o The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS 13 R C B., Publishers & Proprietors. THE rLATTSMOUTII HE'tA LD Is publWhed every evening except Sunday and Vwkly every Thursday morning- Kegis tered at the iHwtoiilee, Piat'unoutli. elr.. s second -cl.is- matter. Oluce comer of Vine and fUllI tr-ets. Teiepliuut; No. 3H. Toms rim DAILY. On copy on jear in advance. ty mail.--. 6 0 Uue py periimuili, ly .r ier 6" One copy er week. Ijyjcrrlr, 15 thmi run WBKKLV. One sopy oue year, in advance tl M One copy ilk. moults. In advauce 75 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOK PHKflDKNT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. KOU VICK PKESIOKNT, I.KV1 I. MORTON, of New York. REPUBLICAN 8TATC TICKET. FOK 'lOVKHXOfl, JOHN M. THAYER. KOR LlKl'TK.NAXT COVEKXOII, GEORGE I). MEIKLEIOIIN. FOR PECRUr.VRY OH STATE, GILBERT L. LAWS, nut TUKASUKKI!, J. E. HILL. FOR. Al'IMTOIt OF l'CI.I.IC ACCOUNT.0, THOMAS II. BENTON. KOIl ATTOltXEY OKNKUA!., WILLIAM LEESF. ron coMMissiosKiioh' I'rm.io lands axi r.iii.Di.su.'i, JOHN STEEN. OR SCrKMSTENDFNT OF PUI5HP IX fcTHUCTlON, GEORGE B. LANE. CONCRES riONAL TICKET- FOit CONGRESS, (First ConsreKnintijil Pisniet.) W. J. CON X ELL. Oy E MORE OF MILLS' FALSE HOODS. Roger Q. Mills dedan s that the price of uig-irou is about I3.72 a ton, and that the duty on that article, which is $6.72 a ton, is clear profit to the manu facturer. Mr. II. A. Crawford says that tbousmds of tons of pig-iron have hecu old in St. Louis, within the past three months at less thnn $15 a tou. further more. Mr. Crawford ears that pig-iron makers would be very glad to take $1.50 profit, or less than one-fdurth of the sum which Mr. 3Iills declares they are making right along on that product. There is con.-iderabl: difference be tween tliose two statements. They con flict on all points, and conflict so radical Ij that it is impossible to harmoniie them If one of them is right the other must necessarily be wrong. An inquiry, there fore, into the character and qualifications of the witnesses will be necessary !efore an intelligent opinion can be arrived 'at as to the relative value of their testimony. Who is this Roger Q. Mills? Why, this Mills is Roger Q. Mills, of Corsicana, Tex. Who is II. A. Crawford.' Mr. Crawford is president of the Slijjo Fur nace Company, of St. Louis. Roger Q. Mills has never been in a furnance, a foundry or a factory in his life perhaps never ssw one while II. A. Crawford is at the head of one of the biggest furnaces in tb.3 MUdssipp i Valley. Mr. Mills does not know whether pig-iron is a natural product or a manufactured commodity. For all he can tell of his own persoual knowledge pig-ir-n may grow on trees, like apples or persimmons. Mr. Craw ford, on the other hand, is n cogniz d from San Francisco to New York as an Authority on questions of tins nature. Mr. Mills has solemnly declared nt least twenty-five times, and in as main places, that the ltbor in a ton of rteel rails amouuts to just :.75, while experts men who are in the business, &nd know from years of practical experience what they are talking about, put the labor cost at from $ I :i to $15. A cur-ful in quiry made a few weeks ago in Pennsyl vania placed the cost of the labor in 2240 pounds of steel rails, at present rates, at l4.H., or almost four times ns ! great as the Texas statesman's estimates The Globe- Democrat has pointed out a least a dez?n falsehoods made by Mi Mills in his speeches at Richmond, Ind. and E ist St. Lnis. They are not only falsehoods which uny intelligent person could discover on inquiry, but they are alsehoods which cut the ground com pletely from undr him, and prove that the scheme which he advocates is as Ticioii? and iniquitous as the methods which he employs in advocating it are; dicreputable and dishonest. .All this trickery and mendacity, of course, is tell ing disastrously on the fortunes of the democracy. In 'fret, Mr. MilU with drawal from the. stump in the north to go down and stve himself from defeat in hi own district is the severest blow which the republicans Lave received in tts present canvass. Globe DeraocraLX, - " - . .A SeMAToit IIalk's resolution touching the confidential political order issued by Brigadier General Benet, with the ap proval of Secretary Endicoot, is timely. It calls upon the war department to furn ish all the facts that made the issuing of the order necessary, why it was marked "confidential," and what changes have been made in pursuance of it. These are just the facts which the senate and the people of this country want to know; and they have a tight to the fullest in formation. Of course, the democratic senators would not let such a resolution pass without objection, but they made no attempt to explain or justify the cxtraor dinary proceeding af the chief of ordi nance and his superior. Mr. Endicott is. to be sure, placed in a humiliating posit ion, and the Strang probability is that the opinion that has been held concerning him must be revised. The political at moBphere af Washington has ben too much eyen for hin.. N Y. Tribune. Outino for October contains a varied and interesting lists of subjects. Notice able article arc: The Roat Clubs of Chicago, One Man's Work for Cycling, Memories of Yacht Cruises, by the late Cant. R. F. Collin: A Talk about the Pigskin, a review of riding for both sexes; Wild Duck Shooting, by William G. Beers; Spearing Fish at the Lachine Rapids, by the author, E. L. Chichester; The Training of a University Crew, by F. A. Stevensou. Cuntain of the Yale Crew of 1888; How to take aTiamp Trip, by Le Merri wether; and Coursing in Ireland, by Robert F. Walsh. Fiction is well represented by a powerful storv Eolin" off Goose P'int, by Scott Campbell, and Ysleta, an interesting tale of adven ture among Mexicans, by E. Hough. VVhaf Am To Do? The symptoms of biliousness are un happily but too well known. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A bilious man is seldom a break fast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids fmt none lor solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rous", at nil events. The digestive svstem is wholly out of order aud diarrhea or cpnstipatiou may lie a symptom or the two may alternate, There are often hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach To correct a! t?;is if ot effect a cure try Green"1 August Flower, it cost? but trille and thousands attest its efficacy. SSOO Reward. We will pay tlje above reward for any case of liver complaint, qyapepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with Thcv are purely veeetame. ana never fail to irive satisfaction. Large boxes :outaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale bv all dru exists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John O. We Co., 862 W. Madison St. Chicago, and Sold by W. J. Warrick. nt7 J (j pU Cockroaches. A l.ousokeeper who was reeoioujciided t try r.i.-jmbcr joe!inj as a remedy for coc roic!::". strev.x'l the flor with piece of the -at not very thin, and watched the -!''- 'f Lt ists covered the peel within sbor rime, so that it coula ii,; po seen, wu voracSc.-jisly were they engaged, in sucking thr tK:-!2::9 moisture from it. The second night that t'.:i-3 was tried, tbo number "t the cock-roac-bs was reduced to a quarter, and nose were left aliva on the third night. Good HoiueVeepinj. A Wl.'e'n Mental Vows. Ou the eve of my marriage I made three mental vows. They were never to aggravate my husband, never to have a. secret from him, ror by any selfish or thoughtless act of mine to lead him one stop toward bankruptcy. Fifteen years afterward I told him of these vows, ciiid although I have been a widow for ten years, I should blot this paper with my tears If I attempted to put in writing the love and tenderness of his reply. Cor. London Telegraph. to Prevent Sick Headache. Very marry attacks of sick headache can be prevented If those who are subjected to them are careful about their diet and largely re strict the same to vegetables and fruits easy of digastiou. They must forego meat, cheese, pastry, beer, wine, etc. ; in fact, neither eat nor drink anything which is stimulating in character and at all likely to tax the digestive organs. Boston Budget. No frtarried woman, of course, dresses for her husband. It would be too much like hunting a blind fox. She dresses for other women. That is the reason she doe3 it so well. It is not so much "love of dress," as preachers and moralists call it, which ruins so many husbands, but well, not love of their rivals in lace and feathers. Cams Sterne declares that "the bichest polish, the finishing touches of education, are ven to people, not by borne, school or churvb, but by their own children. Should they 1 so unfortunate as not to have any they will experience difficulties in replacing this factor in the education of their affec tion. Wash sadirons each week before putting them on to beat; there will then be no danger cf clothes being soiled in the ironing. The starch is very apt to stick to them, and un less washed oS carefully each week is almost Mire to soil damp pieces, eveu if the irons are robbed before using them. If matting becomes soiled it is easily reno vatJhJ. unless stained, with a little salt pot into a pail of tepid water. Mop the straw with a soft cloth wrung out well, and dry It with another as . the mopping progresses. STsver ass soap. Soma people om skim milk for rubbing oat th spots, . AMONG THE ALPS. AN AMERICAN TOURIST WRITES A LETTER FROM SCHAFFHAUSEN. Tb Peculiar Danea Called Xa Fraa rtlM" A Short Rid Into Gemaaay. Solltad of the Black Forest A Party of Woodchoppers An Interior. In former years our little American colony in Schaffhausen numbered in all six souls, and, to use an excusable bull, two of these Americans were Belgians, having resided in New York some years. Now there is not even a shadow of a colony here, and beauti ful as the tours about the environs are, thev are quit abandoned by our countrymen. The average traveler arrives at Schaffhausen, is immediately rushed into an omnibus, driven over to Neuhausen, sees the falls of the Rhine, and then away again. Not so your correspondent, for I quietly settled down at the Hotel de la Poste, a quiet hostelry in the city itself, slipped into my smoking jacket and slippers, and was soon chatting with mine host, Buehlman, just as if the seventeen years since I last rested here were yesterday. "Ah!" said my genial host, "you are just in time, Herr Elson. To-morrow evening the Castle, the old Munoth, is to be the scene of a reception, given by the Btadtsratb to the singing societies of Canton Appenzell, and I will see that you are specially invited." And invited I was, and the followiug even in; found me seated at tbe round table within the esplanade of the oastls, while tbe Appen zellers made merry musie about me. Then dancing was in order, and although I am not a dancer myself I will try to describe a pe culiar dance they call "La Francaise," which appeared very pretty to me as I sat and looked on. The seta were formed OS for pur ordinary German at home, but after a few bars of music by the orchestra I saw it was to be quite different. Everybody is the pink of politeness. "Mademoiselle, may I have the h,,norr the hat s raised, the lady courte sies very low, and in fact more quiet polite ness is displayed than one meets at a similar Parisian gathering. At length all is ready. After the custom ary saluie the music falls into a veritable minuet, as stately almost as tUa pna of the French Louis. Follow it with me, dear reader, in fancy, at least, Tbe old minuet of our aucestors, forward and salute, fco gen tleman holding the lady's hand with a quite indescribable grace as high as the shoulder, then across and back again; but while I am gazing dreamily on this scene, what do I hear Why, to be sure, one of Strauss' rav ishing waltzes, and presto I the whole is changed from the sober to the gay, and I see uothing but the r??yi healthy faces turning about, while the' tails of tbe gentleman's dress coats stand at an angle of forty-five degrees, so fast do these South Germans and Swiss waltz. And so tbe dance ends. But I have promised, gentle reader, to take you into the country, so let us take this train for 4 shfti-t ride into Germany (for you must remember Schaffhausen lies' on' the German side of the Rhine) and we soon come to the village of Krotzingen, on the extreme south ern edge of the Black Forest. It Is justly called the Black Forest, for the tall pines and cedars grow close together, making-night of noon uadsr tljejr shadows. Taking a car riage or, more properly, a sort of light cart, I directed my driver to strike by the most unfrequented road into tbe forest. In fif teen minutes we were in a solitude so still that it was oppressive. Not a sound save that peculiar swaying noise of the pmes hat only a Bret Harte can describe, ana an occa sional cry of a bird very similar to our cat bird; otherwise all is majestically still I order the driver to halt, aud while he is opening the littje hamper and spreading our frugal luncheon I take my Compass and make a little Inroad Into the woods. I 'hear a brook trickling over the rocks, and as I ap proach a frightened hare scampers through the brush. Bpr ot$atur.e I am aa uich startled as he, for my head is foil of soon stories as the "Iron Ring," and I half look to meet one of the old robber chiefs and bis band, that a couple of centuries ago mado this forest a dangerous place, and whose spirits,' some of the mors fgnprant peasants believe, are' still to be 'met with by the be lated traveler. But hark! I hear my guide calling', so back I go to luncheon. . The wise fellow has put our bottle of Macon into the brook ' to cool, and we sit down together in the bes of feT'Owahip to our little lunoijou in tbe Black Forest. At length all is finished and we drive along, and by a circuitous route reach the village of Staufen. It is a more populous place than I expected to find here. It has ta own little hotel, called "Tbe Wild Man,'' and adjoining it a brewer; a littlo row of stores, and, in fact, is quite' a city in the woods. But We plunge into the woods again and presently come to a party of woodchoppers, their axes ringing merrily, hut only against such trees as the Herr Forstmeister has given permission to be cut, and still farther along I hear the dripping of water ou a mill wheel, and here we enter the little village of Unter munsterthal, a veritable Black Forest dorf. I knack at tbe doorpost of a house, for the door stands open, and a man with a heavy pair of sabots appears, and I ask permission to come in and see his house. He is ' natur ally surprised that any one should want to see his house, but accords me permission and I enter. Against the wall stands a large porcelain stove, at least eight feet high, while just outside is his pile of brush and wood for the winter. His cattle shed is just to the rear, and bis chamber above, reached by a short ladder. The odor of tbe cattle per vades everything, so I make my adieus and we aro soon on our way to Neukirch, where I take the train back again to Schaffhausen, which I reach not a bit fatigued with my beautiful journey. Oeorge H. Elson iu Bos ton Transcript. Character In Handwriting. A certain number of men are calm, even lived, sensJle and -practical Men of that class are almost certain to write plain, round bands ii which every letter is oistinctly legi ble; neither very much slanted forward, nor tilted backward ; no letter very much bigger than its ue-'ghbor nor with heads much above cr tails much below the letters not so distin- - cuisbed; the letters all having the same gen eral uprightness and the lines true to the ; edges of the paper, neither tending upward ! nor downward. Exact, business like people ; will have an exact handwriting. Fantastic ', minds revel in quirks and streamers, particu- larly for the capital letters, and this quality . is not infrequent in certain business bands. as if the writers found a relief frosa the pro- ' aaic nature of their work in giving flourishes : to certain letters. Firm, decided, downright I men are apt to bear on tha pen while writing, t and to make their strokes hard and hiir On tbe contrary, people who are not sura of , themselves, and are lacking self control, press unevenly, and with anxious looking, j scratchy hands, Ambitious people are apt ; to be overworkad; they ara always la bast and c'ther fart to cross tielr t or dot . r-tfrra, Tt-y tr al rt to rca t- lt ; -yj- ' " r r f-y r f ; THE LANTERN'S LIGHT. Lack of the Little Illustrated Paper of Thirty-six Years Ago, I have not seen it stated in any of tbe ketches of his career that Lester Wsllack was at one time an editor. And although he was such in a comparative sense only, tho fact, nevertheless, is worthy of record. In 1S33 the late John Brougham originated and published a little illustrated paper here, mod eled after The London Punch, calling it Tho Lantern. Its name was a brilliant one. Once a week all the leading contributors and artists connected with the paper used to meet at dinner, as do the artists and editors of Punch today, to make suggestions for and decide upon the principal cartoon to be printed in tbe neat issue. Tbe meeting was held every Saturday night at Windust's, a famous restaurant on Park row, and after every oue had dulled their facilities With well served viands and mud dled their brains with innumerable draughts of sherry and ale, cigars would be lit, the brandy decanter passed around aud John Brougham sitting at the head of the table, with Lester Wollack at the other end, would, call the meeting to order and tho business of the eveuiug would liegin. The assemblage generally broke up at about 3 in tho morn ing; aud when the subject for tuo cartoon had at length been decided upon, my old friend Frank Bellew would go homo and make the design. In the editorial duties of the paper, Lester WaLack, so Mr. Brougham has told me, was his right hand man, while a Mr. Tinson, whom if I am not mistaken, was a carpet manufacturer, with no ability whatever n art or letters, was chief ml vise v. Just why these two gentlemen were chosen it is unposs.blo to say, for their artistic and general ideas were far inferior to those of others in the party. Nevertheless the fac t remains. The contributors to The Lantern wero nil men of genius. They belonged to a certain set that marked a sort of Elizabethan era in the annals of New York journalism. There was Fitz James O'Brien, the author of many charming bits of verso, and an able Jitc-VJry and dramatio critic, who enlisted in the Union arni3' at the breaking out of tho war, and n as killed while serving as aide-de-camp to Gen. Lander. There was Thomas Dunn English, one of the few who survive today , notwithstanding the bitter attack made upon his character by Edgar Allan Poe attacks which were calculated to kill outright any ordinary man. Thomas Tower, who was christened Micawber by tho part 3", both for his traits in common with, as well as his rt eemblsnc to thai gentleman, and Wi!lie:n North, author of "Tho Slave of tho Lamp," and who afterward committed suicide, wero also mtmbers of the Lantern club. Thomas Butler Gunn, who stammered so that no one could understand what ho said, bifc wno wan, neverthtil&ss, a very able writer and artist , was another of The Lantern's leading con tributors, and there are many more whoso ghosts I might conjuro up were it worth while doing so. John Treston Beecher iu New York News. f, $ul'a I ml 1 mi Hen re. "It is difficult to realize," said a lady who has resided in St. Paul from the early daj's, "that w had such a scare about the Indians in this city twenty-six years ago, during tho Indian troubles. There was a good deal cf excitement all over the city for, two or. three days. I remember 0110 day an old colored woman caaie in great excitement to my house and said she had heard the governor had ordered tho whole population to leave the city at once the Indians wrs, ir,ar.chng on us, fully armed and thirsting for bur' Mood. Sho rushed away, saying she was going to pock up and leave. A German woman who lived on the other side of the block, and, whose lot was ojo:itv) barricaded her cloor. with her bureau and bed, and got her as ready to defend herself and, in an extrem ity, to chop down tho fenco and take refuge in our bouse. She was fully convinced, an attack would be ttjad. that night. ?!Tpwar4 evening on that day several of my neighbors began to pack up, having beard that ths Indians had captured St. Anthony and were about to give their attention to St. PauL One or two families living near me packed up what they could conveniently carry and rushed down to Bridge square, whew many persons were assembled, expect ing every moment to hear the war whoop of the savages. Our carriage horses wero'taken by the state for service daring tho campaign. Oue of them, a very tine horse, was shot dead In tho fist batUa with the Indians. con fess I was somewhat nervous. These' were really very trying times; but St. Paul, of course, was in no danger of attack." The Casual Listener in Pioneer Press. poldeu nods and Asters. Vick's Magazine thinks tliat these, group J together should be accepted as our nations. Sowers "emblems of endurance, light an-i freedom." After, midsummer, in this oun try, our rural landscape is everywhere brfi,bt ened by the golded rods and asters; they form afftstiiict and beautiful feature of the scenery. The eyes of our countrymen are everywhere gladdened by their smiles, north and south, east and west,, on tbe bills and tho moun tain sides, in the. volleys and on the broad prairies, by the roadsides and tho streams, and in tho field and copses they stand as tokens of the genial beat that brings from te soil the golden grains and the beautiful, lus cious fruits. No other country in tho world is thus characterized; these plants belong to America, and as such should bo our pride and delight. While on this continent there are from six ty to seventy species, and perhaps more, of the eolidagos, or golden rods, and nearly all of them of vjgorous habit, growing from a foot to eight feet in height, all tbe world besides affords less than a dozen, and these for the most part of small size and confined to few localities of limited area, and always in such small numbers as to make them rare plants. The species' of asters in this country are still more numerous than those cf the golden rod. Both are the children of the sun, basking in his favors and reflecting his smiles. Although many iudigenous species of Cower are pecul iar to this country, yet none so abound and apparently claim possession as these. Home Journal. A Typical Adirondack Guide. The great character of our party was the driver, Charley a chap who is as hard to catch asleep as aa old weaseL He is as trim built as an Indian runner, as quick as c greyhound, and can so exactly imitate the bound in full chase that it will puzzle an old band to tell which is the real hound. lie seems made of whalebone, trimmed wicli India rubber. He will start out towards tho east with a couple of dogs attached by a chain to his waist, another he leads, and his own two travel in front, with them he holds cenerel conversation on the way. Withiu three hours he will start each dog after a separate deer, and by short cuts or by some tocos pocus, he will be up with one or moro of tbeni coming in from the opposite direc tion, join bis voice, and by tbe time tbe doer is killed, b is on band to join in the hilarity and fan usual 00 such occasions. This in txCJ fallow baa bat one fault, and I do r t r-vfusyon wcr tm it suc'j ; you Plalfsmouth OKKIt'K AT EIDDLE HOUSE MtOM Berlin, Germany. 1? t " 1 it- 1 and You can consult him about Yon Eyes, and how to take care of them. More light for the unfortunate spectacle wear ers, and the doom of blindness prevented by the use of his Alaska Brilliants nnd Australian Crystals. A new chemical combination of SPECTAC Zi S And patent self-adjusting Spring1 aSyglassos iie ;iiet time intraducea into this coun try; manufactured to order after cartful examination by modern instruments. PROF. STaASMAAN has arrivid in Piattsmouth, !tnd has au oflice at the Riddle House. He is do ing au immense business throughout the United States, giving the best of satisfac tion and delight to hundreds with de fective bight. Hi3 knowledge of the human eye and his skill in adjusting the "lasses is marvelous beyond imagination. Endorsed by all the great men of this country and Europe, In ai ini;int, as if by mngic he is en abled to teli you any ailment of jour failing vision, point out the cause aud danger, and adapt brilliant gla-s-s, pe euiiii.'ly ground to suit every deft ct of the eye, which will nid in strengthening the eyesitrht of t lie old and young. Sci entists inviti d to examine the new syg tern for the preservation of the human eye. Teachers t-hould watch tlieo n l v in u.i rotations of their sch'.lur. -v-si!.t j.n.1 report in time to tlicrr respective pruvnts to have their eyesight examined by prof. Ptrsi'siniin. tie- exp'-n ojitirixii of iiatioti- 'l f "I lilt. Arificiol Eyes ep' c:d. Persons deprived f an rye tiiis deformity removed bj iV.. of an ai tificin! one. which 11 looks like a natuial oriran. OFFICE n O U H have " tion and to 12 i. lr. he cyening. 1 to 4 nnd 7 ti in II E F E II E N C E S n;:kass;.v city. CeC-jr,- B'llgitt. lt-V. A. '! Duff, Mis Dr La s,. D P Hi Slr.eter, Dr liriiiker. I 31 Itol e ln( C Anto ;)!!. J W W;ii' . (ott"ii. S II rdln'iii). Jii.Il' Divid Brown. Dr lb it-he v, W ..:K- : .:tv M,s , Ho :.!--I. tl!, W M .8. 111 Her, Fit iiiii, Tin-. Yr:;u.u famoi's us y 1 y 1 H 11 ; a. T S Jones, E M Taggart. E IMl.er, W. II Murphy. Frank McCartney. James Firehic. Kev. Emanuel Hartig. Mrs. A. E Uudd. W D Merriam, Miss YanM-ter, Dr S L Gant. A Home, Paul SHiminkc, Xat Adains. Geo A Wilcox, Mr Sheldon, Mr. Gunscll. Itev R Pearson. Shonvrus, L Levey. S M Kirkpatrick, Dryscoll, Donald McCuaig, William Wilhelmy, Rev Rivers. Loran Envart. N Red field, J F Welch, Rev. J B Green, John Good ett. C B Bickfl. Dan Gregg. C W Scher fy. E S Ilawler. A R Newromh. Wm Nelson. Mrs X Dvis. Wm Fulton; Acam Kloos. Mrs Ed Platner. M T Johnson. Mrs Carnout. Mrs. Sterling Morton. Mrs; Watson. Miss Morton. Mr Ceo W Ilawke. rtvip'o-vrn l rr Liovd. i-? ! rail, diiDfiiii Never before lias an Ojiticism re ceived such testimonials from the jieojile. Odicc of Iowa Soldici's Home. Marshalltown, In., Feb. 17, . Pkof. Stiiahsm an, JJtar Si': The I glasses you furnished myself and wife when 111 Clinton, have proven in (.very way satisfactory, and we tskc pleiiMiio in recommending your work and glasses to all who may be in need of safety unci and comfort for your eyesight. Very Respectively, Cot.. Mii.oS.mitu, C 1n1111.Qu.1nt. Mayor's Office, Marshall!! , November 3rd, lt7. Prof. Stiasnman has been in our city some mx weeks or more, and ns 1111 opt i r.lnu has given the last of satisfaction both as to prices and quality of woik having treated sine of the most difficult, case. of tho eyes witli success and hi sat isfied you will nnd him a skillful opti cian and a gentleman. Very Respectfully, Nki.kon Am kb, Mnjcr. Dii:kvics It. No tiiiiwi-i.t icrulist has ever visited this city beforo who has given to the public such excellent pro fessional ?orvH'" or bus won such testi iiioiiihIh from the people, as Prof. Strass Uian, now in our city. We are not iu tho habit of volintrily testifying in these matters, but in Prof. St diss man's case we do it cheerfully, and entirely iu an uiim cited way simply la-cause he deservie it. (Hikaloosa Herald. Prof. Strassnian, a distint'uishi d i- ! tician, now stopiug in nr ntv, ines be fire us with the liighest testimonials of skill aud e.p( 1 i nee in his ai t. nnd I , take ph as ure in n coning ixlirg him liny fi iends and the public who may bo I !.. 1 ..r t.:.. . . i - 111 iieeu ui ins st I vices, as one I'VIHII (I If his confidf nee. J. Williamson, M. D.' Ottuinwa, Iowa. After a stay of severs 1 weeks. Pi of. ntrassman, the optician, is about to t lose his labors in our city. Persons who have not yet made use of his skill and science would do well to call nt once nnd there by clo themselves a lasting benefit. Helm shown himself to be a nuni skilled in hi profession, fair and liberal in his dealing, and withal, a gentlemen in every respect. The niuiiy commendatory notices given him by the press are well deserved nnl we shall part with him with regret. Red Oak Express, March 23rd. REFERENCES. n KD OAK, Dr E B Yonng, C F Clark. G K Powers, D B Millor, J B lieeves, Mrs J Seuuk.Mr- T H Dearborn. G W Holt, A C Blose, W A Close, Mrs. Applebee, Mr Stockslager, J 8 Wroth, Rev McClure, Mrs Hesfler, Mrs. Farrier, Manker, Rev McCullery, Mii Stanley. R Wndsworth, Mr Marenholtz, 3Ir Jrffries, Rev Jsgg, W Stafford, C W Schneider, Harvey Spry, C E Richard. David Harris, Mr. Isold, C II Lane, C M Mills. T II Lee. Win Koehler, C J Lilli jeberk, T M Lee, Geo L Piatt, Mrs L llolyser, Wm Dubley, O Runnels, Mrs B S Porter, I H H'szarenus, Mr Jiroadbv. F A Carter, Mrs Fisher, Mr Stoddard, E O Shepherd. A McConnell, E A Brown, Mr Gibson, Mr Pikes. Rev J W Hamil ton, S P Miller, Mrs F C Clark, B E A Simons, J W Sautbin, Mr Van Alstine, L F Ross, Mrs Deemer. Mrs. Junkin, Trios Griffith, I Sanborn, Geo Binus, Mr. Meyers, P. P. Johnson, and many others from the surrounding country. OTTCMWA. Dr O'Neill. C F Wr Bnrkmou, Rev F C War, 3Irs W F Rosf, Dr. Lewis, Capt. C. P Brown, Mrs. Slaughter, Dr. J William son. I) T J D. ugl is, Dr II W RoIm Ms, S U Evans, A C Leighton, J Hansman, Rev A C Still-on, Dr B F llvatt, Mrs. O S Ph.Jlis, Mrs Dr Tavlor. CI-AKIXUA. Col W P Hepburn, ex-congrtssmen; Hon T E Clnrk, senator; Rev Snoi;k, Dr Ct.kenower, Dr l. welltn, V W Hrif h, J S M. Intyr. A R Baily. J I) Jf.nes, B W Foster. FI C Reck with. John Glr.s.. by. O A Kiiiil..i'l. Mrs. Moisnian, V Gmff, Rev. Seny. Dr Van Sant, J D Hr. why. T M Monzingo. I): Milb n. H B'dw-j. Capt stone. J II Stet. Hon V. m Butler, O N Hurdle. A T Clenurt. J M Cisbill. Mr Newton. Mrs Shanl. Hon T E Cluik. Mrs Lornnz. D:. Pout, R. v Eddy, Raymond Lormz. APRke'd. J P Burn.w-. Dr B t-T.tr. M.-s Ell- fni sr x. Pr!idi . of Fu.-l Nali- i.-d B;.i k and P:..M.!ent f .-toi N-noiid Bank; J H Patf Mr D- i,li, M-s T.. El D-rr, R v Van Wacn-r. Geo Wt 1 ster. Mn C W Un 1. 3Irs M; rv Eekert. Tl os. McOrath, i:d L wis. Dr N Tnmv. Prof Larrabee. Col Swall. Mrs W DMoorc, W V MrQuaid, J II Lichty, Mr Spurr, Dr Groves, Mr II Newman, Dr Dunlap, W F Patt. Rev F W Eason, Mrs M Sulli van, Mrs Laramore, Mr. Zallarn, Mrs K Duane, Miss C Eoyer, R E Ewing. W M Lparr. Dr. Reynolds. Mrs II p Sawyer, Miss Mattic Muntz. C Hurlev, DG Miller, N II Blanchard, Dr Schifferle, Mr B Hur ley, Mr Ilamman, Mrs A M Gow, Prof Meyer, Dr Reynolds. IOWA CITT. Senator Bloom, Dr I F Hsnsit, Dr. Copperthwaite. Mrs Pr Lee, Messrs. pr- vin. Kost. Mosier. F 1 Bradley. Tl II Jones, I) Chireliff. p m Partly, Geo lice, Warner, Ilrs F J Cox. Ilea P A Dj, lUr Porter. rVcf Trr-T. TYrf I:Ct: , XVof 7"- : r: . o tr Y