The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 25, 1888, Image 3

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    i. or subject i attracting to
.otlou in tbo rtwdical world to lay
t of ptomaine. A ptomaine, sayi fro-
-or Victor C. V aughan, la a txuic of alka
.oidal body funned during tlie putrofactloa
of animal matter. It may, therefore, Le
callod an animal alkaloid. The drat dofinito
Investigations on this subject were made by
the learned Daninh physician who presided
so ably at the eighth international medical
congress in ISS-l Dr. l'auuni, of Copenhagen.
I'anum found that putrid blood, even after
being boiled and after being treated with
chemical reagents, which would destroy all
germs, retained its poisonous properties. He
boiled this poisonous substance for eleven
hour and found that it still retained all its
virulence. From this be rightly concluded
that tbo poisonous substance was a non-voLv
tilo chemical compound. He did not succeed
in isolating it, and it has always been referred
to as Iuiiudu putrid poison. Pan urn's work
was published in Danish, and did not attract
much attention for some years.
la ISKii liergmann obtained from putrid
yeast a highly poisonous crystalline substance
to which he gave the name Sepsine. In the
following year Zeulzer and Sonnenschein ob
tained a substance which resembles atropia iu
its physiological action, and in a medico
legal investigation Rorsch and Fassbeader
discovered an amorphous Ixxly which gave
reactions similar to those of digitaline.
Dfiico Jones uud Durpre about this time also
obtained from the liver a substance which,
when dissolved in dilute sulphurio acii, gave
luo (luoreKeiice of sulphate of quinine, and
w hich wan called by them animal chiuoidiue.
From putrid meat Professor Brieger incpurod
a sub.-.tuwe, neuridine, which acted as a
iioison as long as it was contaminated with
other products of nutrefactiou; otherwise
linrmlt-sa. It L closely related to two sub
stances that occur in tho human system in its
normal coiuliiiou, namely, ueurine, ouo of
the constituents of the brain; and choline,
which U present iu the bile. By putrefac
tion, - neuridine and the rather harmless
choline, are transformed into the highly
loUmou3 ueurine. It ik a remarkable fact
that ueurine, which is indcutical with mus
carine, tho poisonous principle of a toad
stool, ami which is a normal constituent of
tho Luiiuid lody, should prove so destructive
v hen introduced into the body from un out
tido source.
The fact that tho poisons of putrefaction
11 ro of a chemical nature accounts for the
jioisons found in corpse. These poisons bear
fcoino reseiiibluuco to the alkaloids of the
hemlock, strychnine, reratriue, etc. A gen
eral wiu sup)csed to have been poisoned by
his servant, in Ilome, and a poison was found
jn his bod3', bearing a great resemblance to
n virulent poisou fouud in tho larkspur. Dut
this evidence of murder was overcome by the
j-uceess of the lato distinguished professor f
legal medicine in the university. Professor
fcklmi, of Bologna, in obtaining tho same
poison from a corpso where every suspicion
t poisoning was excluded.
in 1S70, Selmi began a series of investiga
tions concerning ptomaines, which was only
interrupted by his death. Selmi obtained
from putrid Uesu extracts which gave re
actions similar to thoso of morphine. Etry ch
ili no and delphiniuo. Dut bo did not succeed
in isolating completely any ptomaine.
Kencki, in 1670, first succeeded la determin
ing the composition of a ptomaine. This
kjbstauce was obtained from putrid gelatine.
The poisons like those found In corpses,
called ptomaines by chemists, are created by
the putrefaction of fish, white of egg, meat,
cheese, gelatine and yeast. The presence of
moisture is an essential condition, hence- the
moist mixture of sausage filling is especially
well adapted to the formation of these
poisons. It Is a matter of observation that
a great many cases of poisoning have fol
lowed the consumption of sausage or of fish
that have been kept damp. The action of
tho ptomaines is more virulent when they are
introduced into tho circulation through
wounds, than when they are in the stomach.
Hence, it is that cuts received while di
secting corpses often end in death.
People are not equally sensitive to these
poisons. Some persons are so sensitive that
fish seemingly fresh will cause them incon
venience. Others are likely to suffer from a
iculiar .eruption of the skin after eating
crabs or lobsters. In the maize porridge, I
which is called "polenta," and which is the
chief food of a certain class of Italian work
men, there is formed by putrefaction in hot
weather a poison which causes "pellagra,"
an eruption of the skin resembling erysipelas,
which grows worse In time and finally causes
In every day life the ptomaines give evi
dence of their presence. The frequent in
flammations of the fingers of persons engaged
in washing dishes are due to this cause. The
beat remedies for the evil is washing with
soap, which acts as a mild disinfectant.
All food, whether vegetable or animal,
must be regarded with suspicion as soon as
the first signs of decomposition become
noticeable). Especially should great care be
taken in times of epidemics. The poisons of
putrefaction are odorless compounds, and it
must not always bo inferred that they do not
xlst before tbo odor of putrefaction is per-
'ved. These poisons are not destroyed by
-r hundred cases of sickness in Soabia
n traced to sausage poisoning from
"53. The plague like epidemic that
in the Volga district some time ago
i to the diet of the people in those
Mch consisted almost exclusively
-km of New
- ,a Som.
hat slopes gently to
4 low and grassy creek at
and overlooking the waters
i, with iu busy craft on tbo
... little rosy cheeked maiden one bright
rnoon not long ago was driving a flock
of geese before ber with a long slender
switch. Her disorderly tresses blowing in
the fresh breeze that came up from the shore
looked like a mass of golden flax, waving and
.glistening in the warm August sunlight. The
geese themselves were rather a dejected and
mournful looking lot. At least they were not
of the class tliat an artist would choose with
which to produce an effect of light and shade
on canvas; though, to be sure, they were ri-
diculouUr picturesque as they ran to and
fro, quarreling incessantly. The little girl
proved herself a most attentive guardian to
such an uninviting company. Bhe hurried
here and there among ber refractory charges
with a never tiring pace; driving reluctant
ones from occasional puddles beside the path
way, in which they were disposed to linger,
and restricting thoso who now and then
stopped to settle certain disputes that arose
between them from fighting it out. She told
me that the geese belonged to ber papa all
except one. And that one, which she proudly
pointed out, but which 1 was unablo to dis
tinguish from the rest, although I said that I
could, she declared with a lisp really be
longed to ber. I had been out for a tramp
all day and, indifferent as to where my steps
led me, as long as they were away from tho
boated flagstones and brick and mortar of
the city, 1 accompanied my little gooso girl
in the direction of ber homo, whilo I listened
to ber innocent chatter about her flock.
She held ber switch toward a dilapidated
shanty that stood almost at the top of tho
bill, and which, at least, jos.sesed some in
terest, if for no other reason than that it was
tho most woeful looking rookery that one's
imagination might picture. It was con
structed of old, roughly planed boards green
with ago and covered iu places with patches
of lichen. Its roof was an uneven mass of
black tar paper, so jwpulur with the inhabi
tants of Shantytown, while against tho sides
of the building was piled an amazing quan
tity of old iron and other refuse. A goat was
wandering about aimlessly outside, and as I
approacded, two dirty faced children, in
short frocks, who wero eating bread and but
ter, came up to where 1 stood, in order that
they might wipe their greasy bands ou my
coat sleeve.
From their mother, who was kind enough
to call them back, I learned that the geese,
which now gathered themselves together
within a fenced inclosure behind the house,
were raised altogether for the market, and
that the returns were of great assistance in
maintaining the littlo family. Many of their
neighbors kept flocks of these fowls, too, for
tho vicinity seemed to be a most favorable
breeding place. There are certainly many
ways of adding to one's income, and in tbo
suburbs goose farming does not appear to be
the least insignificant of them. John Preston
Beecher in New York News.
ji are divided into two classes
.lining oxygen and those which do
in this element. Medical Classics.
odeling Our School System.
t to meat with much opposition
''are my conviction that our pubs-tern
will sooner or later have to
remodeled. It is an academic
'versity curriculum on a re
'Tnilar in kind, differing only
"olture which it imparts is
is but small reference to
je great majority of the
lead. It kindles an am
icb, la nine cases out of
be disappointed, and en
"nience, discontent and
9 state which fails to
i it has aided in aroos
yesen in The Forum.
tly proposed,
-rod cam of
1 off with
Something About the Stills Cure.
Talking about the milk cure, it has caused
a decided boom in tho dairy trado, and we
can scarcely supply our custom, as it was
already sufficiently large, 51 ilk is the de
mand of the hour, the greatest call being
among the physicians, their families ana
patients. One prominent medical man al
ways orders five gallons a day, two-fifths of
which is consumed by himself. He does not
take so much now, because be unfortunately
is a victim of the cocaine habit. The deadly
drug is slowly killing him, and be is gradu
ally abandoning bis practice, which was an
immense one. One pf bis favorite methods
of cure for bjs nervous patients is to order
them to be quiet for several months and to
take milk as their only nourishment, and in
large quantities. I know one lady who was
considered a victim of cancer, who was un
able to retain anything except milk for 6ix
months. Yet she eventually recovered.
However, in cases of dyspepsia, milk ought
to be tabooed, and such people should confine
themselves exclusively to buttermilk, which
has already gone through a process of diges
tion before it enters the stomach. Butter
milk is a cure in itself for disorders arising
from indigestion.
But the way sweet milk is used now in all
drinks, In the saloons and drug stores, in
"milk shakes, eta, is surprising. However,
its most unique demand is as an article of the
toilet, which use is constantly growing.
WTiy, I have twelve regular orders, four of
them on Lindell avenue, from ladies, for
eight gallons of milk daily. In this the mis
tress of the bouse takes ber evening bath.
She considers this equal to the champagne
bath, so celebrated among r aruuan ioqies,
only the milk baths are much less expensive,
skimmed milk being considered sufficient.
and eight gallons amounting to only 80 cents
a day. I suppose tho idea is an offspring d
the popular craze for modernizing the an
tique, and Poppro, the beautiful wife of Hero,
who daily bathed in milk for the benefit of
ber complexion, is perhaps the exajnple,
Dairyman in Globe-Democrat,
are so hedged about with forma and char
acters that they cannot be raised with a der
rick or forged by a blacksmith. There Is in
Chicago a man who probably bandies more
of this rural negotiable paper than any one
else. He deals in a class of literature which
is sent "securely scaled" on receipt of price.
When bis advertising bluffs in the columns
of the country press are called, he shows
down a pair of literary deuces, but be rakes
in tbe pot all the same, smiling to himself the
while at the gullibility cf the bucolic public.
They seek something for nothing; be gives
them nothing for something.
Tbo other day he showed a check bo had
received In payment for a book which be
termed in his pastoral advertisement "rich.
rare and racy." Tbe check was drawn on a
bank In a small western town of tbo mush
room era, and it was drawn by the president
of the bank. It was for lh Tbe signature
was evidently in imitation of that of the
man who signs jiasses lu a railroad office
which are "not good unless countersigned
by," and across the signature, at an anglo of
forty-five degrees, was written the legend,
"One dollar." No ouo could havo raised it
or altered it unless be bad been a Herrmann
or a Kellar. It was collateral for a dollar
that would have baffled even an Oberkampf.
It was "exhibit A" of the caution of a coun
try banker. Chicago Herald.
A Conplo of Clever Tricks.
A healthy looking mail horrified our peo-
plo a year ago by munching glass apparently
as tho average American eats peanuts. He
did not eat glass, however; bo swallowed a
skillfully prepared composition tint resem
bled glass, but bis punishment is recorded
nevertheless. Tho class eater is under the
physicians' care. The exposure of tho trick
will lessen the consumption of the diet that
has brought a trickster to grief and a gruel
diet. This imposture is not as bad as Annio
Brown's imposition. About eighteen years!
ago a woman living in Wayne county, N. Y..
named Annie Brown, puzzled the doctors.
She professed to be the victim of a snake.
Tho 6nako owned ber. It was seen in ber
mouth, but when the doctors tried to get it
it returned to ber stomach. Annie made
some money exhibiting the bead of the
snake, until she was taken to the infirmary,
and thero one day a shrewd physician sud
denly choked ber and compelled ber to dis
gorge tbo snake, which proved to bo a large
pieco of black India rubber that she slipped
down ber throat, and then, with her convul
sive movements, raised up and down. Of
the two, Annio Brown's is much the cleverest
trick. The managers of museums might
revive it now that glass eating is one of tbe
lost arts. Pittsburg Bulletin. .
How To Do It.
Irate Matron Never, sir; never will you
marry my daughter with my consent. I bate
the very sight of you, sir, and 1 wish I could
find some way to make you miserable.
Obnoxious Suitor Well, then, why don t
you become my mother-in-law? Philadel
phia Record.
To Promote Reality.
Among the miscellaneous articles invented
for the promotion of beauty aro artificial
veins, the wrinkle effacer and tho Circas- which iinpc.rts a brilliancy to tho eye.
A "stppbrck father" is n pew term of rela
tionship, it rlef-iguates a iiutirs connection
with his widow's sou bv a second marriage.
Victor Hugo raid that God create ! woman
the coquette as soon as be ha5 made man tlit
"The art of war, which everybody talks
bout, is difficult." Napoleon.
A Suggestion to Consumptives.
It is astonishing how little thought invalids
and their friends bestow on some questions
in which they are vitally interested. For
instance, it is an every day occurrence for
people who either suffer with or are threat
ened by pulmonary diseases to leave for Colo
rado, by order of physicians. But very few
of them inquire why tho climate of Colorado
is expected to benefit them. The fact is that
except in the early stages of lung disease it
is a problem which puzzles even good physi
cians, whether that climate will do good or
harm. Denver is more than 5,000 feet above
tho sea leveL That is to say, St. Louis, be
ing about 700 feet above the sea, Denver is
nearly a mile higher then we are hei, The
result is that the atmosphere is far more
rare, and the theory upon which residence
there is supposed to benefit weak lungs is
that the extra exertion necessary to inhale
the proper amount of the vitalizing element
gives fuller and freer play to all parts-of the
lungs, and preserves them from deca
But so great a change in altitude as that
from St. Louis to Denver, if made suddenly,
may be too severe a strain upon a nature
weakened by disease, and the change has
of ten proved fatal When symptoms of con
sumption appear and medical advice is
sought, if the patient has means, he is nearly
always advised either to go west, for the
reasons I bave indicated, or to go south
this on a different theory altogether. I have
often thought, however, that when the Colo
rado trip is recommended, the advice should,
bo coupled with a provision that the change
bo made by easy stages, rests being made at
least three times on the road, to enable the
lungs to become gradually accustomed to the
changed conditions. Charles J. Osbprna in
A New Army Saddle.
A neir saddle that has been invented waj
thought worthy of introduction into the
German army. As a final trial a squadron
of fifty cavalrymen aro now taking a four
weeks' ride through Prussia under tho per
sonal command of a general. They ride
forty-five milis a day.- Chicago Herald.
The republicans of the United States, assem
bled by their deligntes in national convention.
!aue ou me iinetnom oi meir pioreeoiiijis in
lonor the memory of their first trat leader
and immortal champion of liberty and 1 lie
ielits of the people. Abraham Lincoln, and to
cover also with wreaths r-f impel isliable re
membrance and gratitude tne heroic names of
our later leader? wno have been more recently
called away from our councils, infant, tiartield.
Arthur, J.ogan and lonkiifg- May t ijt'ir mem
ories be faillu'iilly cherished. also re'-nil
with our greetings and prayer for his recovery
thename of one of our livinu lierots wliose
memorv will be treasured in the history both
of republicans and of the republic. The name
is that of the qoble eclriier and favorite child
of vlctorv. Fhilm II. Sheridan.
In the vpirit of those great leader and of our
devotion t human liberty, and with that hos
tility to ail forms of desnotiHia ar.d oppression
which is the fuodanif ntal idra of l)ie republi
can party, ue fchu iraiepai cpnuratiiiuiiuns
to our fellow Anierlc-ins ot I -i azil upon their
great act of emancipation which completed
the abolition of slavery throuhout the lv.o
American continents. Ve etu-m'sily hope we
may soon congratulate our fellow citizens of
Irish birth upon the peaceful lecovery of home
rule for lreiaud.
to tne national constitution and to the indis
soluble union of states to the autooi:my re
served to the states under the constitution, to
the personal lights and liberties of citizens
all states and teintories in the union and es
pecially to the sup'eme and soyereftrn right of
every citizen, rich or poor, native or forpijjn
born, white or black, to cai-t one free ballot in
the public elect loi.s ami to have that ballot
duly counted, u e hold a free uini houest pop
ular balloi and just and fuuul repiaeiitatlna
of all people tt lie the foundation ot our re-
Jmblicnn government uud demand effective
egislation to secme the intejiiity aud purity
of election which are the fountains of all pub
lic authority, we charjre mat tue present no--
ministration ar.d the democratic majority in
congress owe their existence to 'he Mippressioii
of the ballot by the ptimuial nullilicat-nnof the
constitution and laws oi tne united Mates.
We are uncrompromis'ii'-ly in favor of the
American system of protection. V p protect
against tue uesirupiion pniposea oy uie preti
dent aad bis party. They eerve the interette
of Europe
We accept the issue, and confidently at peal to
the people for their judgment. The protective
system must be maintained. Its abandonment
has always been followed tiy uei erl di aer
to an lnieiests except tin se c if? iuturir
aa sner-ji.
We denounce the Mills' bill as destructive to
general bueinecs, labor, and the farming inter
ests of the country, and we heartily eiworse
the consistent ami patriotic net ion ot the re
publican representatives in congress in oppos-
lii"' its nassaee. v e condemn tne nrooosition
of the democratic party to place wool op the
tree nsi ana nisis' mat tne autibs i Hereon
shai be adjusted and maintained so as to fur
nish full and adequate protection to that i'-cu-try.
ine Feiiubiman oarty would ecect an needed
reduction of the i atioual revenue by repealing
the taxes on tobarco. which are an -arrotrance
and burden to agriculture, and the tax upon
spirits used in the arts and for mechanical pur
poses, ana Dy cueti revision oi tne tan II laws as
will tend to check Imports or gueit art! !es as
a e produced by our people, tne production of
which Klvea emplymeiit to ur labor, and re
lease fr"m import duties these ai tides of for
eign production, except luxuries, the like of
which cannot be produced at home, there rail
still remaiu a larger revenue tliau is rt qiilsltt
for tbe v.auts of Kovcrn'ment. of Internal taxes
rather than surrender any part of our i rotec
tivesvstem at the ioliit beii'st of the whiskv
ring aud agents cf foreign manufacturers.
We ceclare hostility to the introduction Into
this country of foreicn contract labor and of
Chinese labor alien to our civilization and our
constitution, and we demand the null enforce
ment of existing laws agaiDtt It ana favor such
immediate legislation as will exclud. sUi la
bor from our shorr 2. ..,..
we deetar our opposition to a'icompit.a-
tinns of capital organized iu trusts or other
wise to control arbitrarily tbe condition of
trade azr.ocg cur citizens and we recon mend
o congress scd the state lejnslatttres in their
respective jurisdiction? u-h lnrtulation as will
prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress
the pec pie by undue charges on their supplies
i 't " M , ? f?. transportation of
t... .t rt j acts to mi.. Ktt
we a. rove leuwlation by coput to pre
vent alike unjust burdens aud unfair djM-iuu
lualion betweon rtnten.
We reathrm th policy or atpri i:. li.g t li
public lands oi the i lilted nratrs to be home
stead lor American citizens und setlleia m.t
alien, w litc.i the republican party extabllhlieit
III Hga iiKt the o.n hit tell i.J
the detuocruis in ronpret, which i v. bn.iu l.t
our great western domain into iiutgt.llifcnt tle
vlopeir.e' t. 'J he ie'rution of nueai neil Uud
Krauts i (he public dom . in for the tine of uc
tual settler, hieh wa begun m-der tbe nd-mtnli-tration
of Inx'dcnt AiUmr should be
continued. deny lh -l the denii eral :c party
has ever retoret one hi re to tlie people . bu'i
declare lliat by thej-ent action of lepiibliejiiix
and democrats nto iif fifty million ncies f uii
earued IuiiiIh, originally canK'd lor I mi n
eti lie I Km oi million's, hnve been reMoretj to
the public domain in piuiiiinee of rotnliiioos
Incited by the leiniljiuv.i! party iu t be in Initi
al grants. W'c rliii'V'i' t e ileiii-eiai ic i'llrtilnii"
tiation with tailzie to execute law hum rloj; lo
eltleix tille to llieil lx.incte;;il h:.(1 with u.s
ilii: apt l"" lt;itlot m ule for tit Mr, purpose to
harrass l noccnt settler with nU jiml prose
cut ioim under t bf f;il-e ntei.-e oi eX;ohiig
frauds mid viinl!c:it:itg tbe law.
The government by covt;reK of the irnil. r
15 li b;ied upoH necersil y i ! lo tin ci it 1 1: a'
lliey may bee ime stdies iu tliii union: ilniv
lore. believer I In condition .f pupulji n.iit.
m:iteri:ii reM.un e, p. biic l-tel!a nee m il
i.iomiJty xre -ucli a to insure stal.le local ;:oV
eriime t therein the people of sm li let Mm
shoiUd b permitted, a ligot Inberein 'n ibem,
to fon.i for tin inseive coi- il in I'-i-k :,i suite
g'tveriineiil ai:il be :nl 'tied into t he no loll
i enuing pi pa i at i n lor statehood nil i ln r
herd f sliO' Id be se!etel li in buna lido
I esid ills ;ui. I il!.ens of the lei I itol u lo-ieiu
' tiey :ire to si I ve soii;li li.ikoli "hlomtii .f
rlg'"t be iiniiie l.itp'y a-linhled as a Mute in
tt.e union under the ("institution fr iiri( :ni(i
iidopteit I y her lieii.'e Itl'd we 1-iKi'ti'v re -
ihTfe I lie -et i li cf the icpuMir: r si-.;-u- ,,
i ice i iistv(r till for ! r .uitnU . n. ' !,. . -
f s:l of the (elm cm lie hone o coicx-iit.i-live.
or partisan pursc. fix oi ably eon
idcrthese bills U a illtnl viola! ion" of I lie
i n red American principle of P eal elf :r ve-
ment, iiiKi merii l li--i- i
men. 'I he pending bill in l be senate for act
to enable fne noodle of ivhii (.'ton. Not lb
Jiakota and Montaniiii territorie to fonu con-
"titu ion and establish slate uoveinmeits
should be l.assed without unnecessary delay.
The rei'iililicaii party pledges inself to do all in
lis power to facilitate llie admission of the ter
ritories of JCew Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and
Arizona to the enjoyment of self-government
a-s state. Such of them as are now (pialitied
as soon as possible. and others as soon as tlicy
may become so.
The political nower of tbe Mormon eMm 1. in
ine icriliories as exercised In the past l
menaiicc- to rice Institutions -oo danuerocs t
be lon sullercd. crcfoie v e p edue the ic
pubiieau party to aiuironriate lciilaiinii
assertiiig llie sovereltinty ot t he nat ion in al
tne lerritoiies where the SMine is mietionei
nun in i in (iterance oi inar flid lo place
upon i ne maiilie dook le-'i ation str iicet
euoiiKh fo divorce political from ecclesiastical
power, huh i nil Kiaimi out. the ,
wickedness of polygamy.
i ue lepiioncau uanv is in ravor or llie iw
oi doiu uoiu ami silver as inonev. and con
demus the policy of the democratic admiiiis
t ration in its etlor's to demonetize silver.
e cemand the reduction of letter ihnI:i..i.
iii i c nt iei ruure,
iu a remioiic like ours, w Iioi a ihft niii.iwi
Hie SOVerHKIl and lllO Otliclxl the erv:nit
where no powyr is exercised eiteeiir I IV fill U'i.l
oi me people. 11 is important mat the sover
eign people should possess Intellige: ce. The
ire sciiooi is ine promoierol mat Intel Igence
wii'.cn is to preserve us a fiee nai ion 'lln w.
tore, ine stale or nation, or both conbined
should support free institutions of learning
nuniiaeut n x iioru III CVCI V Clllld irrOWlltK III)
1. .1... I.....I . I. A . . tr . ...
in ine Linn nit? oiiiioi iiiiiiLv oi a eiioii eoiiiiiioii.
.... v i ... i . i " - "
rvuuui CUUCUllOll.
We earnestiv recommend tiiat liromiit. net ion
1. A . 1. 1. 5 "
ue i.iKcn ii u. j ciess ill ine ei aeinn nr nt sneh
ii-gisiaiion as win uesicecuie tne rebabilita
lion oi our Al eric:!ii ineicbanr. maiine, and
we protest against the passage by coma ess ( t
a free ship bill as calculated towoik in ionic
tnl..l. . ! . .. ..
n iiiui.i uj e.reiiug i ue wiiires oi inose en
gaged In prepaniur iuattirials as well as those
uiieciiy employed in our shipvards. e de-
inand upplopi lations for the enrlv leliuiMiiiL'
or enr navy. lor ine cont I ik t ion of const
loi .iiiraiioiis aim modern ordinance and other
npprovea modern mca-s of defense for the
oroiecuon i ( nr nelensc ess i:n im u..,i
..i.i.... i . . .
i-iiira. nir i lie paj ineiii oi jus c I'eisn iislo our
soiumis, lor uecerHitry Iks of nut lor nl itn-
poriauii in Tin: impl-ovemeiit or tli bavli.ns
and Channels of internal, coastwiser ami
ore ern commerce, for tho ciieowr:o-1.nwii,r ,.t
the shipping iiittresta of the Athntlo. Culf
and Pacific states ps v el a for iiie liavmcnt
rf f hu i.i .i.I.. .,'ll... .1 1.. ri I.! . ii ...
H"'ll'tl"B 'l".lic ueiu. I ill policy Will
give employment to our liibor. activity to oui
vaiiouH iiiunsirics increased security to oi.r
country, promote trade, open new and direct
markets for our products and cheap n the cost
of trans portafou We aliinn tins to be far
better for cur country than toe democratic
poiicy of loaning the goverumiuifa money
without interest to "pet, LauKu."
rnBKin hklations.
The l, of foleb'Ii affaii-s bv tlin
adiiiiiiitratioii has been di.-tim'iiislie.l l,v inLf.
liciuncv and cowardice. Ha
from the senate all pending trea ies cilected
by republican administratioi s for the removal
of foreign burdens and restrict ions nmm mir
cotiiineice and for its extension into a better
market H has neither affected nor proposed
anyotheisin their etead. Professing adher
ence to the Monroe doctrire. it has seep with
bile complacency the extension of foreign in
fluence ?n Courral 4inei ica and of foreign trade
everywhere among our neighbors, it has re
fused to charter, sanctiou or encourage any
American orgauizytinu tor constructiiig the
S icaragua cap::l. a work of vtal importance to
the or the Monroe doctrine and
of our national influence in Central and South
Aniciica. and necessary fo-- the development
of tmde with our Pacific ten Jrory, with South
America, and with te further coasts of the
Pacific Oceau.
We arraign the present democratic adminis
tration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment
of the fishejios question, and its pusillanimous
suireiiderof all privileges to which our fishery
wsseNare en filled in Canadian ports under
the treaty of 18J8, the reciprocate marin
tine lei lslaitoii of 130 and comity of nations,
and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in
the ports of ihe United States. We condemn
tho i olioy of the present administration and
ine democratic majority io congress towards
our fisheries as unfriendly and eonspiciously
unpatriotic and as tending to destrov a valuable
national Industry and au ludispensible resource
of defense against foreign enemy.
The name of American applies alike to all
ciiizens of the repjblK and imposes upon men
alike the same oiigatiQi cf obedience to the
'aws. At the same timed izenshipls and must
be the panoply and safeguard of him w ho weais
It, should shie'daud protect him whether high
or low. rich orpocr. in all his civil rights. It
should and must afford him protection at hnrne
and follow and protect him abroad in whatever
land he may be on a lawful errand.
The men who abandoned thft rerr.ihlir.sii i, ar
ty in lg4 apd continue to adhere to the demo
cratic party have deserted not onlv the
of li(ii-et government, but of sound finance, of
freedom and purity of the ballot, but espec
ially bave deserted the cau-e of reform in ' i bo
civil service. We will rot fail to keep ur
pledges becaue tf ey have broken theirs, or
be iii-sfi their candidate has broken his. We
therefore repea our declaration of issi, towit :
'1 he reform of civil service auspiciously begun
unCer republican administration s.liouid be
completed by a further extension of tb reform
s;steni already established by law to all grades
of the service to which it is applied. The spir
it and purpose of reform should be observed in
all executive appointments, and all laws at
variencewith the object of existing reform U g
islation should be repealed, and that tna dan
gers to free Institutions which I.k m tlie pow
er foffcial iatronag3 iu.'y"be wisely aDd ef
fectively Yt;ouc0. ' '
The gratitude of the nath n to the defenders
oi tne union cannot be assured except bv laws.
The legislation of congress should conform to
the pledges made by a loyal pop!e. ud be so
enlarged and extended si to pror'de against
the possibility tj.t any man who honorably
wove the rederal uniform shall necon-e au In
mate of an almshouse or denennVnf on i rivals
charity. In the presence of au overflowing
treasury it would b" a public scaiflaj l oo p-ss
for those whose valorous se.vwje preserved the
goyenimept. denounce th hostile spirit
snown oy rresident i.'leveland In his numerous
vetoes of measures for pension re'ief. ami the
action of tbe democratic house of r presenta
tives in refusing even consideration of general
pension legislation.
in support oi ll:e vaoiles rerewlth enun
ciate .1 laviiefhe co-operation of patriori
nien of all parties, f specially f all working
men whose prosperity Is seriously threatened
by the free trade uolicv of the Dresent admin.
The first co cern of !! cr. -,.i n.Mr.inpni i
the virtue and sobriety oi the i-eople nd the
P'rity oi l heir homes. The republican party
cordially sympathizes with all wise and well
directed efforts for the promotion of temper
Tho lmportanco of tho resul.
overestimated by those who doslre L..
Democrats, bosldea too " Solid South, v
breastworks of publlo patronage. It wl
work to dlslodeo thorn, tto thing will so su.
nest, mad united work ms tie circulation otto .
L.Y NEWSPAPER. Spoechea and documer .
read are laid asido; tbo newspaper la tho flreol:'
companion. Its influence 13 continuous, constant. .
aid their party better than by circulating
-Oiheo lailifo Jntero
It is a live Republican Newspaper, and baa boon faithful azl. i
Chicaeo. No man has ever quootlonod its soundness on tfci
the principles of tho pla' form have been advocated by Tl
MARKETS FOR AMERICAN PRODUCER3 have been its battle c
beg inning. It did not take it six weeks to ascertain whether it cou..
tho platform or not.
Republicans have dono much to aid in tho Inculcation of tola j:
doctrines by patronizing papers that advocate them. Why ebo -ad they 4
when thoy can avoid it by subocriblng for THE INTER OCEAN, whlc'
acknowledged to be . i
The Rest and 7Vlst Reliable newspaer A
Published in ChlcaRO? In enterprise, nwa, nditorlal ability, and e-
that goes to make A COMPLETE NEW3PAP1ST it is unozcolled
Its contemporaries.
Every Republican ought to subscribo for it. x
Every workingman ought to subscribe for it.
It 13 the paper for all classes of patriotic people who bollovo in proton
the homes of America. " ,
You can subscribe through your now3dealor or po3tmastor. If you art.
unablo to do that send direct to tho office of publication. Samplo copies are
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