.v'. . ... . . .' t 5 i - t IB iir ATTSMOUTJI, N13BRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOHEK y; 1888. NUMJIElt second vi:a i'2 1 k7' J)0CT0I!S DlSAGIiKK. Mavor. If n'lu'f. ltt'Tllf . ! limine- I . .Toil':-! ' Marrll.lU. Coilii''i! ki - .1.1 Ml'. 4 , is: a aril. At i " ll!i. tloaiil l'lib-Work 1J W 1 I II I". M 111'. II KV W I. J . t'.k I i ;-.i mon, .1 :i. I.YKO I'l.AHK - a ;MiMi.K S 'ii kioww V 11 MAI.ItK 1 .1 V V.'i M:.i II I A AI.IM'.l'liV l M J I iK. A .MIII'M.VN M il Mi ni-ii v I r W iu f i ; I Con 'MN oil. I' .Mi;(jAI.I.KN. 1'llKS W .lOil.NS ,i;ilAIIIMAN HKI) llOKOKH Hawks v oiii 11 GOTJTY Ol'FIGFilJS. Treasurer, I ,-pisiy l"ie.uuir, - CierW. Iifpuly t:--rk. llecor l-r of I ?il- HiH'ii'.v it.NM.-li'.r I'lurk nf iit:ic' '.'oirt, Hhert.T. 8.irveyr. Attoriicv. .Sunt. ":' 'n.iiity -I'.t i - Vi'! K !! u-kkvih . Ii. T.'lil;. ' li'lil . - -I.-V.IH K l.r.. - v . IS. 1I h-o-,. - I). A. OAMI'HKI.I, Tllo-t. 1'ol.l.of K HI !M ( KITCII J I l-U tXAl'KI Ii litir.l.ll w. ii. r.MM. .T.K1X M I.KVI. w . SHOW A I.I Kit J. C. liliiK.N is.l: i. M AIH.I.K AM.KN l-l-.K-"X M.W.N AHU h' INK '. Kl'kSAL.1. lis. K.inw iil GIV'IG SOGIK'I'.KS. tViiAiiMHoVYvii . . K-TM,';t I -'every Tu--luy evenln of acl "St, All Iraiwlei.t br.ith.-n lire re-pecllully linked to allelul. . lLATTMOL Til P.NCAMMIKN T No. 3. I. O. I O J'., iti.-f-l ery ;iit-rn:i!f trul.iy t eucli iTioiilti li I!'.- M.iHuiiK- 11.11. f i?u.-lir-itlier are tuvl'e.l lo aiteii'l. CUT THE EDUCATED Or:E3 DO THZ ECST FOR THEIR PATIE'ITS. null. Iraus Villi;! fi '.t' '" i. . r.i i n tlr ; il vi. i III. i- l. II 1. J. K i.n. a AS" v .t rilKU) LOUCK NO. fl. A. . I'. W.-.M. -t I 1 rj vipr:i:it' l-'ri.l-iv eveniiii: i!l t. I I . ' . . . . . ..1 f ! u 111. r.ini r ir ici"; j l i.vii.M'i''irV'rliir-iii ; ; ;. Ii. 'ii-lllt-r. -r- i i: . i. r : i. r. ISimei;- ;. Ma I rtuM. Ui-itu ' -; i w : I. s. Uuv.-tfi., C M.!KKN WtKlM N i ,-(n'ui .iiifj loiirtM .H'ti 1 U.i'l. A'.l li-itii'i-'i t t !u lili'fl t,l I.. .lit'-. . A Tli Tltlo "noctor" ?."ot Atwayi ta ISo Coiiilltrocl u l.vi!eue 'iliat tho V.Varer I a fkiU?l 1'liyiilclan A Case of Tyih)ll Pever. It U a common fayin; that "il'Xitors disa gree," otc. Ono constantly liarin that uM ami threadbare expression, the ida bcin coiivojed that it is only exceptionally thnt. if two or more are called iion fur an opinion m to the character of tho disease in any piven case, or tho treatment demanded, they aro bolilom in accord. The reuNuct is that tho reverso of .this true that what in ac cepted as the rule U actually the exception. Doctors do occn-tionally liaagree, but only in exceptional rases. It must he renieiiiljercd that there aro doctors and dix-tors. Some are well educated and others nro but indif ferently so, and a very largo proportion throughout our count ry, and especially Mas-n;ichu-'tts, aro absolutely ignorant even of tho first principles of med:ci::t The title 'doctor' is eneially supiosed to bo one which can only I u acquired thro;ili K'lino iflle;c or university l'.' illy uuib.ori7.cd to confor it. It is ii!s j a coniinoii l.-lief that it is invariably a Bi,n that L who wears it lia.s been "duly qiuiliiled and not found want iii(?," or, in other wc.rds. that ho has been properly educated, ami "li.'o mid limb" caa liu safely in" rusted to his keeping. This is true in one respect, but far from tho truth in nnotlur. Tho title "doctor" ln-'ongs to him oi.ly who has had it conferred upon hiui alter ho has npent j-eai-s of study worked for it and canm-i it. IhiE in these days, !:e:i prefixed to a name, ii cannot bo con-i-i'i. red jl; evidence that tho wearer is a man h!:ii!'-d in the science of medicine, nor does it Minify, cv n, that ho has a common school I'.vuii;. Tin !' aro neither ieg.-d nor social rertrictions to tho um of tho titl nor is ' there, c.ev:i:ii!,r in two or thivo states in tho i' t ; i ill K. r."it:e-t d A A ny vi-ni'i.: l.r.i' 'i.-T. .iri' V:..i. r il,2.- 'nstil : ir.i:y vivM-i ; . V. WiKle. HhIiVlT ltoL'Ok, lt ik. llial lHMi.HI'l! !.nni;K N . 1 1 l-ef everv nlr.rn.it'j Fnd.-iy ' -.ekvrhi.l Ird! :.t ii.' ''CK. Aillrn.: rj -.n resit, i'f f nil V ioviint "i I.-.ik Wli-l: il. M. 1- r. 1I.AT ! -.' M -. : O' ii 11-' er ar? !r! Ii : 5. ir-l 'i :u.-l ! I. .1 t;. .1 I V.'M.JI v.. '. -i ' ' ' y.y.n . . i: . Irn.iil li a arc invl: s VVm. Hays. Secr-;.n: 1 a I; ". in.N OiVi M. nr.r Ji'.i'l I lord V. t eaeh t i ri ' It a' M 'sli-ili. are e.miiiit;'- 1 '. i' ! t ni'-e-Wit. H..-.' : V. t'ni;i!i, nny law wl.i Ai restricts tho practice of iT!Cil!ci::o to tho.-o oulv wh.o aro known to ' bo ni upcrly li;e;iL d. Any man or womaii, i!' iratti r how iu;,ra:it or depraved ho or i sh'j i ;. has ju.-t as inucii riht to a.'Uii:aa tho I care of tho sick or injured and practice of j medicine ar.d surgery rj ho who has f pent ! f-nr years hi eont inuoas study at the llar ! v:.Vd Medical coll".?:r. J A CAKii Or TTI'UOID. ! I'very t'n.ii t knows that ho is, for obvi- 'U ; rituous. s insularly and unju.-tl)- liable to I: v.-i:;ts. A lu'.:vs::.-;i( ion of an error on his ' parr iiMifncicut l.nis for one, a:id i;i conso ! ij'.iriice ni a ; nii.-tako Lis Lusineia may ' If r.iii.c 1 ar.d tiio savings (f yean; swei't ! a'.'-'ay. l'.:.'di;-.:ii; this lie ij exceedingly care fnl h. i ins' h". end i ; very cenairi not to nilow ;:' o:m ia hii enu-'ov tio is ineomi'Oteiit to l.cMlli , .:..'(.i'! i si'.a:".:?. I wtrki,: : alvas i tii'-i r v.-!i.:-.i v. iJl j,'o;-ardio Lim. On K-r iia:nl, a r:a:i prneticing as a phy yeL not tiiori ii -uiy t'amili.ir with the :r;s of d.seas.? and tho use of drills, is da::ireioiis i:i tho extreme. A fo'.v think tho fever hided l.irj, and ail evidence of tho doctor's horrible i.iit-ta!;j goes six feet under grou::d. A U1I tTIl-.VCF. IS DETAILS. AtuOTig truo physicians, equally well quali fied, thero is rarely hi any given case n dif ference of opinion, except it bo ia the most unimportant details. There aro thousands of drugs at tho command of physicians. All h.avo their special favorites. Ono uses the bromide of sodium s a nervine, while an other prefers tho bromide of potassium. In very many instances it would matter littie which was given the patient; and yet, were one doctor i:i favor of the former to assume his earo after the other had been in attend ance i! pon him, the chances are that the in comer would make tho trilling change. Tho ?anienter, tho machinist, and, in fact, afT tradesmen, r.ro wedded to their own too!?. To them the' aro old, tried friends their owners can get on better with them. Ho it is with tho physician; drugs are, practi cally, too's in his hands. He knows, from long experience, just how certain ones will act ; they liavo stood him in good stead when battling with death nt the bedside. The tools of others may to newer, have a little higher polish, be a little more compli cated, but he prefers his own, for ho hi.ows what ho can do with them. Let the pcoplo protect themselves and limit the practice of i iedicino and surgery, m they have dentistry and plmruia.'-y, to these who have Ikvii duly lualitied. Ihey need not ro stiietit to ore "schooL" They should not coui-idor whetlm.'a man who desires to urae- tico ir.euicico is n "regular," a "hoiiiieojjath" J or an "eclei tic," but they Miould know that he c;:u perform tho duties which he would I asninaj that lie is a man- whom they can j r-afely trust to beat back de;;.th when il threatens mothf r or child, husband or wifu Boston Herald. l'orests 1'roscrvo tho Moisture Tho importance of preserving forests Ije coiiie.i evident in oi'.ih America. J. C. tlamble; ia tho "1'roccediugs of t'.ie Institute i of Civil Engineers," points out that the soil of I Africa becomes dryer every year. Although the amount of precipitation is not decreas-j ing, tho f-:,ri:igs ijyeomo leas ttrong, anil rivers that used to How permanently are dry during suir.nier. Oauible considers tho de vastation of forests and tho grass and bush lavs the principal re.-tsons for this state of affairs. And besides this, the trails made by animals arc transformed, into canyons of con siikrable depth by sudden rainfalls. lu lhe.-o canyons, which aro in some eases more than thirty feet dwp, tho surface water runs oil" before it has time to iercolate tho soil. Tripp has made observations on tho amount of evaporation and found that on tho high lands fully one-half of tho falling rains run off without penetrating into tho soil, This experience emphasizes tho fact that tiio ulti mate aim of rational forest culture, so far 03 i-s influence upon agriculture is tioncerned, is the increase of the power cf tho ground to hold moisture, and thus to prevent tho rapid flowing oil" of the pi ipitated rain. Science. Neat Laundry Work. All patties desirous of having the neat est ami cheapest laundry work done, should leave it at this id'ice Tuesday night and it can he secured aynin Friday evening. The Council HltilTi steam laun dry, w litre the work is done, has put in iilflhe latest improved machinery, mid their work cannot he surpassed. The liucst polish. YV. A. Dkkuh-k, A't. Wo have a few Toys, Polls, Alliums, liooks. Cups and Saucers, &c, thnt we desire to close out before our new goods arrive. We offer real bargains in above line for of) days. Come and see us. W. .1. W.MtlilCK. Private Sewerage All inn ties desiring nivalis s.-wi rage ooniH ction witli the main s-wir. can he in ci iiiinodati d at any time, by iiddnss inr Ilniiln.s V Sii lton. Sever (Vi.tir.e j tins, 1. (). box ll:'0, o;- 1 y c.dlin i.t th I oilier, Murphy's store. lm Child's high saiul.Js, ut.. i'i ( t uts a : pair, at Merges. j Pont go to Oinah.i when you want 1 tu "'t your hcHtitiful parlor and tied room sets hut go to Henry Hoc k's fur ! nitui c enipoi iuiu where you can get every i thing in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful, f'tid comfort able; and above all you can get it heap. Hi member that he who sills most can sell heapest. E3 Price mm -"V-JNJID D RICES Will J. in Wall T Wat rick is oflVrin a per. Kxtends n ICiinl Invitiitii n to KvctvImhIv to Ili Openiiii a leirg iin i At SnloinoM t: Xatliuii's ()I1 Sl:uil, : Il i: -. .V !l ! net i t '' ' t ach ni-iu ii ;i( 1'. C. r . Ni) If Y a I, .i;rNl'M e -H..I .tan i.:i:::h M..a '.i' s ; re.luUei I Ia!l. ' i ii. PLATTSVi 3U Vti JOVrfDO! rr'wi.l, n: t: -e: !' n: .'. isn hi Vic- . - a ?V 'Vd 2i,.i Vie i i . . ' "" H-M'r-iarv . ' ' ' ;' Tra-ur.-r I - !:!'?: i; i !.; To;: .1 C I:!, ii'-'i r i:. Whi;e, J I'. Patter-M", J. A. r'n'iiiT. II. i:!.-;'!i. v. .s:ieiii.an. K ilor U -r. S. " "A ei'kbieli. aiiiHis POST 45 G. A. It- J. V. J..II Vs;( I), v r i-.s F -. I'.a rs O . Nll.Ks II1KV STHKK1HT.. 1 l.V DlXuS CIAI-K.4 F'lHSl..;..-ANUtiK-"!!)! Kit?- -.'vrn,M iill K.'!AS. L. '. ('t un. ..Senior .Junior ilro-'s too mneli of tbis extract, a fraction of a graia of that powder, given to his patient i.e. : ii:;.i tl.a iL'adly work is done Lut his awful j error is known orly to himself. IJii (patirtut uies, Lut io oi:-f'a;-ii u attrio'.itea tiio cause, it is always easy for !:;ia to deceive the'li-iends of tho unfortunate. Vako a case oi typkoH fever, for in-.tanco. a it.- rr.riy stage tho ;iisc;:so is seldom easy )t v:c' ;:i:.!;o i. It is, ia fact, almost always i:o; o cr less dXieuii. 'i hero p.re t'e.en bft ; .'..iviy ei as mfdeictitly marked to cniblo 1 rveii lii.iiiic-1 .kuii'iii phys.ciaii to say with j certainty tl::it tho case bcioi-c hiai is one of typhoid. Ho notes this and that tyinptAm, ' h.ero rod tln-ro an munition, which lead 1dm j to Euspew. that the tv-.tient has that uracil j Ui'tadcd fever. I'ut he mutt wait a day or j two U-foro ho c.tti decide. Ho must watch the ri-j an 1 fall of the termieraturr. liicht ..''o:i,nijtidf r. j and nioriiingthat wi'd tell him much, for 'c' '. I the variations are characteristic the changes ...Atljutaii!.;.i;1 the pulse, hi tho Cipressiun, in tho tongue, i. m. lu luo apiicarance c t the abdomen, etc. Ihe ..i -nicer 01 tlie nay. svmritoms of tvih'.id sm man v. 'U'-':iu Atunlay eveung tuard Sert Ujir. ..Qunrter Master Serai. . I'oat caa p ai ii WH .fi YOU WANT -t F- 3T SSLxxxd -CALL ON iLB. TL'sT Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Qonii-aotor anl B. wilder 12-ilm. Sept. Plenty of meal at II-- - - Thu Its- d. Hour, mill tt graham arid ctin he found at 12 symptoms or t"j hom are many. some which aro prominent i:i one caso are absent in others. With a few only present ho can not judge, for they constitute tho baro out lines; he must wait for tho pictur-i to devel op. l?ut whilo wait ing he is by no means idle. Ta tho iatcrcsts ci his patient hols an tii'ipatl.ig every exigency which is likely to urke. Ilo takes no chances, but sees that in nursing, etc., every precaution is instituted which would bo iadleaieil ia a cr.se of ty pliriid. Hi? medicinal trratnieas Js directed to tL? nyniptoms. Fever is kept down, pain all-iyf i, restlessness quieted, sleep produced, and 0 on. At lat ho is Lure of his diagnosis; I It is typhoid. Dut ho has lft nothing r.n j done, there is nothing ho would wish be could undo. All along he Las kept v.-ithin the safety Lines. Yet how different would havo been tc work cf an ignorant pretender an incora-pct-'Tit "doctor." In 0; Er.ich cases out of 100 he would have p.t once pronounced the p; tient's disearo bilious fever, r.nd given ;a purge which iu mostf eases of typhoid would prove fatal ar.d death been tho direct eon sequence. Cut diarrhea is present in a very largo number cf case; that fact every per eon faaiiliar wilh tho d.'seae knows. A 'doctor" of the sort referred to does not tell the friends what medicine ho gives. No! JI:3 psactice is shrouded with mystci-y io is a medical Columbus. They have no idea t!.at l.o Las a'Lninistercd a purge, and tho asrcnrar.ee of the d :aiThea does not r-.vr- Iir.g Cure for r.lienmiifl.mt Di-. Trice, of Ooonce couuty, Ga., suffered for year-! tho pangs of rheumatism, vainly trying all remedies, Sl years ago 0S iiis i;o:-.s i:i Texan inrcl that ti n:".ess Alexi can dog, if flliowvd to eepat the feet of a Mi!le-cr fron rheumatism, was a euro cure. U 'jCuglit a dog and tool: it homo to his father. The old gentleman laughed at the idea of such a euro, but to please Lis sou tried the dog. Tho aceouht says that as soon as the doctor lay down in btd the dog "sprang in and coiled itself around his feet, lu less than an hour the dog gave Liui evident re lief, and in a short timo effected a cure. Wherever the pain struck him he made the dog lit- against tho place, and the heat from th animal's body drew it out like a mustard plaster. Every night for six years tho doc tor has slept with his hairless bedfellow, who now begins to show tho effects of age, and Dr. Price says that after its death, if the rheumatic poius returu, he will at onee send i3,' tor another Mexican dog." New York Wall Paper at Warrick's Drug Store at reduced prices for next :i0 days. Dr. C- A. Marshall. Slesident dentist. Preservation of Ihe Natural Teeth KpCfiiuhy. Auct-tlutics given for Patn- I.KSS Fil.I-'NO Oil LXTHACTIOX OF TliKTH. Artificial teeth made on (Jold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth arc extruded when ''.e sired. All VrOrk warranted. Prices reasonable. VlT2 IB KAMI'S Di.-'tMv PlATrsHOUTH. SUB In Lis ceiius rejiorts Dr. liiilings estimates I'aat in tho Uniled Stares 100,OOJ deaths oc cur every year from strictly preventable dis eases clone. This is unquestionably a very moderate estimate, and, if there aro reckoned also twelve cases of serious illness for every death, we see what a great amount of suffer-, ing results from ignorance cf sanitary prin ciples. Uut how is this ignorance manifested? Are not our architects competent to deal with tho problem of household sanitation? It will Iks said, perhaps, that it i the province of the architect to direct tho entire work of hous3 building and to arrange every detail tf t'tid fittings. But it should be considered that the science of sanitation is broad and comprehensive. Years cf study and of ex perience in sanitary work are necessary fora proper understanding of the subject. It is perhaps unfortunate that thero is 6o little in the severe and unpleasant details of the work to commend it to those whoso tastes have led them to the study of the more at tractive principles of artistic construction and the science cf resthetics. An architect should have the- soul of an artist, but there aro few men whose naturo is so broael as to combine truly artistic tastes with a love for tho details of difficult mechanical work, in volving the ncioessity for undertaking com prehensive and scientific research. It is the province of the engineer to engage in an oc cupation of this kind. His natural inclina tions and Li3 rigid training in scientific pur t-uits Lit him especially f or the direction of matters relating to drainage and sewage dis posal. l'opulur Science Monthly, C F. SM ITH, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges' Shre Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $1 to 135, dress suits, $25 to $45, pants $-1, $5, ?G, $6.50 antl upwards. OfWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defv Competition. OFFERED for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head by the proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptom of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction of nose, discharges falling: into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, ring-ing in ears, deafness, difficulty of cl;arintr throat, expecto sation of offensive matter: breath offensive: swell and taste impaired, and Reneral debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to tie pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in con sumption, and end in the g-rave. By its mild, soothing-, and healing-properties. Dr. Sage's Remedy cures tho worst cases. SOc. . The Original IITTLE Xens cv. IivcdDiii hie A tlarnilta. TJnequaledasafcilverPill. Smallest,cheap est easiest to take. One Pellet a Done. Cure Sick Headache, Bilious Headache Dizziness, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all deranz&'nents of the atomaca and bowels. a eta, by drug-fists. My SttoeBci will Ese tSae JLargCNt, JPrices f Eie tLowet9 and onest Goods at Low Prices VEHY HESSECTFULL7, H ' CP IE3 ILa 3E3 IE . THE DAYL6HT STORE HAS A FULL LINE CP LADIES' imo Table. GOI.VO FAS". Xo, 2 4 :3o p. Hi. "o. 4. 1" ::so a. in. No. Ii. 7 :!.'$ p. in. Xo. ni. a a. in, OOIV KT. Xo. 1. " :to a. in. Xo, 3. u :4'i p. in. Xo. . ei :47 a. 111. Xo. 7.--" :3 i. 111. 0. if 0 :!7 p. III. Xo. 11 C ;27 a. m. A'l traini" run dai'y way of OTaha. fxeep! Xos 7 and 8 which "run to and from Si-hujle? daily excej-t Smuiay. V'l.nii is a s-tuh to Pacific Jiin"t i'in at ft in N ". 13 Is a st ub from Pacific Jiinetion nt t la.n:. Por TTiaD-ter Wear. J) it :e B B ( :i- o o :i3 B OFFEKED AT THE LOWEST PIMCES. Awl Evervtliing kept iri ti r lor AVi nter Ware. MATTINGS Firrl-Class IIohm CARPETS , O I L, Qh O TTI S , LACE WINDOW OTJ2VT.A.ZI7S. A Full ami Complete Stock of AND CHILDREN'S ZS'ew Goods Received Daily. Give us a LADIES' SHOES ! Call. WeckfoacJhu Wtii kinu- ui'i.s lion's liu-im. .t:i! Men's Byt Mado Suits Jic'ii'i Custom .Made r-uits ; 4.05 7.80 10.00 425 00 s i u ft Child's Kilt Suitsfrom Child's bnits from 15o-s' Suits from Youths' Suits from $1.90 to 3.75 - 2.00 to 0.80 3.2 to 10.90 - 4.00 to 15.00 Men's Overcoats Men's Nobby Check Overcoats Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -Men's Black "Worsted Overcoats 2 00 5.00 12.50 10.00 yr, a i.n andCWUrea's Overcoats. Tovl miss it if yovi don't buy your Olctlaiag, Hats, Caps, 2Pur- . ?T-i4d GoqA. Bqqs and Shoes, etc.. of .4 - Price Clothier, - Plattomouth, - Nebraska.