, v - and Py Hervlc i t except Sunday .jornlug. Kegls .amcutn. Nebr.,s 4 rorner of Vine and 1 Ko. isn. , FOR DAILY. a advance, by mail.... $6 no a. by carrier.. to ,t, by carrier,... xlM) FOR WEEKLY. year. In advance. months. In advance. 15 ..$1 51 75 "T.iAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PKKHIDKNT, BENJAMIN. HARRISON. of Indiana. FOIl VICE I'UESIIJKNT, LEVI P. MORTON, of New York. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. von novKUNOit, - JOHN M. THAYER. FOIt LIEUTENANT iOVKKNOI GEORGE I). MEIKLEJOHN. KOIt 8ECKETA11V OK STATE, GILBERT L. LAWS. KOIt TUEAsritEK, J. E. HILL. FOR Al'I'ITOR, OF FUIU.IC ACCOUNT?, THOMAS H. BENTON. FOB ATTORNEY GENERAL, WILLIAM LEESE. FOR COMMISSIONER OF PL ISI.IC LANDS AND RUII.DJNGS, JOHN STEEN. FOR MTKRIXTKNDFNT OF rCBLIC IX HTKUCTIOX, GEORGE 15. LANE. CONCRESTIONAL TICKET- FOR CONOR ESS, (First Congressional Distiic-t.) W. J. CONN ELL. The Alabama Democrats declare the will make a "thorough and active cam paign for Cleveland." Apparently there ia soma fear anion" the Bourbous that even Alabama may give its electoral vote to Harrison. It is the church against the saloon in New York this year the church backing the republicans, and the saloon backing the democrats. The republican majority in the Empire state in 1883 can scarcely eo below 29,000. The landslide to the republican ticket (national) in New York is pronounced. and well-informed democrats in that state quietly admit that Mr. Harrison will carry New York anywhere from 23, 000 to 50,000 runjority. Mr. Thurman claims that it was the democrats who abolished slavery. Thr only thing that equals this in the way of campaign humor is the assertion that the democratic nartv is tlie friend of the American workingman, made by Mr Mills. Because it is my deliberate judgment that the prosperity of America is mainly due to its system of protective laws, I urge that Germany has now reached that point where it is necessary to imitate the tariff system of the United States. Prince Bismarch's Speech to the German Reichst ag. Mr. McShane ran for congress in this district on his boodle, and now he proposes to run for governor on the repu tation of his boodle. With the boodle class Mr. McShane will discover that reputation is a sham, a delusion and a hollow mockery. Tho?e fellows. Mr. McShane, deliver votes C. O. D. on de livery. Gen. IIaiirison made an addres3 to the Commercial Travellers Association of Chicago on the 22nd inst. which will be used as a campaign document. He called the attention of those gentlemen to the attitude of Great Britain towards our couutry during the war of the rebel lion and quoted from the book of James Spence a prominent Englishman written in 1S62, during the war, to show why England was against this nation and in full sympathy with the confederacy Mr. Spence set forth the grounds fully it was commcrcialy agreed. The south he com pared to Australia as a non-iuauufitetur ing country indisposed and unable to compete with his country while the north he regarded as the rival and competitor of England in manufactures and compe tion for the worlds trade: closintr his speech Mr. Harrison said: I have read the extrats because they Rcemed'to me suggestive and instructive. The south offered free trade to Europe in exchange for expected recognition of their independence by England and France. Cries of "you are right." Tin offer was attractive and persuasive to tin ruling classes of England. They took confederate bonds and sent out armed cruisers to prev upon our commerce. They dallied with southern agents, fed them npon iiiusivs hopes and thus couraged the south lo protract a hopeless struggle. They walked to the very edge . .aiet," for- ...adly tit that bound , ...id all this to gratify a greed. We may learn from Kow high a price England then set upon free trade with a certainty of the states. A voice, "We remember it"J But now the Union has been euVed and re stored. Men of both armies and of all the states rejoice that England's hope of commercial dependency on our southern coast was disappointed. The south is under no stress to purchase foreign help by trade concession. She will now open her hospitable doors to manufacturing capital and skilled labor. It is now true that either climate or the habits of stable is gathered. Applause. They will no longer leave Pennsylvania with an active rival in the production of iron. They surely will not, if they arc at all mindful of their great need and their great op portunity, unite in this crusade ' against an anppitude for machinery, energy, and industry, while the early obstacles of de ficient capital and scanty labor are ranid ly disappearing. I am sure there is a "new south, shackled as it is by tradit ions and prejudice that is girding itself her people indispose them to manufac tures. Of the Virginias, North Carolina, Kentucky. Tennessee, Alabama, and Missouri it may be said ns Mr. Spence said of the more northern states: "They possess the same elements ns ourselves (England) coal, metal, ships. I thank yon again for this beautiful and cordial demonstation, and will now be glad to meet you personally. Cheers. DEMOCRACY AND MORMON 1 8 V. A Salt Lake City dispatch recenty an nounced the surrender and sentence of George Q. Cannon, on a plea of guilty on two counts of an indictment for unlawful cohabitation. It seems from late advices that the sentence was a very light one,and the circumstances peculiar i f not suspi cious. Cannon is one of tho twelve apos tles of of the Mormon church, and gener ally looked upon as incorrigible. The custom of judge Zano, the republican predecessor of the present democratic chief justice, in such cases, was to impose a sentence of six months' imprisonment in the penitentiary and if:'00 tine on each count after the culprit had made a pledge to obey the law in the future; but Justice S inford exacted no pledge, and sentenced Cannon to but 175 days' imprisonment and $450 line on both fount. A Salt Lake dispatch to the New York Trib'ine, commenting upon Cannon's sentence, says among the gentiles, with the exception of a few democrats, there is but one expression of opinion, and that is that there has been a bargain effected between the Mormon church and the pres ent ndministratton; in fact it ia openly stated, and generally believed, that the Mormon church has contributed the sum of $100,000 to secure Mr. Cleveland's re election, aud that ia return for his assist ance he, through his appointees, has agreed to nullify the efforts of the repub lican appointees in the eradication of Mormonism. Words can hardly describe, says the dispatch, the excitement that pre vails among the gentile element, and a monster petition is being prepared aoking for the removal of Judge Sanford. It ie befitin;; that a party which had its beginning In the institution of human slavery should seek perpetuation through the Mormon iniquity. Republican, S500 Reward. We will pay ths above reward fcr any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely yegetable, and never Fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes rontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 20c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John O. We & Co., 802 VV. Madison St. Chicago, and Sold by W. J. Warrick. The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill; they never disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. The delegates of the eighth representa tive district of Nebraska will meet in convention at Weeping Water, Jeb., September 28th, 1888, at 7 p. in., for the purpuje of placing in nomination a can didate for said representative district. and for the transaction of such other busi.T.-sa an may come before the conven tion. Tlia counties are entitled to ri-prfciema- tion ns follows: Cass county, sixteen; Otoe ccunty, twelve. Milton D. Polk, CL'm., Cusi Co. Rod. Cen. Com. J. II. McKee, G'h'm.. Otoe Co. Rep. Cen. Com. Don't et t'utt cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con sumption. Catarrh is dissustinsr. Pneumonia is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of "these parts. Lead, nose, throat, bronchial tubes anil lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschee's German Syrup. If yeu don't kn-w this already, thousands and thousands of people ran tell you' en-.They have been cured by it end kuow j ' it is. themselves. " Bottle only 73 Ask any druggist. pw cet. I look k.trt p:TSf. blue rfcj. An I ivi.tch tf.- f !. clou t (lia: idly by. I hr.'.-i;lie tUy Wohhouis' frm,ran:f is-fwt Juse! Ami lua thy choru t K-.iect bird ia turn-. An J yet Bowthhi:; th:-u is tint nan t!io bcaufecus A veil ii diuwn initio eye and It lietweon. Ah! (thimie upon thee. foolish heart a tear A joy thou liioututvit vanished wi:h last year? Twer vui:i To necti for last yir's bird. In la-;t year's nest. I tti weet flowers doud. its bird aro ioo ticC4 flown. A vain To cherLih last year's love within thy breast, When with it J'jyi, Ita idol, too. Id gono. Crap firm a nettlo ntul its power to f.tlnfj Is loot, 'tis pai l. Ah! li.itrn, Lhuu, poor heart! And from thin adue qunuit learn weil tby part. Clasp close thy .rrow to thine aching Lronst, In soothing other's woes thou shall llnd rest; From lovo'a cold jishes purer tires shall sprinjf. And sorrow vanquished shall have lost Its stinj. New lifo Khali from dead lovo nt length uri-Je, And phoenix like Bhull soar and seek the skies. "L C." In Home Journal. Vj.; -.luiiiiy tor u oeauistress. There's a good living to bo had in tho sum mer by any tailor or seamstress who wiU start a little shop on any well traveled thor oughfare, and advertise in bold letters on tho windows: "Buttons sewed on hero." During their days of enforced bachelorhood the adult male population is continually bursting oft its buttons. A man will wear his shirt or a waistcoat all winter and spring without any doctoring of those garments, but within two daj-s of the timo that his wife has gone into tho country there will be gaps in his clothes and half a dozen buttons will be just banging by a single thread, Tho work of fastening them on seems bo slight that he doesn't feci it worth while to go to a tailor or a clothing Louso, besides which fact the proprietors have an unpleas ant way of starting a customer up six nights of stairs into a hot room occupied by a dozen beery gentlemen, and compelling him to stand around for a quarter of an hour until ho can be waited on, so the buttons continue to burst aud dangle until the victim buys some mora clothes or sits up until tho small hours sewing his apparertogether and makes a botch of it after alL lam told that in Philadelphia two girls havo u regular routo that the- travel over on certain da3-s repair ing rents and attaching buttons and making a good thing of it. Brooklyn Eagle. Tho following pretty story is related oi one of Washington's social leaders. At one of the receptions of Mrs. Senator n coun tryman was shown into her parlor. lie was a "constituent," and was dazed by the lights, the crowd and tho eleganeo about hiin. IIo stood helpless and awkward, fumbling with his hat and shifting his foot ia embarrass ment. Mrs. Senator stepped forward, hr!J out both hands, and in her fresh, clear voice cried, after tho old Kentucky stj-le: "Why, how do you do? and when did you conic" "Lord, child," ho answered, "how'd 30 know me? I ain't seed you sence you was u little thing." "Xo," she laughingly- answered, "tho last time you saw me I was up to 1113' elbows in soapsuds, washing my dress to go to a picnie on your farm." Tho old man smiled. "I declare," ho said, "it does my e-es good to look tt 3 0, an' to Cad 3"e ain't a bit stuck up Ly your liao posi tion." And &he made much of the old man, intro duced biru as "an old friend cV mine," and mado his visit ono of the events of his life, at only a trifling cost to herself. Youth's Com-, panion. Extreme J'olitcness. "And how is your little brother George, FlcEsie? "xIo3dcad, thank you." Harper's Cazar. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The iev:d'!ieans of the t'nil'-d States, assem bled by l heir delimit. -s in nittioiial convention, pause on the thie(-ho!cl of Iheir pmeeediiis In honor ! he memory 'f their lirst iv;!t leader and iisiT' dital jdiatiiiiToii f libi-ny and ihe rights of the people, A i.'laham lineoln. Mid to cover also with wreaths i inipei i.shaNie n memhi'aiiee and riaiitude the heroic hm-u of our later leae;ei wiiu have been :.i'..:e reeeuMy called away from om ei iii'C'U. :rant, (Jaiiiehf, Arthur, l.oiiHii and (.'oiikiin;;. i:iy their mem ories b faithfully eliei ished. V- e also re.;,;: with ovr f:reet iuH aii'l prajer for his recovery the ninnii ff one of our livinir heroes who.se memory wtil be iriw;ired in the liistury both of republicans ami of l hJ repaliiie. The name i that of th- noble o.!i:T and favonljs child of victory. J lii 1 T H. Shi ridan. In lie Vpirit of tho.-.' great leaders and of our ilf voiion t' human libeit. and with that hos tility to ail forms of despotism ai d oppression which is the fundamental Idea of the republi can pai'ty. jve kcihI fiatcnal congratulation to our fellow Ai.U'aiis ot l'.iazit upon theii in eat act tf einaueipai'iPii l.'j;h completed the abolition of slavery liirouli.H.i the two Aineiieaii continents. We eai nt.mi y hop, we way Fioii conaTal ulatc our fellow citizens of irif'h birth upon the peaceful recovery of home rule for Ireland. wk l-iiti ooh rxswi.nviyr, devotion to the jiatv'o.isl copstitution and to the iiuii sclubla union .of tiai.! to the autootmy re served to the slates under tp.e constitution, to the pciuttiial right's and liberties of pitiiem? in all sf;!te- ami u'lT'Jcries " "1C union and es pecially to the MiipTr-uie fin! sovereign right of every citizen, rich or poor, ee.hve or ioreitrn noin", white or black, to ca-d one free ballot jn tr. public elections and to have that ballot duly counted. We hold a free and honest pop ulat h.-illot and uit and eoua! representation of all pfopia tti be the feiml:ii ion of our re-' publican 'g.ojeiV.iiiuS and demand effective l gilaiion to seeuie tiw inutility and purity of cleftitJK? which are the ioiiui:d;i3 .of pub lic authority. We charge Hint, the'pVent ad ministration and Uo fit niocratic ajirity in congress owe their exisiena Jo tjje supi ression of 1 he ballot by the orlnmiai iiiiiinarT'P of the constitution and laws of the Culled rttttew. We are uncnjmpromis'i'jdy in favor of the American system of rroteetion. We protest against the destruction pioposed by tlie presi deiuciw his party. They uerve the iuterets of Euroi WF tVil.LSl'fl'Oiif l;Tf-.i.rta CP 4MEH1CA. We accept the issue, and c.onfideftly appcel to the people for their jiiiipie:;!. The jrotrvtivc system must he niMintaiped, Its abandonment h"us always been followed by iie:vr! iJ.U: eter to all interests except thuse of the iiiiiu.i" and sherill. We denounce the "Mills bill as destructive to eenrral himiness. labor, aiid the farmini; inter- csti tf ooi.i:try. a'.id .'e bearri:y en.lorse th; cof;i.-t.e.i . .ijjd i..airi..t ic cion of the r pubiic::!i ivpreasifiitiVis i.-? co..ffs.i in oppos inn its pafi-oK.'. Ve ;oiid;i;i'i tiie pOioi'.ou of the democratic paitj to ptace Vii on jlie free iit aud insisi tiiat Ihe nulics ('.creon s'ia l ba ailjufted and n;;hdaiaed so as to fur nish full aud adequate protection to that in-1ii-ti'i'. ih.,: rpi;!.i;;r 'ii party would effect all needed reduclioii' Oi tiie i.,.r.iua! revenue by repealing the laa.eis on fd;aec. Aiaili arr ? arroiianee and Pull r't'll to agriculture, 8nJ uQ tn.s ipjo.i i7; firt's apd f.or'mecfiai'ic.U' pur act! icvi.,i:j of the tarii! hiVi 5 as Spirt's lisrd In i( oosei". ana lv tuc will tend to check Impojn o ma, u;: Me-; as a e preduccd ly our pei i 'e, the uw?iiciitn vi which pivee employnieut to our labor, fit J re--lease i'r"ia impoit duties these articles of for eign production, except luxuries, the likei of wf,ijL-fi .uapiii.-t bt produced at Isoine, there hall stiil ."jii;u.i a Ja-cr icyft i:e than is rnjuiit forth;? Will. Is (ii"j.to..f Ai.i;p.' .'nteriud taxs ratliep Utaji Mine m'.er iitiy :CiT n e;ir 1 -.)'.ec. tivestein flt Jbe joirt beii-st of the vlilsiiy riiifT and agciiid t i iu-ico piahufacliirrirf. y;.visT I'Airri: am L&ioa fi-.i s-e. We declare hostility lo the ii-trcdticti.-n Into this courtry of foieip"u contract Hbor and of fliipes.e labor alien to out eiviiizat ion and our cor.- i it u tii n. and we den.nd the rmi J cnfoice KiVjH i.i exiytii laws airair.t it and favor mieh iimtedia iCfc'ststioy as wiil exclude such la bor fjOllt 'lil" bhoi'ts. We declare our oppo'-iti.Mi $.- ..'I co:nbit.a tloii" of cai!il organized in tr.ints or o.'hj.-r- wt-e :ii conirol rt irrar'iy me con!:ui n trad, aTo'i ur ci: I: v e recti" lilend e it! t:t e b'j' liitures in their respective juristliciifus sucn letitsiatl'in as wi.rr prevent tae es:ecuiitii or an scheme to oppress 1 directed e.lcr's foi the promotion of tnepr tbe pec pie by undue charges on their supplies t:ce. vent suf unjust IjuIucOS tmi t. - lnatioli bel t-011 ftiileK. IM JlUC UM LKOIhl.ATlOV. Ve rciifiirni the policy ef uppnipiuting tlie public lands of the L'hited States to be home uteml lor American ell iers and setllTn imt aliens, whlcti Ihe leptit'llciin patty cctal'Mthed in lic2 afia nl tlie perNie.it opposition of the democrats 111 coukicsc. has brought, our pre at western domain lido magnificent de velope;:;ei't. 'I he res rat ion of unearned lnd j-iai'ls to ilie public doni.'ln for the uo of c t u:d set tier-, hiMi wa bexuii under the ad ministration of l'les'deut Arthur should be continued. We deny thit the deiin ciatic party b is ever restored one acre to the people, but tl'elalethat by t he Jo-nt ;.ci ton of repuhlicahs 'id deineei :;ts alu'Ut li fr V m li :.!! aeles i I lin earned lan!t i-rluinally ti'iii.t.'d f"i the eon ririll'l ion iI I'.iih'oi.iVs, have 1'eeu restored lo I he pi;l.!;e ilei:;i.'l i'l puruaiice of eonil.il.'lis !n. iteil by the wpubiic:ti paiiy in the ott.-iti-a I v'm r.ls. ' We c'ium t e dcnioei a! i: iid tnints-tr:-.ti'in witii taib re toexecnle 1 11 . ci ring to H'l t lei t it e to t hell h"Ilie-1 i-;.d s jt:i(i villi ns in.r ap: r 1 1 iatioes niHiie for ih-tt rur)'s to harrass I' noeent settler wilh cph ami piose eut ions uiolel the faii-e pli tense of fXim!ng frauds iind viin'ical mt; the law. ADMISSION OK TKltltlTOni KS, The irovertinient by conies of Ihe territor ies is liai-cd upon necensil y only to t he end that they may become stales in tlie union: iheie tore. w heneMT t he conditions of populalion. material reMiiirces, pubi'c iidi'iliKeiiee and morality are such as to insure stable loenl uov ernmei t therein the p. ante of sueh territoiics Hhoiild b" permitted, a lijjht inherent in them. to fon.i for themselves eom:.it 111 ions Mint s'ule L'overnmeul and be ad Hied into the union Pending prcparati 11 for staleliood all othcers thereof should be selected liolil bona tide icsid- nts and ritizens of the territory wherein t hev are to serve. South liakota i-liouM of riu'it be imiiieiiiately adini'ted ;us a state in t he union under the constitution framed auj adopted by her people and we heartily en dorse t he act Ion of the icpuhlicaii senate iu twic passing bills for her admission. 1 he re fiisid of the democratic house o lepresenta- lives, 'or partisan 'ui i.hs-s. to favorabiv con sider these bills is ;t willlul violation of the s.ivied Amerieaii piiucipleot local self-govern meiit. and inei its t he eoiidemnat ion of all just men. i lie pending bills iu tlie senate for acts toenaoie the ueople 01 isnintrion, aoiiii Dakota and MoiitamiH tei ritories to form con vtiiu ion and establish state Koveininerts siiould be l asscd without unnecessary delay. I he repiiidica.n party p;eies uiscil to no an 111 t's power tn laetlitafe the adnus.-ioti oi the ter liiories 01 iVi- Meico. Wyoming, liiaho and Arizona tti the enpivment d sclf-irovernment as states. Such of 1 hem as are now oualilied as soon as possible. an." others as soon as they may become so. TIIK MOKMliS liUKSTlON The political power of the Mormon church in the ten tp. les as exercised In the Past, is a lin'iiauce to tree institutions 00 dniiL'erons to be h'lisi suheicd. 1 r l' re v e p eilue the le- publieau party ; appropriate leeiHlatioli. assert mir the soverelui.t V oi the nation in all the territ'ii ies w bc'e the same is ipieslioned ami in lurlhcrancc of that ml to place upon Hit stalule bind; lei-lation st:ltirei.t en. Uf.h to divoiee i t.li: ii-ji! l'rciu e elci-iast ieal power, mid :hns imi)i out the altei dai.f wi-'iiediiess o! piiy';;iti y. i he republican party is In favor of tlie use it tmi n colli ami si iver as monee, ai:ii con-. den. ns the policy ol the democratic adminis tration in it- elloi-is to demonetize s lver. e cemaml t!:e rediietnn of letter postage to 1 c ut per i unco. In a iepiihlic I keolirs. wh-re the citizens Is t he sin er. v-u ai,d the oliici d the M-rvatit v. here no pow r is ex-lcisetl except by the wi i 1 the peopie. it is important ma! the sover- i-'u j eiipie should wksci" latelliei ce. 'J hi tiee "Cliooi is the iromoer ol that, inrchirchce liK-ii is to i. reserve us a lice nation. 'I he lore, the state or nation, or both conbined. sh-'ti d support. In r Institutions of lea ruiii'j s'.tiieieiit lo Hi-id to evciy chtbl rrowiiiK up in the land the opportunity ot a K"'d coinnion t cl.ool eii neat ion. OCR SIKr.CIIA.VT MA KIN K, We earnestly recommeiitl that prompt aclion he taken b c i s in the ei aclment d" such ieis.ai ion as ill best i-eeiire the ivh.-tbiuta tionidour Ai'Tiiicn meichant maiine, aio' we protest anaihst 'he passage by congress S a tree ship bill as ealctpaled to work iiijmtiee i i-iabi r by It st-ei ii.n t he waives of those en .iti'ti in preparing material as well as those directly em i" e.t in on:- shipyards. e tie piano ii''. opi i; I ions for the e-irly rcbiiihiii's 'I ; i.r navy, lor the construction of e a1-! lei jil'u at lot s and Uo-dcni oiuinance ami other : p. pr v a modern mea -s of detente for ihe protection i I dlir dcfci-scless harhois and cities, for I ho payment of just peisioirslo otti siddmr, for i.ei t'ssary W'-rks of national im portune inth." impiovement (f the hartn.rs i:i: than els if interna), eoastwiser and cie Jin cnmiueice. for ill- encouragement 'f t i : i s :j i p:ii n interests of the All .ith tinil a '! l'in-itie s:ati s as " ell a tor the payment ol ti m-"i tii iio; public debt. This policy w ill pio;, incut loei.r Iwbor. activity to oni sindasiries !' reaped security to our ejVe V vai ii us c.iii!. i rv in;" kei - of 1 ! :i :.s bet ter i" po i'-y . N itiieut v, promo!.- ti ;iiic, open new and dnecl r our l oil:es and cheao n tiie etst riafon Hh alhrt'i t i.r country than loaioi v the jrovt r teresl to "p. t bp.l'k: l ):;!.!(;: i:ei.a-! i I tii-? o!' for. ; 'ti ;Vaf! v litis n di-t ;i i.d cow a rd a r i!.: e;,;,ie ; !l pepdim; ran a--mi::-sli i.tio- s bitn'ens Mid rest; tii.d for Us ete;isi; ha" r. it her sinVei t his to t f.il t..e deiiincrtd ic reem's ncnev Ti I y !!.- y. : i -Iiett t ( 1: inei' ' i aw i .if .'. t:i'. :i it s ei: ! lb" re -or et! i. oval by r: pnl le e'.POiS up l i'.i!t a I t! itnr pro fessipit a !i our etfei ci-ntu If a: !" e i ee I it 1" 'SI f I I l:er- .ity el. ci 1:1 lueil- sre:v-I. i'l to the Monroe doetrire. i has -et n wit h title CP'tel 'la.ct.ev j he extension of forcij. Pi- 'Uteiiee m 1 - er w her i a! A :n:-i b'a :bl of f'i'ei(.ii t rade oi.f or in !-:!l.'t!s. it ias re instil to cb.ailer. sat el ion or encourage, any a for c( nst rnct inir the hieric.-tii oraaiiizvt i Xicaratrua canal, a work of vtal iniportaiice t the maintenance of the Monroe tloetritie am' of our national influence in Central and ."-'"ii'li A mei tea, and nece.-sai y f:i the development o! tr-iile vwth our '"aciilc teriitory, with StiPh America, and v.lth tji'e fillther coasts of the I'aelneOCs-an. FISHKHIK.S QUESTION. We arraign the present democratic admi'iis tr tiion for its weak and unpatriotic treatment of the. fisheries question, and its pusillanimous surrender of all privileges to whicli our fishery s.sci-. are enti letl in C'anatliuii poits inkier i lie treaty of 11S, tlie reciprocate mariu tine lci Ksiatioi'i tif itMi and comity of nations, and which Canadian ftshhig vc&eis receivp In the poi l.-i of ;pe t'uited s.aii-ii. V- e .oniemn tiiei t licyof the pi t sent atiuiliiisiiatiou &n.l tt tlemociatic ir.aj- rity in coiifrrcss towards our fisheries as u n f ri r-1 d 1 v and conspicuously unpat ri.it ic ami as tending to destroy a valuable national induct iy andan ir.disjiensibid resource of lit ii use ag;:iiist !' rei:u enemy. I he name of Air.ei icaii applies alike to sll ciiiAtths of the rep.ibli -. ami imposes upoti men aiikc t";ie:s..o';c of iiatio.i of obedience to the aw. t the game tipie ci i"iishjp is ar.d must be the panoply and safeguard of him who yeais it. si;otlkl iiie (I and prelect him whet hei h!;:h or low, rich er poor, tti his civil riichf. It should and must afford him protection at home and ftllow aid protect him abroad in whatever laud lie may be on a lawful errand. civil sr.nvit'E it storm. The men who ah onioned the repul lican t.;-r-ty ill l;--i cte-tioue to adhere to the tletuo cra! ic p'a"T V iia'e dssei-i .-d nit only the cause of hope i Koyecn.'iienr. 'l.t:t bj ioMjo, lin.'Oice. ! freedom '4ip.i1 p'Uity of' the hal ot. but espec- il-.HV t'.-ive .tM,iCi l"d 111? cau' c Ol jet')!-''- ill the civil seiJ. c. V.'t vt;i ret fajl it Jff up our j !e(!:es because t ey Pave broKen tlielts. 01 be anse t heir eantli. late has broken his. V. o liicreb'te rci-esi our decla: at iop d tssi. t,-,wit : '1 he reform of eU i! service auspicloiisly temi: uii'.'er re;.il !:m ;td i-'.iTi ist ie t io should he cor;!'?Le-i iv u fitrther esiei.sit.n of th" rcfortts suaen'-'arr e. :,i Vx, ed ' lav. toal! tr;oles cf the seVe io r Jt : r.pvi. .'.. v.. .'spir it ati't tuvti.s, of reform fioo.u.i 'i-.i 00.-.'. ed in all executive aipi.iiitTtten:!. iiu, ;:Jt iavs at vj.riei.ee wil it ti t; ol jt et of exist ! r-rorni 1 is islaiion sl."ih! he icpeab-d. ami tii .( the dati t;ers to free lust 1! uf Ions which lark in tlie pow er rf o cial 1 atrohae m y be wisely anJ ef fec:! -.-iy i.-ohiL'd 'lh-(ia!hatie . me to Xl.c defenf-rs of the onion canr.ot he'-p.'sured e.vccpt ,v laws. The f.V'isia'.ioa of conuresa slionld conform to fls.y V ic.'ri .:4L!?',r'' ''l U,JH' P"01f'. and he so the possibility tlp-t ."" Vtfc- ;iy w -ro the federal l-liiform shall becT"" K" ui" niaie.ii an k imsnoiisc or lie penti- nt on ; r.vat' charity. Jn ti.e presence of an ovcrfi-twiuj; treasuiy ;t v.t ti!d b" a puidic sen da 1 to do les for t;.otr wlios va!oro':s sen Ice preserved the li'-Acri-i.eitr if d.enottrer th hostile spirit shown by I'rcsideju, Cleveland ;n ,is tiyprmis vetoes i f" ireasures for penston re'ief. ;i;i.' ti e Stiii;: of the ! mocratic house of f pre?e:t:: tlvcs In rrrittu even eousidfratioii of Kener..! pension leriisj.-it Ion. In suppost f th jninc";.?es hrrenith enun ciated v. e invite rile eo-opfration of patiio.i -men ef alt parties. see( iL.lv of a'i workin-. pen waose prop rtty is p-i.-ui!y tltre -tenet: ov i no iree uaue policy oi ine liretetit ;;d;iiir. 1st nt I.oi . 'i';.r- efrt ?n r.f.rv of g:-.it rrevi ::-:ii.er. t ; II'." lit tie rod s-.i.'jlet .f tile .,--op mj t';,. purii v t f tie :r h.i;ne-. 'fnr republican nar'v poiV.iI! sympalhsze v fih sil wt-e ;o u well PLflTlt)ii'iouM. be Ct KI.' K AT BIDDLE hoxj TIIK WOKI.I) KAMOl'H KIKIM Berlin, Germany. STORtTRS. "v?t '-V- '-T-'," TO ' - . .-' 7 '-pi - -I i??t.L' You can consult hi in about Your '3 and liuli! how to take can: of tlicm. jrorc ,v. ar-iitt-d and for the uiif'ii t;lii:i e crs. ii;:d th'j dontu of I, (1 1 11-1 ! li-.- i;l'.' I iy tin; use of his Alaska Australian. Crystals. A new p lni( al combination ol s "V- -6. And patent s tlf- tdjustiti: .1 aj J . j Tlie iirst time intraduocd into tliis Cotin- ar,ful niantlfactiifal to oitlcr af'ler c '.:unin;itiun ijy modern iiptruiiu-ni.-. PROF. -T ASSMAN has airivsil in Platlsiuontlt, and has an oilico tit the Kiddie lltus He is do ing an immense business throughout the United States, giyjng tfie best ol' satisfac tion and delight to hundreds wilii de tective sight. His knowledge of the human 03-0 and his skill in adjusting the glasses is marvelous beyond imagination. Endorsed by all the great men of this e'ountry and Europe. In ah instant, as if Ly magic he ii en abled to tell you any ailment of your failing vision, point out the cause and danger, and adapt brilliant glasses, pe culiarly ground to suit every defect of the eye. which will aid in strengthening the eyesight of the old and young. Sci entists invited to examine the new cy3 tern for the preservation of the human eye. Teachers should watch the early mani festations of their scholars' eyr-sisht and report in time to thcr respective parents to hive their cvesight examined bv Prof. t-trns.-man. the expert optician of nation al fata?.. Artificial Eyes ?eplr.ced. Persons deprived of an eye can have this deformity removed by the insertion or an urnneiat one. which moves and looks Wn- a natural hr;an. .0 y p i (.- E H o't Jt to '4 a. in., 1 to 4 p., aud f to 6 id the eyenuiji. n i: f i: u ences.- XERHASK.V CITY. e Bnre-ett, liev. A. Clark, Ir. Goor Dtifr.' Sira'lir j'vsii, iu P. Rclfe, Ljrs Strecter, J)r Ikinker, H M Holfc, itoden broek, C Anderson, J W Waldsniith, "VV S. Ctdton, S II Calhoun. Judjje M ipes, David Brown. Dr Ib rshey, A'm liver, T S Jones, 13 M Taggart, E Rciber, W. II Murph, trsnk JIcCartr;ey. James Fitchle, lle'v. Ematiucl; narf ig,' Jlrk. A.. E Pjdd, W p:5Ier'ranj, Mi?s VanMeter, li'rj L'ttanh a ir.rr,p, Pan! fhrriinl-e. Xat Adams, Geo , " ajn .Vr. Gunsell. li-.'V II Pearson. Shomertts. L Levey. S ,M Kirkpattick, Dryscoll. Donald JleCuatg, William Wilhelmy, Rev River?. Logan Cnyart. X Tvedfjeld, J F Welch, Rev. J B Oeen, John Good lett. C B nickel, Dan Grerro;. C W Scher fy, E S H i wh y, A R Xewcomb. Win Nelson. Mrs N Davis. Win Fulton. Atom Kloos. Mi, Ed Platner. M T J..l.non. Mrs Carnont, Mrs. Sterling' Motion. Mrs. W.-t?on. Mi- "for.'on. Mr Geo W Tiwk Mrs W T P.!oan. Mr-- L W Llord. ?Jis S -i Steidipuson. Dr. Cishop, Mr Johiiton Brown. Mrs Aird. T.'-.''. 1 i: V ' '' ProL issn n p t i fa a ! ''.'.'"I ; Froij Never 1 it'll .-re l;i t::i (d ciivt.! mh'Ii trttiiiKiiiidl.s IV'M.i tin jtc)!f. Ollice til Iva Soldier' II b.c. Maishnlltown, la., 1 b. 17, 'tiH. I'uok. Stkahbman, Liar 0ii: The glasses you furnished myse 1 and wiiu when in Clinton, have proven in iviry way satisfactory, and wo tuke pleasure in rccoiiiineiidintj your work nntl glaH to all who niuy le in need of aufety and and comfort for your eyesiglit. Very Kcsperlivcly, Cof.. Miui Smith, C niiiiiimiant. Mayor's Olliee, Marblinllti ?i, ' November 3rd, 1S87. Prof. Sttiifsinan has been in our city some six wecka or more, nnd hb an opti cian has oiven the In ut of Fatisfuclion both as to prices and tpudity f woik, having treated wuim tif the most diflirtilt t asej of the ey with nicccss and inn sat islied you will find him a skillful opti ci ui and a gentleman. Very Kcspcctfully, Nki.hox Ami;b, Mayor. Dkskkvks It. No tihiiscient occulibt has ever visiteel this city V-fore who has given to the public bucIi excellent pro fessional service, or 1ms won Mich testi nionnls frtun the people, as Prof. Strasa man, now in our city. v are not in the habit of volinf urily teHtinying in these matters, but in Prof. Strassiiinn'i case we do it cheerfully, and enttnly in an ittn-o cited way dimply because he dct-tivica it. Oskalootui Jlerald. Prof. Btraesman, ft distingtiit-lied op tician, now stopping in tur city, tonus befv ie us with the highest testimonials of skill and experience iu his art. and I take pleasure in recomnu riding him to toy f i iends and the public who may be in need of his servics, ns one 7-nl iil d to hi cohfiib net;. J. Williamson, M. M Oitiiuiwa, Iowa. Alter a stay of several wc ks, Prof. StrnsMiian, the optician, is about to close his labois in our city. Persons who haye not yet made Use ol his skill mid sch nee would do will to call at once nnd tlntc- bv do tlieinst 1 yes a lasting In n lit. lie has shown himself to be a limn skilled in his profession, fair and liberal in his dcalingH, ml withal, a genlletiieti in eyry n sp ct. The many commendatory Tlicis given him by I he press are well deserved and we shrill part with him witli n gtct. I(r-d Oik Impress. Maieh 2:Jrd REFERENCES. Ill I) OAK. Dr E P Yonng, CFCIatk. (i M Pov tis, I) i; Miih r, .1 li R. t v- s, Mis J Senuk, JViis T Ji Dcai boin. G W Holt, A C Jilos.e, Wjj A Ci s , Mrs. Aph bee, Mot l-.sl.tgt r, .1 S Wroth, Rev MClure, Ml8 lies Her, Mis. Farrier, Mai.ke. K.-v Mt-Cndlory, Mis Slault y. R WadsWol til, Mr Mutt nholtz, Mr J. if i ies. Rev Jagg, W StaJi. iil, C S huvUh r, Harvey Spry, C L Richards, D.vid Harris, Mr. Isohl, C II Lane, C r.t ."Mills. T H Le. V.'m Ko. hler, C J Liij. jebeik, T M Lee, Ge E Piatt, Mis h Holywr, Wm Dubley, G Runnels, Mrs E S Porter, I II llaz iieiius, Mr Rioadbv, F A Garter, Mrs Fisher, Mr Stothbud, 'i O Wi pip rd. A McC'onm II, li A Urowii, Mr Gibson, Mr Filccs. Rev J W Hamil ton, S P Miller, Mrs F C Clark, IJ E A Simons, J V Sautbin, Mr Van Alstinc, L F Rms, Mrs Di'emer, Mrs. Junkin, Thos Gridith, I Sanborn, Geo Binus, Jlr. Sleyers P. P. Johnson, and many other from tiie surrounding country, '- OTTCMWA. Dr O'Neill, CFW Backmon, Rev F C War, Mrs W F Rose, Dr. Lewis, Capt. C. P Brown, Mrs. Slaughter, Dr. J William son, D T J Dou!a., Dr II W Roberts, 8 JJ Evans, A.C Lciojifon, J Iliinspian, ReV A C Btiilson, Dr R F Hyatt, Mra. O 8 Phellis, Mrs DrTa lor. CLAHIXDA. Col W P Hepburn, cx-oongrt-EBmc Hon T E Clark, senator; Rev Snook, ' Coke uower, Dr Lewellen. F liar J S Mclptyr. A S Baily, J p ,Ion8. r Fosb-c, ij O Beck with, John Gb8 f A Kimball. Mrs. Morstnan, V Gra' Sony. Dr Van Sant, J D Hawlc Monzingo. Dr.ilbn, IT lhdv Stone. J II Stet, Hon Wm Br' Hurdle, A T Ch ment. J M " :ewfon, Mrs Shaul, IIoD T I'el";ir!A, ).r i'tnye'r. ii y r Lorniv. A V Hkced, J lJanett. Mrs JtUln. ' CliESTf' Pr-si dent of First K Prositlent of C'eston J II Patt, Mr Dunlin, fcrr, icv VP VMg,,er. Miss ; Wt bster, Mrs Mr M Grath, Ed Lewis. Dr " Larrabce, Col Swall, T W V McQuaitl, J H Dr Groves, Mr II XeV W F Patt. Rev F W van, ifrs Laranrion" puane. lliss C Eo i-.iw.'0r, Rr:vno' ' Mattl" .Munt. X II Blanchanl. I lev, Mr Ilammar Meyer, Dr Reyr Senator F Kost Jones, F Veil it Por Mc' Hti UE