lL,ATTSMOLTTII, NEBRASKA, FKIDAY KVKNING, SElTK3IKEK 28, 1SS8. .aen, 1st ward, 3rU -r 1 W 4ttl. . ' Boktil Pub. Works - .. I JX . . rMO.K, JH. - 1VU-M C'UAUK A Maixm.k S ci.ikkoku - W It MAL1CK J V WwfKHACII A ."Al.lMSl.'KY j 1 M J.N Krt I wit. hill I'M AN .".I IS .Mi;i:IMI V UU I TON I HON -.0O.i. 1 ' M C -tl.t.f N. I'UKf J WJun.Vll i.,i;iUIUMtN ltP.I iui lKK Haw K vvoktii 1 J w . i ltKt 1 1 11 Treasurer. Ie.pmy 1'rvAturer, Clerk. - lepury Clerk. KecoroVr ol Occds iM'uty U;. .lur Clerk of wMnci Co art, Hli.triir. Surveyor. -Attrucy. County Jti lit!. It. A. I'AMI'RKI.I. TllOI. I'U,IHK hlltl ClMTCIII'IKI.a ' l'.XACltllCtlPIKI.O W. M. I'lHJL J t X M I.KVIIA W. (.'. hiiow a lth; J.G. KlKKNHAHt . Al AlMll.K A l-l.F. S ilKKS'i.N May.na-in ix k C Udli. It'lAKl) OK Ul"K.KViSR. A. n. Tdi, C'li'm., - - Hmtsinoutli Lor is Poi.r., Weeplm; Wter A. li. Ui-'Khox, t.unvood GIVIG SOGIlIMW. X S V W V ' ' " -v 11ASS MMli No. II'!. I O. O. P. -.Mods vnyerry l'neil;y evcniiM of each w'ck. All troil-ttt lroth-r Hie ri'i-pectfully inviicl to atii-ml. iLATr.MOU II RXCAMPMKN r No. 3. I O. O. P.. iiK'i'i very inr-ii Kiulny In each moiitli in tho Mainic Hull. ISrothers aro l i vlted to attend. Vlslllll!! rpuio loim;k N. 81. A. O. I). W. .M.vts every iirriiitt Friday eveiiln;; at K. ol P. hall. .Transient brotliir are rHptfully in vited font tcn.l P.. I Morgan. MaoterWurkuiaii ; V. l' Itrown. Foreman ; !. H. "icinstr. Over- peei: K. A. Taite, Financier ; .. t. Houoe wortli. Krcordcr ; M. M bright. Kcceiver ; I. 1 mlth. fitft .M. w. ; 1. ? I. J. Kunz. Inside Watch. M . Uoweu, (iulile ; C1ASS CAMP N). 3.T2. MODKKS WtlODMKN of America Meets Kecond and fourth Mou d ay eveiiiiiK at K. of P. hull All transient . brothers are reiiested li meet witli uc. L. A. Nawco tier, Vfiierililo Coinul ; 1. Nilen, Worthy dvlser ; t. V. Wilde. Hanker ; W. A Itoeck, Clerk. 'llJ. VTTSMOUril I.OIXIE NO. 8. A. O. V. W. Mect every alternate Friday evenliii; at Kookwood hall at Ho'cIock. All rrunsieiil broth ers are raectfiilly invited io attend, i-. ss. IirAon, VS. W. ; V. i;vd. Herein :iu : S. . Wilde, Kecorder ; Leonard Andi;r'in. verfr. 1I.A'riMOi:TilL l ;KX().r. F..S. M Meetvo'i tli- Cr-t :n:d ih:r.i Moii.t;iyi o each moiitli id their hall. All iranv-iit l.toth er are coruiall v in.ited to nn-e? wiiii us J. i. UlCIIKV. VV. M Wm. 11 uh, Sfi-iv;ai;y. j ' KUUASK V CIII Ti:U No. 3. !t. A. M XI Mrel .second and fom tll 1 Ursda of nionlb at Mifon'f "all li.nibc-i hi bio her are Invu.-d to meet 'iM us. K. '.Viiiti:. II. P Wm. Hays, Secretary. Mm, ZION COMMA I)I:Y. NO. 5 K . . Meet first and third W ednesil iy iiiKht o eaeli mnntn at M no 'shall. VisHhn? br.it hvi ' are cordially invit (i to meet wiih lis. .tW. 11a yh. Kcc. t E. WlllTK, K. C. CASSCOt'sci .NO ltn?1. UOV U KC-VNITM li. eel Hie H'ConU and (o'.irth Moml.txs ol tacli mouth at An a nun Hall, n S, Ui K.VX, IJ"g'!lt. P. C. Mivob. Secretaiy. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OFTR DE President ...T ltobt. B Windhmi 1st Vice Pres;deut A. B. I'ood 2a.l Vi: President in Neville . Ketfeiary . K. Meir naiin j TrtiMUi't-r K. K. (iutliiiiaii J. C. Kirhev. li. Whit-. .) C. Paiterso . J. A. Conner, b. KH-'il. 0. W. rShciniau, K tior-d-r, J. V. Wrckbioli. McCUNlHIS POST 45 -C. A. R- kosiki:. W. Joiinsox t'oiiuander. S. Twitsi Senior Vice a. P.a tkh iiiuior 00. NI1.KS II inky- Mai ox CHABI.r.s K'"R' " " nan' AXUEK-ox Knv. Serji YJaj.". Jacob i!B-.KM.vx. . ..(Juwcr Mus'pr Si-r'. L. CCcrth Po-t liapl.m Weeilnr --aturd.iy evening A Steamer Gun!; Milwackui:, St-jjt. 28. A special from WUnoriii, ISIinn., says tlutt tlic etcnnier Miniuninci', owned ly Iironfioa ifc Folsom, of StillwattT, nink in the Mississippi near that point last night. No lives l.st. Th Hastings Presbytery. Oki.kaxs, Mi:l., St pt. 2H.--Thj IVes lytery of Hustings in meeting in tliis place. J lev. A. 11. Bjrain, of Kdgar, is the iiioiUr.itor. There arc some 2 nieni lers prcnei)t. The exercises have lieen of considcralde interest, and 'show that the lrcsly teriun church is doing faithful work in southwestern Nebraska. Their college nt Hastings U proving itself wor thy the patronage of Nchruskans who desire tht ir young people well educated. A Pclnt for Congress to Settle. Uostox, 8spt. 2S. The department of the state of .Massachuse ts has written to' Senator lloir calling atteiition to the fol lowing discrepancy in the eleeloiial col lege laws: The United States statutes provides that messengers from the elec toral colleges in the various states shall deliver tln-ir copies of the votes of their colleges to the president of the senate be fore the Jirot W'edn-sday m January. The colleges have met heretofore on the first Monday in December, but the law passed by Congress in changed the time of meeting to the second. Monday In January, whiln the provision regarding tii? delivery of the vote was left unalter ed. The question will have to be settled by the authorities at Washington. Republican Rally at Fremont- Fremont, Neb., Sept. 23. The fust republican rally of this campaign was held in Fremont Wednesday night under the auspices of the Fremont republican club. The meeting was prececded by a street parade by the Harrison guards, The speaking was at the repabl'cun head quarter"', which is the old opera house, it having bee" draped with flags and bunt nz in such atti-tic manner as to elicit many encomiums from ihu audience. The first speaker of the evening was Hon. John T. Cat hers, of (:n ih, who delivered abound an I sensible address a'jotit one hour in duration in which he made the democrats a.-hamcd of themselves. Hon, I. W. Lansing, of Lincoln, then took the audience in h in 1 and delivered one of the best political speeches eyer heard In this city. His remarks were bum full ot pith, w it and facts in happy proportions and he marshal ed hiq arguments like an old jieneral. The audience greeted him with round after round of applause The rally was tonic fr the numerous repub licans in this vicinity. Rockwood Hall Tonight. Don't forget to go to the Autumn fes tival this evening, at Kockwood hall, to nee the decorations and f-jK-nd a social evening. Admission 10c. We have a few Toys, Dolls, Album?, Hooks, Cups and. Saucers, &c, that we desire to close out-before our new goods arrive. We olTer real bargains in above line for :0 days. Come and sec us. W. J. Waii hick. You need not buy rents worth, no rouble to fchow goods, Joi: the One l'rice Clothier and his tirst-class clerks will give yon a first class reception at .all times whether you intend to buy or not. Light summer bhoes for your little girls, 2"i cents only, at Merges. H. Uoeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. Hoarding and Lodging. Apply to Mrs. Ed. Kenned v. Cor. JJrd and Oak Sts. Wood for Sale. Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, at Ben nett k Tutt's store. . tf. A MAN FROZE TO DEATH ! Why? Because he had no Garlasd Ktovk. Buy one of Johnson Bitos. sept 22 dim. For Sale The undersigned has for sale 13 head of 2 year-old cuttle. AVill sell cheap to a cash buyer. Gi:o. W. Vass, Jeweler. Sep27-Ct You query why from home I go, Why "bout the town I rove ( Thereupon why is plain, you know, We've got no Oakland Stove. lm Buy one of Johnson Bkos. Jok, the One Price Clouhing Ilussler, is going to establish the One Price Sys tem, in fact which is the coiner stone of success; J ok is bound to make it a success. Blow ! Blow your horns, We've not the slightest fear ! You cannot beat the Oaklaxds if You blow a thousand years. Im For sale bv Johnson Bnos. Don't miss the jainl Opening Oct. :rd, in Solomon & Nathan's old stand, of .1 ok, the One Price Clothier, the ter rorising courier to all competition and exterminator of high Prices. Jok. the One Price Clothier extends a kind invitation to every mm, woman and child, to come to this Grand Open ing "Wednesday, Cct. 3rd, in Solomon & Nathan' old Sitand, border's Block. A SCHOOL BOY's BIOGRAPHY- (rolt Till: HMtALU.) LUtle screaming, crying child, Ciylug Just beruu-e It can ; 'Hush my darl n-.'-inoih-r nay, "Hush and be a little man," Utile hands on mischief bent, I, II lie feet that rua Bstisy ; I. 'tile hurts and little tears, flight but trouble all the day. Little bov now kob to school HU youthful in. iid to knowledge store. Iledou't like books, but c tehev Hies. Or uunlis and other tilckn,o many ni'd'c. And even on till outte a lad W e see him waste his time. While mother hope inilte against hope. Industrious boy : A man sublime. And now lie's nearlni; manhood days Mii-foitune meets him every-tvhere ; Father 'f dead and moi Iter's sick ; lie lias no work : snow tile in air. Just o'er the way a sclio'd house stands V here wont lact winter rixty s-li'-lar Th:n fall theie in o school as yet ; No man to teach for tlfty dollars. He knew of other nluce too Professional men were in demand. Mechanic, clerks, expei lerced men A handrioa.e salary could command. The yoiiiiK man sat wi!!i downist look Willi 'all these thoughts ran through his brain. He Nay, (Iieanine If yvi ?) "I wish I were u.j Ubi.i. I'd go to school and learn my hooks ; I'd all my time to study tfive ; My chooliiK done I'd learn a trade ' hen 1 would be prepared to live. And Oh ! What good I might have been, if all my time 1 had improved. I'd be worth somethini' to myt-elf. And credit be t my beloved. Put now alas ! A man lam. My chances a' I for school are past. Small sisters three, mother, and me, I poll the cold, dark world ae ca?t. And now my frl'iidi, said he. t'li.wiite. That you may warnuiK froKi it 'alee. Iinprov your youth which Le'er returns. That you a uoble n an may make rT" J A. VI. Sealed Proposals. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of Public Works, City of Plattsmouth, Neb., until 2 o'clock p. ni., Thursday October isth, 1S88, for moyeing twenty thousand yards of earth, more or less, in grading Oak street, Fourth street, Third street, First street. Sixth street, Main street. Ninth street and Seventh street in compliance with ordi nance No. passed and approved Sept! 24. 1888. The estimated cost of said work is twenty-five cents per cubic yard and no overhall. The board reserves the right to reject any and all Lids. For ( particulars enquire at the cfllce of the J Board of Public Works. tf J. W. Johnson, Chairman Board of Public Works. fi One-tail AND DESTROYER o n b D RIG Extends n Kind Invitation to Everybody, to His G-rand Opemim At Solomon & Nathan' Old Stand, Republican Club Mooting Tonight. All mcn.bers of the young men's re publican club are earnestly requested to meet at the usual place as business of jm- oortancc is to be transacted. By order f the president, John A. Daviks. The P.listakes of Others Corrected '-'stVk oiif " AdJ"Au-I in the tliflicult application of Combina IMxoV.l,!.."""Ver.rtiie Oa tion Olass s; and all kinds of Cylindri- WHEH YOU WAST II J n VifUii -OF- "V-rii 37- JELX2.51 CALL ON enls and Prismatic Lenses manufactured to order in the various meridians to meet all requirements of Optical Defects, at Riddle House. A few Autograph, Photograph, and Scrap Albums at greatly reduced prices to make room lor new goods at Will J. WAituiCK'ri. 1, tdJ? hJ&& Tor. 12th au l Granite Streets. factor and Builder feed, tlonr, graham '8 mill, tf and 'room sets can be found Mr. Jas. Donnelly sills the .Atwood Suspender, the only su.-ptudcr in the world that can be adjusted to the. form of all. Non-elastic shoulder straps and lnstic back straps. tf. Miss Margarethc Arndt will meet all young ladii s and gentlemen, who wish to studv German, next Saturday evening at 7:30 --'clock in Miss Paul's room in the Herold block, on Main street, for the purpose of organizing a class. There is nothins; that adds so much to the charms of any face, ab a set of nice, natural teeth, if your teeth need attention ee Dr. Withers, Dental Parlors n Union Block. Joe. The One Price Clctbins Ilussler, is ht-re and will open Oct. 3rd, in Solo mon & Nathan's old btand, Q order Block. Shooting; Gallery for Sale, The runs and all ether articles used in the shooting gallery of Charles Simmons. deceased, will be disposed of within the next ten days at the Exchange stables of Mr. O. M. Streijjht. The articles will be sold separately or in bulk. Exchange stables are located on 7th st., between Main and Pearl. 4t ."-1 L ' - ' T- '-'J--I- Look out for change of 'Ads" in all the papers, weekly aud daily, also large bills giving you a programme of the Grand Opening Oct. 3rd, of Joe, the Fair and Square, Wide awake. Tireless Toiler, Ilussler, Hnssler and Bussler for the Clothing Wealing Com rami ity. JLair Brushes?, Tooth Brushes, Combs, &c, at 1 'educed Prices for next 30 days at Wahkick's Di:i r. Stoke. .4 CAKI). Haying thjs day sold WJ stock of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc., to Messrs. JJrekeuteld & AVeid nian, I would respectfully and ear nestly ask that ?.ll thoee in my debt come forward pvoinuy and settle their accounts: as it will be neces sary tr nie to olose up niT business as speedily as possible before en gaging in other pursuits. I also take this occasion to thank the public, both In the city amhoounty, for the very liberal patronage giv en nie during the tiirel have been engaged in busintts here, and hope the same will be expended to my SUCCCSSOi S. J iN (J. li. IU A. di:ctl-wJtn Joe, the One Price Clothier, the De stroyer of High Prices, will open Oct. 3rd, in Gorder Block. Come in and sec his grand opening. Private Sewerage All parties desiring private sewerage connection with the umiu sewer, can be accommodated at any time, by address ing Ilaulins & Shelton, Sewer Contrae tors, P. O. box 1130, or by calling at th office, Murphy's store. lm Child's high sandals, only 23 cents a pair, at Merges', Colic, Diarrhoea and summer complaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have a bottle of some reli able remedy. Begg3' Diarrhcea Balsam is a POSITIVE BELIEF in all thee disa greeable cases and ia pleasant to take. It will cost you only 85 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists, Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thin in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap, ileruember that he who sells most can sell cheapest, BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the w 01 Id ns a vitiated state of the blood ! Your ambition ia gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in yiuorator, one bottle of Beegs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. My iock will toe fciie iLargeNt, .Prices the ILowest9 and ne IPrlce mly. onest Goods at Low Prices VERY StESPECTJrTJX.I.-Z', IT CCD IS UK. JLn UEJj H EsJ FHE DAYL STORE HAS A FULL LINE OF LADIES' ClosJk Wraps B. A. M. Time Table. OOIXO WKST. flOlNtt RAS". No. 1. 5 :li a. m. No, 2 4 AT p. in. Vi,i ti:40p, ni. No. 4. lot.'toa. n. No. r. C :47 a. in.-- No. C T :13 p. in. No. 7.-7 :3a p. m. No. 10. 9 :45 a.' ra. No. . 6 :1" p. r.i. No, li t a. n. A'l train? run daily by wavof Omaha, except Nos 7 and 8 which run to and from fcchu' ler daily except Sunday. No. .TO is a stub to Pacific Junction at Sua in No. 19 is a stub from Pacific Junction at iia.in. For "ATinLter "Wear- DRESS OOODS OFFERED AT THE LOWEST PRICES. ' ; . . FIdANHELSj yarns,, etc., And Everything kept in a First-Class House tor "Winter "Ware. CARPETS OILCLOTHS MATTINGS LACS WI2T230W CCTS.TA.IXTS, A Full and Complete Stock of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S iU'v ijroous iteeeiveu JJauy. tjive us a Try SHOES I Call. V O TXT -n-n n W (B(L5JSPSLCJD1 Xj O O "J? "I? 3E3L E5 IRIES3IC5KS- - 33 Sl. 43- OPIEainiESIRi 2 ing" Suits '.ss Suits Made Suits .Made uits A 4.95 7. SO 10.00 25 00 Child's Kilt Suitsfrom Child's -Suits iVom lioys' huils from Youth' Suits from L90 to 3.75 2.00 to 0.S0 3.2$ to i0.90 4.00 to J 5 00 Men's Overcoats -Men's Nobby Cheek Overcoats Men's Fur Braver Overcoats -Men's Ulack "Worsted Overcoats 2.00 5.00 12.50 1000 -is of 3073', "S-ontns' a-d Children's Overcoats. ITou. zaaiss it if yon don't "buy your Clothing-, Sats,' Caps, Fur V wishing Goods, Soots and Slioes, etc., of The One - Price Clothier, Piatfsmouth5 Nebraska.