1'tiV 1A1LY ITER ALB: fLAlTSMOuTII, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, OQiOHtR 2, 1883. The PIattsn?outh Daily Herald. KNOTTS BEC8., Publishers & Proprietors. THE I'LATTSMOUTII HERALD I publiihed every evening except Sunday aim weekly every i nurs.iay morning. iK tered at the otfIle, f'lairmioutli. Nebr.. Kegis fterond-cl:iH matter. OMee corner of lue una fifth rtrerts. Telephone No. to. TFItMS FOK tiAII.V. On copy on jear In advanue, by mail $0 00 One copy ei month, ly earlier Mi One copy per week, hy earlier 15 TKKMS FOR WKEKLV. On sopy ou year. In advance One copy ill hi on l ok. in advance.. ..l . 76 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. KOK FKEMIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. Kofi vick pkesidknt, I.KVI I. MORTON, of New York. REPUBLICAN STATC TICKET. FOR OOVKItNOK. JOHN M. THAYER. KOIt MEI TEXANT OOVKltNOK, GEORGE IX MEIKLEJOIIN. FOR SEt'KETARY OK 8TATF, GILBERT L. LAWS. Mil! TUEASI MF.H, J. K. HILL. FOR A I Of TOR OK PUBLIC ACCOUNT, THOMAS II. BENTON. KOIt ATTORNEY OKNEItAL. WILLIAM LEESE. KOR COMMISSIONER OF rUBI.lO LAND AND I5CI l.DINGS, JOHN STEEN. FR S I'PEIt f NT EN PENT OK Pl'IILIC IN STItUCTfON. GEORGE IJ. LANH CONCRESTIONAL TICKET. FOR CONGRESS, (Kirtt Congressional Distilct.) W. J. CONNELL. The increase in the price of wheat in the past six monthis means an increase of about $100,000,000 in the pockets of producers, inidlemen and speculator?. Wool stands sixth in the list of Ameri can products, being exceeded in value by corn, hay, wheat, cotton and oats only. Yet the Mills bill puts -wool on the free list, and thus seaks to crush this impor tant American industry. No intelligent, public spirited American can conscien tiously vote for the party that supports the Mills hill. Ma. Cleveland is not writing a letter of indorsement for Gov. Hill. He did a service like this for Johu R. Fellows, the candidate for district attorney, a year ago, but he will hardly do it for Hill. If he neglects to indorse Hill thousands of stalwart democrats will cut him for Har rison, and if he dots the indorsing act .the mugwumps will go over to Harrison. The theory may be all right, but the con dition tells .Mr. Cleveland that a man named Benjamin is going to be elected president of the United State this year. -Globe Democrat The wage-earners of the State of Mass achusetts have been able to s-tve out of their earning, and deposit in savings banks, for use on rainy days, more mon o, than have all the wage-earners in Great Britain and Ireland together. They have done this, too under a pro tective tariff. This one fact is the whole protective idea in a nutshell, and is of more practical value as an argument in. poli teal economy than all the theories in tbs world. (V.y-i it to the first reven"C reformer who wants to argue his case wi h yon. He can't get over it if he talks all day, and you need to add nothing to it, unless you say that General Harrison not only represents this brand of protection, but that he also represents the best mind, manner and manhood ol American lif. rEXsrox HUMBUG. General Black, commissioner of pen sions, has !eut to the printer his report for the year inding the GOth of June last, and places the annual pension list at something like $31,000,000. This is a jug gle with figures, and the country ought to understand that. The actual pension list of the country, the annual payment for the annual accumulations of pensions is less than $40,000,600, le?s than half what the administration U trying to make the people to understand it to be, the true figure; but it comes about in this way: There are some arrears on the Mexican pen-ions. They were allowed in great numbers aud paid promptly. There were thus numlers allowed during the year that ran hack in arrears to 1880, mid there were tens of thousands that ran back as far as 18S0, and the total payment for the year was the gross sum that Commissioner Black talks about. It would tVsjust as f.iir if a man does not pa his taxes lor a year and then pays $400, to say bis faxes amocnt to $400, as to take this assertion of Gen. Black liter r'Ar.'. Tic tict i8t'de?ocr!t!s rr j their cars utterly to the appeals f the old soldiers of the country, and it is a fact that the American people might just as well realize, to their eternal shame aud disgrace, that there are in the alms-houses of the county today more Uinn b',000 soldiers who were honorably discharged from the army, and who aided to save the country and make possible the pay ment of the interest upon the nation's debt, which has already assumed an ag grega'c larger thnn all that has been paid as pensions to the soldiers. The disgrace of pauperism which in branded upon the union soldier toHhis large exUnt is an indelible brand stamped upon the honor and patriotism of the American people. and the branding iron has been heated and pressed upon the quivering honor of the country by the hand of the democrat ic majority in the house of rcpresonta ti ves. Hlltli AND DANIEL. iS'o'He, 2f office. Execution Man sion; Hire sipping Ju's coffee and hold in' morning paper; Daniel busy with the mail. I "Daniel ?" " Yes, Sire.'- What do you know of this report that Chairman Brice has spent all the $10,000 we sent him ? It is more than a month till election yet.' " I fear it is trae, Sire. Here is a letter from the committee asking if they may send another circular to the office hold ers, and " "Tell them yes, but to word it discret ly and mark it ' strictly confidential ' so those dreadful republican . papers wont get hold of it." " But. Sire." " What, Daniel i " "Tliere is more to the letter." 'Well, read if." "They ask if your excellency will not send another check for $10,000. It is very much needed, and they say it would assist them greatly with all the others." Sire arises and goes to the window, ichivh ha tap nervously as he looks out across the grounds to the Washington Monument. " Daniel ? " " Yes, Sire." " Ten thousand dollars is a good deal of money." " I, would buy two acres near Oak View, Sire." " So it would, Daniel." "And if that should double in value ?" "It would make back the $10,000 that Brice lias squandered, you shall go down and make the purchase this morning." " Yes, Sire, I will go directly." "And O, Daniel, before you go, just write a little letter to Mr. Brice and tell him to get out his circular right away, but that it would not be best for us to end another $10,000 at present, the pa pers have said too much" adout what wt sent before." Thatis wisely said. You are indeed a great statesman, and if the country is grateful, it will build you a monument higher than that Washington one." Exit Daniel to buy Oak View I'rop'r.'g. Her Fault. If she is made miserable by day and sleepless at night, by nervous headache, pains in the back, easily grieved, vexed or made tired, or is suffering from any of those wasting functional disorders pecu liar to women, such as prolapsus, ulcer ation, leucorrhea, morning sickness, or weakness of the stomach, &c, a brief elf-treatment with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Perscription will convince her of the fol ly of enduring misery that can be so easi ly, pleasantly and radically cured. Druggists. Srnd your job work to the Herald office. What Am I To Do? The symptoms of biliousness are un happily but too well known. They differ in different individuals to some extent A bilious man is seldom abreakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear Subjection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it s rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out ol order and diarrhea or constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often hemorrhoid or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's August Ffoieer, it costs but a trifle and thousands attest its efficacy. The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pi Ha; they never disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. SSOO Reward. Wc will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveuess we oannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions arc strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by alt druggist". Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Tbe 'gen- cinenuurafa??-:! only by John O. We r - -- -f c-- HELPING THE SICK POOR. AN HOUR WITH ONE OF NEW YORK'S DESERVING CHARITIES. Tbe rian onWhlcb the Diet Kitchen Ar Conducted A BrUk Ladling Out of Fresh Milk. Mutton Broth, Beef Tea. Ktc. Gratitude. A mite of a girl, with a scrap of a shawl e ver her head and a dress of faded, tattered f rint draping her attenuated little form, waited outside a quaint, old fashioned black doorway on Third avenue, with a small,' shining brass door knob aud belL Presently she was joined by a pale, anxious woman, witti a puny baby moaning at ouch feeble, flutter ing breath on her shoulder. Another woman, with a sick child in her arms, had her sleeves rolled above the elbow, and her shining, braided hair unbounded. One or two more children stood there, and a i-efiued looking nmn, with a well worn, patched suit, which, in spite of its sbabhiness, had an appearance of gentility, and an expression of mingled tenderness and despair on his thin, careworn face as he looked down into the face of a little sick child in his arms, whoso rings of brown hair shaded dark eyes wide and wild with fever. An old decrepit woman, with a crutch in one hand and a pail In the other, hobbled up to the little group, and a ladylike looking woman with a sad face waited quietly with the tears dropping on the dish she caiTied iu her hands. Presently the little- brass door knob, that was as shiny as daily scouring could make it, turned briskly, the dour swung back, and the neatest, cheeriest, dearest of gray haired women, with a strong motherly face full of sunshine, appeared in the whitest of caps and aprons, and exclaimed: "Biess your hearts, it's only 0 o'clock now, whatever are you in such a hurry for; but come right in, every thing is all ready." Down through the long, coed passage into the tidiest of kitchens she hurried them, where every Loard was scoured as white as sand could scour it, and every dish re flected her own bright face as she bustled about pouring out quarts of milk and pints of beef tea, dishing up bowls of delicious cooked oatmeal and rice, aud pressing into the hands of the woman and children clusters of fresh daisies and crimson roses, faint with fragrance and blushing at their own beauty. 'And how is the baby today F she said to the man with the sick child, "and isn't her mother any lietter yet Well, keep up your courage, this beef broth will bring her up if anything will," aud tho man went away com-. forted with the hopeful courage in her voice. And to tbe woman who stood apart with the tears in her eyes she had some sympathetic inquiry for the consumptive husband at home as she (11 led the pitcher with beef broth aud tucked an extra large bunch of roses through the handle. While to the children a smile accompanied the daisies, and a pleasant mes sage to the sick mother at home or some kindly interested question about the sick sis ter or father or baby for whom the food was given. For four hours this brisk busy ladling out of fresh milk and wholesome nourishing food weut on almost uninterruptedly, and when it was finished the white apron was wbisked off, the tidy dress turned up over the stuff petticoat, and the boards and benches and tables were subjected to another scrubbing and scalding before she was ready to go up stairs and tell to whose bounty those most wretched of all the city's poor were indebted for so welcome and practical a munificence. ".Now," said she as she tucked up her sleeves above tho hard round arms, "I'll tell you all about it, but, if you don't mind, I'll keep on washing up my dithes. I hate to have them settin' 'round. This is one of the rfre diet kitchens where nourishing food is given to the sick poor, free of all cost, on re ceiving a certificate from ono of the doctors at the dispensaries with which our kitchens are connected. One kitchen is on Thirty sixth street and Ninth avenue, one on Third avenue near Twenty -first street; one on Third street, iu the German quarter; one ii connec tion with the New York dispensary, among the Italians, and a new one was established this spring, in April. "Tho first kitchen was opened fifteen years ago, through tbe efforts of Mrs. Gibbons, who is now our president, and one of the best and kindest women that ever lived, doing ever so much active charitable work, though she is 80 years old. As soon as funds were raised, another kitchen was opened. Then rooms were offered free of rent in the German quar ter if they would establish a kitchen there, and thut was opened. Rooms have been of fered in other parts of the city free of rent, but from lack of funds the society has de clined them. "How are the kitchens supported" "By voluntary contributions from people, churches and societies." "What kinds of food do you give the peo ple" "Whatever tho doctor orders. We buy tho best and purest milk there is; milk that cannot be bought in the shops or of the milk men that go into the tenement districts. Our beef tea is made of the best beef in the mar ket, and I get np at 4 o'clock in summer to make the tea f resh every day. In the Italian quarter a great deal of rice is given out, and there are oatmeal, farina, baa-ley and mut ton broth, all given subject to the doctor's orders. The Flower mission sends flowers for us to distribute all summer, and wealthy people send in jellies and dauities. At Christ mas toys are given to tho children, and cloth ing is also scut to us for distribution among tho needy. At present wo are expected to receive orders only from tha physicians con nected with the dispensaries, but in extremo cases we do supply orders from other doc tors, through the district nurses." "When is year most busy season V 'Well, in tho summer; for so many chil dren r re sick, and then work is scarce, so thst we have a different kmd of people coming to us; nice, respectable working people, clerks, teachers and mechanics, who are out of em ployment and cannot buy the nourishing food Ibev need and are so grateful to us for it," "Do you find people grateful, usuallyF' "Yes, really needy people are almost al ways exatef uL Tho idle, indolent, worthless people that coma are very independent, and take things as If they belonged to them, but tbe unfortunate sick people who have known better days and are iu real cUsnress, are very thankful. A great many Irish come to this kitchen, and they are profuse In their grati tude, saying over and over: 'God bless you, lady,' 'the saints keep yon and all that, bat I tell them they needn't bless me, but the Christian men and women of New York who supply the funds to help them in their need." In tbe past year 13,303 people have received food from tbe kitchens; and I7.17S.79 have been paid out in tbe various expenses attend ant upon keeping them supplied with food and service. The articles of diet most largely dispensed are milk and beef tea, of which VSJfiH pints of the former and 27,125 pints of the latter have been distributed anions the most heirless of all sufferers, tbe sick feor.--rew York Can. ' , r-'- -- " ' r?a ABOUT THE MORMONS. o Distinct fteefa of "Latter Bar Saint.' A Brief II Into ry. There are two distinct sects commonly called Mormons, neither of whom recognize the name, but both of whom call themselves the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." They both originated with Joseph Smith in tho year 183J. Tho church under Joseph Smith's leadership suffered porsecu tion because they seemed to be misunderstood by tho people. In tho United Stats many of them were killed and their homes burned by merciless mobs. In the year 1644 Joseph, his brother Hyrum, John Taylor and one Rich ards, hearing they wero to be arrested for treason, surrendered at Nauvoo and wero promised a fair trial. They were confined in Carthage jaiL A mob gathered around and forced their way into the jail, firing showers of balls at tho prisoners' cells. In attempt ing to escape Hyrum was shot dead, Taylor was shot in tho leg and another ball struck his watch, knocked him down and he rolled under tho bed, tho mob still firing at him, cutting from his hip a piece of flesh as large as a man's hand. Joseph attempted to jump out of the window, but two Italls pierced him and he fell dead. In the excitement which followed Taylor and Richards escaped. At this time the church had a membership of about 25,000. Their leader now being dead, many different ones put in their claims to the leadership, Brighton Young among the number. He did not have much success at first, aud out of the 25,000 only 10,000 ac cepted him as their leader. With these and other proselytes he went to tbe Great Suit Lake Valley, and there, some eight years after the death of Joseph Smith, he insti tuted, among other evils, polygamy and blood atonement, tho latter of which con sisted in killing any member whom they thought likely to apostatize, so that ho might die in the faith and thus bo saved. Tbe history of tho other organization bearing tho same name is not so well known. At the death of Joseph Smith thousands of his peo ple accepted no oue as their leader. In the years 1850 to 1S52, Jaeon W. Briggs and Zenas Gurly endeavored to get the disbanded people together, but neither claimed leader ship. They taught the same doctrine that Joseph Smith taught. April G, 1SG9, at a conference held at Am boy, Joseph Smith, the son of their late president, was placed at the head of affairs, where he remains to this day. Previous to his accepting the presidency of the church, he had studied law and was practicing his profession at Nauvoo, for which place ho was also a justice of the peace. After the organ ization there was some trouble between them and the Brighamitesos to who was the owner of a temple, worth about $75,000, built at Kirtland, O., previous to the death of Joseph Smith, Sr.. They went to tho courts about tho matter aud judgment was given in favor of the Josephites it being proven that they were the true church and that the Brigham-itc-3 hud largely departed from tho faith. The Josophitee were incorporated by tha United States in the year 1870, and are now growing very fast, numbering about 25,000 "L. D. S." in Detroit Free Press. Evolution of the Cheap Book. As the days of mammoth daily papers ap proached it began to be understood that a hook could bo sold for ten or fif teon cents providing enough of them were taken. Tho Lakeside library was est ablished in Chicago, and its issues of standard novels at very cheap prices became widely known and appreciated. This was followed by the Seaside library, pub lished by George Munro. The Haniers swung into line with the Franklin Square, aud were followed by John Lovell & Co. with Lovell's library. All of these libraries wero based upon the same plan, the republication of for eign worts in a very cueap rorm. the en terprise hod two elements of weakness in it, one inherent and tho other the result of com' petition. To take the latter first, there was a good profit in the business for one firm, but as in order to make it pay hundreds of thou sands of books had to be sold, the competi tion divided the market too much. Tho Lakeside died first. Then the Harpers announced than the Franklin Square was to be published occasionally only. It is under stood that Munro has sold his library busi ness to Lovell, leaving tho field practically to him. But Mr. Lovell will find that tho inherent elements of weakness will have an effect upon him; he will not be able to get books to standard. When oco remembers chut it takes from six months to a year to write a book, and that tho libraries were is sued weekly or serai-weekly in some cases daily it will be seen at once that it was only question of time wheu publishers wouK overtake authors. As these libraries bavA from the first consisted of works written abroad, upon which there was no copyright, tho novels of England have been exhausted Translations have been made from the French and German until now there are no more good books that is, books worth read ing. Of course they are still being written, but tho current supply will not keep the libraries going. Current Literature. Agility of the Salmou. The gamey qualities of tho salmon causing aim to rate so high with the fly fisherman are hi3 strength and activity. Ono writer says: "The salmon and sword fish are the fastest swimmers of all forked tail fishes." n, pubs bu gprrri at thirty miles as hour. When ascending streams he averages from fifteen to twenty-five miles a day, leap ing water falls twelve feet high in his ad vance. It used to be thought the fish made their big jumps by bending double and sud denly straightening out, tbe resistance of tbe tail against the water sending him forward. But now it is known be takes a short, sharp run before bis jump. If the water at the bot tom of a fall is not deep enough to permit this be cannot jump, and leaves the river al together, as nature leads them to the head waters always to spawn. So fish ladders and fish ways have been constructed in some rivers otherwise impassable to them. As soon as salmon get into fresh water in the rivurs from the sea they have a frolic, jumping and splashing in all directions. Then again they will roll lazily around on tbe surface of the water. But when booked everything of tbe appearance of laziness van ishes, and a twenty-five pound salmon at the end of a line will give a man a battle royal. Globe-Democrat. One of the Latest Fads. The latest fad with Detroit young people is tbe good luck ling. Tbe idea originated at Chautauqua this summer, where it caught sach a hold that almost everybody, from one end of tbe lake tq tbe other, either bad a ring or two or was occupied in making one. Tbe rings are worn on tbe little finger, and when properly made they look very pretty. A brand tew silver dime and a stout penknifa are all that is required for the work. Every thing is cut away but the milled rim, and the insido is smoothed oft with emery paper or a fine file. "It isnt an easy matter either, to cut tbe center out of a dime," says tbe pretty wearer of a half dozen little silver rings. It requires both time and patience, and the young man who does it for bis best girl or the girl who accomplishes it for her beet beta shows r s Ps mere friendly r "1 f f r- 'r rt twM-k be or ISIS 1 MI P LATTSMOUTH OKHCK AT RIDDLE HOUSE THE WOULD FAMOUS ft 'J ! KIIOM Berlin, Germany. 1 -c 11 ,i . I).I 1 1 You can consult him about Your Eyes, anil how to take care of them. More ight for the unfortunate t-pctacl- wear ers, and the doom of blindness prevented by the use of his 'Alaska Brilliants and Australian Crystals. A new cli- miciil combination of And patent self-adjusting Spring" Eyoiass s The first time intradticed into this coun try; manufactured to order after car ful examination by modern instruments. PROF. T AS MA ft has arrivid in Platte mouth, imd lins an ofiice at the Kiddle House He is do ing mi immense busimss tiiroiihuut tti United States, giving the best ol hut if.ic iion and delight t hundreds with ilf fective sight. His knowledge of tht human eye and bis skill in ncljui-ting tin classes is marvelous beyond imagination. Endorsed by all the great men of this country aud Europe. In an instant, as if by magic he is en- ioiea to tea you any ailment of your railing vision, point out tin- cause ami danger, and adapt brilliant glasses, p culiaily ground to suit every def-et of the eye, which will aid in strengthening the evesight of the old and voung. Sci entists invited to examine tin- n-w hvs tern for the preservation of the human ye. Teachers should watch the onry mani festations of their scholars' eyr-Mght and report in time to ther respective iir-nts to have their eyesight examined by Prof. Strassman, the expert optician of nation al fame. Artificial Eyes Tepl-crcl. Persons deprived of an -y enn have this deformity removed by the ins-rtion of an artificial one. which movwS and looks like a natural organ. OFFICE HOURS. 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p., and 7 to 8 in the eyening. R E FERE NOES : NEBRASKA CITY. George Rurgett, Rev. A. Claik. Jlr. Duff, Mrs Ur La-sh. I) P Rolf.-. Ms Streeter, Dr Drinker, R M Kolb-, Rod.-n brock, C Anderson. J W Waldsmith. W A Cotton, S II Calhoun, Judw Mii.es. David Brown. Dr llershey. Wm liver, T S Jones, E M Taggart. E R il-r, W. H Murphy. Frank McCartney. Jame Fitchie, Rev. Emanuel Hartig. Mrs. A. E Rudd, W D Merriam, Miss VanMeter, Dr S L Gant, A Horn", Paul Srhmtiik", Nat Adams. Geo A Wilcox, Mr S5h ldon. Mr. Gunseil. Rev It Pearson, Bhonv-rus. L Ivev, S M Kirkpatiick. Drvoll, Donald "MeCuaig, Willinm Wilhelmy. Rev Rivers, Logan Enyart. N 'Redfield. J F Welch, Rev. J B Green. John Good- lett, C B Bickel, Dan Gree, C W Scher fv. E S Hawley, A R Newcomh. AVm Nelson. Mrs N Davis, Wm Fulton, A am . Kloos, Mrs Ed Platner. M T Johnson. Mrs Carnout, Mrs. Sterling Morton. Mrs. Watson, Miss Morton. Mr Geo W Hawke. t a 9 i .;wv i-..o s. (-Ar Pffli.ai it-'. - ' (m i lr;, -.: " a) iir w i loan, aits l. i Lloyd.. Mrs r j r -v.. ir. r? t-r. i-r -i m fill till lit mouth ! Never before lias an Optician re ceived such teetimoniale from the people. Oilice of Iowa Soldier's Home. Marhhalltowti, la., Feb. 17, '89. Pkof. Stkaskman, JJt-ar r: Tbe glasnes you furnished niyse f fcd wife when in Clinton, have provi n in very way satisfactory, and we titke phut-tire in reeomiin ndini; j our work Mid gb" to all who may be in need of safety aK7l and comfort for your eyesight. Very Respectively, Coi-. Mn.o Smith, C mnu.n'l:int. Mtyor's Oflin. MHrshnlltt n, November 8rd, lb87. Prof. SttnsMiiiin has been in our city some six w ks or more, nnd us an opti Plaits cian has givn the Ixst of satisfaction both us to prices and jiutlity of woik, having trend d some of the most difficult cnsi-s of the eyis with hktchh and nin sat isfied yon will find him a skillful opti cian nnd a gentleman. Very Respectfully, Nki.min A.MK8, Mayor. Dkhkuvks It. No trnnscicnt oceulist has ever visited this city Sefore who hns given to the public such excellent pro fessional service, or has won such testi monials from the people, as Prof. StrsM- . nmn, now in our city. V an- not in the habit of volintaril v tcMikying in ththe matters, but in Prof. Strnssmaii's enfe we,, do it cheerfully, and entirely in an nn cited way simply hecnune he dcurvicB it. Osknloosn Hi rnld. Prof. St russii.ii ii, a dit-linguhhcd op tician, now stopping in our city, conus b. ft re us with the high, i-t testimonials of t-kill nnd experience in his art. and I take pleasure in reconnm cding him to my friends and the public who rosy bo in need of his service, as one entitled to his coiifid" nee. J. Williamson, M. D. ( jy Ottuniwa, Iowa." Alter a stay of several weks, Prof. Stnifsman, the optician, is about to close his lubors in our city. Persons who have not yet made use of his skill and rchnce would do well to cull at once and there by do tin in wives a ixFting Im nefit. He has ehown himself to b a nmn t-killcd in his profession, fair nnd lilM-rol in his dealings, snd withal, n, gentb m n in every ropect. The many cominen.latorv notices iriven dm bv the preps are well deservcuF tt y-. we shall part with him with regttt. Red Oak Expres. March 23rd REFERENCES. ItkD OAK. Dr E B Yonng, C F Cluik. G K Powers. D B Miller, J B lb . v h. Mis J K. ank. Mrs T 11 Dearborn. G Holt. A C Blow. W A Close, Mrs. ApolelM-.. Mr Stotkslaier. S Wroth. Rev MtClure. Mis Heftier. Mrs. Farrier, Marker. Rev Mi Cnllerv. Mis Htur.l.y. R Wadswoith. Mi Maienlioltz, Mr Jlfii.8, Ht-v Jugg, W Stuff old. C W Sc hneider, Harvey Spry, C E Richard, David Harris, Mr. bold, C II Lane, C M Mill. T II L.e. Win Koehh r. C J Lilli- j.berk, T M Lee, Oe I, Pbitt. Mis L Holvser. Win Duhhv. O Rtiim. b. Mrs B S Port r, I II IIay.ir.nu-. Mr Broad b v. F A Carter, Mrs FMier, Mi Stoddard, E O Sh-ph-nl. A McC.-imcII. E A Brown, Mr Gibnon. Mr Fike. Rev J W Hamil ton, S P Miller. Mi F C f'lml. B E A Simons, J V SuuiLin. Mr Vnn Abtine, L F Rokk. Mrs D i mer. Mr. Junkin. Tlion Griffith. I Sanborn. Qi o Binus. lfc Meyers, P. P. Johnson, and many others from the surrounding country. OTTVMWA. Dr O'NV 11. C F W Backn or, R v F C War, Mrs W F Rose. Dr. I wii., Cpt. C. P Brown. M. Slaiihiei. Dr J William m n. D T.I D. uIa D II W Reb. it. 8 B Evans. A C Lt ihion. J II..nman. R v A C Stillson. Dr B F Hyatt, Mrs. O 8 Phelli?, Mrs DrTa lor. CLAHINOA. Col W P JI burn. x conrssn: n; Hon T E Clark. H-tmtor: R v Sp-i k, Dr Cokenower. Dr Is m lb n. F W Harhh, J S Mclntyr A S Bailv. J D .I ns. B W Foster. H C Beck with.' Jo I ii Gb.wly. O A Kiiiil-nll. Mrs. MoiHunn. V Gr.ff. Rev. Seay. Dr Van Sunt. J D I'swby. T M Monzipgo. I)r Mill-n. If B-dwijl. Cspt Stone. J II St'f Ibti Wn- Pull, r, O N Hm-dle-. ATfl ih.pi.,1 M CihV'I. Mr Newton, Mrs Fhaul. ITerj T E ChU. Mrs Lorarz, Dr P.nr.r Rev Eddv. Raymond Lor .rz. A P Ske. ,1. J P Biirrov . Dr Ba rrft. Mm Ells. i UIJJT 3f. Pi. sill, in i-i IVst N-fi m 1 Bank and PrcHd ut -if C -tii J II Patr Mi D. id in N. tioi al Bark," ir f. . -i v j ' Vli , v m f j. CU ' D. rr, Ibv i. W i. G.i. W I ster. Mb C W. i m. r M.k M..n E. k n, Tl.os. M Grath. Ed Lewis. Dr N Torn t. prof Larrahec, Col Swall. Mis W D Moore, W V MQuid, J II Lirhtv. Mr Hpurr, Dr Groves. Mi II N w n an. Dr. Dunlap, W F Patt. R- v F W Ea-on. Mr M Sn li van, Mrs Laramore. Mr. ZIIarn. Mrs K Uuane. Mi c toyer. R E Ewiittf W M Lparr. Dr. KevnoJiK Mr Mi H p Far"- llml'T. DGMil.r. f Phiff..M. Mr K Hnrv! Mi Matth- Muntg C N II Blsnchard. Dr fieh l-y, ir Jlmtiman. Mrs A M Onw, Prof Meyer, Dr Reynold. IOWA CITY. 8enator Bloom. Dr I F Hunnt. Dr. Coperthwait. Mi Ir Le. Meters. Psr vin. Kost. MoiT. F H Bradlev. Jl If J oik a. D Shii-rUff. p m Pnrdy, Gm Ri as, Warner. lire F J Vox. Hon P A Dey, R-v PortT. Pref Parser. Prof WcClaire. Prof i:cT.rZt rmf II T. I ec-rd. Prof. A O r t. -- v v :n r TV:- (