v. i Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KalUbarjr. lf-ntl-t, Trlrphvuc Ho. ''-. Ilorknvo'l ltd t Id i tif7 llr. Slunlni. Ortir in 4friiisM Hoi Mnrr, lst Arnrr or. Kiith aiH (iranitr, Tclfplione o. 4:1 lr. WlihrrH. Inn I'alnlesi llintlxt. I'nion lllork, OTt-r t'rirke !rutc Mure, riallHinnutli. CITY CORDIALS. Children's Shirt Waists 20 cents at S. & C, Mayer. Mr. Joi Lloyd's little girl who lias leen ill for some time with typhoid fever, in convalescent. Dr. S hillkneeht 'u now the oldest physician of this city, having resided here for more than twenty-seven yerus. Four children in the family of Knnis 152.-5 :r, living ntir Mt. Pl-asant, are ser iously afflicted with typho-malarial fever. Silk Campaign Hnndkcichiefs for 3.1 cents, worth 7"c at S. ?c C. Mayer's. The work has ! n commenced in the Carruth building, which is being tilted up to receive the large clothing stock ol S. & C Mayer. The. petitions are alrcr.d' torn out mid tin; foundation for the addition is belli.; laid. .Mr. S. M. Urigg, knight of tin ;iiil r;i.;.-r, h:; r.'ii.ivol from hi sin"!) n Siih 'tftt, to one of the cozy rooms in 1 1; ; Aiihi'ii-cr-Bii'-th building The location ; the mo-t f-uorabie and we tru-t iit ; v smile from success in hi- new iart i . Mi. .!. I'. .1.. it:, son 1 avis today fr St. I.oiti.s t. s . ! t a'ld purchase the Litis' design. in H;t-, Bonnets and Millinery gocd-. Wait ttr lr r lt'.urn In-fore pur c h isin ' I-cv. h'. re. Oct. 3-tf Ti.e wife T .Mr. Jaeob Falter, win in w 1 from th!s city to Cri 'tito.i, Neb . Ia.t M-ircTi. dii-.l l.e-t Tuesday and v.a buried on S.ui. lay. Tin-y ri:siiled about eight miles w tit of Ik iv previous to their depaitup-. !'it the f.i::ily ii well known in tii citv. Mrs. Falter h a si-t -r of the 1 1: i t, brother. f til! City. Mr L. ( '. Men cr iv.iiied his posi tion as superintendent of the street rail way here, nt a mtctiug held by that com pany last Thursday. Mr. Frank Carruth. president of the company, who sent in hi resignation a short time airo, liu withdrawn it,and ha will still continue t till that oiliec. Previous to removal to CarruthV buildintr November 1st, and in order to reduce our Stork wc wdl sell everything in our line at a low figure. Satin Scarfs 15c. formerly 2; Satin Scarfs 25c, for merly o": Satin Scarfs 50, formerly 73 at 8. & C. Mavci's. The creek which takes an under ground course along 5th street and emp ties into a ditch immediately below Main. is LeiBg tilled up with tiie soil dug up from the street. The authorities hav come to the conclusion that such au ad vantage a3 an In igating ditch of that kind is not required here. The 41 He, She, Hint and Her" com pany arrived in the city this morning and they will liold forth at the "Watermat opera houso tonight. Tickets are selling rapidly and we expect to see a bumpei house tonight which they deserve. Geo. II. Adams is known in this city, and al who know him will not mi3 this rare op portunity of hearing a first-class corned fan. He is well supported by a powerful company. A dispatch w received here yester ilay morning from Pu Kblo, Col.f stating that StuKt Livingston had been killed near tint Jul icj in a wreck which oc- curred on the f. T. and Fort Worth rail roJ, about 0 o'clock v-'stei day morning. His b jdy wa then at Trinedad, and the authorities were awaiting orders. He w.n . uephiw of the iate Dr. H. II. Liv ingto;i, an.i wis well k;i wn 5u this city having resided h :re sivcral years. The work of gnul'ng Main street has commenced and everything pic sent : tlcploraV-h" r.xidition. Faying will 1 commenced as soon ns the grading is ad vanccd sc.t'.i-.i' iitly to aliowit, and abou' the loth. v. hen th jU' inds of people wil visit our city, and r.Il will Le desirous o fircing the city j-roent an attractive np lcaranc', just liieu it will remind one o the visit of an earthquake a few hour? previous. Although the rough Appear ance may not leave a favorable imprvs sion upou the victors, yet the authorities may be admtrr d for the improvement? leing ma lo and iii::uv may be contented to fetumi.lo over the roug'i ro-.id this t:uit and come agaiu wlien tlie javed street? will be a. credit to the city and u fiord a a pleasant walk. Resolutions of Respect. The following resolutions were adopted at the sanctuary of L. A. 8332 K. of L. WiiEicK.vs. One of our esteemed fellow citizsns. Dr. K. U. Livingston, has beer, touched by the hand of death, and WnEREAS. We realize the loss sus tained by hi family and the citizens generally. U?it nesolved. That we tender to the be reayed fauii'y our sincere sympathy in this time of their bereavement Ilesolced, Also that the secretarysub mit a. couv of these resolutions to thexie- reaved family, also a copy to the Platt inouth Dress. Cosa. Cbawxl, R. S. jjr. Jas. Donnelly sells the Atwood r T An Aged Saint Laid to Rest. Hauuikt t kscott Horn May 4th, 1SCM' rt Cluster, Masm.husi tts, iiel S'p tembcr S-'stli, lfHM at the home of her son, C. K. Wescott, Plattsinouth, Ne braska. She was tlie daughter of Joshua and A1113' Mason; at tlie uge of 18 was ir.ar rieil to Stephen Wescott; was the mother of ten children, threfs of whom survive her, nanifly: Mrs. Francis M. IJennett, Chester, Mass.; Lloyd M. Wescott, Brush Creek, Iowa, and her youngest son, our fellow-townsman, C. E. Wescott, with whom she hus lived siuce coming to l'lattsmouth about five yeais ago with hrr husband, the latter having died May 2d, 13-1, soon after their arrival. Mrs. Wescott has lived n consistent christain life for over sixty years, having been converted and united with the I'aptist church at Chester, Mass., under tiie minirttriition of Elder Jno. Lelaud. Her love and faith iu the church of her ehoice was pronounced, yet fcho was to broad in her denominational views to le a narrow sectarian, and her soul was so expanded by thi meltiug love of Jesus as to (reckon '.'very child of soverign race; a kindred spirit, and her breadth f intellect, and warmth of soul kept her iu lively sympathy with all the ad vance movements of the day for the up lifting of humanity, and notwithstanding -lie had pass- d her four score milestone, even cheering childhood and youthful e ithusias:n found in her presence joy Hint delight, and during her late pro traded illness they kept her chamber fragrant with the perfume of flowers. Sir; was a woman ol rarcot graces .inished by highest Christian culture, which made cvai the sick room a very 11 t h 1, with mental facilities unimpaired up to lifes latest moment she gave blessed i.-suivtuce at th final victory that was -oou to be hers. With her latest breath she exclaimed: '"I am About Home,' I have tried to make my life a labor of love, -'Hut there is nothing like tiie Love oi Clod." Then with the dying prayer, "O, .Tjsu.s Givo Mo Kzst," she er.teretl into the eternal rest of Heaven. 'Bless ed arc they that die in the Lord." Thw' funeral obsequies were conducted by llev. Baird. The beautiful cas ket was covered with floral offerings of beautiful designs, the cross, sycle ant shield were contributed by the W. C. T. U. The pall bearers were Messrs. Pol lock, Gault, Spurlock, S. A. Davis, W. Smilii and Robt. Donnelly. Amonir the aiany friends that gave timely aid were Mis. llyan, of Nebraska City, and Dr. .Mansfield, cousin of Mr. Wccott, from Chillicothe Mo. We will all miss this "True Israelite, indeed in whom there was no guilt." But the stroke falls Heavily upon thefaithful 3011 and daugh ter, Mr and Mrs. Wescott, and their three- dutiful boys sous of promise who were always ready to contribute in every vay to her comfort and happiness. Iu their home "Grandma," was the 'Favored One." Her room must be the -unniest and her hearthstone the brisrht- jst She was the one never to be forgot ten, and her un-ellishness made all this service a pleasure. But this beautiful life is ended, and die last tribute of love has been paid to ill that was mortal, with folded hands md speechless lips, she rests beneath the silent clods dust to dust; ashes to ashs But ths beloved influences of sueh a life will live forever, and its illumination ill brighten our pathway to the golden atc. "Where we with her may testify that th-; widouebs of God's love, is as the vvideness of tlio sea. and the justice of His Mercy more than liberty.' The papers of the following places please'eopy; Bush Creek, Iowa, Laport, ud.,Pittslield, Mass. PERSONALS. Mr. C. O. Welhj, of Omaha, is in thu citv today on btiness. Mrs. C. II. Parmole left for Bellevue where the will visit for a few days. B. I). II. Biker, who has been a guest at the home of C. II. Parmele, was a lass -nii'T to O n ihi last night. Mr. Chas. Thornburg. formirly of this -it y, but who is unw agent for a whole ale h.uise in Omaha, was in the city yes- rday on business. Mr. Jesse L. Root, formerly of the of- ice of Co veil, PIk .v Beeson, but who is uow cashier or a butiK at Columbia. returned to the city List night for a few days visit with Lis vsiie who has recently returned frc-m Denver where she has been ju an extcndeel yisil after a severe ill ocss of several months. She locks much improved in health and no trace of the sickness is noticeable. Mr. Boot will re turn to Colombia within a few days, but his wife intends ii rnia at her home during the winter. "I have taken, within the past year, several boiiles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and find it admirably adapted to the needs of an impoverished system. I am convinced that this preparation, as a blood purifier, is unequaled. C. C, Dame, Pastor Con gregational church, Andover, Me- For Gale- ie undersigned h?a for silt 13 bead An Irish Sentiment. EniToit Hi:nAi.u:-Ihave seen in an issue of the Journal that its editor and pro prietor accuses Patrick Ford, editor of tlie Irish World of being a renegade and a deserter from the Union army dur ing the rebellion. Now, as there is no chance of Patrick Ford ever seeing that obscure sheet or of getting an opportun ity to refute its bare assertions, I take it upon myself, with good and reliable authorities, to brand the Journal as a bare fabricator, whose only object is to turn the Irish vote in this locality from Harrison and Protection to Cleveland and Free-trade. The Journal sees that the Irish World is u power in the field for Harrison and Protection, and that if the Irish adhere to its teaching (which I have no doubt they will) that democracy and free-trade are doomed to be buried forever in utter oblivion. English free- trade banished us from the Irish shore and the same malignant enemy wants to pursue us with free-trade to this glorious free republic. Sherman, your lies won't work. M. O'Donatiue. Wm. Donnelly. In Memonam. The Irish citizens of Plattsmouth de sire to express t ieir heartfelt sorrow, that each and all feel over the loss ol their dear friend and neighbor, Dr. Bobcrt II. Livingston md in meeting, assembled Oct. 1, 1833, unanimously passed the following resolutions of re spect: Whereas, The death of our bei ved friend Dr. Robert R. Livingston, is felt and deplored b' every ljver of liberty and justice in our midst; that all Irish American citizens in Nebraska, fully knew his views in regard t the trouble between England and Ireland and knew that he was in sympathy with Gladstone and Paruell in their efforts for the free dom of Ireland and on any and all oc casions was found to be the steadfast friend of the Irish people, and his sym pathies were always with tiie oppressed f dear old Ireland. Therefore be it Iiesolved, That in his loss, Ireland and the Irish people, have lost one of their best friends; haye tost one who can never oe replace ! in their hearts and affections and that the family of the lamented de ceased iu this hour of sorrow have our undivided sympathy. Wm. Neville, T. L. Murphy, JonN Blake, Com. Jos. J. McVey, I Maurice O'Rourk, J Grand Island vs. Plattsmouth. A game has been arranged between the Plattsmouth and Grand Island clubs for Saturday afternoon next. This will undoubtedly be the last game of the sea son and the best one yet played here. The Grand Island club is considered the best lot of amateur players in the state, and they hare not attained as wide a reputation as a host of kickers, as some, visitors wh i have played here this sum mer. The men who have been secured for the occasion will do more effective work than any team Plattsmouth has yet put on the ground, aud there will certainly be a creditable game played. The Fremont battery Messrs. Pond and Heller will assist the Plattsmouth club, and all who witnessed the Wahoo Plattsmouth gaino during the fair, remember the effective work done by them then for the visitors. Home run Huff, of Omaha, will also assist Platts mouth in Saturday's game. Resolutions of Respect. The Plattsmonth Fire Department in meeting assembled this Oct. 1. 1888, unanimously passed the following reso lutions of respect ou the death of Dr. R. R. Livingston. Whereas, The deceased Dr. Robert II. Livingston was the first chief of the Plattsmouth Fire Department, that he always took an interest in tne wort ever since was al ways ready with head, heart and money to help the boyiic all their undertakings and was always their friend; iiieiefore be it Resulted, That in his death the De partment has Lost a true member and friend- one who was always ready to lend a helping hand in time of need, and that the Department sympathizes with his family and the entire public in the great loss sustained oy au. II. C. Ritchie, Secretary. He, She, Him and Her" at the Funke. The name of thl3 entercainaienj is a good index to its character. It is a unique collection of individualities. But it is the pernio of the world, especially the unusual and absuid people, who are the most interesting. "He, She, Him and Her" is an ingeniously arranged as sortment of eccentricities and absurdities of the kind people seein most to enjoy. The characters were large in the hands of those who made the most of them. In the leading parts Mr. George II. Adams as "Toby Perri winkle," and Miss Toma Uanlpn a3 "Tootsie Brant," brought many a hearty laugh ai,d enthusiastic cheer from their auditors. A commendable piece of work was also performed by Mus Alidaa Perreault as "Mrs. Murray Hill." Miss parrje Francoise also did some clever comedy work jn the grjt set, but her part for some reason disappeared ; afterwards, the occasion not being ap parent. The ents3.inraent was witnessed r7 n M r -- ", -- ' r-i Lr, PREMIUMS AWARDED A ft-ft& r?sa Pmintu Fair KAntAirt- ' ber 18th to 21st, 1888 CLASS 12. Lot 1: E Sage best col apples named 1 . . ' Sage, largest col " 1... : J Vallery, jr., 2 on same 1 Lot 2 apples: E Sage, Beu Davis 1 1 Sige, Thompson sweet, 2 Sage, jonathan 1 1 Sage, sweet bough 1 1 Sage, tamense 2 00 75 50 00 50 00 00 50 f0 00 00 no oo oo no oo 50 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 00 50 00 Sag, ranibo 2 Sasie, Baileys sweet 1 1 Sage, swoet paradise 1 W S Wise, Jonathan 2 R F Dean, belle flower 1 1 Dean, northern spy 1 1 Dean, tamense 1 1 Dean, pecks pleasunt 2 J Vallery, j r., Ben Davis 2 Vallery, belle flower 2 Vallery, white winter pearniaiu 1 Vallery, golden pippin 1 Vallery, greennig 2 Vallery, willow twig 1 Vallery, sweet paradise 1 C Slater, dyer apples 1 1 Slater, pallman sweet 1 1 Slater, geniton sweet 2 Slater, hcslip crab 1 J Vallery, jr , sweet bough 2 J Gapen, rambo 1 1 Gapen, wht winter pearmain 2. . . Gapen, pleasants 1 1 Lot 3: C Slater, concord grapes 1 o 50 00 50 50 50 50 75 75 50 75 85 85 50 J Vallerv, ir.. 2 on same Class 10 .t W Thomas cut z.inis. CLASS 14 FA II M PRODUCTS. E Sage, i bu beets Sage! C stalks rhubarb J II Becker, i bu barley W L Propst, 50 ears eor white 1 . . S Richardson, 2 on same W L Propt, 50 ears all colors 2 . . Wm Murray. 1 on same B R Franz, 50 ears white corn .1 B Holmes, i bu fall wheat Wm Murray, i bu Irish potatoes. W P Bailev, 5 P Bailey Lot 2 W L Propst, best aud lar gest disp farm produce 1 15 00 CLASS 15 DISCRETIONARY. Lena Shrnder.spec worstered work 75 Mrs E Wol forth, pr pillow shams and sheets "' D E B ibbington, water elevator. .diploma W J Hesser, breeding plymouth rock chicks J Hesser, breeding leghorns 50 Hesser, pr angora rabbits 10" Mrs II Eikcnbary. charm string. . class 16 specials S Richardson, ea corn Gilmore's special J Vallery.jr , disp fruit Leesley's ' Anna Taylor, bread Ritchie's Mrs R F Dcan,knit goods Dovey " Mr.? J R Vallery, prettiest iaiy un der 0 mos baby enrriase or Mrs C Jeans, prettiest baby over 9 and under 24 mos. .carriage or Mrs Foselsong, 2 on same. . li Mrs Tracy, 3 cm same 6 CO 6 00 1 00 3 00 Latest Novelties in Neck-.vear at S. & C. Slayers. "The Social Mirror," is the title of a book that treats ou the rules and us ages of the social circle, for which Miss Mamie McCrosby is canvassing the city; and Mr. J. TV. McCrosby is canvassing the citv with u book entitled "Story of the Wilderness." These books are good first-class books and every person should have them in their home. Campaign Caps eitl.er Cleveland Harrison 15c. at S. & C. Mayer's. or A choice lot of Polen China pigs 0 mo?, old, for sale only till Nov. 1 at my farm six miles west of Flattsmoutb. 29-2 WmMektkn. ew Eyes The long felt want in this com munity for sight-restoring glasses is now supplied by the succejsful optician, Prof. A. Strssnian, from IJerlin, lie: many, tor a short time longer at the Kiddle house. The waste of valuable eytsight cau be prevented, if not too late, by his correct mode of equalizing all inequalities of the injured eyes In his specialty, it is con ceded that he is the head of the profes sion, and many of our btrst citizens, and physicians haye been successful 111 ob taining relief by the use of his glasses: Allen Berson, Dr. Srliildki ucht, S. P. Vmiatta, V. II. Newell, Mis. P. Kessler, Mrs. P. Kennedy, C. W. Sherman, Eli Samps n, Mrs. H-inkin, Mies Young. V. Manker, Prof. J.B. Wi tcrmb Judge A N. Sullivan Mrs. Benfer. Byron Drew, .1. Vallery, jr.. II. Boeck, Mrs. F. Johnsi n, Mrs. N. E. Sge, Mr. C. Nichols, Mr. Hodgctt, Mrs. Levings, Mr. Hayes, Mrs. Nieman. Geo. Buckle, John Robbins, Light summer shoes for your girls, 23 cents only, at Merges". little Bargains in every line for 30 days nt Warrick's Drug Store to make room for Holiday Goods. A few Autograph, Photograph, and Scrap Albums at greatly reduced prices to make room for new goods at Wjll J. Warrick's. Mr. T. Er Wiley, lib C lumbers sr., New York City, says that Ayer's Sarsapa rilla cured him of a dry and scaly humor, from which he bad suffered intolerably, lie ndds: "I have not now a blemish on my body, and my cure is wholly dee to Ayer.'s baraparjlja,"' Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fricke & Co's. drng tore. 8-tf. A nicelibme with fourl ti J10C0 $25.00 cash'and $15-00 per m nth. W. 8. WlBK. it. f uri n 9 r. r- k 8 i if u arc now SI lowing a none UUUUU i ALL 1 Our Line of Fall )re.-s GnoiU is the Largest and Most (Ymijiletu Stock iu the City, and ve arc fdiowino; all tlie new Colorings in Dress Flannels, Broadcloths, Henrieltes. Beiges, Serges, al Prices not to be implicated. inch All "Wool Suitings, Solid Colors and .Mixtures, only 4Zv. yd. 40 inch ill-"Vool Broadcloths. Solid Colors and iMixtuns, only i i ,. .... i k.. ''v j ) ou 52 inch -All-Wool Broadcloths, tol'd Colors and Mixture?, only 5 ccntrt 'cr yard. 54 inch French Broadcloths, Twilled Back, at 1.C() a yard. The?e goods s-old last season at $2. CO. 40 inch All-Wool Serges in all the popular shade, only (!5c. yid. 40 inch French Henriette Cloth, in all the .popular shades, only 1 o cents per yard. Triniis The Largest and Finest Line we have ever shown comprising everything in the Latest Novelties in Gimps, Passementeries, Braids, Etc., Also Full Lines of Foragers, Ornaments and Loops. Our STOCK OF BUTTONS Comprise everything in Plain and Fancy Crochets, Plain and Bullet Silk Tailor Buttons, .Jets, Fancy Metals and Pearls. Feather Trimmings, all shades, only 40 cents yard, worth 50. Sills: Plushes in all Colorino- Gold, Su-phire, Navy, Blow v-'ird; sumo goods fo'd last s ason Surah Silks in all shades only HO cents a yard, worth 1.00. Black Silks at $1.00, SI 2o, '$1.50, $1.75, 1.85 and 82.00 a yard, ro.d values. all 3 f1 V-J2 rr - - J- 01TB 00 EAST F JUT 1TATI0NAL PAKIL Ol St WHEN" YOC W ANT ANYTIIINO IN TIIE WAY f-F 4. T. v n Do not fail lo call and examine for the Next ou Can Save 25 Per Cent While we are having this Great '"Cash" Reduction Sale. 3 BAS BLOOD. Then- is not une tinny that puts a man r woman at such disadvantage before tie v.cild us a v:iitit i stute of th' Llood Your ambition is gone. Your fo-r.igt has failed. Your vitality hus left you. Your languid sUp and listbs ae ti i: :unv t!.".t V'-u need a powerful ir io:;! tiv, (ii:c 1 '-trie of B".'i"s' I'loor L'ii-ill ; and iJI oc'. Mukcr v iil j:u- iif'- in a worn ouf svstem, and "f " ''''. no it will ce.s.t -uu nothing. 0. 1. Smith 5c Co.. Druggists. A MAN FROZE TO DEATH 1 Why? 15 c:iiic he h-ul no Garland Stove. Buy '!ie of Joussox Bnoa. sept22-dlm. J ' .v Birthday Curds at half price out at Wh.i. J. Warrick's. to nose V;Y have, a birg stoc k of Wall Paper ihi! ve wills ! it. bargain prices. We W:.nt tii'' ppaet; fry fi'.U unci wirt"- nods. W:: J. WArjRirs. Cul ie. Di.-ii ri.-r.-i niid j-'innner i-' iitl h t ure d.-ttiuerous at this reason of tte ver I and tin- 'inly way to guard against iht-se j cli?c:iw's is to Iia'e a bottle of some reh- I w... 11.. T:,.l.. TJ..I. :.l nuiv iriiiciij. ij mi i iirn lii eaio lo a POSITIVE BELIEr in all these disa-gif-eai'l' cases find is pleasant to trtk. It will cost yon only 35 cents. O. P. Spiith &. Co., Druirtr'sts. A n:i" lin' of .Juvenile Boksat r'-dti"-ed pru ts to cloi-.' out und mak" room for new goods nt Warrick's Everything necessary for furni.-hii g Loue can be purc hased at II. BoVc k s Yci nuery why from home I g Why !)cut tin town I rove J The reason why is plain. yo know, We've got no Garland Stove. 1m Buy one of Jorrxsox Bros. W U 9 IV ill J. Warrick i reducing 6tock to mke room for Holiday Goods go there for bargains in Paints and Wall Paper. II. Pe'n f 'yt??ire t nock w jckrTl- air's; nnnnn I GfjQUS new anl Attractive Line of GOODS WINTER il BllltOUS gs. such as Tabac, Mahogany, Moss, Olive, ;n, Cardinal, "Wine, Black, only ."$1.00 a at $1.25. in a, it li 9 (I2 ia AN ABB SHOES ! th( "Cash" Prices we will L-ive Thirty I Jays CK & When your skin is j'ellow. When your skin is dark and grer.?y. When your skin is rough and coarse. When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. When your skin is full of pimples you need a good blood medicine that can be elied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive 'itc for all of the above, bo you cannot f.;i.ly run any ris-k when yoogeta bot .1 of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs, &c,, at Reduced Prices for next 30 days at Warrick's Druo Store. We go et next week to buy ourHoll. day stock. To make room for new go d we offer everything at greatly reduced prices. Come and see us before you buW WrLi. J. Warrick. ' A. School Books, School Supplier,. Slates, Pencils, 3cc.. &c. at Lowest Ptices at Waiuck's. The standard remedv for livr com- j plaint is West's Liver Pill; they never uianP"iDi jou. puia zzc. At War rick's drug store, Will J. Warrick goc east next week to buy the largest stock of Holiday CO. UockIs ever brougT.t to this city. He of fers bargains' in Albums, Cups awl Sauc-:'.. ers, Books. &c. to make roc m f.r r:i. "-r goods. - All kinds of Pa'nt erd YHndt-his nt low st prices to reduce t-totV at Wariuck's. Wocd for Sale. Leave order? with J. D. Tutt, rett & Tutt'a store. at Ben-tf. Blow 1 P'pw your noma, We've not'the lightest f-ar j Yon cscrct bett t!- O"!.- iJ