Lcve cams tclie door of the palace, Anl the door was opened wlda; There wasn't a thins to hinder. And they needed uim much inside: But he rattled his quiver, and said with sigh, "Can I enter an open door Not l! Not I! Not I:" Love came to the castle window. And he round a great broad stair; There wasn't a thing to hinder. And he oilbt have mounted there: But he lluttcred his wings, aud said with a sigh, "Can 1 plod up a siaircasef No, not I! Not I! Not I:" Love came to the shore of the oceac, And saw far over the straaJ Ad inaccessible tunress Op a sea pin island stand. Who cares for au ocean r he exyXy cried, Aud his rainbow wins were quickly plied: "Not II Not I!" L-ovn cnn:e to a !o:i?ly dungeon. U'iiere nindnw ti:d door were toned; i wit- was iiue wlo (Vuwij pivc iam entrance; I liou-.i i:e 1:uk'I.hI there ion and harj. Thou "Wlui can's for a IkiIl?" saij the saucy elf, And straightway the warder was Love himself: "Not I Net I Eva L Oijtien. Chlneno as Opium Smugglers. Who do I think are the ruost successful smugglers? Tho sleek faced, moon eyed Celestials, most emphatically There is no roition of a vessel or its cargo sacred or safd trom tho tEauinuJalions of the rascals They have the deadly 'drug plaited in their queues, quilted "in their cloihiug. packed iu the cork soles of their shoes, and tucked unav in the soft, cling iiig folds of their silk handkerchiefs They have false bottoms and sides to their camphor wood trunks, false bottoms to tlieir cooking utensils, and luev are false ail the way through. They will construct material to resemble coal, fill the interior with opium and place it in the coal bankers until all suspicion is allaved and the steamer diseharcred: they construct tin boxes to fit around masts and cover their deceptidu with false mast coats well calculated to deceive the inerreriesd r cf,a I'-Zst T'- .'--";' rt CLOAKS ! elite's aM Misses' Call early and make your f elections, yon all know how dillicalt it is later on to tl sizes. This cut repress one o. mil' Cuius in that line, eiunnie.ieinir with h.o -1.50, with a Ak'. rise for a size made Drown Cheeked All-'vVod CI. n skirt, with Surah Lined Hood. lines from 2 to 1. up var Is, sizes e lUSll 1 vie F. H ONE DOOR BAST FIRiT 1TATI01TAL BANK. WHEN VOt: WANT AKV'niIXCl IX THE WAY F BOOTS A1DSHOES ! Do not fail to call and examine the "Cash" Prices we will give for the Next Thirty Days. You Can Save 25 Per Cent "While we are having this C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Muiu Sr., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, loth foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri from to $35. d.-esn suits. if;25 to 45. pants 4, $r,, $0, i.50 and upwards. t"Will guaranteed a fit. r n ! Pnces Delv Lompeimon. Xj--W office. Personal attention to all Buginecf Knlrust- o my care. XOTARY IX OIFICK. Title Examined. Abstaicts f'mnpiled, Iu uriinee Written, Keal Estate old. Better Facilities for making Farm Loans tlian Any QtUer Agency Plattmmoutli, HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Tre&tmei.t a guarantee specific for Hvsterta Liir.rinu. Couvulstons. Fit. Nervous Keuralirla. Head ache. Nerveou Prostration cauaed by the ue of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Cental le prewion. Softenlnur of the Kraln repultinc in in sanity and leadiDK t misery, decav and Jeath, Premature old Age. Barrenness, Lis of Pow er in either sex. Involuntary lxn-n auo Kj-er-mat'rrho?a caused by over-exertion of tjj brain, selfabuse or over-indnlvence. VnoU contain one mouth's treatment. $1 oo a box or Six boxes for 8S.0O. sent bv mail nrMUm. receipt of price Ml ,8 CLOAKS I Our Stock of Cloak is now mid we urn hliowin tlie Largest Lint! v ve r ojicneil out in thin Htj. La t clits tltHiinr a New Vn tin's ftfieoli U, slioul'l not miss looking over onr lino, for wo are i-liowing the Very I ntcet Novelties -at verv Low I'l i't s. Ladies' arid Misses' Meis ! Tips cut rcjircsents our jionular .".) LjuIh-k' Jacket, made of All-Wool tiifl Clotkin, ninl at the price a ii c',':;li!(l bargain. We have Full Lines at $i t $15, :ach ni.elir uj of I lie Vijry hefet materially in solid trolois and htries. 'Misses' Ja-Vets from $1 to $70. Sizes rane fro:n 12 to 18. floats dec kino, Plaiu-d We l.ave lull ruffi'inc from li'l if- Or, Plush - Cloaks. tave never carried ( 'loaks as thi ; SO a ! line 1 at j-eas.'jj, ate low, Plush Sacqnes from $2 ."..(hi to -15. Piu-li Newmarkets at S':...(. Phi.!, .Jackets from Sl.j.oO to .fL'U.OO. Piush Medjoka's from 18 50 to S85.CO. Pin.-!: Mantcau from 31S.00 to A-lO.oO. 1 'Snarly :iiic! uiv. kc ynziv tZvli'vtiozis. errmai n9 Great "Cash" Deduction Sale. CO. Dr. C- A. Marshall. ZH-OSideilt Fieservutii-n of the natural -jc-eth a Speeiiilry. Au stlw ties given fcr Pain- i.ksS filling ok extkactiok of tekth. ArtificiHl teeth niide on Gold. Silver Itu1ler or Celluloid Flutes, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de j sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. :6J nS 3 O' qSi- n : M t ft a 11 H m i (y j coil f o f si i f i il r