V It'X '3 lIiATTS3IOUTIff NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER , 1S8S. SI2COXD YUAU NUMBER 21 lie IWttfemwsf ft w&An iiecMi, Miyr, (' i-iit, Tr- nuf.-r. - k:i : i i i' . i'.i.m : .1 ! M n-li.-.ii. K. M. Hit HKV vV li. FOX Jamki rArri'.uHo.v.JK. l.Vlt'l.V CI. AUK - A MAIm-I.K S CI. 1 1 l-iltl V li .MAI.Il.k i I U'.t kitirll Coun-!lui;:i, M war l, ( 'v At.!Mtlri:v I I'll. A Nilli'MAJf ) M li .Ml'ltl'IIY I .s V lu i n .N I I' p 'i ' or. M ri . ' i i v.- C i.i.k.-n . rut." l .I W .I ,i.SS s ,l AiU.-.l .V.N j.ii'i run. . oiK-- i I (I ll W Afl II Ulil II :j. .1 fill. i rc.iv.il .fi". i ;my l'.f i.n',,", -CJlei'.. i'.-jiijf. Cl'-ik. Kr-o .i'li i .t U.:imU lii r .- Uvvn-l r (;lrW -n" IMHt io!. Co irt, f!lTI:l, :s nvt-yor. Ati"iiii-y. Sii. ..; :'ui. school. .".!. iy '' !-'. - i;.a:ii ok ii.'KiiV!s:t(4. I'latlsiimut h i A. c .mii:i:i.i. i iid . !' ii. i. (i -it H i:i iti n-MKii- i.n l-.X A C1M I III I Kl.it vv. 1 1. rum. .lHS M I.KVH V . C SlIW.V A I.TKK J. J. Kl K K.N f.U A. M A IM.I.K A I.I.KM I'.KK-iiN M VN !II S- INK 0. UrSSKI.L FIFTIETH CONGRESS- House. Waiiix.-:to.n, Oft. . The hoiu::; this morning iroeee.leil to tho consideration of private business. The pol.it of no quorum was raised n gainst the ii;-t bill c died u;, and for three-quarters nf an hour the business uf the ho. is- wns ;.i a s: ami -i i 11. However, it motion v.'-n .iiv. d to for an adjourn ment from to. l.i v until riLuiday. Later tin: point i f no quo; urn v.iii withdrawn and buiiness pioe..-eJ ;tl without friction until the Iioilift bill to incorporate til" Maritime Can d con puny of .Nicaragua Bismarck Threatens to Resign. liEHM.N, Oct. The Tngblatt says it learns that Emperor William disngreed with Prince IJismarck as to 'the advisa bility of criminally prosecuting Prof. Geffekcn, and that ho was also di5pleaed with llisinarck's report of the affair. The chancellor, the Tngblaft says threat ens to resign if the course suggested by him were not followed. Thinks t ho lr.dians Will Sign. C.VKLISJ.':, Pa., Oct. i't. Captain 11. Pratt, cha:r:nMii of the Sioux commission, arrived at the government Indian school in this city yesterd ty f.om WHshington. v . l oop. :ij'iil., I., i; I i t '-i.v.. A. LJ. ill KhO.V, I'.inwood (ilVIG SUGIK'LVl'cS. , v x. yr x x v .v " " x " x .-..t WV.Y'r No. 11-;. I . . I'. -Meets - i' li'- l IV 'Vi i.in ' f h.u-!i wvi'l;. ll ir-iui nt li.tilin.it alC r'i-iieetlully inviteil to tui TM'MJ n i i;n:am'.vIi:n r No. a. i. o. ' O K. mt-.is 'v:y a'ti-r i'e 1'n.lav in :.-ii .iiotiiii i-i Hi" M iHosiie II.ill. Visitiaj: !i tli.is .u'j i i vite.l . attend. being raised thu bill was not piaced tor-j the house. Mr l.i l'olltte. ( f "Wisconsin, called up a bill to autli Mi i the South western Itailway company to onstract u bridge neros3 the Mississippi nver betwei ii t lit states of Wisconsin and Minnesota r.t Alm.i. Several private bills Ijavinir been dis posed of in committee of the whole, ?.Ir. Mcliac, of Arkansas, called tip the senate bill to incorporate the Maratime Canal company, of Nicaragua, and this time the measure was taken up for considera tion. The bill being in committee of the I tl, j,.ii wj l-.nt. fn reoortillir ftiKH) I.OIWJB N . 81. A. O. V. VV,-.M.ets V - " i I'k-.rr irerniiiA Kridav veulmj at iv. oi l. ; t he h;ll lavorali V to liu; nouoe. i "u vote taken resulted in -i 1 to (5, and Mr. Fuller made the point in quorum. The committee then lose, and the house took a recess, the evening session to be was called up. Upon further objee lion . He stated to an Aociat u nn ss reprc t-til. Ti.tiisi.inl lrot!:ers arc reMi'i;!Hi, ly l:i- Vt" 1 r.i attcii.l. F..I. Hnr)!ii..MatliTofKi:;:i!i ; K. r. !rnwn. Kur'm:iii ; li. It. Keni.star. over. kiM-r ; K. A. 'I'aile, Kiiianiiei-: i. K. Ilo-i-'tf-w ori:i. Jn-i'.iri'.T ; M. Ma liri(.'lit. Kercivi-r; 1. li Si.ntli, t'ii-t .M. V. : I. N. Bowen, (hilde ; i. J. Ki.nz lu.;.lf Watch. j -.,vs-J :aMT No.:it. moiikicn W"i)OH:k. ! for the consideration of private jiension .'( A!:i-rie t Meets mi-com'I and fourth Moa- j . ... t.iy ev.-iiiui; :tt K. of V. hall. All transient "ills. si.iti.er r ri'ntiestHd to ; meet with u-. I.. A. i r-rfUe house at its evening session passed .v!-.:rr. f iierahlii t'ltu.tiil ; ... f, iles, p , i V. hv Adviser : b. C Wilde. Ifai.S.er : V . A. twent v-scven lu ivate m-nsion bills and at sentative last nil.t that there is no longer any doubt of the Indians aud the govern ment coming to terms. A delegation of chiefs will leave the agencies on Tuesday next for Washington to hold an interview with Secretary Yilas and President Cleveland. V. .:. ; Iv A dviser ; b. C W ude, llai.i.er ; t.ec'4, Clt-r::. ?:,.VTT.SM:!TrU !,')UiiB N';. A. O. V. Y. ' , i'v alt'Tnale 1'i'nJay fvi-ii'i-tr :it. -i rU : l. ! . U .if s .i'i''!e. All I i .o.sielit Uiotll- ; : --i;-" I v i.ivii'il at:fii.l. 1. ! : r-..:i, -M. W. ; r.,v.. J-: i i;iti : S. ('. . 't. i-r f.a u. .v.! A :i Ii-rs:.n. i Te-r. j :i , i:-. .;.) in i.'ii v. K.x a..w. . i : t!i- r,rt :-ii l -!'.:i l M.m.liys ..f .i : : ' 1 : i -r r !i;t'' !. ..!! t .'.:.::-: I in ' li . fti.. .-.: i..:!y .li , itv il to in- er i' .l!i u . .i. KieiiKv. w. V. M vvs. .Verbal y. T- ijTF.V I'll I'TKIt. SO. ::. K. A. M. i1 M -Is see.-id and f i'.utii liK'siuiy of eac.i r.-fvt!j :; M-t-osiV !'all. 'i'raii'icl-at brothers an1 liivilL-d lo rut ft with 11. V. K. White. II. V. W;. IIavs. Si'i-ret.uy. "f . l'N '4M .MAx da K Y. NO. 5. K. T. , iMrtH iti st aint third Wednesday iiiht of J?;.fh iiifali at Main's hall. Visiting hrcther ar- cerdiaiiy Invited to meet wiih us. Wm. ll.ws, itec. r. E. White, . C. iA5Srit"XCIt.NO. lo.M. KOY'AI. MJCANl'.M i-.f-t- the second ami fourth Mondays of " . -i tiionth at Arcanum Hall. ' i:. litEN.v, Ueseut. 1". C. Minok, Secretary. PHTTSMO'JTH BOARD Or TRADE Vif .il.'iit K.iot. j; Wiiiiiliaili A. I:, i.vtd in Ni'Viih; K. i I r-rr-it a ii n . . F. ii. ;n!::hiali li V ! IT. .!e:it ir I'r -s: le:il S-cr- l.uv ... Ti i-tir -r - Ill ItK'Ti 'il.S. .1. C. K:"l,.'v. i:. White. .1 . C. Patterson, J . t ! ii;-r. ;. l-:iin, C W. .Siinnuiu, F. (ior d -. J. V. i-kli:all. ; -o."'iii-SZ POST 43 C. A. R. KOSTKIt. .1. .. .i.i:i-vx ':!iini.-tnler. : - Senior Vice " .' i .'iniior ' .. Adjutant. I" , -'. Hi i;:ii .. M. : ,i..v :iis liic-r of t li" i ay. f.r ui. - !' " " c.e;irti Aii-v.-i'.'. Fry. "ert't Major. I .: .".! MAX. . ..Iju ir;er M:inier Scrt. L. '. r.:::ni PXl ' hsrlaui . 1 1 - -.rtiay veiiti;4 mvm you mm -or -CALL ON C. r. t .iti-1 Gnnite Streets. CoatVacior aad B nil tier ts. pt. IJ-Cnu I vl-nty of feed, flour, graham nvi at lleiscl's mill, tf and The finest bedroom sets can Le found at H. Bocck's. twentj'-scven private pension bills and at 10::30 adjourned until Monday. A Grand island Flond Saved From a IVlcb by an Officer. (hiASU Isf..xi, Xub., Oot. . Ofiicer L?akc returned yesterday morning at 1:40 from Xorlh Pintle, hiving in charge J. Pearson and the two girls who he had induced away from horn?. The traiu was met by about forty men, and had the brute fallen into their hands, justice would have been meted out in short order. IJut the officer, fearing something of the kintl, got off the train on the op posite side from the crowd, anl in the darkness made his way to his house, where he kept his prisoner until morning, when he lodged him in the county jul. Pearon came here from Aurora nearly a year ago and was cook in a restaurant run by a woman whom he claimed as Lis wife, an 1 who is now in si bawdy house. About a month ago ho made the ac quaintance of two young girls, both un der the age of sisteee years, whom he in duced, under the promise of money nud fine clot'ies, to go t Kearney with him, which they did August i't. From Kear ney they went to Plum Creek, where he foivud them to submit to his hellish pas sions an I also to others from wlom he received money. From there he went to North Platte, continuing his fiendish practice. Lut hero he win arrested by Oilieer Leakt, whs was sent o-;t by a sister of one of the girls. lVirsnu is about thirty-six years of age. lie will h tvo his preliminary exam ination next Tuesday. Loth gir s gave bonds to appear us witucssis ag iint Peaisoii. The c-XeiU'm .-ijt has abated mid no trouble is anticipated. A Memphis Tragodv. Memphis, Oct. G. Thomas Phillips, a wealthy land owner of Mississippi county, Ark., was shot and killed last night at Chickasaw lauding by a man named Ham ilton. The two had a difficulty about business matters and Phillips threatened Hamilton's life. Hamilton opened fire with a Winchester, shooting Phillips through the body and wounding his com panion, Ed Collin", in the aim. Ilnni ilton gaye himself up. YVemlrll Phillips' Curious Career. Wendell Phillips was a natural aristo crat. His father was tho first mayor of Boston, and the famous schools at Andover and Exeter recoguize his family as their founder. IIo was reared in aiilueuce, ano at school was au athlete as well- as a student. Ho loved to box, and to run and to row. Ho was the bitterest opponent of tho first temperance association formed in Harvard college, lu his early life he loved all the good things of the world. IIo was fond of tho physical as well as the intellectual. Ho loved the beautiful, and admired women abovo almost any voting U!.n of his class. Yet his whole life changed as ho grew older. Ilo married a girl on her sick bed, who never got well, aud l;o devoted hi. whole life to her care. Uo Lecamo au advocate of tenipcrauce, and vLen he saw William Lloyd Garrison dragged 'through tho streets in tho anti slavery agitation, he determined to devote hi-i life to redressing the wrongs of the black man. "Why don't tho mayor call out tho militia," of which ho was "one, ho cried. From high class surroundings ho theu r.:oved into tho lowly quarter that ho might carry out Lis ideas of protection to the poor. What a curiou3 career fol lowed. Frank A. Burr in Philadelphia Times. cuutiou ol the Country Hanker. Country bankers are a very iniortaut class of jeoplc. Tho checks and drafts they isstlo aro so hedged ubout with forms und char acters that they cannot 1k raised with a der rick or forged by n blacksmith. There Is iu Chieag-o a man who probably handles more of this rural negotiable paper than any one elfso. IIo deals in a class of literature which is Kent "securely sealed" ou receipt of price. When his advertising bluffs In tho columns of the country press aro called, he shows down a pair of literary deuces, but be rakes in tho pot all the same, smiling to himself tho while at the gullibility of the bucolic public. They seek something for nothing; ho give9 them nothing for something. The other day Lo showed a cheek he had received in payment for a liook which he termed in his pastoral advertisement "rich, rare and racy." The check was drawn on a bank in a small western towu of the mush room era, and it was drawn by tho president of tho bank. It was for f I. Tho signature was evidently in imitation of that of the man who signs passes in a railroad office which are "not good unless countersigned by," and across the signature, at an angle of forty-five degrees, was written tho legend, "One dollar." No one could have raised it or altered it unless he hud been a nerrmr.i:i or a Kellar. li, t.u cj.iau.i'ai for adollar that would have baffled even an OberkampL It was "exhibit A" of the caution of a coun try banker. Chicago Herald. yOGJBIO Extends Thanks to the Tcoplo of Plattsinouth and vicin ity for having" shown him so much kindness liv iKivino called so numerously at his Openim A Couple of Clever Tricks. A healthy looking man horrified our peo ple a year ago by munching glass apparently us the average American eats peanuts. He did not cat glass, however; ho swallowed a skillfully prepared composition that resem bled glass, but his punishment is recorded nevertheless. The glass eater is under the physicians' care. The exposure of the trick will lessen tho consumption of tho diet that ha3 brought a trickster to grief and a gruel diot. This imposture is not as bad as Annio Brown's imposition. About eighteen yearn ago a woman living in Wayne county, N.Y.,, named Annie Brown, puzzled the doctors. She professed to be the victim of a snake. Tho snake owned her. It was seen in her mouth, but when the doctors tried to got it it returned to her stomach. Annie made Bomo money exhibiting the head of tho snake, until sho was taken to tho infirmary, and there one day a shrewd physician sud deidy choked her and compelled her to dis gorge tho snake, which proved to be a large piece of black India rubber that she slipped down her throat, and then, with her convul sive movements, raised up and down. Of tho two, Annie Brown's i much the cleverest trick. Tho managers of museums might j revive it now taat glass eating is one ot the ibst arts. Pittsburg Bulletin. 35 O NOT BTJT DOLLyVRS WORTH OF" ts F3 m f3 Th f& ill hi 4Tk n ffa trti a CLOTHING ! 1-AT'S -:- lljTD -:- GlPS ! -liEFOUK SEEING II LS- Fc:l Djwn ran 1 avatar. Gjsash 1sl,vni Neb., O.t. .- -?I. F. Frang, a traveling mill from Rochester, N. Y., fell down the elevr.tor at the i'almer h usu this morning, lie was in theofficc? and desiring to go to his r o:n called the bell-boy, wh opened the door fiom tiie outside. Mr. Frang, unaware of the fact that the elevator was n the third ll.ior st p:ed in and fell a distance of eleven feet. He was badly bruised and was unconscious for nearly an hour. Dr. Graham, the attend ing physician, pronounces his case not particularly serious. Tnis is the secoud person who has fallen down this eleyator. Tho Vaino of Folk Songs. Tho value of folk songs and labor songs or workers' songs is not easily over estimated. In this country wo have very little distinct literaturo of that class, ex cept wbat wo gather from tho negroes. Undo IJemu3 and negro myths, as given us by Charles C. Jones, mauo us familiar with tho songs and tho stories that com plement them to make a low strata of life cheerful. Tho Nineteenth Century has collected qr.ito a motley group frorn other sources. Bums' poems get flavor from association with tho Scotch working classes. Tho different departments of labor have all developed songs peculiar to tho class of work. The dairy maids of Cireeco and other old Aryan races wove their work into music, and so gavo to it an air and atmosphere of poetry. This wa3 specially true of herdin.srnnd pastoral labor of all sorts. Tho Russians have a com grinders' song. Tho old chimney sweepers cnant mat was heard m our streets fifty years ago has vanished, but stevedores r.r.d sailors perform work with chanting- cr intoning. Hong lightens labors, its ofSee is a grand one. Globe Democrat. Ainialncin niul Ii-au Alley. Ten per cent, of aluminum added to the weak metal copper gives it the strength of steel. Ono stove making concern in Michigan v.r?cs about one-tenth of 1 per cent, of the metal in all its iron castings, with tho result of diminishing the shrink age, making it fill tho mold better, im proving tho shin, rendering tho grain perfectly even rnd preventing chilling, even turning white-iron into gray. The addition of silicon to cast iron has been shown to turn white iron into gray also. The experiments with aluminum show that while with successive remelting the aluminum becomes deposited and tho al loy loses its strength, it does so less than iron of tho same kind without alumnia "nbjected to tho suno number of reinelt Ings under the same conditions. The iron and aluminum alloy can be very vadily turned in tho lathe, tho grain be ing fine and even. Tho elasticity of the irnn f increased. St. Louis Ilennblic, R. & Kl. Time Table. COIMi WK1T. OOI.Mi KAST. No. 1. 5 :10 a. III. No, 2.-4 :3 ! . in. No, 3. :40 ), in. No. 4. 10 :Mi a. in. No. 5 :47 a. 111. No. ti. 7 :13 n. ill. No. 7.--" ::!! p. m. No. 10. 9 :4a a. in. No. !. 1 :17 p. in. No. 110 ;-.'7 a. in. A'l train? run daily by way of Omaha, except Nos. 7 and 8 which run to aiid from Schuyler daily except Sunday. No. :jo is a stub to Pacific .Junction at 8.30a m N . I'J is a ftub from Pacific Junction at lla.iii. C3-. S. KEMPSTER, Practical Piano and Organ Tuner AND ItErAfRFK. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er iu Pianos and Organs. Office at Boeck's furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Store. K. B. Windham, John A. Davif.s, Notary Public. Notary Public. WIMIHAII & IA VIES, attorneys - at - Law. Ofllce over liank of Caes Comity. Plattsmoctii, - - Nebraska mom - and - HE WILL SAVE MONEY FOR YOU. Destroyer of High Prices. JLt Solomon & 2Tc.-th.an.'c Old Stand. THE DAYLIGHT STORE HAS A FULL LINE OF LADIES' For "run-down." debilitated and overworked women, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent Specific for all those Chronic Weakneeses and Diseases peculiar to Women; a powerful, gen eral as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, it imparts vig-or and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indigestion, bloating-, weak back, nervous pros tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization, Purelv vegetable and perfectly harmless la any condition of the system. " ravoriie prescrip tion " Is the only medicine for women, sold hv druggists, under a positive guar antee of satisfaction in every case, or price (S1.00) refunded. This guarantee has Deen printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (110 pages, with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensarv Medical Association, 603 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. WlSliiHTED. Pox "Winter Wear. HESS GOOD OFFERED AT THE LOWEST PRICES. FLANNELS, YARNS, ETC, And Everything kept in i First-Class House tor "Winter Ware. ETS.f OILCLOTHS MATTINGS, A Full ami Complete Stock of ES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES I New Goods Received Daily. Give us a Call. LAD OPiTITG" OP TSB ZFIXLiXd SES3ST OF' Men's "Working Suits Men's Business. Suits Men's Best Made Suits Men's Custom Made Suits $ -1.05 7.80 10.00 25 00 Child'.- Kilt Suitsfiom Child's buits from Boys" Suits from Youths' Suits from 1.00 to o.T5 - 2.00 to 0.80 . 3.25 to lO.OO - 4.00 to 15.00 Men's Overcoats Men's Xobby Check Overcoats Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -Men's Black Worsted Overcoats 2.00 5.00 12.50 0.00 uSLti SLsgaat Xiina cf Boys "o"u.tb.s' and Cb.il drop's Overcoats. ITon miss it if yon don't buy your Clothing, Hats, Caps, Fur nishing Goods, Soots and Shoos;otc, of ELSSI, -.- The - One - Price - Clothier, - Plattcmouth, - IMebracka,