V Vjl I.-1I.V J l.i;s-A LI): I t,vriVMii;TII. XKitttAKKA, MOTSJJ.V V; OCTOI'.Ei: 1. issft. Tfes Phtisareuth Dai!; Herai J. in " 'JT T T" JZ, T3 C" . Publishers -X Frorrricto-3. fWl V"p-"ly vrv Tr.cr-i:iv ifniKj. H-vi-:or--i st t.i i- .v,,1c I'.ivV'OM'Miih. y-r..3 - C'i.d-cl.v rn.i'.'T -ytTV:-? O'.r-iT vi Vint aad f". -r. t-. vr.Tc ev V"! .- -ivi-V pr - ry nrd . c v.". v rvr wc-.-jr.. by rr.n'.-r r.c t Try '.? y r.-iv.r:v. - - 0-- s; y il. rcvctc-. !a a-lv.-.r.ee " ..f India.-.-.. I F. MOKTOl' wf Iv;t.- York. l il i. a i h l r. 1 1 C- JGtilT "it- THAYER. ro" 7 IITTJTi"T.?.ITT yOVEJITCil'., GL-JfiGZ D. 7dEIrI7E JCK17. ?rrr.rr r." cr state, GILBERT L. I AW'?. J Z- lilLL. row Atxixor. ci' rrnxc ACcor:n, THOMAS H. BENTON. Kl.it aTTOF.HXY orERAL, WILLIAM LEESE. FOH fViMMIS'lKNEROP Fl'flLIC I.-VNDS AND BL'II.blNOt, JOHN STEEN. TOn SUPERIHTEUDrNT OF PCBLIC IST- GEORGE E. LA2TE. csrtsazsTioiiAL tscket- rc?. cvT" r r$. --- t rvs r""f T i. J. L J.1.11.LL. B.i.1 Hou-ks ov ccLrej Lave U51 a r: 5 '.'tur? :i sr j :.r :i..tiig -;03,CC3 I.-r pr;vtt:tj: :.? ::.tr l-.cii . n and sp.-c-d of -.11- f.-r;; Ti.. u:ti,u U i.-t ui cn to 3.c. T.. iru:..';. i..-. i J.- ': j c-;:e..l:.i "".I i3 i:.i.:."LU specific pArp'.?. I: t to diminish in any t'.t ti:? srf 2'..::; t. ci.uiis tbt l ire tezii a.:.d-i i.s t'.'.'i uirsct alui ci tc cr.i- z.r.z-i ' l cf thi v;r uv-artirit, lia3 i!3t:?I " r.;tul..r t. the c-tarrsarJants at a:nc bv.t dfr-.rr::.?. tl:c c.-d-r c7.::idirg to rvr. tic a -.r.-l ci::IJrja. Gr. Uitt il:r?w? tc: rs5i.jriih:li:y c-c Sr;ret trj inJic.t: uul Z-Jicct: 3:sii."i ..Isnj it TLuj : ;tric3 Zctrinea ana kris.l :.t i-i ihc t.ire cr" poiiiu:- Dili t-lectivii is rij-j-ioav-hinr, ttie ra3 i tltJ Jii. tj(? HU'l tr Vi r.V flitU iilll3I l..ie '.v lii li . 1 i . 'lliO. in'iil.ii i : ! I ..i:-lit Ii III-' ;l tOiifinIi of V.ilv'K'dS ail. I L.H ifl V ii ti -!!' I iC'l. Ltni olli over ui 1 11 in.. i'., t!i. tie that bin.U the l-ruK.rni8 aod .i iMiihittoniit3 to:.n'tLf r i? ujijily a'ko'.vt.-,il;',l. At nnrajul, iii tU-tt rl :t f.'W iliiVs H'o, :t j.Mllt luftt-JiJ!;- WHi hlil fit whit ll t In? tiftlft WH9 "V- enly oivi'l-l lituin tho mtikoxs ani Kloe lalw of the two organizations. This i. a iniirii more hrn.t vny of tlointhan th.it of holding s?jj irate meetings; and it also t'.'iiil-j to rcJuce r.imimign expenses. The flct that the prohibition party is simply a democratic aid society can not be doulcd by any intelligent observer, and the troahlc and cost of maintaining it ns an independent concern might as well le avoided by making the adulter ous aU'iKiif direr and complete. Globe Democrat. Talle Talk for October- -chatty, cherry reading; food tor the mind and body. It opens with " A Queer VWt to the Realm of King SaddUrock," in which the writer, Mr. Whitton, girea a Jules Vemiaa iwi-st to hi3 iiaagina'ion, dove tailing it with interesting points on the pedigree and habits of the oyster. Then ibllowa Mr. Horr'4 instruction?, " How to Prepar the Oyster," with the recipes for the various methods. Then, after her "New Menus for October," she gives the introductory to a coming seiics of papers on " How to Eive on a Thau sand a Year" . a hithrto-nnCol ved problem. These ppets ate intended, w; presume, as a taoasehold cliart, which, with the aid of the monthly kn.-.r,l?dpfe crowded within the compass of hfr " Houackeepei' Xu qdiiic.' should faild tfie 1ii.ctic craft to tt.-er tliai tt. 3l.-i.ls of untLrifii xiin. Otl.ti .ct. rcrtlnr articlcj ire "Fash-ijG-itk- Lui.cle;-.M und Tot lodrt,'' Ly Talifj ll.y iii.eyr " UarCoohias Ciut,: "O .tci.ff C.t.f. .t f E-:oavci '' ilillwvr ten F.ui tiir. ' ' Htu L:t;-is." ttc , etc A xr.L.j. iitru; emitter. " A Ecuisr Eijy.' -B.-sciut ri..i.i " rcicla.led), tl..v? .i.i p;i-r..? 51 a jf?-r. i&gii .-..-.( y l criiti 'TS'.ii T--1 i-at-u i v ... --.j i z i:. .-'.vet ruuia :.r!!cr.u iter::-;'. a i n? p'tyc-jt ucii'c jri't :p tin c :":;.v it;. Never blyre was ". rcs:'icr;;:l c.tadv.i'.t? cf "pt prty v5?:.:?'i. dry day. l y so mr.ay rner. -opr-ntlng -.Hny trndes and r.Vocft-ion-- n h3 Genrrr.l Harrifcti since the day rt h:s r.mirritior, and scarcely ever in tl ldtofy of ftny enrfnin ha? p.y c.n'li'r.t? bm r.l-Ic t? touch upen '. tiny liv? o;:c ?f th? dny vrirhout "i?vt:;.rs his fect in it."" IIU speeches hr.r? lccr. ch"rrrctcr'rcd irvn the fi?t by th jrentc gved cr??, th h:?!:?? ?rd?r '.f ci :liiy :a prd-lic rirv.Mi:. of ii.a:ag pcliten;?:- in public ?p3i:;ng. Thii ha? occn ny surprioc to General Ilnr r;jo.'.3 tiien 1?. for they knew Xlis iaan; and knew he hsid never been found u.-itqi-.U tj ..rij occiricii. ih:3 vas true cf Lira in the school xooa ftni on th? ituc., :u Jiis lav; off.ee r.nd in ihp court rc-rai t the battle field and in ths sen- .irccunting for this htppy condi- ! t:ca ci thinsthc C;neir.nnti Commrcicil Cr.C:t'.? snyv "G'n3ral IIrrioni3 Ftron? and ready bsc ir.?e h? hn? been a harr1 V7jrir.ng man all hii life, and hii facul ties have been disciplined and made alert cud txecnUye. He Las earned all he Lai, aud Lli habits of -.pplicr.iion abidi witn hini. He is not elated or oppressed by Lis position, cut he takes it cooliy, md i? in full possession cf himself. The iirinu: rock is under his feet, and over head the sky is clear. He 1ms absolute sincerity and unqualified courage jnd he L is hold such a breath of experience as few men have profited by, while each day of his life has been in some way good to him. lie has lost no time in idleness and wasted no power in dissipation." What Am 1 To Do? The symptoms of biliousness are un happily but too well known. They differ in different individuila to seme cr.rcnf. A bilious Taaa is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has na 5 eelu-nt app?:ire for liquids r at r..-nc for solids of l-iorning. Hi? tcrgtv? vriil hardly L"j;ir i"nspi-ctton at any time: if it is r."t widte i-.r.d furred, it is u-ugh. at dl ertr.t- Tin- diiivt systira : v.l: ;li .-ut cf ordtf .ti;d dii.rrhL'a or enstii-'utiou m:)y be a v.-mptom or it la t'.vu iaay nltctnte. T!:-r.' '.re often li?iaor;hcid3 Oi- even i.jjs oi Uv.vl. TiJiJc iz.'.v bs feiddir.tss nd '.-fit a i.iad .c'n? ( d acioiry cr 5atuieuc5 nu:l t .-a 1 .-rr.fi in tl:3 i :i cf the atouiach jfrc!".':- Az:gv.:z ZZz::7, it costs but' a td;i; ..-u tkjasaad'! f.t'u-:t its cSicacy. Thi sta&dutd uniedy ftr iiver com ii3."i: at you. ov p:u.3 oc. At i tr- nor; s ri:x s- ; V.- will pay the bcve reward for cay c3SoJliT-r ccraplaiat, uipepsia. aiek b.t2d-.-Le; iadigsitioa, constipation cr Ci-sti r.cs3 t; cannot cuie T.dtb West "cd.U I-iytr Pills, when the d.ici i; ...a uic sfiktly complied with. li.e.v" '.te piiit-lf vegetable, and never tail ti. ;ive antijfattioii. Lare boxes oitt;ii!itn 80 Migar ouateil pills 2:o. ?..r . i'- by 11 di nfijt-?. Ieware of ...in:; . foits aid imitfttionn. Thi g n i.i urn far! tired only by John O. W v . Madison Si. ( Udcag ,niid S-., l.v W. J. WanW-k. A SEASHORE SECRET Wind, yen mast o?er blow It, Drop ti Wi in your airy peeked Stn, .' mu-3t nettr show it, J ho ti ill you wttiked trtna your prying Bo."-k't4& Sea, yoij uiust nsver fell it When you rant to your grizzly beard; Wares, you must never spell it On tin. Kacd. what you saw and hear.! Blinll-t. rou must never Round it Wbea you pant on the leaning esir; Shore, you mutt not expound it Whet you compassed ua 'round to bear. Edward Abram Valentine. Coal Mining by Atacninery. It will only be a matter of a few jcars when Land mining of coal will only be fol low el the proportion that scythes are run in ojf'p-.-tfitioa to reapers. Heretofore the peal oobt of the complicated zoaehina used for mining coal haa retarded tho develop ment of machine mining. There are seventy pieces or more in the older machines. A fit. Louis inventor has come to the front with a coal drill, to be perated with compressed air, as i;r the older machines, which actu ally cv'jsiiti of but five pieces. It U now in operatiau in sevaral southern THinifa miaea. ilr. C. F. Chouteau, who L a at hand, to encourage iuveutive genius, haa defrayed the ei rs cf the experiments for three years. It is almost sure to revoiuttonlee the mintu cf caul. It will not throw miners out cr euployiiint, a tha experlafice in ma chine mines thus far La3 shown Inoreas&d aud steadier employment. Edward Devoy in Glche-Democrat. An Experiment In Evolattoa. A striiung illustration of the infiiienc of enriror.meat on animal forms may be quite eaMJy produced, according to Dr. Winalow Andeion. If the embryo of t'ae laud sala maadrr be takaa from the egg and kept in water of moderate temperature, abundanUy upplitd with osysen, and amply fed with at . til vr&ter aidxcals, the organism is reinarV atiy chaiiged even in a Eingle generation. The fca.Lryor.io lung remain underelcpel a.d gilLi grow instead, a rudder tail and eraa axe gr&iu&iiy drtloped f or the juw f uixtioa cf -imrr.iT!j aai the una3s&ry f it aai Ugi bicoae mera ruiituoi-tary ap ;eadagf3. Arkansaw Tra?tlcr. A utility in toikt apparsias U a tottls of gm.r.gia, perfoma cr Iviicn cennsctei Ly a rabbir tube with a tiay a:ciai;jr. The spray, wLi-h V tiijowa Ly x&saas cf a i utcsr fcaib, ii too ilaa aaa mistake to injurs tt3 ey3 if it to-el.: thc-a ana the persoa usiag it Ls ihzs C7.y.r :3 res0T?ry part cf Lcr ftca witu- ;r the trout aueaoat ia;or the c'.J DEFECTIVE VISION. V.HC THINKS 1HA" rrl rr-'? a T"!ttt. of fas Za,TnTi? rfa-roetlT 3o-s rrT tio Itr;a2i cf Iter CrTr? rtriifc TwaZlsr - I ata ratisCcd that dsfoctira Tisica aad biirlar?s ttIU prrjtty sooa bs a pr9znlS9at caaracsoristic arsons tho American people, tto same no rcttea teotli fcavo been daring tao 1-Ct 300 years. I make this assertion vriiheut havioj scca any ctatistics whatever ca tho subject cf tliaiaess. I found out loaj co that a cap cf coulee leaves a night chads ca tha train which coatiaues loader than aa Kllrss cf tho sua. I had lorg noticed that the cye3 of old coif es driakers bad a dry and shriveled appearance. Having discovered, soma year3 ago, that my owa eyesight was surely weakening, I tha erased to drink co3ee aa freely as I had used It, aaa became a mcdsrate cad more ob servant patroa of tho fragrant carcotio. But I have learned that moderate coffso driakiag ii a hard thing to manege, being prrty sure to develop into tho regular habit a;aia with iasidious caze. especially at tbose times when tho physical system feels to b9 in aeed of soma elixir. Besides, it is quito dis treo&in? for a persoa to co fighting off a powerful habit ut each meal, i now feel fra of the coffee driakiag vice, aad will have no mora troubla with it unlasa I shall again fall a victim to soma church sapper cr to the magnetic blandishment of some buoy ant hostess. Having long worked at a trado which re quires almost a3 exact a use cf tha eye as the occupation of a jeweler, I made tho discov ery that a siaglo cup of colfeo would have a perceptible effact cn my eyes. This fact was the more apparent because my eyesight wa3 originally very good in fact, about tho best. After having used cclTea with indifferent frequoucy and copiousness f of many years my siht became abnormally weak, and I began to fel a horror of darkness, wishing that the sun would never set, and desiring ln3tiuctivoly to go to some place where the n-ghu would be short during the entire year. But now 1 have quite little of this feeling left. My eyes have regained, to a curioua extont. their former range and spontaneity. I again enjoy the long panoramic views of nature which are afforded from the baby mountains that skirt Council Bluffs ca tha east like an encampment. I can tak9 these long telesoopio swssps of virion again with out blinking or feeling tho w-sakoairg relax ation winch alarmed mo a week ago. I have- no doubt but what this weakaeso cf tho eyes which result? Ironi ccST-J3 drinking is duo to the syinr-cthy which tho optic nerv? fcr.3 for tha r.ascl cavity i'ci latter being ccatinr.ouewith tho membrane of the mouth). Tho r.a;al cavity, with i's Grst pair cf brcia r.rvvTi, is r.nf.irally a priaciprd placo to to r.lvjcted ly any drinking habit, i or in stance, te- "partake of a diuh of soup will rea-.et;...C3 ea.-.-e a prrcon's breathing to te ,v;u; thick aud d-joiiedly labored. All cf iho Sv.-u cry n jrves uro much au!.ctd by cof fee driaii:: j-tfco:9 geatlo aal highly refined lL:-cad; cf uyra-;.-.thotic forco which cater largiiy iv.'zo tho E:a;o Of s.ncil, taste, sight a::i htariiig. Tho eatU-o syjnpathotij syc tcra is lihewkj involved ima:cdiatt.-ly in the collco drinking hbit. The brain, again, is iatca.ely aHectod thereby, Locause tho prin cipal aer-ves of tho brain branch c5 from tho ua3e.l cavity. Cells o driakiap; L especially iajaricaj vrhea it n rerorie-j to as a backing for strong tool. There are plcaty of robust persons among U3 "ho have drark coCco pretty r'reoly for a lifetime, bat who ars seemingly uninjured by it. To this fact I reply that appsaraaccs uro comotixaes deceiving to un practised eyes, and that a vico dots not in ail cases shew its cSscts plainly in the first acasiatiea. Tho frc3 use cf ccUse dates la: cuiy one gcaeratioa in this country. Eut ihi3 I wili say, that no persoa is as stout for tares hours uxter ha Lis drauk ceffes as Lo wa3 befoia. As long a jers-jn leiauins endowed with luU-iil constitutional sticiigth he can parli. i pate in diflferent vices with seeming impunity but he is gradually usiijg up his capital aritt will re-aoh Lis limit tie Lis life Is ially pro longed. His children and fci-aiidohildi-en will chow a degeneration ut tlw family stock, though they doubtless exhibit at present 4 premature brightness cf mind. Children that are allowed to partake freely of coffee will lMrconio restless, fussy and noisy, half wild with mischief. They probably advance in tiiir to hoc 1 studies with abnormal rapidity. Bat they hate work. At times they are iu differe.it about education. Their strength fcO.-s to th-i brain. The- grow rapidly, but not aright. They develop into mn and women three years too soon. Yet their eye3 dance with angelic splendor, and their cheeks glow with vermilion, providing that they atarted in life with robust constitutions. If they began life with puny physiques, how ever, coffee will make them slim and ghostly, and the:r eyes aud features flat. Coffee wili stem to improve those persons only who have a surplus of constitutional vigor. These in dividuals will seem possessed with forms and faces of marvelous grace and finish, yet they will fade all too soon, and fall into the hands of the doctor. Coffee has a magical effect on the heart and circulatory system, and for a while produces tho intoxication which ap proaches that of opium or cocaine. It causes a swift growth and swift decay. It pro duces beauty and exhilaration, but not en durance. North American Review. A Complete Identification Card. A novel and ingenious plan to enable a person to identify himself under all circum stances, a3 when cashing a check or money order or obtaining registered letters or mail matter, has recently been invented. It is in the form of au "identification card," which is inclosed in a Morocco case, so that it can be carried around by the owner conveniently. The card contains In one corner a minia ture photograph of the person to whom it is issued, with his signature below. Beneath this is the attestation of a notary public to the genuineness of tbe photograph and signa ture. On another division of the card is registered the name, occupation, place of birth, age and citizenship of the possessor, together with an accurate description of him and his place at residence. Boom is also left in another column fr signatures and ad dresses of any references that the bearer may have. A similar but less perfect system of Identi fication card has been in use for some time la Europe, and it is required by iavr in soma places. Banks and trust companies in this country, which have heard of ths system, say that it is just the thing they have wanted for & long time, aud declare that it will do away completely -with many cf tha inconveniences aaa dslays which are now ezpurianced in ths daily course of business in identifying per cas who pressat checks and orders for pay sons aai cannot properly identify tksm aalvM. ZTew York veiling World. A & b&rera has been iaveuted fa IV r.c i-erri'"s I ' t v i t-r aoi wine. GHADCYjrJG THu CLLT.K! rl5y3 Arc tr-srr-tcUTi FvooT. Within tho last ten years thcro havo boon so taany defaulters skipping tc Canada uftcr years of honesty and trustworthy service that tko officials cf thoso iEstitutions havo grown to kaow that long fidelity is no guar antee that the employe may not succumb to temptation at last, acd that all will bear watching. Said the detective: "It's a strange thing, but you never can tell about a mam Some will resist any sort of lure, but many a man i3 honest because ho has never had groat temptation to bo otherwise." Pre known men to haadlo money fcr thirty years and nevsr have tho slightest impulso to steal it, and sudlenly they would fall into the toils cf some adventuress cad before they know it they were plunged iato a system cf poculatioa aad falsifying accounts that ended ia ruin. Or else they thought they saw the chance, by somo lucky speculation, to end their long bondage to clerking, they took one big bum, failed, and the next news they had levanted over iato the Dominion. "So most cf tho banks keep a special detec tive for that service, and every now an 1 then ho begins to shadow a clerk. Ha iinis out where he goes and everything ho does for a week or two, and from his report tho bank ctiicials can judge whether his accounts need looking after or not. hen' tho dclcctivo reports that a new clerk is seen in noted re sorts and appears to be spending considerable money, they overhaul his books vary rigidly and give him to understand that a man v;ho lives a tviid life is not likely to remain in positions of trust. An old clerk who has Lcsn with a house a lung time is not under regular espionage may Lo onca a year or so tho d tsctive devotes a weak or tea days to follow ing him about and satisfying Limsaif ho's ia no mischief. Tho new oa&s ars almost al ways under surveillance, and there's not much they do that is not known, Sometimes, while we are shadowing caa clerk we run aei-oss aaother. "i have heard some pugili3tio tales from indignant young fallows who objected to being shadow ed, and who, having caught tha bungling deu-ctive in the act, had pummeled him within an inch of his Life, but most of them submit good naturedly, knowing that the bank Is more or loss justified in taking such precautlona It has a good effect on many uf the young fellowa, too; they keep cut of places with unsavory reputations, know ing that there is a good chauce of their ap pearance there being reported at headquar ters, and such a report militating strongly against their edvancKc!t.5, Brooklyn Sag!c. Tho Cld TIt "Com re nc'' "Laviay" took from a cotton Lag about half a peek of corn meal, sifted it carefully, poured boiling water on it, added a hecping tablcsoonful of salt, and, after thoroughly cxirrirsg the mass, mado it into small pones or loaves. Then later sho next carefully wrapped each hi tho inner husks or shacks cf corn fresh from Ik-j ear. Tho hot orabcrs in tho fireplace wore no-n- scraped into a heap and the pores laid ia a row on tho hot haarth, tho whole Liiug cavczed over wirh the Lot ashes aud burning embers. It ws highly cmnsirg to riots ihe evident pride displayed by my hestobs ia th possession of her tea servioo. Tho tali e was a rado pirc r.fi?air hinged to tho wall. Every crtiei3 of tr.hle famituro in ths woman's pos3es:-ioa croerci to have been brought forth, although co for as I could soo there wc-s no earthly occasion for this display beyoad a poesibls vr.ia effort to impress ma with tho wealth aad comfort of tha owner. i inaily ths bacon was declared ready aad Sara was directed to bring fcrth tha com pones. Tha latter was doas to a turn, tha crashed bowls wcro filled with coffee, and drawiag our stools as near the tablo as oar knees would permit, wo proceeded to sup. I must confess I never before enjoyed such a meal I at the moment was wcifishly hun gry, and tho cora pones preparsi in the man ner described were certainly delicious. I wa3 now really coatsated and refreshed, I, as a matter of course, praised Laviay 's cook iug to the skies and conAiatalated Gam on the possession of such uii accomplished wife. In fact, I succeeded in making both feul extremely happy and quite contented with themselves. A visit paid to my horse satis fied me that the happy animal was well pro vided for, and after a short ramble I returned to the house. The owners I found debating about my lodging, it being mutually resolved by them that I should occupy their bed. To this, however, I firmly objected, and spread ing my blanket3 upon the floor near tho fire place, was soon fast asleep. At an early hoar breakfast was ia readiness, and with a pang of regret I parted with my kind enter tainers, who positively refused to receive paj' fr my meals and loilgin. .Boston Commercial Bulletin. A Case of Canine Cleverness. Eut by far the most interesting part of this hunt to me is yet to come, and to tell which all this rigmarole has been peuned. Tho voices of the two dogs as they passed along the mountain had been recognized by their owners, and both claimed tho deer. Such things have been known to cause a bit ter feud. One was sure it was his dog, and tho other was just as sure it was his; but the question of most importance to be settled was, Which of the dogs started the deer? The deer was brought on shore and laid upon the green sward, where even the ladies, gen tle creatures, admired it. Soon the boat ar rived with the two dogs, and one of the old hunters cried out, ''Send those hounds up here, and let us see whose deer this is." Never having heard so strange a story, I, half in doubt, said, "What nonaenaa is that you are talking)1' "No nonsense, doctor; wait and see." Being deeply interested I approached closely, that I might the better observe the animals. One cf them walked up to the deer, smelt him all over and seemed quite in doubt. Then the other dog came up with an angry growl, smelt the deer and deliberately laid himself down by the am in el, while tho first dog quietly placed his tail between his legs and walked away. I could not help ex pressing my amazement, and still doubting the fact I said to my old guide: "That dog that is lying by the deer has been tho master of the other and baa cowed him. "On tho contrary," said my informer, "the dog that gave an tho deer is the better figirter aad whips that dog every time." We learned daring the day that tha doer had bean started tea miles down the river by the dog that claimed it, and the sound of his vcico drew tha ether one, about four miles below the lake, confirming the test aal proving the wonderful instinct cf tha bound. Forest and Stream. Viviparous FUbea cf Ilari.ii. It is a fact of interest to naturalists that in all tha fresh waters cf f;oriua are found fiahas that bring forth their young alive and perfect, instead cf laying eggs ia tho niannar of the finny tribe generally. Tha parent fishes are vary small, being only from caa and a half to tw iaches locg, ai d arc often U3d for bait for tass. Tha exact rawe of the genus and cjcies is not yet knowy, bet the books mention several pecu.-s of &by as f yivi-or-cr, live t" t;-fc.:jaD3 f - ! 1 Ei h t; d ri A IV n Sill F PI fiTKMdllTH P I L 111 I UIIIUU I I I ernes at UIBDLE HOUSE t ' .r ."-v..v ' 1 Tin; WOULD FAIJOU3 raoM Berlin, Germany. -1 'VA'V? ANf 'V-y You can consult him about Your and Lj v to take care of them. More light for the unfortunate f-p.-ctach' wear ers, aad the doom of blindness prevented by the use of his Alaska Brilliants and Australian Crystals. A new cir mical combination of 3 rr O '27 O JLa z-j And patent self-adjusting Spring 23yol3.as-:s Tlie first time intraduccd into t'nis coun- tr; in ifjufactun:d to order alter car. ful examination by moi'.ern instruments. PROF. ' T '-AS jfvlAM has arrived in Plattsinouth, and lias an ofHce at the Riddle House. He iV do ing an immense business throughout th United States, giving the best of sutisfuc tion and delight to hundreds with de fectie sight. His knowledge of thi human eye and bis skill in ml justing th iilassi s is marvelous beyond imaginatiim. Endored Jv all the great men of this country and Europe. In nn instant, as if by magic he is en abled to tell you any ailment of your failing vision, point out the cause and danger, and adapt brilliant glasses, p" culiarly ground to suit every defect of the eye. which will aid in strengthening the eyesight of the old and young. Sci entists invited to examine the new f.ys tern for the, preservation of the liuma'-. eye. Teachers should watch the early mnni festations of their echo him' ey si-dht r.nd report in time to the;r respective parntp to have their eyesight examined by Prof. Strassman, the expert optician of nation al fmf. Artificial Eyes ' eplce.-l. Persons deprived f an ye can 1ii. this deformity removed by the ins-rrion of an nrtiflcial one. which moyos r,( locks like a natural organ. OFFICE HOURS. 9 to 12 a. m.t 1 to t p., nnd 7 to 8 ii die eyeningj REFERENCES: KF.BRASKA CITY. George Burgett, Rev. A. Olaik, ii. Duff, Mrs Dr Lnsh, D P Rolf-. IT Strecter, Dr Brinker, R M Rolfe. Rod. i brook, C Anderson, J W Waldsmitli, V. A Cotton, 3 U Ca'houn. Judze Mi David Brown. Dr H-rshey, Wm Hie T S Jones, E M Tagpart. E K-ib r. V U Murphy, Prnnk McCrtn-y. Jn Fitcbip, Kev. Err.iTttipl Hirtisr. Mt E P.ndd, W D Merriam. Mis? VanM.-t. Dr S L Omt. A Horn.', PhuI Rfhm'nk Nat Adams. Geo A Wilcox, Mr Sh-1d,i.. Mr. Gunstll. Rev R Pearson, Shotiv rn. L Levey. S M Eirkpatiick. Dryscoll. Donald MeCuiig, V'illiam Wilhflmv. Rer River? Lo ran Envart. N Redfield. J F Wtkh. R-"v. J B Cricn. John Good lett.JL' B Bickel, Dm Gi -sg, C W Echor fr, E S Ravrley, A R ITwrorob. Wm Kelpon. Mrs 1 Davju, Wm Fulton. A am Cloo,, Mrs Ed Platncr. M T Job.nson. Mrs Carnont, Mrs. Eterllnir Morton. Mrs. Watson. Miss Morton. Mr Geo W Hawk. Mr W T Sloan. Mrs L W Lloyd. - Mrs J StP"lienson, Dr. F: lit Jchrr- PI otaiii OPT G A 8 H H - A. T j ; Saitemouth V) M, Slrsssman. IS'cver before Jrn an Ojdicijin re ceived such testimonials I'rom the je;plo Office of Iowa St liii i's Home. Miii.sl.nlllown, In., Feb. 17, '83. Pltt-F. RTKASfMAN, VlUT ' Ml l TL I5lasi.es yell flllld-lied tli)HCMi(l wif when in Clii.len, have pioVili iivery ' way sutislaetoiy, and we tnk fj jn recoinni. ndintc jour woik and glatee to nil who iinty be in need of Miity and and conifoit tor your eyeHiglit. Very Rip etivtlj, Col. Mho Smith, C' ninit.na u.t. Mayoi'a Oliicr, Maishulltt n, Novuuber 3rd, lbh7. Prof. yiiahHiian lias been in onr city sxUie ix wf or more, anil hi sti opti cian has givui tlie b. st of tutitfiictioa l oth as to rireb and quality of woik, Laving trotted Koine of the luort diUicult cnse3 of th; y! with huccip und nni sat-i-.ficd you will ilnd l.iin a tl.il) ful cpti li ui und a ueiii!itiin. Veij Respectfully, Nixson Auilh, Myor. Dkhekvea It. - No trunFcietit occulist ban tver visited thin city Vfore who hat ginn to the public nuch eicellent pro fenxionnl wrvicr-, or lias won futli tetl nsonrds fioni the people, as Prof. Btrata nian, now in our city. Me nrc not is the habit of voliiilril tftlying i"if mattri. but in Prof. StrnponiniiH rioS do it rle-rfu1ly, und ntin-ly in nn ur.fo cited way ?rrfdy Ikthhpc he fleerviea it. Oskrdorisii HeinM. Prof. Slno.Minin, a dii-t iiiuihlx d p tician, n w otopping in our erty, t-omeS be ft ro us will) the hifdut-t t i-f inx.nials of -kiil and exerieiice in hit aft. und I t-.ke pleasure in ie (.iiiini udinir hiin to niy friends and the public v. ho liiny be f in neeu 01 ii;s si 1 vie s, ns ore miii l 10 his con fid nee. J. WiM.iAMfo'. M. D. Oituinwn. Iowa. Alter h stay of hi veral c k, Prof. I Slrassiiiaii, the optician, is about to (lose - I his laboi s in our city. Perf-onn w h I. aye ' not ytt m.ule use ot his skill nod sci'iice would do well to e:dl at m re und 1 here by do themselves a jesting lr.i f.t. H hn3 sliown himself lo b- !i man skilled in his profession, fair and liberul m his dealing, ud withal, a jrentb no n in every n sprt m The many commendatory nc tie.n him by tin- press arc v.eU dep. fved iintf--we fcli.ill p-rt v:ih him willi relief. Rrd Oak Express. March 23rd , REFERENCES. HLD OAK. Dr E B Young, C F Clai k. G K Powers, D B Miller, J li R. - v s. Mis J . i.nk,Mu T II Deal bom. G II -It, A C Biota-, W j ck .v, ii.s. ppi in-.-, mv rto kfciager, J S Wroth, Rev An ( lure. Mi Ilesller, Ma Farrier, Mai.ke.-. Rs-v MeCuileiy, Mis Staid, v. R Wad.-.wi'Mli. Mr Man nholtz, Mr I l'iii.s. K v Ja'.-o, Sufl4.ul, C W Schne:d-r, Harvey Spi v, (' E Richards, David Harris, Mi Idd, C H Lui.e, G M Mills. T II Le. Win Ko. Ider. C J Lilli jeb.-ik, T M L.-. Ge L Pb.lt. Mia L fios.-r. Win Hubby, O Rniui.-ls, Mrs B H Port, r, I H H n-.u nus, Mr Broad br, F A Carter. Mi Fisher, Mr Sr. Mi.rd, K - ' O Sh-ib. id. A MrC.niiell. E A Brown, 1 Mr Gibson. Mr Fik.-. R.-v J W limn!- j ton, S P MMl. r. Mi-F C Clad , B E A J Simons, J Sain I in. Mr Vn Alstine, L F Ross. Mrs D iner. 31is. .lajja'a, Tims Hliflitll I 11 fl, T;."ilr Meytis, P. P. Johnson, and many others from the surrounding country. OTTVMWA. Dr O N. II. (' F W Bxrkn.ei , R. v F C War. Mrs W F Rob.-. Dr. Lewi. Cpt. C. . P Brown. Mis. .Si niht.-i. Dr J illinm--011. D T J U. ii-!.,s. I). II W Rob. its. S B Evans. A CL- ifhton. J lb nunar. R. v A 1: Mills.-n. L).- li F Hv.tt. Mi. O 8 Pii.UN, Mrs Dr Ti I.-r. CLAKIICDA. Col W P lie. burn. x cont i' ssn n; Hon T E Clin k. i Htoi : R. v Si . . k. Dr Cokei.ow-r DrJ..P.jI.. F W Ilfihh. J R Mdntxr A S J D J r . s. B W j Fo"f -r. H C B rkwitb. J. I 1 Gl 7. O , A Km l.f 11 Mrs. M. isnmr. V Gtif R. v. -y. DrVmS-.rt. A D H-vl T M ( Moiiznio. D' Mill 1 P V (4H Cvt t. nf. JHSt f. H. i Wi. Pull . O ft , flntdl.. ATH n.-ti'. J M, r-MH. Mr 1 N.wtoe. M' Sl.s rid. Ft. v T f"t-. Mrs Loir.Z. Dr P..V- r If V F vir, nd nd Dr f.r.nz A P Pi. .'. T f Pit, J ( KI.S'I" 31. Push!. ri? Fiift hi nl H-il: Prusiibtit f Git-tf i, N lion I I J H Pun ?L D..i;. M.f ' EttX D. rr, lb v Vm 'nyt,. r. (i, .. . If'.r. M;ss C V. ' -t l. Mix M I'. EV'. TI OH. M Gi i.i. !' I.- v Ds Tim 1 l -.f 'V V Qi . II .1- I K hi rr. Gi- v r' r r' f p. 1 . ; n. ;r.s L. .' .Ill- t. i .. Z: da'. Mis K D'isi" . M- " E 1 1 1 R F Ev i 1 M Lprr. Dr. R. r. M H P yvr. Mis Matti.' Mrntr O Hi:rl. -c M f! Viller. X II Blnnchard. Dr Sc hiffe-b-. Mr B Hur-1-y. Mr Hamman. Mr A M Gov. prof Meyer, Dr R"yindd. IOWA CITT. Senator Bloom. Dr I F Ib-nsif. JTr. foppc rthw-Hi?" . M.-- P-T." A.c.Tr-' ir. K""sf. Vosi. F p f . ;. ' n h'rf. D SJ.l 15C 1 - Pi G."Tl r. Wi-n r. M F -T f ! I P. .-rer. Pro f P : V . ' V i ( - Ir-MrBrid-. Pr- f N R J , r. t ' r. Hnnt. Trof I H William., Hon r r H S FairmL ,f