The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 28, 1888, Image 4

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3T Know Mow (DDneap we are SeDDSng" (Koods,
TC mrnalke
We Imvc
Mead WaiTick's AdL
Tne Evening Herald.
k. KalUbary. VeatM, Kofkwowl Balldlng-,
Telepheae Xv. S5.
Dr. SIkImr. OtBee In Geria' Drag Store, Resl
4tmce for. i.xta an-l Granite, Telephone o. 42.
Dr. Witkern, the Palates WentUt. Union
Block, oter tricke'i Drua- Store, Plattamouth.
Subscribe for tbe Daily Herald.
Wall Paper at Warrick's Drug Store at
reduced prices for next 30 days.
We issue 1000 extra Heralds today
and aim to put one in every borne in tbe
Mr. Chas. Wcckbach, of Lincoln, who
has been spending a vacation visiting bis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Wcckbach,
returned to that city this morning.
Wanted. A good girl or woman to
do housework. Call at tbe residence of
Rev. W. B. Alexander on Pearl street,
between Seventh and Eighth. Good
wages paid.
Will J. Warrick goes cast next week
to buy the largest stock of Holiday
Goods ever brought to this city. He of
fers bargains in Albums, Cups and Sauc
ers, Books, &c, to make room for new
Mr. A. Vinney, of Omaha, was in the
city last night for the purpose of install
ing the lodge of Odd Fellows to the Re
becca Degree. For some reason, un
known to us, the installation was post
poned until next week.
Rev. W. B. Alexander has returned
from Beatrice, where he ba3 been attend
ing the Methodist conference. His many
friends will be pleased to learn that he
has been stationed in this citv for the
term of another year, this making his
fourth year of service in his good work
at this point.
Tha photograph gallery, owned by
Mr. Cutler, has been removed from the
Carruth Block to the up-stairs room of
the brick block directly opposite on Fifth
street. The room is a very suitable one
for the business, and an entrance can be
made from the ouUide, making it still
more convenient than where it was for
merly located.
Phil Harrison, the well-known dray
man, who is engaged to do the hauling
for our new " Tea man " is a first cousin
of the nominee for president. The tea
man says he wishes he was Phil, for on
the morning of the 7th of November
next he would sell the mules, take tle
first train for Washington, and grab the
fattest position under the new adminis
D'wwiun fn tfBne
fljuponnglliia it
At neatly IHIealMceal
si few TToys, Albains, ICooIts, UPolIs, etc., that
IHHEUDTIKDirirCDM on to lose ITheni
Ca.ll gliclcL See
J i 1 L
The Daily Herald delivered for
15cts. ier week.
Bargains in every line for 30 days at
Warrick's Drug Store to make room for
Holiday Goocl3.
M.. C. W. Twiss made a selection
from his stock of large nutmeg musk
melons and made the Herald a present
today. It was the finest muskmelon we
have seen and is ef a new eastern species.
Mr. J. M. Higgins. of this county,
was nominated as the democratic float
representative at tbe convention held at
Nebraska City yesterday. This intelli
gence has reached many of the republi
cans already, and they signified their in
tention of putting up Mr. Daye Camp
bell, to wipe him out again.
About one hundred and fifty demo
crats formed themselves into a procession
last night about 8 o'clock, each man
carying a torch, and marched to the resi
dence of Mr. Jas. Patterson, where the B.
& M. baud, which headed theprocessions
played a few of their selections as a sere
nade to Mr. Patterson, who has, within
the last few days, returned from the east.
He was congratulated on his nomination
for the ofiice of state treasurer, which he
received during his absence
Qnong Lee, the Chinaman, who is
proprietor of the laundry at the foot of
Main street, manifested much excitement
on the street last night in search of a po
liceman. He was somewhat disfigured
by a couple of black eyes and his hand
had been badly cut up. He had the
name of Joe Conningan written on a card
and was bent on securing a polieaaiian to i
have him arrested. He attempted to tell
how the man hadassaulted him, but noth
ing coald be understood more than that
he struck him over the fingers with a
The base ball match which was
played yesterday afternoon between the
democrats and republicans, turned out
more favorable for the democrats than
anyone anticipated. If the names
which had been published in the papers
had been represented in the game, there
is no doubt but that tbe score, would
have been much reversed from what it
now is. The democrats, who first agreed
to take part in the game were substituted
by much better players and consequently
the game turned out in favor of them by
a score of 23 to 10. Considerable money
changed hands on the game and the
losers are much dissatisfied over the
course taken, as the democrats might as
well heve put in the first nine to play for
rhem while they were making a general
i rvuna up.
ILarget Sttoclk of !Ty annd EfloBiallay (Rs!l even
nDflatftfnuunatun, annd for 3!fl alay wiillll eMl
ffVices. IHiSs is Bn4 a catch pemnny cBiennie, we
1 .. I
(Gfoes in
ISeael Warrick's JSlcI.
A fine line of Juvenile Books at reduc
ed prices to close out and make room for
new goods at Warrick's
The rush of work which has come in
of late has compelled us to put rn an ex
tra force, and work of nights also.
All kinds of Paints and Varnishes at
lowest prices to reduce stock at
The members of Encampment No
3, I. O. O. F., are requested to meet at
their hall tonight at 8 o'clock, as business
of importance is to be transacted.
Will J. Warrick is reducing stock to
make room for Holiday Goods go there
for bargains in Paints and Wall Paper.
The subject selected for the next Y.
P. S, C. E. meeting, which will be held
at the Presbyterian church on the even
ing of Monday, Oct. 1st, is "Watch,"
.Matt. 2.1-13.
A few Birthday Cards at half price to
close out at Will J. Warktck's.
A law has been passed in the state
of Iowa which will come a little nearer
to the point they have been firing at for
some time prohibition. Drug stores of
that state nave realrzed a rich haryet
under the prohibition law, and the great
lawmakers of that reformed state have
tumbled to the fact. The druggists of
that land handed over liquors in about
as largo quantities as the saloon keepers
before them who were obliged to bar
their doors. The laws over the drug
-ihops will, after the first of October, be
jiuch more stringent than they have been
in the past. Only a few will be permit
ted to sell at all, and the druggists who
are allowed to handle liquor will be
dealt with strictly. In time they may
possiply be able to call Iowa a prohibi
tion state.
The young men who witnessed the
departure of the wedding party last night,
trembled in their shoes when they each
stood aside and quietly took in the pro
ceedings and wondered if they, them
selves, would exhibit what they supposed
to' be excitability and wondered how they
would act under similar circumstances.
Mr. Hans npparently gave his undivided
attention to his bride, and not once
thought of the bnggage left under his
care. An observing young man observed
that the trunks had not been checked and
took tiie trouble of informing the groom
who, upon entertaining a few thoughts of
his negligence, rvshed from the car and
procured the checks, but the train pulled
out "s the checks were being attached.
The disappointed crroora wended his
way back to where his bride was sitting
to inform her of their misfortune, on his
mm oca -
This SSediucttioia
Services will be held in the Christian
church next Sunday by a Rev. Mr. Ellis,
A full attendance of the members and
public generally is earnestly requested,
The company of hunters who took a
tr'p to Holloway lake last Wednesday,
returned borne last night bringing with
them over 250 ducks to show for their
Bring your job work to this ofiice.
We have put on an extra hand and will
put on another one next Monday, so that
we will be able to turn work out on
short notice,
A surprise party was given Mr. W.
Carpenter and wife at the home of Mr.
Lorine Cummins, last night, previous to
their departure for Texas. A very pleas
ant time was had.
I-Ion. J. Sterling Morton was nomin
ated as the democratic congressional can
didate at the convention held at Nebras
ka Cify yesterday, while J. M. Higgins,
of this county, was nominated as float
representative by acclammation, for Otoe
f.nd Cass.
Mr. J. G. Hayes, who is better known
as father Hayes, returned from a yisit to
his old home in the east. During his ab
sence he has visited Cincinnati, O., Pitts
burg, Pa., and other places of importance
in the east. His many triends were
2lcased to see him return.
We are in receipt of a wedding cake
from the home of Judge Vanatta. The
style in which the cake was finished up
exhibits a rare talent which Mrs. Vanatta
is the possesser of. The style in which
it'was finishd up here, exhibits a rare
talent which the newspapermen possess
We take the cake.
An error occurred yesterday in the
statement that Miss Lizzie Herrmann
took her departure for Kansas City.
The item should have read: Mrs. John
Hayes, nee Miss Lizzie Herrmann, took
her departure for Kansas City where she
will meet her husband and reside per
manently. Mr. John Hayes is well
known in this city, having been employ
ed in the boot and shoe store of Peter
Merges. It is reported that the wedding
took place several months ago.
A correspondent of a New York pa
per writes that he saw an advertisement
which stated that 25 useful household
articles would be sent for 25 cents. He
sent the money and received 25 needles.
He asks if there is any remedy in law.
Why should there bel The contract was
filled. Needles are useful household ar
ticles. Why did not the man use com
mon sense and ask himself what these
articles might be? Many other " useful
articles " could be sold at a good profit
for 25 cents. The moral is think before
'you grab,
we will make a
o) 5)
Stead Warrick's
Returned After Eighteen Years.
Many of the old residents of this city
will remember Judge Haynes, who, for
several years, had an office in a small
brick building in the vicinity where the
county court house now stands. The
judge always looked, as the people say,
as slick as a pin, for he invariably wore
a broadcloth suit, and a plug hat, with
trimmings to correspond. He married a
lady in England and came to this plae
among the first settlers. It is reported
that his wife was about ten or twelve
years older than he, but for years they
apparently lived together in harmony.
About eighteen years since, the judge
and his wife had some domestic trouble,
a short time after which he took his de
parture for parts unknown. Until only
a few months ago, Mrs. Haynes had heard
nothing from her offended husband, but
notwithstanding all, she had never, dur
ing his whole absence, given him up, but
expected that he would return some time.
Mrs. Haynes is now a gray-haired old
lady of about 70 years, and resides in a
house of her on south Fifth street
hill. Within the last year she procured
a divorce, not because she had ever
formed a dislike for her absent luiibmd,
for she invariably had a word in his
praise, but because she was obliged to
do so in order to secure what property
belonged to them. A few months ago a
letter was received at the ofiice hare for
Dr. Doneian, who died several years ago.
The postmaster forwarded the letter to
Mrs. Roberts, of Weeping Water, who
was at one time the wife of the deceased.
She read the letter, and, understanding
the circumstances, forwarded it to Mrs.
Haynes. Upon receiving the letter, Mrs.
Haynes opened np a correspondence with
her husband, which has, ever since, been
carried on. The correspondence has
been material in drawing them together,
and he arrived in tha city yesterday
morning to greet his wife of former
years. We haye not yet learned the re
sult of the meeting. He has been resid
ing at Detroit, Mich., for years.
We go east next week to buy our Holi
day stock. To make room for new goods
we offer everything at greatly reduced
prices. Come and see us before you buy.
Will J. Warrick.
Saturday, S.-pt. 20th, 500 beautiful
hand-pajnted china plates will be distrib
uted free of charge to tea customers at
the American Tea Syndicate's new branch
in the Sherwood block. The new addi
tion to Plattsmouth's business houses will
without question be greeted tomorrow
with a big crowd and a hearty welcome.
Will JWarrick is offering
in Wall Paper.
Or. R. R. Livingston Seriously III..
This community was shocked beyond
measure yesterday evening upon learning
of the critical iliness of Dr. Livingston,
and all through the evening and night
his many anxious friends were calling at
hi3 door and seeking for a word of en
couragement from his physicians which
word was not given out. He is very low
and very little hoe of his recoycry seems
to be entertained by his medical brethren
who have been in constant attendance? l
uj'uu niui. iuuuib biu Avers, Ol
Omaha, cams on a special during the
early hour of the night and were in con
sultation with his son, Dr. Tiieo. Living
ston, and local physicians, until morning.
Dr. Livingston's trouble is pronounced
to be heart failure brought on by. an at
tack of cholera morbus. At noon yester
day he was up and attending to his pa
tients, although he had been unwell- for :
two days. About noon he was suddenly
taken worse, severe vomiting setting in,
accompanied by failure of the heart to do
its work, and altli uih he slept a portion
of the night, under the influence of mor
phine, his condition was unchanged dur
ing the morning hours.
Reports from the sick room of T
Livingston ha not changed until thr
o'clock this afternoon. Little encourt
ment is received as to his recovery. '
McCrea, of Council Bluffs; Coffm
Omaha; and Mant-field, of Asbb'
expected on the flyer this after
later. At 3:30 the sad intelligcr
culated that the doctor -before,
breathed his last.
created the most intense
the streets.
The decorations whit
ranged in Rock wood Ha'
tumn festival tonight are
price of admission to see
We have a large stor'
that we wjll sel- at br
want the space for fr
Wednesday Oct.
One Price Clothie'
Price., will open '
stock of Fall ar
nishing Good
Satchels, etc.,
ty, and at s"
will astonir
Opening, r