TilK DAILY UKIiALD : I'LA TiSMOuTn, it rtiSltASK A, jIOxN IDAV, O.0TO ttEIl S. 1888. The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS BBCS. Publishers t Proprietors. THE TLATTSMOUTII HICHAM) I published eery evening except Sunday ami Werkly rv-ry Tuurmlay mornliiK- i:-k'- tcred at the nmtofllce, riallMiioulli. Nefor.. us second -cl.is matter. Office comer of Vine and Kiftli idrteH. 1'eleplioue . 'M. 1 RHM3 roil IiAII.V. Oue copy one ear in advance, by mail....?5 o One coy per mouth, by carrier M Oue copy per week, by carrier 1ft TKBMS FOR WEEKLY. One oopy one year. In advance (I r0 One oopy six. inontax. in advance 75 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOK IUKSIDENT, benjamin; harrison, of Indiana. FOB VICE I'HESIDKNT, LEVI P. MORTON, of New York. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. VOH OOVKRNOK, JOHN M. THAYER. . FOK I.IECTENANT OUVKKXOK, GEORGE I). MEIKLEJOIIN. FOR SECRETARY OK STATE, GILBERT L. LAWS. FOR TREASURER, J. E. HILL. FOR AUDITOR OK I'UBLIC ACCOUNTS, THOMAS II. BENTON. FOR ATTORNEY OENEKAL, WILLIAM LEESE. FOR COMMISSIONER OK PCI5LIC LANDS AND BUILDINGS, JOHN STEEN. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OK rCBLIO 8TRUCTION, GEORGE B. LANE. IX- CONCRES riON AL TICKET- FOR CONGRESS. (First 'onKnsl.al Disnict.) W. .1. CONNELL. OUR TICKET. Tnc republican convention, which nominated the winning ticket in Cass coanty at Louisville on Saturday last, was a harmonious and enthusiastic gath ering of the representative republicans of Cass county; and, although the contest for senatorial and legislative honors was close and excit'ng the best feeling pre vailed and the nominations were unani mously and enthusiastically ratified. For state senator, Milton D. Polk carried off the honors, not with a unanimous sweep, as was once suggested by the late lamented General Strickland but fairly and successfully; his majority being but one vote over his competitor Hon. W. II. Newell who had always been and still is a host in Cass connty politics. Mr. Polk is a young man and fairly represent the young blood of Cass county politics, lie was born in the close state of Indiana in 1857, hence he is not unacquainted with closely contested conflicts. He is well educated having attended the pub lic and high schools of Greensboro, Ind.. daring his boyhood and the NebrasCa State University, where he finished his studies. He is the son of one of Cass counties leading citizens, Hon. John F. Polk, now of Greenwood. Mr. Polk is a lawyer by profession and a successful business man being now oue pf Platts- moath's heavy real estate dealers and the proprietor of Jour gas works. Mr. Polk or "Milt", as he is fayoritely known, has always been a staunch republican, was chairman of our county republican central committee during the past two rears, is a vounc man of irreproachable character and is well and favorably known throughout the county; he posses ses the ability and will represent our peo ple in the next legislature in a vigilect and able manner. Milton will be elected and the people of Cass county will have no cause to regret the action of Satur day's convention. Hon. N. Satchel and Edwin Jeary were re-nominated for the house, one a resi dent of Weeping Water and the other of Silt Creek Precinct. The people of Cass county are well acquainted wit'i both oi these gentlemen and the fidelity with Which they served their const tuauts dur fng the last session of the legislature; Al ... 11 . C , . 1 me j are Mraiguuorwaru, nonesr, Hole men and bring with tln-ni the much needed legislative experience. Mr. A. B. Todd was unanimously re nominated for county commissioner. There was no one winting Mr. Todd's place, because he is the right man in the right place. East and west, north and uth, Mr. Todd was the choice of the republicans of Cass county; and, we be lisve of the democrats also. He h?s .Tved the people faithfully and ably a county commissioner for four years and possesses an. intimate knowledge of county affaire (which a new tuno could n it have without long and dilligent ser Tice) which peculiarly fit him for the prr-ition be will le called upon to fill for serves. He will have very little, if any, opposition for the place he now fills. Mr. Beesou i9 a ttrong, able, lawyer, an honest man and a pains taking public servant and tells a story or tries a lawsuit a well as any mnn in this judicial district. With such a ticket who will say the republicans of Cass county have not acted wisely and well? It will be elected and these lucky gentlemen will be con gratulated over their election, with Har rison and Morton, the morning of the 7th of November next. Mr. Kacffman, of Avoca; Mr. Finley, of Greenwood, (Salt creek), Mr. Young, of South Bend, and Rozzell Morrow, of Rock Bluffs, all first-class representa tiye men, received strong, earnest support in the convention Saturday; anyone- of these gentlemen would have been a credit to Cass county had they received the nomination for representative. But unfortuately the late lamented apportion inent cut Cass couty out of two represen tatives, so that but two of the gentlemen competing could be nominated, and Messrs. Satchel and Jeary held the lucky tickets in the uucertain lottery. JuixiB Newell may well fell proud of the ovation tendered him by the county convcutiou upon the occasion of his de feat for the nomination of state senator such a reception is as great an honor as a nomination could have been; and Mr Ne well's manly, hearty acceptance of the situation was exactly what was to be. expected of that gentleman, who has always been the staunchest of the staunch and one of the ablest repub'ieans of Cass county. His candidature wa marked by a manlv. straightforward course, and lie has lost nothing by permitting his name to go before the convention. Mr. II. W. Busiinell, of the Lincoln Call, made a neat and eloquent speech to the del. gates assembled, in due form, at Louisville on Saturday last. Mr. Bush nell talked good, strong, wholesome doc trine and the representative republicans of Cass county in their delegate and in dividual capacity, ratified Ids sentiments with an enthusiasm born of conviction. Mr. John A. Davies also made a good speech and stirred up the republicanism of the convention. The ticket is nominated and it is a winning ticket. Now let every republi can in Cass county do his du'y, and let the mugwump pencil stay at home. No scratching this year boys ! Hurrah for Harrison, Morton, Satchel, Jeary, Todd and Bceson ! Polk, Don't let that cold cf yours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con sumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of ail obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschee's German Syrup. If yu don't know this already, thousands and thousands of people can tell you They have been cured by It and know how it 13, themselves. Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. The daily consumption of needles In this country is said to be 4.200,000. most of which corao from Redditch. England. Endurance of the Model. A great difficulty in a model's life is tho fatiguo when being drawn or painted. It depends solely upon herself, or her strength, how long a timo sLo is capable of remaining stationary in the .desired posture. Some are unablo to poso longer ihan two or threo minutes at a time, when they must rest, whilo others can ro naiu much longer quiet. I am fortunate i:i this respect, and can po.-o for an hour .". iih the greater t ease, iv.il this enables '.: nr-titt to complete Lis picture in t --;;eh shorter tirrio iL:-.: sri'b broken sit Artists "iotl'.-li. Gl:;b Democrat J500 Reward. We will pay i he aS;oye reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver PilU, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never f til to give satisfaction. Large boxes nutaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John O. We & Co.. W. Madison St. Chicago,nnd Sold by Wr. J. Warrjck. The Daily Herald 15ets. per week. delivered for Neat Laundry Work. All parties desirous of having the neat est and cheapest laundry work done. lould leave it at this office Tuesday nnrni ana it can Do secured again rnday evening, i ne Council Ulan steam Iaun dry, Inhere the work is done, has put in all thetest improved machinery, and their srpTL cannot be surpassed. The finest poItsiS , :W A- Derrick, Ag'L 0UU THICKS OF TRADE. THE CHEMIST THE MAGICIAN OF THE PRESENT DAY. fompetitlon the Life of Trade, but Not Always Ilencflclal to the Public The BnnliiHa of A Julterstlon 8Ttntlcl)y Carried On The Results. , In this era of universal enlightenment tho training of the successful tradesman is much broader than that of his prede cessor of fifty years ago. The latter con sidered himself fully educated when ho was able to distinquish the quality of the different grades of the various articles in which he dealt, and as very few methods of sophistication and adulteration were known, his task was a comparatively easy one. With the merchant of the present day, however, everything is different. lie can depend on his own judgment only in very few instances. He must know not only how to manipulate his wares so as to undersell his competitors, but he must bo continually on his guard to make sure that the articles which he himself buys shall be just as represented. He may be a dealer in woolens and buy his stock from tho deacon who passes the plate in church, yet he never neglects to nave his samples examined by an expert, and analyzed if necessary. But the strangest phase of the whole matter is that, so universal has tha custom become, ho does not consider it any reflection on his neighbor to take this course, and if he linds that tho goods are not as represented, he thinks none tho worse of him, after ho has claimed and secured his rebate. No branch of trade is freo from this sophistication, and us long as tho resulting artielo is not injurious to tho health of tho peoplo, wo have come to accept it without a murmur, as an ineit ablo result of competition. With such a state of affairs, it will readily be seen that th ! merchant of "yo olden time" would now stand a slim chance of success unless ho called in outside aid. A NEW ADULTERATION. The chemist is really the magician, who today is sought by one party to develop n ucw adulteration, and to-morrow is called upon to analyze the article which he has just succeeded in adulterating. His la boratory becomes tho confessional for merchants of all degrees, and ho must be as silent and secret as the clergyman. But his power is greater than the ecclesiastic, who cannot read our thoughts, and who may know only what we care to tell him. But to the chemist all facts within his province are accessible. If we are frank with him, we can render easier tho work which we have fcr him to do. If, how ever, ho has a suspicion that anything has been withheld, he has but to mako an analysis and the whole secret is open to him. In his realm he is king. He says to tho merchant, "Do thus," and the busi ness man, realizing that his only way to success Is by following such injunctions, does so, and Is relieved for a time. Soon, however, he learns that he is being under sold, and once more has recourse to the magician, who finds that some brother genins has stolen his charm, and it be comes necessary for him to conjure up a more powerful one, only to have it, in time, again stolen. The following incident, related by a dis tinguished chemist may be interesting, as showing how systematically this busi ness of adulteration is carried on. The gentleman mentioned was recently con sulted by a firm of oil dealers, who were naturally anxious to learn how it was that their competitor was always able to under sell them, in face of tho fact that the chemist of their factory could not discover any adulteration in their rival's product. On analysis, no foreign substance ap peared, and tho consulting chemist was forced to confess himself nonplused. In the course of conversation he happened to mention, quite incidentally, that the only impurity he had been able to find was a trace of petroleum oil, which he had con sidered accidental. The oil dealer inquired the amount of this oil present,' and pn fin dine that it was about 24 ner cent., im mediately said that the problem was solved, iwo and a nail per cent., ne ex plained, made in a barrel of forty gallons a difference of one gallon, and, by extract ing this quantity of an oil worth nfty cents, and substituting a gallon of an in ferior kind worth, sav. ten cents, his rival had been enabled to draw away almost all his trad. POISOXOCS DYES. People have "become so accustomed to finding the discussion of the subject of adulteration confined to articles of food and drink that they are apt to consider that this is the only part of it of any importance- Physicians, however, can tell a different story." For instance, they are frequently consulted for disorders which can be directly traced to cheaply dyed articles of dress, and many of tho most obstinate cases of skin disease are due tc poisonous coloring mattery. Before tho art of dveing had progressed much most of they dyeing colors in use were prepared from simple vegetable ex tracts, boon, however, the demand was greater than tho supply, and the chemist was called upon for substitutes. Step by step he followed nature back to her labor atory, and finally was abl to announce that ho could produce at will In unlim ited quantities a dye stuff which could not be distinguished by any test, either chemical or physical, "from tho natural product. Tho substance which ha had made was alizarine, the coloring matter of madder, and the article from 7hich he mado i t was common coal tar. This dis covery worked a revolution in the indus trial world. The pU, once it had been pointed out, was easy to follow, and in quick succession came tho announcements of new colors made from this same waste product eoal ttr until at the present day any color or tint can be supplied from it. But here, too, the practice of sophisti cation soon became a prominent factor, until the question was, not how well can dyes be made, but how cheaply. The process of manufacture is a long one, and great care is required at every Btep to thoroughly remove the powerful chemical agents by which the necessary changes are brought about. Here was the oppor tunity for cheapening the final product. An incomplete removal of these chemicals means less labor and less expense; hence the indifferently finished product can be sold cheaper. Unfortunately, however, these impurities thus left in the dye are in most instances highly irritating to the akin, and when an article dyed with such substances is worn it hi very liable to cause trouble, especially if the skin Is chafed or scratched. Boston Herald. Tha Soft Shell and the II aril Shell. It is a popular fallacy that soft shell crabs are a different species from hard shell crabs. Practical fishermen and u-i-ntifm lwvnUa lmtli ilnnmvA it. Tim soft shell crab is the hard sloll crab soon I after it has moulted. Four times a year to tho young crab and once or twice a year to the grown crab comes a season of peril and fear. Ho crawls into a dark cranny or nook in the rocks, awella out until ho cracks open hid bhell, and then creeps out. Tins operation is sometimes extremely painful, for his claws are much larger than tho joints through which they must be pulled, and thev are often lacer ated in the process. If his flesh did not become soft and watery before shedding ho could not get out at all. When tho crab has moulted, the once mailed warrior, who feared no foe except a more powerful antagonist of his own kind, is at tho mercy of any enemy who can get into his retreat. When the female crab moults her male consort chivalrously guards the entrance to her hiding plaeo until her skin is covered with a fresh deposit of lime. Tho ex perienced eye can tell when the chango is approaching. Last year a number of "shedders" established themselves on tho Thames, a few miles south of Norwich, near Fort Point. They caught hard chell orabs, imprisoned them in a crato be neath tho water, and when the shells had been shed, tho "soft shell crabs" were Khipped to Nov York and other points. Cor. New York Tribune. Monuments of an Unknown Race. Unhewn stone monuments are among the most interesting relics of prehistoric man found in Franco and other portions of Europe, tho ancient province of Brit tany being especially rich In them. The builders, Mr. Thomas Wilson states, aro supposed to have como from a more or less remote east during the polished stone age, bringing a knowledge of agriculture, bomo ideas of government and a religion, with less of art than the inhabitants of the count rv befcro them nossessed. Thev buried their dead, and left tho magnifi cent monuments over thorn which, to tho number of more than C,l00 in France and moro tliitn 1,(J'J0 in Brittany, aro now be ing cavefullv restored and preserved bv tho French government. Some of these monuments f.?e made up of many im- menso stones, wliilo oth rs aro really col lections of monuments m great numbers. The works are known bv various names. A menhir is a. largo t-tono standing on enl; a, c.olrr.on. a taule like tomb; a crom lech, r. ;rclo of stones; an alignment, bues of menhirs; ind a 1 uimilus, a mound of earth or stones u.suuliy covering a dol meu. Many of the monuments must have disappeared, but all thc-rso remain, dotting tho country in every direction, enormous, rough, rude, unhewn granite stones belonging to another civilization, mighty in its time, but now dead and buried in the ages of the past, with no inscriptions ana no nisiory. Arxansaw Traveler. Manual Training In Schools. The extent to 'which manual exercises may be introduced into public schools will no tloubt be governed by certain peculiar limitations, lo begin with, it is not ex Eected that boys generally will be able to audio heavy tools until about 13 years old. Give them, therefore, exercises in which the lighter means may be employed, such as glue, the jackknife, etc. Again, we are limited by the absolute impossi bility of generally connecting with com mon schools work shops ana special in structors. Furthermore, courses of study already overcrowded, and the lack of specially prepared teachers, are obstacle'i which the average countrv school, at least, cannot overcome. Industrial draw ing is largely taught throughout the country, we would urge that exercises connected with it be arranged for an out growth of constructed . objects. This is not only practicable, but applicable to all common schools. Depend upon willing parents, brothers and sisters for whatever home instruction is necessary in the manual execution of !, 1.....1.t . . . . . Ut cniiaren tornano tnincs. and havBarousd I an interest which will assist materiallv in tne establishment or special manual train ing scnools whenever they become practi cable. Lharles M. Carter In 1 he Century Back Rooms Are lTefenred, "How much of vour income do vou have to pay for ofaee rent?" was asked of well-to-do lawyer the pther day. His I rooms are on the 'first floor back of a Dia niond street law building. "Well," said he, "my partner and 1 havo threo rooms, wav back, as vou would call it, and havo to pay for their rise the modest sum of $G0O per year. I feel sometimes that I'd rather " be the owner of a largo law building than be an attorney with a big practice." "You say your offices aro in the rear; what eio tho men in tne front of the build ing pay?" "Not nearly so much. You're surprised? Well, no doubt; but what 1 say is narht, and I'll tell you why. Persons occupying rooms m tho rear of a building are will- ! ing to pay a little more than for front i rooms. This is because they are not an noyed by habitual office loafers, of whom there arc many;' then the man who runs in 'just to write a note,' as he says, 'or wants to uso 3-our desk, a minute, is un known. Fakirs don't find you in the recesses of your rooms, and the ncise and rumble of wagons and street life do not annoy you. These" are a few reasons why back offices aro preferable and command a higher rate of rent." Pittsburg Dispatch. The Italian's Cgly Weapon. A knife, commonly carried and fip- quently used by criminal Italians, is what Professor Scannapieco, the Neapolitan fenchig master, calls tho ''molletta." The molletta bears some resemblance to a razor, though considerably longer. There is only one edge, and the blade opens like a penknife. It swintrs loose, however, ; and when drawn is opened by catching , bold of the handle with the lingers and ; throwing the blade outward. I his re- quires practice and dexterity. A small : sprinrr catches the knife and holds it ! open. It is closed by pressure upon a tiny "button" on the handle. Though not as effective a weapon as the stiletto, - it makes an ugly wound when nsed by an expert, and can bo opened almost as quickly as a stiletto can be drawn from its sheath. Tho ease with which it ean be concealed adds to the frequency of its use. The handle Is hard wood or bone. New York Graphic. Belgian Wal Stoga, toxBii OElyta r;'-h5u Tky rS !900 Mrs P,ef: M'T Johnson. mm? -rv x mouth ! OFFICE at EIDDLE HOUSE THE WORLD FAMOUS FROM Berlin, Germany. You can consult him aboiit Your yes: aud how to take care of them. More light for the unfortunate spectacle wear ers, anel the doom of blindness prevented by the use of his Alaska Jinlliants and Australian Crystals. A new chemical combination of SPECTACLES And patent self-ndjustin spring- 2Syaglass3s Timfl. :..,.. ij..i ;4 1 mofc uiiili uiuuiuu.i ll II11U 11113 LUUI1 tr' '"Ctared to order after careful j i..owU.mUi. PROF. ST ASbMAN has arrived in Plattsmouth, and has an office at the Riddle House. He is elo- uu inline use ousuiess till ouiuiout llie United States, giving the best of satisfac tion and delight to hundreds with de fective sight. His knowledge of the human eye and his skill in adjusting the glasses is marvelous beyond imagination Endorsed bv all the great men of this country aDd Europe. In an instant, as if by magic he is en ibled to tell you any ailment of your tailing vision, point out the cause and danger, and adapt brilliant glasses, p culiarly ground to suit every defect of the eve. which will aid in strengthening the evesijrht of the old and vounp-. Sci entists invited to examine the new sys tern for the preservation of the human rve. Teachers should watch the early mani festations of their seTrBlars' evesight and report in time to the'r respective parents to have their eyesight examined by Prof. Strassman, the expert optician of nation al fame. Artificial Eyes Replaced. Persons deprived of an eye can have tlrs deformity removed bv the insertion if an artificial one. which movs and looks like a natural organ. OFFICE HOURS. 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p., and 7 to 8 in the evening. REFERENCES: NEBRASKA CITY. George Burgett, Rev. A. Clark, Mr. Duff, Mrs Dr LarsJi, D P Rolfe. Mia Streeter, Dr Brinker, R M Rolfe, Rodcn biock, C Anderson, J W Waldsmith, W A. Cotton, S II Calhoun, Judge M.ipes. David Brown, Dr Hershev, Wm Hver, TS Jones; E M Taggart, E Reiber, W. II Murphy, Frank McCartney. James Fitchie, Rev.. Emanuel Hartig. Mrs. A. E Rudd, W D Merriam, Miss VanMeter, Dr S L Gant, A Home, Paul Schminke. Nat Adams, Geo A Wilcox, Mr Sheldon. Mr. UuB?elI. Rev R Pearson, Shomerus. L Levey. S M Kirkpatrick, DryscolL Donald McCuaig, William Wilhelmv. Rev Rivera, Logan Enyart. N Redfield. J P Welch. Rev. J B Green, John Good- lett, C B Bickel, Dan Gregg. C W Scher fy. E S Hawley, A R Newcomb, Wm I'M' v':U f.'Sar"- ,:i& CmWs?" V'- Fit isii, ffl If FM Never before, bus an Optician re ceived sneli testimonials from the people. Ollice of Iowa Soldier' Home. Maishalltown, In., Feb. 17, '88. Pkok. Stkamsman, l)mr Sir: The glasses you furnished myself tuul wife when in Clinton, have prov n in t.viry way satisfactory, and we take pleiiKuro in ri romnif ndiiiLr your work and lapses to all who may be in need of safety and and comfort for your cyct-iJit. Very Respectively, Col. Mi.o Smith, C nimi.nd:int. Mayor's Ofiico, Mainhaliti , November :?rd, Ib7. Prof. Sfiassinan bus been in our city some six weeks or more, and n an opti c'nin has givn the btt,t of ealixfiic lion both as to prices and quality of work. having treated some of the most difficult cases of the eyes with micccks and am hut itied you will mid him a skillful c pti cian and a gentleman. Very Hespect fully, Nklhon Amlh. Mayor. Prof. StrtisHiian, a cliMinguhdiul op tician, now stopping in our city, comes bef.reuswith the highest t htimonials of skill and experience in his ait. end I j take pleasure in recommending lira to my friends and the pnblic who may bo in need of his set vices', ns erne entitled to his confidence. J. Williamson, ftf. I). Ottumwa, Iotva. New Eyes The le ng felt want in this com munity for night-restoring glasses is now supplied by the sticrt-jsful opth i.-n,, I'rof. A St'ssmmi, from IWlin. (le. iimmv, for i: rhoi t time longer at the HiibUe liouc. The waste of valuable cyfsiubt c an be; prevented, if not too late, bv hi: correct mode of ecjindi.ing all ln -im ililies of the injun-d eyes In his specialty, it is con ceded that he is the head of the ptofcK-si- it, and ni-mv of our b ?t c :li. ns. nd physicians hive been successful in ob taining relief by th-; Ue of his "lasses: Allen Beeson, Hyron Drew, J. Vallery, jr., II. Boeck, Mrs. F. Johnson, Mrs. N. E. Sage, Mr. C. Nichols, Mr. Hodgett, Mrs. Levings, Mr. Hayes, Mrs. Nienmn. Geo. Buckle. Dr. SehildUnce hf, S. P. Vail at In, W. II. Newell, Mrs. P. Kc-Bsler, Mrs. P. Kennedy, C. W. Sherman," Eli Snmpcm, Mii. Hank in, Miss- Voung, W. Manker. Prof. J. B. "Wiiteomb Judge A N. Rulliv: n Judge Chapman, Mrs. Ben fc r. O. W. Covell. .Mr. Elson. Mr. Geo. Nutterson, Mrs. I). M. Jones. Mr. Leonard, Jehn IJobhins. Mr. Holschuch, Miss Laura Baker, Mrs. A. Sad ft. Mrs. W. D. Jonr-P, HEFEKENCES. XKD OAK. Dr E B Yonng, C F Claik, G K Powers, D B Miller, J B Reeves, Mrs J Seauk, Mrs T H Dearborn. G W Holt, A C Blose, W A Close, Mrs. Applebec, Mr Stockslagcr, J S Wroth, Rev MtClure, Mis Hesller, Mrs. Farrier, Manker. Rev McCullerv, Mis Stanhy. R Wads worth. Mr Mnrcnholtz. Mr Jeffries, Rev Jiigg, W Stafford, C W Schneider, Harvey Spry, C E Richnrds, David Harris, Mr. Isold, C II Lane, C 31 Mills. T II Lee. Wm Koelder, C J Lilli jebeik, T M Lee, Geo L Piatt, Mis I. Holyser, Wm Dubley, O Runnels, Mrs B 8 Porter, I n Hazarcnus, Mr Biondby, F A Carter, Mrs Fiher, Mr Stoddard, K O Shepherd. A McConiiell. E A Brawn, Mr Gibson, Mr Fiken. Rev J W Hamil ton, S P Miller, Mrs F C ( lurk, B E A Simons. J Y Sautbin, Mr Van Alstine, L F Ross, Mrs Deenier. Mrs. Junkin, Tho Griffith, I Sanborn, Geo Binu, Mr. Meycis, P. P. Johnson, and many others from the surrounding country. clakida. Col W P Hepburn, ex-congressmen; Hon T E Clark, senator; Rev Snook, Dr Cokenowcr, Dr Lewellen, F W Hsrish, J S Mclntyr; A S Baily. J D Jom, B W Foster, H C Beckwith, John Glanthy, O A Kimball, Mrs. Morsman, V Giaff. Rev. Seav. Dr Van Sant, J D Haulev. T 31 Monzingo. Dr Milieu, H Bed well, Capt ' Stone. J H Stct, Hon Wm Butler, O N Hurdle, A T Clement. J 31 Crabill. 3Ir Newton. Mrs Shaul. Hon T E Claik, Mrs Loranz. Dr. Power, Rev Eddv, Raymond Lormz. A P Skeed, J P Burrow., Dr Bairett. Mrs Ell. tllESTOX. President of Fimt National Bank and President of Cieston National B-ik- J II Patt, 3Ir Dunlin, Mrs Teed, Ed Derr, Rev Van Wagner. Ceo Webster. miss e; weiister, Mis 3Irv Eckert, Thos. 3IcGrath, Ed Lewis. Dr N Turret. TV..f Larrabee, Col Swall. 3Irs W I)' .Moore W V McQnaid. J II Lichtv, Mr Spurr! Dr Groves, 3Ir 11 Newman. Dr HnnUn W F Patt. Rev F W Eacn. 3Irs M Sulli van, JIrs Larnmnre. 3Ir. Zallaro. Mrs K Duane. 3Iis C Eoyer, R E Ewinp. W 31 Lparr. Dr. Reynoldf. 3Ir II P 31isa 3Tattie 3Iuntz. C Hurlev, D G Miller " N II Blanchard. Dr Schiflferie, 3Ir B Hurl ley, 3Ir Hamman, 3Irs A M Gow, Prof Meyer, Dr Reynolds. IOWA r ITT. Senator Bloom. Dr I F Hanit rw Copperthwait. Mia Dr Lee. Ilesara P.rl vin, Kost, Hosier. F II Dradley. n H Jonea, D CifreliS. p in Pcrdy, C Kcw, .r'rr.T-T' r rr ") r